Okroshka - classic proven recipes. How to cook okroshka correctly and tasty on kvass, kefir, whey, mineral water and mayonnaise

11.09.2019 Soups

The Russian man can be proud of the recipe for this cold soup with full right. Okroshka is part of the Russian culinary heritage, one of the most delicious and practical chapters of the great encyclopedia of Russian recipes. In fairness, we note that cold soups are present in the cuisine of many peoples, and when you run out of Russian cookbooks, you can pay attention to gazpacho, tarator, chalop. But do not forget that the secret of pleasure that the okroshka gives in the heat is not so much in the cold serving as in the fact that the Russian, real, old-fashioned - it is prepared on the most refreshing drink in the world - on bread kvass. And this is her inimitability!

A little history of okroshka

The history of the appearance of okroshka managed to hide behind the canopy of centuries, although in its present, “kvass” form, the dish arose by historical standards not so long ago - in the middle of the XIX century. And although the name leaves no doubt that in ancient times soup was the same mixture of crumbled products, its origin is controversial.

On the one hand, there is an obvious direct ancestor of okroshka - a poor dish of “tyur” made from pieces of bread, flavored with onions and vegetable oil and drenched in kvass. On the other hand, there is a version of the "innkeeping" origin of okroshka: in the 19th century, taverns began to "ennoble" the cuttings of cooked meat and corned beef with kvass, horseradish and vegetables.
  Thus, the question of the birth of cold meat stew on kvass turns out to be rhetorical - did they start adding meat to the kvass with slices of bread, or, on the contrary, began to fill it with kvass ...

Without mistakes, we can say the following: even before the appearance of the okroshka, there was a similar lean soup with it, subsequently either supplemented with a meat and fish component (as well as vegetables and root vegetables, which began to be cultivated later), or which became an idea for the appearance of a similar meat dish.

Today okroshka is more diverse:

  • firstly, it was mixed with ideologically similar oriental soups on sour-milk products;
  • secondly, products that were not known at the time of its appearance, for example, soda, can be used as a base;
  • thirdly, boiled sausage of industrial production appeared, and with it the easiest, one might even say, primitive, okroshka.

The composition of okroshka

  Metamorphoses that occurred with okroshka during its existence have led to the fact that not a single obligatory ingredient is left in it. Popular dishes often have many variations, but if you can’t cook pilaf without rice and a sponge cake without eggs, then you can easily find two okroshki that will not have any ingredients.
  Given this, in relation to okroshka it is more appropriate to talk not about each specific ingredient, but about their groups, taking into account the interchangeability of products.

Liquid base:
  In the classic version - this is kvass, and not just any, but light bread kvass (or just sour - sweet drinks from bottles will not work). Further, in order of increasing exoticness - whey, kefir, acidified water with sour cream or mayonnaise, mineral water, ayran, koumiss, yogurt, sour berry broths, beer, brut, kombucha.

  Pork, beef, poultry or hodgepodge from different types of meat. The meat can be boiled, fried, smoked. In old recipes, cartilages boiled to softness are also welcomed.

A more modern option is boiled or smoked sausage, sausages, ham.
  If we compare the ingredients, then meat is preferable to taste - soup with it is more serious, solid and even more noble. In addition, the presence of sausage in a dish is almost the very first argument of opponents of the use of okroshka - because of the sausage it is called "Olivier with kvass."

Instead of meat, fish or seafood can be used.  - scallops, squid, shrimp. If they put fish, then they choose varieties without small bones - cod, sturgeon, stellate sturgeon (and only use fillet).

Okroshka with salmon


Vegetables for okroshka - this is the part with which everything is more or less clear:

1 - cucumber. It is found in 90% of recipes, most often in fresh form, sometimes pickles, and sometimes both, are added.
  2 - boiled potatoes. It is not used as often as cucumbers (there is even a whole community of lovers of okroshka who ardently defend recipes without adding potatoes). Sometimes potatoes are not put in the soup itself, but served on a separate dish, as a mandatory addition.
  3 - radish.

Leafy vegetables
  Another common ingredient for okroshka is chives. It is put in cold soup quite a lot, previously crushed and rubbed with salt.
Also, sorrel, spinach, sour cabbage, parsley, dill are sometimes added to the okroshka.


Okroshka is essentially a low-calorie dish. Even if meat or sausage is added to it, then only their low-fat varieties (fat in a cold soup is not the most delicious thing). Therefore, eggs play a special role in saturating okroshka with protein and fats. Egg-free recipes are very rare.

Seasonings, spices, spices

Simple okroshka recipes can be limited to 5-6 main ingredients, but often its preparation is a complex and multi-stage process with a list of ingredients reaching two dozen items, of which some are seasoned.

The oldest seasoning for okroshka is   table horseradish.  It is added to the soup in grated form, pre-mixed with meat and leaving the meat to soak in its aroma.

Instead of horseradish (and sometimes with it) can be used mustard.  Several teaspoons of it are bred in the liquid, which is filled with okroshka. Mustard is especially well combined with okroshka on fermented milk products or sour cream.

Also among the spices that are suitable and used for making okroshka, it should be noted mint, basil, celery, tarragon.


Lemons or lemon juice as a source of acid, as well as soaked and fresh apples.


In the recipes of mushroom okroshki, mushrooms replace the meat part, but they can be used not instead of meat, but at the same time. Mushroom pickers can afford to choose among mushrooms, saffron milk mushrooms, porcini mushrooms, and peppers, and residents of cities that have no such choice should try okroshka with mushrooms or oyster mushrooms.

As you can see, the choice of ingredients for a cold summer soup is very rich, but this does not mean at all that, taking the products that are at hand, you will prepare a delicious okroshka, because not all of them combine with each other. In order not to make a mistake and not be disappointed with the result, choose a basic recipe, and based on it, conduct experiments with the addition of new products, and it is better to experiment not with a full pan of dishes, but by pouring part of it into a separate plate.

Okroshka with mushrooms

Popular okroshka recipes

Classic kvass meat okroshka

low-fat cooked meat
  fresh cucumbers
  green onions
  hard boiled eggs
  bread kvass
  sour cream

The quantity and ratio of ingredients can be changed to your liking, but there is a conditional “golden” rule - for one person you need to take 1 egg, 50 g of meat, 2 medium cucumbers, a spoon of sour cream, a small bunch of green onions, 1 tsp. mustard.

The meat for okroshka should be cooked until soft, and the eggs are boiled hard-boiled. Cucumbers are pre-cleaned, and chopped onion is ground in a wooden mortar with salt to give a little juice.

Eggs are divided into squirrels and yolks - proteins are chopped, and the yolks are ground with salt, sugar and mustard (prepared mustard).

All prepared foods are put in one pan, mixed and diluted with kvass. Sour cream and chopped dill are added to the soup when serving.

Okroshka on kefir

2 cucumbers
  4 radishes
  4 medium peeled potato tubers
  3 hard boiled eggs
  bunch of green onions, dill, parsley and cilantro (several branches)
  200 g boiled chicken
  1 liter of kefir
  1 tbsp. boiled water
  2-3 slices of lemon
  salt, sugar to taste

Cut radish and peeled cucumber into strips, chop eggs, meat and potatoes into cubes. Chop greens, grind onions separately with salt.

Dilute kefir with boiled chilled water and pour it with all the ingredients prepared and mixed together. Put slices of lemon, after squeezing a little juice out of it into okroshka, and put the pot of soup in the refrigerator (okroshka on kefir must be well chilled).

Okroshka on a mineral water

Okroshka on a mineral water differs in filling. As the name implies, this is mineral water, but not in its pure form, but mixed with the same kefir, sour cream or mayonnaise. The approximate ratio of a dairy product (or mayonnaise) and mineral water is one to four or to six (for example, 250 g of sour cream per 1 liter of mineral water).

Okroshka with sausage on mayonnaise

  By the number of lovers of okroshka with sausage, it surpassed its ancestor - the classic meat okroshka. But in defense of the latter, it should be said that it loses not in taste, but in simplicity. Since a typical okroshka is a fairly simple dish, sausage is more suitable for it than meat. Although, naturally, there are gourmets who are not afraid of complexity and who are not lazy to boil meat, make kvass on their own and conjure for a long time over seasonings.

So, the option of okroshka with sausage

3 pcs. potato
  300 g boiled sausage (without fat)
  3 cucumbers
  4 eggs
  bunch of onions
  other greens to taste
  200 g mayonnaise
  boiled water

The ingredients are prepared in the same way as for any other okroshka, and then mixed with mayonnaise and salt. A little cold boiled water is added to the finished okroshka so that the mayonnaise is evenly distributed, and then the water is poured already to get the desired consistency of the soup. At the end, add lemon juice and cool the okroshka.

Mushroom okroshka on kvass (old recipe)

Ingredients for 4 Persons:
  1 fresh and 1 pickle
  2 salty loaves
  2 boiled saffron mushrooms
  2 boiled trawls
  1 fresh and 1 soaked apple
  5 pieces. boiled potatoes
  1 baked beets
  a quarter cup boiled beans
  1 tbsp. l mustard (finished)
  some salt
  a little crushed black pepper
  1 tbsp. l Sahara
  green onions
  parsley dill
  1 liter kvass bread

Peel and chop cucumbers, potatoes, beets, apples. Grind mushrooms and greens. Mix everything, salt, pepper, put mustard and pour kvass. Let it brew.

How to chop okroshka products

You need to crumble the okroshka products based on the general principles of making chopped dishes: soft ingredients are cut into larger pieces, and hard ones are cut into smaller pieces.
  The greens are crushed finely and can additionally be ground. Egg yolks can also be rubbed to give the dish a uniform yellowish tint and a more even taste.

An important role is played by the form of slicing. Our language is able to perceive not only taste - it also has tactile sensations, therefore pieces of the correct geometric shape, especially solid ones, stand out from the general composition of the dish and distract from taste sensations. Because of this, you should not crush radishes, cucumbers, potatoes with regular identical cubes - radishes can be cut into strips, cucumbers with thin rectangular slices, and potatoes can be cut into cubes, but you need to cook them completely, until soft.

How to cook bread kvass for okroshka

Kvass is made from rye bread. To get 2 liters of kvass, you need a third of a loaf of bread, 5 tbsp. l sugar, 10 pieces of raisins, 1 g of yeast.

Bread should be cut into thin slices and dried well in the oven until golden brown. The temperature of the oven should be set low - 120-150 C.

Prepared crackers are put in a three-liter jar so that they fill it by a third, and fill the jar with boiling water. When the mixture has cooled to a temperature slightly above room temperature, raisins, sugar and yeast are added.

Leave kvass to roam in a warm place, covering the jar with gauze. Depending on the room temperature, bread kvass will be ready for use in 3-5 days.

Before use, it is filtered, and the remaining mass of crackers can be used as sourdough for the next portion - it is returned back to the jar and again filled with water and sugar.

Okroshka vs cold soups of other nations

If we choose the characteristic “cold soup” as the basis for comparison, then it is logical to recall the popular Spanish gazpacho, Ukrainian beetroot soup, and Bulgarian tarator.

To compare okroshka and gazpacho is to practically retell a popular joke: “like a camel, it’s just not at all like that”. The only thing that combines these two dishes is a refreshing taste, and even a cucumber in the composition. Otherwise, they are different: gazpacho - a fully vegetable, mashed red soup, okroshka - as we have seen - a fairly satisfying dish of finely chopped ingredients.

The next candidate to compare is beetroot. It looks more like okroshka than gazpacho, as it consists of similar ingredients - eggs, green onions, fresh cucumbers, sour cream. It is distinguished by the presence of boiled beets (it is boiled already chopped, and the broth itself serves as the basis for beetroot).

Beetroot soup has a very beautiful pale pink color with a purple tint, which is obtained by mixing sour cream and saturated beetroot broth.

Tarator  - Bulgarian half-half-drink. Prepared in sour milk or yogurt with the addition of walnuts, cucumbers, herbs and vegetable oil. It reminds a little okroshka made on fermented milk products.

Instead of an epilogue

I would like to end the review with the words “Okroshka is good in the heat!”, But that would not be entirely fair, because okroshka is good not only in the heat — it is good in itself — but in the heat it is especially good.

Summer is really a good time for preparing cold refreshing dishes, but for preparing okroshka this is also a special season because cucumbers, leafy vegetables, greens are especially tasty from the garden, and the okroshka prepared in winter will be just a pale copy of the summer one.

Separately, I want to say a few words to those who did not find a place for okroshka in their menu and in their heart - do not be categorical! There are a lot of recipes for okroshka, but even more of them are not recorded and not even open. It cannot be that among this great multitude you wouldn’t like a single recipe and would not suit your taste. Try, improvise, create. Do not limit your imagination, do not push yourself into the framework of prejudice. And do not forget that tastes are changing - something that you did not like as a child or a few years ago, today may well become your favorite dish!

Of all the summer soups, the okroshka remains the most popular and beloved - its composition, on the one hand, saturates well, and on the other hand, it does not burden the stomach, which is rather lazy working in the heat. The vegetables included in this soup actively nourish the body, weakened in winter, with vitamins; the base (whichever you choose) cools it, and the meat component gives strength for a peppy life. It is also good for simple execution, since cooking okroshka means simply cutting all its ingredients. A person will cope with this, even very far from cooking.

Essential Ingredients

Whatever liquid the okroshka is prepared for, the composition of its slices remains approximately the same. This soup certainly includes potatoes, cucumbers and eggs. As a meat component traditionally should be meat. Most often, chicken is taken - it is non-greasy, therefore it is the best suited for summer soup. However, the recipe for okroshka with sausage is also widely used - it is even more popular, since this ingredient does not require pre-treatment. Putting radishes in a dish or not, everyone decides for himself. Many people do not like the taste of this vegetable, and some believe that radish is laid in okroshka only to reduce the cost of soup, since in spring this vegetable is much cheaper than cucumbers. Mandatory in okroshka is greens - at least dill with parsley, but feather onion is also desirable. The ratio of all components is taken “by eye”, because people have different tastes: someone prefers more vegetables, and someone prefers meat. But approximately you can calculate the number of products from such considerations: one cucumber, egg and potato and 150 grams of sausage meat per person. We also note that almost any okroshka is on sour cream, since for any basis (except, perhaps, kvass), it is advised to put a spoon of sour cream in a plate. Some, however, replace it with mayonnaise, but this is a matter of taste.


So, what needs to be done to make a delicious okroshka? The composition of the products that it includes is described. Then proceed as follows: potatoes and eggs are boiled. Most chefs prefer to cook potatoes unpeeled, “in uniform”, but there are those who believe that the whole final dish goes bad - the rind of the peel remains. So if you agree with them, peel the potatoes before cooking. Then she and the eggs are cut into approximately equal cubes. Cucumbers (and radishes, if you cook okroshka with it) are chopped with short straws. If meat is involved in your okroshka, you need to boil it first. If your recipe is okroshka with sausage or ham - just chop it all the same cubes. Greens are washed and finely cut. Some people like to add it to the soup right away, some prefer to serve it in a separate plate. It remains to fill the resulting "salad" with the selected dressing - and you can call everyone to the table.

Classic recipe

Of course, initially this dish was prepared exclusively on kvass. The main components are the same. They are cut, mixed, filled with an original Russian drink - and a wonderful okroshka is obtained. A recipe for kvass, however, also involves the addition of a certain amount of water. Volume ranges from a ratio of 1: 4 to 1: 1. It depends on the saturation of kvass. You can not dilute it with water at all, but then the pungent smell of the drink itself will clog the aromas of greens and vegetables.

We note certain nuances. First of all, purchased kvass is not very suitable for cooking okroshka - it is usually sweetened, so the taste of the soup will be spoiled. It is better, without a doubt, to make it yourself, completely without sugar. However, if you do not want to wait until it "ripens", go to the market and look for a grandmother with okroshny kvass.

The second one. Filled with kvass, okroshka is stored for a very short time. The very next day, the solid components are saturated with the base and lose their taste. So if you cut a bucket of okroshka - store it in a pan, and pour kvass on the table.

Classic Options

If you want a completely non-nutritious dish (or you fast), the next okroshka will be an ideal choice. A recipe for kvass, classic, but without any meat additions, but with some new ingredients - with horseradish and mustard. To make it especially tasty, don’t be too lazy to make your kvass: bake brown bread in the oven (dry well, practically fry), pour boiling water, strain four hours later and add sugar and yeast. To make kvass fragrant and spicy, put ginger, raisins, caraway seeds in it. After two days it will need to be filtered - and you can do okroshka. For this recipe, a radish is also required. When everything is cut and filled with kvass, horseradish with mustard is ground until smooth and introduced into the soup. Very tasty, completely non-nutritious and very refreshing.

Dairy Basics

Those who prefer to see kvass in a mug rather than on a plate may like okroshka on sour cream, whey or kefir. Of course, if those who eat it have nothing against fermented milk products. In all cases, a very tasty okroshka is obtained. The composition of the products remains the same: potatoes, cucumbers, eggs, greens, possibly radish. Shredded everything, too, traditionally. But refuel in different ways. If you stayed on whey - it just pours the cooked salad. If you are more attracted to kefir - try to buy not too fat. 1% will be just right. A more fatty product will have to be diluted with water. But if you like sour cream, then before filling the okroshka, you will have to dilute it with water and mix thoroughly until smooth.

Separate remark

The use of a milk base often gives okroshka a sweetish aftertaste. To make the soup more neutral, squeeze a lemon into it, gradually and constantly tasting it so as not to peroxidize it. If you don’t like the unexpressed taste of whey (kefir) or you like spicy, you can add mustard to the finished okroshka. It is also important to know the measure, otherwise you may get such bitterness that you will have to add liquid again.

Red okroshka

Recently, the housewives have come up with many dressings for their favorite dish. Including very dietary. For example, a red okroshka seems very interesting to us - its composition is supplemented by boiled beets, and it is seasoned with ordinary water. The initial stages are ordinary - cooked, cut, salted, mixed. And then the fun begins: the usual “salad” is poured with cold water and seasoned with mayonnaise. Beets are boiled separately and chilled on a coarse grater. When serving, a spoon or two beetroots are placed in each plate, the okroshka is poured and mixed. It turns out very beautifully, extremely useful and quite dietary, especially if the meat component is boiled chicken breast, and mayonnaise take lean, light.

For those who don't like traditional gas stations

Not everyone loves kvass in okroshka. Similarly, some people do not accept whey or kefir as the basis of this soup. It is possible they will like okroshka on mayonnaise. The start of the process is standard. However, when it comes time to dilute the salad to a liquid state, others need to take action. The mixed slices are poured with mayonnaise (preferably not too greasy) and again well mixed. When the mayonnaise will evenly cover all the pieces, water is poured into the resulting mass. Stir constantly, so that the mayonnaise literally dissolves in water. How much to add - determine for yourself: the density of okroshka is a matter of everyone’s personal taste. And in the end, as in the case when the okroshka is cooked on sour cream, you need to squeeze a little lemon into it. Keep in mind that mayonnaise has its own specific taste and a slight acidity. So the main thing is not to overdo it with citrus.

Little tricks

To make sure you have a delicious okroshka, use a few tips.

  • Firstly, if you include radish in its composition, the vegetable must be seasoned with salt and left in a separate bowl for several minutes. Before adding to other components, from this bowl it will be necessary to merge the higher liquid. So the radish will lose excess bitterness.
  • Secondly, the greens that go to okroshka should not just be chopped. It must be added and a little sweat. Dill, parsley and green onions will let the juice, and the soup will turn out more saturated and aromatic. Some culinary experts advise using cucumbers in this process, but, in our opinion, the dish will lose a fair amount of external attractiveness, but there is still nicer looking food.
  • Thirdly, if your okroshka is sour cream or mayonnaise, you will definitely add water to it. Try instead of the usual, boiled or filtered, take mineral (only not alkaline and not therapeutic, but a dining room). And in no case do not combine the "salad" with water in advance! This must be done already when serving.

Okroshka is an ideal combination of taste and benefit. This national Russian summer soup is loved by everyone. The classic recipe for okroshka is well known. However, the ingredients for okroshka on kvass are perfect for kefir okroshka and not only. That's okroshka that you can crumble into it anything: add meat or fish ingredients, use whey, kefir or mineral water instead of kvass. A whole summer ahead, you can make the most unexpected innovations in a familiar dish, having prepared okroshka according to various recipes. They are simple, only some of the ingredients and the fill change.

Youtube.com, Natalya Kim

What foods are needed for okroshka

Let's make it clear: okroshka requires an invigorating fragrant, sour, but in no case sweet kvass. Purchased kvass can be brought to the desired state if you add a couple of crusts of black or Borodino bread to it and let it brew in a warm place for about three hours. Strain, refrigerate and get almost as much kvass as you need.

Okroshka can be cooked on refreshing kvass, there is okroshka on tender whey, for a change you can cook okroshka on spicy ayran or soft kefir, and sometimes fish okroshka is even poured with beer. Also okroshka can be filled simply with mineral water.

For satiety put meat or sausage in okroshka. It is preferable to use lean meat: boiled beef is perfect for cooking okroshka, you can put chicken or turkey, some put boiled tongue. If there is no meat, the simplest solution is to cook okroshka with boiled sausage.

Typically, a classic okroshka recipe includes boiled potatoes, fresh cucumber, radish. Vegetables need to be cut into equal cubes or straws.

Boiled eggs can be put in okroshka, cut into cubes, or cut only protein, and prepare a dressing from the yolk. To do this, grind the yolks with mustard, add sour cream, sugar, salt to taste and mix with not large quantity  kvass.

In the okroshka lay green onions, dill, fresh sorrel. By the way, chives can be ground with salt. And of course, season the okroshka with sour cream or other seasonings to taste: mustard, horseradish, etc.

Okroshka is classic

Ingredients: kvass 1 liter, boiled meat or ham 200 g, potatoes 3–4 pcs., cucumber 2 pcs., radish 5–7 pcs., eggs 2–3 pcs., green onion and dill, 1 bunch, salt to taste.

Cooking method.  Boil the potatoes in their uniforms. Hard-boiled eggs. Cool hot foods. Wash and dry vegetables and greens. Peeled potatoes and meat (ham) cut into small cubes. Put in a deep bowl. Also finely chop the radish and cucumber. Separate the whites from the yolks and cut them too. It is recommended to knead the yolks with a fork and also put in a bowl. Chives and dill need to be chopped finely and knead a little in a cup with salt. Then put into the total mass and mix thoroughly. They serve okroshka, drenched in kvass and seasoned with sour cream. To taste, you can add mustard or grated horseradish.

Okroshka meat

Ingredients:  boiled beef 200 g, cucumbers 3 pcs., boiled eggs 2 pcs., sour cream 4 tbsp. tablespoons, kvass 2 l, dill 60 g, a bunch of green onions, sugar 20 g, mustard 8 g, salt to taste.

Cooking method.  Cut the beef and cucumbers into strips. Chop a part of the green onion and rub it with salt until juice appears, add mustard. Separate the yolk from the protein, grind the yolk, and chop the protein into strips. Combine kvass with salt and sugar, mix. Combine the prepared ingredients, add a portion of sour cream, mix. Dilute with kvass. Serve okroshka with finely chopped herbs and sour cream.

Okroshka on kefir

Ingredients:  kefir 1 liter; kvass or mineral water with gas 0.5 liters, boiled potatoes 2 pcs., radish 5 pcs., boiled sausage (boiled meat) 200 g, boiled chicken egg 2 pcs., fresh cucumber 1 - 2 pcs., radish and green onion 0 , 5 bundles, mustard 1 teaspoon, sour cream, salt, spices to taste.

Cooking method.  The recipe for making okrosha on kefir is not very different from the classic okroshka on kvass. The main thing is to remember that a tasty okroshka on kefir, like a tasty okroshka with kvass, is obtained only when it is well insisted and cooled. A classic okroshka on kefir is prepared in the same way as a okroshka on kvass with mustard, the ingredients are cut into small pieces and mixed with dressing.

Vegetable okroshka

Ingredients:kvass bread 2 liters, boiled carrots 1 pc., boiled potatoes 3 pcs., radishes 5-6 pcs., cucumbers 2 pcs., boiled eggs 2 pcs., chopped green onions, sour cream, mustard, salt and sugar to taste.

Cooking method.  Cut the vegetables into strips, combine with a chopped egg, mashed with onion and salt. Shuffle. When serving, put a vegetable side dish in a plate, salt, add a little mustard and fill with kvass. Serve the sour cream separately.

Serum okroshka

Ingredients: whey 1 liter, boiled potatoes 2 pcs., boiled meat or sausage 200 - 300 g; fresh cucumber 1 - 2 pcs., fresh radish 4 pcs., boiled chicken eggs 2 pcs., green onion and dill in 1 bunch, mustard 1 teaspoon, sour cream, salt.

Cooking method.  Okroshka on whey is very tasty and healthy, because serum contains a lot of minerals useful for the body. Wash and dry fresh vegetables, boiled potatoes and boiled eggs and chop finely. To know how to cook okroshka with whey or kefir tasty, you need to remember about dressing. This is sour cream, mustard and salt. First mix sour cream with mustard, and then add a little salt, the only way okroshka on whey and kefir will be moderately sharp, salty and tasty. Now you can mix everything, pour in serum and let stand.

Mineral water okroshka

Ingredients:  okroshka on a mineral water is prepared only on gas and water, boiled potatoes 2 pcs., boiled eggs 3 - 4 pcs., boiled meat or sausage 300 g, fresh cucumber 1 - 2 pcs., radishes 3-4 pcs., green onion, dill , sour cream, salt.

Cooking method.  Cut vegetables, eggs and meat ingredients into cubes or strips. Grind greens. For refueling, you need to mix half a glass of sour cream with a teaspoon of mustard. If the okroshka on the mineral water is not acidic enough, add a pinch of citric acid or a drop of table vinegar. Sprinkle with herbs before serving.

Okroshka with crab sticks

Ingredients:  bread kvass 1 l, crab sticks 240 g, radish 5 pcs., cucumbers 2 pcs., egg 2 pcs., mustard 1 tbsp. spoon, dill 1 bunch, sour cream 3 tbsp. spoons, salt and black pepper to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Step 1. Wash the cucumbers, peel if necessary (if it is too thick and rough) and cut into small cubes.
  • Step 2. Cook hard-boiled eggs, cool, separate the whites from the yolks. Cut the proteins into cubes. Mash yolks with mustard, salt, pepper, chopped dill and sour cream in a separate bowl until smooth.
  • Step 3. Cut the crab sticks into small pieces.
  • Step 4. Wash the radishes, dry them with a paper towel, cut off the ends and cut into thin circles.
  • Step 5. Place all the prepared ingredients in a volumetric deep dish and mix well. Pour okroshka with chilled kvass, season with mustard-sour cream mixture and mix again.

Okroshka mushroom with mustard

Ingredients:  bread kvass 1.5 l, salted mushrooms 400 g, potatoes 250 g, carrots 50 g, green onions 100 g, sour cream 200 g, chicken egg 2 pcs., cucumbers 200 g, mustard 20 g, dill, sugar and salt to taste .

Cooking method:

  • Step 1. Wash the potatoes and carrots, boil in their uniforms, cool, peel and cut into small cubes.
  • Step 2. Wash the cucumbers, if necessary, peel (if it is too thick and rough) and cut into small cubes.
  • Step 3. Cook hard-boiled eggs, cool, separate the whites from the yolks. Cut the proteins into cubes. Mash yolks with mustard, pepper, chopped dill and sour cream in a separate bowl until smooth. If it seems necessary, add salt and sugar, but remember that you have salted mushrooms as part of okroshka!
  • Step 4. Rinse salted mushrooms under cold water, dry with a paper towel and chop finely.
  • Step 5. Wash the radishes, dry them with a paper towel, cut off the ends and cut into thin circles.
  • Step 6. Rinse the green onions, dry and chop finely.
  • Step 7. Place all prepared ingredients in a volumetric deep dish and mix well. Pour okroshka with chilled kvass, season with mustard-sour cream mixture and mix again.

In any kitchen in the world there are recipes simple and complex, the same applies to Russian traditional cuisine, for example, the same okroshka. The dish is known for requiring a minimum of products and primitive technologies. The people on this subject have come up with many sayings, such as “kvass and potatoes are already okroshka”.

But not everything is so simple, true connoisseurs of this tasty and healthy dish will say, there are many recipes and secrets on how to make it incredibly tasty. This will be discussed below.

Kroshir okroshka recipe

The largest number of recipes offered in cookbooks and in specialized forums is okroshka on kefir. The dish is indeed simple and healthy, as it contains a lot of fresh vegetables and a fermented milk product. Novice housewives can blindly follow the recipe written below, cooks with at least minimal experience can experiment, especially with regard to vegetables.


  • Cucumbers - 3 pcs.
  • Onion feathers and greens - 1 bunch each.
  • Potatoes - 3-4 pcs.
  • Chicken eggs - 3-4 pcs.
  • Sausage - 300 gr.
  • Low-fat kefir - 1 l.
  • Vinegar - 2 tbsp. l
  • Water (if necessary, make okroshka more liquid).
  • Salt.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Boil the potatoes without peeling, cool, then peel, cut into cubes. One potato can be drained.
  2. Boil eggs, cut into cubes.
  3. Rinse cucumbers, cut into strips. Chop greens, chop onion feathers.
  4. Grind sausage or boiled chicken (cubes).
  5. Mix everything, add salt and vinegar (even better - lemon juice). Shuffle again.
  6. Pour kefir, add water if necessary.

Garnish with a green sprig of dill and a circle of yolk, serve.

Okroshka on the water with sour cream and mayonnaise

Okroshka on kefir is tasty and quick to prepare, but if there is no kefir, then it is easy for him to find a replacement. You can cook okroshka in water (ordinary, brought to a boil and cooled), it is only important to pour in a little sour cream and mayonnaise, it will add a pleasant piquant acidity to the dish.


  • Potato - 4 pcs.
  • Eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Cucumbers - 4-5 pcs. (small size).
  • Radish - 8-10 pcs.
  • Onions in feathers and dill - 1 bunch each.
  • Sausage - 250-300 gr.
  • Water - 1.5 liters.
  • Fat sour cream - 100-150 gr.
  • Mayonnaise - 3-4 tbsp. l

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Boil the water in advance and cool.
  2. Boil potatoes and eggs. Cut into beautiful cubes.
  3. Rinse other vegetables, cut into thin strips, sausage - cubes.
  4. Chop greens, previously washed and dried, with a sharp knife.
  5. Mix the products in a large, deep container. Add sour cream and mayonnaise here. Stir the workpiece for okroshka again.
  6. Pour in water gradually, stirring until the necessary thickness of okroshka is obtained.

This recipe is good, which allows you to get okroshka of the degree of density that is to the liking of households!

How to cook okroshka on a mineral water

The following okroshka recipe differs in that it is proposed to use mineral water as a liquid. In principle, it is very convenient, no need to boil, cool.

A bottle of mineral water is recommended to be put in the freezer one hour before cooking.

Pour the ingredients and immediately bring okroshka to the table, mineral salts will give a pleasant piquant flavor to the dish, the carbon dioxide emitted is a fantastic view.


  • Potatoes - 3-4 pcs. (1 pc per person)
  • Eggs - 3-4 pcs. (also 1 pc. per eater).
  • Beef - 400 gr.
  • Greens - 1 bunch.
  • Cucumbers - 2-4 pcs.
  • Mineral water - 1.5 liters. (may require less).
  • Mayonnaise - 4 tbsp. l
  • Mustard - 2 tsp.
  • Lemon - ½ pcs.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Boil potatoes and eggs, cool. Dice potatoes. Cut the proteins, add to the potatoes.
  2. Cut the cucumbers into strips, cut the beef into cubes, tear the greens.
  3. Mix delicious ingredients, with the exception of herbs, in a large container.
  4. For dressing, grind the yolks, add a little salt, mustard, squeeze the juice from ½ lemon.
  5. Put dressing in the ingredients for okroshka. Now you can add mayonnaise and greens.

Add ice-cold mineral water, mix and pour on plates. In each plate on top add more greens for beauty and aroma.

Serum okroshka

Russian housewives traditionally prepared okroshka with kvass or whey, today “fashionable” kefir and mineral water are held in high esteem. But below is one of the oldest recipes where whey is used as a liquid base.


  • Sausage - 300 gr.
  • Potatoes cooked in a peel - 4 pcs.
  • Eggs - 2-3 pcs.
  • Cucumbers - 2 pcs.
  • Dill - 1 bunch.
  • Kefir (for whey) - 1.5 liters.
  • Lemon juice - from ½ lemon.
  • Sour cream - 4-5 tbsp. l
  • Salt pepper.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Prepare serum in advance (home-made - more delicious). Freeze kefir completely.
  2. Then put on a sieve laid with several layers of gauze. Flowing liquid is serum, it needs to be collected. The remaining cottage cheese can be used to prepare other healthy dishes.
  3. Cooking okroshka traditionally. Also boil potatoes and eggs in advance. Dice all the ingredients.
  4. Add salt, ground pepper, sour cream. Squeeze lemon juice. Mix.

Before serving, pour in serum, garnish with herbs and finely chopped yolk.

Okroshka recipe with vinegar

The main task of the hostess is to make okroshka sharp enough, for which kvass, mineral water or whey are used. But sometimes sharpness may not be enough, then the cooks at home use ordinary vinegar. A few spoons of this product radically (of course, for the better) changes the taste of okroshka.


  • Potato - 0.5 kg.
  • Beef - 400 gr.
  • Eggs - 2-4 pcs.
  • Cucumbers - 0.5 kg.
  • Mayonnaise - 5-6 tbsp. l
  • Water - from 1.0 to 1.5 liters.
  • Vinegar 9% - 3 tbsp. l
  • Greens (all that is at hand) - 1 bunch.
  • Salt.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Some products (beef, potatoes and eggs) will have to be prepared in advance, because they are placed in a dish in a cold form.
  2. Rinse fresh vegetables and herbs before cooking, pour cold water on them, let stand for 15 minutes.
  3. Beef can be boiled in a whole piece, after cooling, cut into cubes. Or chop and boil, then you get a great broth, on which you can cook porridge or borsch (the next day).
  4. Cut the ingredients into one large container, and mix the mayonnaise and water into the second.
  5. Pour the chopped products with vinegar, add mayonnaise-water dressing.

You can salt and sprinkle with herbs at the table! Be sure to serve brown bread with wholemeal to the okroshka. Video recipe suggests cooking okroshka with horseradish.

How to make okroshka - 5 options

Okroshka can be prepared from almost any product. Below are five recipes that differ in filling options, each can help the hostess.


  • Boiled potatoes.
  • Boiled eggs.
  • Radishes and cucumbers.
  • Any fresh greens.
  • Sausage (ham).
  • Liquid base (1-1.5 l.).

Algorithm of actions:

  1. The first part of the action is the same: boil the potatoes directly in the peel, boil the hard-boiled eggs.
  2. Peel, chop potatoes and eggs.
  3. Wash vegetables, chop.
  4. Rinse greens, blot excess moisture and also chop.
  5. Sausage (even tastier ham) is also cut into cubes.
  6. Mix and pour the ingredients in one of the pouring options:
  • mineral water;
  • plain water mixed with lemon juice, sour cream;
  • kvass prepared at home or factory;
  • kefir diluted with water or in “pure” form;
  • serum.

Such a dish “loves” greens, so you can not stop on one bunch, but take a bunch of each kind.

Okroshka with sausage

Moms love okroshka for the speed of cooking, especially if preparatory work (boiling potatoes and eggs) was carried out in advance. And instead of meat, which takes a long time to cook, you can take ordinary cooked sausage.


  • Sausage - 300 gr.
  • Potato - 4 pcs.
  • Chicken eggs - 4 pcs.
  • Fresh cucumbers - 4 pcs.
  • Radish - 8-10 pcs.
  • Kvass - about 1.5 liters
  • A lot of greenery.
  • Salt.
  • Ground pepper, if desired.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Boil potatoes and eggs in advance. Cool, peel, cut into bars.
  2. In the same way chop the washed cucumbers, radishes and sausage.
  3. To salt. Gently mix the ingredients with a spoon in a large container.
  4. Pour kefir.
  5. Sprinkle with greens each plate separately.

Add salt and pepper to taste already at the table.

Okroshka meat

Modern housewives do not speak about cooked sausage very well; they know that it is better to use real meat. By the way, it is also suitable for okroshka.


  • Kvass - 1 l.
  • Potatoes - 3-5 pcs.
  • Eggs - 3-5 pcs.
  • Meat - 200-250 gr.
  • Cucumbers - 3-4 pcs.
  • Greens and feathers.
  • Sour cream and salt to taste.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Potatoes, eggs, meat in advance to cook, cool.
  2. Cut the ingredients into identical beautiful cubes.
  3. Mix in a large container and pour kvass.
  4. Pour into plates, decorate each with greens.

There is a secret - you can take smoked meat, then okroshka will have a pleasant smoked taste.

Winter okroshka

Thanks to the hypermarkets with their large assortment of fruits and vegetables all year round, you can cook okroshka even at the New Year table. Here is one of the recipes.


  • Ham - 200 gr.
  • Potato - from 4 pcs.
  • Chicken eggs - from 4 pcs.
  • Onions and herbs.
  • Cucumbers - 3 pcs.
  • Fill - 0.5 l. kefir and water.
  • Citric acid - 3 gr.
  • Mustard - 3 tbsp. l
  • Salt and sour cream.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Prepare vegetables - boil potatoes, rinse cucumbers. Chop them.
  2. Prepare the eggs - cook, cool with ice water, cut into cubes, leave one yolk to prepare the dressing.
  3. Cut the ham into beautiful bars or, preserving the unity of style, into cubes.
  4. Chop the onion and ceiling to let the juice go, chop the greens.
  5. Rub the remaining yolk with mustard.
  6. Add kefir, salt, citric acid, a little sugar to the water.
  7. To the chopped ingredients, first add the yolk with mustard, and then the liquid base.

Pour okroshka into each plate, add 1 tbsp. l sour cream and a little greens on top for beauty!

Diet okroshka (without meat and sausage)

Okroshka is one of the most beloved dishes of those who are on a diet, it is tasty and saturates well, in addition, it is rich in vitamins and useful substances. In addition, you can cook okroshka without adding any meat.


  • Potato - 4 pcs.
  • Cucumbers - 4 pcs.
  • Radish - 10 pcs.
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Feather of onion, cilantro, dill.
  • Low-fat kefir - 1 l.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Prepare eggs and potatoes in advance (boil, cool).
  2. Cut vegetables, eggs and greens into a saucepan.
  3. Pour kefir.

Salting is not necessary, there is enough acid for a pleasant taste, as they say, eat and lose weight!

Okroshka with radish

Traditional okroshka recipes include familiar cucumbers and radishes, but you can find variations of a dish prepared with radish. They are tasty and healthy, the only unpleasant moment is the specific smell of radish, which you can get rid of if you grate it and take it out in the cold for 30 minutes.


  • Radish - 1 pc.
  • Ham - 300 gr.
  • Potatoes - 2-3 pcs.
  • Cucumbers - 2 pcs.
  • Eggs - 2-3 pcs.
  • Onion, dill.
  • Kefir - 0.5-1 l.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Buy ham, pre-cook potatoes in a peel.
  2. Hard-boiled eggs.
  3. Rinse greens and cucumbers.
  4. Grate the radish, put in the refrigerator, wait for the right time.
  5. Cut all other ingredients in one style - cubes or straws.
  6. Mix, salt and pour kefir.

When serving, sprinkle with herbs and add a little sour cream. It turns out a very healthy and tasty dish!

We offer several secrets and tips that will help a novice housewife not to get confused and prepare a tasty and healthy dish.

Kefir with a high percentage of fat is often quite thick, and get a "soup", which, in fact, is okroshka, will not work.

Tip - kefir should be taken in non-fat varieties, and if such a drink was not in the refrigerator, then mineral water will be saved, which should be diluted with a fatty sour-milk drink.

The desire of today's farmers to preserve products longer is known, and therefore nitrates are actively used.

Advice for housewives cooking okroshka with fresh vegetables - soaking in cold water will help. This applies to cucumbers, radishes, onion feathers.

Overweight problems worry many, okroshka will help saturate the body and maintain an ideal figure, but only if it is cooked without meat or using low-fat varieties, for example, boiled veal or chicken.

The next tip is about refueling, which some housewives like to add to okroshka. As a dressing can serve vinegar, mustard, grated with yolks and sour cream.

It is important to mix food with dressing first, let it stand for a while, and only then fill it with the selected liquid.

The last piece of advice again concerns the fermented milk product, which is served with okroshka - kefir should be added last, and immediately after that it should be served. Then the taste will be great, and outwardly the dish will look amazing!

And finally, an interesting culinary experiment on a given topic: an ordinary okroshka with a very unusual liquid ingredient.

Okroshka is a cold soup that is included in Russian traditional cuisine. For cooking, meat products and vegetables are ground. The composition may vary slightly, depending on the wishes and preferences, no strict framework exists. Therefore, do not be afraid to experiment.

Then the dish is poured with a liquid base. In most cases, the main ingredient is kvass, which can be made independently at home. And not only tasty, but also useful for the human body.

Let's look at several options for the composition of summer soup. If desired, you can adjust the list of ingredients. For cooking, we need a deep pan.

On hot days, I do not want to stand for several hours at the stove, but there is still a need. Therefore, in the summer, many housewives prefer to cook okroshka according to a traditional recipe.

For 6 servings, we will need the following ingredients:

  • 1.5 l kvass;
  • 2-4 pcs potatoes;
  • 250 g of cooked sausage without bacon or lean meat;
  • 2 medium-sized fresh cucumbers;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 200 g of radish;
  • 4 pcs green onion;
  • 1 bunch of parsley with dill;
  • 1 tsp salt;
  • 100 g sour cream.

You can buy unsweetened kvass in the store or make it yourself at home.

We chop vegetables at our discretion. If you cook okroshka at once, then you can immediately fill it with kvass or immediately before serving.

Ingredients for kefir summer soup

The next most popular cold dish recipe is on a fermented milk product. It quickly deteriorates in hot weather, so it is recommended to add a liquid base before serving okroshka on the table.

For 5 servings, we will need to prepare the following list of products:

  • 2-3 pcs of potatoes;
  • 2 medium cucumbers;
  • 3 pcs of eggs;
  • 250 g of cooked low-fat sausage;
  • 10 pcs of radishes;
  • 1 bunch of greenery;
  • Lemon juice and salt according to preference;
  • 500 ml of water;
  • 500 ml of kefir.

As an experiment, replace the sausage with meat products or sausages.

Now it remains to boil the eggs with potatoes, cut everything and pour in the liquid ingredient. Soup helps on hot summer days.

What is the mineral water dish made of?

If for some reason you do not like the classic okroshka with kvass or kefir, then use the following option in mineral water. The taste of this will not get worse.

For 6 servings we will need the ingredients:

  • 1 liter of mineral water;
  • 0.5 kg of potatoes;
  • 30 g of dill, parsley and green onions;
  • 200 g sour cream;
  • 300 g of cucumbers;
  • 5 pcs of eggs;
  • 200 g of radish;
  • Pepper and salt to taste;
  • 1 tsp of mustard.

Pour the chopped vegetables with mineral water and let it brew for 30 minutes in the refrigerator.

The composition of the summer soup can be changed if desired. The main thing is to use only high-quality products, if possible, buy vegetables in the village market.

Ingredients for okroshka on whey and sour cream

If you like sour foods, then you'd better make soup using whey. It has a beneficial effect on the digestive system and perfectly quenches thirst.

You will need to purchase the following products:

  • 5 potatoes;
  • 5 eggs;
  • 3 cucumbers;
  • 400 g sour cream;
  • 300 g of sausage;
  • Salt and dill according to preference;
  • 1 bunch of green onions;
  • 1 liter of serum.

If you have prepared a large volume of dry ingredients, then put the part in the refrigerator.

So that boiled eggs do not fall apart, they should be laid last in each plate.

What is included in cold soup in tan or ayran

Regardless of the composition, okroshka on a fermented milk product (tane) is very tasty and light. This dish is refreshing and beneficial for many organs.

To prepare 4 servings, prepare the following ingredients:

  • 200 g chicken;
  • 200 g of cucumbers;
  • 350 g of potatoes;
  • 4 chicken eggs;
  • 30 g of green onions;
  • 2 tsp mustard;
  • ½ tsp salt;
  • 30 g of dill;
  • 150 g of radish;
  • 900 ml carbonated tan or ayran.

We cut all products in equal cubes. But the radish and cucumbers can be chopped with a grater.

Chicken can be replaced with boiled meat without fat, as the soup is a cold dish. If you like a richer flavor, then mash the egg yolks with a fork.

The composition of the dish on vinegar and sour cream

In addition to traditional and familiar recipes, there is a very simple option for cooking okroshka on the water, with the addition of table vinegar. The whole process takes a minimum of time, and you do not need to have special culinary skills.

Prepare the following list of ingredients:

  • 1 bunch of radish;
  • 200 g of cooked sausage;
  • 4 cucumbers;
  • 1 bunch of green onions and dill;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 4 potatoes;
  • Pepper and salt to taste;
  • 7 tbsp sour cream;
  • 1 liter of mineral water;
  • 1 tbsp vinegar.

Grind greens very finely, and use only leaflets.

The article contains sample lists of ingredients for reference, so you can understand what okroshka is made from, if you have never done so. If desired, change products as you wish. Try to cook summer soup differently each time.