Quick marinade for pork barbecue. How to Pickle Pork Skewers Quickly

11.09.2019 Egg Dishes

Fans of improvisation and spontaneous trips to the countryside, as a rule, sorely lack time to prepare meat for frying in advance. In this case, they will come to the rescue shashlik recipe for quick pickling, which will significantly reduce the time of languishing in dressing tenderloin, fish or chicken. And you can buy everything you need to create a miracle sauce on the way to the picnic site and soak refreshments while the firewood in the barbecue burns to the coals.

We often come across dozens of recommendations on how to soak shish kebab quickly, and not get baked meat on the grill as hard as a sole. All the tips are so contradictory that even experienced cooks sometimes have their eyes widen. Which recipe to prefer and what is better to add to the marinade, so that the result is pleased?

Three supercomponents for quick pickling

All the ingredients that contribute to the accelerated impregnation of meat with dressing are different, but the kebab slices act the same. The secret of their action is that they contain active substances that soften the fibers and facilitate the penetration of the tastes and aromas of marinade into it.

  • Kiwi. In addition to the fact that this fruit is a megachampion in terms of nutrients, it also “loosens” meat very well. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise you will get a paste instead of fried slices. One fruit per kilogram is more than enough.
  • Alcohol, vodka and alcoholic beverages are excellent helpers in the preparation of kebabs of quick pickling. True, the taste of meat slices at the same time becomes slightly harsh.

  • Vinegar. The usual apple essence will work a miracle in half an hour, even with the toughest beef. So feel free to let a barbecue piece that was previously considered unsuitable.

We offer you one of the most effective recipes for those who are not used to planning their schedule in advance.

“Quick” kebab “Express in the summer”


  •   - 2 kg + -
  • Kiwi - 2 pcs. + -
  •   - 3 heads + -
  • Mayonnaise - 100 g + -
  • Bay leaf - 3 pcs. + -
  •   - taste + -
  •   - taste + -


This method of pickling is “the very thing” for a friendly company that decided to take a break from the vibrant city life and go somewhere in the forest. Quick pickling of barbecue does not require any preliminary preparation. Take care of it already when the firewood flames up properly.

1. We cut the pork neck with pieces the size of a matchbox. We put them in a large bowl and sprinkle with pepper. It does not require much, the taste of meat and so it turns out spicy and rich.

2. Peel the kiwi and grind it as you like. You can cut the fruits into thin slices, or you can chop them into cubes. Pour fruit slices into a bowl of pork. The main thing is that we try to mix them, as it should, and in no case do not exceed the dosage indicated in the quick marinating barbecue recipe! The desire to flavor the meat from the heart will lead to the fact that it will begin to slide from skewers directly into the fire.

3. In the same pan we put mayonnaise, bay leaves and a cut onion rings. By the way, he also contributes to the softening of meat. Shake the dishes several times and leave the future treat for half an hour. This time will be enough for everything to be well marinated.

4. Put pieces of pork on skewers, alternating with onions, and salt. Barbecue, periodically turning, about 15 minutes.

As you can see, not every deviation from plans ends in failure. And our kebab of fast pickling is a great confirmation of this!

* Cooking Tips
  - Some lovers of quick soak meat supplement the basic recipe with lemon. Juice of one fruit or segments are simply added to the marinade.
  - Seasoning “For barbecue” or any other is a good way to add pungent notes to the dish.
  - Serve a treat with finely chopped greens. And do not sprinkle the pieces, but just put it on the table in a plate. Who wants to - put the right amount himself.

Quick pickling kebab - it's just a “lifesaver” for those who make decisions on the go and follow their desires! Yes, and everyone else should save the recipe! After all, you never know where fate and energetic friends will lead.

Many culinary specialists of our country know how to quickly pickle pork barbecue. After all, such a dish has long been traditional for us. Especially often it is cooked in the spring-summer season. Although often kebabs are also made for the winter holidays.

If you do not know how to quickly pickle pork skewers, then we will talk about this in the article. From it you will learn about how to make such a dish as tasty and juicy as possible.

General information

Before telling you how to quickly pickle pork skewers, you should tell what this dish is.

Shish kebab is a traditional dish of the nomadic peoples of Eurasia. As a rule, it is coarsely chopped lamb or other meat, which is first marinated and then cooked over coals. Most often, this dish is made using metal or wooden skewers, as well as using the barbecue.

Raw material selection

Quickly marinating pork kebab meat is not a problem. But before that, you should choose it correctly. The product should be as fresh as possible, but not paired. Most often, ribs are used for such a dish, as well as meat from shoulder blades and legs.

It should be especially noted that today for the preparation of barbecue they use not only the most tender pork and aromatic mutton, but also beef and even poultry meat. By the way, the last option is the most economical, but no less tasty.

How to quickly pickle pork skewers?

Currently, there are a huge number of all kinds of marinades that are used for cooking pork, lamb, beef and chicken skewers. Which one to choose for cooking meat on charcoal is up to you. But to make such a dish really tasty, it should be properly marinated.

The first thing the cook needs to know is that the meat for the barbecue should be at room temperature. Only in this way will it soak as quickly as possible (in about one hour), having absorbed all the used seasonings and spices.

Many chefs mistakenly believe that a quick way to pickle pork skewers is the wrong way. Therefore, most housewives soak the meat product for a day or even longer. However, it should be noted that this process contributes to the release of all pork juices, which makes it not very tasty and juicy. Therefore, before proceeding to marinating barbecue, meat must be completely thawed. If you decide to soak the frozen pork, then it will take you several hours for the pieces to soak in spices and seasonings.

How to pickle pork skewers? The best recipes

As stated above, there are quite a few ways for a barbecue. A traditional recipe is one where ordinary mayonnaise is used as a marinade. If you have never made such a dish, then we will describe its cooking process right now. For this we need:

  • pork with a small amount of fat - about 3 kg;
  • olive mayonnaise - 100 g;
  • tomato paste - a large spoon;
  • table salt, dried dill and pepper - apply to taste;
  • white onion heads - 2 pcs.

Meat processing

How to pickle kebab quickly? The best ways to cook such a dish do not require the use of outlandish ingredients.

Before starting to soak the meat, it is washed thoroughly, cutting off all inedible elements. Then pork chop the fiber so that on one piece was not only meat, but also a little fat. This will make the kebab more juicy and tasty.

Pickling process

After the pork is chopped into long and rectangular pieces, it is laid out in enameled dishes and seasoned with salt, mayonnaise, tomato paste and pepper. Also, large rings of onions and dried dill are added to the meat.

Having mixed all the components with your hands, they are covered with a lid and left aside for 1.5 hours. This time is enough for pickling meat. But only if it was at room temperature. If you soaked chilled pork, then the indicated time can be doubled, and if it is very frozen, then four times.

Making onion pork marinade

Now you know how to quickly pickle pork skewers. The recipes for this dish are very simple.

So, for the preparation of barbecue you must purchase:

  • hops-suneli - 1.5 large spoons;
  • fresh honey - 15 g;
  • white onion heads - 8 pcs.;

Cooking process

Before marinating pork, it should be properly prepared. I would like to note right away that meat for barbecue is always processed the same way. Pork is washed well in warm water, and then all veins and films are removed. After that, it is chopped into rectangular pieces. Do it reprogramming the fibers.

By the way, it is desirable to cut the meat product in a still frozen form. Then it should be completely thawed and only then proceed to pickling.

To prepare the marinade, we decided to use onion juice. It is made easy and simple. The vegetables are peeled and then rubbed on a small grater. After that, they are put in not very shallow gauze and squeezed strongly. Subsequently, fresh honey, hops, sunnels, ground pepper are added to the juice obtained. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed and the meat product is poured with them.

In this marinade, pork (warm) is soaked for two hours. After that, it is mounted on a skewer and cooked on charcoal in the traditional way. It should be noted that the output is a very tasty, juicy and aromatic dish.

Cherry Pork Kebab Marinade

Now you have an idea of \u200b\u200bhow to barbecue. Recipes of such dishes should definitely be noted.

If you like meat dishes with sweet sauce, then the presented method of cooking barbecue will be your favorite. Pork soaked in is incredibly juicy and tasty. This dish is especially popular with the weaker sex and children. To implement it, we need:

Cooking method

We will not talk about how pork should be processed for making barbecue, as we described this process a little higher. As for the marinade, it requires a special approach.

Pieces of pork with a small amount of fat are placed in a deep enameled pan, then salted to taste and sweet paprika is added. In this form, the meat product is left under the lid for 20 minutes. After that, it is poured with dry red wine and concentrated cherry juice.

Having mixed the ingredients with your hands, they are closed again and allowed to marinate for 90 minutes. During this time, meat pieces are completely saturated with aromas of cherry juice and dry red wine.

Kebab Tomato Marinade

In the preparation of marinade for barbecue there is nothing complicated. The main thing is to use only ingredients compatible with each other and add a sufficient amount of spices.

So, to prepare a meat dinner on charcoal, you should pre-purchase:

  • pork with a small amount of fat - about 3 kg;
  • tomato juice - 150 ml;
  • pickled tomatoes (it is better to use homemade) - 4 pcs. + brine in a volume of 150 ml;
  • red onion heads - 2 pcs.;
  • table salt and pepper - apply to taste.

Marinate meat for barbecue

Barbecue pork should be purchased with a little fat. If you use too fatty product, then the dish will turn out to be very high-calorie and tasteless. If, on the contrary, you buy meat without lard, then it will simply burn, and it will also be dry and sinewy.

After the right amount of pork is purchased, it is well processed and cut into medium pieces. Then it is flavored with salt and pepper, pour tomato juice and mix thoroughly. After that, take a few and release them from the hard peel. Subsequently, they are laid out in a blender bowl and beat on

The resulting tomato porridge is added to the meat. The brine is also poured into it. For taste and aroma, coarsely chopped rings of red onion are placed in the same container.

In conclusion, all the ingredients mentioned are thoroughly mixed with hands, closed and left at room temperature for 1.5 hours. This time is enough for the meat product to absorb part of the marinade, to become fragrant and juicy.

After the meat is soaked in tomato brine, it is strung on wooden or metal skewers, and then cooked in a classic way on charcoal.

How is it presented to the table?

Kebab from pork meat is presented to the table only in hot condition. It is served to family members directly on skewers or laid out on a plate. It is recommended to use such a dish with a slice of bread, as well as fresh herbs and vegetables.

To get a more satisfying dinner, some housewives serve pork skewers with side dishes. However, in this case, the dish will turn out to be more difficult for the stomach and high-calorie.

To summarize

In this article, you have been presented with several ways of quickly marinating meat on a barbecue. The marinade recipes described above can be supplemented with their own ingredients, including spices and seasonings.

I offer you a quick marinade for pork barbecue very simple, budget and without preservatives. For this marinade you only need vegetable oil and spices. The oil penetrates well into the fibers of the meat, makes it juicy, soft and certainly does not dry it out. Spices add aroma and taste. It’s everyone’s business here to add a ready-made set of spices, pick it yourself or simply add salt and pepper so that only the taste of meat is felt.

Sometimes, there are situations that your friend decided to get ready for a picnic, and then you will be faced with the question of what to choose a quick marinade for barbecue. If you have always used vinegar, juice, kiwi or kefir, but in these options there is a chance to dry the pork or it will completely crack. But the marinade from vegetable oil, not only moisturizes pork, but also impregnates with the aroma of spices.

Remember! The taste of barbecue is 90% dependent on meat. Buy only a neck or a cue ball. Although the price is more expensive, the taste and softness are much better than those of the shoulder blade or the back. The necklace turns out to be more fat and juicy, because it contains layers of fat, it moistens the meat when frying, and the cue ball is just the perfect piece, without veins and fat.


  • Pork neck - 1 kg.
  • Vegetable oil - 170 ml.
  • Spices: curry, basil - 1.5 tsp
  • Salt - 1 tsp
  • Onion - 2 pcs.

How to Pickle Pork Skewers Quickly

Since the neck is usually a perfect long form, without veins. Visually divide it into pieces and cut approximately pieces 3 cm long. The size of the pieces is not fundamental, if you like larger or smaller ones, then you can cut as you like. Only the difference will be in the preparation.

Making a quick pickle

Put the pork in a pan or bag. Pour in vegetable oil, so that almost the cover. Add spices and salt, mix by hand. Remember the pieces of pork so that they are saturated.

We take one onion and chop it into small pieces, it saturate the pork with the aroma. The second is cut into rings with a width of 0.5 cm, do not separate them, then they will not burn during cooking. First we put finely chopped onions, mix. And then we put the rings on top. We cover the pan with a plate so that it lies flat and put it in the fridge for 2-3 hours. If there is time, then you can leave for a day. And if you have one hour left, leave the barbecue at room temperature for 30 minutes.

We put the skewers on skewers and cook in the heat for 15 minutes, sometimes turn over so as not to burn. If a fire appears, sprinkle it with water. Serve hot immediately to the table, with your favorite sauce. Bon Appetit!

  • To make the meat pickle faster, cut it into small pieces.
  • They say it is best to use unrefined vegetable oil.
  • If you bought stiffer pork, such as the back, then add a tablespoon of lemon juice.
  • They say that salt is best added before frying. I tried to cook in two ways and did not notice the difference.
  • For soaking, you can use a plastic bag, it is convenient to take it for a picnic.

So, you have learned all the tips to prepare a quick marinade for pork shish kebab, I hope this recipe is useful to you and you share your feedback!

Choosing kebab and pork, marinade is the most delicious, so that the meat is soft, you must first choose the right pork itself. The carcass has many parts and it seems that any will do: back or thigh. Others look more at the cost, which is cheaper, because a kebab will require a lot of meat. But why pork, because there is still beef and lamb?

Pork for shish kebab is easier to pickle, it is more lean than lamb, softer than beef and pickles well, fries faster. Gives more juice and choosing a good pork is easier. Gourmets are advised to take exactly the neck. Now the main thing is to marinate it deliciously. Here, not only recipes play a big role, but also the preferences of the owners.

Someone loves more vinegar, others do not want to use it. Still others prefer a wide variety of seasonings. Fortunately, it’s easy to make a kebab of pork neck, especially given enough attention to pickling. After all, well-prepared meat is already 80% of the guarantee that you will get the most delicious kebab and pork. Sometimes the marinade flavors are such, I want to eat meat still raw.

Is it difficult to pickle?

No, most recipes will surprise you with their simplicity and availability of ingredients, in small quantities. There are no long lists with a dozen items and rare products. The most expensive thing in barbecue is, of course, the meat itself, and to get a delicious pork barbecue, buy meat for it only in proven places, you should not skimp.

Important: any meat must have its own documents, be checked by the sanitary and epidemiological station. Such guarantees give consumers that the product is fresh, clean, obtained from an official source.

Meat is expensive, people pay not only for delivery, but also for checks and references. Therefore, it is more expensive in specialized places - large supermarkets, where there is a separate meat department, markets. Take meat where you can trust sellers.

Vinegar marinade

A simple recipe for how to cook pork skewers by adding vinegar.

What is required:

Skewered pork;
   3 medium onions.


First, prepare the meat by washing it and chopping in equal slices. Do not remove the bones, it is better to chop them together with meat, then gnawing tastier.

Peel 3 identical medium onions, chop with thin rings. Marinate meat more conveniently in a deep, large capacity. First, put the meat there, then the onions, add a trace of spices.

Separately, dilute vinegar with ordinary water in a jar, taking a ratio of 100 g of vinegar will be 150 g of liquid (if vinegar is 9%). Fill a bowl with water, mix so that the meat is completely immersed in the marinade mixture. From above it can be crushed with oppression so as not to dilute the marinade very much. Marinate kebab and pork for about 3-4 hours. For example, do it in the morning and let it stand until the evening. Well-pickled meat is nourished, becomes softer, and fries faster.

Kefir marinade

Usually spices and pork kebabs are quite standard - salt and pepper, rarely something else. Most gourmets do not recommend overdoing, otherwise the spices will kill the natural meat taste. After all, pork kebab is primarily meat. But it is a mistake to believe that a good marinade is an indispensable addition of vinegar. Here, for example, is the version with kefir.

What is required:

Pork meat;
   Cilantro is fresh;
   A few onions;
   Kefir (regular, without additives).


Cooking pork skewers will require attention and time. It is better when the meat is calmly pickled for hours, acquiring new tastes and softness. Many leave it until the morning.

First, prepare the listed ingredients: peel the onion, wash the meat, chop. Onions need rings, meat as you want, but the size of the pieces is better to make medium. Large ones fry longer, while small ones burn faster. Rinse and chop the cilantro.

For pickling, take a bowl or deep pan. First, lay the meat in a layer, then the onion layer, then the cilantro. Salt everything, add pepper. Last pour kefir.

You can make several layers, as for a salad, each pouring a small amount of kefir so that the pieces are filled with them to the top. Then place in a dark, cold place, such a recipe for marinating barbecue and pork requires daily or night infusion.

Marinade with mayonnaise

Everyone chooses from all his own recipe for cooking pork skewers. Some people like vinegar, even ready-made pieces are watered before use, others want a minimum of spices to feel only the fried meat, others like tomatoes and other vegetables, add them not only by putting meat on skewers, but also in the marinade. But the classic recipe, only with mayonnaise.

What is required:

Pork meat;
   A few onions (expect that part goes first to the marinade, the other - for a snack already to the finished barbecue);
Mayonnaise (if the meat is 2 kg, then it will need 500 g);

Yes, it is difficult to call such a diet a diet, however, juicy pork skewers are provided.


First cut the meat, peel the onions and chop too. Put everything in the pan prepared for the marinade (the bowl will go). Mix thoroughly. Pour mayonnaise, adding spices there. Soaking lasts about a day.

Some tips

How to soak pork skewers, take into account all the nuances? After all, a simple recipe seems only at first. There are some simple tips. For example, take enameled or clay dishes, aluminum is not too suitable for storing and pickling meat.

It is important to marinate pork kebab meat well. Make sure that all the pieces are immersed in the marinade mixture, mix the contents of the pan, check at times.

An interesting technique is the placement of already pickled pieces on skewers. For example, kebab pork is usually placed on special, metal skewers. In Asia, some use wood, while the Japanese take bamboo. Of course, the glide will not be too good, but the skewer before planting can be treated with a piece of bacon or greased with ordinary oil.

Juicy pork skewers will turn out if you stick the pieces tightly, without gaps, it is better to make the pieces the same if possible, without removing the bones. Too large need to fry longer, and small ones burn easily.

Do you like fried vegetables? Do not alternate them with pieces of meat, because the time for frying vegetables is much shorter, and until the meat comes up, the vegetables have time to burn everything. Therefore, either make individual vegetable skewers, or eat vegetables like a bite.

Pork neck skewers are especially good when the meat is not too burnt. To prevent carbonization of the slices, sprinkle them with the remaining marinade, when droplets of fat fall on the fire.

Barbecue can only be fried on hot coals, when there is no fire at all! If the light appears, immediately extinguish it. On the grill, place the skewers higher, then the meat will burn less, and turn slowly, otherwise the kebab will be dry.

The readiness of your kebab is easy to check: with the tip of a knife, easily cut the pieces and when the juice is transparent, it means you can already eat meat. If the juice gives pink, remove early.

That's the way we cook kebab and pork. However, these tips come in handy for any barbecue. After all, there is still, lamb, of course chicken and even fish.

Wine marinade

You can follow the famous example of Western chefs who actively add wine and this recipe is classic for them, because there are special table wines. It is not necessary to look for a dining room here, take it to your taste. And do not worry about alcohol, it will then disappear on fire, leaving only a taste of wine.

What is required:

Pork meat;
   100 ml of wine (white, dry is used here);
   Coriander - 1 small spoon;


First cut the meat, then place it in the dish selected for pickling. Add spices there, mix everything, then pour the wine. For the meat to take the marinade well, a press is required. No need to breed wine.

Caucasian marinade

Some fans believe that it is the best recipe for pork kebab, especially when the trip is coming soon and there is simply no time for a long pickling. Yes, venerable cooks have a different opinion about the time that kebabs come out tasty only with prolonged, preferably even daily, pickling. Some chefs are in favor, saying that meat is a complex product, it requires attention, a sequence of actions and rush only spoils the taste.

If you need to go urgently, you can marinate the meat, take it with you, let it get on the road, then fry the kebab not immediately. Other chefs know how to pickle pork for a tasty barbecue. And the following recipe for such cases.

What is required:

Pork meat itself;
   Mineral water (carbonated, any, only without salt);


Here, the pork barbecue marinade can be infused for only 3 hours. First cut the meat, then pour mineral water. All. Now you need to wait 2-3 hours, just the time of the trip, arrangement in the chosen place. Then, before cooking, add spices, mix.

Marinade and Kiwi

Yes, sometimes marinade ingredients can surprise you. They will give the meat a special taste, because the main thing is that the meat is soft and retains its own taste, and of course, juicy. This marinade also does not require a long time, suitable for any barbecue.

What is required:

   Qiwi - one is enough;
   The onion is also one;
   Red pepper - no more than a teaspoon;
   Cilantro (dried only);
   Dill (fresh, but can also be dried);
   Coriander (take ground);
   Sparkling water (mineral water).


First, cut the onions into the middle rings, and peel the kiwi in small cubes. Cut the meat, place in the dish selected for pickling, add all the spices there, then the onion with kiwi. Spices as you like and fill everything with water. 2-3 hours are enough for a delicious barbecue.

No cooking time? Follow Instagram quick recipe ideas:

Mustard marinade

Mustard lovers will like it because it is so delicious to eat with meat! And when studying kebab and pork neck recipe of the original slices or cooking secrets, be sure to look at the mustard marinade.

What is required:

   Mustard - a tablespoon;
   Mayonnaise - two large spoons;
   5 medium onions;
   Black pepper;
   One lemon;
   Bay leaf;


First cut the meat, remove the excess. Then, choosing the dishes for pickling, place there, add spices. Then comes mustard with mayonnaise. Add onion rings and sprinkle with lemon.

Marinade is a little, it is not necessary to dilute, it is better to mix thoroughly and leave to reach with the press. Let it stand either in the room (but look) or already in the refrigerator, but then the pickling time is about 7 hours.

Piquant Marinade

Suitable for spice lovers. Sometimes it seems that pork meat is too lean, it must be diluted either with fat, or with different spices, vegetables. Watching kebab and pork videos, people watch the chef manipulate and record his advice. Indeed, many recipes are really simple, but if you do not know a couple of secrets, barbecue still comes out either dry or hard and an abundance of spices does not help the matter. Of course, a delicious marinade is important, but the roasting technique will play a decisive role. However, some recipes will show how to properly marinate a kebab for a spice lover.

What is required:

Pork meat;
   Olive oil - somewhere 2 tablespoons (large);
   Seasonings: paprika, then coriander seeds, chopped ginger, also ground cinnamon, chopped basil with it, then bay leaf, red and black peppers, even nutmeg (they harmonize well);


You can choose the spices for the set yourself, but see here that they combine well and fit the meat, otherwise the shish kebab made later will not justify the hopes. To begin with, carefully mix all the selected seasonings in a bowl, pouring olive oil there.

Cut the pork, transfer to a special pan for pickling. Add the resulting seasoning mixture, mix.

All marinated for about 12 hours, periodically watch, stir, so the meat is better to "take" the spices. This recipe is better for frying on skewers than barbecue.

Onion marinade

Yes, it’s hard to imagine a barbecue dinner without onions, especially marinade. But there is a special recipe dedicated to it, when the onion is not an assistant, but a key ingredient, of course, not counting meat.

What is required:

Pork (usually 1-1.5 kg);
   Onion - a kilogram;
   Mayonnaise - 0.5 kg;


First chop the meat, then the onions in ordinary rings, then mix in a special convenient pan, adding spices with mayonnaise in turn. Pickling time is about an hour. Yes, this is an option for quick marinade. Seasoning manages to “take” the meat, just look so that all the pieces remain immersed in the marinade mixture.

By studying many recipes, trying the ones you like, you can learn how to make kebab well, gradually developing your own cooking option.

Say thanks for the article 3

The long-awaited summer came, and an increasing number of Vladivostok families began to prefer outdoor recreation. If the trip to the picnic turned out to be unplanned, then this is not a reason to refuse to make the marinade "do it yourself". The secrets of cooking the most delicious barbecue with RIA PrimaMedia were shared by the chef of the Anna cafe Suren Sarksyan.

The picnic area was the suburban cafe "Anna", on the territory of which there is a platform with barbecue for cooking and a terrace, allowing you to taste it.

Let's move on to the natural stage, which cannot be avoided - the purchase of products. The choice of meat should be approached responsibly, as it is the basis of the finished dish. We chose pork, because pork kebab is universally recognized as the most delicious. If it is cooked correctly, then on the table there will be aromatic, ruddy and juicy meat.

According to a professional in his field, who has 12 years of culinary experience, to make the barbecue really tasty, it is important that the meat is not frozen, but chilled.

If nevertheless you opted for the frozen version, pay special attention to defrosting - defrost exclusively at a temperature of +5. The slower it thaws, the better the tasty qualities and useful properties will be preserved.

Chilled pork, suitable for all characteristics, we found in the supermarket chain "Fresh 25".

So, the choice of meat has been successfully completed. The cook was pleased with the choice - the pork neck and ribs.

By the way, professionals do not advise buying ham or shoulder meat for cooking kebabs, otherwise you will be disappointed - the dish will turn out to be hard and dry.

Getting to the cutting. Be sure to pre-hide the skin, it will not be useful to us.

You need to cut the meat across the fibers in small pieces, weighing about 100 grams each. This is a whole art - the cubes should not be small, but also not too large, about 3-5 cm wide.

After cutting meat, a lover of kebabs faces an equally important question - how to cook marinade. Suren Sargsyan noted that the marinade must be prepared with your own hands. If there is not much time left, then a recipe for a delicious express marinade will help out.

Secrets of cooking from the chef. Photo by: Alexander Khitrov, RIA PrimaMedia

For cooking, we need salt, black and red (sweet) peppers, as well as seasoning. Saren Surksyan uses seasoning brought from Armenia. According to him, the townspeople can instead use a special mixture for barbecue, which is presented in any supermarket in the city.

Separate the pieces and begin to sprinkle evenly with all the necessary ingredients.

Many cooks do not add salt, holding the opinion that salt makes meat stiffer. But everything happens exactly the opposite - it opens the pores and the meat is better saturated, ”the cook said.

Then black, red pepper and seasoning.

Onion cut into half rings.

Pour water to make the meat juicy, and mix thoroughly.

To mix comfortably, use a large basin. Plastic can be taken with you and nature.

It is necessary to mix well, in good conscience, so that the marinade is evenly distributed. After marinating we cover the kebab with plastic wrap and put it in a cool place for half an hour, ”the chef said.

Note that the meat can be pickled both before leaving the house (and it will safely infuse during the journey), and to do it in nature. While you will "start" the fire, it will have time to brew.

While the meat is pickling, we have at our disposal 30 minutes to prepare the fire. To do this, we need coals, a lighter and oak firewood, which burn longer than others. Set fire and burn wood.

The barbecue is almost ready. It's time to put meat on skewers. It turned out that in this seemingly simple process, there are subtleties.

Suren Sargsyan noted that the meat should be stretched as if for metal so that not a single part of the cube would hang down to the fire. Onions on a barbecue should not be, otherwise the meat will turn black.

As a girl, this process was not easy for me. Male power is needed to pierce raw meat, also considering that the edges should be close to the skewer.

Seeing my efforts, the chef confirmed my thoughts, saying that the kebab loves men's hands.

According to Suren Sargsyan, if it is incorrect to prepare skewers, then all the previous steps can be canceled.

Every little thing is important in cooking a delicious barbecue, ”Sargsyan added.

We lay out skewers on the grill and gain patience. The flavors begin to drive crazy, and the ready barbecue still has to wait and wait.

In the process of frying it is necessary to periodically pour meat with plain water and carefully monitor that there is no fire. Heat is determined by the palm. To increase the temperature, you can use any available means, for example, a newspaper.

The meat needs to be regularly turned over so that it is evenly fried on all sides. But do not do it too often, otherwise you risk drying it out.

While the kebab is fried, have time to devote time and vegetables. They will be a great addition to a hot aromatic kebab.

The easiest way to guarantee the amazing taste of the dish is to fry vegetables on the coals, ”Suren Sargsyan believes. - Moreover, being nearby, you can continue to monitor the meat.

The chef noted that

kebab is very easy not to fry, especially if everyone is looking forward to the dish. It is better not to rush and carefully evaluate its readiness from the inside.

To do this, there is an easy and sure way - you need to make an incision on the side of the meat, allowing you to view the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe cube inside.

Kebab is ready! - the cook joyfully delivered a verdict.

Cut vegetables, herbs, pita bread and proceed to tasting. Barbecue can be decorated with onion rings.

And, of course, do not forget about tomato sauce.

So, cooking the kebab took about an hour and a half.

Shish kebabs in express marinade a la Anna


Chilled Altai pork from Fresh25 - 5 kg

Onion - 1 pc.

Salt - 100 g

Bulgarian dry red ground pepper - 100 g

Kebab seasoning

Mineral water

Roasting vegetables:

Tomato - 1 pc.

Bulgarian pepper - 1 pc.

Eggplant - 1 pc.

Cooking method:

Peel the meat from skins and films, cut into pieces about 100 g. If necessary, chop the bones with an ax. Sliced, chopped meat, salt and pepper. Cut onion into large rings, crush with your hands, mix with meat. Add seasoning. Pour mineral water. Mix everything right on the table or in a large basin. Fold in a bowl, cover with foil, put in a dark place for 30 minutes. Kindle firewood in the grill. Let them burn out.

After half an hour, string the pickled pieces on a skewer, making sure that the pieces of meat do not fit snugly together and that they do not have onions. Fry meat, turning the skewers every minute and sprinkling meat with mineral water from time to time.

After the kebab is cooked, put the vegetables in the ash (whole, not peeling). Turn over after a while. When the vegetables are baked, remove from the ash, allow to cool slightly, gently peel, cut into narrow slices, move. Serve with barbecue and herbs.