Sauerkraut for the winter in banks. Delicious sauerkraut for the winter: the whole jar is eaten at a time

11.09.2019 The drinks

Today in the article the most delicious recipes for sauerkraut prepared for the winter. For lovers of tasty and healthy food, cabbage is recognized as the number one vegetable. In the world there are a huge number of varieties of this vegetable: white, colored, red-headed, Brussels, Savoy, broccoli, kohlrabi ... All are not counted.

All these cabbage for a long time retain the trace elements and vitamins contained in it. Oddly enough, but in fermented form all the benefits remain in the cabbage much longer - up to 10 months. The mowing process, or lactofermentation, enriches the cabbage with substances that support the normal functioning of the body. In 100 g of sauerkraut, as much vitamin C as a person needs per day.

The benefits of sauerkraut:

  • prevents the growth of cancer cells;
  • activates the digestive system;
  • supports the work of the heart and blood vessels;
  • supports the nervous system;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • helps to reduce body weight;
  • reduces blood sugar;
  • used in cosmetology;
  • rejuvenates the body;
  • reduces hangover.

The process of sauerkraut is not just harvesting vegetables for the future. Cooking sauerkraut is a holiday of harvest, farewell to autumn, winter's meeting. Every nation and every mistress has its own recipe for fermenting cabbage. In every family where cabbage is harvested in this way, there are favorite additives that make the taste of the product unique.

But all these recipes have one common basic technology, following which the resulting product will be of the highest quality.

Raw material selection

For fermentation, take firm, healthy, medium-sized heads of cabbage, late or medium late varieties, better than white. To obtain 10 kg of sauerkraut take 12-13 kg of fresh vegetables.

When to ferment cabbage?

Lovers of lunar cycles start fermenting cabbage at the new moon, and even better on those days where P is present in the name, for example, on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Sunday. There is a belief that these days it turns out the most delicious and crisp cabbage.

The best sauerkraut recipes

Crispy sauerkraut - classic

  • 10 kg of cabbage;
  • 200-250 g of salt.

Cover cabbage leaves are removed from the cabbage and the stump is cut. Prepared cabbage is cut with a sharp knife or shredder. The right raw material has a width of 3-5 mm.

Cabbage noodles are mixed with salt. To crush and grind the resulting mixture is not necessary. It is enough to hold the cabbage-salt mixture in a container for no more than half an hour and the cabbage juice will stand out in the right amount.

The bottom of the barrel is covered with a layer of whole leaves, on top of which cabbage mixed with salt is laid. If a piece of rye bread is put under a layer of leaves, the fermentation process will begin faster. Each stacked layer is tamped until juice appears.

Washed whole leaves are laid with the last layer, on them an enameled lid or ceramic plate. Above is the oppression. This can be a cleanly washed cobblestone or a container of water. In any case, there should be a layer of cabbage juice above the cabbage.

A container filled with cabbage is stored at 18 - 22 degrees Celsius. During the fermentation period, it is necessary to daily remove the foam that forms on the surface and pierce the cabbage with a clean splinter twice a day, releasing the resulting gas.

A sign of the end of fermentation is clarification of the brine. Cabbage settles, becomes sourish - salty, but remains crispy.

Ready sauerkraut, to prevent further fermentation, is stored at a positive temperature, not higher than two degrees of heat.

During storage, it is necessary to constantly monitor the level of brine - it must always cover the cabbage and timely remove the emerging mold.

All other recipes appeared by adding to the main recipe certain ingredients in certain proportions.

Sauerkraut with apples

  1. Shredded cabbage 10kg;
  2. Carrots 300g;
  3. Apples 500g;
  4. Salt 250g.

It is better not to grate the carrots added to the cabbage during the fermentation, but to cut into small strips - this will preserve the white color of the cabbage. Carrots and chopped apples are mixed with cabbage and salt, and placed in a container where the fermentation process will take place.

  • Cabbage 10 kg;
  • Carrots 300g;
  • Cranberries 200g;
  • Salt 250g.

Cabbage with Caraway Seeds

  • Cabbage 10 kg
  • Carrot 500g
  • Caraway Seeds 5g
  • Salt 200g

Bay leaf cabbage

  • Cabbage 10 kg
  • Carrot 500g
  • Bay leaf 15g (25 sheets)
  • Salt 250g.

Spicy cabbage

  • Cabbage 10 kg
  • Carrot 500g
  • Caraway seeds 5g (2 tsp)
  • Coriander seeds 0.2 g (1/4 tsp)
  • Allspice 3g (10 peas)
  • Apples slices 800g;
  • Salt 100g.

On a 3-liter jar you will need:

  • Cabbage 3kg;
  • Carrots 2 pcs;
  • Salt 70g;
  • Bay leaf 10 pcs;
  • Black peppercorns 10 pcs.

Washed vegetables are ground. Chop the cabbage, chop the carrots with a grater. Vegetables are mixed and salt added. The taste mixture should be slightly more salted than needed in a salad. Add pepper and lavrushka. Everything is mixed again.

The mixture is tightly packed in a jar. The jar should be filled with the mixture to the very top, after which it is placed in a deep plate. Juice will flow into it during fermentation. Three to four days the bank should be warm (+20 - 21 ° C). During this time, cabbage is pierced daily with a wooden stick (it is convenient to use wooden skewers for barbecue or Chinese wooden sticks) to the bottom. At the end of the fermentation, the jar is closed with a capron lid and put into the refrigerator.

Video recipe for sauerkraut from Alla Kovalchuk

Instant cabbage

  • Cabbage 3kg;
  • Carrots 3 pcs;
  • Garlic 3-4 cloves;
  • Sugar 200g;
  • Salt 3 tbsp. l .;
  • Sunflower oil 250g;
  • Table vinegar 9% 200g

Shredded cabbage, carrots, chopped garlic are mixed. Sunflower oil, salt and sugar are added to one and a half liters of water. Vinegar is added to the boiled mixture and kept on fire for 2-3 minutes. Hot marinade pour vegetable mixture. After two hours, the cabbage is marinated.

Sauerkraut sliced \u200b\u200bin cans with beets

  • Cabbage 10 kg
  • Beetroot 400g
  • Carrot 300g
  • Garlic 100g
  • Cayenne pepper 50g
  • Greens 300 - 500g

Purified from external green leaves, cabbage is cut into pieces of the required size. Laying in cans in layers, they are layered with chopped carrots, beets, herbs, garlic and hot peppers.

Pour filled cans with brine: 30 g of salt is dissolved in 1 liter of water.

When the fermentation stops (the brine clarifies), the containers are cleaned in a cool place.

An old recipe for sauerkraut from the book of E. Molokhovets

The number of products is given per 40 liter capacity:

  • Cabbage 40 kg;
  • Salt 3 cups;
  • Sugar 3-4 cups;
  • Apples 15 pcs.;
  • Carrots 15 pcs.;
  • Lemons 2 pcs.;
  • Cranberries 2 cups;
  • Cardamom 60-80 grains;
  • Nutmeg color 2 tablespoons;
  • Cinnamon 2 apex;
  • Bay leaf 40 pcs.;
  • Caraway seeds 0.5 cup;
  • Water 3-4 cups.

Cook like regular sauerkraut with all the ingredients. This recipe is designed for a barrel, but in our conditions, you can divide everything by 10, then you get a 3 liter can of cabbage.

Sauerkraut in an unusual way

Slaw cabbage is combined with chopped (chopped or grated) carrots.

Prepare the brine. 100 g of salt are dissolved in one liter of boiled and chilled water. Then a raw egg is lowered into the glass and water is added, waiting until the egg floats 1 cm above the surface.

A mixture of vegetables in a colander is dipped in brine, removed and allowed to drain. Vegetables are put in a jar and compacted. The excess brine is drained, oppression is laid on the surface and left for fermentation. Foam is removed from the surface and pierced to the bottom. The fermented mixture is closed with a capron lid and put in the refrigerator.

Whole cabbage fermented

  • Cabbage 10kg
  • Salt 250g

A very economical way of fermenting cabbage: saving time - there is no need to chop cabbage and saving raw materials - even small heads of cabbage go into business. But you need a suitable container for heads of cabbage.

The preparation is to remove the upper leaves.

Dry salting. The upper leaves are removed from the prepared heads of cabbage and the stumps are cut. 1-2 heads of cabbage are crushed and mixed with salt. Whole heads of cabbage are placed in a container for fermentation, layering with salted, shredded cabbage. Next, the process goes as usual.

Wet salting. Prepared heads of cabbage, laid in a container, cover with whole cabbage leaves, establish oppression and pour brine (40 g of salt per 1 liter of water). Then everything goes as usual.

Perfect sauerkraut from Marmalade Fox (video)

Now you will find out many ways to prepare sauerkraut for the winter - try it for health!

Complement the daily menu in the form of salad, side dish or dressing for cabbage soup. The cake prepared with its use is especially tasty. The lack of heat treatment allows you to save the beneficial properties of vegetables.

Initially, sauerkraut in wooden barrels. Glass jars are also suitable for homemade fermentation, less often plastic or enameled dishes are used. For winter, fermentation recipes are selected taking into account the ingredients and the time of the fermentation.

How to ferment cabbage tasty

Simple recipe

The simplest recipe for sauerkraut does not require the preparation of brine. The appetizer is very tasty when using a minimal set of products and spices.

Pickling in the bank

It is most convenient to carry out pickling in banks. The procedure does not require additional containers, it is enough to use the usual three-liter jar. To prepare the brine, you will need a regular iron or enamel pan.

For homemade starter culture, all components should be taken in a certain amount to completely fill one jar. How to ferment cabbage in this way and how many vegetables are needed, you can find out from the recipe with a photo:

  1. 2.5 kg of cabbage is cut into strips.
  2. I chop the carrots (1 pc.) On a grater.
  3. I mix the vegetables and put them in a jar without ramming them.
  4. For the marinade, you need to boil 1.5 liters of water, add salt and sugar (2 tbsp.). The most delicious preparations always contain spices. Therefore, I add bay leaf and 3 peas of allspice to the marinade.
  5. When the brine has cooled to room temperature, fill it with a jar.
  6. Cabbage in a jar of kvash for 3 days. First, you need to put a deep plate under it.
  7. After 3 days, you need to transfer the pickled vegetables to the balcony or other cooler place.
  8. For final readiness, cabbage needs another 4 days.

Pickle Recipe

The use of brine, for which spices are needed, allows you to get a tasty snack the very next day. The instant recipe for sauerkraut includes the following steps:

  1. Cabbage with a total mass of 2.5 kg is finely chopped.
  2. Carrots (2 pcs.) Need to be grated on a coarse grater.
  3. The prepared vegetables are mixed, several peas of allspice and 2 bay leaves are added.
  4. Then the vegetable mixture is placed in a jar or other container, but not tamped.
  5. To obtain a brine, it is necessary to boil 0.8 l of water, add sugar and salt (1 tbsp each).
  6. Until the brine has cooled, it is poured into a container with vegetables.
  7. A deep plate is placed under the can and left in the kitchen.
  8. Vegetables are fermented during the day, after which it can be used as food or left for the winter.

Apple Recipe

Very tasty sauerkraut for the winter is obtained by adding apples. It is prepared according to the following recipe:

  1. First, cabbage (3 kg) is taken, which is chopped with straws.
  2. Salt (1.5 tsp) and sugar (1 tbsp.) Are added to the container with cabbage.
  3. The vegetable mass must be mashed manually so that the juice is released.
  4. Two sweet and sour apples must be peeled and peeled.
  5. On a coarse grater, carrots are rubbed (1 pc.).
  6. All components are mixed and placed in a three-liter jar.
  7. A jar of vegetables is left to ferment for two days in a warm place.
  8. Then you can put the cabbage in the refrigerator for permanent storage and use in the winter.

Beetroot Recipe

Sauerkraut goes well with many vegetables, including beets. As a result, the dish acquires a bright color and good taste. Beetroot fermentation is often used for winter harvesting.

  1. 3 kg cabbage is ground in any suitable manner.
  2. 2 pcs. Beets and carrots are rubbed on a coarse grater. Vegetables can be cut into strips or cubes.
  3. Vegetable mass is laid in a jar in layers. First place the cabbage, then beets and carrots.
  4. Then you need to chop the garlic (2 heads), which is also placed in a jar.
  5. 100 ml of table vinegar, sugar (0.1 kg), salt (1 tbsp.) And vegetable oil (100 ml) are prepared per 1 liter of water. After boiling, these components are added to hot water.
  6. Vegetables are poured with marinade, which is previously cooled to room temperature.
  7. They put oppression on the vegetable mass.
  8. After 3 days, delicious blanks can be laid out on the banks for the winter.

Horseradish and Pepper Recipe

The combination of horseradish root and hot pepper helps to make the taste more spicy. You can get such a snack if you follow a specific recipe. The indicated number of components will fill 2 cans with a capacity of 3 l each.

  1. Cabbage (4 kg) should be finely chopped into medium sized pieces.
  2. Then beets are cut into thin strips (0.15 kg).
  3. Garlic and horseradish root (50 g each) are ground in a meat grinder or blender.
  4. Separately chopped a small hot pepper (1 pc.).
  5. Finely chopped greens (parsley, dill, cilantro).
  6. The prepared components are mixed and placed in a container for starter culture.
  7. Then proceed to the preparation of brine. For it, you need to boil 2 liters of water, where salt and sugar are added (100 g each).
  8. Vegetable slices are poured with a still-cooled brine.
  9. Sour cabbage for 2-3 days, then move it to a cool place.

Cranberry Recipe

Cranberries have a high content of vitamins and minerals. This is one of the secret ingredients for making delicious home-made ingredients. The order of preparation of sauerkraut with cranberries is given in the recipe:

  1. A cabbage weighing 2 kg is chopped in any convenient way.
  2. Two medium-sized carrots are cut into strips or grated.
  3. Vegetables are mixed in one bowl, adding cumin, several bay leaves and peas of allspice.
  4. The resulting mass is placed in a jar or other container for leaven, lightly ramming it with a wooden spoon.
  5. Cranberries (100 g) are placed on top.
  6. Then they prepare the brine. It is obtained by dissolving sugar and salt in 1 liter of boiling water (1 tbsp each).
  7. When the marinade cools down a bit, they pour in the vegetable mass.
  8. You need to ferment the cabbage for 3 days, after which it is stored in the cold for storage.

Vinegar Recipe

A delicious snack does not always require a long cooking process. Sometimes 3-4 hours is enough to bring it to the table or make preparations for the winter. Quick-sauerkraut is obtained subject to a certain technology:

  1. A head of cabbage weighing 1.5 kg is cut into strips.
  2. Peel one carrot and rub it on a grater.
  3. Garlic (3 cloves) should be chopped with a knife or pass it through a garlic squeezer.
  4. Finely chopped fresh dill (1 bunch).
  5. The components are mixed in one container.
  6. A special brine is prepared for quick starter culture. Its composition includes hot water (0.9 l), salt and sugar (1 tbsp each), several bay leaves and allspice peas, olive oil (1/2 cup).
  7. Until the brine has cooled, they pour vegetables.
  8. A load in the form of a stone or a jar filled with water is placed on the vegetable mass.
  9. After 4 hours, sauerkraut is removed in the cold for storage.

Recipe with Vinegar and Caraway Seeds

Homemade preparations become tastier when spices are added. Another recipe for quickly making sauerkraut is to use vinegar essence and caraway seeds:

  1. Cabbage (1 kg) is finely chopped, after which it must be placed in a container and crushed by hand.
  2. On a grater you need to chop one carrot.
  3. Then clean one onion, which is cut into half rings.
  4. Add carrots and onions, several peas of black pepper, bay leaf (2 pcs.), Caraway seeds (1/2 tsp), Provencal herbs or other seasoning to taste in a bowl of cabbage.
  5. The vegetable mixture is thoroughly mixed and placed in a jar.
  6. Salt (2 tablespoons) and sugar (1 tablespoons) are involved in the preparation of the brine, then vinegar essence (1 tablespoons) is added. All components are placed in 1 liter of water.
  7. When the brine has cooled, they are poured vegetables.
  8. The jar is closed with a capron lid.
  9. Kvasim cabbage for 2-3 hours, after which we remove for permanent storage.

Honey Recipe

Delicious cabbage is obtained using honey. Sauerkraut in this way acquires a sweetish taste. Vegetables can be fermented immediately in glass jars in accordance with the recipe:

  1. Cabbage with a total weight of 2 kg shredded straws.
  2. Grate carrots (you can use any device to get Korean carrots).
  3. I mix the vegetables, squeeze a little with my hands and fill a three-liter jar.
  4. I get a delicious snack using an unusual marinade. In hot water (1 liter) add honey (2.5 tbsp. L.), Salt (1 tbsp. L.), Bay leaf and 2 peas of allspice.
  5. When the marinade cools down a bit, you need to pour them vegetables.
  6. I ferment vegetables for 3-4 days. At first you can leave it in the kitchen, but after a day it is recommended to move it to a cool place.

Spicy cabbage

One of the quick recipes is cooking spicy cabbage. This delicious dish got its name through the use of anise, caraway seeds and dill seeds.

  1. It is recommended to start cooking homemade preparations with a marinade. Boil water (1 liter) in a saucepan, then add honey and salt (1.5 tsp each). According to the recipe for spices, not too much is required, ½ teaspoon is enough. dry anise, caraway seeds and dill seeds.
  2. While the marinade is cooling, you can proceed to slicing cabbage (2 kg) and carrots (1 pc.).
  3. Vegetables are mixed, and it is necessary to mash them with your hands.
  4. Then the ingredients are placed in a jar and pour in a warm marinade.
  5. This is one of the fastest ways to get delicious sauerkraut. The time to final cooking is one day.


Homemade produce is rarely dispensed with sauerkraut. Spices, honey, cranberries, apples or beets are used depending on the method of producing tasty blanks.

You can cook cabbage according to a quick recipe, then the whole process will take no more than a day. For pickling, wooden or glass containers are selected and the necessary conditions are created.

It is believed that sauerkraut is very useful, namely:

Rules for the preparation of sauerkraut

It is advisable to choose cabbage of late varieties, for lack of use medium-late. Early cabbage can’t be fermented according to all the rules, as it has loose heads and leaves that have a bright, green color. Such cabbage does not have enough sugar, so the fermentation processes are significantly slowed down.

If the hostess decides to add carrots to the cabbage, one must adhere to the rule: carrots should be approximately 3% of all components of the dish.

If it is necessary to ferment 1 kg of cabbage, then, respectively, carrots will need only 30 g. The salt should be large. It should be remembered that iodized is not suitable.

To make the dish more useful, you can use sea salt, but you should check that it is not iodized.

This information can be seen on the packaging.

Many people practice the use of various additives that serve for taste and benefit: cumin, beets, use bay leaf, which gives the cabbage a special fragrant aroma.

Sauerkraut recipe for the winter

This recipe is designed for cooking sauerkraut crisp.


  • white cabbage - usually one large fork weighs 3-4 kg;
  • carrots - 4-5 pieces, if it is medium in size. Often choose juicy;
  • salt - three full, but without the top, tablespoons;
  • dill seeds - 1-2 tablespoons, add to taste. You need dill with umbrellas, which is enough during the creation of flaps for the winter.

Cabbage is thoroughly washed and carefully cleaned of top, dirty or rotten leaves. You can chop it with an ordinary knife, if possible use a special shredder.

Some housewives prefer to rub it with a Berner grater, in this case it is possible to adjust the width of the future sauerkraut, making it thick, medium or very thin.

After shredding, the cabbage is neatly folded into a previously prepared, clean, enameled basin, and a large pan will do.

It must be remembered that it is forbidden to use aluminum utensils for salting cabbage. In the tank, it begins to crush with your hands, gradually pouring salt in small portions. Soon, the cabbage should start the allocation of juice, then you need to leave it to be salted for 1-2 hours.

Dill seeds should be washed well, finely chopped and also sprinkled with cabbage. All ingredients are mixed with grinding movements.

After making sure that all the components are mixed well enough, the hostess can lay out the cabbage in banks.

Each time it is necessary to compact tightly so that the cabbage is not higher than the shoulders of the can. Leave room for brine, which will quickly begin to stand out.

After stacking all the ingredients in jars, it is necessary to stack them, as far as possible, not on flat, but on deepened dishes.

Such actions are necessary if there is a risk of leaking brine. The jar is left to ferment for 2-3 days.

The exact time needed to prepare the cabbage optimal for taste is calculated depending on the total temperature in the apartment. Leaving cans with cabbage for fermentation, do not cover them with a lid.

The willingness of the cabbage can be determined if it has noticeably turned white, and the juice has ceased to stand out. Jars of salted cabbage are covered with plastic lids.

They can be placed in the refrigerator and in the cellar. Many people prefer to immediately eat the first jar to take a sample from the closure.

Whole cabbage for the winter

Cabbage can be fermented not only cut into small slices, but also whole heads of cabbage.

Especially large of them, those that exceed 18 cm in diameter, are cut into several parts.

For such a cabbage, large-diameter dishes are necessary. The product is stacked in layers, alternating large parts with finely chopped cabbage. All layers need to be well compacted. For 10 kg of cabbage, 300 g of salt is needed.

Some prefer to harvest large heads of cabbage without the addition of small cabbage. For cooking, you need a capacious barrel, on the bottom of which cabbage leaves are laid out without gaps. Heads are not laid to the top, covered with large leaves.

Heads of cabbage should be watered with brine until it covers the topmost layer. The standard brine recipe is simple: you need to mix 10 liters of water with 800 g of salt.

Sauerkraut without salt

Raw foodists prefer to make food as healthy as possible, so they try not to add salt to the closures. To prepare 2 heads of cabbage, you need 700-800 g of carrots.

It is recommended to add ½ tsp to the dish. ground pepper, Korean or chili is considered the most suitable. Dry ground paprika is required, 60g is enough.

Cabbage is chopped coarsely, carrots are usually cut into slices. The ingredients are placed in the dishes, seasoning is added, it is not necessary to wrinkle.

It is necessary to take three-liter jars, place cabbage in them and crush with a wooden crush to a dense state. To the neck should remain 10 cm. Cabbage is filled with clean water until the leaves are completely covered with it.

The cabbage is loaded in the form of plastic bottles of water. Every two hours, the product is pressed down with a load until excess carbon dioxide is released. After 2 days, the cabbage is ready for use or installed in a cellar or refrigerator.

Sauerkraut, harvested in any way, can only bring benefits. If you correctly measure the amount of all ingredients, observe the cooking technology, then this dish will delight the family all winter.

We will never know how many sauerkraut recipes actually exist. Each family has its own favorite recipe, which is passed from grandmother to mother, and from mother to daughter. Recipes are shared at work and just next door. They are found in numerous magazines and cookbooks, as well as on the Internet.

And it would seem that everyone already has their favorite recipes that are well-established over the years. But still, every time I stumble upon another new cooking option, you get to know him with interest, buy a head of cabbage, and try to cook a favorite and tasty snack with it.

And there is no end to these options: fermented this vegetable crop and simply with salt, and with the addition of salt and sugar; harvested with and without brine; with vinegar, and without vinegar; finely cut into strips, or lay in a container for salting quarters; vary the amount of carrots; add additional components in the form of apples, berries, all kinds of peppers; use various spices, seeds and leaves. And finally, fermented in cans, pots, tubs and barrels.

There are recipes thanks to which the finished product can already be consumed 2 hours after cooking, these are the so-called quick ways.

Sour for three days and up to a week, these are the so-called methods of natural fermentation. And we have already considered some of them in previous articles. I will try to place links to these articles in the relevant sections.

But despite the fact that we already have enough recipes in our piggy bank, “behind the scenes” there are still very interesting options that I would also like to offer you.

  Classic sauerkraut - basic principles

Despite all of the above salting methods and methods, there is a classic way by which we all basically make our harvest for the winter. According to him, the product must be cleaned and cut into strips. And you can chop it with a chop if there is a corresponding trough. Even about 30 years ago, in our Urals, such a wooden trough with a section was probably in every family.

In our family, this device also existed, but it did not take root. Both my mother and father come from Central Asia, and there she was always only cut for salting. Apparently we are so used to it that the chopped vegetable did not take root in our house. However, among my friends, many people only use this method of grinding.

After shredding the main product, pour it with salt and knead well. And to get a more crispy snack, you can just mix it with salt (and sometimes with sugar). Carrots are added in accordance with taste preferences, and the region of salting, someone adds more, someone quite a bit.

Then chopped and mixed vegetables are put in a pan, tub or jar, oppression is established and the container with contents is left to stand for a certain time, first at room temperature, then in a cool room. The appetizer is kept in the cold.

An important stage of preparation is the formation of juice, and it will be it that will contribute to the ongoing processes of fermentation and pickling.

During the starter process, gases will form, so the contents of the pan must be pierced with a wooden stick several times a day.

  Crispy sauerkraut cooked for the winter in a classic way

This recipe gives the classic proportions for pickling. And the way we will cook is also universal.

We will need:

  • cabbage - 10 kg
  • carrots - 200 gr
  • salt - 200 gr
  • sugar - 50 gr

If you do not need such an amount of the finished product, then simply proportionally reduce the number of ingredients.


1. Chop potatoes, either with a knife or with a shredder. To whom it is more convenient, but it is necessary that the resulting straw is the same in thickness and long in appearance.

Fold the sliced \u200b\u200bvegetable into the basin. For ease of preparation, you can divide the components into equal parts. Because cutting and placing immediately 10 kilograms of vegetable will be difficult.

2. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater.

3. Then you need to slightly grind the slices with salt and sugar. But this procedure can be omitted if it is already very juicy with us. This is done at will, who loves more.

If you do not grind it, then it turns out more crispy.

4. Then combine the vegetables and mix again.

5. Prepare a large pot or tub or barrel and lay the leaves on the bottom, then mixed vegetables in layers. Each layer should be tamped very tightly. This can be done using cams or a wooden crush.

6. When the whole vegetable mass is over, the top should be covered with clean gauze. Top with a wooden circle of the appropriate size, or a flat large plate. Then put oppression.

It can be a clean cobblestone or a 3 liter can of water.

7. Leave the container with the workpiece at room temperature for 2 to 3 days, daily piercing the contents two or three times with a wooden stick to the bottom. In this way we release the gases, and the cabbage spirit that has accumulated inside.

Every time we remove oppression and gauze for this. Rinse gauze every other day in warm water.

8. After 3 days, the fermentation process should stop and this will be a signal that it is time to move the workpiece into a colder room. According to the rules, the sauerkraut must be kept for another two to three weeks at a temperature of 16 - 18 degrees, and only then cleaned in the cold. During this period, pierce the contents with a stick once or twice a day.

But, sometimes, this rule is violated, and they take it out to the cold earlier.

There are many recipes, and therefore the degree of leaven in all of them turns out to be different.

In general, you should know one rule. If you ferment cabbage by natural fermentation, then in the first 3 to 4 days it is better not to take the sample. If the vegetable contains nitrates, then during this time, they turn into compounds that are more harmful to the body, they are called nitrites.

Then the decay process begins, and it ends only on the 7-8th day. Therefore, there are recommendations, following which, you can start eating it no earlier than 10 days after yeast.

According to the same recipe, you can ferment it with quarters.

  A very tasty way to ferment cabbage with quarters according to the classic recipe

In principle, quarters can be fermented according to any of the recipes offered today. There is nothing complicated about it. And the recipe remains almost unchanged.

As a rule, part of the vegetable is chopped, as usual, and one or two heads of cabbage are cut in fairly large pieces.

For salting, you can cut them in quarters. Or cut the head into 6-8 parts if it is too big.

If salt in a large pot or tub, then the pieces can be large. If we use a three-liter jar as a container for salting, then the size of the pieces can be reduced. This must be done to make them easier to stack.

There are only two ways to cut.

  1. The head of cabbage is cut into pieces, while the stump is not cut out and remains in place. Thanks to it, the leaves do not fall apart, and the particles are convenient to get out.
  2. But there is an opinion that in the stump all undesirable compounds are collected, which are deposited there when using fertilizers. Therefore, it is recommended to cut the stump.

I follow this advice, and not even because these compounds scare me. Even if fresh heads of cabbage are brought to me from the dacha, I still remove the stump, since I think that the pieces are better and more evenly salted.

And so, we have two kinds of chopped cabbage. The proportions of the ingredients and the method of salting are taken from the previous classic recipe. We will salt in a large saucepan.

Line the bottom of the pan with leaves. Then add salted and mixed vegetable mixture. About half. Tamp it thoroughly using fists for this.

Then sprinkle each cabbage cut into pieces with a small amount of salt and rub it inside. Put on top of cut and tamped pieces. Also do with all quarters cut into pieces.

Put the remaining chopped mixture on top. Cover with leaves and gauze. Put oppression.

Ferment as usual. For an example, you can see the previous recipe.

  Juicy cabbage for the winter, pickled in brine in a 3 liter jar

This recipe was shared with me by my friend - a big fan of cooking something delicious. A feature of this recipe is that the prepared snack is not very acidic. When cooking it does not need to be wrinkled and rubbed with salt. Also, she does not need oppression. All this facilitates the preparation of your favorite dish.

We need (for a 3 liter jar):

  • white cabbage - 3 kg
  • carrots - 100 - 150 gr

For brine:

  • water - 1 liter
  • salt - 1 tbsp. spoon with a slide
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon with top


1. Chop the vegetable in any convenient way, the main thing is a very thin straw.

2. Rub carrots on a coarse grater. Its weight is approximate, it all depends on taste preferences. Someone likes to add more, and someone adds a little bit. Therefore, grate one thing first, when you mix it with the slices, look enough or not. If necessary, you can always add more.

3. Mix the ingredients and put in a 3 liter jar thoroughly washed and scalded with boiling water. Fill it very tightly, literally tamping it. Do not lay it out to the end, leave a place for brine. It will be enough to put cans up to the shoulders, or even a little lower.

4. Prepare the brine. To do this, take 1 liter of unboiled water. It is best to purchase bottled water for this at the store. You can use your own if you live in your own house and have a well. In this case, of course, you need to be completely confident in its quality. For this, special examinations are carried out.

Pour salt into the water and mix thoroughly until it is completely dissolved.

5. Pour the brine into cans. For better water to go inside, pierce the contents of the can with a wooden stick or skewer, while adding the missing brine. And so, until he completely covers the entire contents of the container.

6. Put the jar in a deep bowl. During fermentation, a lot of juice will appear, which will merge into this bowl. You don’t need to pour it, we will still need it.

7. Cover the top of the can with the back of the capron lid and leave it in this condition for two to three days. Time will depend on what air temperature will be in the room. The hotter, the less time.

8. During all this time, the contents of the jar will need to be pierced to the bottom with a wooden stick or skewer. If there is neither one nor the other, then you can use ordinary skewers for barbecue.

This must be done. During the ongoing fermentation processes, gases will form inside the jar, which will need to be exhausted. If you leave them, then the snack will turn out to be bitter in taste.

It is necessary to pierce the contents of the jar at least twice a day, but it is possible more often.

9. After two to three days, pour the juice from the can directly into the bowl in which it was located. Stir the sugar in it until it is completely dissolved. Sugar you need to add 1 full tablespoon with a slide per liter of brine.

10. Pour the resulting brine back into the jar. Leave for another day. All this time, the brine must necessarily cover all the cabbage. To do this, you can slightly heat it with a spoon.

During these 24 hours, pierce the contents of the can 2 to 3 times to the bottom.

11. Store in the refrigerator, or in the basement, or on the loggia - in general, in the cold.

Use in any form - in salads, vinaigrettes, in the preparation of soups and main dishes.

  Crispy cabbage, pickled with cold water in a wooden tub or bucket

We will need:

  • white cabbage - 3 kg
  • carrots - 2 pcs.

For brine:

  • water - 1 liter
  • salt - 2 tbsp. spoons with a slide
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon without slide


1. Vegetable chop. If there is a shredder for this, then this is just wonderful. Thanks to her, the vegetable is cut with a long thin straw, and the workpiece is obtained not only tasty, but also beautiful.

Do not cut the whole head at once. Half will be enough for a start.

2. Put the chopped vegetable in a bowl or tray and pour half of the salt and sugar. Grate gently until the contents are slightly moistened. But not much.

3. Rub carrots on a coarse grater. Add half to the basin and mix, preferably with your hands. Thus, everything mixes more evenly.

4. Put the prepared vegetables in a bucket, or pan, and firmly press them with a fist.

5. The same thing to do with the remaining half. And also tightly lay the vegetable mass in a bucket.

6. Prepare the brine. To do this, boil a liter of water, and add salt and sugar to it, in accordance with the recipe. Then allow it to cool completely, and then pour the vegetable mass in a bucket.

7. From above lay a clean marlechka. Put a flat plate and put oppression. Leave in this position for 3 to 4 days. Every day, the contents should be mixed, or pierced with a wooden stick.

After a while, foam will appear, it can be removed.

Also, every day you need to rinse the marlka and a flat plate in warm water, then cover them with our billet again.

8. After 3 to 4 days, it should be taken out in the cold, and let it stand there for another week. Then the appetizer can be served at the table. It is very tasty with butter and chopped onions.

  Crisp and juicy instant cabbage - harvesting methods

Currently, we all live in a very fast rhythm. Therefore, the so-called “quick recipes” are gaining more and more popularity, no matter what sphere of cooking it concerns. The preparations for the winter - five-minute jam, salads for the winter “whip up”, and naturally various other instant preparations — are also not neglected. Including sauerkraut.

For quick starter culture, methods such as pouring with hot brine and using vinegar are mainly used. There are simply a huge number of cooking options and variations. For example, softer apple cider vinegar, or citric acid, may be used instead of regular vinegar. Although there are recipes where vinegar is not used at all.

If you ferment in the traditional way, then all the same, even for fast cooking, you need at least two to three days. And I already suggested on the pages of my blog.

But there are still a lot of interesting and tasty recipes. I propose to consider some of them in this section.

  Sauerkraut cooked in 12 hours in brine with vinegar

This recipe is interesting in that in addition to carrots, we will use prunes and garlic in it. But if you do not want to add such components, then do not add, or add one thing. Although, if you prepare such a blank with all the ingredients offered, you can get an unusual and very interesting taste.

Instead of prunes, you can add raisins. It will also turn out delicious.

As you will see, in the composition of the products, carrots, prunes and garlic are proposed to be added in a sufficiently large amount. And this is just the highlight of this recipe.

We will need:

  • cabbage - 2 kg
  • carrots - 500 gr
  • prunes - 300 gr (pitted)

For brine:

  • water - 800 ml
  • sugar - 1 cup
  • vegetable oil - 1 cup
  • vinegar 6% - 1 cup
  • salt - 2 tbsp. spoons


1. Cut the cabbage into slices with a side of 2.5 - 3 cm. This is if you want the appetizer to be ready in 12 hours. If there is time, then it can be cut and a little larger.

2. Rub carrots on a coarse grater. Prune cut into small strips. Chop the garlic; the method does not play a special role. You can grind it very finely, or you can cut it into thin plates.

3. Prepare a pot of the appropriate volume. Put cabbage in the first layer. Sprinkle it with a portion of carrots, prunes and garlic. Then repeat the layers in the same sequence until all prepared components are over.

4. Prepare a pickle, it's a marinade. To do this, boil water and add all the components to it. Give them the opportunity to completely disperse. Then pour boiling marinade over the contents of the pan.

5. Squeeze the contents with a flat plate and leave it in this position for at least 12 hours. After the allotted time, the appetizer should be put in the refrigerator and stored there.

It becomes the most delicious on the third - fourth day, although after 12 hours it is completely ready for use.

  Delicious cabbage in a quick way per day

Although this recipe is also prepared with the presence of vinegar, but still it is worth it to tell about it. It is interesting in that the fermentation process can be stopped when necessary, just with the help of vinegar. Therefore, it will not be necessary to wait 3 to 4 days until all fermentation processes end.

Stopping them yourself, you can already eat a snack in a day. And if the house is very hot, then after 12 hours.

We need (on a three-liter jar):

  • cabbage - 2 kg
  • carrots - 300 gr
  • vinegar essence 70% - 1 tsp
  • bay leaf - 3 pcs.
  • black pepper peas - 9 pcs.
  • aspirin - 3 tablets

For lovers of garlic, it can also be added. One - two cloves will be quite enough.

For brine:

  • water - 1 liter
  • salt - 2 tbsp. spoons with a slide
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons without slides


1. Chop the vegetable as usual. Since we will have prepared quite a lot of brine, you may need a little less than 2 kg of vegetable. But nothing, the remaining slices can be used to make the salad.

2. Grate the carrots, too, as usual.

3. Put chopped and shabby vegetables in a basin, mix and slightly press down with your palms. The movement is similar to how we knead the dough. But press hard, and do not need to crush vegetables.

4. Prepare the brine. To do this, boil water, and pour salt and sugar into it.

6. Immediately put an aspirin tablet, bay leaf and three peppercorns in it.

7. Put the vegetable mixture, filling it with half a can. If you use garlic, then add it just in the middle. Previously, it can be crushed, or cut into thin plates.

8. Put the aspirin tablet, bay leaf and three peppercorns again.

9. Spread the remaining vegetable mass to the shoulders of the jar. Put the aspirin tablet, bay leaf and pepper on top again. If the brine does not reach the neck itself, but completely covers the contents, leave it that way. During fermentation processes, the juice will bubble and drain down. Therefore, the jar needs to be put in a bowl.

If the brine was not enough, then you can just add a little boiling water.

10. The can should stand at room temperature for 12-14 hours. Then pierce its contents to the bottom with a wooden stick. Pierce three more times during the day to let out gas bubbles.

If the house is warm enough, then the cabbage will be ready in 24 hours. If it’s cool, then it will take another 12 hours. During all this time, do not forget to release gas bubbles.

11. Well, the last stage - we stop the fermentation process. To do this, pour vinegar essence on top. Pierce the vegetable mixture with a stick again so that the vinegar is evenly distributed. Then put in the refrigerator for storage.

You can serve with oil and onions, or by adding the necessary vegetables, and cooking vinaigrette. You can also cook cabbage soup and vegetable stew. In any form, it will be delicious.

  Video on how to cook a quick appetizer in a simple way without adding vinegar

This is the easiest recipe where only cabbage, carrots and salt are used. For quick souring, water is also used. The author claims that the finished product can be eaten in a day.

Also in this video you can see how to cut a head of cabbage if you do not have a shredder. How to mix it and gently knead it with carrots. As well as how to fill cans.

After all, all recipes are essentially similar to one another. There are only some nuances that distinguish them from each other. And thanks to these small nuances, the taste of the finished dish is different.

  Juicy sauerkraut for the winter in banks

Currently, a lot of people for the winter harvest pickled milk in banks. This is undoubtedly very convenient, especially when you live in a small apartment.

This vegetable crop is now sold almost all year round. Therefore, at any time, you can buy a head of cabbage in the store and ferment it with one of the known methods. At the same time, it is very convenient to store the workpiece in a bank in the refrigerator. The size of the can can be chosen at your discretion, it can be either a half liter or three liter.

And if it is problematic to store it in the refrigerator - there is no place, or the refrigerator itself, then the cans can be closed with iron lids. And then such an appetizer will be stored all winter somewhere in the apartment in a cool place. For example, my friends keep blanks under the bed.

  A delicious winter recipe in liter jars with carrots and apples

When you want to add some flavor to a familiar dish, I use this recipe. I cook a little, 1 liter jar. Just for a change.

It turns out very tasty. The taste of apples is especially interesting. Because of them, in general, I cook.

We need (per liter jar):

  • cabbage - 1 kg
  • apples - 1 - 2 pcs.
  • carrots - 1 pc
  • salt - 1 tbsp. spoon without slide
  • sugar - 1 tsp

You can add a pinch of cumin for taste and aroma. But it is optional.


1. Head the chopped thin straw.

2. Add salt and sugar, and grate it gently with your hands until it is slightly moistened.

3. Grate peeled and washed carrots on a coarse grater. Add to the resulting mass and mix. At the same time, there is no need to reap. Under the influence of salt and juice formed in the container, carrots themselves will give the right amount of additional juice.

4. Peel the apples, remove the core and cut into slices. If the apple is large, then it will be enough to take only one, if small, then two. Add slices to the vegetable mass and mix gently so as not to damage their integrity.

If you have prepared caraway seeds, then add it. However, do not get carried away very much. Caraway belongs to such category of spices with which it is better not to overdo it.

5. Put the mixture in a clean jar and ram it tightly there, crushing it with a fist.

To prevent it from popping up, put a cabbage leaf on top. Then cover with the back of the capron lid, but so that the juice can drain freely.

6. Put the jar in a bowl. When the fermentation process begins, a lot of juice is formed, which will drain into it. Leave it in this position for salting for 3 days. During this time, it must be maintained at room temperature.

Also, two to three times a day, the contents will need to be pierced with a wooden stick or skewer in order to release the gas accumulated inside.

It is better to remove the resulting foam, and if there is not enough juice, then you can pour the one that flowed into the bowl.

7. After three days, tightly seal the contents with a capron lid and put in the refrigerator for storage.

Eating seasoned with butter, you can crumble onion into a salad. By removing the apples and eating them separately, you can use the workpiece for the preparation of vinaigrette.

  Sauerkraut in 3 liter jars with apples and lemon juice (funky taste)

This is a very interesting recipe, according to which apples added to the appetizer taste like pineapples. Also, the pickled appetizer acquires a light, slightly perceptible aroma of lemon, due to the added lemon juice.

In general, a recipe worthy of our attention.

We will ferment in three-liter jars. Although if you decide to harvest in a larger volume, you can use both the pan and the tub for salting.

We need (for a 3 liter jar):

  • cabbage - 2.5 kg
  • apples - 2 pcs (medium)
  • carrots - 2 pcs (small)
  • lemon juice
  • salt - 60 g (2 - 2.5 tbsp.spoons with a slide)

For 1 kg of vegetable, add 1 tablespoon of salt with a slide.


1. Head of cabbage cut into thin strips. Grate the carrots. Remove the core from the apple and cut it into cubes, or medium-sized slices. If the apple has a thick skin, then it can be cleaned.

2. Put cabbage in a basin and pour salt. Rub lightly with your hands, so that it is slightly moistened.

3. Add carrots with apples. Mix everything, best with your hands.

4. Put the mixture in a clean jar, thoroughly crushing each new layer with a cam. Leave some free space on top for the juice, which will soon begin to appear.

5. Leave the jar at room temperature by placing it in a bowl. This is necessary so that the juice flows into it. Kvas at this temperature, it will be 3 days. During this time, 3-4 times a day, pierce the vegetable mass with a skewer or wooden stick to the bottom, releasing gas.

6. Then close the lid and store in the refrigerator.

  According to a delicious recipe, sauerkraut for the winter with beets in brine

According to this recipe, it is fermented in the Caucasus. For those who like savory food, the recipe will definitely appeal to you. Men especially like him.

We need (for a 2 liter jar):

  • cabbage - 900 gr -1 kg
  • beets - 1 pc
  • garlic - 2 small heads
  • hot peppers - 1 pc (to taste)
  • salt - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • water - 1 liter


1. Have a head of cabbage cut out a stump and cut it into fairly large pieces. So that they can fit in the bank.

2. Beets peeled and cut into plates. Garlic also cut into plates.

3. Of particular importance in this appetizer is hot peppers. You should take a variety that is quite bitter, although not chili. From how strong and bitter the pepper will be, such a sharpness will turn out a snack as a whole. It is also necessary to take into account the taste of those who will eat such an appetizer. Therefore, if you have very bitter pepper available, take only half of it, or a little more, or less. In any case, it is at your discretion.

You can add it and just a little bit. In this case, the snack will be less spicy.

Pepper clear of seeds and cut into thick rings.

4. In a clean jar scalded with boiling water, put the first part of the beets with the first layer. Then add a portion of hot pepper and garlic.

5. Then lay out a layer of cabbage. Then continue to lay out in the same sequence until we fill the entire container. Spread out quite tightly so that there is as little free space as possible.

To do this, the top layer can be tamped with a wooden crusher.

6. Prepare the brine. Boil a liter of water and stir salt in it. Pour them vegetables in a jar. In this case, the jar can immediately be put in a bowl, where the juice will pour, which will soon begin to ferment.

7. Put the cabbage leaf on top and set the oppression. It can a smaller jar filled with water.

8. After a day, gas bubbles begin to appear on the surface, and the juice will pour into a bowl. In this case, the ingredients will begin to ferment and settle. In this case, the juice from the bowl can be poured back.

9. Maintain the snack in this position for 5-6 days. But it is better that from the third day she would stand somewhere on the windowsill, where it is not so warm, but not cold.

After this time, close the lid and put it in the refrigerator for storage. This is the case if you do not eat all at once. The appetizer is very - very tasty!

  Tasty cabbage of natural fermentation according to the grandmother's recipe with cold water

This method was often used in the villages before, and our grandmothers prepared pickled milk on it. The workpiece turns out crispy, white and very tasty.

And this method of ambassador came to us from the Volga region.

We will need:

  • white cabbage - 2 kg
  • medium carrot - 2 pcs.
  • water - 800 ml
  • salt - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • black pepper peas - 7 - 8 pcs.
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.


1. Chop the vegetable with a thin, long straw. Put in a basin and rub it gently with your hands. Just a little bit, so that it is only slightly moistened.

2. Grate the carrots. Add to the basin and mix everything.

3. Break the bay leaf into several parts and add to the total mass. If you are not a fan of this component, then you can do without it.

Also add pepper peas, and mix again.

4. Prepare the brine. We will use raw cold water for this. It is better to buy it in a store in a bottle. Add salt and sugar to the water and mix until they are completely dissolved.

5. Transfer the vegetable mixture to a clean three-liter jar, ramming them tightly there. Then fill the contents with brine. Pierce several times with a wooden stick or skewer so that the brine passes inside.

If suddenly the brine is not enough, then you can simply add water. There is already enough salt and sugar, and everything will disperse as it should.

6. Put the jar in a bowl so that the resulting juice merges into it. It can then be added back to the bank.

7. Leave for fermentation for 2 to 3 days. Time will depend on the room temperature. Fermentation processes will begin around the end of the first day, and this can be seen by the fact that gas bubbles will appear on the surface.

They need to be released from the inside. To do this, 2 to 3 times a day, the contents of the cans should be pierced with something sharp to the bottom. It can be a wooden stick, or a skewer.

8. As soon as you see that the bubbles have ceased to form, this is a signal that it is time for the jar to be cleaned in the cold. After the workpiece has stood there for a week, it can already be served to the table.

Such a blank with onion and butter is very tasty. At the same time, many add unrefined oil to feel a real rustic smell. So they once ran their favorite snack in the village of my grandmother.

  Crispy tasty cabbage with vodka

There is also such a recipe, where during the preparation of this pickled appetizer, a strong alcoholic drink is added to it. That is, it turns out “two in one” - both a drink and a snack at once. This is the favorite recipe for all men.

But seriously, all the alcohol disappears somewhere. After only 3 to 4 hours, there is no trace left of it - neither taste, nor smell. And vodka in this recipe serves as a kind of preservative. Thanks to it, the fermentation process ends, and the snack is perfectly stored.

And it turns out according to this recipe is transparent and crispy, and therefore I met the same recipe in the literature with the name "Crystal Cabbage".

We will need:

  • cabbage - 1 kg
  • carrots - 1 pc (small)
  • salt - 1 tbsp. spoon (exactly)
  • sugar - 1/3 tbsp. spoons
  • allspice - 3 pcs.
  • mustard seeds - 1 tsp
  • dill seeds - 1 tsp
  • vodka - 1 tbsp. a spoon

Please note that the proportions are given per 1 kg of vegetable. From this amount, you get about one liter can. If you want to prepare the workpiece in larger quantities, then simply proportionally increase the amount of all the ingredients. Exactly the exact proportions will give a very tasty and desired result.


1. Head in any known manner. Try to chop so that the cut is thin and long. It is especially good to use a shredder for this.

2. Peel the carrots and grate on a coarse grater. For this recipe, you can take a very small carrot to add a little bright color. The main color of the workpiece should be white.

3. Mix the vegetables in a bowl or tray. Sprinkle with salt and sugar. And grate the contents slightly. Please note that in the recipe per kilogram of the main vegetable, it is suggested to use exactly 1 tablespoon of salt.

To measure this amount, you need to put salt in a spoon, and then remove all unnecessary cutting surface, or the back of the knife.

4. Add all the spices and mix until they are evenly distributed throughout the mass.

5. Prepare a jar. In order to wash it and scald with boiling water. Firmly lay the vegetable mass in the cooled container, ramming each layer with a cam. Put the jar in a bowl where the fermented juice will merge.

6. Leave for 3 days at room temperature. Poke the contents of the can 3-4 times a day with a wooden stick or skewer to release the gas formed inside.

7. After three days, pour vodka, pour the leaked juice and put it in the refrigerator, or on the loggia.

Two days later, the harvesting is ready for the winter. Crispy, translucent, without a trace of alcohol, and delicious, just words can not describe.

  How to ferment cabbage at home

We have already sauerkraut in many different ways. And although they are all different, and obtained with different taste combinations and notes, for all of them there are general rules. Observing them, you can achieve an excellent result in any of the proposed recipes.

Therefore, in order not to run through all the articles, I decided to collect all the rules in one place. I think it will be convenient for everyone. I read about the features of cooking, and you can proceed to any recipe. After all, if each of them describes all these important points, then there will be no place for the recipes themselves.

  How to choose a head for salting in appearance

Sometimes you salt the cabbage according to the same recipe, and its taste is always different. Sometimes it turns out to be very acidic, sometimes it can’t even start to ferment at all. Sometimes it is perfectly stored, and sometimes it quickly soups. Let's figure out why this happens.

In order to ensure that our harvest for the winter always turns out to be tasty and crispy, and also well stored, it is necessary to choose large heads of cabbage with light leaves for salting. Even better, if the heads of cabbage are seized by the first frost, and such forks may even burst slightly.

This is an excellent indicator - it means the head of cabbage has fully matured, and has absorbed a lot of healthy juices and nutrients. The leaves of such a vegetable are juicy, tasty, slightly sweet in taste. When you cut it, it crunches under the knife and bursts, and the juice splashes.

The presence of a sweet taste indicates that the leaves have accumulated the required amount of sugar. It is he who contributes to the onset and passage of fermentation processes. Rather, these processes are triggered by lactic acid bacteria located in the same leaves, and sugar is their food.

As a rule, autumn varieties are used for salting. It happens that when buying it is difficult to find out from the seller what kind of variety he is selling, so you have to rely on your knowledge. In general, there are varieties that are specially grown for salting. These are such autumn grades as Glory, Valentine, Amager, Gift and others.

There are so-called mid-ripening varieties, which are also great for pickling. These are Moscow, Belarus, Sibiryachka, Slavyanka, Stakhanovka, etc.

Recently, store shelves were filled with heads of Kolobok variety. Her forks are not very large, the leaves are dark green, dense, dry and sinewy. Such a salt can not be salted. It is stored well, but it’s not suitable for salting. Never buy one - just torment yourself!

When buying a vegetable for salting, be sure to ask the seller. when he was brought to the store. If she lay there for a long time, then there was no juice left in her. This means that the fermentation process will not work either, which means it will not ferment and will not be stored.

But if it has just been brought from the field, and it is tight, elastic. The upper integumentary leaves on it are light, elastic, without any signs of rot and dryness. She herself is white, juicy, with a fresh slice in the area of \u200b\u200bthe stump - this is the cabbage that should be taken for pickling.

Always be very responsible when choosing a core product. The recipe may be even the best, but if you make a mistake with the choice, then you will get no sauerkraut ...

  How to ferment cabbage so that it is tasty and crispy

In this section, we will briefly dwell on all stages of preparation. We could see all of them in each of the recipes. And here we will try to combine them in one place.

1. It is better to chop the vegetable with a long thin straw. To do this, you can use a shredder or knife. And before she was slashed in a wooden trough.

2. Carrots are added in such quantities as those who like more. In different regions of our large country, carrots are also treated differently. Somewhere it’s added quite a bit, so that the finished snack is white, and somewhere else a lot is added. In general, the standard proportion is 5: 1. That is, for 5 kg of cabbage, only 100 grams of carrots are added.

3. The amount of salt and sugar also varies. If you again take the standard, then it is again 5: 1, that is, for 5 kg of cabbage 100 grams of salt. But since all recipes are different, then you can see that salt is always added in a different way.

Instead of sugar, honey is often used. In principle, sugar can always be replaced with sugar in any recipe.

4. You can ferment it in any container convenient for this - these are banks, pans, pots, and barrels.

5. In order for fermentation processes to begin, the formation of juice is necessary. Therefore, the chopped vegetable is slightly pinched with hands. If it is juicy in itself, then it is not necessary to crumple. She herself will give the juice, and remain crunchy at the same time.

6. Throughout the entire fermentation process, and then storage, slicing should be in brine. He is a preservative and guarantor of its storage. In brine, it will not peroxide and will not deteriorate.

7. During the passage of the fermentation process, bubbles form inside and on the surface. This is the gas that needs to be released. If this is not done, then the finished product will be bitter. She herself, as a product, has a light bitterness, and gas will greatly enhance the undesirable taste. Until it is removed in the cold, at least once or twice a day, it is necessary to release gas with something sharp.

8. The ideal temperature for storing the workpiece is 0 + 2 degrees. Therefore, if you store it in a refrigerator where the temperature is only 4 degrees, do not procure it much. Otherwise, it can peroxide there.

And in conclusion, I would like to say that sauerkraut is a healthy product. And all its useful qualities are difficult to overestimate. It activates metabolic processes, improves immunity, promotes the rejuvenation of body tissues, the production of red blood cells, reduces the amount of cholesterol and strengthens the cardiovascular system.

It is also rich in vitamins, micro and macro elements, and all sorts of useful substances.

By the way, in heads of cabbage and quarters, all vitamins are stored much better. They remain almost twice as many as in the sliced \u200b\u200bvegetable.

So be sure to salt and ferment it in any way you like. Eat to health and be healthy!

Enjoy your meal!

Without sauerkraut - the table is empty!

The benefits of sauerkraut, especially home cooking, can be discussed for a very long time. Many people know that it is the richest source of not only vitamin C, which is very relevant in the cold winter, but also a very extensive list of useful substances that help to heal our body. In addition, sauerkraut is considered a dietary product with a low calorie content (especially if sugar is not used in the recipe) and a high fiber content. So this dish, like or, prepared for the winter, can be put on the table at any time of the year.

With anything cabbage with berries and apples, with beets and bell peppers, hot pepper and garlic, pumpkin and rowan ...

In today's article, we have collected different, but the simplest ways, including classic and quick cooking at home, which can be prepared for the winter in a 3-liter jar, in a pan or barrel.

Watch the video and you will find out which varieties are best suited for this purpose and why:

  How much salt per 1 kg of cabbage do you need?

For any salting, it is best to take coarse rock salt, including sauerkraut. Iodized salt is contraindicated in vegetables, it makes the final product soft. If you take the average, then in the process of pickling put 1 tbsp. salt per 1 kg of cabbage - provided that they make a brine. That is, if you have 20 kg of chopped green raw materials, then, accordingly, you need to take 20 tablespoons of salt.

If it is fermented “dry”, then more salt needs to be put. Well, actually, the amount of salt is a matter of taste. some housewives put only 1 teaspoon per kilogram - and very tasty it turns out ... ..

  Classic old Russian recipe - very tasty

This recipe has always been popular in many homes for many years. The cabbage is crispy and juicy, and retains its properties even after freezing and thawing.

The whole secret lies in the right proportion:


white cabbage - 6 kg.

carrots - 1.5 kg

salt - 150 gr.

(or in another way: per 1 kg of a mixture of cabbage with carrots - 20 g. salt)

The recipe is very simple:

First, chop the cabbage:

Coat carrots with a coarse grater:

Put shredded cabbage in a saucepan, sprinkle with carrots:

repeat the same, then sprinkle with table salt, coarsely ground:

And mash up a wooden crush until the juice appears:

Then again add layers of cabbage, carrots and salt, we do all the same actions until the container is full:

You can do it a little differently - mix all the ingredients at once in some large basin and mash with your hands, and when the juice is allocated, transfer it to the container where the cabbage will be leavened.

Cover the cabbage with a suitable size plate:

And put the load, for example a 3 liter jar of water:

Leave to ferment for 3 days at room temperature

As soon as the cabbage begins to foam, remove the oppression and the plate:

and pierce vertically with a wooden stick (skewer) in several places:

We do this periodically, 2 to 3 times a day.

Sure! This must be done to release the accumulated carbon dioxide. Otherwise, your cabbage will become bitter and soft!

We shift the ready cabbage over the banks:

And put it in a cool place. It can be a refrigerator or, in a city apartment, a balcony or a loggia, well, or a cellar for those who have their own home.

No need to wait until the cabbage is completely sour - it ferments during storage.

Serve to the table sprinkled with chopped onions, watering with vegetable oil and,

also, you can sprinkle with herbs, or even add a choice of cranberries, lingonberries, or apples - Antonovka varieties.

With hot potatoes .... mmm ... A mercy!

  Sauerkraut in a jar of 3 liters of instant cooking - per day

Everyone who tastes such an unusually delicious, crispy and juicy cabbage is delighted! And then, when they begin to pry out the recipe and find out that it is being prepared all day - at first they do not believe, they are surprised, then after they have done it and gave their friends and relatives a try, they enjoy the same reaction!

I was given a recipe for a 3 liter jar, but this time, just for demonstration, I prepared only 1 liter jar! That is, for 1 liter I took everything 1/3 of the full recipe

This is how it looked:

Chopped cabbage - 1 liter-600 gr.

Grated carrots on a grater, you can, and on the other, as you like. For 1 liter-250 gr.

I thoroughly crushed cabbage and then mixed it with carrots
  You can add black peas or caraway seeds for taste, if you like.

Tamped cabbage in a jar:

Cooking Brine:

I remind you that the dosage here is on a 3 liter jar - as in the recipe I was given.
  1 liter of hot boiled water
  1 tablespoon of sugar
  2 tablespoon of salt
  1 table spoon of 70% vinegar essence
  (If you don’t have one, then you can replace it with 9% - 1 tbsp.spoon of 70% essence - this is the same as 8 tbsp.spoons of 9% vinegar.)

I have a measuring cup where I poured salt and sugar

Poured boiling water

Thin trickle poured brine into a jar with carefully rammed cabbage

With a spoon, you need to release excess air so that the prepared brine evenly, completely pour all the cabbage

We close with a polyethylene cover and put in the refrigerator for a day! We also store in the refrigerator in the future! If you don’t eat in one sitting :)
  I have not been able to resist for so long ... In a few hours I begin to eat it slowly!
  Ready cabbage seasoned with onions and vegetable oil!

You need to store such cabbage in the refrigerator, it will stand there indefinitely and even with time it becomes even better - more crispy.
  Usually, however, for a long time she does not stay with anyone, as practice shows!

I bring to your attention another interesting way - how to ferment cabbage so that it is crispy:

  Salted cabbage recipe for the winter in brine


cabbage - 4 kg
  carrots - 3 - 4 pieces
  water - 4 liters (from the tap or from the well)
  salt - 1 full faceted glass with a slide


Remove the top leaves from the cabbage, peel the carrot and make a brine - pour the salt into cold water and mix well so that all the salt disperses.

Shred the cabbage, carrots (there shouldn’t be many for this recipe) - three,

and mix. Here is the ratio of the ingredients is approximately obtained:

Now we take a handful of cabbage and put it in a brine with completely dissolved salt. All at once is not necessary - only zhenya 2 -3.

And we count to three - one, two, three ....

That is, we hold only 3 seconds in the brine, stirring with a slotted spoon! And immediately we get out of the brine, shaking a little and letting the excess liquid drain.

and transfer to the container in which our cabbage will be fermented.

Then we repeat the same with the next batch of prepared cabbage and carrots.

Do not be afraid that the autumn brine is salty - cabbage absorbs salt as much as needed. Just try not to overexpose it in the brine for too long. 3-5 seconds are enough for her.

Now you need to cover with a plate or a lid on which to put the load - as, for example, here in the photo - a container of water:

We leave it for 4 - 5 days at room temperature, during this time our cabbage should ferment, and sour-milk bacteria should stand out in it, which will keep our delicious sauerkraut for a long time.

A prerequisite - 2 - 3 times a day, open and pierce with a stick - to release the accumulated gases, so as not to fade.

When the cabbage is ready, the container needs to be rearranged in a cold place, or rolled up into cans, while the bay is so full of brine, already with a slide, that there is no air left in the bank between the cabbage and the lid. And to the cellar.

Sauerkraut should not be washed no matter how salty it is, as it loses its vitamins and valuable minerals

And one more classic recipe for tasty, crispy and juicy sauerkraut for the winter:

  How to ferment cabbage for the winter in an oak tub - video recipe

Of course, it is best to cook sauerkraut at home, ferment it in a wooden tub or barrel, which must first be thoroughly washed and scalded, it is advisable to put a layer of cabbage leaves on the bottom.

Oh! A good snack - sauerkraut !!!

And a joke on the topic:

Bon appetit and good cabbage!