Equipment for the production of canned vegetables. How much can you earn from canning? The implementation of canned vegetables

08.05.2019 Dishes for children

Canning shop

The company "Food workshops" is ready to provide customers with the opportunity to make a profitable investment and purchase canning mini-factories, canning equipment and canning workshops. Such an acquisition will be a good start to your own business and lead to payback in a short time.

Product types

1. Canning equipment

In the company "Food shops" you can purchase all the necessary equipment to fully equip the canning line of production.

  • Sealing and capping machines. With the help of these tools, it is possible to fully automatically package food products in any container (glass, tin). The device can operate in normal and vacuum mode.
  • Semi-automatic closing and capping machines.An analogue of the previous proposal, but carrying out work in a semi-automatic mode. It works in a vacuum and ordinary environment.
  • Automatic dosing and filling machines.Using this automation in canning workshop   it is possible to carry out automatic dosed filling of containers with food contents.
  • Banking machines.   They are needed in order to prepare the container for use and remove contaminants.
  • Labeling equipment.   Used to stick a paper label on a jar. In this case, the label and packaging can be any.
  • Equipment for the fruit and vegetable canning workshop.With it, you can process any vegetables, fruits and berries.
  • Additional equipment for canning workshops.   Conveyor, forklift, tipper trolley, semi-automatic marker device, autoclave and autoclave basket loading / unloading device.

All canning equipment   can be purchased in various variations, there are always several different models of each item.

2. Canned mini-factory for the production of canned fish

An excellent solution for small businesses such a factory will not require a lot of resources and will pay off very quickly.

Main characteristics:

  • It produces 600 cans of canned fish per hour.
  • Power 163 kW.
  • The required area of \u200b\u200b70 sq.m.
  • Attendants - 8 people.

3. Shop for the preservation of vegetable salads

This vegetable canning mini-factory   will be a great investment. This type of canning is always in demand. The source material is quite cheap. Therefore, the payback period will be minimal.

Main characteristics:

  • Preservation is carried out in glass containers.
  • Productivity 1100 cans (650 ml) per shift.
  • Power 83 kW.
  • The required area is 40 sq.m.
  • Attendants - 4 people.

4. Mushroom canning workshop

Buying this canning equipment   will provide an opportunity to get great benefits with relatively modest investments. Resources will be required a little, and the return will not be long in coming.

Main characteristics:

  • Preservation is provided in glass jars with a twist-off lid.
  • Productivity 500 cans per hour.
  • Power 92 kW.
  • Required area 30 sq.m.
  • Attendants - 3 people.

5. Vegetable canning mini-plant

A very profitable investment in business. Such canning shop   Not only will it quickly pay for itself, but it will also give you the opportunity to make good profits. Production does not require large human and energy resources.

Main characteristics:

  • Preservation takes place in glass jars with a volume of 3000 ml.
  • Productivity - 450 cans per shift.
  • Power 134 kW.
  • Required area 30 sq.m.
  • For service canning mini-factory   3 people will be required.

6. A set of canning equipment for the production of fish preserves

This canning shop will allow you to cut, pack and pack fish in preserves. Moreover, a large area and a lot of human resources will not be required. Ideal for organizing a small family business.

Main characteristics:

  • Packaging of fish takes place in plastic containers.
  • Productivity - 1000 cans in one hour.
  • Power 1.7 kW.
  • Required area 26 sq.m.
  • For service canning mini-factory   2 people will be required.

7. Canning shop for the production of canned meat in tin

Great investment! Canned meat is always popular, so the organization of such a production is always beneficial. Buying a workshop in the company "Food workshops", you can count on the acquisition of high-quality canning equipment   at a bargain price.

Main characteristics:

  • Packaging and sterilization of meat takes place in glass or tin cans.
  • Productivity - 600 cans in one hour.
  • Power 131 kW.
  • Required area 44 sq.m.
  • For service canning mini-factory   6 people will be required.
  • Easy operation and repair canning equipment.
  • Affordable cost, which will be affordable for entrepreneurs of any level.
  • Organization of production takes place in a short time.
  • For service canning shop not need a large number of workers.
  • It is possible to establish conservation in any conditions, including at home.
  • Fast return on investment.

Why is the purchase of canning mini-factories - is it profitable?

In order to establish its own production of canned food with the help of modern technological equipment from the company "Food shops" does not require a lot of effort and investment.

Company employees will carefully treat each client and help you choose the most effective solution in terms of choice canning equipment   in each case.

Canning mini-plantspurchased in the Food Shops company is a guarantee of high-quality smooth operation and profitable investments.

The canned food business is quite profitable if properly organized. A small plant at home or in a rented room would be the best option.

Features of a business idea

A mini-factory of this specialization does not have high productivity, so when organizing it, you need to focus on the needs of the local buyer. When placing the facilities of a mini-enterprise, it is necessary to pay attention to the availability of raw materials in order to reduce transportation costs. This will reduce the cost of production.

Mini canned food factory

As a result, it will become competitive with respect to products of large manufacturers, which have gained trust among many buyers.

The mini-factory can focus on the manufacture of the following types of canned food:

In order to profit from such an enterprise, it is necessary to produce high-quality products that could compete with home-made products. It is also worth considering that the level of profitability of such a plant depends on the wealth of customers.

Another feature of mini-factories is that their mode of operation is seasonal. The production of canned vegetables and fruits takes place in the summer-autumn period, and sales in the winter-spring period. If desired, you can set up several lines. One of them should be engaged in the production of meat, fish or mushroom products. Such a line can work for a whole year.

Necessary equipment

A canning factory can be equipped with a variety of equipment that allows you to get a specific product. Vegetables, fruits, meat and other raw materials should be packaged in prepared glass or iron cans. For the needs of a mini-enterprise, you can purchase the following equipment:

Production process

The plant for the production of canned products can use for its work the following methods of preserving raw materials:

  • chemical;
  • biochemical;
  • physical;
  • physical and chemical.

The most popular method is the use of preservatives of chemical and biological origin. Quite high requirements are provided to them. These substances must be safe, do not alter the taste of the products and do not react with the packaging material.

Physical methods include processing raw materials using high or low temperatures, ultrasound, ionization, and filtering. These include pasteurization, sterilization, freezing and other technological schemes.

Physicochemical methods are also very popular. In this case, salt is used to increase the shelf life, sugar and other preservatives. They are used in combination with pasteurization, sterilization or simple cooking in sealed containers. A plant of this type is most in demand on the market.

In the chemical method of processing raw materials use:

  • ethanol;
  • acetic acid;
  • sorbic acid;
  • lemon acid;
  • benzoic acid.

Their concentration in the finished product must be high in order to ensure its safety. This can adversely affect the quality, therefore this method is used in combination with others. Biological preservatives include drugs with bifidum and lactobacilli, lactococci.

Business plan

The payback of such a plant depends on the type and quantity of products. It ranges from 0.5 to 2-3 years. On the example of the organization of a line for the production of canned vegetables, consider the profitability of an enterprise that has been operating for 4 months in the harvest season:

  • purchase of raw materials. On average, small enterprises at home are able to process no more than 1 ton of vegetables. Therefore, you will need about 120 tons of raw materials for the entire season. Its cost is 2.4 million rubles;
  • electric power. For the operation of all equipment, on average, 240 kW per shift is required. The need for the entire season is - 28.8 thousand kW worth 100 thousand rubles;
  • wage. For the effective organization of the mini-enterprise, you may need from 15 to 20 staff. Salary costs will be 1-1.2 million rubles;
  • workshop rental. To install the equipment you need a room that will be available all year round. Therefore, the average cost of his rent is 1 million rubles.

Total expenses without equipment purchase will amount to 4.7 million rubles. After the sale of canned vegetables, you can get about 12 million in revenue. Net profit will be 7.3 million rubles, profitability - 50%, payback period - 1 season.

Video: Production of canned fish

The very first stage in the organization of a canning workshop is to study the technology and analyze the work of competitors in your region. The bulk of potential buyers live in large cities. You can’t count on high demand in small towns.

After this, you should begin the search for suppliers of raw materials and conclude preliminary contracts. Most profitable to buy fruits and vegetables and large farms. Although, there is a common practice of buying crops from peasant farms through exit points. If you are determined to start organizing the production of fruit and vegetable preserves, you have clear plans for the volume of various types of products, it is worth agreeing with farmers on preliminary volumes of purchases of various types of raw materials. Your suppliers will be able to calculate which types of agricultural products should be emphasized next season.

A great option is to start the work of the enterprise in the harvest season. The first berries can be purchased from mid-July. In order to have time to use this period to the maximum, it is important to draw up a clear business plan and think over fallback options in case of failure to meet the deadlines for opening production. For example, you can first establish a line for freezing fruits and vegetables.

Main risks

It is almost impossible to break into large wholesale markets. This is due to high competition between major brands. This should be considered in the process of developing a marketing strategy.

Significant risks are associated with weather conditions. The purchase prices for raw materials and the cost of your products depend on the crop.


Experts recommend looking for a room for organizing a business as close as possible to suppliers of raw materials. So, you should rent a room in the district center or a small town. Such a location is beneficial in terms of the cost of rent. Salaries in small towns are not an order of magnitude lower than in a megalopolis. Transportation costs for the delivery of finished products more than overlap due to these factors.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe production workshop should be at least 120 m². It is also necessary to rent vegetable stores to create a sufficient stock to ensure production work in the winter and spring until a new crop appears. Warehouses for storage of finished products should have a minimum area of \u200b\u200b100 m². Warehouse for storage of raw materials needed for 1-2 shifts.

To increase profitability, it is recommended to equip chambers for freezing and storing frozen berries. Even with limited starting capital, it is highly advisable to find additional funds for their arrangement. During the period of active harvesting and low prices for a certain type of raw material, your capacities may not cope with its processing. Freezing allows you to work in normal mode and store raw materials in proper form. An additional argument is the opportunity to make money on frozen fruits and vegetables. Example: the wholesale price of 1 kg of corn grains during the harvest is 20 rubles, in winter you can sell them frozen for 100 rubles. Even with the additional costs of electricity, the availability of additional space for freezing and storing this type of product is very beneficial.

You should know in advance the requirements of fire protection and SES. Clear standards have been drawn up for the food industry, they must be taken into account even in the process of finding a room. In many cases, entrepreneurs see a profit in the construction of new rapidly erected buildings.


For efficient operation and quick start, it is important to purchase production lines that ensure the manufacture of the widest possible assortment. You can assemble the equipment in parts or purchase a universal line. An example is a complex from the Ukrainian manufacturer Inagro. It is intended for the production of a wide range of canned products:

  • Salads, sliced \u200b\u200band stuffed vegetables, caviar, vinaigrettes.
  • Tomato paste and sauces.
  • Vegetable and fruit purees.
  • Meat and vegetable lunch dishes.
  • Preheated semi-finished products.
  • All kinds of Smoothies.
  • Sun-dried tomatoes.
  • Candied fruit.
  • Sauces, ketchups and mustard.

The packing line allows you to pack canned food in containers from 0.06 to 10 kg / l. Types of containers:

  • Plastic trays and cups.
  • Glass lids with Twist-Off lid.
  • Glass PET and CPP bottles.
  • Vertical packages Doy-Pack, retort, Bag in Boxing.


The area of \u200b\u200bthe room is 120 m².
  Productivity - from 100 to 500 kg / h.
  Power - 30-70 kW / h.
  Water consumption - 0.3-1 m³ / h.
  Water discharge - 0.5 m³ / h.
Attendants - 8-16 people.
  The cost of such a complex is 3,300,000 rubles. For delivery and installation, it is worth planning at least another 200,000 rubles.

At least 600,000 rubles will have to be invested in the purchase of at least one car, containers for transporting finished products, a minimum set of equipment.


The most important person in production is a technologist. He controls all processes and monitors compliance with technology. To service the Inagro complex, 8-16 people are needed, depending on the selected production volumes. Also, you will need workers at the warehouse. Their number depends on the time of year. In summer and autumn, during the active purchase and processing of raw materials, seasonal workers will have to be hired. In winter and spring, such a large staff is not needed.

We should also talk about the marketing department. The search for new customers should be very active. Many enterprises open their own representative offices in big cities. At the start, when the new company is experiencing a constant shortage of funds, it is nevertheless necessary to invite at least one experienced customer service specialist.

Documents and Licenses

The size of the start-up capital and the complexity of organizing a conservation business requires registration of a legal entity. The scheme for obtaining permits is standard, but as for any other direction of the food industry, it is associated with a number of nuances and difficulties. The best option is to draw up a contract for long-term cooperation with a law firm specializing in working with this industry. In the future, you will also need her services.

The production of canned fruits and vegetables is not subject to mandatory licensing. But you can’t do without issuing certificates. This requires certificates from suppliers. Your company should have a mini-laboratory that determines the quality of raw materials and monitors product quality. To obtain certificates, you need the conclusions of the SES and other regulatory bodies. It is also necessary to develop and register TU and TI production.


To break into large wholesale markets, many enterprises offer their products to large trading companies at a lower price and transfer the right to sell them under the client’s trademark. The benefit is a guarantee of sales and reliable sales channels.

The second option is the active popularization of the brand through the creation of its own marketing network. Small shops, local markets, active work with potential buyers via the Internet.


It’s extremely difficult to make accurate forecasts for this business. With a competent organization, 70% load and an active marketing policy, you can return starting investments literally during the first year of work.


The organization of the canning workshop will require significant investment. But this area is highly profitable and is very promising.

In preparing fruits and vegetables for processing, there are many common operations that are independent of the type of product.

Inspection and sorting. To remove defective specimens and impurities, the raw materials are inspected. Then it is sorted to divide it by degree of maturity, color, spotting, burns and get a homogeneous lot on these grounds.

Calibration It is carried out to obtain batches of raw materials of uniform size, which is important in the production of pickled vegetables, stewed fruit, jams and some other canned goods.

Washing is one of the most important operations. Its purpose is to remove mechanical impurities, microorganisms and chemicals from the surface of raw materials. More often, washing is carried out in two stages: at the beginning of the technological process (then fruits and vegetables are best viewed during sorting) and after sorting.

Cleaning up. It is carried out to remove inedible or nutritionally insignificant parts of fruits and vegetables: leaves, peel, sepals, stalks, etc.

Root crops, onions and fruits are mechanically peeled in special machines. Peaches are peeled by boiling. Certain types of raw materials are thermally cleaned.

Shredding and cutting. To destroy tissue raw materials are crushed or crushed. Grinding increases the yield of juice. Cutting is also chopping fruits and vegetables in order to give them a certain shape and size.

Heat treatment. Certain types of raw materials are first subjected to heat treatment, and then packaged in containers. Blanching is carried out by short-term heat treatment of raw materials in boiling water, steam or in aqueous solutions of salt, sugar, organic acids or alkalis. As a result, enzymes are destroyed, peeling is facilitated, microorganisms are destroyed, proteins coagulate, protoplasms of cells increase (this facilitates the extraction of juice), and the elasticity of the raw material increases (it is easier to put into jars). The appearance of cracks on the surface of berries improves the cooking of jam - sugar penetrates the berries faster.

Packing. Prepared fruits and vegetables are packaged in carefully washed containers using automatic fillers of various systems. At the same time, make sure that there are no deviations from the recipe in terms of the ratio of the components of canned food (for example, berries and syrups in compotes).

Exhausting. When packing, air enters the jars along with the raw material, the oxygen of which contributes to the oxidation of various substances of the products, increases the corrosion of tin in areas poorly coated with varnish or tin. Therefore, when capping, it is advisable to remove air from the cans. The operation to remove air from the cans is called exhausting. It is carried out by preheating the products or by corking in automatic vacuum capping machines.

Corking. Glass jars are sealed with metal caps with rubber rings or paste.

Sterilization (pasteurization). This is the most important operation in the preparation of canned food with hermetic capping. The sterilization mode depends on the type of product, size and type of container. In an acidic environment, microbes die faster than in a neutral one; juices and puree foods warm faster than canned foods from solid foods, etc. In this regard, for each type of canned food and containers, their own sterilization and pasteurization modes have been developed. Sterilize and pasteurize canned food in vertical and horizontal batch autoclaves.

From the same batch of raw materials it is possible to develop various types of canned products.

Tomato is the most important vegetable canning crop. Its fruits contain a significant amount of carotene and vitamin C, sugars, acids, they have a good taste. From tomatoes produce juice, mashed potatoes, pasta and sauce. In general, tomato products account for about 25% of canned fruits and vegetables.

For the production of tomato products use fruits with a high dry matter content and an increased amount of pectin.

The process of producing tomato juice consists of the following operations: washing, inspection, crushing, seed separation, heating the pulp, squeezing the juice, packing and sterilization. The washing is carried out on a fan washer. Then the fruits are fed to the inspection conveyor, where the sick and defective are selected. Further, the fruits are crushed to a state of liquid pulp, which can be pumped. The pulp is sent to tubular vacuum heaters, where it is heated to 60-70 0 C. At the same time, air is removed from the mass, enzymes are destroyed, and partially protopectin is hydrolyzed. The heating facilitates the squeezing of the juice, increases its yield and improves the quality; vitamin C and carotene are better preserved. Juice is squeezed on continuous presses.

Tomato juice should have a natural red color, taste and smell, the solids content in it should be at least 4.5%.

To prepare mashed potatoes, tomato paste after receipt must be wiped and boiled. The wiping is carried out on wipers. Tomato mass is boiled in steam evaporation tanks at atmospheric pressure. Boiling is completed with a solids content of at least 12%.

Tomato paste is boiled in vacuum devices with a vacuum of 0.12-0.14 atm and a boiling point of the mass of only 45-50 0 C. A low boiling point with an almost complete absence of oxygen causes the preservation of high quality products and minimal loss of vitamins.

Spicy tomato sauce is prepared from mashed tomatoes, and Kuban sauce is made from non-mashed (in the form of pieces of pulp without skin). Rubbed tomato mass is boiled to half the initial volume. About 10 minutes before the end of cooking, add granulated sugar, salt and spices (pepper, cinnamon, cloves, etc.), which can either be directly poured into the tomato mass (especially if it is in powder), or placed in a bag and boiled in it ( at the end of cooking, the bag is removed). Hot tomato juice is poured into jars or bottles, corked and sterilized in boiling water: half-liter cans for 30-40 minutes, liter - 50-60 minutes.

Table 4.1. The recipe for the preparation of 1 kg of tomato sauce

Hot tomato sauce

Kuban sauce

Freshly grated tomatoes, kg

Peeled non-mashed tomatoes, kg

Sugar, g

Peeled chopped onion, g

Garlic, g

Acetic essence, cm 3

Black pepper, g

0.5 (or 15 grains)

Allspice, g

1 (or 25 grains)

Clove, g

1.5 - 2 (or 20 pcs.)

Cinnamon, g

Nutmeg, g

Powder mustard

Fruits and berries serve as raw materials for the production of canned fruit.

They make fruit and vegetable juices, mashed potatoes, preserves, jams, and jam.

Fresh fruits and berries are used to make mashed fruit. Puree - mashed fruit and berry mass. All types of fruits and berries are suitable for its production. The most common are apple, quince, pear, apricot, plum, peach, cherry, etc. Raw materials have less stringent requirements than in the production of compotes. When sorting, only fruits and berries that are completely unsuitable for food are removed: rotten, moldy, worms.

The technology of production of mashed potatoes is simple and consists of the following operations: washing, inspection, scalding, wiping, packaging and sterilization. Raw materials are washed and sent for boiling. As a result, the fruit pulp softens, it is easier to separate from the seeds, peels and other coarse tissues. Lingonberries, cranberries, cornel, currants are not boiled, but blanched in water at a temperature of 90-100 0 C.

After boiling or blanching, the fruits and berries are wiped in a washing machine. When rubbing fruit and berry raw materials give a homogeneous consistency and completely remove coarse particles.

The resulting mass is heated and packaged hot in prepared containers. After filling, the mashed potatoes are immediately sealed and sterilized (pasteurized from acidic raw materials) and sent for storage.

Fruit pastes are obtained by boiling fresh or sulfitated fruit and vegetable puree until the solids content in it is 18, 25 or 30%. Hot pasta is packaged in cans, corked and sterilized.

Fruit sauces are also prepared using the same technology. The difference is that when boiling up to 21-23% of solids, for every 100 kg of mashed potatoes add 10-13 kg of sugar.

Fruit seasonings are obtained by boiling fruit puree with sugar up to 30-35% of solids, while adding cinnamon and cloves.

Fruit puree, pastes, sauces and seasonings should be a homogeneous mass without stalks, seeds, seeds and peels. Taste, smell and color must be natural, characteristic of the fruits and berries from which the products are derived.

Microbiological methods for preserving fruits and vegetables include pickling, salting and urinating. They are based on a common process - on the production of lactic acid from raw sugar, due to the activity of lactic acid bacteria.

The first basic condition is a sufficient amount of food for lactic acid bacteria, i.e. fermented vegetables must be sugary. The more sugar in vegetables, the more lactic acid will be obtained during the pickling process and the fermented vegetables will be more resistant during storage. The second necessary condition is the creation of the most favorable temperature for the life of lactic acid bacteria during pickling. The process of pickling proceeds well at a temperature of 15-22 0 C.

Salt has a great influence on the quality of pickled products. It accelerates the release into the brine of juice and soluble substances in it, including sugar.

For pickling, they use white cabbage with a high sugar content (not less than 4-5%). The best varieties for pickling are late and mid-ripening (Moscow, Slava, Belorusskaya, etc.). Cabbage fermentation technology consists of a series of sequential operations: stripping heads, removing or chopping cabbage, chopping or chopping cabbage, washing, peeling and chopping carrots, preparing other additives and salt, packing all components in containers and thrombosing, monitoring and regulating fermentation and storage conditions .

The amount of salt and other components required for souring, provided for in the recipe, is calculated in advance. In cabbage they are distributed evenly in bulk for homogeneous composition.

Table 4.2. Recipe for sauerkraut, kg

Pickling cucumbers is a common processing method. In fresh form, these vegetables cannot be stored for a long time because of their low natural stubbornness. For pickling, the most suitable varieties of cucumbers grown in the open ground, with dense pulp, a rough skin, a small seed chamber.

For pickling, take batches of cucumbers of the same botanical variety and calibrate: for pecules (3-5 cm long), gherkins (5-7 cm) and greenery (up to 12 cm). Larger, as well as ugly fruits, fruits that are mechanically damaged by pests and diseases are rejected.

The technology for pickling cucumbers consists of the following operations: sorting and calibration, washing, preparing spices, preparing brine, filling containers with cucumbers, spices and filling with brine, monitoring and adjusting the fermentation regime, storage.

Cooked cucumbers and spices are stacked tightly in layers in accordance with the recipe. The spices are laid in 3 parts: one is put to the bottom, the other after filling the container to half, and the third from above. Barrels filled with cucumbers and spices are poured with brine to the top. They are not corked until fermentation begins and 0.3-0.4% of lactic acid accumulates. At a high temperature during the pickling season, this happens in one to two days, after which the barrels are sealed and sent for storage.

Pickled cucumbers should be strong, with a dense pulp, crispy when cracked, their taste is brackish-sour, with a pleasant aroma of spices. Foreign tastes and smells are unacceptable. The best color of pickles is greenish-olive with different shades.

Watering fruits and berries is an old way of canning.

During the years of a large harvest of apples, a significant part of it can be used for urination. This is the easiest and most affordable way to preserve fruits for nutrition for a long time, including those varieties that do not differ in high keeping quality.

To wet apples, barrels of 50-150 liters are usually used, preferably oak. The bottom of the prepared barrels is lined with rye or wheat straw with a layer of 1-2 cm, it is previously cleanly washed and scalded with boiling water. Thoroughly washed apples are packed tightly in rows, shifting each row with a 1 cm layer of straw. Straw protects the underlying layers from mechanical damage, and most importantly gives the fruit a specific aroma, taste and color. When the apples are finished laying, the top of the barrel is covered with a 2-3 cm layer of straw. Then, the brine is poured.

A complex solution is prepared for watering apples: 150 g of salt, 300 g of sugar and 100 g of malt are added to 10 liters of water. Instead of malt, you can add 150 g of rye flour. The flour is stirred in a small amount of cold water and brewed with boiling water. Brewed rye flour, along with sugar and salt, is added to the solution. Barrels with apples can withstand 3-6 days at a temperature of 15-18 0 C until a sufficient amount of lactic acid is accumulated. The first 5-6 days, you must daily check the level of the solution in the barrel and add it as necessary. Apples absorb water well, so the upper layers can become bare and deteriorate. After active fermentation and pouring the solution, the barrels are tightly corked and moved to the basement. Soaked apples are ready to eat in about a month.

Preservation of fruits and vegetables solves the problem of ensuring the supply of the population with fruits and vegetables year-round.

Canned Food Business: Pros and Cons

In the Russian market of vegetable and fruit and berry preservation over the past few years (including during the crisis period), positive dynamics have been observed. The annual growth of this sector reaches 30% in value terms. According to experts, by 2015-2016, sales of canned fruits and vegetables will be at least three million tons. Therefore, this area of \u200b\u200bprocessing agricultural products is of great interest to entrepreneurs who are considering what kind of business they should do and investors who plan to invest their money.

However, of course, as in all other sectors, this industry has its pitfalls, which must be known in advance. The main difficulty in running such a business is the lack of raw materials. Since the beginning of the 2000s, the volume of production in our country of fruits, berries and vegetables has significantly decreased. Manufacturers of canned foods solve the problem of raw material shortages in different ways. Some acquire ownership or lease land and grow vegetables on their own. Thus, they are independent of other suppliers and can control the quality of raw materials. On the other hand, if you choose this option, the amount of initial investment that will be required to create a business for the production of fruit and vegetable preserves will increase significantly. Small and medium-sized enterprises prefer to cooperate with independent farms, purchasing from them the necessary raw materials.

Another "pitfall" is that such enterprises have a long production and sales cycle. Canned produce is produced in the summer when fruits and vegetables ripen. And ready-made canned food is sold from November-December to April-May. Thus, the turnover of products is about a year. During this period, the funds are "mothballed." It is not surprising that under such conditions, banks are reluctant to lend to enterprises, and the latter are in dire need of additional financing, since they have to pay employees monthly wages, pay rent and other expenses. But they cannot receive support from the state or special lending conditions, which, for example, apply to producers of meat or dairy products. Such programs are simply not provided in our country for producers of canned fruits and vegetables.

In the market of canned products, canned vegetables and fruit and berries are approximately equal in sales volumes. At the same time, legume crops (green peas, corn, beans, beans) account for almost 40% of the vegetable segment. The second place (almost 20%) is occupied by various marinades: pickled cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, assorted. In third place with a share of 15% are salads, caviar from vegetables (zucchini), snacks. And in the last place are canned foods from mushrooms (only 4-5% according to various estimates).

So, as can be seen from the above data, canned peas, corn, beans, cucumbers and tomatoes are most in demand among consumers. Moreover, if the demand for other canned goods remains at the same level, the share of bean products is constantly growing. Another trend is associated with an increase in sales of products in the upper price segment. However, so far, as before, the middle price segment is of greatest interest to manufacturers. In the lower price segment, the products of retail chains manufactured under our own brands have firmly established themselves, so it is not possible to compete with retailers in this segment. And although the purchasing power of the population is constantly growing, still only a small part of consumers can still afford to regularly purchase expensive canned products. Therefore, experts are confident that most of the companies on the market will work precisely in the middle price segment over the next few years.

This applies to both large Western (transnational) and Russian manufacturers. It will be difficult for beginners to compete with giants who have long occupied their part of the market. However, the biggest difficulty is associated with the organization of the sale of finished products of the new company. This problem is familiar to all manufacturers who sell their products through retail chains. As you know, to enter the network with your product, it will take a lot of time for negotiations and funds for an “entrance ticket” and additional “incentives”. As a rule, beginner entrepreneurs have neither one nor the other.

But the most important “competitor” in the canned goods market is the buyers themselves. The tradition of home cooking, which was so common in Soviet times, has been preserved to this day. Many housewives prefer to independently pick up pickles, preserves and compotes for the winter. True, in large cities, where the income level of consumers is relatively high, and people have little time to prepare canned food, this tradition is gradually becoming a relic. It is easier for residents of a metropolis to buy ready-made canned foods in a supermarket or convenience store than to cook and organize storage of finished products on their own. However, in the regions, housewives who are actively engaged in procurement represent serious competition for manufacturing enterprises operating in the lower and even middle price segments.

In order to overcome the above difficulties that inevitable entrepreneurs will inevitably encounter, the following options can be proposed. For example, a small business can agree to cooperate with retailers, offering them the production of products and their sale under the trademarks of retail chains. With this scheme of work, the manufacturer takes on the full cycle of creating the product - from processing raw materials to packaging finished canned food, and the retailer is engaged in their implementation.

Another option, which will require more costs, is associated with the release of a small assortment of products according to their own formulations in the middle and high price segments. In this case, the manufacturer will face fewer competitors and receive more profit from the sale of its (fully own, that is, manufactured under its own brand) products. However, the problem of reaching the shelves of retail chains remains.

Types of canned fruits and vegetables

So, canning is a method of preserving products from spoilage and giving them additional taste and properties. There are a huge number of different recipes for the preparation of canned fruits and vegetables, but by the type of raw materials used, they can all be divided into two main groups: vegetable and fruit (fruit and berry). Various types of canned food are made from raw materials of the first type (vegetables), which come as independent dishes or as additives to them. First of all, these are natural canned vegetables, intended for the preparation of the first and second kind and consumption in the form of a side dish (green peas, sweet corn, whole canned tomatoes, etc.). In the process of manufacturing these canned food, the raw material is practically not processed or concentrated, so that the finished product retains to a greater extent the original properties of fresh vegetables. When cooking canned vegetable snacks (stuffed peppers, squash caviar), the raw materials are cooked. They are processed into minced vegetables with the addition of tomato sauce or caviar from chopped vegetables with salt, spices and tomato paste. Vegetable and meat and vegetable lunch dishes (soups, borscht, pickles, cabbage rolls, stews, etc.) are eaten after heating. Canned soups (mainly from tomatoes) are usually not eaten as ready meals, but are added as a seasoning to the main dishes. Vegetable pickles, as well as pickled and salted vegetables (cabbage, cucumbers, etc.) are used as a snack. Concentrated semi-finished products (tomato paste and tomato puree) are used in the preparation of first and second courses, fillings, sauces. Natural vegetable concentrated juices are ready-to-drink drinks that retain all the valuable properties of the raw materials. The following types of products are made from fruits and berries: compotes, juices, preserves and semi-finished products, preserves, marinades, jams, marmalades, etc. Jam, jelly, jam, marmalade and other products that result from boiling fruits are the most popular. and fruit semi-finished products (whole fruits or mashed potatoes) with sugar. Compotes are fruits or berries in sugar syrup and their own juice, which are preserved in airtight jars. Stewed fruit and preserves, jam, jams, etc. are used as desserts and do not require additional processing before use. Fruit blanks and semi-finished products in the form of pastes and mashed potatoes are preserved in airtight packaging. In addition, pastes and mashed potatoes can be sulfated (canned with sulphurous anhydride). Preparations and semi-finished products are used for the preparation of desserts and baby food. Sulphated puree is used only in factories for the production of marmalade, jam, fillings for confectionery, preserves, marmalades, etc. Marinades made from fruits and berries, soaked fruits are used as a snack. And canned fruit and berry juices, which can be natural or with the addition of sugar syrup, are used as drinks or are used as a semi-finished product in the production of jelly, alcoholic beverages, natural syrups for soft drinks.

Production of canned fruits and vegetables

There are several canning methods, the choice of which depends on the type and properties of the feedstock and the destination of the finished product. But in any case, regardless of the method used, the main goal of canning is to save raw materials from spoilage and to obtain a product with high nutritional value.

The collected raw materials are not immediately sent to production in full. Its surpluses undergo special processing and are sent for storage. There are several ways to preserve plant materials. For example, a life-sustaining storage method that is used to preserve freshly picked berries, fruits and vegetables in which the metabolism is still ongoing. To slow down the microbiological processes, the raw materials are carefully sorted, selecting damaged or spoiled fruits. And to increase the shelf life, they are stored in low temperature conditions (cold rooms). In addition to cooling, there is another similar method of refrigeration and food storage - freezing. When freezing, partial crystallization of the liquid phase of the plant material occurs. Unfortunately, cooling and freezing does not completely destroy the microorganisms in plants, therefore, with increasing temperature, they begin to develop again, which leads to spoilage of the product. Therefore, the storage temperature in these cases should be constantly maintained at the same level.

Also, to preserve the freshness of the raw materials, it is stored in an atmosphere of carbon dioxide, due to which biochemical processes that lead to overriding of the raw material are delayed, and the activity of microorganisms is suppressed. However, in the complete absence of oxygen, vital processes in the tissues stop, the cells die, as a result of which the raw materials deteriorate. Therefore, with this method of storage of raw materials, the surrounding atmosphere should contain 3-5% carbon dioxide and 2-5% oxygen. The optimal composition of the gaseous medium depends on the type of product.

When using the method of storage and conservation at high osmotic pressure, sugar or table salt is used. At high concentrations of sugar in the solution, high osmotic pressure is created, which interferes with the vital activity of microorganisms. Sugar or sugar syrup is used to make jams, jams, marmalades, jellies and other products from fruits and berries. First, excess moisture is removed from the feedstock by evaporation or drying, as a result of which the osmotic pressure rises. Salt at a concentration of about 10% and sucrose at a concentration of at least 60% also have a preservative effect. Food products are dried so that the moisture content in them reaches no more than 14% (for vegetables) or 15-25% (for various fruits).

When preserving antiseptics, special chemicals are used that in small quantities inhibit the development of microorganisms or completely destroy them. Antiseptics are used to preserve products in a gaseous form or in the form of a solution. The most common of them are sulfur dioxide, tartaric alcohol, sodium benzoate, acetic and sorbic acids. A preservative can also accumulate in the product during chemical changes that occur in the raw material under the influence of microorganisms. For example, sauerkraut or pickling vegetables is based on lactic fermentation of sugar.

When sterilized by filtration, clear juices are freed from microorganisms. To do this, filter plates with small pores are used that hold them back. Aseptic preservation is the release of food products from microorganisms by rapidly heating them in a stream, followed by cooling and packaging in a sterile container with sterile lids. Thus, tomato pastes, fruit juices and other products are produced.

When sterilized by electric current, the product is kept in the field of alternating electric current of high frequency. The electrons and ions that are contained in the product, when irradiated, come into vibrational motion, as a result of friction of the particles, the electrical energy goes into heat, which leads to the death of microorganisms.

Sterilization by ultrasound (that is, elastic sound vibrations with frequencies above 20,000 hertz per second) is based on the release of mechanical energy as a result of alternating compression and discharge of the medium. Under the influence of ultrasound, microorganisms are destroyed and enzymes are inactivated, which lead to spoilage of plant materials. Finally, the method of conservation by ionizing radiation is used, which in large doses causes the destruction of the biological functions of microorganism cells and their death.

Regardless of the conservation method chosen, the raw materials that go into production are pre-processed. First, it is sorted by quality and size, washed, cleaned and cut. Sorting is carried out on various conveyors. Non-standard raw materials are rejected. Size calibration is used to separate raw materials in the production of various types of canned food (sliced, stuffed, caviar), to prepare raw materials for cutting ends and for heat treatment. This procedure is carried out using screw, disk, cable, drum and roller-belt machines. Vegetable cleaning equipment is used to clean vegetables and fruits, and vegetable slicers are used for cutting. Some raw materials (for example, root crops), which go into production in highly contaminated form, are first washed with a drum washer. This equipment allows cleaning in two stages: first, the raw materials are cleaned from contaminants “dry”, and then washed in water. When cleaning vegetables and fruits, inedible parts of raw materials are removed. This is one of the most labor-intensive operations, since far from all cases it can be mechanized.

A vegetable, fruit and berry processing enterprise will require special equipment for washing, drying and peeling raw materials, cutting equipment, automated lines for the production of juices, mashed potatoes and pastes, canning plants, juice dispensers and container closures. This equipment can be purchased both domestic and western production. For example, a foreign-made vegetable washing machine will cost 80 thousand rubles, and an industrial machine for shredding cabbage - 100 thousand rubles.

Many manufacturers prefer to immediately purchase mini-plants for processing fruit and vegetable or vegetable raw materials. The cost of such equipment with a capacity of 100 to 500 kg of raw materials per hour is more than 5 million rubles. To accommodate it will require an area of \u200b\u200b65 square meters. meters with a ceiling height of at least 3.5 meters. To service the line will require approximately ten people per shift.

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