Bergamot - what kind of plant it is and how it looks in the photo. What is bergamot (8 photos)

A pear-shaped citrus hybrid obtained by crossing a lemon with a bitter orange is bergamot. Probably everyone knows what kind of plant this is. It is widely used in perfumery, cooking and traditional medicine. But by this name one more medicinal plant is known, monarda, a beautiful honey plant, the flowers of which contain a huge amount of trace elements useful for the body.

Bergamot grass, monarda or American lemon balm - a herbaceous plant from the Rutov family is characterized by excellent aesthetic properties, due to which it is used in landscape design to decorate flower beds. Ground parts are used as raw materials in official pharmacology. The flowers of the plant evaporate a delicate citrus aroma, which bears a complete resemblance to a famous fruit. It is thanks to this characteristic that the monarda has acquired the name bergamot.

What does a bergamot look like?

Monarda is an annual or perennial plant, the stems of which can reach 1.5 m in height. Light green, lanceolate leaves are opposite. The flowering period falls on June-September. Funnel-shaped tubules collected in large inflorescences bloom on peduncles. The most common herb is bergamot, the flowers of which are painted in a purple hue.

Useful properties of bergamot herb

A medicinal plant is characterized by a rich chemical composition, which includes a large number of micronutrients. One of the main components is thymol - a powerful natural analgesic and antiseptic. Monarda contains B vitamins, ascorbic acid, retinoids, antioxidants, etc.

The main beneficial properties of bergamot herb:

  • normalizes the emotional and psychological background (helps to cope with stress, depression, including postpartum);
  • improves the work of the cardiovascular system, helps to reduce the concentration of harmful cholesterol in the blood and lower blood pressure;
  • possesses antiseptic properties, destroys pathogenic microorganisms, due to which it is actively used in case of violation of the integrity of the skin;
  • helps reduce body temperature by accelerating metabolic processes and increasing sweating;
  • effectively fights headache and muscle pain due to the analgesics linalyl acetate and linalool;
  • improves the functioning of the digestive system, prevents constipation, has soft urine and choleretic action.

This is not the whole list of healing properties of bergamot herb. A medicinal plant in fresh or dried form is used to make tea, oil, decoctions, tinctures.

Bergamot application

American lemon balm is a unique herb that has a wide scope. Garden bergamot is very attractive during flowering, so it is often used for decorative purposes in landscaping. It evaporates a pleasant, persistent, citrus flavor. Monarda leaves are distinguished by good taste properties, so they are used in cooking. Due to the rich chemical composition and content of useful trace elements, the plant is used in cosmetology, pharmacology, medicine.

Bergamot Tea

The hot drink prepared with the addition of monarda is not only healthy, but also delicious. Brewing it is very simple. Pour the usual amount of leaf tea into the teapot, add a few inflorescences of bergamot herb, pour boiling water. Regular consumption of the drink will help strengthen the immune system, increase the body's defenses, make it more resistant to infectious and colds. Bergamot tea is an effective tool to improve the condition of the heart and blood vessels. It is useful to drink it for hypertensive patients, people with type 2 diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis.

Oil for various diseases

  1. Garden bergamot essential oil is a unique product with which you can strengthen the body's health. The tool can be bought, or prepared at home. To get the concentrate, you need to pick leaves and inflorescences of the plant during flowering, chop finely, pour olive oil in a proportion of 1:10. Boil the mixture over low heat for two hours. After filtering, using gauze or a small strainer. You can store the product in a glass, hermetically sealed container. The finished product is used to improve the patient's condition with various diseases.
  2. Genital infections. Just add a few drops of oil to the tea. Thanks to its expressive antiseptic properties, the product kills pathogens.
  3. Colds. Before use, the oil is diluted with water in an amount of 3-4 drops per 200 grams. The mixture can be used to instill a nose with a severe cold or gargle with a sore throat, cough.
  4. Insomnia. Garden bergamot essential oil has a restorative, relaxing effect. Before going to bed, you can take a bath with the addition of concentrate or drink tea.
  5. Headache. Monarda will help get rid of an unpleasant symptom, regardless of the causes of its appearance. You just need to rub a little oil into the whiskey.
  6. Fungus. You can make baths for nails or just treat the affected areas with the product for 5-7 days.

Monardic oil will help get rid of worms, accelerate the healing of wounds, burns. It is effective in various inflammatory diseases, has antiviral and bactericidal properties, and is an excellent immunomodulator. The tool helps cleanse blood vessels from atherosclerotic plaques, normalizes blood pressure, improves well-being under stress. Garden bergamot oil is one of the few agents with expressive radioprotective and anti-carcinogenic effects.

Bergamot oil in cosmetology

Garden bergamot is widely used in cosmetology. The most effective is essential oil. With its help, you can effectively cope with the problem of hair loss, strengthen the roots.

Beauticians appreciate monarda oil for such properties:

  • normalizes the activity of sebaceous and sweat glands;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • helps to cope with dandruff and dry scalp;
  • improves the condition and appearance of the skin;
  • whitens and strengthens tooth enamel.

Bergamot herb essential oil - real salvation for people with problem skin.  The tool effectively fights rashes, ulcers, acne, black spots. The active components of the product saturate the epidermis cells with useful substances. As a result of applying the oil, the skin looks fresh, healthy and radiant.

How to use bergamot oil in perfumery and aromatherapy

Monarda extract is used in the manufacture of perfumes. With it, you can create unique aromatic compositions. Perfumes with notes of garden bergamot are in the collections of famous brands.

American lemon balm is used for aromatherapy sessions, which are very useful during viral and colds. To improve the microclimate in cold, wet rooms, you can dilute a few drops of bergamot oil in water, spray the resulting mixture not on the walls and ceiling, ventilate the room.

Bergamot in cooking

On the basis of monarda leaves, you can make not only tea, but also delicious cocktails. The plant is used as a preservative. It is simply added to soups, light salads, main dishes, to which the grass gives bright flavor accents. Spices from garden bergamot can transform any dish. Leaves and flowers are suitable for harvesting. They contain a large amount of essential oil. Grass should be cut off (25 cm back from the soil), dried and ground into powder. Spice is stored for a long time in a dry, tightly closed container.

Harm and contraindications for use

The benefits and harms of bergamot grass for human health are controversial. If used improperly or overdosed, it can cause side effects. If precautions are not followed, you may encounter symptoms such as headache, nausea, and vomiting. In such cases, the use of funds based on this medicinal plant should be stopped immediately, consult a doctor. Before using bergamot herbs, you should familiarize yourself with the list of contraindications.

You can not use monarda in such cases:

  • the period of gestation and breastfeeding;
  • individual intolerance to plant components;
  • low blood pressure;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • tendency to allergies;
  • childhood;
  • heart failure;
  • chronic diseases of the kidneys and liver.

The unique properties of monarda have long been known. The medicinal plant was used by representatives of ancient Native American tribes.

Often confused with bergamot. Monarda has nothing to do with the evergreen tree on which citrus fruits grow, but has a specific persistent aroma.

When used correctly, American lemon balm has a positive effect on the state of the human body. The preparations prepared on its basis help to fight various diseases, enhance the effect of certain medications, and accelerate recovery in many pathologies. Before using garden bergamot for medicinal purposes, it is recommended to consult a specialist.

origin of name

The name "bergamot" was given in honor of the Italian city of Bergamo, where it was first cultivated and sold as oil. According to another version, the name probably comes from the Turkish word “beyarmudu”, which means “princely pear” or “beg armudy” - the lord pear.

This name was given to bergamot due to its unusual pear-shaped and light yellow color, which made the bergamot fruits look like bergamot pears, but in reality it has absolutely nothing to do with pears.

Botanical Description

The chemical composition of plant materials

In cooking

The Italian food manufacturer, Caffé Sicilia in Noto, Syracuse, Sicily, produces commercial marmalade using fruit as its main ingredient. Bergamot peel jam brewed with sugar is popular in Greece.

In perfumery

Bergamot oil is used to perfume ointments and in perfumes. Bergamot peel is used in perfumery because of its ability to combine with various aromas, forming a bouquet of aromas that complement each other.



  • Dudchenko L.G., Koziakov A.S., Krivenko V.V.  Spicy aromatic and spicy flavoring plants. - K.: Naukova Dumka, 1989 .-- S. 28-29. - 100,000 copies. - ISBN 5-12-000483-0


  • Bergamot: information on the site GRIN  (eng.) (Retrieved August 18, 2009)
  • Bergamot  : information on the Encyclopedia of Life website ( Eol) (English) (Retrieved August 18, 2009)

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.


See what "Bergamot" is in other dictionaries:

    bergamot  - a, m. bergamote, it. bergamotto & gt; him. Bergamote. 1. Pear with oval fruits. BAS 2. The appearance of round pears, dressed in a thin sulfur-greenish peel, with loose flesh, sweet and sour taste. ATS 1806 1 176. The fruit is much alike ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

      - (ital. bergamotto, from tour. begarmoudi, from beg prince, and armud pear). 1) the genus of juicy pears. 2) a kind of thin-skinned oranges of oblong shape and a sweet and sour taste of the fruit of a bergamot tree. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    Citrus fruit, small, yellow, sour, lemon-like; the peel of bergamot contains oil that is effectively used in perfumery and cooking. Bergamot is cultivated especially actively in Calabria. Lollipops are also called bergamot ... Culinary dictionary

    1) an evergreen tree of the genus citrus of the root family. In the Mediterranean, India, Sri Lanka, as well as in Georgia. In fruits, flowers, leaves, essential oil2)] Pear varieties (Autumn Bergamot, Summer Bergamot, etc.) with spherical, somewhat oblate, ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    1) an evergreen tree of the genus citrus of the root family. In the Mediterranean, India, Sri Lanka, as well as in Georgia. In fruits, flowers, leaves, essential oil2)] Pear varieties (Autumn Bergamot, Summer Bergamot, etc.) with spherical, slightly oblate ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    BUT; m. [ital. bergamotto] 1. A small evergreen citrus tree with pear-shaped fruits, the peel of which contains essential oil; fruit and seeds of this tree (used in perfumery and confectionery industries). Tea with bergamot. 2 ... encyclopedic Dictionary

Bergamot is not a herb, as many believe, but a tree. It belongs to the Rutov family, in Latin it is called citrus bergamia. The plant is perennial, evergreen, with oblong dark green leaves. It can reach 10 meters in height, blooms very beautifully: flowers are either white or purple, sometimes solitary, sometimes collected in inflorescences, but in any case with a very rich aroma. The fruits are similar to lemon, rounded, green, about 6-8 cm in diameter, covered in a three-layer shell. From the inside, the fruits of bergamot also resemble a lemon, but the color of the pulp is green, and it tastes sour-bitter.

It is believed that for the first time the plant began to be bred in Italy, namely in Bergamo. Hence the name Bergamot. But this type became widely known after the so-called “royal water” perfumers from France began to produce from it in the 17th century. Then this useful fruit came in handy for the world's first cologne: it was with the help of bergamot that a bright aroma was achieved.

It is possible that this would be limited to the use of pleasantly fragrant fruits. But the British found a new use for bergamot. They began to add it to tea, namely to the already legendary Еarl gray. Since then, many people know bergamot primarily as a tasty and healthy tea supplement.

By the way, there is a legend that for the first time this happened by accident. Allegedly, sailors were simultaneously transporting a batch of tea and vessels with bergamot oil. A storm broke out at sea, vessels with oil were broken, their contents were saturated with bags of tea. Merchants decided to try it - it was very unfortunate that the goods would disappear. And it turned out that it turned out to be a drink with a delicate aroma and delicate taste.

Composition and calorie content

So, what is bergamot so good besides the peculiar taste that it is able to give tea? The fact is that both the fruits and the leaves of this plant are very rich in useful elements. It is these valuable substances that determine such an attractive taste of bergamot and its healing properties. So what are these elements:

  • unsaturated and saturated fatty acids
  • zinc, magnesium, iron, copper, selenium, potassium, phosphorus, manganese, calcium
  • b vitamins, as well as A, E, C and PP

At the same time, bergamot is a very low-calorie fruit, only 36 Kcal per 100 grams of product. So it may well be considered a dietary product. True, in its pure form, no one has thought of it yet.

Beneficial features

As already mentioned, the spectrum of beneficial properties of bergamot is very, very wide. Here are just a few of these features:

  1. Against depression. A very valuable property of bergamot is that it is a good antidepressant. The aroma of the plant relieves anxiety, stress, improves mood, adds energy and strength. Moreover, for these purposes, you can either brew bergamot with tea, or add essential oil to the aroma lamp. In the latter case, the impact will be stronger.
  2. Against viruses and colds. Bergamot has proven itself very well in the fight against such a dangerous virus as herpes. In addition, the active substances contained in the plant help to cure a cold.
  3. Against inflammation. Since bergamot helps the body strengthen its protective functions, it is well used for skin and respiratory diseases. The plant helps to increase resistance to bacteria and inflammation in the mucous membranes. It cleans the nose perfectly with a runny nose. Helps reduce heat.
  4. In cosmetology. If you regularly take bergamot in one form or another - as an additive in tea or food, it helps to increase the skin's trugor and tone, narrows the pores, reduces the fat content of the skin, and normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  5. For potency. Valuable elements contained in bergamot have a good effect on male potency and female libido.
  6. For digestion. Bergamot relieves spasms and normalizes the digestive process, enhances appetite.
  7. For heart. Normalizes the work of both the heart and blood vessels. It normalizes blood pressure and lowers cholesterol levels in blood vessels.

In addition, bergamot is a good anthelmintic and diuretic, it improves lactation, therefore it is useful for nursing mothers. And it increases concentration, removes stress, helps with headaches.


Although bergamot is mainly known as an aromatic additive to tea, it can be used in another way. Yes, the fruits of this plant are bitter, and yet they have found application in cooking. Other parts of bergamot are also used:

  1. For salads. Squeeze the juice from the peel of the bergamot fruit, mix with salt, add chopped greens that you love. Then season the salad.
  2. For jam. If you add the zest of bergamot fruits to the jam, it will acquire an unusual taste. Only this should be done no earlier than 3-5 minutes before the end of cooking. And no more than one gram of zest per 200 ml of jam.
  3. For homemade wines. Mix the zest with half the fruit and a small amount of granulated sugar. Mix with a glass of wine. Then pour the resulting mixture into a bottle with the remaining wine and insist 3-5 days, corking and putting in the dark. Then they filter and drink.
  4. For marmalade. Cut the peel removed from the five fruits of bergamot, fill with water and let stand for three days. Water must be changed several times to remove the bitter aftertaste. Then boil and drain. Pour a kilogram of sand, boil in a small amount of water again, as if you were cooking jam. When the syrup hardens, add the juice of one lemon, mix everything thoroughly and pour into molds. Leave to harden.
  5. For baking. Dried zest of bergamot fruits is added to the baked goods. If you pre-fill it with cognac, it will turn out even tastier. The dough can be anything - either yeast, sand or puff.
  6. For jam. The principle is the same as when cooking jam. We need to take several fruits weighing 700-800 grams, 600-700 grams of granulated sugar, a liter of water, a pinch of salt, a couple of teaspoons of liquor. Liquor is added after the jam is cooked. It turns out very tasty.
  7. For refreshment. A great drink is made from green tea with bergamot. It is necessary to brew tea separately and separately - bergamot leaves. Then combine, allow to cool and strain. After cooling, add lemon juice and a little sugar to taste .. Drink either in pure form or freeze in molds and add this ice to other drinks.
  8. For toning. This bergamot drink is based on black tea. They also brew the plant and tea separately, mix and filter, and then add honey and lemon. To drink such a drink should be warm.
  9. For a calming effect. Such a drink is useful for upset nerves. It is done quite simply - a tablespoon of juice from bergamot fruits, 5 ml of natural honey, 200 ml of pure water are mixed. Accepted during the week twice a day.


Despite the fact that bergamot has many useful properties, it can still not be used by everyone. Here are the most common contraindications:

  • age up to 12 years (cannot be used for aromatherapy)
  • allergic reaction to citrus
  • frequent insomnia
  • pregnancy

The plant and, in principle, must be treated very carefully. After all, it contains many substances such as furocoumarins. And they can provoke increased pigmentation, especially in combination with a long exposure to the sun. Therefore, in the summer, it is not worth applying bergamot oil to the skin. Of course, you do not need to use this oil in a tanning bed.

Anyway, bergamot essential oil is not recommended to be used on its own. Must be mixed with olive or other massage oil. Otherwise, a burn may occur. Bergamot oil should not be allowed to enter the mucous membrane. If you follow all these recommendations, bergamot will bring only pleasure and benefit.

At the mention of this plant, sometimes incidents occur. What is bergamot useful for? The Ahmad tea with such an additive is widely known, and many people think that the famous pear variety gives it a special aroma. Sometimes the plant is confused with a similar fragrant monard grass. However, this is neither one nor the other.

What is bergamot?

We can say that this is a kind of orange. However, such a statement will not be entirely accurate. What is bergamot, from the point of view of a botanist? This is a hybrid of citron (lemon) and orange (middle between tangerine and pomelo). Ancient Chinese were brought bergamot by a method of crossing. There is another version according to which it is not a hybrid, but a form of the natural mutation of an orange.

So bergamot - what is it? Firstly, it is an evergreen tree. Secondly, it is a citrus belonging to the root family. Fans of oranges, tangerines, lemons should be disappointed with the fact that the fruits of bergamot ... are inedible. Their taste is too sour and bitter. True, candied fruits, syrups, and liquors are made from ripe fruits. The main purpose of the fruit is the production of essential oil.

What does a bergamot look like?

A tree 2-3 m high is a young bergamot. The height of the “old-timer” is 5-6, or even 10 m. What does the bergamot look like? He has a spreading crown, spiky shoots, directed upward at an acute angle from the trunk. The leaves are fragrant, especially if you rub them lightly. When the trees bloom, a dizzying, pleasant bergamot scent emanates from them. Fruits are yellow-green, similar to lemons.

Where does bergamot grow

It is believed that Italian merchants brought this fruit to Europe. How does bergamot grow? Plantations, the first of which were discovered in southern Italy, in the vicinity of the city of Bergamo - hence the name of this plant. Here and today, the industry is flourishing in its cultivation. In addition, citrus exot is cultivated in India, China, Spain, France, the Crimea and the Caucasus. Bergamot can grow both in the garden and as a houseplant.

Why bergamot is useful

The plant has a whole “bouquet” of virtues. The beneficial properties of bergamot are truly diverse. Citrus is capable of:

  • destroy bacterial, viral, fungal infections;
  • to heal wounds;
  • strengthen immunity;
  • relax, relieve stress;
  • normalize, anesthetize menstrual cycles;
  • improve the digestive and genitourinary systems;
  • lower blood pressure;
  • regulate blood cholesterol;
  • increase brain activity;
  • strengthen the walls of blood vessels;
  • stimulate sexual desire;
  • improve skin condition.

Bergamot oil

Fresh goods can be distinguished by a greenish-yellow color and an exceptionally pleasant sweetish aroma of a light substance. With long-term storage, the product acquires a brownish tint, and a bitter notes appear in the smell. The beneficial properties of bergamot are largely manifested depending on the method of production of essential oil. The best varieties are obtained from the peel of unripe fruits by cold pressing. Bergamot essential oil is used as a tea flavor, a medicinal product and an ingredient in perfumery products.

Sometimes you can find references to orange lavender. This is also called bergamot oil. The reason for this is the presence in the composition of the ingredients also contained in the extract of lavender. According to some reports, in essential oil there are more than 200, and according to others - about 500 active substances. The main ones are terpenoid esters, the presence of which explains the beneficial properties of the product.

To avoid allergic reactions, the product must not be used in concentrated form. Before use for therapeutic purposes, it should be added to the base, for example, liquid paraffin (1:10). You can not drink tea, dripping citrus ether in a cup. Only dry tea leaves are aromatized with this oil (1 drop - per pack). Before the first use, it is necessary to make a skin test.

Tea with bergamot during pregnancy

Such a drink will help the expectant mother to relieve excessive nervousness, anxiety. However, tea should not be very strong. You should not drink more than 3 cups daily, especially before bedtime. In the early stages of gestation, it is better to abstain from such tea. Among the strict contraindications are allergies, epilepsy. Bergamot during pregnancy can be harmful:

  • with the threat of miscarriage;
  • with severe pathologies of the heart, lungs, kidneys, liver;
  • with hormonal disruptions.

Bergamot is a tree with citrus fruits. It was grown by crossing a lemon and a bitter orange. Bergamot fruits are pear-shaped, so the fruit is sometimes called a princely pear. The tropical climate is considered optimal for growing bergamot, but it is also cultivated in countries with a temperate climate.

There is bergamot grass, which is confused with the described tree. The flowers of the plant have a smell identical to that of bergamot, but have nothing to do with it.

The fruits of bergamot and its flesh are almost not edible, but they can be used in cooking and medicine. In folk medicine, bergamot peel is used to treat heart, skin and foodborne diseases.

Essential oil is extracted from the peel of the fruit, which has a sweet smell with citrus and spicy notes. Bergamot oil is obtained by cold pressing, which allows you to save all the properties and aroma, in contrast to conventional steam distillation.

Bergamot Composition

The main value in the composition of bergamot are essential oils. The fruits also contain dietary fiber, flavonoids, saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. Bergamot oil contains nerol, limonene, bisabolene, terpineol, bergapten and linalyl acetate.

Of the vitamins, the composition of the fetus contains vitamin C, A and E, as well as folic acid.

The main minerals in bergamot are iron, zinc, copper and manganese.

The calorie content of bergamot is 36 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Bergamot has antibacterial, anti-infective, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effects. It normalizes the functioning of the nervous system, improves digestion and supports the work of the heart.

For muscle

Bergamot contains linalool and linalyl acetate. These elements are known for their analgesic properties. They stimulate the production of hormones, which reduce the sensitivity of nerves to pain, so the fruit is effective in stretching muscles and muscle pain.

For the heart and blood vessels

Bergamot stimulates the production of hormones in the body. This improves digestion and lowers blood sugar.

Flavonoids in bergamot have the same properties as statin drugs. With the help of bergamot, you can lower the level of "bad" cholesterol. In addition, it dilates blood vessels and lowers blood pressure.

For the brain and nerves

One of the main areas of exposure to bergamot is the nervous system. The fruit relieves fatigue, irritability, eliminates anxiety and improves brain function. Flavonoids in bergamot oil are involved in the production of serotonin and dopamine, which help to cope with depression and improve mood.

Bergamot is a natural relaxing and calming remedy that improves the quality and duration of sleep, reducing anxiety and relieving insomnia.

For bronchi

Bergamot is useful for people with chronic cough, respiratory illness, or asthma. It is involved in muscle relaxation and eliminates the cramps that accompany respiratory diseases.

The beneficial properties of bergamot can also be used for respiratory diseases. It acts as an expectorant, effectively and safely removing phlegm from the airways during coughing and sneezing.

Bergamot's ability to kill germs helps maintain oral health. It cleans teeth and gums, protecting against plaque and caries.

For the digestive tract

Bergamot activates and increases the production of digestive acids, enzymes and bile, facilitating digestion. It regulates intestinal motility and reduces the load on the intestinal tract. This allows you to reduce constipation and prevent gastrointestinal diseases. Bergamot essential oil reduces the risk of food poisoning.

Bergamot oil maintains a normal metabolic rate. This ensures the absorption of nutrients in the bloodstream and gives the body more energy.

For the kidneys and bladder

Bergamot contains antibiotics and disinfectants, which helps to treat and prevent urinary tract and kidney infections.

The antibacterial properties of bergamot effectively kill bacteria and stop their spread from the urethra to the bladder. Bergamot helps fight the formation of gallstones.

For the reproductive system

Bergamot essential oil effectively fights muscle cramps, which are one of the symptoms of the menstrual cycle.

For skin and hair

Bergamot oil acts as a healing agent for many skin diseases. With it, they treat tumors caused by fungal infections, and also fight acne. Bergamot eliminates and makes less visible scars and other traces of damage to the skin. It provides an even distribution of pigments and melanin, due to which age spots disappear, and the skin acquires an even tone.

Bergamot oil is also good for hair. It soothes irritated scalp, eliminates itching and makes hair softer, smoother and more manageable.