Sour cream with fruit for. Cream for the cake

08.05.2019 Fish dishes
  • For the test, beat margarine (softened) with sugar, add sour cream. Next, add flour with soda. Mix. Knead the elastic dough, then divide it into 4 parts. Roll each ball into a circle about 1-1.5 cm thick and bake in an oven heated to 200 degrees for 10 minutes. If the pan is large, then you can bake all the blanks at a time.
  • For cream, mix fat sour cream with sugar and beat until fluffy and thick. After the cakes have cooled, you can start collecting the cake. On the first cake, spread the cream and lay a layer of peeled tangerines, cover them with cream on top. Lay the second cake, cover it with cream, then pieces of pineapple and cover them with cream.
  • Do the same with the third cake, use kiwi. Next, put the fourth cake and pour it with a thick layer of cream. Coat the sides of the cake and smooth everything out well. Decorate the finished cake as you wish (grated chocolate or sweets, fruits or chocolate chips). Be sure to sour cream cake with fruits to be refrigerated so that the cake is well soaked.

One of the most versatile desserts that can be served on any occasion is a sponge cake with fruits and sour cream.

The delicacy is easy to prepare, but despite this, it has a beautiful appearance. The taste does not lag behind the appearance, this can be seen personally by studying the recipes from this article.

Recipe for sponge cake soaked in sour cream

Not a single family celebration is complete without dessert. How it will be, you decide, I suggest for this occasion to prepare a delicate sponge cake decorated with fruits.

Cakes are soaked in sour cream, it is optimal for such baking.

Procure products from the list:

6 eggs; ¼ packs of oil; 0.2 kg of sugar; 1.5 cups flour. They will be required for kneading the dough.

Cream for the cake is prepared from:

480 ml high fat cream; 250 g sour cream and 70 g powdered sugar.

In addition, you will need: a can of canned peaches and almond leaves.

The cooking process begins with the sifting of the flour. This stage is required, because it allows you to achieve uniformity of the test and splendor of biscuit.

We begin to act according to the plan:

  1. Pound the eggs with sugar, send the mixture to a water bath and stir until thickened.
  2. Put the mass on the table and, armed with a mixer, beat for 7-8 minutes. You should get a uniform fluffy mixture that holds its shape well.
  3. Pour the sifted flour gradually, each time stirring the dough with a spatula.
  4. For baking cakes, prepare two round shapes. They need to be covered with parchment so that the cakes can easily separate.
  5. Divide the dough in half and lay out on the forms, which immediately send to the oven, preheated to 185 degrees.
  6. After half an hour, remove the finished cakes and cool on a wire rack.
  7. In the meantime, whip the chilled cream by adding powdered sugar to them. When the mass becomes airy, in parts, add sour cream.
  8. Divide each of the cakes horizontally into two parts and start collecting sponge cake with sour cream and fruit. Put the first cake on the bottom of the dish, spread it over with sour cream, and halves of canned peaches on top. Alternate layers until all the ingredients are complete.
  9. Garnish the cake with almond petals.

Sponge Cake Recipe with Berries and Fruits

A set of products for kneading dough:

one and a half glasses of flour; 220 g oils; a glass of sugar; 4 eggs; 3 tbsp. tablespoons of milk; 1 teaspoon of baking powder.

Cream cake prepare from:

60 g cream cheese; ½ cup fat sour cream; ¼ packs of oil; 250 g of powdered sugar.

You will also need berries and fruits with which you will layered cakes.


  1. Beat softened butter and sugar until a lush, homogeneous mass is obtained.
  2. Beat all the eggs one at a time, achieving an even distribution of the ingredients.
  3. Sift flour with baking powder and add to the dough after milk.
  4. Beat the mass thoroughly and pour in two forms.
  5. Bake cakes at the same time, preheating the oven to 170 degrees. In no case do not open the cabinet door; you can check the readiness of the cake only after half an hour.
  6. While the cake is cooling, make a cream. To do this, mix all the ingredients in a bowl and beat until fluffy.

It remains only to soak the cakes and decorate the finished cake with berries. They must be thoroughly washed and dried, but it is not necessary to grind.

It is important to choose intact strawberries or raspberries so that the biscuit has a presentable appearance (see photo).

You can find baking recipes with strawberries on the site.

Sponge Cake Recipe with Sour Cream and Gelatin Cream

Strawberry, which is included in the list of products, will make the cake colorful and give it freshness.

You need to take:

250 g of sugar; 8 eggs; 0.3 kg of wheat flour; 5 ml of lemon fresh; 1 tbsp. a spoonful of potato starch. From this set you have to board the dough.

For cream on the cake, prepare:

0.1 kg of fine sugar; 0.5 kg of high fat sour cream; a tablespoon of gelatin in granules and 80 ml of water.

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. Sift the fine flour through a sieve. This will help you saturate it with oxygen and get rid of possible specks.
  2. Separate the squirrels and yolks in different containers, they need to be whipped separately from each other.
  3. Pour lemon juice into a bowl with proteins, it will facilitate and speed up the whipping process. First set the mixer to a low speed, and under these conditions, work out the mass for about 4 minutes. Once it becomes airy, start adding powdered sugar.
  4. After 3 minutes of intensive whipping, you will notice that the mixture becomes denser, stable peaks will appear on its surface. This suggests that no more than two minutes remain before the end of the process. Keep your speed high, this will help you get a smooth and uniform protein foam.
  5. You can check how well you beat the squirrels using a simple technique: if you turn the bowl upside down, the mass will not flow out of it, it will remain in its place. However, too long whipping will not benefit, because the proteins will flow and it will be impossible to correct the situation.
  6. Add the yolks one at a time to the protein foam. Mix the mass with a spatula, making careful movements. In no case can you beat the dough with a mixer, otherwise the air bubbles will burst, and the biscuit in the oven will never rise.
  7. Sift starch and wheat flour through a sieve, and pour a spoonful into a bowl. With the movements “from the bottom up”, mix the dough until smooth, then pour it into a large detachable form. It is better to cover the bottom of the form with parchment paper, this will help you extract the biscuit faster and easier.
  8. Flatten the dough with a spatula and send to bake in the oven, heated to 180 degrees. I do not recommend setting the temperature higher, since a dense crust forms on the surface of the biscuit. It prevents the evaporation of moisture and does not allow the cake to bake well.
  9. For 30 minutes, do not open the oven door, otherwise the dough will settle, and the finished biscuit cake will have a dense structure. To make the biscuit porous and airy, observe its condition through the window and check readiness only after half an hour.
  10. If the cake is well baked, leave it in the oven off for a few more minutes, then shift it on the wire rack and cool.
  11. Cut the biscuit lengthwise into two parts.

In the meantime, start making cream for the cake and strawberry puree:

  1. Put the berries in a colander and rinse under running water. Use a paper towel to get rid of moisture.
  2. Cut the strawberries into several pieces, put in a bowl and sprinkle with sugar.
  3. After 20-30 minutes, mash the berries with a fork and leave for another half hour. Do not pour out the juice that has stood out, it will be useful to you for impregnation, so the biscuit cake with sour cream will be more tender.
  4. To make sour cream on the cake, cool the sour cream and beat with sugar until smooth and puffy. Dissolve instant gelatin in hot water and mix with whipped sour cream when cooled.

Beginners to collect a cake with sour cream:

  1. On the first cake lay half the strawberry puree and pour ½ volume of juice.
  2. Separate a small part from sour cream, you will need it to decorate the sides and surface of the biscuit. Divide the remaining cream in half and apply on each cake, smeared with strawberry puree.
  3. Apply sour cream on the top and sides of the cake, smooth the surface with a spatula.
  4. Before serving the biscuit cake, it must be kept in a cold place for one and a half to two hours.

Garnish the cream sponge cake with halves of strawberries and, having brewed aromatic tea, carry it to the table.

You will find recipes for baking with gelatin on the pages of the site.

  • If you want the cake to be tall, divide the baked cakes not into two, but three and even four parts.
  • Another tip that will help you prepare a delicious biscuit cake with cream: Sour cream with sugar should be beaten at medium speeds and make sure that grains of butter do not form.
  • In addition to strawberries, you can use other fruits and berries. For example, kiwi or blueberries. They will add colors and make the cake even tastier.
  • If the cream biscuit has not been eaten at a time, it is covered with a cap made of foil and sent to a cool place.

My video recipe

3 years ago


It's no secret - we all love sweets, especially. But at the same time, many of us think about. Of course, you should not eat cakes every day, but sometimes you really want to treat yourself to delicious ones. And there is an alternative to high-calorie flour pastries - jelly desserts, for example, or. And you can make a cake with fruits and slices of biscuit - a light, delicate, refreshing dessert. Today we will cook jelly cake with sour cream. I assure you, this extraordinary treat will surprise, delight and delight everyone who tries it!

What is necessary:

for sponge cake

  • 3 eggs
  • half a glass of sugar
  • 1 cup flour
  • 1 tsp soda without vinegar

for cream and jelly cream

  • 4 tbsp gelatin
  • 2 cups of water
  • 800 g low fat sour cream 10%
  • 1 cup of sugar

for filling

  • 2-3 oranges (depending on size)
  • 3-4 tangerines
  • 2 bananas
  • 1 can of canned pineapple (sliced)

Jelly cake with fruit and sour cream

Cold cake recipe with photo

First you need to fill the gelatin with cold water, it is better to take boiled or purified water, and leave the gelatin to swell. This will take about 30 minutes.

Since we have a jelly cake with biscuit, first of all we will bake cake sponge cake. The cake sponge cake recipe is very simple. Mix eggs with sugar, add soda without vinegar and sifted flour.

Mix all the ingredients for the cake

The dough is ready.

The dough is ready

Pour the dough into the mold. Bake at 180 degrees for 15 minutes. Remove the cake from the mold and leave to cool.

Bake at t 180 degrees 15 minutes

When the cake has cooled completely, cut it into small squares, approximately 1.5 x 1.5 cm. This is for those who want large pieces of biscuit.

Cut the cooled cake into squares

Usually, sponge cake is high in the middle. Therefore, I advise you to cut the cake into strips, and then cut in half at the widest places to make small pieces.

You can make smaller biscuit cubes

While the cake sponge cake cools, you need prepare fruit.

Peel oranges and tangerines. Tear the tangerines into slices and, if necessary, carefully remove the seeds. Cut the oranges into circles, or, if the oranges are large, in semicircles.
  Banana thinly sliced \u200b\u200binto slices. If you have canned pineapples in circles, then cut them into slices. Pineapples should be thrown into a colander to remove excess fluid.

Cooking fruits for toppings

Now preparing the basis for fruit jelly cake  - sour cream with gelatin.

Pour sugar into sour cream, mix and leave until completely dissolved. Then beat well.

Cooking sour cream

We put the swollen gelatin on the fire and heat it with constant stirring until it is completely dissolved.

Do not boil!

It is better to pour hot gelatin into another bowl and leave to cool completely.

Pour hot gelatin into another dish

Pour the cooled gelatin with constant stirring into a sour cream. The basis for the cake is ready.

Mix sour cream with cooled gelatin

Now let's make this beautiful jelly cake with biscuit and fruit.

We take a mold with detachable sides, so it will be easier to lay out the finished cake from the mold. If you didn’t have such a shape, take any shape with high sides and before putting the finished cake, dip the shape in warm water for a few seconds, and then turn the shape on the dish.

Advice!   First check your mold with detachable sides for leaks - pour tap water into it and hold the mold over the sink. If the form gives a leak - the sides are pressed firmly to the bottom, then line the form with cling film and then boldly proceed with cooking.

We line the form with detachable sides with cling film

Fruits - oranges and tangerines - beautifully laid on the bottom of the form - this will be the top of the cake.

Put oranges and tangerines at the bottom of the mold

You can lay out the circles of the shape of an orange on the walls, in the finished form the cake will be brighter.

Spread part of the biscuit evenly on top.

Spread a portion of the biscuit evenly

Fruits are laid out on biscuit cubes. Gently squeeze the fruit with your hand to compress the layers.

Put the fruits on top

Fill with cream.

Pour cream

Fruits should be almost completely covered with sour cream and jelly cream.

Then again distribute the biscuit and fruit, fill with the remaining cream to the edge of the form.

We spread the fruit to the edge of the form and fill it with the remaining cream

Cover the cake with cling film. Press lightly on top to level the surface and soak the biscuit. We cover on top of the film with a plate slightly larger in diameter so that the surface remains smooth when solidifying and, preferably, put the form on the plate to avoid smudges of the cream. Now in the fridge for the night.

Cover with a film, squeeze lightly and put in the refrigerator overnight

Here we have such a wonderful jelly cake with fruits and sour cream!

Fruit and jelly cake is not too sweet, refreshing and tender. Everyone will be delighted!


Dessert for today   🙂 - how to arrange a fruit plate (melon, orange, grapes, kiwi, pomegranate)

2016,. All rights reserved.

Step 1: prepare the flour.

   To make the flour lush and saturated with oxygen from the air, and also so that it does not have lumps, sift it through a sieve into a free bowl. For the preparation of biscuit dough, we use wheat flour of the highest grade, finely ground.

Step 2: prepare the eggs.

Separate the egg whites from the yolks. With the help of a knife, we break the egg, and holding the two halves of the shell side by side, we connect them so that there is a small gap between them, through which we will filter the protein into a high bowl. We transfer the yolk from the other half of the shell into a separate container. To beat eggs, use perfectly clean and dry dishes. And the capacity for protein should be high and large, since the protein ingredient during whipping will increase in volume by 6-7 times.

Step 3: prepare the dough.

   Add freshly squeezed lemon juice into the bowl with protein, as it will contribute to a better thickening of the protein and therefore it will whip better and faster. We turn on the mixer at low speed and beat our ingredient 3-4 minutesuntil you get a substance with large bubbles. After that, we increase the speed of the mixer to medium and continue whisking 2-3 minutesuntil the protein acquires a fluffy white texture. In the intervals between whipping with a tablespoon, pour sugar into the protein mass. Attention:  the sugar ingredient must be added to the protein container gradually, in small portions. When all the sugar is in the protein mass, turn on the maximum speed and beat the protein until it becomes dense, smooth and homogeneous. When solid protein peaks appear, and the mass does not flow out of the tilted dishes, then the protein is ready. Important:you can’t whip the proteins for a long time, as this will cause the protein foam to drop in the dough, and the finished biscuit will burst and settle.   Pour the whipped protein into a large bowl, and add the yolks one after the other to it with a tablespoon. Using a wooden spoon, mix the egg ingredients together very well and very carefully and pour the flour and potato starch into the same container. Thanks to starch, the biscuit will turn out to be more porous, and will not crumble during slicing the cake. Again, mix all the components using the same inventory. Mix the dough from the bottom up. If you do this in ordinary circular motions, it can settle, and the biscuit will lose its airiness. It is not advisable to mix whipped protein with yolks with a mixer, since even at the smallest speed it mixes the dough too intensively and the biscuit may not rise. The dough consistency is obtained as a thick sour cream.

Step 4: prepare the biscuit.

Lubricate the bottom and sides of the baking dish with soft butter and then cover the container with special paper, as it will protect the finished baking from breaking when removing it from the mold. Pour the dough into a mold and, using a tablespoon, evenly distribute it over the entire surface. After we put the form with the dough into the already heated up to 180 ° С oven. Cake baked for 25-30 minutes. Attention:  watch the temperature of the oven, as it is not advisable to bake the dough at a higher temperature, because then a crust will form on its surface, which will prevent the removal of moisture, and from this the biscuit may burn from above and not bake inside. While baking the dough, you cannot open the oven ahead of time and shake the form with the dough, as the biscuit will lose its lush porous structure, and the dough will turn out to be very dense and settled. After the allotted time, we check the readiness of baking with a toothpick. If there is no sticky dough on the toothpick after we pierce the center of the biscuit with a wooden stick, then the cake is ready. Turn off the oven and open the door, but the cake is not yet removed from the oven. Our biscuit should, therefore, cool down a bit.   Then with the help of tacks we take out the form with the finished baking and transfer it to the stove. We take the cake out of the mold by lifting the baking paper on both sides and transfer the cake to the cutting board or to the grate from the oven.   The cooled cake is cut lengthwise with a knife into 2 equal parts.

Step 5: prepare the strawberries.

   We put strawberries in a colander and rinse well under running water. When the water drains, put our fruit ingredient on a cutting board and, using a knife, cut the berries lengthwise into two parts.   Transfer pieces of strawberries into a free bowl and sprinkle our ingredient on top with sugar. Berries must be infused over 30 minutes  and let the juice go.   After that, with a fork, knead the strawberries to a soft consistency.   After - once again sprinkle the strawberry puree with sugar and insist it again 30 minutesto form as much strawberry juice as possible.

Step 6: prepare the cream.

   Transfer sour cream into a bowl and pour sugar. Using a hand whisk, beat two ingredients well until smooth.   Then pour the gelatin into a small bowl and then pour the hot water into the container. Using a teaspoon, mix the components well until the gelatin is completely dissolved. Let the mixture cool. Then pour it in a thin stream into a sour cream mass. Using a whisk, mix all the components well until a homogeneous creamy mass.

Step 7: prepare a sponge cake with sour cream and fruit.

   We spread one part of the cake on a wide dish and, using a tablespoon, spread strawberry puree on its surface with an even layer. Be sure to pour fruit syrup with strawberries onto the biscuit with the same tableware so that it saturates our cakes well.   After we spread sour cream on a strawberry layer and gently distribute the cream ingredient over the entire surface of the fruit layer.   Then we cover the cream layer with the second biscuit cake, and repeat the procedure for laying the layers.   When the cream layer abundantly covers the strawberry layer, with a tablespoon, coat the sides of the biscuit with sour cream. On top of the dish you can decorate with whole berries of strawberries.   Before serving, the biscuit cake should be infused in a cool place for 30 minutes so that it is saturated with cream and strawberry syrup.

Step 8: serve a sponge cake with sour cream and fruit.

   Before serving, cut our dish into small portions. How pleasant it is to enjoy such a delicious, delicate and fragrant dessert over a cup of tea with your friends. Good appetite!

- - Beat cream sour cream using a mixer at medium speed.

- - The biscuit can be divided into 2, 3 or more parts. On each cake, you can put pieces of different fruits: pineapples, bananas, peaches or put different berries: blackberries, raspberries, blueberries. Then our cake will turn out even tastier!

- - The remaining cake, so that it does not deteriorate, cover with food foil and put in the refrigerator.

Sour cream jelly is usually popular on hot summer days. It is not too sweet, and the fresh fruits added to the recipe are refreshing. Moreover, sour cream jelly cake with fruits is stored exclusively in the refrigerator, and this is very important in the heat. Do not be afraid of just such a set of fruits. For this dessert, you can choose any fruits and berries that are welcome in your family. For example, and can be used in the winter. And fresh berries of strawberries and raspberries will be perfectly combined with sour cream jelly in the summer. Blackberry, cherry, peach, apricot, etc. will look just as beautiful in such a jelly cake.

Ingredients for Sour Cream Jelly Cake:

  • Sponge cake - 1 pcs. (recipe for 4 eggs);
  • Sour cream - 500 ml;
  • Vanilla Sugar - 1 pack (10 g);
  • Sugar sand - 100 g;
  • Gelatin - 2 pack (15g each);
  • Drinking water - 200 ml;
  • Kiwi - 2 ripe fruits;
  • Banana - 1 ripe fruit;
  • Orange - 1 pc.

How to make sour cream jelly cake with fruits:

1. The first step is to choose a roomy dish with a lid, to shape the cake.
  Now let's start cooking sour cream jelly for dessert. Carefully review the instructions for using the gelatin that you selected for the recipe. There is gelatin, which dissolves immediately in hot water (at least 90 degrees), and there is gelatin, which must first be soaked in cold water, then dissolved in hot. In the second case, you can pour gelatin with cold water, leave for 30 - 50 minutes, then heat it in a water bath like chocolate in, stirring constantly until completely dissolved.
Tip:   it is very important that the sour cream jelly is homogeneous and tender - all products for its preparation must be at room temperature.

  2. Beat sour cream with sugar and vanilla sugar with a mixer.
Tip:   if you want sour cream to beat as best as possible, and the cake turns out to be airy - choose a lower-fat product for cooking.

  3. Pour the prepared and completely dissolved gelatin into the sour cream slowly and mix. You can continue to use a blender. But do not forget about the ratio of temperature, sour cream, and gelatin during mixing should be the same temperature. This means that you have to cool the gelatin to room temperature. By the way, sour cream jelly is also suitable for cooking with juice.

  4. Peeled and sliced \u200b\u200bfruit lay out in layers in the form of a chessboard.

  5. How to cook, which does not fall, we have already described. It is worth trying to cook it. You will love this recipe the first time. So that the biscuit does not create gaps in the jelly cake of sour cream and fruit, it must be broken into pieces and dipped in all the prepared sour cream jelly. Spread the biscuit on top of the fruit and pour in the sour cream jelly. So we continue to alternate layers of fruits, biscuit, jelly.

Tip:   as a rule, kiwi is very juicy, but insanely tasty in the cake. So that he does not give extra juice, put it all the time on a biscuit. So he will give the juice, but at the same time soften the sponge cake itself.

  The finished cake of sour cream jelly, fruit and biscuit should be removed in the refrigerator until completely frozen. Then flip the cake before serving on a beautiful dish. Remember, if the jelly is good and the cake does not want to get out of shape, dip the bowl for 30 seconds in hot water, then try again.