Salty cabbage is how many calories. Pickled cabbage for weight loss

13.04.2019 Desserts and Cakes

Sauerkraut is familiar to many as a piggy bank of useful properties and vitamins that are available even during the cold season, when the lack of certain groups of elements is particularly relevant. Tasty remedy against fatigue and blues. What more could you want? The answer to the question of how many calories in sauerkraut. Let's see.

Sauerkraut: the benefits and harm

Postpone the topic "calories in sauerkraut" and pay attention to the nutritional value. This dish is a rare case of superiority of the cooked version over the original vegetable by the number of useful properties. In the process of fermentation, sugars are converted from cabbage juice to lactic acid, which is a natural preservative for the careful preservation of vitamins and trace elements (6-8 months of "freezing").

The pleasant smell of pickled apples caused by the formed acid is complemented by the beneficial effects on the body: the supply of vitamins B1-3, B9, B6, B12 (an obstacle to premature aging), improved intestinal microflora and gastrointestinal activity, blocking the spread of the pathogenic environment (the action of fermented milk bacteria).

With a noticeable increase in the original benefits of the product, it is worth remembering about the rich vitamin composition of fresh vegetables, fully preserved in sauerkraut:

  • vitamin C - strengthening the immune system,
  • vitamin K - normalization of blood clotting,
  • vitamin B - a beneficial effect on the nervous system, increased stress resistance,
  • vitamin A - improving metabolism.

Without taking into account the caloric content of sauerkraut, we can safely talk about the enormous benefits of the product besides the listed properties:

  • the establishment of proper digestion due to the high content of fiber,
  • curative effect in case of metabolic disorders, prevention of the appearance of gastrointestinal diseases (ulcer, gastritis),
  • enrichment of the body with iodine,
  • lowering cholesterol in the blood, prevention of oncological complications.

However, sauerkraut can cause harm when uncontrolled use: increased salt content in the product aggravates renal failure, mustard oils in excess cause abdominal distension, a high concentration of organic acids adversely affect the health of people with impaired acidity of gastric juice.

From the use of the product is to refrain from ulcerative lesions of the stomach, kidney problems, malfunctions of the pancreas, hypertension.

Proper preparation and storage of the product will add a real vitamin bomb to the daily diet: 300 grams is the daily rate of nutrients for the body.

Calorie Product

We will understand what it will cost the use of this dish. For the product "sauerkraut" calorie per 100 grams will be 19 units. Amazingly, the indicators are even lower than that of a white-vegetable (28 kcal - 100 grams) with a reduced carbohydrate content (fermented - 4.4 g for 100 g; fresh - 4.7 g for 100 g).

Nutritional value of sauerkraut:

  • Fat: 0.50 g,
  • Proteins: 1.10 g,
  • Carbohydrates: 2.40 g,
  • Water: 94.30 g,
  • Ash: 1.70 g.

However, you should not immediately buy the product in buckets: the reduced caloric content of sauerkraut is indicated for the dish in its pure form without additives. Any supplements will contain new calories:

  • cranberries - 28 kcal (100 grams),
  • carrots - 32 kcal (100 grams),
  • vegetable oil - 50-60 kcal (100 grams),
  • stew - 29-44 kcal (100 grams),
  • soup (without frying, with potatoes) - 37 kcal (100 grams),
  • dumplings - 120 kcal (100 grams),
  • solyanka - 134 kcal (100 grams).

Minor calories in sauerkraut are complemented by a high protein content compared to other vegetables (1.8 g for 100 grams), so that daily consumption of the product does not make the menu heavier and will bring great benefits to the body.

Sauerkraut: calories and diet for weight loss

With a beneficial effect on the digestive process as a whole, this product has a negative calorie content: digesting a dish takes more energy than the body receives as a result. The news is good and bad at the same time. The positive side - sauerkraut helps to get rid of extra pounds and perfectly complements the diet. The negative point - you can not build this product in the cult monodiet.

Eating only sauerkraut will be reduced to a low energy value of the diet and will lead to an overall slowdown in metabolism (the body will switch to creating a reserve of calories). The termination of monodiets does not coincide with the rebuilding of the system of assimilation, so that high-calorie foods will be assimilated in slow motion. New layers of fat will not take long.

How many calories in sauerkraut? Really a bit. However, the healthy properties of the dish should be used correctly: use the product for lunch and dinner (as a garnish for fish or boiled veal, as part of a broth, as a component of vegetable salads), and add breakfast with fermented milk products (natural yogurt, low-fat cottage cheese and cheese).

Not able to effectively remove those extra pounds.

Svetlana Mudryk / Health Info

What is useful sauerkraut?

The benefits of it are much greater than in fresh cabbage. It is all about the lactic acid bacteria, which are released during fermentation - they “preserve” all the trace elements in vegetables. One spoonful of sauerkraut contains a daily serving of vitamin K, which is required for blood clotting. Cabbage is rich in vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system, and B vitamins necessary for the nervous system.

How many calories in sauerkraut?

100 g cabbage salad is only 19 kcal, and in one portion, seasoned with vegetable oil, 50 kcal. This is a product with the so-called “negative calorie content” - the body spends more energy on digesting sauerkraut than it receives.

How effective is sauerkraut for weight loss?

The cabbage diet belongs to the category of mono-diet, so its effectiveness (as, incidentally, the effectiveness of all monocomponent diets) raises serious doubts among nutritionists. The lost kilograms will come back anyway, but not alone, but with serious health problems.

Mono-component diets are a short-term solution to a problem. The body lacks nutrients, and due to this, weight loss occurs. As soon as you stop losing weight, the excess weight will instantly return. The only plus to the cabbage diet is that people are starting to eat more vegetables, ”said nutritionist Connie Dickman, former president of the American Dietetic Association.

The diet based on sauerkraut is low-calorie, which leads to a significant slowdown in metabolism: the body tries to save calories "in reserve." After the cessation of the diet, a slow metabolism persists for some time - the body simply does not have time to restructure, and there are problems with processing the usual amount of food. "Burn" calories do not have time, so most of them are processed into fat.

Connie Dickman encourages losing weight to stick to a balanced diet and not to forget about regular exercise. If you still want to try sauerkraut for weight loss, then consult with your doctor.

Sauerkraut is contraindicated for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, diabetes and kidney disorders.

Variants of diets with sauerkraut for weight loss

Diet number 1. Strict.

Designed for 10 days.

A cup of green tea and a piece of wholemeal bread are offered for breakfast. For lunch you can a little sauerkraut (200 g), one apple and a glass of water. At dinner, it is better to restrict boiled lean fish (100 g), a small amount of sauerkraut (100 g) and a glass of kefir.

Diet number 2. Light.

Designed for 4 days.

The first day is the hardest. For breakfast, you can eat low-fat cottage cheese (175 g) with greens and a slice of whole-grain bread. For lunch - a little sauerkraut (200 g), a piece of boiled meat (100g) and one pear. In the evening - a salad of sauerkraut (150 g), half a white radish, 4 radishes and half a cucumber. You can fill with yogurt and ground nuts.

On the second day, breakfast will consist of one banana and low-fat yogurt with a spoonful of oatmeal. At lunch - soup made from 100 ml of broth and 50 ml of apple juice with cabbage (200 g) and sweet pepper (2 pods). For dinner, you can cook steamed salmon fillets (150 g) and serve sauerkraut (200 g) as a side dish.

The third day can be started with cottage cheese, sprinkled with sunflower seeds (150 g) and one orange. For lunch - boiled fish (150 g) with sauerkraut (150 g). For dinner, you can make potato pancakes and cabbage salad (100 g) with a few grapes.

On the fourth day we eat a bun with bran, gouda cheese (30 g) and a few slices of apple for breakfast. For lunch, you can serve boiled meat (200 g), and garnish - sauerkraut (150 g) with a few slices of pineapple. For dinner, it is better to eat a salad with three tomatoes and sauerkraut (100 g). It is necessary to leave such a diet gradually. If desired, the diet of sauerkraut can be repeated after a while.

Diet number 3. Fast.

Designed for 3 days.

For breakfast, you can choose one of the following options: oatmeal, fruit (250 g) and a glass of unsweetened yogurt or a piece of bread from wholemeal flour, a piece of boiled meat and pickled sauerkraut. For lunch - pancakes from sauerkraut. For their preparation you need 1 grated potato, 2 tablespoons of sauerkraut and one egg. Mix, form fritters and bake. For dinner, we offer either sauerkraut stewed with fish and beet, or sauerkraut soup with 2 potatoes and greens.

One of the ideal foods for food all year round, and especially in winter and spring, is sauerkraut, whose caloric content is rather low, and no one doubts the benefits. The uniqueness of the fermented product is that the calories in it are very low, and the amount of minerals and vitamins is several times higher than the fresh white cabbage that serves as raw materials. The secret is that lactic acid bacteria are formed during fermentation. Not only are the bacteria themselves beneficial for the body, they also additionally act as a natural preservative. Under its influence in the vegetable for many months all useful substances are stored.

Only use

It has long been known that sauerkraut is rich in vitamins of groups C and B. In smaller quantities it contains vitamins A, K, U. The composition includes such macro-and micronutrients as iron, zinc, sodium, calcium, potassium, selenium, phosphorus and iodine. White sauerkraut is a source of dietary fiber and fiber, therefore, indispensable for the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Fermented milk bacteria in a vegetable, when released into the intestine, normalize the microflora and eliminate dysbacteriosis. Tartronic acid, which is contained in brine, prevents the deposition of fat in the tissues. Recently, doctors have conducted successful studies proving that the mineral composition of substances in cabbage can prevent the onset of cancer. The product has the property to reduce the concentration of glucose in the blood, it is useful for diseases of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. All this makes cabbage, and not only white cabbage, healthy and healthy food. However, of no less interest is the answer to the question of how many calories in sauerkraut.

It turns out that this unique vegetable belongs to the products, which experts call the caloric content negative. This term implies such a phenomenon that it takes much more energy to digest a dish from cabbage than a person receives from the dish itself. Thus, there are only 19 calories per 100 g. Those. Of all the methods of cooking appetizers (fresh in salad, boiled, stewed, fried), the one that has undergone saucy is the lowest calorie. For comparison: in a simple salad from fresh cabbage, the caloric content without oil is 28 kilocalories.

In combination with other products

When fermenting, other ingredients are often added to the main raw material. So, often in one container both white cabbage and red cabbage, carrots, cranberries and lingonberries, apples, beets are used. It can be assumed that the number of calories in already fermented vegetables will change. However, it was noted that there are no dramatic changes in the direction of increasing calorie. So, the caloric content of sauerkraut with carrots is not much more than that of the one that was cooked without it - about 25 kcal.

Since, in the traditions of the Russian people, eating cabbage without seasoning is not very accepted, it is often served not only as a side dish, but also cooks separate dishes from it. First of all, it is a sauerkraut salad with onion or green onions and butter. The question of how many calories in cabbage before and after adding the oil is often not taken into account. However, it should be remembered that when mixed with even a small amount of vegetable fat, the calorie increases almost threefold to 60 kilocalories per 100 g of the finished product.

Dumplings with sauerkraut are very popular. If you do not pre-fry it on vegetable or animal fat, then only 100 kcal per 100 g of food can be described as relatively dietary.

Calorie fried cabbage is also small. If we consider that the standard portion is 250 g, then in such quantity about 190 kilocalories are contained. This implies that only vegetable ingredients (onions, carrots, greens) are added to the dish, and not meat and sausages. If we consider that due to the content of a large amount of dietary fiber, this vegetable quickly fills the stomach and creates a feeling of satiety, then even those who want to lose weight, you can sometimes indulge in fried cabbage.

Often this beloved sour product is added to borsch, a vinaigrette is prepared with it, and pies are baked. If you do not overdo it with the addition of meat and fatty foods, the caloric content of these dishes makes it possible to rank them among the dietary ones.

However, do not forget that, besides the calorie content, you need to take into account the nutritional value of this vegetable. As a rule, all products of plant origin in large quantities contain carbohydrates, while the number of proteins and fats in their composition is minimized. In sauerkraut, no matter what ingredient is added to the dish, the proteins remain at about the same level. This indicator is in the range from 1.3 to 1.8 g per 100 g of product. The amount of carbohydrates is from 4.5 to 5.5 g. Thus, the smallest of them in simple sauerkraut is 4.4 g, and in the one with butter it is already 5.4. This popular snack has another feature. Fats in cabbage seasoned with vegetable oil are 4.5 g. While in the one that was not seasoned, the fat content is only 0.1 g per 100 grams of product. Even in the stew just 1.4 g.

Thus, the favorite salad of sauerkraut with butter is not only the most high-calorie, but also the fattest. This should be remembered for those wishing to lose weight.

Not only white

Besides sauerkraut, Peking cabbage is popular on Russian tables. She really comes from China, her tender leaves are richer than that of white, and have the flavor of leaf lettuce. It is widely used in snacks with fresh vegetables, and the national Korean dish Kimchi is prepared. She gained particular popularity after her fans learned how many calories in Chinese cabbage. Vegetable leaves contain only 12 kcal and 3 g of carbohydrates.

Another popular variety of cabbage is kohlrabi, whose caloric content is 42 kilocalories. It is sweeter than other types, the amount of carbohydrates in it exceeds 10 g. It is just as useful as white cabbage, contains the same vitamins and trace elements, as well as a large amount of sulfur-containing substances.

Brussels sprouts have a calorific value of 35 kcal, however, the amount of raw protein in it, according to experts, is 5 times more than in white cabbage. In addition to vitamins, it contains a large amount of nicotinic and folic acids. That is why, and also because of the ease of preparation, Brussels sprouts are becoming increasingly popular.

Based on the foregoing, it can be argued that any cabbage is a valuable and useful vegetable for nutrition and health. Determining how many calories in fresh or sour, processed or raw thermally cabbage, you can usefully and with pleasure to diversify your diet.

Souring is the most effective way to preserve the beneficial properties of cabbage. That is why we started making such preparations many centuries ago. Sauerkraut not only retains almost all of its vitamins and minerals, but is still saturated with new ones. A low calorie makes it very effective for losing weight. This is perhaps the most affordable way to fill the deficiency of nutrients in the winter. Nevertheless, this product can be not only useful if its use does not take into account restrictions.

The composition of the product

The benefits of sauerkraut for the body due to the presence of a mass of important elements and vitamins. First of all, it is ascorbic acid, necessary for the preservation of youth, the prevention of many diseases, including cancer. Vitamin C in sauerkraut is so much that to replenish the daily norm, it is enough to eat 200 grams of the product. It is noteworthy that it is presented in sauerkraut not only in free, but also in bound form, as ascorbigen. This substance persists for a long time and releases ascorbic acid with moderate heat exposure.

Separately, it should be noted also a very rare vitamin U, which is here as much as 21 mg per 100 grams. Its benefit to humans is the prevention of ulcers on the walls of the digestive organs. Therefore, sauerkraut, despite its acidity, is useful for people suffering from gastroduodenitis, gastric ulcer or intestinal ulcer.

We should not forget such valuable resources as vitamin K, inositol and choline, folic acid and tartronic acid. The concentration of these substances in sauerkraut exceeds that of many canned and pickled vegetables. It also contains:

  • vitamins A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, PP, P;
  • beta carotene;
  • calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium;
  • iron, fluorine, zinc, iodine, molybdenum, manganese, etc.


Calorie sauerkraut is very low - only 27 kcal per 100 grams, among which only 1 kilocalorie - from fats. For this and a number of other reasons, it is great for losing weight:

  1. 100 grams contain 20% of the daily intake of dietary fiber, due to which the intestine is effectively cleaned, the walls are massaged and the blood circulation in the digestive organs is stimulated.
  2. The microelement base, which enters the human body with fermented leaves, improves metabolism, normalizes the endocrine system, and accelerates the separation and elimination of cholesterol from blood vessels.
  3. The use of cabbage contributes to the natural process of losing weight - for its digestion the body spends more energy than it receives.

It should be borne in mind that a diet based on sauerkraut is a rather difficult procedure. Reviews of women who have decided on such a test, say that during it is necessary to endure the monotony of food and a regular feeling of hunger, because this product does not saturate very much, but awakens a noticeable appetite. For weight loss it is recommended to include cabbage in the general diet, combining with such nutritious products as, for example, peas or pumpkin.


The beneficial properties of sauerkraut positively affect many systems of the body, participating in strengthening, stimulating and regulating the work:

Appetizing crispy sauerkraut is traditionally considered a very valuable product for the health and beauty of women. This is due to the wide arsenal of useful properties described above. First of all, of course, the dietary characteristic of sauerkraut matters. Her regular stay in the diet leads to many positive changes:

  • the digestive system is cleaned and disinfected;
  • reduced cholesterol levels in the blood;
  • metabolic processes are normalized;
  • skin and hair become young and healthy.

Cabbage leaves are useful not only for weight loss, but also for pregnant women who are helped to cope with toxemia. There are also known methods for their cosmetological application:

  • to get rid of acne and acne, you need to put tightly on the steamed face crushed sauerkraut pulp and cover with a napkin for half an hour;
  • you can make a mask against pigment spots and freckles from a pickle - just put a napkin soaked in it for 10-15 minutes on your face, and then wash yourself.

  Cabbage in a barrel


There is always a restriction to use, even if we are talking about such a saturated product as sauerkraut. Benefit and harm are inseparable, therefore, it should not be abused - a glut of the body with vitamins and trace elements can be no less detrimental than a deficiency. Nutritionists and doctors advise not to lash out on a crispy dish with excessive effort, even if you really want to. It is better to gradually introduce it into the diet, giving the body to get used to. In some cases, the use of sauerkraut requires special care:

  1. Firstly, those who suffer from increased acidity of the stomach against gastritis or a predisposition to it should limit or even abandon the consumption of sauerkraut leaves.
  2. It should be borne in mind that even in a person with a healthy digestion, a large amount of cabbage can provoke heartburn or flatulence.
  3. The high salt content in the dish sometimes becomes the reason for the ban on use for those who are prone to swelling of cardiac origin. Comprehensive information about this can only give the attending physician. Most likely, cabbage is allowed, but it will need to be rinsed before it in boiled water.
  4. It is also advised to reduce the consumption of the product to a minimum, if there are problems with high blood pressure, diseases and inflammatory processes in the liver and kidneys.

  Sourdough cabbage

Calorie and nutritional value



Vitamin PP Calcium   50 mg
Vitamin A (RE) Magnesium
Vitamin B1 (thiamine) Sodium
Vitamin B2 Potassium
Vitamin B5 Phosphorus
Vitamin B6 Chlorine
Vitamin B9 Sulfur
Vitamin C

Trace elements

In order to lose weight and remove a few extra centimeters in the hips and waist, women are capable of everything: use expensive, and often very harmful pills, sit on super fashionable diets, and improvised effective ways, for some unknown reason, stay aside even nobody pays attention. One such product is sauerkraut.

Sauerkraut is a product known to all, but not everyone knows about its miraculous properties. First of all, the main advantage is its low calorie content. Sauerkrautalso contains a lot of vitamins - by including it in a regular diet and increasing physical mobility, you can achieve such a long-awaited result - kilograms will gradually melt before your eyes.

Sauerkraut: the benefits and harm

We will begin consideration of this product with the fact that we understand why sauerkraut is useful  for our body. Properties of sauerkrautprimarily due to the fermentation process, which proceeds naturally. In this process, the cabbage is filled with useful ingredients.

Vitamins in sauerkraut:

  • group B
  • vitamin k
  • vitamin u
  • vitamin C

Each of these vitamins has its own properties and performs a number of functions: it normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract, strengthens the blood vessels (their walls) and bones, and prevents stomach ulcers.

  1. It is also not necessary to lose sight of the fact that the lactic acid, which is contained in such cabbage, destroys pathogenic microorganisms, including E. coli.
  2. Reducing cholesterol levels in the body also refers to the functions of a ferment.
  3. Increases immunity, promotes the removal of harmful toxins, contains iodine in large quantities - use of sauerkraut for the bodydefinitely huge.

But anyone, even the most useful product, with its excess in the body, can be harmful, so overeating sauerkraut does not bode well either, and sometimes the consequences can be very sad:

  • swelling and stomach pain
  • heartburn and frequent gas formation
  • flatulence and bloating (if you usually consume little fiber)

It is also necessary to warn that in some diseases one should reduce the consumption of sauerkraut and certainly not try to get rid of those extra pounds with it:

  • With increased acidity and gastritis, it is recommended to use sauerkraut in smaller quantities than is allowed to people with a healthy stomach.
  • Cabbage-kvashenka is contraindicated in those who suffer from diseases of the kidneys, pancreas and a sick ulcer.

Since the production of sauerkraut occurs with the addition of such an ingredient as salt, people suffering from hypertension and edema should use this product with careful care. If you need to take this product, you should simply wash the boiled water with boiled water and only then start the meal.

The benefits of sauerkraut for weight loss

Today on the Internet you can read a lot of information that in one month you can throw more than 5 kg, if you choose one low-calorie product in your diet. Some are skeptical enough about this, but it should be noted that by sitting on sauerkraut, you can really lose weight.

Calorie sauerkrautonly 19 kcal per 100 grams and for weight loss is the ideal product, which also regulates the body's metabolism, and therefore normalizes it. Digestion at the same time, improves, problems with constipation completely disappear.

This vegetable is digested for a long time, which is why a feeling of fullness remains in the body for a long time. Fiber in the product is contained in large quantities, so its caloric content is considered negative. Less calories - less weight.

Pickled cabbage for weight loss: reviews

When girls, after sitting on a “fermented diet,” see the result, of course, that feedback on this type of food will be extremely positive. But about sauerkraut there are negative reviews, which often arise due to non-compliance with the rules for the use of this product.

Dieticians are also skeptical about the diet in question, because this type of food is a mono-diet, which means that all the pounds that you have lost while sitting on this diet will return to you immediately as you complete the use of one product and go to another type of food. , more diverse.

If you ask a dietician, is it possible to eat sauerkraut for weight loss, the answer will be positive, but at the same time, it will be recommended to eat other foods.

Sauerkraut: diet for weight loss

Losing weight on sauerkraut can be, and it is very simple - to use it in the diet with other products every day. It is just to replace the sauerkraut with your side dish, and you will see a positive and visible result in a month. But in order to achieve a great weight loss, you need to eat according to specially designed programs.

Unloading diet

For unloading you can arrange yourself three days in a sour dish. So, for breakfast  you will need:

  • fruit (150 g)
  • one glass of yogurt (not too sweet)
  • the same brine from sauerkraut
  • chicken breast (200 g)


  • pancakes made from sauerkraut

Dinner includes:

  • beets + fish + sauerkraut - all this in stew
  • can replace this dish with sauerkraut soup


Involves the inclusion in the diet one product. Such a diet is considered the most difficult, but it has high efficiency. For this type of food you need one product - of course, sauerkraut. If it is too difficult, then you can dilute your diet with chicken and lean fish, you can consume no more than 100 g at a time.

Diet on sauerkraut for weight loss in 10 days

During this period, the main ingredient of your diet will be sauerkraut. At the same time, the list of prohibited products includes:

  • potatoes
  • flour products
  • fat
  • roast
  • calorie
  • heavy for the stomach

Porridges and light soups are allowed - all this should be lean and very lean. The use of chicken is recommended (preferably breasts), in one intake no more than 150 g. Sauerkraut can be consumed in unlimited quantities (but within reason - you should not eat enough cabbage dumplings).

Sauerkraut is a fairly traditional dish on the Russian table, and this is not surprising: the cost of such a dish is very low, and the benefits are enormous. Adding sauerkraut to your diet will not only provide the body with essential vitamins, but also improve metabolic processes, as well as help in the fight against obesity.

Video: A very simple recipe for tasty and juicy sauerkraut