Courgettes with tomato paste and garlic. Homemade preparations: delicious salad for the winter from zucchini

24.04.2019 Seafood Dishes

If you like simple preparations for the winter from zucchini, then my today's salad from zucchini for the winter with tomato paste and garlic will certainly appeal to you. The beauty of this recipe for zucchini salad for the winter lies in the simplicity and minimum of ingredients. We need only zucchini, tomato paste and garlic. Well, salt, sugar and vinegar can be found in each bedside table in the kitchen.

The recipe for canned zucchini with tomato paste is very simple, prepare quickly and easily, without much preparation and boiling. You can replace tomato paste with tomatoes twisted in a meat grinder. For the recipe you need about 0.7 kg of tomato. If you use tomatoes, then you do not need to add water to zucchini salad. Looking ahead, I will say that the salad of zucchini for the winter with tomato paste and garlic is prepared without sterilization, which greatly simplifies the whole preservation process.

It is very interesting to know, and what are your favorite recipes for squash zucchini? With great interest I will wait for answers in the comments to the recipe, or in the VC group.


  • 2.5 kg zucchini
  • 500 ml of water
  • 4 tbsp. tomato paste
  • 1 tbsp. sugar (185 gr.)
  • 65 ml of vinegar 9%,
  • 200 ml of vegetable oil
  • 1 head garlic,
  • 2 tbsp. salt,

Output: 3.3-3.5 liters

How to cook zucchini salad for the winter with tomato paste and garlic:

Squash cut into rings, or half rings not too thin, so that they do not boil soft in a salad.

In the pan, in which we will prepare our salad from zucchini, pour water, add tomato paste, vegetable oil, salt and sugar. Stir until homogeneous tomato mass.

Then add chopped courgettes to the pan, and garlic passed through the press.

Mix zucchini with tomato paste and garlic with a spoon, then cover the pan with a lid, and set on the stove. Bring zucchini to a boil, then reduce the heat to low and simmer for 30 minutes.

Five minutes before the end of cooking add vinegar. By this time, zucchini should already be fully prepared.

Hot salad of zucchini for the winter with tomato paste and garlic spread in sterile jars.

We roll up the jars with the blank with sterile caps, turn the jars upside down, and send them under the fur coat to cool completely.

Cooled jars with squash salad clean in the pantry or cellar away from sunlight. Zucchini salad for the winter with tomato paste and garlic can be stored in an apartment at room temperature.

    Simple vegetable dishes in the summer are very popular because they are not only very tasty, but healthy and low-calorie, which is very good for those who want to lose weight or at least not gain weight in the swimming season. Zucchini is a versatile vegetable that can be cooked in all possible ways and served as a separate separate dish, and as a side dish for any meat. You can cook sauces, caviar, soups, etc. The most familiar dish is zucchini fried in slices in batter, but this is how they turn out to be quite fat, so try cooking them stewed in tomato paste. Often they are so preserved for the winter, but why not cook them for yourself every day. It is very easy to prepare, and it turns out tasty, especially if the harvest is rich.


    Courgettes - 1 pc.

    Tomato paste - 3 tbsp.

    Onions - 2 onions

    Ground pepper

    Step by step preparation with a photo:

    Onion cut into small rings and fry until transparent. If it seems to you that there are many onions, then you can take not two, but one onion, although it will not spoil the taste, but vice versa.

    My squash and cut into cubes. If they are overripe and the seeds are already large, and the skin is coarse, then we remove the skin and clean it from the seeds.

    Add them to onions and tomato paste.

    Stir, cover and simmer for 10-15 minutes until cooked. If necessary, add more water. Zucchini blends well with garlic, so at the end you can add 2-3 cloves squeezed through a press.

    Enjoy your meal!

    Squash is the most versatile and cheapest vegetable. On its basis, you can cook almost everything - first courses (especially soups), side dishes, appetizers (cold and hot), pancakes, stews, and even jam. They are well preserved for the winter. In addition, they are easy to grow. Many of them are grown in the city, right in their home front gardens. Cooking is sheer fun. Thanks to its convenient size - it is easy and quick to clean and chop.

    Zucchini came to European cuisine from South America and very quickly came to taste, both to cooks and ordinary people. They come in different colors - yellow, white, light green and dark green, and shapes. Round and wavy are called scallops. In taste and properties, they practically do not differ.

    In addition, it is a very useful vegetable. It contains magnesium, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iron and sodium. Vitamins of group B, C and E. At the same time it is very low-calorie. Per 100 g of the product has only 25 kcal. He also, like cucumber, is 90% water.

    Zucchini helps to establish the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Promotes gentle cleansing of the intestines. Very suitable for people with diabetes, because it contains little sucrose. Due to its diuretic properties, it helps cleanse the body of toxins. Potassium and magnesium - strengthen the heart muscle and the walls of blood vessels, so it is recommended to use it for people with cardiovascular diseases. Few people know, but zucchini can serve as an absorbent. It absorbs all the toxins and removes them from the body.

    So there are many reasons to cook this vegetable. Especially since he is preparing very quickly. But, unlike eggplant, it can be eaten raw. Therefore, he is very fond of Chinese and Korean cuisine, where he is pickled and made from him salads.

    This dish is cooked quickly and easily. All the products that are used in it, you can easily find in the kitchen. You can cook such a dish even in winter. For this zucchini just need to freeze. On cooking will take no more than half an hour. This is very important in the summer when you do not want to spend time in the hot kitchen.

    This recipe should take note of those who are accustomed to monitor their weight and figure. It is easy and low-calorie. Perfect for dinner or snack. It can also serve as a side dish for meat or fish. In the finished dish be sure to add fresh herbs - dill, parsley, basil or celery.

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With zucchini - just a unique combination that has an extraordinary taste. Preparations for the winter of these products like many. In addition, zucchini is a great snack, which is very popular in our country. Squash, zucchini and so on - all these vegetables can be pickled for the winter. And also you can make excellent salads from them. Besides preserve such products is easy. How can I cook zucchini with tomato paste for the winter? There is a huge amount of recipes. Here are some of them.

Appetizer "Tatar song"

This snack, as the rules are cooked with eggplants. But you can do otherwise. Tomato paste with zucchini completely changes the taste of the salad, making it original. For cooking you will need:

  1. Zucchini of any sort - a few kilograms.
  2. Bulgarian pepper.
  3. An Apple.
  4. Onion.
  5. Chilli.
  6. Garlic.
  7. Carrot.
  8. Tomato paste - 70 grams.
  9. Sugar - a glass.
  10. Vegetable oil - a glass.
  11. Salt - 50 grams.
  12. Vinegar 9% table - 100 grams.

How to cook

For this snack it is better to use zucchini. But if they are not there, then you can take young zucchini of other varieties. Vegetables should be washed and chopped as you please. You can cut the zucchini circles, cubes and stripes. It does not matter.

The remaining vegetables should be peeled, washed, and then, placed in the bowl of a blender, chop. This can also be done with a conventional grinder. The result should be spicy caviar. If you wish, you can add more. If there is no such component, you can replace it with red hot pepper.

In the resulting mass is to add vegetable oil, sugar, vinegar, salt, and tomato paste. The composition should be placed on the fire and bring to a boil. Ideal such pasta with zucchini. Of course, you can use However, it is worth considering that the vegetables will give a lot of liquid. Therefore, tomato paste is preferable.

In the resulting composition you need to put zucchini. The paste should completely cover the vegetables. Boil snack need about 1.5 hours. After a specified time, the dish will be ready, and you can try it. The finished snack can be decomposed into sterilized containers and rolled up.

The result is a savory and aromatic dish. It should be noted that this way you can cook not only zucchini, but also cucumbers, peppers and eggplants.

Caviar Caviar

Probably, many people remember the taste from childhood. You can cook it at home. Here is a simple recipe for zucchini with tomato paste. For cooking requires:

  1. Three kilograms of young zucchini.
  2. 350 grams of tomato paste.
  3. A big spoon of sugar.
  4. Salt is a big spoon.
  5. Half a teaspoon of pepper.
  6. Seven cloves of garlic.
  7. Four onions.
  8. Four carrots.
  9. 150 grams of vegetable oil.

Cooking stages

Such pasta with zucchini will appeal to both adults and children. You can make delicious sandwiches from it, spreading it on bread, or use it as an addition to various potato and meat dishes.

From the listed number of components it turns out about three liters of squash caviar. First you need to prepare the tank. They need to be washed, preferably with soda, and then sterilized. The lids with which the jars will be closed should be dipped in cold water and also boiled for 12 minutes.

Young squash should be washed. If necessary, they can be cleaned. After that, zucchini should be crushed cups, the size of which is approximately 1 to 1 centimeter.

Onions also need to peel. It is also worth cutting into cubes. Carrots should be cleaned, washed and grated, preferably coarse. Finely chop the garlic with a knife.

A cauldron should warm up and pour vegetable oil into it. After that, you need to pour carrots and onions. It is necessary to extinguish products on medium heat for about 5 minutes. Then all the other components should be added to the cauldron. Stew snacks need 45 minutes. In this case, all you need to regularly interfere. At the end, the resulting composition should be whipped with a blender. Bring everything to a boil, spread out in containers and roll up gently.

When canning tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers, many housewives lose sight of the fact that there is another vegetable that is well suited for preparing different types of blanks for the winter. This is a zucchini.

Invaluable property of the zucchini is that it is combined absolutely with any vegetables. By itself, zucchini is bland, without a special smell, with a slightly pronounced taste. But it is necessary to combine it with other vegetables, as he immediately incorporates their flavor.

The peculiarity of zucchini and the fact that when you quench their flesh becomes translucent, and from this the appearance of the dish only benefits.

But zucchini has one small drawback: they do not have their own acid, which has preservative properties. Therefore, in the blanks for the winter they are trying to use together with sour tomatoes. Thanks to this combination, a very tasty appetizer is obtained - zucchini in tomato sauce.

Cooking subtleties

  • For this snack is better to take young zucchini. They have thin skin, dense flesh and no seeds yet. Or they are so soft that they almost merge with the pulp.
  • Young squash skin is not removed. For canning, they are cut into slices, slices, cubes or cubes.
  • In the banks usually lay zucchini stewed with vegetables or pre-fried in oil.
  • Tomato sauce can be prepared from tomatoes twisted in a meat grinder, tomato juice or tomato paste.
  • Its taste depends on the aromatic spices and herbs. The hostess can choose a set of spices independently, taking into account the taste tastes of her household. Peppers, garlic, paprika, cumin, basil, cinnamon, dill and bay leaf are most commonly used.
  • In addition to zucchini, carrots, onions, Bulgarian and hot peppers are put in the preparation.
  • Vinegar or vinegar essence and salt are added without fail. Sugar is put in tomato sauce if desired, but it significantly improves the taste of the snack.
  • If fresh zucchini is poured with tomato sauce, the jar must be sterilized: half-liter jars - 50 minutes, liter - about an hour.
  • Zucchini stewed in tomato sauce can be sealed immediately. But in this case, the banks must be well heated in the oven and must be dry. Hermetically sealed banks immediately need to wrap a blanket so that they remain as long as possible hot.

Squash in tomato sauce: method 1


  • zucchini (it is better to take zucchini) - 1.5 kg;
  • tomatoes - 700 g;
  • large onions - 1 pc .;
  • parsley, celery, parsnip roots - 50 g;
  • medium sized carrots - 2 pcs .;
  • refined sunflower oil - 100 g;
  • salt - 20 g;
  • sugar - 20 g;
  • 3-4 bay leaves;
  • 9% vinegar - 40 g;
  • young dill and parsley - a small bunch.

Cooking method

  • First, wash the jars with soda. Put them in a cold oven. Set the temperature to 150 ° and warm the jars for 20-25 minutes.
  • Prepare the vegetables. Young squash wash. Their skin is thin and tender, so you do not need to cut it off. Cut the squash into slices.
  • Grate carrots and white roots on a coarse grater or cut into thin strips.
  • Onion cut into cubes. Chop greens.
  • In hot oil, first fry the onions, carrots and roots. Put them in a bowl. On the remaining oil, fry the zucchini mugs on both sides.
  • Cook the tomato fill. To do this, wash the red fleshy tomatoes, cut them into several pieces. Pass through a meat grinder with a small lattice. Pour the mass into an enamel pan. Add salt, sugar, vinegar, pepper. Boil on low heat for 20-25 minutes.
  • Place prepared zucchini in prepared jars, sandwiched with onion, carrot, roasted roots, chopped greens. Put 1-2 bay leaves in each jar.
  • Pour the zucchini boiling tomato sauce. Cover with sterile caps. Set in a wide saucepan, pour hot water to the level of the hanger. Sterilize 50 minutes, counting from the beginning of boiling water.
  • Banks immediately roll upside down, wrap plaid.

Squash in tomato sauce: method 2


  • young zucchini - 2.5 kg;
  • tomatoes - 1 kg;
  • garlic - 1 head;
  • salt - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • sugar - 2 tsp;
  • sunflower oil - 100 g;
  • black pepper peas - 10 pcs.;
  • 9% vinegar - 50 ml;
  • young parsley and dill - a small bunch.

Cooking method

  • Prepare sterile jars in advance. So that they are hot and dry by the time you fill the zucchini, keep them in an oven heated to 150 °.
  • Wash tomatoes, cut the stalk, cut into several pieces. Grind in a meat grinder.
  • Peel the garlic, pass through the garlic press.
  • Pour the tomato mass into an enamel pan. Put salt, sugar, pepper and butter. Bring to a boil, cook for 20 minutes. Add vinegar.
  • Young squash wash, cut off the tips. Without peeling, cut into cubes or cubes. Put in a saucepan with tomato sauce. Add the garlic. Make the fire slightly below average and, stirring occasionally, simmer for 30-35 minutes. Ten minutes before readiness, place the chopped greens.
  • Put boiling vegetables in jars and immediately seal her cork with sterile caps.

Squash in tomato sauce: method 3


  • zucchini - 1.5 kg;
  • onions - 2 pcs .;
  • tomatoes - 1 kg;
  • garlic - 1 head;
  • salt - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • paprika - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • sunflower oil - 100 g;
  • 9% vinegar - 40 ml;
  • dill - optional.

Cooking method

  • Prepare sterile jars in advance so that you do not have to be distracted by their processing.
  • Wash tomatoes, cut into slices of arbitrary shape. Peel onions and garlic, chop. Garlic can be skipped through the garlic press. Put the vegetables in an enamel pan, pour vegetable oil. Put on the fire and simmer for a low boil for 20 minutes.
  • While tomatoes and onions are boiling, wash the zucchini, trim the tips. Cut into cubes or cubes. If you use an adult zucchini, be sure to cut off the peel and take out the seeds along with the loose pulp in which they are located.
  • Put the softened vegetables in a bowl, chop with a blender. Pour the tomato sauce back into the pan. Put the sugar, salt and chopped zucchini. Simmer for 25 minutes on low heat. 5 minutes before cooked add garlic and vinegar. If you want to put greens, then do it right now.
  • In a boiling state, place the vegetable mixture in dry sterile hot jars. Make sure that the vegetables are completely covered by pouring. Immediately roll up the covers.

Squash in Tomato Sauce: Method 4


  • zucchini - 1.5 kg;
  • tomato paste - 100 g;
  • garlic - 1 head;
  • 9% vinegar - 40 ml;
  • salt - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • sunflower oil - 100 g

Cooking method

  • Wash and sterilize the jars in advance. To keep them cool, place them in an oven heated to 150 °. If you decide to sterilize the jars in the oven, then put them in a cold oven and then turn it on, otherwise the jars may burst due to the temperature drop.
  • Wash zucchini. If they have outgrown, peel them, remove the seeds. Pulp rubbed on a large grater.
  • Peel the garlic and chop it with a cooking press.
  • Tomato dissolve a small amount of water to make a dense mashed potatoes.
  • Put crushed zucchini, tomato paste, sugar, salt, and sunflower oil in an enamel saucepan. Put on the stove and simmer, stirring occasionally, for 30-40 minutes. 10 minutes until cooked add garlic and vinegar.
  • In a boiling form, arrange the zucchini in tomato sauce in sterile jars and then hermetically sealed. Turn the cans upside down, cover with a blanket.

Mistress note

The composition of vegetables added to zucchini, you can adjust to your taste.

Tomatoes for sauce can be replaced by tomato juice or tomato paste, diluting it to the desired density with boiled water.

If you like hot snacks, feel free to add the hot pepper. But before that it is necessary to remove the seeds, since they contain the substance responsible for the burning taste.

We offer recipes for dishes, in which the neutral taste of zucchini, perfectly harmonizes with the sourness in the tomato.

Spicy Zucchini Stewed in Diced Tomatoes


  • zucchini - 2.5 kg;
  • red Bulgarian pepper - 3 pcs .;
  • red hot pepper (ground) - 0.5 tsp;
  • tomatoes (large) - 5 pcs .;
  •   - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • sunflower oil - 120 ml;
  • young garlic - 3-4 cloves;
  • salt, sugar - 1 teaspoon;
  • dill green - 0.5 bunch.


Zucchini thoroughly wash and cut off the edges, and cut the rest of the vegetable into rather large (at least 2 cm) cubes. Sprinkle them with kitchen salt, mix well and transfer them to the saucepan already heated with oil on the stove.

Through a fine sieve of the meat grinder, we scroll the washed and separated from the seeds of Bulgarian pepper and sliced ​​tomatoes. Into this mixture, add tomato paste, sunflower oil and add red pepper. We mix everything well until the paste is dissolved in the total mass. Pour it all into a saucepan, as soon as the zucchini will be soft when you pierce them with a fork. When our dish begins to boil, we sprinkle it with sugar, mix it and put it to simmer under a covered lid, reducing the flame of fire to a minimum. The finished zucchini will be ready in 25 minutes, so 5 minutes before that we add to them finely chopped young garlic and fresh dill.

Roasted Zucchini with Tomato Garlic


  • zucchini (zucchini) - 2 kg;
  • wheat flour - 100 g;
  • sunflower oil - 100-120 ml;
  • garlic - 4 cloves;
  • onions (large) - 1 pc .;
  • tomatoes (large) - 5 pcs .;
  • pepper and salt to taste.


Wash squash, dry with a towel and cut into cups so that their thickness is not more than 8 millimeters. Put them in a large bowl, sprinkle them evenly with fine salt and mix them with clean hands.

Each circle of zucchini dipped in a bowl of wheat flour. Then fry them in a heated pan in a sufficient amount of sunflower oil until the pieces on the both sides are beautifully golden. We remove the fried zucchini taken from the pan in a circle and put in a saucepan and sprinkle with garlic, crushed through a special press, into each such filled circle.

We process the tomatoes through a juice extractor into juice, add onions, passed through a meat grinder, individually add to taste the kitchen salt, black pepper, mix all this and put on the hob of the included plate. Cook wonderful tomato sauce for 12 minutes, and then completely mix it in a container with fried zucchini. Now we send this saucepan to the stove and after the squash in the tomato boils for 6-7 minutes, we set them aside.

Caviar from squash with tomato and mayonnaise


  • zucchini - 2.8 kg;
  • tomato juice - 800 ml;
  •   - 220 ml;
  • sunflower oil - 120 ml;
  • onions - 700 g;
  • granulated sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • kitchen salt - 1 tsp;
  • pepper - 0.5.


Properly prepare the zucchini, cut off the skin from them with a thin layer, and grind the rest of the whole vegetable through a large sieve of meat grinder. In the same way, chop the onion, pour the sunflower oil into the mixture, sprinkle everything with pepper, table salt and sugar. After thorough mixing, we transfer the resulting mass to a wide stainless steel bowl and put it on the hob, switched to medium fire mode. When the vegetables in the cup boil for about 15 minutes, then we pour in fresh tomato juice here and mix everything. We reduce fire to a minimum and let the caviar smolder on it for at least 3 hours. Somewhere half an hour before the end of cooking, we put into the caviar a good, fat mayonnaise.

Each of the dishes prepared according to these excellent recipes will be a wonderful addition to any of your side dishes!