Lunar calendar to make sauerkraut December. The benefits of cabbage blanks

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Lunar calendar for the gardener 2016 year - Cabbage. Salting and sauerkraut. Garden on the windowsill.

   November 2016

The table of the lunar calendar on this page is a thematic selection of the universal made for ease of planning work with vegetable crops, some "non-standard" types of work are listed in this section, because we believe that it is more convenient to view them in the "garden" section of the calendar.

November is the gateway to winter.

In November, it is necessary to have time to under-winter crops and plant all winter-hardy vegetable crops until the soil is completely frozen.
   If you could not get the seeds from your own garden in the right quantity, you need to plan purchases and start purchasing them.
   In November, all the works in the main garden are completed, but for the winter period it is very useful to start a “garden on the windowsill” and grow room conditions at least such crops as onions and garlic. Actually, for those who contain such a "garden", this thematic table is made.

On a note.   Growing indoors and onion brings garlic triple benefits: 1. You get your own greens on the table. 2. Onions and garlic, along with such decorative indoor plants as geranium, begonia, thuja, juniper, lemon, chlorophytum, emit phytoncides that kill viruses and microbes, that is, you reduce the risk of infectious diseases. 3. Room plants moisten the air dried by central heating.

ATTENTION!   Our gardener's lunar calendar is maintained. by Moscow time. (The calendar can be used throughout Russia, given the difference between Moscow time and local time *)

  Moon calendar

Works in the garden, vegetable care activities, cabbage picking, pickling and pickling

from 01 November 2016 00:00 (Tue)
   on November 01, 2016 08:54 (Tue)


It is not recommended to carry out any work with plants. and pickled cabbage.
(In conjunction with the lunar calendar is carried out - entry only from)

10.30.2016 20:38 Moscow time - the beginning of the lunar month - until 10.30.2016 05:01 The moon in Libra, then in Scorpio.

  from 01 November 2016 08:54 (Tue)
   to 01 November 2016 16:43 (Tue)

Waxing Moon in Scorpio

Sowing at room conditions of watercress, leaf mustard on the greens. Watering indoor plants and vygonochnogo greens.
Favorable time for pickling cabbage

(When choosing a day for pickling and sauerkraut, keep in mind that in addition to those marked as particularly favorable, all days are suitable for this,   except for the full moon   and new moonIt is also not recommended to pickle cabbage when Moon in the sign of the Virgin).

  from 01 November 2016 16:43 (Tue)
on November 04, 2016 05:05 (Fri)
Plants grown in indoor conditions these days it is better not to bother. In the northern regions of the work on snow retention.
from 04 November 2016 05:05 (Fri)
   on November 06, 2016 15:55 (Sun)

Growing Moon in Capricorn

Planting in room conditions of onions and garlic on greens, green crops (cress, leaf mustard). Landing for stripping perennial bows. (if it is still relevant)

November 4 (10.22 st. Style) - Autumn Kazan
("If the sky of Kazan is drawn into the rain, then winter will follow it")

from November 6, 2016 15:55 (Sun)
   on November 8, 2016 23:45 (Tue)

Growing Moon in the sign of Aquarius

Adverse days for irrigation and fertilizing indoor plants and vygonochnogo greens. Purchase of seeds, plant protection products, stimulants, fertilizers and the necessary components for the formation of seedlings.

November 8 (26.10 st. Style) - Dmitry Solunsky.
   (Dmitriev day - "If it thaws on Dmitri, then be in winter with tepliny", "Dmitry in the snow - late spring")

  from 08 November 2016 23:45 (Tue)
   until November 11, 2016 03:44 (Fri)

Growing Moon in Pisces

Pruning is strictly forbidden. Possible seeding at room conditions from seeds. Watering and fertilizing distilled greens.
(from 7 to 10 November - according to Russian folk omens, related to the phase of the moon, the most favorable days   of the month   for pickling   but it is better to postpone their beginning until November 9 - the Moon in Pisces also favors salting)
  from 11 November 2016 03:44 (Fri)
on November 13, 2016 04:23 (Sun)

Growing Moon in Aries

Under room conditions, “dry irrigation” is favorable - loosening the surface crust of the soil, destroying capillaries that draw moisture from the depths.

November 12 (30.10 Art. Style) - Zinovy \u200b\u200band Zinovy, Sinichkin Day.
   "Holiday hunters". - Even that day they made and hung bird feeders

from November 13, 2016 04:23 (Sun)
   on November 13, 2016 16:23 (Sun)

Growing Moon in Taurus

Planting in room conditions of onions and garlic on greens, seeds of green crops (cress, mustard leaf) to obtain seedlings. Distillation on the window-sill of onion-batun, chives, onions on the feather.
from November 13, 2016 16:23 (Sun)
   to November 15, 2016 17:35 (Tue)


It is not recommended to carry out any work with plants.
Unfavorable salting days   and fermentation.

November 14, 2016 16:52 Moscow time - astronomical full moon (middle of the lunar month: until November 15, 2016 03:23 the Moon in Taurus, then in the sign of Gemini)

  from November 15, 2016 5:35 pm (Tue)
   on November 17, 2016 02:57 (Th)

Waning Moon in Gemini

Unfavorable time for irrigation and fertilizing distilled greens. It is possible to apply fertilizer in solid form (not solutions). Loosening the soil, pruning and plant formation. Pest control of indoor plants these days will be most effective. Vegetables and fruits prepared for drying these days will be stored for a long time.
  from November 17, 2016 02:57 (Th)
on November 19, 2016 05:14 (Sat)

Waning Moon in Cancer

In room conditions, it is possible to sow any seeds to obtain vitamin seedlings. A good time for liquid fertilizing distillation greens, as well as for pest control.
Favorable days for pickling cabbage
from November 19, 2016 05:14 (Sat)
   on November 21, 2016 11:34 (Mon)

Waning Moon in Leo

If snow has fallen, then snow retention works. If necessary, control pests of indoor plants and vyponochnoy greens. . Possible "dry watering."

November 21 (08.11 cent. Style) - Michael the Archangel.
   (Mikhalov's day) "If there is hoarfrost on Mihail's day - wait for big snows, and if the day begins to fog - it should be rosy. On Mikhailov's day it is clear - by the frosty winter."

  from November 21, 2016 11:34 (Mon)
   on November 23, 2016 21:42 (Wed)

Waning Moon in Virgo

Possible planting of parsley root and beet for forcing greens. Preparation of soil mixtures for planting distilled greens. Purchase of fertilizers, stimulants, seeds. Combating pests and diseases of the root systems of plants grown in indoor conditions.
   Unfavorable salting days
  and pickled cabbage.

November 22 (09.11 Art. Style) - Matron
   (Winter mattress - "On Matrena, frost on trees - to frost").

  from November 23, 2016 21:42 (Wed)
on November 26, 2016 10:01 (Sat)

Waning Moon in Libra

Unfavorable time for irrigation and liquid fertilizing of vynochnoy greens. Purchase of seeds, plant protection products, stimulants and fertilizers, soil and garden equipment. You can plant roots of parsley, beet for the forcing of greens.
from November 26, 2016 10:01 (Sat)
   to November 28, 2016 6:46 (mon)

Waning Moon in Scorpio

Watering and fertilizing with liquid organic fertilizers of vyforochny greenery, loosening the soil in pots and containers. Treatment of indoor plants from pests. Optimum (favorable) time for pickling cabbage, canning fruits and vegetables, making compotes, juices and wines, processing and canning stored pumpkin fruits.
  from November 28, 2016 6:46 (mon)
   to November 30, 2016 8:49 (Wed)


It is not recommended to carry out any work with plants. If the snow fell. Works on snow retention. Snow trampling to protect against mice.
Unfavorable salting days   and pickled cabbage.

November 29, 2016 15:18 Moscow time - the beginning of the lunar month - until November 28, 2015 22:46 The moon in the sign of Scorpio, then in the sign of Sagittarius.

November 28 (09.11 Art. Style) - Guryev Day
   "Oh, if it is snowing on Guria, so lie to him until the flood"

  since November 30, 2016 8:49 (Wed)
   to November 30, 2016 23:59 (Wed)

Growing Moon in Sagittarius

Favorable time for freezing vegetables. Summing up the past season. The beginning of the acquisition of seeds, plant protection products, stimulants and fertilizers, soil and garden tools.

The work on the lunar calendar table of the gardener for November 2016 is completed on 10/18/2016

In November, it may rain in the morning, and in the evening it will snow in snow drifts

Based on one rather interesting folk omen, is compiled (for Moscow, St. Petersburg and N. Novgorod).

* To determine the local time of the lunar calendar event in Kaliningrad, you need to subtract -1 hour, in Samara: add +1 hour, in Yekaterinburg and Perm: +2; Novosibirsk: +3, Krasnoyarsk: +4 hours ... in Vladivostok: +7, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky: +9 hours.

Various signs tell us a lot. They tell a person what to do, what to do in this or that case. Following this information, you can easily perform any task, including the one related to cooking and cooking pickles. For example, many people want to know when to pickle cabbage according to national signs. After all, it will help to make the food really tasty, crispy and fragrant. And what kind of person does not like sauteed with cumin, or apples, cabbage? This is a universal dish, which can also be served as a snack, and used to make sour soup.

When do you have to make sauerkraut according to national signs?

According to popular claims, this should be done in the days of the full moon. You can determine them by the lunar calendar. It is great if these dates fall on Wednesday, Friday or Saturday. It is believed that with the observance of this popular omen, the pickling of cabbage will pass quickly and easily, and the dish itself will turn out to be very crispy. Is it really so hard to say. But many people say that this statement really "works" and when kvass is sauted according to this sign, it turns out to be more juicy and crispy. Although, there are those people who argue that it is impossible to engage in salting at the full moon, on the contrary. This supposedly means to spoil the dish. Which one will believe, is unknown. There are fans of one approach and another.

If you decide to still trust that it is necessary to pickle cabbage in the full moon, but it is not close, but it is required to be engaged in harvesting right now, do not be discouraged. There are other best days for salting cabbage according to the signs. These dates include the so-called "men's days of the week." This is Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. By the way, according to national signs, it is considered ideal if they fall on a new moon.

On these days, you can safely do sauerkraut. It is no worse than the one that will be cooked in the full moon. Many people, by the way, prefer to just wait, which will fall on the "men's day" and take up the blanks exactly on this date. According to them, the cabbage is obtained even better than during the full moon.

Which of the people will believe, it is up to each person to decide. However, many families have their own traditions, including salting of cabbage. Whether to use these "tips" or not, you only have to choose.

Many housewives spend a lot of time and effort on the preparation of blanks for the winter. And, of course, it is very disappointing when such dishes fail. One has only to deviate a little from the recipe or accidentally use products of not sufficiently high quality, as all the labor goes down the drain. But in order for the blanks to be really successful, tasty and kept for a long time, it is necessary not only to prepare them in accordance with the recipe from high-quality products, but also at a certain time of the month, in accordance with the lunar calendar. Let's clarify when to sauer the cabbage on the lunar calendar?

For a long time, people have been aware of the fact that the moon and lunar phases have a direct impact on a person and on his life. Therefore, the lunar calendar is used in solving many everyday issues, including when preparing blanks for the winter.

Mistresses have long noticed that the cabbage, fermented in a full moon, turns out tasteless and / or quickly deteriorates. It can become soft and too sour, and even mold.

According to the lunar calendar, you should not ferment cabbage on the days of the full moon, as well as during the passage of the moon along such zodiac signs as Cancer, Pisces and Virgo.

The days of the rising moon, namely the period at the new moon and after it, will be an excellent time for the fermentation. It is also worth doing such a workout when the moon passes along such zodiac signs as Aries, Taurus, Leo, Sagittarius and Capricorn. Such cabbage is much more likely to be very tasty, fragrant and crispy, and also to be stored for a long time.

What is the date on the lunar calendar sour cabbage?

In November 2016, you can make sauerkraut in the first days - from the first to the eighth of November. After the moon enters the sign of Pisces, therefore it is better not to proceed to the blanks. But already the eleventh of the month, the moon enters the sign of Aries, so you can sour cabbage up to the thirteenth number inclusively.

On the twenty-ninth of November, a new phase of the moon begins, that is, the very next day you can do fermented cabbage. The favorable period continues until December fifth inclusive, and the next day the moon enters the sign of Pisces, that is, it is better to refrain from leaven until December ninth and continue until December thirteenth inclusive.

Thus, you can calculate the dates you need for home canning in any month and in any year. It is only necessary to know that one period of the complete change of the phases of the moon takes approximately twenty-nine or thirty days. The first moon phase, the rising moon, lasts fourteen days.

For example, in September 2017, cabbage ferment is best practiced in the first days - from the first to the fourth. On September 5, the moon enters the Pisces phase, which is not considered to be a very suitable time for home-made preparations. Also, cabbage can be fermented from the twenty-first of September (when the moon enters a new full phase) and until the second of October (until the moon enters the Pisces phase). The next favorable period for procurement begins on the twentieth of October and lasts until the twenty-ninth of October, inclusive. Several favorable days will be at the beginning of November - from the first to the third, and closer to the end of this month - from the nineteenth to the twenty-fifth, and from the twenty-ninth of November to the second of December, inclusive. Also in 2017, sauerkraut can be taken closer to the New Year - from the nineteenth and twenty-third December, and then from the twenty-sixth to thirty-first.

In September 2018, it is best to sauer the cabbage from the tenth to the twenty-second number. In October: from the tenth to the nineteenth, and from the twenty-second to the twenty-fourth. Further, the best dates for cabbage pickling will be the eighth to the fifteenth of November, and the nineteenth to the twenty-second of November. In December, it is worthwhile to deal with such blanks from the eighth to the thirteenth number, as well as from the sixteenth to the twenty-first.

Even when the sauerkraut on the lunar calendar?

If you look at the autumn of 2020, the best dates for cabbage ferment will be the eighteenth to the twenty-eighth of September, the seventeenth to the twenty-fifth of October, the sixteenth to twenty-first of November, and the twenty-fifth to twenty-ninth of November. Cabbage can be practiced in December 2020 - from the fifteenth to the nineteenth, and from the twenty-second to the twenty-eighth.

In the autumn of 2025, it is worthwhile to deal with blanks from the first to the sixth of September, from the twenty-second of September to the third of October, from the twenty-second of October to the thirty-first of October, from the twenty-first of November to the twenty-seventh of November, and also from the thirtieth of November to the fourth of December. Also cabbage pickle will work from the twenty-first of December to the twenty-fourth of December, and from the twenty-seventh of December to thirty-first of December inclusive.

If you look at the fall of 2030, it is best to sour cabbage from September 1 to September 9, from September 28 to October 6, from October 27 to November 3, and from November 6 to November 9. Also a great time for sauerkraut will be the period from the twenty-sixth of November to the thirtieth of November, from the third December to the ninth of December, from the twenty-fifth to the twenty-seventh of December.

So, in each month there are several favorable days for cooking homemade sauerkraut. And nothing will prevent you from trusting the experience of your ancestors and the influence of the moon, and making a really tasty piece.

Therefore, it is so important to know when salting cabbage in 2016 according to the lunar calendar in November in order to get a really delicious salty snack.

A bit of history

In fact, this salty dish is not a primordially Russian dish, it is our housewives who have been cutting heads of cabbage for centuries in a row and are making a pickle for it, in which the cabbage can marinate. If you delve into the history of creation, you can find out that the workers who build the Great Wall of China were fed with pickled vegetables, since the workers didn’t provide much food, and cabbage was a valuable source of vitamins. After some time, the appetizer was able to move to the cities of Romania and the Czech Republic, where many nations fell in love with it, and later the fermented vegetable migrated to Ukraine and Russia, where it eventually became a famous traditional dish at the festive table.

At the very beginning, none of the housewives even thought about what moon to boil cabbage in 2016 according to the lunar calendar, and people didn’t have such a calendar at that time, but they made sourdough in huge barrels for snacks to last for a long time. But today experienced housewives understand that it is just necessary to pay attention to the position of the moon in order to calculate the perfect day for pickled cabbage, only in this case you can get a really tasty and flavorful snack.

Today in our country, almost all homemade feasts can not do without sauerkraut, it is put on the table in a large dish, and each guest can take for themselves as much snack as he needs. Some people prefer to buy cabbage in the store, but still it is tastier and safer to make it at home, especially since you need a minimum quantity of products. Ready salted foods can retain their freshness and stunning taste for at least seven months, so you can safely make cabbage for yourself in large quantities and then place it for storage in any cold place.

At what time is it better to spend the ambassador?

This information will become relevant for many housewives, because it is very important to take into account the phase of the moon in order to know when cabbage will be salted faster, and when the salting process is slower. Therefore, it will be discussed below on which days to boil the cabbage in 2016 according to the lunar calendar, as well as when the ambassador will not be conducted. For example, if the moon starts to be reborn, then the salting process cannot begin, the new moon is the worst day for cooking cabbage. If you add some salt to a vegetable on such a day, the cabbage ends up soft, it does not crunch, it falls apart, it spoils much faster, and the taste qualities do not meet the standards.

When the moon is in such a position, it is better to give up not only the fermentation, but also the harvesting of other vegetables in this form, and the process of canning is not the best. Although you can select only one vegetable that turns out great in this position of the moon - beets, this product after salting must necessarily become soft, and this is just the perfect day for harvesting beets. It is better to postpone the process of sauerkraut and in the event that the moon begins to enter into such constellations as Pisces, Cancer and Virgo, vegetables cooked under these signs lose their taste in a short time, and also become covered with mold and spoil.

If you want to know when salting cabbage in 2016 according to the lunar calendar, you should pay attention to the decreasing moon, this is exactly the time when the ferment process passes most successfully. It is worth knowing that the ambassador is made only immediately after the new moon, as well as on the third and sixth day after that, then you will have to give up salting, and wait for a more favorable time for fermentation.

As experienced housewives say, it is recommended to squeeze a vegetable only on a growing moon, and also when the position of the moon corresponds to such signs of the zodiac as Leo, Capricorn, Aries, Sagittarius or Taurus, only in this case the cabbage is really very tasty and fragrant. If the ambassador is made under such signs, you will have to take into account such a nuance as the use of the finished product, and you can get pickled vegetables only on those days when the moon enters the sign under which the leaven was conducted. If, however, remove the snacks from the barrel on other days, then the likelihood of rapid deterioration of the finished product, as well as the development of bacteria in the harvesting, is high.

Some say that there is a certain time for harvesting cabbage for sourdough, for this it is necessary to wait for the first frost and wait another ten days, only after that they begin to prepare the vegetable for the ambassador. The fact is that the frost helps the acid to be processed into sugar, and this makes it possible to make the taste of the finished snack unique. If there is such an opportunity, then the cabbage should spend the maximum amount of time on the garden bed, just up to ten days after the first frost, but if the vegetables have already been harvested, it is enough to carry out at night in the cold in the cold outside.

For those who want to know when salting cabbage in 2016 according to the lunar calendar, other nuances should be taken into account, for example, if ferment is produced exclusively in a large barrel or container, then you should not open the lid too often, otherwise the cabbage will dry out, which will worsen it taste, as well as affect the safety of the product. Also, ideally, the male day of the week is chosen for the salting, it will be Monday, Thursday or Tuesday, if the woman starts to have critical days, then the salting process should be postponed, otherwise the starter vegetable will fail. It is better to postpone the preservation process these days, as a woman will not be able to receive tasty salty foods during the period of critical days.

What kind of cabbage is worth picking up?

Today, there are many varieties of cabbage that can be used for salting, but it is worth knowing in more detail when and how in 2016, as well as what kind of cabbage is best suited for this. Before starting the selection of varieties, it is worth considering that the head itself should not be sluggish, it is better to choose a more juicy and dense cabbage, the shape of the head should be flat and round, or a slight flattening is allowed, and now consider the best options for starter varieties.

Cabbage Glory. Most often, housewives prefer to squeeze exactly this sort of cabbage, the shape of the head is rounded, while each leaf is quite juicy and crisp, which allows you to get the most delicious product. The ripening of the heads begins in the autumn season, most often the harvest is done at the very end of October, the cabbage has the perfect taste, which is why it is so often used for the leaven.

Another well-known variety "Gift", this vegetable has remarkable qualities, so it is not only kvasyat, but also marinated, and also salted in large jars, each head can reach about five kilograms in weight, and the color varies from white to green. After ferment, this variety perfectly retains its taste, and can also remain fresh for a long period. It is worth mentioning also the "Belarusian" variety, this cabbage is not rarely used for salting, which is why this variety is most often found in popular cookbooks. The weight of the head of cabbage is different for its non-large size, which is very convenient if you need to ferment some vegetables. If there is such an opportunity, then an ambassador of this variety should be started immediately after harvesting; in this case, the taste qualities will not be lost, and the cabbage will retain its freshness for long months of storage.

If you want to know when to pickle cabbage in 2016 according to the lunar calendar, you should choose the right variety, because it will depend on the type of cabbage the salting of the vegetable. It is necessary to pay attention to the variety called Menza, this cabbage has dense and crispy leaves, but at the same time it retains its taste for a very long time, if you store the vegetable in salted form correctly, you can regale yourself with pickles for at least seven months.

Dobrovodsky variety is no less popular as a vegetable for pickling, it retains its qualities for quite a long time, for this reason, housewives can use this type of cabbage at any time of the year if it is necessary to salt the cabbage in small quantities. It is impossible not to draw attention to the Kharkov winter cabbage, this variety is unique for storage in salty and fermented form, it is distinguished from all the varieties described above for its excellent taste, as well as excellent shelf life.

When the question of how to make sauerkraut in 2016 according to the lunar calendar is already closed, it is worthwhile to talk in more detail about those cabbage varieties that should not be used at all for the pickling process. For example, the variety Amager 611 cannot be used as a vegetable for pickling, although the vegetable has remarkable storage qualities, yet its taste is characterized by a strong bitterness, which will be noticeable in a salty snack. There are several other varieties of cabbage that are not suitable for salting, but it is not necessary to list them all in the article, since their popularity among gardeners and gardeners in our country is minimal.

It is difficult to say exactly how many centuries of kvass and salted cabbage for the winter. This yummy was no longer just a meal, but also a medicinal drug.

Sauerkraut has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial action, can suppress rotting products in the stomach and improve the digestive process, cleanses the body of toxins and feces. It is also believed that sauerkraut has powerful anti-carcinogenic properties.

It is believed that it does not matter when you need to make sauerkraut. It was noted that if you harvest this vegetable on certain days, you can achieve excellent taste from the product and long shelf life. Similarly, there are days at which cabbage harvesting is undesirable, otherwise the finished product will spoil or simply will not turn out tasty. Such days are calculated on the lunar or zodiacal calendar.

When sauer cabbage on the lunar calendar, astrologers will prompt. They believe that the best time for harvesting is a growing moon, more precisely, the fifth day from the new moon. And if this day coincided with Tuesday, Monday or Thursday, then this is real luck.

It is equally important to adhere to the zodiacal calendar. If the moon is currently in the sign of Aries, Taurus, Leo, Sagittarius and Capricorn, then you can start salting. As for the ancestors, it was their custom to begin the leaven after the Ascension, that is, on September 27.

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There is also a difference in what day to boil the cabbage. The most unfortunate day for salting is the full moon. During this period, the vegetable softens, becomes cotton and very tasteless. All vegetables, with the exception of beets, salt and sour in these days is prohibited. It is better not to be engaged in salting even when the moon is in the signs of water: Pisces and Cancer, as well as Virgo, otherwise all preparations are at risk of mold.

Favorable days for pickling cabbage:

  • The days when the moon is in the fire signs of the zodiac (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) or in the earth (Capricorn and Taurus).
  • Cabbage is fermented for the winter exclusively on the growing moon.
  • If you just need to salt the vegetables for two days, then a waning moon will suit for this on the third day after the start of the new moon.

The days have already been set for 2018 when it is best to sour cabbage and salt:

  • September 2018. Days for salting come from the 10th to the 22nd.
  • October 2018 - from 10 to 19.
  • November 2018 - from 8–15 and 19–20.
  • December 2018 - from 8−13 and 16−21.

Blanks for winter

To make the dish as good and tasty as possible, in addition to carefully selected lunar days, you need to follow the following rules:

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Vegetables stand under the yoke at room temperature for about a week, during which the chopped mixture should be pierced daily with a thin stick. The bitterness will gradually go away, like the amount of juice released. Two days later, the pickling is removed to a cold place where she will wander.

In addition to the traditional method of sourdough, there are many other, more interesting and refined to taste.

With herbs and pumpkin

It will take 4 kg of cabbage, 1 kg of pumpkin, 140 g of salt, 3 tbsp. l sugar and mint with tarragon on several stalks.

The cabbage is chopped and frayed with herbs and salt. Pumpkin is peeled, cut into large slices, covered with sugar and left until the juice is released.

Lay all the vegetables in layers: cabbage, pumpkin, and so on. Above they put fabric and any press as oppression.

With grapes and honey

Take 1 kg of any grapes and 2 kg of cabbage, about 0.5 kg of carrots, 0.1 kg of honey and a bunch of basil. Salt will need about 20 grams.

Chopped cabbage and carrots are placed in a container with grapes, add chopped basil and pour all the brine with honey. This is a quick-cooking recipe, and the cabbage will be ready on the third day.

With apples and cumin

This is a simple and vintage way. 10 kg of cabbage will need 0.5 kg of apples and 10 g of seeds of dill and cumin. All chopped and fray with salt. Put under the yoke, occasionally pierced with a wooden stick. You can cook saucy and with viburnum, bell pepper, onions and beets.

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The best grades for salting are the following:

  1. Belarusian. Small heads of this variety are often used for pickling. She has a very long shelf life.
  2. Glory. Round large heads, reaching 4 kg by weight, appear, as a rule, not earlier than October.
  3. Volunteer. This is a universal variety. And although it is well suited for salting, most often it is used fresh.
  4. Present. Suitable for all types of harvesting: yeast, pickling and pickling. The color of this cabbage can be greenish. The weight of the head reaches 5 kg.
  5. Menza. Big head, whose weight reaches 9 kg. It can be stored until spring.
  6. Kharkiv. Its distinctive feature from other varieties - excellent taste. Very popular variety in home gardens. It is unpretentious and tolerates drought well.

The varieties that are absolutely not suitable for salting are Cromon and Amager. They are good because they do not burst and are kept fresh until the end of spring.

Choice of heads

Good only late varieties. It is better to refuse Chinese and Dutch, since they are not suitable for salting. It is good if it is a cabbage grown on its own, when there is full confidence in the quality and safety of the product.