Rare exotic vegetables. Unusual fruits and vegetables

01.05.2019 Egg dishes


This strange fruit grows in New Zealand. It tastes like kiwi, melon and cucumber at the same time.

Express info on the country

Earth is in third place in terms of distance from the Sun and in fifth place among all the planets of the Solar System.

Age   - 4.54 billion years

Average radius -   6,378.2 km

Average circle -   40,030.2 km

Square   - 510,072 million km² (29.1% of land and 70.9% of water)

Number of continents   - 6: Eurasia, Africa, North America, South America, Australia and Antarctica

Number of oceans   - 4: Atlantic, Silent, Indian, Arctic

Population   - 7.3 billion people (50.4% of men and 49.6% of women)

Most densely populated states: Monaco (18,678 people / km 2), Singapore (7607 people / km 2) and the Vatican (1914 people / km 2)

Number of countries: total 252, independent 195

The number of languages ​​in the world   - about 6,000

Number of official languages   - 95; the most common: English (56 countries), French (29 countries) and Arabic (24 countries)

Number of nationalities   - about 2,000

Climatic zones: equatorial, tropical, temperate and arctic (main) + sub-equatorial, subtropical and subarctic (transitional)

Dragon fruit (pitahaya)

The homeland of this fruit, which resembles a root crop, is Mexico. This is the fruit of the cactus, it is grown all over the world and even in indoor conditions.


The most controversial fruit. It exudes a foul smell, which is why it is forbidden to bring it to public places. But those who were able to overcome disgust and tried it, they say that they did not eat anything better.

Buddha hand

Fruit, like an octopus, skinned like a lemon. Often, except for the peel, there is nothing in it. No juice, no seeds. Use it mainly as a home mascot.

Passion fruit

Passion fruit is called the "fruit of passion." Inside there is a delicious juice, and the pulp is added to all kinds of pastries.


The plant is called "screw palm". Fruits can be both eaten and made of them paint.


Under the prickly skin of this fruit, the tender pulp is hidden, from which jelly and jams are made. Seeds are fried and eaten too.

Akebia quinata

The plant called "climbing cucumber" has fruits that look more like sausages. And their taste is very similar to the taste of raspberry.


The pulp of this fruit is reminiscent of mango and pineapple, and the texture is similar to sour cream - it melts in the mouth.

Snake Fruit

The skin of the fruit is very similar to the skin of a reptile. Inside, the fruit looks like an onion or a clove of garlic, while having sweet aromatic pulp. But to get to it is not so easy, because the skin is very prickly.


Although this berry is wild, it is already cultivated in many countries. Outwardly, it looks like a cherry, but ribbed. The fruit ripens very quickly - three weeks after flowering.

Chinese strawberry

These berries do not look like strawberries. Rather, candied round candy. Taste is specific, so trees often serve as decoration parks.

Star fruit (carambola)

Where did this name come from? There are no questions, because in the section the fruit looks like a regular five-pointed star. It can be both sweet and sour. Sour fruits are added to salads, and sweet ones are eaten just like that - they taste like lemon, mango and grapes at the same time.

Forbidden rice

This name was given this name because only members of the imperial family had the right to eat it. This is one of the types of black rice, which when cooking becomes dark purple. It is very useful because it contains a large number of trace elements.

Blue Corn (Hopi)

The name "Hopi" came from the people who grew this unusual corn. For some reason, this variety is not very popular, although it has a thousand-year history and is sweeter than ordinary corn.

Romanescu (coral cabbage)

Not cabbage, but a work of art! It is similar to cauliflower through kinship, but much more tender and tasty. This vegetable will be appreciated even by those who do not like cabbage.

Canistel (Egg Fruit)

Fruits can be both round, oval, and in the form of hearts. The color also varies from yellow to pale orange. It tastes like sweet potatoes and is added to salads and soups. And also consumed fresh, with fruit desserts and ice cream. So decide for yourself whether it is a fruit or a vegetable.

Although fruits such as bananas, kiwi or pineapples do not grow in a temperate climate, they are still known to all and are not considered to be particularly exotic. However, there are many other amazing and probably unfamiliar fruits that you grow on Earth.

20. Sugar Apple (Annona Scaly)

  This fruit comes from tropical America, but it is also grown in Pakistan, India and the Philippines. Fruits are something like a pine cone, their diameter is about 10 centimeters.

A fruit that has a light custard flavor has white flesh inside and a small amount of seeds.

19. Mammeya American (American Apricot)

  American Mammeya is an evergreen tree originally from South America, artificially planted in other regions of the world, including West Africa and Southeast Asia. American apricot is actually berries that are about 20 centimeters in diameter.

The berry has a thick outer skin and soft orange flesh inside. As a rule, there is one large seed in the center, however, in large berries there are about 4. The flesh is sweet and aromatic.

18. Cherimoya

  Cherimoya, or cream apple, is a deciduous plant that grows in the high mountains of South America. The fruit of the tree has a rounded shape with 3 types of surface (lumpy, smooth or mixed). The fruit pulp of creamy consistency is very fragrant, white and juicy.

It is said that the taste of the fruit is similar to the combination of banana, passion fruit, papaya and pineapple. Mark Twain, in 1866, said: "Cherimoya is the most delicious of all known fruits."

17. Platonia is wonderful

  Platonia is a big tree (reaches a height of up to 40 meters), growing in the tropical forests of Brazil and Paraguay. Fruits grow to the size of an orange; when pressed, yellow liquid begins to seep out.

Inside the fruit there is a white flesh, enveloping several black seeds, which has a pleasant sweet-sour taste.

16.   Cocoon

  Cocoon is another tropical fruit that can be found in the highlands of South America. It grows on small bushes, and grows very quickly: in 9 months you can get fruits from seeds, and in another 2 months they will finally ripen.

The fruits are very similar to the berries, and there are red, orange and yellow flowers. Outwardly, they are very similar to tomatoes, and the taste is a cross between a tomato and a lemon.

15. Breadfruit

  Breadfruit belongs to the mulberry family, and it comes from the Philippines and the islands of Southeast Asia. The fruit tastes like a banana. They can be eaten raw when they are fully ripe, and in unripe form they can be eaten only cooked.

The ripe fruit is soft and sweet, immature - dense and starchy, but it got its name due to the fact that when preparing an unripe fruit it very much resembles freshly baked bread.

14. Langsat

Langsat or Duku are two very similar fruits that can be found throughout Asia. They come from the same family, almost the same in appearance and taste, with only one difference. The langsat peel contains a latex substance, it is not poisonous, but because of it it is difficult to remove it, and the peel of the duquus is easily separated.

There are 5 segments inside the fruit, some of which contain several bitter seeds. It is a very sweet fruit that can be cooked in various ways.

13. Dacriodes edible

  Dacryodez is an evergreen tree found in the tropical rainforests of Africa, in northern Nigeria and in southern Angola. Fruits that vary in color from dark blue to purple are also known as African pears, they have an oblong shape and pale green flesh inside.

These fatty fruits, it was argued, can put an end to hunger in Africa, since 48% of the fruits are composed of essential fatty acids, amino acids, vitamins and triglycerides. It is estimated that from one hectare planted with these trees, you can get 7-8 tons of oil, while all parts of the plant can be used.

12. Jaboticaba

  The Brazilian grape tree, or jaboticaba, is a very strange plant native to the southeastern part of Brazil. The strangeness of this tree lies in how fruits grow on it. Initially, yellowish-white flowers appear on the entire trunk and large branches, then the flowers turn into fruits that are 3-4 centimeters in diameter.

Inside the round-shaped purple fruit contains soft gelatinous flesh with 1-4 black seeds. The fruit is very sweet, you can eat it just like that, but most often it is used for making wine or liquor.

11.   Rambutan

  Rambutan is a strange-looking fruit that looks like a fluffy strawberry. Its homeland is Southeast Asia, but it is widely distributed in other regions, especially in Costa Rica, where it is called the “Chinese sucker.”

Fruits with a diameter of 3-6 centimeters are oval. The flesh is a little hard, but it is easily separated from the skin, rambutan tastes sweet and sour.

10. Noni

  This fruit is known by many names, including the great morinda, Indian mulberry, etc., its homeland is all of Southeast Asia and Australia, it is also widely cultivated in the tropics.

The tree bears fruit all year round, but, as a rule, when the fruits ripen, the fruit has a very sharp smell. However, despite the smell, the fruit is rich in high fiber, vitamins, proteins, iron and calcium, and is also a staple food in many countries in the Pacific. It can be eaten cooked or raw with salt.

9. Marula

Marula is a deciduous tree from southern and eastern Africa. It is now growing throughout Africa, because its fruits are an important source of food for the Bantu peoples, and trees have appeared throughout their migration route. The green fruit ripens and turns yellow, and the white flesh inside is very juicy and has a pleasant aroma.

After falling from a tree, the fruits begin to ferment almost immediately, so elephants and baboons in these regions often remain in a light alcoholic intoxication. The fruits are also used to make the popular Amarula liqueur, which can be found in any Duty-free shop.

8.   Cloudberry

Cloudberry is a berry of western Siberia. It is found in the forests and grows thick thickets. The fruit looks like a raspberry, but its color is more orange.

They are very sweet, they are eaten both raw and processed into juice, wine and jam.

7. Salak (Snake Fruit)

Snake fruit originally from Indonesia. They grow in clusters, and got their nickname because of the red-brown scaly skin, which is easily removed.

Inside there are 3 white sweet "segments", each of which contains small black inedible seeds. Fruits have a sweet and sour taste, resemble apples in consistency. .


Baile, or stone apple, hails from India, but it can be found throughout Southeast Asia. Baile is a smooth fruit with a wooden skin that is colored yellow, green or gray. The stiff outer skin is so hard that the fruit can only be reached with a hammer.

Inside is a yellow flesh with several hairy seeds, which can be eaten fresh or dried. Of ripe fruit often prepare a drink called sharbat, which also includes water, sugar and lime juice with pulp. Only one large fruit is needed to make 6 liters of sharbat.

7. Dangsat

Langsat or Duku are two very similar fruits that can be found throughout Asia. They come from the same family, almost the same in appearance and taste, with only one difference.

The langsat peel contains a latex substance, it is not poisonous, but because of it it is difficult to remove it, the peel of the duquus is easily separated. There are 5 segments inside the fruit, some of which contain several bitter seeds. It is a very sweet fruit that can be cooked in various ways.

6.   Chrysophilum (Star Apple)

This fruit comes from the lowlands of Central America and the West Indies. The underside of the leaves of this evergreen tree shines with a golden color, visible even at a distance, and the white or lilac flowers growing on the tree have a sweet aroma.

The fruits are round and purple in color, their skin is dense. If the fruit is cut horizontally, the shape of the star in the pulp is clearly visible. Fresh fruits have a very sweet and pleasant taste.

5.   Carambola (star fruit)

Carambola is a fruit tree originally from the Philippines, but it grows throughout Southeast Asia, East Asia, and South America. The shell of the fruit contains five "ridges", because of this, the fruit with a longitudinal section becomes like a star.

Therefore, in fact, the fruit and received such a name. The fruit is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants. When ripe, the fruit becomes bright yellow, and the taste is very juicy and crisp.

4. Kivano (horned melon)

  The horned melon, also known as the African cucumber, hails from Africa, but is currently also grown in Australia, New Zealand and Chile.

When ripe, the melon's shell is covered with dense pointed yellow spikes, and the flesh, like jelly, acquires a bright green color. Often the taste of the fruit is compared to a banana. The fruit is a good source of vitamin C and fiber.

2. Pitaya (genus Hylocereus)

Pitahaya (pitahaya), or cactus fruit, which can be found throughout Asia, Australia, North and South America, was originally considered a resident of Mexico.

There are two types of pitaya: sour, usually eaten in America, and sweet, native to all of Asia. Fruits are red, yellow and purple, they have a very pleasant aroma, and the sweet taste is very similar to kiwi.

1. Magic fruit

Miracle fruit, or sweet berries, are very strange berries from West Africa. Fruits in large quantities contain a sugar substitute for miraculin in combination with a glycoprotein.

By itself, the fruit does not have a very sweet taste, but after a person eats it, the glycoprotein binds taste buds located in the human tongue, and for about an hour turns the taste of any product into sweet. Thus, you can eat a whole lemon, and it will taste like a sweet syrup.

In the 1970s, attempts were made to sell the fruit as a dietary product, as it can turn any food into sweetness without affecting the amount of calories consumed. However, success in this field failed.


Coming to the local vegetable market, we usually have an idea of ​​what can be offered there depending on the season. All vegetables and fruits that are grown and distributed are familiar to us. Moreover, we are usually familiar with the most common vegetables and fruits, which are grown in other parts of the world and which are easy to deliver over long distances. However, in nature there are other vegetables and cultures that for some reason are not widely spread, despite the great taste.

Laws in some countries prohibit the sale of fruits and vegetables that are not included in special national lists. These plants, however, are cultivated and passed on from generation to generation by families and cultures, and some are quite ancient. All the vegetables that you find in this list are in the well-known and popular plant families, but they are rare varieties that you might not even know existed.

For example, did you know that the very first carrot appeared on the tables of our ancestors in ancient times and came from Afghanistan, although then it was of any color, but not orange? In fact, the orange carrot was bred due to mutations by the Dutch in honor of the royal family in the 18th century. In this list you will find some strange and almost lost vegetables, the seeds of which, however, can be found on the net.

1) Forbidden rice

This rice, which appeared in China, is a type of black rice. During cooking, it becomes dark purple in color and has a nutty flavor, reminiscent of brown rice. It is rich in anthocyanin (a powerful antioxidant), vitamin B, niacin, vitamin E, calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc. He was probably nicknamed “forbidden rice” because only members of the royal family could taste the dishes from this rice.

2) Watermelon radish

This is a fairly large root vegetable that reaches the size of about a baseball ball - 73-76 millimeters. It belongs to the cabbage family and has a slightly bitter taste. Watermelon radish, as you might guess from the name, is a bit like miniature watermelon. She has a greenish or white skin, and the inner flesh is bright pink. All types of radish are rich in ascorbic acid, folic acid and potassium. They are also a good source of calcium, magnesium and copper.

3) vibbler pumpkin

These small gourd - American variety pumpkin. Unlike other countries, in America it is allowed to sell this miracle of nature. These vegetables are so small that they can easily fit in the palm of your hand. They are great for one serving, have a pleasant sweetish taste and are rich in calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, vitamin A and beta carotene. They are often used on Halouin, as they contain small candles.

4) Sweet chocolate pepper

This pepper is different from all other types of sweet pepper, which we are accustomed to see, because of the green color turns brown after ripening. These peppers are very sweet to the taste and can be a great addition to salads. They are considered an exotic variety of sweet pepper in the United States.

5) Japanese white eggplant

This strange white egg-shaped eggplant belongs to a special Japanese variety that is rarely cultivated. This variety of eggplants gives a good harvest and quickly takes root, however, unlike its dark relative, it is not so popular.

6) Violet Italian Cauliflower

The shape of this cauliflower is no different from the usual, but its color is very unusual. From it you can cook the same dishes. Cauliflower is rich in healthy fiber, vitamin C, and this bright purple variety also has a high content of anthocyanin, which prevents the formation of blood clots in the vessels and prevents heart disease.

7) Zucchini "Gold Rush"

Zucchini, nicknamed "Gold Rush", are distinguished by a bright yellow color. They have gained some popularity among vegetable lovers, although they are rarely found on the market. They are less watery and have less seed than other types of zucchini or zucchini. They have a pleasant soft taste, and they can be eaten even raw. This variety is also extremely resistant to pests that do not particularly favor him.

8) Squash

9) White beet

This beet has a pleasant delicate flavor, but its color may surprise those who are used to seeing red beets. Vegetable is perfect for dishes where you do not need rich color. For example, with it you can cook a chicken that does not turn purple during cooking, as it does with ordinary beets. At the same time, this variety has the same taste as that of red beet. White beets are rich in potassium, iron, magnesium, manganese and phosphorus.

10) Blue Hopi Corn

This variety of corn is remarkable for its dark color. It was grown in ancient times by the Indian people Hopi, hence the name. Hopi have been eating blue corn for thousands of years, but nowadays yellow or white corn is more popular. Blue corn has a sweeter flavor with a hint of walnut.

11) Peter Pepper

These oddly shaped peppers are sometimes called “penis peppers” because of their amazing phallic shape. They have an average bitterness, and they are red and yellow. Peter's peppers are considered a rare variety, and their origin is unknown, but seeds can be obtained from individuals and some farmers.

12) Purple Potatoes

This potato variety can really surprise many. Its flesh and skin is a bright purple color, and it contains a large amount of anthocyanins, powerful antioxidants that are often found in purple vegetables, including eggplant. Despite its unusual color, this potato does not differ in taste from its usual relatives, it does not lose its purple color during cooking.

13) Tomatoes "Banana legs"

These small elongated fruits of tomatoes with pale stripes are yellow, hence the name. At the end of the season you can collect a fairly large number of these unusual tomatoes. Banana tomatoes are very sweet and fresh and look great in a salad, and they also make an original tomato paste.

14) White carrots "Lunar"

White carrots began to eat long before the yellow and orange carrot appeared in the world. This sort of carrot is very sweet and tender and will look unusual in a salad if you replace the usual orange carrot. Due to the fact that this carrot does not have a pigment, its nutritional quality somewhat decreases, but still the carrot retains some beneficial substances.