How to use a baking sleeve. The benefits of cooking in this way

17.08.2019 Seafood

    The roasting sleeve does not have a bottom, that is, it has holes on both sides. First, tie one side, after putting your dinner in a sleeve, tie the second side and pierce a couple of times with a toothpick so that the sleeve does not burst from pressure from the inside air when heated. If you want the dish to be with a crust, then the sleeve at the very end of the preparation must be cut so that the dish is browned.

  • How to use a baking sleeve

    A baking sleeve is used in the preparation of any products, while they remain more juicy, and it seems that even more useful substances are stored. The roasting sleeve is a bag made of special heat-resistant polyethylene, which at high temperatures does not emit harmful substances.

    A sleeve differs from a baking bag in that the sleeve must be tied on both sides with special clips or ties that are also heat-resistant.

    • The sleeve is sold as a long narrow bag wound around a roll. Sashes or clips can be included or purchased separately. Before use cut off sleeve desired length from the roll. moreover, the length should be sufficient so that you can lay the product and tie well at the ends. The short sleeve cannot be used and a new one will have to be cut. Before starting use, it is important to read the instructions on the package and what temperature the sleeve can withstand. For different manufacturers, this figure may vary.
    • The product is placed in a sleeve without dishes, both edges are tightly tied and everything is put in a preheated oven on a baking sheet or immediately on a wire rack.
    • If you need to get a golden brown, then you need to sleeveless dishes.

  • I use a sleeve so that I don’t wash the spreader later, and so that food does not pester him. In addition, the potato cooks faster in the sleeve and then it turns soft.

    I usually cook potatoes with chicken wings in my sleeve. To do this, cut potatoes, grease the sleeve with slightly sunflower oil, dip the wings and potatoes, tie the sleeve and turn on the oven. All, no more tricks.

    There are no special rules. Is that a couple of nuances.

    Firstly, you should not save a sleeve. Otherwise, it may happen that ears will be very short and cannot be properly secured with wire. It is desirable that the level ears was taller. Otherwise, it may turn out that the released liquid will splash out onto the baking sheet and the sleeve will trivially stick / burn to it.

    Secondly, you should carefully put the products in the sleeve itself, so as not to tear it. It can be this if you put, say, pieces of chicken.

    Thirdly, if you need a crust on the dish, then you will have to cut the sleeve at the end of the baking. Here you should be careful so that the steam does not burn the skin.

    I always use a sleeve for the baking process itself, and then I open the bake too, so that there is a golden brown. I made rice with meat, somehow it didn’t work out very well, I don’t like such rice. Something like “” is written on the pack so that the sleeve does not touch the stove itself; or something like that. But I just put in the products and then close.

    It is very simple to use the sleeve: take the sleeve for baking, cut off the quantity you need, tie it on one side (usually there are knitwear in the package, but if they were spent, you can simply cut a strip from the sleeve itself). Next, put the products in the sleeve, distribute it evenly, tie the other side with a knit. Then put a sleeve with a future dish on a baking sheet, make a few punctures on the sleeve (so that the steam escapes (the sleeve swells during cooking) and send it to the heated oven. The recommended temperature for baking in the sleeve is 200 degrees. It is not recommended that the sleeve comes into contact with If you need a crispy crust, you can cut the sleeve a few minutes before the end of baking and continue cooking.


Many housewives have long forgotten about burnt baking sheet  thanks to a wonderful kitchen appliance - baking sleeve. There is nothing easier than putting all the ingredients in a “bag” and after a while getting the finished dish out of the oven.

Rumor has it that when heated, the baking sleeve becomes toxic, releasing hazardous substances. Is it so? This opinion is very common today, but, fortunately, is mistaken.

Is the baking sleeve toxic?

The material from which the sleeve is made is intended for use at high temperatures. Scientifically, it is called a long term - modified heat-resistant polyethylene terephthalate, and when heated, it is able to emit only water and carbon dioxide. In the worst case, the baking sleeve may turn into soot, i.e. ordinary carbon

How to use a baking sleeve

Let's start with the banal: the first thing you should read the attached instructions. But we suspect that after reading it, you will discover little new, therefore "With taste"  today will tell you about some of the nuances of cooking up your sleeve.

  • For lovers of baking dishes in the sleeve, we recommend stocking up several types of this indispensable assistant: large and small size, as well as individual packages  for preparing portioned dishes. Yes, yes, and such are available!
  • It is better to take a piece of sleeve with a margin, then cut off the excess part, leaving tolerances at the edges of about 5 cm.

  • You can use a baking sleeve not only in an electric and gas oven, but also in a microwave oven, slow cooker  and even when steaming. Few people know that with its help you can cook a delicious omelet.
  • Before sending the dish to the oven, you should make several punctures in the upper part of the sleeve with a toothpick or knife to release excess steam.

  • So that the products are browned, and not cooked, 20 minutes before the end of cooking, gently tear the sleeve on top. Some manufacturers have foreseen such a need and made a dashed seam for convenience.
  • When placing the dish in the oven, make sure that the sleeve does not touch the walls, and even more so on the top of the oven.

  • Do not use during baking. convection modeso that the sleeve or its clips do not melt.
  • Informative: food baked in the sleeve is considered less nutritious and more wholesome.

  • There is no desire to wash the pan after the cooked dish in the oven? At present, one can easily do without this exhausting work. There is a wonderful salvation. It is known to many, but still there are people who are interested in knowing how to use a sleeve for baking.

    What it is

    Roll of synthetic material, transparent and heat resistant. It is a practical and convenient thing in the kitchen. Thanks to the package, the dishes are juicy and tasty. They are baked evenly and do not lose their beneficial properties. For each dish, you can choose the right size and easily cook:

    • pork ham and leg of lamb;
    • chicken and goose.

    In addition, you can bake without fat. So those who want to lose weight should pay attention to this method of cooking.

    Now a little about the ties. There are two options for securing the ends of the bag. The first option is the usual ties, strips of synthetic material.

    The second option is a baking sleeve with clips. How to use it, consider a little lower. The first and second option is safe.

    Talk about transparent bags for a long time. But you can feel their "help" only when you cook something in them.

    What dishes can be prepared

    Before talking about how to use a baking sleeve, we learn what can be cooked in it.

    • Tasty fish.

    Salt the prepared product, rub it with different seasonings, slightly sprinkle with lemon juice. Bake in the oven.

    • Chicken with potatoes.

    This dish will appeal to many. After cooking, it melts in your mouth. Rub the bird with a mixture that consists of: vegetable oil, pepper, salt, garlic. After the chicken, proceed to the potato. Cut it large, salt, add mayonnaise. Bake cooked foods in the oven.

    • Vegetable stew.

    This dish is suitable for those who care about their figure. Take any vegetables that you find in your refrigerator. Salt them, pepper, add a little butter or sunflower oil to the oven.

    • Mushrooms with liver.

    Slice all the ingredients. Do not forget to pepper and salt them. It will be tasty if the mixture is poured with cream. Bake.

    Do not think that these are all dishes that can be prepared using a baking sleeve. Most likely, many people know how to use this subject, but repetition has never bothered anyone.

    It is worth remembering

    There are always rules to follow. Here are a few especially important ones if you decide to cook up your sleeve. They will help you avoid many problems.

    • Do not abuse salt and spices. With this method of baking, spices and salt usually manifest themselves more intensively.
    • The meat will turn out more juicy and tasty if you stuff it with garlic and carrots. Cut the carrots into strips.
    • If you want to achieve the effect of steaming, cut the products into pieces, put everything in a sleeve, add a little broth or water to it.
    • The dish is ready thanks to the baking sleeve. How to use and what to do when removing a package from the oven? Carefully take it along with the wire rack and place it on a plate.

    Remember! Be sure to take it with the grill. After heating, the synthetic material breaks easily. If you ignore this advice, you can get very burned.

    A few subtleties of cooking

    In order to make the dish tasty, you need to know how to use the sleeve for baking in the oven. A few tips to help get things right.

    • Put the food bag on a baking sheet or dish, make a few punctures on it. For these purposes, you can use a toothpick. Holes are needed so that the sleeve does not burst from the air.
    • To get a golden crust, you should cut the bag twenty minutes before the end of cooking, push the edges apart and return the dish to the oven.

    Remember! When cutting the sleeve, steam breaks out. Be careful not to get burned.

    Food prepared in a bag is very healthy. When baking, the minimum amount of fat and salt is used. This will appeal to those who want to lose extra pounds and adhere to proper nutrition.

    In addition, the housewives do not have to wipe the dishes in which the dish was prepared.

    Getting down to cooking

    So, we begin to figure out how to use a baking sleeve.

    As mentioned above, this item looks like a bag. It is made of a transparent film that can withstand high temperatures, but no more than two hundred and thirty degrees.

    To make it work, it is advisable not to make a mistake with the size of the package.

    • Cut a piece from the roll, which should be one and a half times more than the product prepared for baking.
    • One end of the sleeve is fixed with a special clip (clips). Usually they are in addition to the bag.
    • Put all the products in a bag, salt, pepper, add spices.
    • Press the package with your hands. In this way, you expel air from it. The film should adhere well to the products.
    • The next step - the second end is also fixed with a clip.
    • Before you put the finished bag in the oven, pierce it in several places. Put in a cold container and put in a preheated oven.

    Remember! The baking sleeve (in the photo) should not come into contact with the heated wall of the oven. How to use, it will tell you the correct location during cooking.


    You can cook in a bag in any oven. The most important rule is not to exceed the temperature limits and, of course, no open flame.

    How to use a baking sleeve? There is one answer to this question - easy. There is a desire to create, then everything will work out. Buy baking bags and start cooking.

    Recently, in our kitchens, along with the already familiar parchment and foil, a new material has appeared - heat-resistant plastics in the form of sleeves and baking bags. And like any novelty, they, of course, were met with hostility. Lamentations began that this was “chemistry” and any poison was released from this plastic when heated, and it is better to use “environmentally friendly” aluminum foil and parchment in the old fashioned way.

    However, this is just an instinctive animal fear of everything new, reduced to paranoia by illiterate bazaar gossips, seized upon the media. In fact, this plastic has long been used and certified for safety in almost all sane countries, moreover, it is considered the safest of all materials. Plastic itself is a modified heat-resistant polyethylene terephthalate, capable of releasing only water, carbon dioxide during any heating, and even if it is simply burned ( i don’t know why, maybe you want to experiment :-)), then it will turn into a simple soot ( let's say, in the most ordinary carbon).  All these substances are absolutely safe for humans.

    But for some reason, aluminum foil and parchment are not terrible for such haters of “chemistry”. I’m used to it ... But aluminum salts are far from harmless to humans, and even monstrous reagents are used in the manufacture of parchment, which can not be said about polyethylene terephthalate, which is so scared because it is “chemistry”! And even more so, the statements “Scientists poison us” are simply ridiculous!

    About the properties of the culinary sleeve

    Culinary heat-resistant films are an innovative, but not a new word in culinary, long and successfully used around the world. Using them, you can cook, in addition to ordinary dishes, a lot of those that otherwise are either impossible or very difficult. Naturally, this way of cooking interested gourmets. However, he, first of all, should be of interest to those who monitor their health, and also enjoys all kinds of diets.

    Initially, a heat-resistant sleeve is a transparent thin film in the form of a pipe. The maximum temperature that it can withstand is indicated on the package. Typically this is a temperature range of +200 to + 240 ° C. Sizes can be very different. The kit includes heat-resistant clip-on clips or ties. It depends on the company of the manufacturer, and today there are already a lot of such ( i'm here for the sake of interest and to add information to the article I tried to calculate how many there are, but in the end I left this venture, since the number of firms is simply huge) By the way, the sleeves can just as well be used in the microwave! In some articles you can also meet the mention of the possibility of its use in a slow cooker ... but think for a second - why? The very principle of the multicooker is such that it cooks the dish in an airtight space, so shoving the sleeve in there is also complete nonsense!

    Sleeve cooking

    According to this technology, products during the cooking process lose a minimum of moisture, are prepared in their own juice and are tasty, aromatic and juicy. Vegetables and fruits lose a very small amount of vitamins. Baked meat or fish products do not dry out and practically cannot burn. This method works especially well in preparing the whole bird.

    Before the start  the necessary length of the sleeve is cut off from the roll, taking into account how much it will go to pack the clips and the number of products that are supposed to be placed there. In general, at this stage you need to rely on your “trained eye”.

    Then  clip or strings ( depending on the manufacturer of the sleeve) one edge is packed and all the prepared products are placed in the resulting bag. After that, the second edge is packaged in exactly the same way. The packaging should be treated with special attention, because, otherwise, the contents may simply spill out through the opened sleeve!

    Further, the resulting package is placed on a wire rack or a baking sheet and it is pierced with a needle or a toothpick 3-4 holes for steam to escape. If you forget to do this, then in the oven all this packaging can simply explode from excess pressure  and the consequences can be quite dirty with a burning smell.

    After  of all these manipulations a baking sheet or wire rack is placed in a preheated oven. At the same time, it is highly desirable, or rather, to make sure that the inflated package does not touch the heating elements located on top, or other baking sheets, or grills, if you decide to cook in the microwave. And do not use the “convection” mode - it is not only just not needed, but can melt the sleeve or clamps.

    Now you can start cooking. If you want to have a slightly browned dish at the exit, then about 20 minutes before the end you need to make a cut in the upper part of the package, on some sleeves there is even a special “seam” for this purpose, which is easy to tear. But such a procedure is not necessary at all, a juicy dish in a whole sleeve is an excellent option.

    When  the cooking is finished, and the baking sheet or wire rack has already been taken out of the oven, the packaging with the finished product should be transferred to a separate dish and it can already be opened there. If serving the dish is not in a hurry, it may lie for a while in the disconnected oven, so as not to cool so quickly - the danger of drying out when using the sleeve is excluded.

    And here is a delicious home recipe on our blog: .

    From experience using sleeves

    The use of products for cooking from heat-resistant films in the kitchen, whether it be a sleeve or a package, requires some skills and knowledge of the features of the technology for working with them. An indisputable advantage is that they are transparent. This makes it easy to control the cooking process and notice in time that, for example, the dish began to burn. Indeed, due to the fact that such a package is very reluctant to let steam through, it will not be possible to determine by smell. There will be no smoke even when the dish has already burned out. This property of such technology can be considered a minus. But even here, hidden advantages of using the sleeve are revealed - you do not have to scrape off a burnt baking sheet. And spoiled products can simply be thrown away without even opening the bag.

    For beginners, such culinary films are a godsend. For, using them, it is not necessary to precisely set the baking temperature. The fact is that in this technology the range between the extremes “the dish is dry” and “the dish is burned” increases several times. Therefore, even an inexperienced housewife, the likelihood that the dish will be prepared perfectly increases significantly. But still, there is a plus in optimizing the temperature setting. In this case, products packaged in this way can be in the oven for much longer than the set time without risking to dry out, burn out, or cross over.

    The top of the oven heats up more and it sometimes happens that when baked, the swollen top of the sleeve or bag becomes brittle. This is due to excess temperature indicated on the packaging for a particular type of plastic. In this case, reduce the temperature in the oven.

    So bon appetit. And do not forget that heat-resistant cooking bags and sleeves not only help to prepare, sometimes just unique, tasty and healthy dishes. They also make it possible to get rid of the unpleasant job of washing greasy and burnt surfaces of the baking sheet and oven, which are inevitably formed with the usual cooking method.

    A few years ago an interesting novelty appeared on sale - a baking sleeve. The hostesses immediately appreciated the advantage of this convenient device. From the foil it compares favorably with the fact that it is transparent, and therefore, you can observe the cooking process. In addition, when cooking fragrant food, for example, with garlic, the smell does not penetrate the room, as is usually the case with foil.

    A few more advantages of this package:

    • the oven and pan do not get dirty with splashes of fat and juice;
    • meat or fish are prepared in their own juice, so the end result is very tasty and, in addition, useful;
    • all vitamins and minerals are stored in food.

    This miracle is most often sold in packages of three meters. For use, a baking bag is cut to the desired length. The product is rubbed with spices and salt and placed in a sleeve. Then the edges of the bag on both sides are tied. After which it remains only to put all this in the oven and bake the set time.

    Sometimes special metal clips-clothespins are included, then the edges are closed with them. But when cooking in the microwave, metal clips cannot be used. In this case, you just need to cut off two thin strips from the bag and tie a sleeve for them to bake on both sides.

    Not all manufacturers provide for perforation to allow steam to escape during cooking. Therefore, before use, the package must be pierced in several places. Some sleeves just cut a small corner. If this is not done, the bag may simply burst in the oven. In addition, in order to avoid the same nuisance, it is important to ensure that ends of sufficient length remain on both sides of the product. Otherwise, during cooking, the clamps may slip due to steam pressure.

    Typically, a baking sleeve is designed for temperatures not exceeding 200 degrees. At higher temperatures, it may begin to melt. In general, it is better not to risk it and not use the bag in an oven preheated by more than 150 degrees. In addition, the sleeve must not be allowed to touch the walls of the oven, otherwise it will melt and stick to them.

    Packages for baking can be used both for cooking meat and fish dishes, and for baking vegetables - potatoes, zucchini, etc. According to the reviews of many housewives, the potatoes in this sleeve are very tasty. You can bake both peeled and chopped potatoes, and And if you put it in a bag along with meat, chicken or fish, it is completely saturated with their juice. The meat, even chicken, is very juicy, aromatic and tastes good.

    Sometimes it happens that the product does not brown. Then you just need to get it out of the oven and cut the sleeve for baking from above, expanding the edges. Then put back into the oven and cook for another 15 minutes. After the formation of a golden crust, the oven can be turned off.

    In general, this wonderful novelty will be liked and will be useful to any housewife. With this package you can cook very juicy, tasty and healthy food.