Cucumbers for winter barreled way. Step-by-step photo recipe for the preparation of pickles for the winter so that they taste like barrels to taste

18.04.2019 Salads

Barrel cucumbers, either pickled or salted, who calls them - this is very tasty preparation. Well, what about it? After all, these cucumbers are not only appetizing on their own due to their hearty taste, but they are added to vinaigrette, pickle, and Russian salad. Now you can buy such cucumbers everywhere - in stores and on the market. But why buy such cucumbers, if you can prepare them yourself.

The essence of the recipe is that cucumbers begin to ferment and release lactic acid, which will become a preservative. To start the fermentation process you need a lot of salt. So do not be surprised that there is a lot of it in the recipe. For the recipe, use the usual rock salt itself without additives, iodizing, use of extra salt is also not recommended.

How to cook salted barrel cucumbers for the winter in banks

First you need to wash the cucumbers well and soak them in cold water   several hours. This is the success of tasty and crispy cucumbers. While cucumbers are soaked, prepare jars - wash them thoroughly and pour boiling water over them. It'll be enough.

In each jar at the bottom put a sheet of horseradish, a leaf of cherries, 1 umbrella of dill (if you can have two small ones), a few cloves of garlic (put the rest on top), do not forget about black and allspice.

Now we put cucumbers in the jar. It is very convenient to put them in a jar tightly to each other. Small cucumbers leave in order to lay them on top. There is a small distance between cucumbers, you can put garlic in it.

Pour salt into the jar.

Fill the banks clear water. Clear water is bottled or from a filter, but not boiled. Pour cold water.

Top cover cucumbers with a leaf of cherry, horseradish or currant. So cucumbers will not come into contact with oxygen.

All specified leaves must be washed, take only fresh, not yellowed leaves.

Cover the cans with nylon covers and place in a warm place for 3 days. Nylon cover   better to take with holes, because in the sourdough process, the pickle is likely to come out of the jar.

You can still cover the banks with gauze. And to the brine was where to go, put each jar on a plate or tray.

The next day you will see cucumbers begin to change their color to darker.

On the second day, a frothy hat will appear, and the brine will begin to cloud, which means that the fermentation is proceeding as it should. We leave cucumbers for one more day, on this day salt pickle   may partially spill out of the jar.

Now pour the brine into a separate pan. And bring it to a boil. Cucumbers in the meantime, you can rinse - typing several times in a jar of clean water and drain it. You will wash away the white bloom on cucumbers, i.e. remove the lactic acid product and fermentation will be stopped. If you plan to eat cucumbers immediately, put them in the fridge and reach for them as needed.

Fill cucumbers with boiling brine and immediately roll the jars with lids. You can try cucumbers in 2 weeks. Before that, they will be lightly salted, and after the specified time, they will taste like cask.

Wrap cucumbers to cool. And transferred to storage in the basement or closet, insisting, jars of pickles again become cloudy, this does not need to be afraid.

We did it great snack   to vodka, prepare pickles in jars, because in a residential environment it is difficult to make conservation in a barrel. This preparation will last all winter, and your husband will thank you for the taste of delicious cask cucumbers. Good blanks you.

Blackberries thanks to the work of breeders, obtaining varieties completely devoid of thorns, as well as travelers and tourists who brought new foreign varieties with high quality fruits to our continent, are gaining increasing popularity and more and more often can be found in garden plots. Blackberries, as a rule, only when grown on a trellis, which must be installed in the second year after its landing on the site.

Strawberry, or garden strawberry, as it should be more properly called, is the most common berry crop. It competes only with honeysuckle, but not by area, but by the time of the appearance of the first berries. It is these two cultures that are the first to enrich us with vitamins, sometimes the most important. In our article we will try to tell you about whether it is necessary to shelter our favorite berries for the winter from the severe frost and, if necessary, how to do it correctly.

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Pumpkin pie   on kefir with dried fruit is one of the most simple, inexpensive, but, nevertheless, beautiful pieswhich is not a shame to serve not only for evening tea, but also for festive table. Golden yellow inside, moderately sweet, slightly moist, with pieces of dried fruit and sour cream, it is eaten to crumbs, as soon as it appears on the table. Any dried fruits and candied fruits - figs, dried apricots, dates - are suitable for the filling, and at the same time clean your kitchen warehouse.

So, the summer season, one might say, is already behind, and it becomes somehow sad. The summer quickly flew by, there was a lot of work and worries. In the garden, in the garden, on a flower bed, the overwhelming majority of the works have already been completed, the garden is empty. The harvest is also mostly cleaned, packed and safely hidden. But one should not let the waves of pessimism on oneself, because if one tries and applies a little knowledge, then one can extend the autumn and return the summer home by building it on the windowsill.

The problem of running, overgrown, weed-hit areas sooner or later confronts any gardener. The task of clearing is not only related to the situation when you acquire a suburban area in a deplorable state. Old flower beds or “forgotten” lawns, overgrown arrays or uncontrolled weeds that weren't started to fight in time is not a rare situation. And the main key to success in solving the problem - patience and endurance.

Pork fajitos is a recipe for a spicy Mexican snack, which consists of meat stew   with vegetables, chili and fresh salad. By tradition, all ingredients are wrapped in a round cake from unleavened doughmade from wheat or corn flour   - tortilla. In Mexico, Fahita is served to the table separately - meat, vegetables and tortillas, and you yourself collect your version of the dish. Collect fajitos need immediately before serving, so that the cake is not soaked.

Winter is the most crucial period for apple trees and you need to survive it with minimal losses. In general, the complex of activities includes late harvesting, collecting and destroying fallen leaves, digging the stalk strip, dressing, water recharge irrigation, mulching the stalk zone, removing lichens and moss from trunks, stripping the bark, removing dry and interfering branches, whitewashing, processing from pests and diseases, the clogging of hollows and insulation of young apple trees.

One of the most favorite cultures that is used to create bonsai is the Japanese Serissa. This delightful plant is also called the tree of a thousand stars (its bloom fully justifies such a nickname). But there are other advantages to the Serissa. Beautiful bark, miniature leaves, amazing silhouettes - all this more than compensates for its capriciousness. Growing a seriss is no easy task. But nevertheless from room bonsai it is considered one of the most unpretentious.

Mushroom soup   with chanterelles - what could be tastier and easier. In my opinion, only champignons and oyster mushrooms compete with chanterelles in their availability and omnipresence. Even in the most “non-mushroom” year, there will be a bucket of yellow “foxes” on the market. In addition to accessibility, there are a number of advantages. First, the worms almost never affect this fungus. Secondly, you can collect a lot at once. Third, do not need to clean. In general, where not look - one continuous benefit!

In October, the breath of winter is already foreseen. While the garden is filling up with a new sound, deploying a fiery autumn show, gardeners manage to admire the landscapes only in brief moments of respite. After all, work on the preparation for the winter and the next season is at its peak. Luckily, moon calendar   October is so balanced that you can use every fine day. We offer you a brief and detailed lunar calendar gardener for October.

Strange, dazzlingly bright, outlandish, inaccurate - which only epithets are not honored with garden leavers. These perennials combine winter hardiness and unpretentiousness with outlandish appearance. Culture has become one of the favorite species and is found in fashionable design projects, and in private gardens. The main advantage of Lychnisa - undemanding to care. After all, in order to admire the colors of inflorescences, it is enough just not to forget about timely feeding.

In this article it will go   about water-recharge irrigation of fruit crops, which, I think, many gardeners neglect, especially in rainy autumn. Many feel that the rain that thundered on the roof all night can wet the soil to a sufficient depth, and you can do without the use of additional artificial watering, without spending extra money on water. But no, it is impossible, and we will now tell you why and teach you the proper water recharge irrigation.

Zucchini marinated for the winter with onions, peppers and physalis - a light, savory, vegetable appetizer-assorted. Zucchini is a neutral vegetable, it perfectly absorbs various tastes and smells. A small handful of onions and sweet pepper, a little fragrant spices - that's all you need to make delicious canned vegetables. This year I grew Physalis in the garden. Jam is made from it, but in my pickle, physalis, in my opinion, is much tastier.

Soil is not just a habitat for plants. Along with carbon dioxide, light and water, it is a vital element, without which most plants cannot survive. Characteristics of the soil, its mechanical composition, acidity, water and breathability, nutritional value play a key role. Substrate selection errors are a source of major problems and risks. The most reliable option for indoor plants are purchased, ready-made substrates.

I have never met a man who would be indifferent to all kinds of homemade pickles. And I'm not talking about the process of sterilization and canning, but about a plate of pickled or salted snacks. Here you can only argue - someone left is more like it, but someone has more sugar.
  But a certain stand out pickled cucumbers   (not salted and not pickled!), they are also called cask. It is here that all lovers of winter snacks from a can are broken up into two camps - some like such cucumbers until they tremble at their knees, and others like them, they stink, and in general, fu!
I am among the first! Crispy, hearty, filled with juice, only such a cucumber is tasty for a glass of vodka, and only such a cucumber is worthy of a vinaigrette.
  While I was a city girl and I had only a refrigerator, I often visited the market in a tent from the local state farm - there, in addition to sweet onions and juicy carrots, sauerkraut and the real ones were always sold barrel cucumbers. I immediately bought 10 pieces and a half in the car I ate, smearing everything around with brine)))
  And when we got a cellar, then I wondered - is it possible to cook the same delicious cucumbers   at home?
  Of course, at first I tried to get an oak barrel for pickling, but then I realized - I started from the wrong side! First of all, need a recipe! And I got it! All the details of cooking barrel cucumbers were told to me by an aunt in the market from which I always bought these cucumbers. True, by revealing this secret to me, she lost me as a buyer - because now both barrel cucumbers, and sauerkraut   I can do it myself)))

Although, I wrote down the recipe with doubt, but “It couldn’t be that simple!” Was spinning in my head. Well, I really didn’t believe that in order to get such tasty food on a plate, cucumbers must first turn sour (roughly speaking, spoil!) and then magically turn into a delicacy!
  Indeed, the recipe is so primitive that if cucumbers have already been selected, consider that half the work has been done!

What pick cucumbers? Of course, delicious, strong, flawless, straight from the garden.
  It is believed that pickled cucumbers with thick peel and black thorns are best suited for pickling and pickling - special pickling varieties (the breeders even bred the common “Masha” variety). Such cucumbers are well kept (last year a couple of buckets quietly reached the cellar until March), they remain crisp and strong.
  But gentle, with velvety fluff - they are better in salads. In salting they are stored poorly, and if such cucumbers sour, then pretty quickly they turn into muddy soap. Although, if you do not plan to store the billet until spring, you can try this recipe with any cucumbers.

And the size? Yes, when you make barrel cucumbers, size does matter! It is verified that the larger the cucumber, the more harmoniously the magical processes within it take place. Of course, one should understand that the cucumber did not outgrow to the size of a zucchini, was covered with a thick skin, turned yellow from one side, and inside there were huge seeds, there are simply large-fruited varieties - cucumber can be at least 30 centimeters long, but remain juicy, tender and not overripe.
  One bad luck with such long cucumbers - what is their sour? Here, the usual three-liter jar, and a cucumber sticking out of the neck ... And how many such copies with a jar will fit - three, four?

Therefore, my choice - plastic bucket containers. They come in different sizes (from half a liter to 12!), With airtight lids, walls are transparent enough to spy on what is happening inside (it is easy to control the turbidity of the brine and its level), but most importantly, the diameter of the bottom and the neck do not differ much.
  This container - four-liter. And here is the cucumber that stuck out of three-liter cans   - Yes, such cucumbers can be at least a dozen there to lay a pile!

But no matter what kind of cucumbers you pick for pickling - all of them must be washed and soaked in a cool clean water   at least 2 hours, and better at night. Cucumbers absorb water and less “drink” brine.

For now let's do some delicious accents! We will gather fragrant herbs on the beds - dill (delicate twigs and tough stems, flowers and ripened umbrellas), garlic (and heads, and green feathers), horseradish leaves, parsley (entirely with roots or only leaves), cilantro (leaves, flowers, green seeds), sprigs of mint, basil, thyme. Do not forget about the leaves of black currant.
  If there are no beds, and the grandmother is far away in the village, there is a direct road to the market, fragrant “brooms” with everything necessary are sold there.
  Also in the cucumber is great bay leaf, hot pepper   and peppercorns.

Another good thing to add cherry leaves. In our region, such a cherry is called a sweet cherry or “cherry on a leg,” its leaves are small, but there is plenty of flavor.
  I came with friends to the country with gardening scissors and brought a real cherry bouquet - chop the leaves into blanks, chop the twigs into hot smoked chips, eat berries!
  By the way, if you didn’t use all the leaves at once, put them in a bag and keep them in the refrigerator - they are lying for several weeks; You can also save the "extra" leaves of black currant and horseradish.

But real cask cucumbers are therefore cask-based - they are barrels with taste, ideally oak. We will “cheat” - we will add dry oak leaves in the bucket. Of course, they are not as fragrant as fresh ones, but what to do if real oaks do not grow here? After all, are we in the kitchen using dry bay leaves?
  There are almost no problems with dry oak leaves - you need to buy an oak broom. Just don't buy it in beautiful packaging   in the supermarket (suddenly it is processed or something old), look around the city baths - there they always sell brooms made of birch, fir, juniper, and oak, sometimes they are found. I know, one uncle specially brought oak brooms from the Far East.
  Such a broom will suffice to pickle a few buckets of cucumbers and in the bathhouse it will remain))

Well, about the salt I will say more! Take a big pickling and not iodized! With iodized billet is not worth it and quickly sour.

As you can see, there are more words and theory, let's do business!

Plastic sealed buckets (or glass jars, if you suddenly make them) wash with soda, do not need to be sterilized. The more correct bacteria remain, the better the fermentation process will go.
  At the bottom we put a mixture of herbs, a few peas of pepper, a sheet of crap, half filled with cucumbers, laying them as closely as possible. Again a layer of herbs, again, cucumbers and on top still green. We cover with a sheet of horseradish, without fanaticism, ram the contents.
  Salt is sprinkled on top - 1 tablespoon per liter of container (4 liters of my buckets mean 4 tablespoons), and fill it with UNKNOWED filtered water, can be from a bottle, it can be mineral water, it can be spring water, only without chlorine. We leave for half an hour and if we need to top up some water.

We leave buckets (banks) at room temperatureprudently they need to be put in a bowl, on a large plate or baking sheet - they can flow. We loosely cover with lids or a saucer (from dust and insects), shake a couple of times in the evening so that the salt is distributed more quickly throughout the brine volume.

The next day, foam will appear on the surface, someone will say “oh, oh, turn sour!”, And in fact the process has been launched!

And in a day or two the brine will grow cloudy - tightly close the lids and put them in the basement or in the fridge, if they made a small batch. Now cucumbers should stand at a temperature not higher than 8-10 degrees during the month. They cannot be stored at room temperature!

Over time, the brine will brighten a bit, but it will still remain cloudy, and bright green cucumbers will turn brown.
As I have already said, such cucumbers stand until spring, do not turn sour, do not grow moldy, only the taste becomes ever more vigorous. The hare even joked that he would carry a fork and a stack, drink and eat because there is a cellar, and to go around the house to drown - just along the way)))

Have a nice Have a snack!

Banks with pickled or canned cucumbersbought in the store can not be compared with salty barrel cucumbers. This is explained by the following: they are much tastier; There is no vinegar and other preservatives, but there are aromatic and spicy additives, which are often saved in the industry.

Most popular and tasty snack cooked at home are barrel-cucumbers in a jar. Without them, it is difficult to imagine any feast. They are the most delicious in the village. This is due to the fact that there are all conditions for proper salting. However, in the city to cook such a dish is not possible. Naturally, the use of a barrel in the kitchen would be extremely inconvenient. However, this does not mean that the apartment will not work.

Exists original recipe   salting   cucumber using conventional glass jars. A dish cooked in these conditions will be no worse than village pickles.

Recipe for barrel cucumbers in the banks for the winter

In order for the winter prepare such a snack   need a lot of spices and greens. They are necessary for giving amazing flavor and taste. And if you add more leaves of oak and cherry, it will be a disinfectant for the contents of the cans and pickle. Thus, it is not necessary to fear that such canned product   spoil, and not worthy until the right moment. Make cucumbers spicy adding pepper and garlic.

To prepare cucumbers for the winter according to the recipe, you will need ingredients such as:

  • water, 3 liters;
  • cucumbers - 4 kg;
  • tarragon - to taste;
  • dill - 4 sprigs;
  • cherry leaves - 5 pcs .;
  • hot pepper - 1 pc .;
  • 11 bay leaves;
  • currant leaves - 5 pcs .;
  • horseradish leaves - 3 pcs .;
  • horseradish - 12 cm;
  • 12 peas;
  • salt - 1 l of brine 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • garlic - 3 heads.

Step by step cooking cucumbers at home

In order to properly winter you need to follow the following steps and recipe:

  1. To start preparing cucumbers. They should be dark green medium size with small pimples. It is necessary to clean them of the ground and try to wipe the bumps with your hands. Soak them in cold water for at least six hours. During this period, they are perfectly soaked, will be saturated. The brine is well absorbed through the erased pimples. But despite this, the fruit will remain crispy.
  2. Necessary greens are washed. For an hour we place it in cool water.
  3. We prepare spices beforehand. We cut horseradish with thin plates, peel and divide garlic into cloves. He and pepper and finely chop.
  4. We take two banks with a volume of 3 liters, sterilize them. Put in them the spices and herbs.
  5. Most large cucumbers   placed in a vertical position. Fall asleep in a jar of spices and herbs. We put small vegetables. We do this until the tank is filled to the top. Prepare the pickle for pickling. For a 3 liter canister, 1–1.5 liters is required. Salt razme in cold water.
  6. To the brim brine fill banks. Banks top wound with a cloth. It is necessary to place them in the pan, as the pickle can be poured during the fermentation of cucumbers. For two days we leave them in a warm room.
  7. After this time, the brine becomes cloudy.
  8. We remove fabric from cans. We prepare covers with small holes. We merge brine in capacity.
  9. Bring the brine to a boil. Foam, which was formed in the process, we remove.
  10. Pour the pickle into jars. Due to the fact that it has become smaller, we pour cans with boiling water to the edge and put a pinch of salt. Sterilize the plastic covers and close the cans. Before the full moment of cooling we cover them with a blanket. Put them in a cool and dark place. Thus, salting the side cucumbers at home is an affordable way to make a tasty snack.

How to pickle cucumbers in the barrel for the winter

Salting cucumbers in a barrel does not require the use of vinegar. This is due to the fact that it is lactic acid that is a preservative of pickles, and not salt and vinegar. It is produced by lactic acid bacteria, which are extremely beneficial for the body. It is for this and appreciate this snack.

For pickling cucumbers need the following:

  • a wooden barrel of oak, which must be doused with boiling water, and inside it should be rubbed with dry herbs, oak leavesgarlic;
  • fresh cucumbers, which, before starting to pickle, need to sort and wash with a hard brush. This must be done so that microorganisms do not spoil the vegetables. The tips of the cucumbers do not need to be trimmed. Put cucumbers in a large container, pour them cold water. Soak them for two hours;
  • cooking garlic, horseradish leaves, currants, cherries and dill. From the weight of cucumbers, the weight of spices should be no more than 6%. The length of the spices should be about 10 cm;
  • salt. It must be stone, as iodized salting will make soft. 50 g of rock salt per liter of water or 500 g of salt per 10 kg of cucumber.

An important part of the recipe is that before serving, salted cucumbers   Keep in the fridge for two - three days to give them a crisp taste.

The recipe for cucumbers for the winter in a barrel or a can is simple and straightforward. This appetizer is suitable for any holiday. It will be very tasty to add it to the roast or just in winter salad. Lightly salted cucumbers, medium or strong salting are unusually good both on a winter day and in summer.

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