How cool to give a pack of tea to a man. Bouquets of tea and coffee: gift baskets

22.04.2019 Bakery products

Everyone's tastes are different: someone likes tart and fragrant coffee, others like a pleasant cocoa drink, and many will not resist a cup of hot and fragrant tea. Tea is a universal gift. It is perfect for a boss, colleague, teacher, educator, close friend, parents. When presenting a tea gift, you can not take into account neither gender, nor age, nor the temperament of the addressee, nor his hobbies. Tea is a great gift for everyone. Just do not forget about the design, simple cardboard packaging to give all the same somehow corny.

Many tea manufacturers have a special line of gift format products:

   Wooden boxes
   Carved Boxes

In this case, inventing additional design is not necessary, it will be even superfluous. But still, if you want your gift to be remembered for a long time, pick up tea and make your own packaging for it.

Choosing tea for a gift

And although, as the popular saying goes, there are no comrades to taste or color, there are such varieties of fragrant drink that will appeal to almost everyone without exception.


One of these types is a healthy tea with a toning effect - Pu-erh. The Chinese believe that he will save from hundreds of diseases. True, if properly cooked.

This tea is compressed in various forms:

   Half orange
   Mini dot (small "tablet")

Such an original and diverse form was invented for a reason: tea in a briquette is suitable for a solid and self-confident man, and a mini set with fruit or nut-herbal shades is a gift for a delicate and sophisticated woman.

Surprisingly, but a fact: Pu-erh is valued by the year of harvest, and, like brandy, the older, the more refined. The explanation is simple: a complex process of fermentation of leaves takes more than one year. Therefore, for the maturation of the product takes quite a long time. True, the payment for tea with a more pronounced taste and aroma is much higher. But this connoisseurs are not a hindrance.

The drink differs not only in its taste characteristics, but also has differences in color. And, accordingly, Pu-erh is divided into two separate teas: Shu Pu-erh (“mature”) and Shen Pu-erh (“raw”). The processing technology of the first one is more accelerated, in color it is almost equal to black, but in the taste there are nutty notes. As for the second, it is more like green tea and gives fruit sourness. True, Shen has the ability to ripen. If you keep it at home, of course, not a day or two, but several years, the taste will be completely different.


Oolong tea with an unusual name. The translation from Chinese is quite original - “black dragon”. Like puerh, this tea is useful, pleasant and great for a gift. It also undergoes fermentation, however, much faster: it will take only a few hours to give specific aromatic notes.

The range of oolong is presented in two types:

Saturated with tart woody floral scent Da Hun Pao
   Featuring a delicate flavor and spicy, often honeyed Tie Guan Yin

There is one more variety - flavored oolong. This includes tea leaves, which are obtained during the preparation of additional flavoring in the form of:

Rose petals
   Ginseng and Osmanthus Flowers

Do not forget about the milk Oolong, which is very popular in our country. This tea produces a pleasant smell of milk and caramel when brewing. What can not be said about the fake, which is easy to identify by a sharp smell, even through cardboard packaging.

Bound tea

There is another type of tea, which is distinguished by its extraordinary beauty, and its name is related. Such a drink - a ball - an interlacing of different varieties, within which a flower lives. The friend to whom you present this gift will receive two gifts in one: a unique taste and a bright spectacle, when the bud opens out right in the glass teapot. Color options are different: lily, peony, lotus. Yes, this picture is truly adorable and leads to thoughts about Chinese philosophy and the meaning of the ancient language of flowers. Each bud is unique in nature, so the associated tea is the most original and unforgettable surprise.

Original ways of presenting a tea gift

1. Set for the real connoisseur of tea

What does tea set mean? You can’t do with an invigorating drink, you need to supplement it with the obligatory accessories:

   A jar of honey or a box of sugar
   Teapot or teaspoon

The original addition will also be a book of tea recipes or an encyclopedia with a description of tea ceremonies. You can pack this set in a basket, gift box or in a rough linen bag.

2. Bank of tea

It has become a fashionable trend - to give presents in transparent banks. This option is easy and simple to apply in our case. Different containers will do: with a glass lid on a clip, with a metal or nylon lid. You can decorate it, your ideas have a place to be, we offer the most common ones:

Attach a label with interesting content designation.
   Attach a tag
   "Put" on the cover of a homemade hat
   Dress up in lace

Do not be stingy with the inscriptions:
   Cure for all diseases
   Herbal-based sedative
   And let the whole world wait…
   Tea break

And what to put in this very bank? The answer is simple: everything that is somehow connected with tea and an important condition will fit inside a glass container: packs of crumbly beverage, bags with different tastes, chocolates and caramel, brewing spoons, you can choose personalized ones.

3. Teapot with a secret

Instead of the usual can, you can use a new teapot. This will be both a container for storing bags, and another gift. And it is suitable for this purpose absolutely any: plastic, ceramic, glass, metal. True, it is better to give preference to the transparent one, so that the hero of the occasion will immediately see the rich contents of the present.

4. Mug with filling

You can not donate a huge jar filled with tea bags, but only a small mug. Keep the content the same as in the case of a can, only it will be slightly smaller due to the smaller volume. The filled mug must be packed in special transparent paper. And that's all - the gift is ready!

5. Tea house

There is a solution that does not require special work at all. Buy a dispenser in the store, otherwise known as a house for tea bags, fill it and give it boldly. Simple, fast and original.

6. Tea "cake"

Cakes are different, both edible and inedible. The second option in modern times is not less common than the first. The basis for such cakes are candy, money, diapers, juices. A similar design is easy to assemble from tea. Moreover, you can use as separate bags, for example, on the upper layers, and whole boxes.
You can make a combination cake, adding chocolate to the above ingredients. Such a construction does not require the knowledge of special technology, the main thing is to make the foundation. The material can be used: low cardboard cylinders, cans or boxes of cylindrical shape. Foam bases are also suitable for this purpose. When the platform is selected, you should think about fixing. There are several ways: using clips, gum rings or double-sided tape. Do not forget about decorating: the braid, put on over the sachets, will give the cake an elegant look.

7. Tea box

In this case, any box will suit absolutely, the case will remain for the small one - to fill it with tea bags. It is better if they are with different tastes. Of course, now you can buy such a set of ready, but there are two significant drawbacks: they are often too expensive, and tea can not be the one that you would like to present as a gift.

8. Christmas wreath of tea bags

Such a gift can be presented not only for a birthday or New Year, but also for Christmas. On this holiday, it will be even more appropriate. It is made, like all previous ones, with your own hands. For crafts you will need a blank - a cardboard ring. Clothespins should be attached to it, they are needed to hold the tea bags. Do not forget the tape. With its help, a ribbon is made for fastening a wreath, for example, above the door. Be smart: add chocolates, such a Christmas decoration will definitely please the hero of the occasion.

9. Tea tree

New Year's holidays do not count, you will need a lot of gifts, another decision will be a Christmas tree, made in an unusual technique. A small souvenir will decorate the table of colleagues or friends.

Make it easy. First, glue the cone out of cardboard, remember: it must be stable. And then on a double-sided tape, attach rows of green tea bags to it in even rows. Herringbone is ready!

After a long January weekend, this pleasant reminder can be used for its intended purpose - drink tea. And complete with cookies or chocolate bar, this break in work will be unforgettable.

10. "Cup of tea"

The name suggests us to present ordinary tableware for tea drinking, but everything is completely different. This gift option is suitable for those who can easily and quickly make a paper craft. But you can fill it not only with tea bags, but, as is customary, with sweets. The paper bowl made in the new-fashioned quilling technique will fulfill the role of the original packaging of your gift.

11. Tea Wallet

But needlewomen make a gift at all is not difficult. You can sew a special purse for tea bags. This thing, of course, is not so indispensable in the economy, but it will fill the kitchen design with warmth and comfort. It is very convenient to carry such a wallet with you and enjoy a tasty drink at work with colleagues.

Beautiful tea packaging

All of the above ideas are interesting and unusual, but sometimes they cause difficulty in execution. There is also a completely simple way, but no less original from it - to come up with a separate bright packaging for tea bags. For its manufacture will need a minimum of materials:

   Simple pencil
   Ribbons and Lace
   Beads, Beads or Buttons

The sizes of tea bags are standard, so you will need rectangles with sides of 23 and 7 centimeters. When they are ready, draw a thin line along the narrow side to the right and left, stepping back from the edge of a half centimeter. The next step is to bend the rectangles so that you get 3 parts, the first of which will be 6 centimeters, the second - 9, and the third - 8 centimeters.

Half a centimeter, marked at the very beginning of the manufacture of the wrapper, is cut with the smallest piece. And in the fold, folded from the other two parts, it is necessary to cut a small and shallow triangle. After all the manipulations done, the allowances are bent inward and the sachets are glued together. There was only the final moment - to wait for complete drying and decorate with the prepared decor to your taste.

Labels with fantasy

Tea, tea bags, boxes, wrappers - all this can be originally designed and presented. But we completely forgot about the labels. After all, you can do and their decoration. True, you first need to tear off the old tags.

There are also many design options for batch labels, consider the main ones. The first is to cut the paired figures and fasten them at the end of the thread from the tea bag. As such can be hearts, clouds, apples.

And the second option is more laborious - glue the envelopes and insert a note with warm wishes or aphorisms into each.

Tea is the drink that contains many vitamins that are useful for the human body. He gives warmth, and we, presenting such a gift, care and attention. Give original gifts! Let the tea party be pleasant and unforgettable.

You will surely say that tea is almost the most banal gift))
  Quite right but even from the most ordinary things can be done by the author!

What is the idea:
The gift symbolizes the wish: " Let the world move in a circle, but in such things there will always be time for warm, emotional communication over a cup of tea."

  How to do:
Cut a cardboard ring

  Glue it (with pva or other glue) on one side with a cloth or paper

  Prepare wooden clothespins and cut strips of ornamented paper (according to the width of the clothespins).

We glue on one of the parties:

with the other side we glue the clothespins around the perimeter of our circle:

Attach the loop. After complete drying, we pin tea bags in the clothespins.

Important:of course, packaged tea is not as good as loose, so we can calmly   make your sachets  from beautiful paper, and pour good tea inside. We fasten the edges with a sewing machine! As you can see everything is very simple))
  And of course, on each bag you can write or print good words, quotes.

Have a nice tea party !!!

UPD: And there are already the first readers who brought this idea to life!
  Look how wonderful tea sun  happened

Let me take tea to excellent universal gifts.

First, the tea party itself has a friendly conversation.
   Secondly, good, and in particular, rare tea is always useful.

And thirdly, tea can be given in millions of ways, some of which are collected in the "tea" section of our website.

In this article we will look at two more original ways to turn tea into an unusual gift. Read?))

1. Origami tea. Magdalena Czarnecki, a talented designer, came up with the following packaging concept:

A paper bag from which you can fold an origami animal according to the instructions.

The goals of this action are charitable: it is supposed to save real animals for the money obtained from the sale.
   Well, we will consider this idea as an original and easy-to-make gift!

Imagine, in such a bag it's nice to give a coin, a bag of tea (by weight) and all sorts of nice little things))

How to put a square in a bag - you will learn from the master class, which is shown below. Please note that since the bag will have to be deployed, the bottom must be carefully fastened with ordinary tape on top. And one more thing: surely such a bag can be folded using the origami technique, but I could not find a scheme.

Oh yes! And the most important thing!

Wish: "Let it be in life as it should be! After all, you already have the foundation for happiness!"

Truth and schemes, it is desirable to choose simple))

Tea, of course, preferably poured into a separate bag, which you put inside))

So, we collect the package:

Master class from

2. Tea with good emotions. And Today was fun came up with this:

I quote: "For centuries, people knew that wisdom and advice, love and support, news and gossip - all this is easiest to get over a cup of good tea. Tea and philosophy go together so naturally that it was obvious to combine them in one."

The company produces herbal and green teas in “emotional” packaging. The tea called “Happiness” is packaged in a bag with an energetic red label, “Love” - with soft pink, “Friendship” - warm ocher, “Inspiration” - bright green, “Sleep” - calm lilac, “Waiting” - alarming light green

Here is what is written on the package "Love Love Tea" (photo at the beginning of the article):

1. Boil water. 2. Warm your favorite kettle with boiling water.
   3. Add 1 tablespoon of tea for yourself and one for love.
   4. Pour boiling water. Let tea infuse 5 minutes, and at this time you think deeply about love. Think how simple love is and how difficult it is to find it. How love does not happen to us, and at the same time it already exists. Remind yourself what a unique and perfect person you really are.
   Be kind to yourself. Without generosity to ourselves, we cannot be generous in our love for others.

Love yourself, if you want to be loved. Love is a gift that is given to you and which you can give.

This is your life force. This is the love that leads us further than we think we can go.

To feel this power, bring love into your life. And remember, the more you give, the more you get.

5. Stir and drink. 6. Love.

Strong, right?

By the way, remember that you can still buy tea bags and replace the labels with your own, as described in the beginning of this article?
   A couple of these bags can be added to the package with weighted tea, combining two ideas in one gift))

And you can ... Everything can be!

So I wish you a pleasant joyful tea-creativity!


1. Boil the water.
2. Blow (rinse) your favorite kettle with boiling water.
3 Add 1 tsp. tea for each portion.
4. Fill with boiling water and let the tea infuse for 10 minutes, but at this time you can: lie on the sofa, like the greatest slacker; hug someone; dance like you did when you were 5; relax; take off your shoes and move your toes; sing like Pavarotti; dance like Elvis; treat yourself to a large piece of chocolate cake; call a friend; listen; remember the last time you laughed out loud; tickle someone; sit down to feel the sun's rays on your face; smile; look out of the window and soak up the whole world; get yourself a hot bath; wrap a duvet; think about who you love; light a candle; do not move; attend; just be.
5. Stir and pour into cups. Enjoy.

1. Blow (rinse) your favorite kettle.
   2. Add 2 tbsp. tea: one for myself and one for me.
   3. Pour boiling water and, while the tea is brewing, let's talk: let's talk about everything and nothing. Whatever you say, I will listen. Share with me your secrets, anxieties, joys, wise thoughts and the most ridiculous fantasies. Shake up all the naughty rumors. Or your ideas on how to make this world better  Tell me a new recipe or a memory from the past. Awesome idea ... or stupidest  Anything. I will be sad and happy, laugh and cry with you. Or laugh until your cheekbones flatten. Be my burden and my light. I hope this conversation will last until the end of our days.
   Stir and pour into cups. Share a tea party with me 

   1. Blow (rinse) your favorite kettle with boiling water.
   2 Add 1 tbsp. tea for each portion.
3. Fill with boiling water and let the tea infuse for 10 minutes, and at this time you will remember that if something was given easily, everyone would do it; just pretend you don't know how hard it is. Show your ideas to the world. Tune in for a particular day and do what you have long feared. Narvite a bouquet of wildflowers. Look into the eyes of a child and you will see a miracle! Sit under the starry sky or on the ocean. Spend time with a person who believes in you. Or with the one you believe in. Make a list of what you would do, in advance of being confident of success. Walk along the alley of ancient trees. Eliminate "not" from your vocabulary. Take a chance! Be mistaken! After all, it is worth it! Take a deep breath! Plant the seed. It will certainly sprout ...
   4. Stir and pour into cups. 5. Drink

Waiting for a miracle 
   1. Boil the water.

   3 Add 1 tbsp. tea for yourself and even a pinch for your baby.
   4. Pour boiling water and let the tea infuse for 5 minutes, but at this time you can think, wondering: will it appear on time or will it be a surprise for me? Will he sleep all day, and then wake me up at night? Will he be a tomboy? Or maybe an angel? Do wallpaper designs and spaghetti all over the floor expect me?  Is it always a favorite color to be green or maybe hot pink? Whose eyes will he inherit? Is he keen on rugby, lacrosse, ballet or will he play the double bass? Love Mozart, Motorhead or Mantovani? Will he be my best friend or ruthless critic? Maybe both? And finally, why did he choose me from a million other moms? 
   5. Stir and pour into cups. Expect a miracle .

   1. Boil the water.
   2. Blow (rinse) your favorite kettle with boiling water.
   3 Add 1 tbsp. tea for a good restful sleep.
   4. Fill with boiling water and let the tea rest for 10 minutes, while you turn off the TV, set aside all anxiety and thoughts about working indefinitely - let them wait until morning ... Stroll down the street, inhale the night air. Wink the moon  Stretch. Spread the bed. Put a bar of chocolate on the pillow. Better yet - two. Make a face in front of a mirror. Relax  See how your wrinkles disappear?  Reconcile with the departing day. It is almost over. Let him go. Wrap yourself in your pajamas. Make sure your feet are warm and comfortable. Yawn If you are a master of imaginary sheep, count them now. Yawn again. Close your eyes and make a wish for tomorrow. Tomorrow you wake up - and it will be fulfilled.
5. Stir and pour into cups.
   6. Good night! 

Tea sets as a gift for iHerb

A good tea as a gift is of course the most common option for a neutral gift, we all love to drink tea and we love to drink delicious quality tea. To select such a gift there is only one subtlety -   just buying iHerb tea  in stylish tin cans and pack it beautifully!

And here I am again i advise Harney & Sons tea  for such a tea set. The brand has loose tea in black matte jars with a gold label, there are silky pyramid bags in colored jars, and every year for the holiday Christmas flavored tea appears.

This year it's two special ″ Christmas ″ blends of tea, Harney & Sons, White Christmas Tea(white tea with cardamom, almond and vanilla) and Harney & Sons, Black Tea with Holiday Spices(black tea with Christmas spices), it is better to buy them together!

Tea in bags as a variant of a sincere and lovely gift

But tea in bags has a completely different aura, because such a gift you can personalize and even do it yourselfby adding fantasy and warmth! This is tea for a closer person - a friend who practices yoga, his beloved grandmother, mother, sister .. And now I’ll tell you the options for decorating it beautifully))

  ! Moreover, such tea has a secret - on the label of each bag of tea from Yogi Tea you will find a quote or pleasant words.

What tea as a gift to buy on iHerb

Tea bags on iHerb is completely different from what we sell under the guise of tea. Inside the bags for sure the same good whole tea, as well as loose in a jar, and therefore you do not have to blush for such a gift. As well as a large selection of herbal tea and caffeine-free blends, so it is better to choose tea as a gift there!

Pukka Herbs is another good brand of tea bag pukka packaging is the most stylish  and bright, from a dense glossy cardboard, looks joyfully and is suitable for a gift perfectly.

And of course we can not say about the brand organic tea  in bags of Numi Tea, besides they had a whole collection of chocolate tea! I bought a set of Numi’s Collection, in which the assortment of all tastes, I still remember chocolate pu-erh and black special, here it is possible (I’m going to add a post and go order it).))

How beautiful to make tea as a gift

I liked the way to give tea in Asia - tea bags wrapped in a banana leaf and decorate with delicate orchid. But unfortunately it will not work for us, although you can substitute a flower for a pine cone, and a banana wrapper for a sheet of green corrugated paper or turquoise silk.

Another option to beautifully pack tea bags is buy a special box for tea storage. Now they are sold in every home interior furnishing store, and a week ago I saw them in Stockmann, in the housewares department.

Homemade needlewomen can easily make one tea bag wallet! It is easy to do it, but the thing may not be very necessary in the household, but spiritual and very cozy! You can always take the most delicious tea to work and surprise your colleagues with an unusual gift))

Another version of this Scandinavian eco-friendly tea purse, made from organic cotton.

As a way to pack tea with my own hands, I really liked cute greeting cards  and a tea bag in a mug. You can even make it with children, everything is very easy!

Theonotaphilia - collecting tea bag tags

It turns out that labels from tea bags can be collected! As collectors say, this is a very interesting activity! Moreover, unlike the collection of bells, magnets and souvenir plates, such a collection does not take up much space and does not require large expenditures.

Tea Tag Collectors Share Photos  in special communities, send each other exhibits by mail and find friends for a cup of tea! And the largest collection of tea labels in Russia (about 20,000) belongs to Marina Yarlykova from Vladivostok!

You can collect labels only in a certain color, and store such collections in special albums that can be successfully replaced with ordinary albums for brands.

Tea as a gift  can be a completely boring and even original gift for the New Year! And about other types of gifts you can read on the tag and you might like these ideas!))

The article contains tips and workshops for making bouquets of tea, coffee and sweets.

Coffee and tea are standard gifts that are given for holidays, as well as signs of attention or gratitude to relatives, friends and unfamiliar people. For a beautiful presentation they are bought in holiday packages or placed in a beautiful package. But you can do a more original way - make your own beautiful gift bouquet with tea bags or small boxes of tea or coffee.
  On our website in the article "" we have already told how to make a gift bouquet of sweets.

Perhaps some ideas on the design of compositions with tea and coffee you can learn from there. If you want to give tasty favorite drinks and sweets (and are not afraid that they will melt in the heat), check out the master classes below.

Bouquets of tea and coffee: making, photo

The advantages of tea and coffee compositions are that they do not need to spend money on various expensive materials. You will need to prepare only:

  • corrugated paper
  • wrapping paper
  • foil
  • ribbons
  • tape tapes

If you want to be quite original, you have experience in decorating floristic bouquets and gift bouquets of sweets, money, soft toys, in addition you can use:

  • floral mesh
  • floristic wire
  • thin wooden sticks or knitting needles for flowers
  • sisal
  • semi-beads and beads on strings
  • other floristic accessories

All the tools necessary for making a composition of tea and coffee will probably not be difficult for you to get. You will need:

  • scissors
  • duct tape
  • stapler
  • wire cutters
  • hole puncher

IMPORTANT: Take tea and coffee for the original presentation in small packages or jars. Also tea bags in individual packing and coffee in stacks will approach.

To make the bouquet beautiful, it is advisable to select products in one color. But the tastes of the one to whom the gift is intended cannot be ignored. Therefore, perhaps, tea and coffee will have to do an extra wrapper.

So, the basis of the bouquet will be a basket of sisal. This is where tea and coffee are placed. This basket is made with a wire frame.

  1. Tea can be taken different, with several flavors.
  2. The original multi-colored packaging is removed, the leaves of the drink remain in foil bags. Individual envelopes are made for them from matching wrapping paper.
  3. To make it even more beautiful, through the holes punched through the hole punch on top of the bags, thread the ribbons and tie them into bows.
  4. Beautifully laid tea in new packages and coffee in a basket of sisal. The same material is filled with empty places. To create a sense of volume, you can use anything, such as candy, threads with beads, floral decoration on the legs, and so on.
  5. From above the composition is covered with a transparent film. Secure it with tape or staples.
  6. Wrap the basket in corrugated paper in several layers. You can take it in one, two or three colors.
  7. They tie a bouquet with a ribbon. Use any decor, as long as he did not burden the composition.

Variations on the theme of bouquets of coffee and tea you can see in the photo.

VIDEO: Tea bouquet

Beautiful bouquets of sweets and tea

What could be better than drinking tea with a chocolate candy? Probably get all these goodies as a gift not just in a plastic bag, but in the form of a magnificent bouquet!
  If you decide to build such a bouquet on your own, prepare:

  • corrugated paper
  • wrapping paper
  • foil
  • film
  • wire
  • ribbons
  • tape tapes
  • any floral decor
  • thick cardboard
  • compass
  • scissors
  • stapler
  • double-sided tape
  • individually wrapped tea bags
  • any candy individually wrapped

  1. With the help of a round object of the desired diameter or compass, draw a circle on thick cardboard. Cut it out. This will be the basis of the bouquet.
  2. Punch a hole in the center of the circle with an awl. Pull the wire through it. The result is a blank for the bouquet handle.
  3. On the edge of the circle on the double-sided tape stick the tea bags.
  4. Go to the design of the flowers. Their hearts will be candy. Look at the photo, how to wrap them beautifully.
  5. You can do it in two ways: make candies - flowers on the legs, make holes for them in the cardboard blank, or dispense with the legs, also glue the candy-flowers on the blank on double-sided tape.
  6. Additionally, decorate the bouquet at your discretion. Tape it on top of the film.
  7. Arrange a bouquet of corrugated paper, tie his pen with ribbons.

Bouquets of tea sold by weight. A bouquet of tea bags and sweets

Gift bouquets of sweets can be made with tea weighed out in small packages or bags, sealed in individual packaging. Look at the photo, both look beautiful.

VIDEO: Bouquet of sweets: master class

Making Christmas bouquets of sweets and tea

How beautiful can only get bouquets of sweets and tea for the New Year! Here are some ideas for your creativity:

  1. Use for making compositions tea, coffee, candy in the New Year's covers.
  2. Decorate the bouquet with tinsel, Christmas-tree beads.
  3. Instead of floral decor, use small Christmas decorations, lacquered and sprinkled with cones, figurines of Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden.
  4. The bouquet can look very nice spruce twig.
  5. If you really want to, for a breathtaking effect, you can attach an LED garland to the bouquet.

Bouquets and gifts from tea, coffee, sweets

Can a gift be more banal than tea, coffee and sweets? But you look at it quite differently, if it will have the appearance of a beautiful casket!
  For making such take:

  • cardboard and penoplex
  • corrugated paper
  • braid
  • any floral decor
  • scissors
  • hot melt glue
  • double-sided tape
  • sandpaper
  • tea bags
  • coffee sticks or bags
  • individually packed candies

  1. For the bottom and the cover of the box, cut two circles out of cardboard.
  2. The walls of the box will be from penoplex. Attach one of the cardboard circles to it, circle. Inside draw another circle of smaller diameter. Cut the walls. If they are rough, sandpaper them.
  3. Tape cardboard and foam plastic blanks with wrapping or crepe paper.
  4. Assemble the bottom and sides of the box. Glue the joints with a braid or decorative cord.
  5. From the outside, around the entire circumference of the box, glue tea bags onto double-sided tape.
  6. Decorate them with ribbons, braid, lace at your discretion.
  7. Accept the design of the casket cover. Decorate it with fresh flowers, any decor, flowers of sweets.
  8. Fill the box with tea, coffee, sweets, small souvenirs and soft toys.
  9. Wrap the casket in tape and tie it with a ribbon.

Bouquets of tea and coffee: gift baskets

And now we will teach you how to arrange a composition of tea, coffee and sweets in a gift wicker basket. Prepare:

  • small wicker basket
  • 3 colors corrugated paper
  • sisal
  • satin ribbons
  • artificial flowers and plants
  • floral decor
  • wire
  • glue gun
  • scissors
  • lighter
  • strings
  • paint in a balloon
  • foam assembly
  • tea and coffee bags
  • small round candy in an individual wrapper

  1. Using sweets, corrugated paper, wire, other necessary materials and tools, make flowers on the legs. Make them in the quantity you need.
  2. Inside the finished wicker basket, blow in the mounting foam, then you will put your candy-flowers into it.
  3. Paint the foam in the color you want the paint from the cylinder.
  4. Bundle the sides of the basket with tea or coffee bags, putting them on double-sided tape or hot melt glue.
  5. Externally, decorate the basket at your discretion.

Basket decor

A bouquet of flowers with tea and candy

In the bouquets of their tea, coffee and candy live flowers look very beautiful.

Bunch of Greenfield Tea

For bouquets of coffee and sweets most often use Greenfield tea bags. But you can search for another, in which each bag will also be placed in individual packaging. Well, if it is monotonous.

A bouquet of tea Ahmad.

VIDEO: Bouquet of tea sold by weight