Chops. How to Cook Chops: Useful Tips

11.09.2019 Snacks

There is nothing better than tender and succulent meat for breakfast (well, there is still a question), lunch and dinner, right? For example, nutritious pork and preferably in the form of chop. It’s just that it’s not always possible to cook the perfect dish yourself, worthy of the highest praise, but how can you not turn the desired food into a tough, rubber “sole”?

We will please you - you don’t need to know any sacred secrets of being, and you don’t even need to be an experienced chef. Just look at all of our recipes, choose the one that you liked most and proceed. And if you have questions, you can open the secret curtain of culinary art for yourself by reading the secrets and tips from the last paragraph of our article. If this does not help - do not be afraid to ask questions in the comments, we will be very happy to help you!

How to cook soft and juicy pork chops in a pan

Of course, the most common, familiar and quick way to cook pork chops is to fry them in a skillet. This dish is very difficult to call a diet, but its taste, believe me, is worth a small breakdown from the diet.

Grill pans are now very popular, which will allow you to fry the meat without or with a minimum amount of oil and give the dish an exquisite and mouth-watering “net”, just like cooked on fire. But even on the most ordinary one you can cook everything very tasty and even almost without adding oil - if you know all the secrets.

For example, chops usually crumble in flour before frying, so that a crisp forms better and juice does not leak. But if you want to minimize the fat content of the dish, just do not use flour - it sticks to a dry pan. Then the meat itself will form a rosy “shell” and the desired juice will remain inside.

For chops, many ingredients we do not need:

  herbs, spices, salt

  lemon juice
  cooking oil

How to cook?

Step 1. First remove the meat from the refrigerator or freezer. If the meat is frozen, it must be thawed and cut in portions shortly before full thawing - it will be easier to get a smooth, neat shape. But still it is better to use fresh, chilled meat - it always turns out juicier and retains more nutrients. Pork must reach room temperature! Otherwise, the crust forms poorly and the meat remains damp inside. Alas, cooking does not endure too much haste.

Step 2. Contrary to popular belief, washing meat is not only not necessary, but also undesirable. All the same, you will not wash the fibers, and with heat treatment all the harmfulness will go away. However, if it seems wild to you and you still decide to wash it by all means - wash it, but then dry it with a kitchen towel. It is very important.
  In order not to damage the structure of meat fibers during beating, it is recommended to wrap each piece with a dense cling film and only then beat off. Of course, you don’t need to work hard - take care of your neighbors' strengths and nerves.

Step 3. Now, it's time to lightly marinate our products. Of course, you can skip this step if you are in a hurry or if you are so sure of the quality of the meat, but the marinade always gives tenderness and gives a unique taste and aroma to the dish. There is nothing complicated in this; you need to mix your favorite herbs and spices with salt in a small bowl, pour lemon juice and olive oil into it. The mixture should not be too watery, it will turn out to be something like a liquid paste. With this paste you need to grate chops on each side, cover with something and leave for at least half an hour.

Step 4. The pickled products should be slightly dried with a kitchen towel or a dense napkin. We will roll them in flour and if this is not done, the layer will turn out to be thick. If this does not bother you - do not dry. Pour a little flour onto a flat dish, chopping board or work surface and roll each piece separately.
  And again, you can skip this step. In this case, you do not need to dry the meat, the olive oil contained in the marinade will greatly help in the formation of a crust.

Step 5. When the time is right for frying, take a large pan with a thick bottom (or grill) and thoroughly heat it. Do not be afraid to burn the dish, the chops are fried quite quickly and it is important for us to quickly form a strong crust.
When you are sure that the dishes are ready, sprinkle them lightly with oil. Pork fat will begin to melt and the meat will not stick unless you turn it over ahead of time, so you need a drop of oil. Put the chops in a pan. In no case do not put too much and too crowded, the temperature of the pan will drop quickly and nothing good will come of it.

  Take your time and fry 2, maximum 3 pieces at a time.
  On each side, the meat will be grilled for about 5 minutes. Do not touch it ahead of time, you can only slightly raise with a spatula to make sure that it does not burn. If the pan is too hot and the meat begins to burn prematurely, fry on each side twice, 2.5 to 3 minutes.

Step 6. Finished chops must be put out wrapped in food foil or put in a container with a tight-fitting lid. The meat will need to “walk” for 10 minutes and must not be allowed to cool. At this time, the meat juice will be distributed evenly over the whole piece and will be prepared a little if you did not manage to do this on the stove. You do not need to touch it at this time, it is better to wash the dishes or fry the next batch. 

Your gorgeous dish is ready! Such chops go well with baked vegetables or potatoes, although without a garnish it turns out perfectly. Chops go well with different sauces, we will offer you some ideas below in “tips and secrets”.

Bon Appetit!

How to Make Soft and Juicy Pork Chops in the Oven

Not everyone likes fried meat, so they often prefer to bake it in the oven. This cooking method has several advantages. For example, minimal use of fat - you just need to lightly grease the parchment and this is enough, and if you cook in the sleeve, nothing is needed at all. Or save time, because much more than three pieces of meat are placed on a baking sheet, so cooking for a large family or company can be done in just one approach, and you don’t have to follow it too closely, it’s easier to set the ideal temperature.

Ways to bake pork chops in the sea oven, already eyes run up. You can bake in foil, in sauce, breading, omelette ... Let's look at a couple of options - in foil and sauce. The cooking principle does not change much, so we will only look at the main points.

Roasted pork in foil

  good, fresh pork - 200 g \\ serving
  herbs, spices, salt
  olive oil (for marinade)
  lemon juice
  cling film and hammer

How to cook?

Step 1. Prepare and marinate the meat in the same way as in the first recipe, but add a little more olive oil to the marinade - then when baking it will not be needed at all.

Step 2. Tear off for each chop a piece of foil of such a size that it is possible to put meat in the center, and bend the edges so as to completely cover it. Place foil on a baking sheet or wire rack.

Step 3. Extremely hot, frying pan with a thick bottom. The meat will need to be fried on each side in literally 1-2 minutes to form a crust. While frying the meat, preheat the oven to 200 degrees.

Step 4. Put the fried chops in foil, bend the edges so that the meat is completely closed. Put the pan in the oven and bake for 20-30 minutes, depending on the thickness of the chop.

Serve with sauce or side dish, bon appetit!

Baked pork in creamy garlic sauce

  good, fresh pork - 200 g \\ serving
  herbs, spices, salt
  2 cloves of garlic
  sour cream
  cling film and hammer

How to cook?

Step 1. Cut the pork into portions and bring the meat to room temperature. Due to the fact that we cook in the sauce, the process is greatly simplified and the meat does not need to be dried or marinated. However, still rub it with spices, salt and herbs and then beat it off.

Step 2. Finely grate or chop the garlic and mix with a glass of sour cream. Fat remains at your discretion. If desired, you can add 1/2 teaspoon of mustard or a tablespoon of soy sauce. This will give an interesting taste and more delicate texture to the dish.

Step 3. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Cover the baking sheet with foil and lay the meat on it. This time you don’t have to worry about density, the pieces can fit together. Now pour the meat with sour cream sauce, distribute it over the meat, if desired, you can turn the pieces so that they are better saturated with sauce on each side.

Bake for 30 minutes.

Bon Appetit!

How to cook soft and juicy pork chops in batter

This is perhaps one of the favorite interpretations of pork chops. Well, who does not like a crispy golden batter, under which lies juicy and tender meat? Everyone loves, of course everyone. And such chops are prepared quickly and simply, although it is worth recognizing that the dish is quite fatty.
Also, slices can be made thin and long and then you get an appetizer - a kind of meat sticks. Give it a try!

It is also very important that it is in this recipe that you should use a clipping, because bones among the batter are by no means appropriate.

  Good, fresh pork (fillet) - 600 grams
  3 chicken eggs
  2 cloves of garlic
  Spices, salt
10-12 tablespoons of flour
  Milk or sour cream - 4 tablespoons
  Cooking Oil
  Cling film and hammer
  How to cook?
  Step 1. Cut the meat in even, equal slices about 1.5-2 centimeters thick. Beat off the pieces of pork with a hammer, wrapping each piece of meat in a dense film. Leave the meat in a film, bring it to room temperature.

  Step 2. To prepare the batter, you need to break the eggs into a deep bowl, add spices and salt, finely grated garlic and milk or sour cream. Beat the mixture well with a whisk. Without stopping, slowly add flour, beat the mixture until smooth, there should be no lumps. For greater meat tenderness, you can replace 2 tablespoons of flour with potato or corn starch.

  Step 3. Now, put the pan on the fire, add a few tablespoons of oil and heat the dishes. Pour the flour onto a plate or work surface in the meantime. Each piece of meat will need to first roll in flour, then dip in the dough, and roll again in flour. Put the product on a frying pan, fry on each side for 6 minutes, a golden, appetizing shell should form. Then cover the dishes and remove from heat for 15 minutes.

  Such chops go well with sauce, serve hot.

Bon Appetit!

How to cook soft and juicy pork chops with tomatoes and cheese

And this is a real festive dish, beloved by everyone, and it is quite simple to cook it. In fact, you can replace tomatoes with any other vegetable or fruit - zucchini, pineapple, bell pepper, apple or potato. Everything will be very tasty and beautiful. Well and most importantly, of course, that they are prepared simply.

In this recipe, we also strongly recommend using the boneless portion. After all, the main plus of this dish is that it can be so easily and aesthetically cut with a knife and then put on a neat, melting piece of meat in your mouth with a fork and feel true pleasure. The dish is completely finished, he does not need any sauce, nothing. Only a loving mistress. 

  good, fresh pork (fillet) - 200 g \\ serving
  herbs, spices, salt
  ripe tomatoes
  hard cheese
  mayonnaise or fat sour cream
  cling film and hammer

How to cook?

Step 1. Cut the pork in even slices of 1.5-2 centimeters. Wrap in cling film and discard the meat. Now you need to grate it with salt and spices, leave to marinate briefly.

Step 2. While the meat is pickled, wash the tomatoes and cut them into circles about half a centimeter. The thicker the tomato slice, the juicier our chop will be.

Step 3. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater in a deep bowl and add a few tablespoons of sour cream or mayonnaise there, mix. You should get something like a thick cheese paste. This method will help to avoid the hardening of cheese in the process of baking, and as a result you will get a very delicate, ruddy and tenacious "hat".

Step 4. Turn on the oven 180 degrees. Cover the baking sheet with foil or parchment, lightly grease it and lay out the chops. Spread a thin layer of sour cream or mayonnaise on top, if desired, you can mix it in advance with grated garlic.

  Spread the tomato slices on top and then spread the cheese paste evenly. You don’t need to put too much cheese and distribute the mass mainly in the center - when baking, it spreads a little. Bake for 25-30 minutes.

Bon Appetit!

Pork chops in batter in a pan - step by step video recipe for juicy chops

How to Make Soft and Juicy Pork Chops Secrets and Cooking Tips

Tip 1. Choose fresh and quality meat, preferably not frozen.
  For quick and easy preparation of delicious chops, it is preferable to use certain parts of the animal’s body. For example, the neck, shoulder blade or thigh. The quality of meat can be determined by color - it should be a pleasant, pale pink color, and the presence of fat. It is very important to get the perfect taste and juiciness of meat.

Tip 2. Do not cut the meat too thick or too thin. Perfect juiciness can be obtained by chopping the meat with the “right” pieces. They should not be thinner than 1.5 cm and not thicker than 2.5. After all, you will still beat him. Too thick a piece may not be baked, but too thin threatens to turn into a “sole”.

  Tip 3. The rule of room temperature.
  In order for the meat to bake evenly inside and form a beautiful, crispy crust, it must be at room temperature. Otherwise, the shell will be ready, but the center will not be baked and all the work will seem in vain. Pity yourself, because after beating, the meat warms up quickly enough, be patient.

Tip 4. The meat should be dried.
  The main enemies of frying are the low temperature of the pan and the wet product. We don’t need to extinguish! Therefore, do not be too lazy to dry the meat with a towel or roll in flour. No moisture.

Tip 5. Actually, frying.
It is incredibly important that the pan warms up as much as possible before frying, otherwise the meat will immediately give away the juice and you will not get either a crisp or juicy pulp.

Tip 6. Marinade.
  When we beat meat, the structure of fibers is broken and due to this it turns out much more tender. But still, there is no superfluous tenderness, so you should not neglect the half-hour marinade. They very well soften sour fruit juice, soy sauce, mayonnaise and apple cider vinegar. In addition to spices and salt, add one of these products in the amount of 1-2 tablespoons to the marinade and the result will not disappoint you!

Tip 7. Do not fry in olive oil.
  Olive oil is great for salad dressing and marinade, but you should never use it when frying. When heated, it immediately begins to burn and, instead of using it, you will extract the maximum of carcinogens from it. If you really do not like sunflower, melt a cube of butter just before frying - this will give the meat a pleasant aftertaste of baked milk.

  Tip 8. Do not store chops.
  Of course, this dish is very tasty and I would like to keep it for tomorrow's dinner or even take it with me to work. But alas, this is not a dish that suffers storage, all the juiciness and tenderness will disappear somewhere and only an ordinary, slightly dry piece of meat will remain. The one exception is the chop with tomato and cheese. The juiciness of the vegetable allows you to compensate for moisture loss in the meat.

Secret 1. In winter, so that the meat reaches room temperature faster, you can wrap it in a film, wrap it in a damp towel and put it on the battery. In just 10 minutes, the meat will warm up, preserving freshness.

Secret 2. Multifunctional breading.
  If you think batter or breading is just a matter of appearance, then you are deeply mistaken. Firstly, dense breading makes it possible to FULLY avoid the loss of precious juice, due to which the juiciness increases significantly, and secondly, it is known that combinations of eggs and flour or starch soften the structure of meat.

Secret 3. Perfect with sauce.
  Fried chop, especially in batter, goes well with various sauces. For example, with mustard. To do this, you need to dilute 1/3 teaspoon of dry mustard with a few drops of lemon juice and mix this paste with mayonnaise, yogurt or sour cream. You will be surprised how harmoniously this simple sauce complements our usual dish.

  Secret 4. What if it came out too thin?
No problem. If you cut the meat too thin, do not hesitate to beat it even thinner and fold it in half, put a piece of cheese between the layers. Then you need to cover a piece in batter and fry as well as other chops. Instead of cheese, you can make a filling of mushrooms, pineapples, prunes or, for example, pumpkin. It will turn out very tasty and unusual - a great way to surprise guests!

Secret 5. Fast and many.
  If you are preparing for the holiday and you really need a lot of chops, it is better to choose a recipe with cooking in the oven. The fact is that in the oven you can bake 3 baking sheets filled with meat at the same time - this will not affect the quality, but it will save you a lot of time and effort.

Enjoy your cooking and success in the kitchen! Share your experiences in the comments.

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Pork chops are a win-win dish adored by men, and by all households. Fortunately, there are many options for the preparation of chops and one tastes better: with cheese, mushrooms, under tomato and soya marinade ... But that's not all! We will tell you the most popular recipes for pork chops.

Classic pork chops in the oven

Pork chops in the oven - a feast of the stomach and a classic of the culinary genre. The dish is always eaten with pleasure and be sure to ask for supplements. Only meat can be better than meat - we reliably know this. The charm of the dish is that it does not require special tricks and is prepared in an elementary way.

To beat pork too thin is not worth it, otherwise it will dry out. The ideal thickness is 1 cm.

For chops, you can use lean pork without fat, but it is even better to have a little fat, but it was. So the meat will be much juicier. It is best to take fillet on the bone - it literally asks for chops. But you can take a piece of ham, neck or carbonade. The main thing is that the meat is perfect freshness.

Prepare the ingredients:

  • pork loin - 700 g;
  • black pepper a few peas;
  • vegetable oil - 30 ml;
  • salt to taste.

We cover the meat with cling film and beat it well with a wooden or tin hammer. Lubricate with ground black pepper, salt and vegetable oil. Heat a frying pan and quickly fry with chops on both sides. Our goal is to get a golden crust, but not bring the meat to readiness.

Now we shift the chops into a baking dish (you can each other) and put in a preheated oven for literally 10 minutes. The optimum temperature is 220 degrees. Such chops are moderately fried, very juicy, pork, though it does not melt in the mouth, but becomes tender.

We take out our meat and set the table. Garnish to chop can be anything. Suitable pasta, rice, mashed potatoes. But we, as supporters of a healthy diet, suggest serving meat with baked or fresh vegetables. So it is absorbed quickly and does not cause damage to the figure.

Recipe for roasting meat in foil

The pork in the foil is tender, juicy, this meat is really melting in the mouth. The foil “seals” the meat juices inside, although it does not stew the meat. The technology is interesting, and you don’t have to wash the mold: throw away the foil and the dishes will remain clean.

The recipe teaches you how to cook home-made boiled pork - a great alternative to purchased sausages and sausages, a hearty, healthy meat dish. You can bake meat in portions or in large pieces - the result will surely please.

Pork is neutral meat. It perfectly absorbs many aromas and spices, any suitable for it. But the pure taste of meat is emphasized only by black pepper and salt.

We need a piece of pork (preferably ham) weighing 700 g, carrots, a few cloves of garlic and spices. You can take just salt and black pepper.

If you are planning to bake a piece of pork, then you won’t have to beat anything. But for portioned serving, beat off pieces up to 2 cm thick.

And now everything is simple:

  1. We beat the pork.
  2. We make cuts on the sides.
  3. Cut carrots and garlic into small cubes and thin slices.
  4. We stuff the "pockets" with vegetables.
  5. Rub with salt and pepper.
  6. Carefully pack each piece into foil and put into shape.
  7. Cook at a temperature of 220 degrees 25 minutes.
  8. We get out and serve.

The presentation can be made creative, in the spirit of the best modern restaurants. We just need to slightly expand the foil, leaving a piece of meat inside, and spread around the village potatoes, coarsely chopped vegetables and herbs. Next to each eater we put a portion of white yogurt and mint sauce. Dip the pieces of pork in the sauce and enjoy life!

Pork chops baked in creamy garlic sauce

If you have never tried chops pickled in sour cream and garlic sauce and then baked in the oven - your gastronomic world definitely suffers. Melting meat in the mouth, emphasized by spices and spices, sparing cooking technology make the dish perfect. Even people who count calories will not have to worry. Especially if the piece is small, and brown rice or fresh vegetables will serve as a side dish. But here it is important to choose a lean piece without fat.

We will need:

  • a piece of pork tenderloin without fat and bone - 700 g;
  • cream - 200 ml;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • salt, black pepper - a pinch.

The main highlight of the dish is the right sauce. For it, we need cream of 45% fat and a little garlic. Garlic is not worth it - it just has to set off the sauce. Mix cream, salt and garlic, crushed on a garlic squeezer. Give a little insist. We beat the meat and immerse whole in a creamy sauce. Let the meat marinate for an hour.

Just don’t overdo the meat! It will dry and begin to resemble a “sole”.

Put the slices in a deep baking dish and pour the sauce. We put in the oven, heated to 200 degrees. The sauce will gradually evaporate, soaking every fiber of our pork, making the meat soft. Garlic will hue the gamut of taste and in general the combination will turn out great. As soon as a light golden crust appeared on the pork (after about 15 minutes), turn off the heat to 60 degrees and simmer for another 5-7 minutes. Turn off the oven, set the table.

The easiest way to cook meat is to discard and fry. However, not everyone decides to cook beef chops in a pan, since they mistakenly believe that they will come out dry and tough. In fact, there are recipes according to which beef chops can be cooked deliciously in a pan.

Cooking features

Beef really does not have so much fat that it can be cooked juicy according to any of the recipes. If you want to make delicious beef chops in a pan, preference should be given to recipes where the meat is cooked in batter or breading, which protects it from moisture loss, or stewed in sauce after frying, making it soft and tender. In this case, several more points should be taken into account.

  • Veal chops are much more tender than meat from an adult cow. When buying, you should pay attention to the color of the meat, the amount of fiber. Veal fibers are not too large, the color is from pink to bright red. If the meat has a dark shade, then it is no longer veal.
  • Chops from any meat are more juicy if it has not been frozen. This is especially true for lean meats such as beef. Therefore, when buying chops, it is better to give preference to chilled or fresh meat. If you still purchased a frozen product, you need to make sure that the meat thawed in natural conditions, best of all - in the refrigerator. Then, the fact that the meat was frozen and then thawed will hardly affect the final result.
  • Beef tenderloin is more suitable for chops than meat from the brisket, scapula or back. This is especially important if you are going to fry them in a skillet. If the tenderloin could not be obtained, it is better to consider alternative methods of cooking beef.
  • When you are beating meat, cover it with cling film or place in a bag so that splashes do not fly away from it.
  • The pan with oil, before putting beef chops in it, should be heated. Otherwise, they will pester.
  • First, it is recommended to fry beef chops on high heat, when a crust forms - on average, and you need to finish cooking by languishing under a lid over low heat. The lid of the pan is covered only at the last stage of cooking.

The technology for making chops may vary depending on the recipe you choose.

Beef chops in breadcrumbs

  • beef (tenderloin) - 0.5 kg;
  • chicken egg - 4 pcs.;
  • breadcrumbs - 80-100 g;
  • salt, spices for meat - to taste;
  • vegetable oil - as needed.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the meat, cut into layers of 1.5 centimeters across the fibers.
  • Beat through a film or bag on both sides. Rub with a mixture of salt and spices.
  • Beat the eggs in a bowl.
  • Heat oil in a pan.
  • Take the chop, dip it in the egg, bread in breadcrumbs. Dip it in the egg again, breaded. Put in boiling oil.
  • Do the same with the remaining meat.
  • Fry the chops on one side for 7 minutes (without lid over medium heat). Turn over to the other side, fry for 5 minutes. Then turn down the heat, cover the pan with a lid and cook the chops for another 5 minutes.

Beef chops in egg and breadcrumbs can be served with any side dish or with vegetable salad.

Beef chops in batter

  • beef (tenderloin) - 0.5 kg;
  • chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
  • milk - 80 ml;
  • wheat flour - 70 g;
  • salt, black pepper - to taste;

Cooking method:

  • After washing and drying the beef tenderloin with napkins, cut it into pieces one and a half centimeters thick. Beat off on both sides by first placing in a bag or covering with plastic wrap.
  • Salt and pepper the chops.
  • In a bowl, beat the eggs, mix them with the sifted flour, add milk and beat the dough with a whisk so that it acquires a uniform consistency, without lumps.
  • After soaking each chop in batter, put the meat in a frying pan. Sauté on medium heat for 7-8 minutes on each side without a lid.

The batter will help make the chops soft and juicy, as it prevents the meat from losing moisture.

Beef Chops with Mustard

  • beef (tenderloin) - 0.5 kg;
  • mustard - 40 ml;
  • chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
  • mayonnaise - 20 ml;
  • breading mixture - 0.2 kg;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Prepare chops from beef tenderloin by slicing and chopping meat, rubbing each piece with salt and pepper. Lubricate the mustard on both sides, leave for 15 minutes.
  • Beat the eggs by mixing them with mayonnaise.
  • Heat oil in a pan.
  • Dipping each chop into mayonnaise-egg mixture, breaded it well in breadcrumbs or a special mixture, fill them with a pan of boiling oil.
  • Fry without a lid over medium heat. The total cooking time is 15 minutes. At the same time, you need to fry a little more on the first side than on the second.

Chops for this recipe are soft, with a piquant taste.

Beef Chops with Prunes

  • beef tenderloin - 1 kg;
  • pitted prunes - 5 pcs.;
  • onions - 100 g;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • honey - 5 ml;
  • ground paprika - 10 g;
  • spices, salt - to taste;
  • bay leaf - 1 pc.;
  • vegetable oil - as needed.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the tenderloin, dry it, cut across the fibers in batches, beat them on both sides.
  • Salt and fry on both sides in boiling oil, taking about 5 minutes on each side.
  • Put the meat on a plate.
  • Cut the onions into rings and fry in the same pan in which the chops were fried.
  • Remove the onions from the pan and mix with the honey, melted to a liquid state.
  • Pour the prunes with warm water, after 10 minutes, remove, squeeze and cut along a thin straw.
  • Mix prunes with onions.
  • Put the chops in a large pan, distribute the onions and prunes with an even layer, cover with another layer of chops.
  • Sprinkle chops with paprika. Put a bay leaf.
  • Pour some water into the pan. Cover it.
  • Put the pan on a slow fire and simmer the beef for an hour, carefully making sure that at the bottom there is at least a little water, otherwise the meat will burn.

Served such chops with a side dish. Sweet and sour sauce makes their taste unique.

Beef chops with onions and carrots

  • beef (tenderloin) - 0.5 kg;
  • carrots - 150 g;
  • onions - 150 g;
  • vegetable oil - as needed;
  • salt, spices - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Cut meat in portions, beat, grate with salt and pepper.
  • Coarsely grate the carrots. A good idea would be to use a grater for Korean salads.
  • Cut the onion into small cubes.
  • Sauté the vegetables in oil until soft. Remove from the pan.
  • Heat a new portion of oil in a pan, put the chops on it. Fry for 8-10 minutes on one side, turn over.
  • Put the fried carrots and onions on the chops. Add some water. Close the chops and simmer for 15–20 minutes, remembering to add water.

The universal taste of these juicy chops will not disappoint you.

Do not be afraid to cook beef chops in a pan. Subject to technology, they will turn out soft and juicy. True, this will require a good recipe. You will probably be able to find a suitable one from the above.

Cooking meat is a process that is always of interest to the cook, but requires certain cooking skills. In our step by step recipe with a photo, we will tell you in detail how to cook pork chops breaded in breadcrumbs in a pan with a minimum amount of oil. This way of cooking will make the dish a little more useful, while the taste of the famous food will not lose its charm.

Beef liver chops are a very healthy and tasty dish, and it’s also just cooked. Everyone knows how many vitamins are in the liver, but how many dishes do you prepare from it? Of course, the liver is very useful, but the same dishes quickly get bored, so we present a simple recipe that will help diversify your menu.

   An easy-to-prepare meal, perfect for a family or romantic dinner. If you really want to please your loved ones, then cook chicken chops with cheese. Everyone will definitely like them and will be able to diversify their daily diet. They are prepared quite simply and quickly. Read our step-by-step photo recipe and see for yourself!

Oven Chicken Chops

Cooking chicken in the oven is not difficult. The whole dish is prepared quite quickly, and it can be served on any table, it doesn’t matter if it is an ordinary family dinner, a romantic date or a holiday. On any table, chicken in the oven will be especially popular. They have the noble beauty of a festive dish, an incredible aroma that drives you crazy and has a delicate taste.

Chicken fillet chops are an elegant, tasty and at the same time easy to prepare dish. Let the chicken chops just cook enough and even the most inexperienced and novice cook can cope with this task, yet each dish and recipe for its preparation has its own zest, the one that distinguishes usually cooked food from food cooked with soul and imagination. Site site presents you an excellent recipe, thanks to which you will learn how to cook the most delicious and juicy chicken fillet chops. If you do not know how to cook chicken fillet chops, then feel free to use our recipe and you will not regret it for a second.

The meat is Milanese simple, but very tasty dish. This recipe will help you cook incredibly tender and flavorful meat, everyone will be very happy, but you will get well-deserved praise. The meat is cooked in Milan very quickly and you don’t need special cooking skills to cook it. The dish has many cooking options, but today we will tell you how to cook meat in Milan using breadcrumbs and Parmesan cheese.

Chops - one of the most popular meat dishes, which is obtained by beating the meat fillet with a special hammer, thereby making it more tender when cooked. Chops can be prepared from almost any type of meat: pork, beef, chicken are ideal for this dish.
  Chop recipes are so diverse that it is difficult to imagine even a small part. When preparing beef chops, one should not forget that such meat is quite tough and it is better to choose young veal meat. Chicken chops are usually prepared from breast fillet, the meat is rather dry and of course there are culinary secrets that you will find in this section. Our step-by-step recipes with photos will tell you how to cook tasty and juicy chops at home and how to serve the dish in an original way to the table.
Chops can be cooked, not only frying in a pan, but also baked in the oven. Before proceeding to the heat treatment, the chops are breaded in breadcrumbs and spices, they make all kinds of batter from flour and eggs, due to which the meat is more juicy. They beat off fillet pieces with a plastic wrap or bag, so the fibers are less damaged and the risk of meat rupture is reduced, because pieces that are cut to a thickness of not more than 1.5 cm are beaten. blow and it is possible to use a mallet without cloves.
  The collection of photo recipes presented in this section will help you to deliciously prepare juicy chops from any meat. And the little tricks and secrets of cooking will make you look at this dish in a new way.

The main secret of pork chops is, of course, good meat. Not to spoil it will help common sense. Such errors as coals in a frying pan or in beaten-up meat in lace we do not consider. Our advice is for those who already understand something in meat and want to cook a truly juicy pork chop.

What meat to take

  Best chilled (ideally steam, but we are realistic) pork. It should be pale pink. It is possible with a thin, 5-7 millimeters, layer of fat on one side. Best suited loin, ham, shoulder blade. The meat should be without films and without thick veins.

How to chop

The meat is cut across the fibers, about 1.2-1.5 cm thick. The width and length of the chops are limited by the size of the piece you bought. Optimal - chops the size of your hand.


It is better not to wash the meat, this is a completely unnecessary action, especially when you consider that you will fry it in a very hot pan. In addition, after washing, the chops may be too wet and a crust will not form on them.

Important:dry meat must be fried, so be sure to pat the chops with a paper towel.


  If there are small veins, then it is better to incise them. This is done with a sharp knife, at an angle of 45 degrees to the vein, in 2-3 places. Incised veins will not constrict the meat, and the chop will be smooth and beautiful.

How to beat off

Do not beat meat to the state of lace. The thickness of the piece should not decrease much after beating. It is best to take a wooden hammer, but if there is only iron, be merciful to meat, do not beat it with all your strength.

With good, quality, tender meat and you need to handle gently. If you came across a not too good piece, then you need to beat it a little harder. And incise all the veins in several places. If the meat still promises to be harsh, think about another dish. Chops need really good meat.

What to fry

The meat needs to be fried in a small amount of oil, vegetable or a mixture of olive and butter is often recommended. The fact is that just butter - burns at a high temperature and spoils the taste of the dish, and indeed carcinogens form in burnt oil.

A great option is to take ghee, which was drowned long enough for milk to leave, and only fat remains. This oil does not burn and improves the taste of meat.


  One of the most reliable and proven methods: dip in whipped protein and roll in breadcrumbs. The latter can be replaced with ground sesame or nuts, whole grains, chickpeas or cornmeal, potato or corn starch.

If you are confident in meat, then chops can not be breaded, but simply coated with mustard. With it, pork looks just fine, it becomes soft and aromatic.

How to salt and pepper

Pepper before breading. But you don’t need to salt immediately, the salt draws juice from the meat, and the chops turn out dry. Salt the meat right before serving. If you use mustard, then try not to salt at all, maybe you will have enough salt and so on.

In which pan to fry

  A pan with a thick bottom and non-stick coating is perfect. Just make sure that the coating is intact, there are no scratches on it, otherwise the products will burn.

How to fry

I usually fry this way: first, in a very hot pan for 1-2 minutes, to form a crust. Then a couple of minutes on low heat. Then I turn over and repeat the process on the other side. I chop the meat with a wooden skewer and look at the transparency of the juice: in most cases, the juice comes out transparent, and then the chops are ready. If not, fry for a minute on medium heat.

Important:  Do not cover the meat with a lid, often do not turn it over.