Chinese pear: benefits and harm to the body, contraindications. Chinese pear - benefit and harm

20.08.2019 Grill menu

Chinese pear - a new fruit for our stores, which managed to grow a lot of legends about the benefits and harm to health. Today we will try to figure out what the Chinese pear actually is.

The Chinese pear is known to the domestic consumer under other names - Japanese, Neshi, Taiwanese, Asian, sand and even water pear. Such a variety of names is due to the place of origin and cultivation of the fruit.

The Japanese pear Yamanashi, which was not popular in his native country, was taken as the basis for selection. This fruit has a solid flesh, which tastes like a mixture of lemon and walnut. Such characteristics made Yamanashi unusable raw. But the Chinese breeders thought about improving the taste of the Yamanashi pear. As a result of their work, a Chinese pear was born, which surpasses its ancestor in all respects.

However, appearing in China, varieties of Chinese pears spread to other Asian countries - Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, where they began to be actively grown for export. It is for this reason that we have not fixed a single name for Nesha.

The Chinese pear has a rounded shape resembling something in between an apple and an ordinary pear. The weight of the fruit varies depending on the variety - 100–300 g.  The skin is pale yellow, matte, and on the surface there are many dark dots and spots. The peduncle is usually short, brown. Under the thin skin hides a juicy, moderately hard and fragrant pulp. Neshi was especially fond of her taste - sweet, with a slight sourness and a spicy finish.

The Chinese pear, due to its taste and attractive appearance, is actively used in cooking and dining tables. In addition, its beneficial properties are recognized by traditional medicine and nutrition.


Benefit for health

Like most fruits, Chinese pear has a number of beneficial properties for the body.

First of all, I want to emphasize the strengthening properties of Nesha: the regular use of pears in food fills the body with useful trace elements, including vitamins B, C, folic acid, iron, calcium, phosphorus, zinc, and selenium. Based on the list of chemical elements, it becomes clear that the pulp of a pear improves the condition of hair, skin, nails.

In addition, the undoubted advantage of this type of fruit is their benefit for the figure. The calorie content of the Chinese pear is 42 kcal per 100 g. A moist base of pulp improves kidney function and metabolism, due to which excess water is removed from the body and fat is burned.

All the healing properties of the Chinese pear will be revealed in the case of proper and moderate use of the fruit. Limit your use of Nesha at night, as well as in cases of kidney and bowel disease.

Video “Pear crown formation”

In this video you will learn how to shape the crown of a fruit tree.

Today, Chinese pear can be found on the shelves of many supermarkets and vegetable markets, and all because it is considered more delicious and sweet compared to other varieties of pears. In the world there are more than 100 varieties of this pear. It is also known under the original name "Neshi", but many call it simply Asian.

What does it look like?

The Chinese pear grows in many Asian countries, including Korea, China and Japan. Recently, it has been actively imported into our country, where many fruit lovers have already fallen in love with it. In appearance, it resembles an ordinary pear, which grows in Russia, but is slightly different in its color and rounded shape. Also a distinctive feature may be the characteristic spots of brown on the fruit.

Chinese pear is very juicy, sweet and slightly crispy. The pulp is white. Its unique taste and original appearance make it practically indispensable in the market of fruits and vegetables. On average, one pear weighs up to 300 grams. Ripe fruits have a pleasant and rich honey aroma.

The appearance of pears does not suffer from lengthy transport, in addition, the fruits themselves are considered very resistant to transportation, and therefore there is no need to fear that the pears purchased in local markets are of poor quality. You can save the attractive appearance of pears at home by storing them in the refrigerator. Although the fruits tolerate well and being at room temperature.

Beneficial features

The pear contains a lot of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fiber, organic acids, pectins and other nutrients that positively affect the body as a whole.

The benefits of Chinese pears are due to the presence of a large number of vitamins from group B. They not only enhance immunity, but also contribute to the development of brain cells. In addition, B vitamins are essential for proper metabolism. The fruit also contains dietary fiber that helps cleanse the body, while improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and the entire digestive system. Fiber, contained in the fruits of Chinese pears, has a positive effect on the intestines, removing toxins harmful to the body. In addition, due to fiber, the level of sugar and cholesterol in the blood is significantly reduced.

The benefits of ascorbic acid are known to all. It is thanks to it that the general immunity rises and the cells that fight colds are activated.

Asian women are very fond of the Chinese pear, but this is due not only to its taste, but also to the presence of vitamin E (tocopherol) in it. It is he who preserves and prolongs women's health, and is also an excellent antioxidant that prevents the destruction of cells in the body.

The Chinese pear is also useful in the presence of vitamin K in it, which prevents the appearance of oxidative processes in the tissues of the body, and also participates in their regeneration. This vitamin also has a positive effect on the normalization of blood sugar, which is why this fruit is allowed for use by patients with diabetes.

In general, we can say that this fruit has only positive qualities and there are practically no contraindications to use.

Pear fruits are very rich in vitamins and minerals, and therefore they will come in very handy for patients with liver disease. Also, Chinese pear varieties are recommended for people suffering from diseases of the heart and vascular system. Proper and regular use of this kind of fruit significantly reduces the risk of arrhythmias, heart attacks and heart attack.

A large amount of calcium in the fruits positively affects the condition of teeth, hair and bones. The presence of potassium prevents the development of cancer cells and cancer. Also, such pears are recommended by doctors to pregnant women. It is in Chinese pears that folic acid is contained, which charitable effect on the formation of the fetus.

Calorie content and nutritional value

Chinese pear has a low glycemic index, so many experts attribute it to dietary products. So, per 100 grams of fruit accounts for about 40-45 calories. The calorie content of one Chinese pear, on average, reaches 80-100 kcal and depends on its weight.

The calorie content of the fruit can vary, especially if it is processed. Dried fruit will already have about 250 Kcal per 100 grams.

As for the balance of BZHU, then this ratio varies greatly. This type of pear is very rich in carbohydrates, which exceed the amount of fat and protein. About 80-85% of the total number of fatty acids are carbohydrates. About 3 grams in the composition of the pear is dietary fiber. This fruit is considered watery, and therefore ideal for people who follow a diet.

The pear contains a large amount of fructose, which significantly exceeds the amount of glucose. Chinese pear nourishes the body with everything necessary, allowing for a long time to forget about the feeling of hunger.

Harm and contraindications

Such a healthy fruit as a Chinese pear practically does not do any harm to the body. Of the contraindications, individual intolerance and allergic reactions to the product are most often distinguished.

Also, experts do not recommend combining fruits with milk and meat at the same time, as this can negatively affect the digestive system and lead to dysbiosis. You should not eat unripe fruits, it is also fraught with bad consequences for the digestive tract.

It is important to note that many of those who have problems with high acidity in the stomach leave feedback that the pear did not benefit them, but only caused unpleasant sensations. It is equally important to remember one simple rule: everything should be in moderation.If you abuse any product, including pear, you can get negative consequences for the body.

In order not to cause heartburn and pain in the stomach, it is best not to eat fruits on an empty stomach. Before use, the pear can be cleaned, especially if there is a risk that it has been treated with chemical fertilizers.

How much can you eat per day?

On the day you can afford to eat several fruits of the Chinese pear. It is best for pregnant women to reduce this amount of 1-2 fruits per week. Do not eat pears on an empty stomach and at bedtime. They have a diuretic effect, and therefore restless sleep is possible.

The Chinese pear is best consumed fresh, since it is in this case that it retains all the beneficial substances, including vitamins and amino acids. It is often added to pies or jam made from it, but in this case it will not be so useful for the body.

If you want to go on a fruit diet, then the amount of pear fruit consumed is very important to discuss with a personal nutritionist, since only he can tell you to what extent and with what kind of fruit should be consumed.

How to choose?

Choosing a good fruit is not so easy as it might seem at first glance. Since the fruits of the Chinese pear are exported to our country, and not grown in our region, they are removed from the trees as they are not ripe and they ripen along the way. But if it just so happened that you have already purchased an unripe fruit, then be sure to give it a few days to ripen. It is best to buy fruits at bazaars and at farm outlets, but only from trusted and licensed suppliers.

When choosing a pear, give preference to even fruits without visible flaws, spots, cracks and dents. Specify the date of fruit collection. Do not wash the fruit before putting them in the refrigerator. Rinse the fruit only before eating, otherwise they may deteriorate.

On the benefits of a Chinese pear for colds, see the next video.

Chinese pear is one of the most juicy and sweet fruits. In form, it is a cross between a white apple and pineapple apricot. The pulp is tender, fragrant. Today, this fruit is very popular in dietetics and alternative medicine.

Varieties of Pears

At the moment, there are more than 100 varieties of these fragrant fruits. Pears are considered very light-loving and unpretentious plants that tolerate drought well and are able to absorb organic matter from the soil from great depths. Propagated by cuttings and grafting.

In the European part of the planet, pear species such as Chinese, loosestrife, snow and others are widespread. Ussuri varieties, bred in the 19th century by the Russian biologist Maximovich, are also in demand. This species grows on a 15-meter tree with a spreading dense crown. The fruits begin to ripen in September. They have a tube-shaped and yellow color.

The Chinese pear, or Pyrus Serotina, is a representative of the eastern. In Russia, it is grown in the Primorsky Territory. Often trees reach a height of 12 meters. The leaves are ovate, large, pointed at the edges. Fruits have a rounded shape and light yellow color. In diameter, the pear reaches 4 cm and weighs about 150 g. The pulp is hard and sweet. One of the features of this species is its juiciness. Therefore, it is popularly known as a Chinese water pear.

The loosestrife species is grown in West Asia and the North Caucasus. The tree reaches a height of only 7-8 meters, but has a thick and uncharacteristically wide crown. The root system is very developed, so the plant can easily be held on sharp slopes. The fruits are lamp-shaped, small, brownish-golden. The pear tastes tart. Ripens closer to mid-September.

Snow pear is one of the largest crop species (up to 6 cm in diameter). The taste is sour and tart, so they are often used for conservation. This is the most winter-hardy type of pear. It grows on trees whose height does not exceed 4 m.

Another popular variety is Bretschneider pear. Recently, it is cultivated only in Asia. Its fruits are appreciated for its juiciness and crisp pulp. The average life span of a plant is 150 years.

Chinese pear: features

This fruit has not only excellent taste, but also a very exotic appearance. In different countries, the Chinese pear can be known as Asian, sand or Taiwanese. Today, this variety is also cultivated in Israel, Korea and Japan. The Chinese pear is a hybrid of several varieties, one of which is the Yamanashi variety. In antiquity, it was not popular because of a very sour taste, but Asian breeders have managed to turn the flaw into a virtue.

In appearance, the fruit resembles a small winter apple and partly pineapple apricot. A ripe pear weighs up to 180 g with a fairly average size. The peel is covered with small darkish spots. To taste, the fruit is very tender, juicy and sweet.

You can not eat any kind of pear at the same time with fresh milk. This can lead to an upset stomach and a serious malfunction in the digestive system. The Chinese pear has no contraindications for use with fermented milk products, unlike other varieties.

A large number of these fruits on an empty stomach causes bloating and entail bouts of heartburn. Some doctors do not recommend eating pears with meat products. In this case, nutrients will be poorly absorbed in the body.

Storage and use

The Chinese pear perfectly tolerates long-term transportation in the refrigerator. In the fresh air, storing the fruit is not recommended, as it begins to quickly blacken and lose density.

Due to its incomparable taste and aroma, Chinese pear is often used in various recipes. This also applies to all kinds of salads and fruit desserts.

In addition, the Chinese pear is well suited for topping in baked goods.

Since economic relations between states have become more formed, people can use exotic fruits that are grown in other territories.


Like all vegetables and fruits, Chinese pear is a source:

  • water;
  • fiber;
  • minerals;
  • vitamin supply.

The calorific value of the fetus is 47 kcal per 100 g. Therefore, it is often part of a diet for weight loss.

Specialists note:  dried Chinese pears help to eliminate toxins and heavy metal compounds from the human body.

The benefits of the Chinese pear to the human body are as follows:

  • regulation of blood composition, improvement of brain activity and restoration of mental balance, due to the presence of folic acid in the composition;
  • improving the condition of teeth, bones and blood vessels, which is ensured by the presence of calcium;
  • assistance in the synthesis of proteins, the formation of fresh tissue cells due to the phosphorus present in the fetus;
  • it is considered a preventive agent for heart diseases, which is due to magnesium and potassium in the composition of the pear;
  • maintaining cellular balance and resisting cancerous cellular changes provides potassium;
  • the vitamins and minerals that are in improve the digestive system and metabolism.

Chinese pear is a wholesome fruit that will provide the body with health and strength. The one exception is the presence of personal intolerance in a person.

Interesting information:  in ancient times it was believed that iron, which is a part of Chinese pears in a sufficiently large amount, contributes to the treatment of fainting with the dried fruit of a Chinese pear.


  Now a few words about the harm that can cause the use of a Chinese pear.

First of all, you should not eat unripe fruits, because often enough they cause indigestion.

In order not to harm your own body, do not eat the fetus on an empty stomach.

In addition, do not use it with meat and dairy products.  This can cause stomach upsets and a serious digestive system malfunction.

But there are no contraindications to the use of this fruit with dairy products, which is not inherent in other varieties.

Watch an interesting video that shows the experiments conducted by gardeners on growing Chinese pears in the form of figures:

The valuable properties of pear, Jerusalem artichoke and Chinese pear have been known for a long time. These cultures are very beneficial for the human body. Recommended by nutritionists and healthcare providers. However, it is important to know the composition of the fruit, since in some cases the substances contained in them can be harmful. There are very few contraindications for use in food, and here they are all described in detail.

Biochemical composition of pear fruit

Pear is one of the most significant fruit plants, cultivated in antiquity. The most valuable substances in the composition and low calorie content make it extremely useful for the body. The fruits contain:

  • calcium;
  • sodium;
  • copper;
  • iron;
  • magnesium;
  • phosphorus;
  • potassium;

Pear fruit contains a whole complex of vitamins and minerals

  • zinc;
  • b vitamins;
  • vitamins A, C, K, E;
  • monosaccharides;
  • alimentary fiber;
  • unsaturated fatty acids;
  • arbutin (a natural antibiotic);
  • tannins;
  • organic acids.

The benefits of pears and contraindications to its use

Nutritionists recommend consuming fruits for pregnant women. They are able to beneficially influence blood-forming activity. The use of pears for the smallest children is shown. It is believed that with large physical exertion and sports, it is useful to eat these fruits. They give strength, reduce fatigue. With diseases of the gallbladder, genitourinary disorders, as well as the liver, pears should be introduced into a constant diet. These delicious fruits are an excellent prophylactic against prostatitis. You can eat them even with such a dangerous disease as diabetes. These fruits have a positive effect on metabolism, mood, and the general tone of a person.

Eating fresh pears has some contraindications.

People suffering from colitis or peptic ulcers should eat pears minimally. With constipation, these fruits can exacerbate the situation. But if you peel them and remove the core, thereby reducing the content of tannins, it’s quite possible to eat a little, without risking anything. Elderly people, young children and patients undergoing rehabilitation need only eat mature fruits.

Fresh fruit consumption is considered the most beneficial, but in winter or in the northern regions, their use is dried. Throughout the history of cultivation, many recipes for pears have been invented.

Pear is able to store many nutrients even in canned form

  1. Pear in its own juice.  Prepare the fruits, peel, cut into small pieces. Arrange in liter cans. Add citric acid (5 g) and sugar (75 g) to each container. Further, fruit cans are sterilized in boiling water for half an hour and rolled up.
  2. Curd dessert with pears. Wash, peel, cut 3 large fruits, cut into several parts, place in a bowl. Grind cottage cheese (about 100 g) with 50 g low-fat sour cream. Add sugar to taste and fruit juice. Pour slices of pears with a well-mixed mass.

Chinese pear: content of valuable substances

The Chinese pear is gaining more and more popularity throughout our country, is no longer perceived as exotic. Outwardly, the fruit looks more like an apple with small specks on the peel. The fruits are distinguished by amazing juiciness and rich biochemical composition:

  • phosphorus;
  • magnesium;
  • potassium;
  • zinc;

Chinese pear

  • selenium;
  • manganese;
  • copper;
  • vitamins (C, K);
  • choline;
  • thiamine;
  • folic acid.

Useful properties and possible harm of Chinese pear

A large amount of potassium in the composition of the Chinese pear has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart valves. These fruits can be considered prophylactic against heart attacks and strokes. In addition, as a result of exposure to magnesium, the work of the atria is stabilized. Chinese pear has a beneficial effect on digestive function. Phosphorus, which this fruit is very rich in, improves the state of muscle tissue. Regular eating helps to strengthen the immune system and resistance to infections. It is shown to eat Chinese pears during pregnancy. These fruits make up for the lack of essential elements for the health of mother and baby.

Tip. Dried Chinese pears have a number of unique characteristics. They remove toxins and compounds of heavy metals from the body. They contain so much iron that in antiquity, with the help of these dried fruits, they fainted.

Be sure to know about the harmful aspects of using a Chinese pear. You should not eat unripe fruits, as they can cause indigestion. It is better not to eat fruit on an empty stomach, along with dairy and meat products.

The fruits have a great taste, it is pleasant to eat them fresh. They transport well and are stored in the refrigerator. From them you can cook delicious dishes.

Eat only ripe fruits

  1. Spicy-filled fruit salad.  Mix water (150 ml), honey (3 tablespoons), cloves, cinnamon and cardamom. Bring to a boil, leave over low heat for another 10 minutes, filter the warm syrup. Cut kiwi, lime, cherry, Chinese pear, mango. Add a little orange zest and fill it with syrup. Before serving, decorate with mint.
  2. Chinese pears in sake with chocolate sauce. Pour 600 ml of water into a saucepan, a small glass of sake, add anise, cinnamon, lime zest. We boil everything, then simmer another 5 minutes. over low heat. Pear clean and place in a saucepan, simmer until soft (45 min.). Cool directly in syrup. Melt the dark chocolate for the sauce, add cream (150 ml), butter (50 g) and lime zest to it. Before serving, cut the pears, remove the core and pour them with chocolate syrup.

The unique composition of Jerusalem artichoke

Jerusalem artichoke or earthen pear is a root crop, very unpretentious to the conditions of cultivation. It surpasses many vegetables in nutritional value, is a valuable medicinal plant, its composition includes:

  • inulin;
  • zinc;
  • iron;
  • calcium;
  • phosphorus;

Jerusalem artichoke - earthen pear

  • potassium;
  • manganese;
  • silicon;
  • copper;
  • vitamins of groups B, C;
  • amino acids.

It is recommended to use root crops for anemia, diabetes, obesity, and diseases of the digestive system. Jerusalem artichoke normalizes metabolism. Inulin in the composition is indispensable for diabetics, as a result of consumption, the level of glucose in the blood does not increase, and the deficit of carbohydrates is replenished. It is most useful to eat Jerusalem artichoke fresh. Only in this case, it contributes to weight loss.

Raw Jerusalem artichoke is very useful

It is also raw that it is a prophylactic against atherosclerosis and thrombosis. The root crop has beneficial effects on blood vessels and heart muscle. Jerusalem artichoke is shown for people suffering from hypertension. However, not only root crops are used, but also the aerial part of plants - leaves, stems and flowers. They are dried, decoctions, infusions, teas are prepared from them.

Tip. For pain in the back or joints, a bath with a Jerusalem artichoke broth saves. Leaves and stems (2 kg) are used for preparation, they are poured with 7 liters of water and boiled for 20 minutes. Apply after straining.

Contraindications to the use of Jerusalem artichoke are associated only with intolerance to the substances in its composition. Only in rare cases, with increased flatulence, it is recommended to use root crops only in the composition of dishes. But if you use this product without excessive enthusiasm, it will only benefit.

Interesting Jerusalem artichoke recipes

Although some valuable compounds are lost during the heat treatment, Jerusalem artichoke dishes are very tasty and healthy. It is sweeter than potato; even chips can be made from it. Jerusalem artichoke is also dried and canned. Here are some proven recipes.

Jerusalem artichoke can make a wonderful salad

  1. Salad with Jerusalem artichoke.  Cut the greens (parsley, onion and green onion). Add leaf lettuce. Jerusalem artichoke is not cleaned, but thoroughly washed with a stiff brush. So all valuable elements in its composition are maximally preserved. Root crops (200 g) are grated. It is better to use non-metallic, which did not break down vitamin C. Feta cheese or goat cheese (150 g) are cut into small pieces. Mix everything, seasoning with olive oil. You can season with pepper.
  2. Fritters from Jerusalem artichoke and zucchini.  Peel potatoes, carrots and zucchini. Wash and grind Jerusalem artichoke, like other vegetables. Add onions, eggs, flour, salt. Fry the mass in a frying pan in vegetable oil, spreading it with a spoon and forming fritters.

The considered types of pears and of course Jerusalem artichoke are not only very tasty, but have excellent medicinal properties. Being regularly at our table, these cultures will help maintain good health and harmony. Will give vivacity and good mood.

Useful properties of Jerusalem artichoke: video

The benefits of pears and Jerusalem artichoke: photos