Types of river fish. The largest freshwater fish in the world

23.04.2019 Fish dishes

10. Carp

Carp is the common name for freshwater fish of the carp family. They are widely distributed in various reservoirs around the world. Prefer quiet, stagnant or slow flowing water with a solid clay and slightly silty bottom. Able to grow to 1.2 meters in length and weigh more than 100 kg. They feed on mollusks, crustaceans, worms and insect larvae. The largest carp caught by a British angler in 2013 weighed 45.59 kg.

9. Common Taimen

The common taimen is a species of large freshwater fish, the largest representative of the salmon family. They live in fleeting coldish rivers of Siberia and in the Amur River basin. Ordinary taimen can grow up to 1.5–2 m long and weigh 60–80 kg. However, the majority of mature fish caught reached an average length of 70 to 120 cm and weighed 15 to 30 kg. The largest caught specimen recorded by the International Game Fish Association was 41.95 kg in weight with a length of 156 cm. The species is listed in the Red Book.

8. Common catfish

The common catfish is a large, freshwater, barren bottom fish that lives in deep parts of rivers, deep channels, lakes and reservoirs throughout Europe and Asia. The length of the body of catfish can reach 5 m, weight - 100 kg. There is a lot of information about giant catfish, reaching 250–300 kg, but there is no documented evidence of the existence of such catfish. It is a typical predator and feeds on fish, large benthic invertebrates, amphibians, reptiles, waterfowl, small mammals and even congeners. Like pike, catfish is an excellent orderly for water bodies, it eats sick and weakened fish. Cases of attacks and on people.

7. Nile perch

Nile perch is a species of large freshwater predatory fish living in the basins of the Congo, Nile, Senegal, Niger rivers, as well as in the lakes of Chad, Volta, Turkana and other water bodies. It is found in Lake Mariut in Egypt. Able to grow to 2 meters in length, and weigh up to 200 kg. However, adult individuals usually reach a length of 121–137 cm. The Nile perch is a predator that dominates the reservoirs of the habitation. It feeds mainly on fish, crustaceans and insects. Where food resources are limited, they can eat their relatives.

6. Beluga

Beluga is a type of fish from the sturgeon family. It lives in the White, Caspian, Azov, Black, Adriatic seas, from where it enters the river for spawning. The length of their body can reach 5 m, weight - 1000 kg (usually they catch individuals up to 2.5 m and weighing up to 200–300 kg). As an exception, according to unconfirmed data, there were individuals 9 m long and weighing up to 2 tons, if this information is correct, then the beluga can be considered the largest freshwater fish in the world. It feeds mainly on fish, but does not neglect mollusks either.

5. White sturgeon

Fifth place in the list of the largest freshwater fish on the planet is occupied by the White sturgeon - a species of sturgeon family, the largest freshwater fish in North America. Lives at the bottom of low-speed rivers and bays along the west coast of North America. White sturgeon is able to grow to 6.1 m long and weigh 816 kg. It feeds mainly on fish, crustaceans and mollusks.

4. Chinese paddle

A Chinese paddlefish or psefur is a freshwater fish that lives only in the Yangtze River, sometimes swimming in large lakes and the Yellow Sea. The length of their body can exceed 3 meters, weight 300 kilograms. There is information that in the 1950s, fishermen caught a paddlefish 7 meters long and weighing about 500 kg, although the accuracy of this story is unconfirmed. It feeds on fish and crustaceans. Its meat and caviar are highly valued in China.

3. Giant freshwater slope

The giant freshwater slope (Himantura polylepis) is a type of freshwater rays that inhabit the tropical waters of several large rivers of Indochina and Kalimantan. Able to grow to 1.9 m wide and weigh 600 kg. They feed mainly on crustaceans and mollusks, possibly earthworms. The giant freshwater slope is not aggressive, although they must be handled with care, as their poisonous long spike can easily pierce a person's bone. This species is endangered.

2. Mississippian carapace

Mississippian shellfish or alligator pike is a species of large freshwater fish common in the valley of the lower Mississippi River and its tributaries in North and Central America. It is very fast and strong, but shy fish. According to experts, the Mississippian shell of armor can grow up to 3 m in length and weigh more than 130 kg. In 2011, the largest captured armor was officially registered, its length was 2.572 m, weight 148 kg. It feeds mainly on fish, small mammals, birds, turtles, etc. There have been cases of attacks on children, fortunately, they never ended fatally. Included in the list of prehistoric fish that were considered extinct.

1. Giant shilb catfish

The giant shilb catfish is the largest endangered freshwater fish. It is found only in the lower reaches of the Mekong River, as well as in the Tonle Sap River and Lake Tonle Sap in Cambodia. Fish of this species in length can grow up to 3 meters and weigh 150–200 kg. They are herbivores - they feed mainly on algae and phytoplankton. The largest copy caught in 2005 reached a length of 2.7 m and weighed 293 kg, it was he who was recognized as the largest freshwater fish caught by humans.

The ocean is not the only place where you can find major representatives different types. Under the muddy waters of our freshwater rivers and lakes are hidden 11 freshwater giant fish.

While most freshwater fish are small or medium in size compared to their “counterparts” in salt water  seas and oceans, there are some that can grow to gigantic proportions. You need to think carefully about whether you are ready to meet with these freshwater giants.

Here are 11 freshwater giant fish.


This giant fish should not be confused with the beluga whale (a species of toothed whales), which has nothing to do with the beluga. This fish is included in the IUCN Red List, is one of the sturgeon species that inhabits the rivers and seas of central Eurasia (Caspian, Black, Azov).

Since the beluga continues to grow throughout life, it can be called the largest freshwater fish in the world. The largest of these giants reached lengths of up to 9.15 meters and weighed more than 2,730 kg. Such numbers also make Belugs worthy competitors for the title of the largest bony fish in the world by weight.


This fish is one of the largest freshwater species. Som is found in many European rivers and successfully lives and breeds also in lakes. He is practically blind and relies on a developed sense of smell and a long, sensitive mustache. They help the soma to look for dead, sick, or wounded fish. Rows of teeth resembling sandpaper, allow the soma to grab and hold the prey before it can crush and swallow it. There are so large catfish that grow to 3.5 m and weigh up to 300 kg.

Mississippian carapace

Because of the double row of large teeth and a snout like an alligator, these carnivorous fish can be called the most terrible inhabitants that lurk in the rivers of North America. With a length of up to 3 meters, the Mississippian armor can survive without water for two hours.

Found in the lower part of the Mississippi River basin and in the waters of all the countries of the Gulf Coast, this terrible fish usually swims near the surface or among the reeds, where it can sit in wait, trapping prey. Despite its frightening appearance, the Mississippian carapace is passive towards people.


The prehistoric monster Arapaima continues the list of 11 freshwater giant fish. In the Amazon, these giant fish are very ancient and large. They are able to grow in length over 3.2 meters. Arapaima is so ancient fish that they are considered living minerals.

These fish are also incredible jumpers, and can jump out above the water if they feel threatened. Unfortunately, now it is a very rare species and records about its size are extremely small.

Giant freshwater slope

This frightening freshwater fish can grow to enormous sizes, with a weight of more than 455 kg, the giant freshwater slope has about 4.6 meters in diameter.

Discovered in the rivers of Southeast Asia, it has a very sharp toothed spike on its tail, which can reach 38 cm in length and can easily cause irreparable injury.

Unfortunately, like most amazing freshwater species, the giant freshwater stingray is endangered and is endemic to Southeast Asia.


These river giants are easily recognizable by the shape of their paddle-shaped muzzle. Suspended insect troopers are harmless filter feeders that use their unusual and large enough mouth to feed on zooplankton.

Today, only two species of these unique fish are preserved: the Chinese paddlefish or the psefur and the American paddlefish, which is often simply called the paddlefish. Psefur, which inhabited the Yangtze River, reached 7 m in length. American paddlefish living in Mississippi (once lived in the area) can grow up to 2 meters and weigh about 90 kg.


All carp subspecies can grow to solid size. Usually found in lakes and ponds with stagnant water, but can successfully exist in rivers. Carp does not have digestive glands, therefore it is remarkable for its voracity. It feeds almost continuously throughout the day.

In a nutshell, carps can be described as “powerful long-livers” - cases of catch of specimens that were over 40 years old and who weighed more than 40 kg have been reported.

White sturgeon

The largest freshwater fish in North America is the white sturgeon, which can grow to an incredible 6 m long.

White sturgeon, living along the west coast of North America, is one of those ancient fish that have retained their shape for more than 175 million years. Due to the excessive curiosity of fishermen, some white sturgeon populations are endangered.

Nile perch

A native of tropical rivers and lakes in Africa, the Nile perch is the largest representative of freshwater fish in Africa. With a giant mouth, Nile perch reaches 1.8 m in length.

The appearance of rumors about river monsters in a particular area causes twofold emotions. On the one hand, they begin to overgrow with even more rumors, often exaggerated, and they are scaring the locals. On the other hand, a person wakes up a hunting, or rather, fishing instinct - that would be to catch such a fish.

So what are the representatives of the water sea are in the top river fish  and who among them is the record in size and weight?

Top 10 largest freshwater fish

It turns out that not only in the ocean there are giant creatures, they can be found everywhere in the rivers, lakes of our country, as well as in other parts of the world. In particular, the top ten include:

  1. Beluga.
  2. Giant freshwater slope.
  3. Alligator gar.
  4. White sturgeon.
  5. Bull shark.
  6. Paddlefish.
  7. Nile perch.
  8. Indian carp.
  9. Siberian taimen.

In the first place in the top of the fish world - the absolute record holder in weight and size, and in the last - the smallest of the largest inhabitants of the river water world

Fishermen did not even suspect ...

Siberian taimen is also called Siberian salmon, and it is the largest representative of this species. His weight usually ranges from fifteen to thirty kilograms. But there was a case when in Russia a copy weighing about 10 kilograms was caught from the Kotui river.

We all know such species of fish as carp and perch. But even many experienced fishermen will probably be surprised to know how big they are able to grow. In particular, the Indian carp, or as it is also called, patl, sometimes reaches a length of 180-182 cm, so no wonder he is among the top of the longest fish. And, of course, for many fishermen it will be discovered that a perch, which is rarely caught more than a kilogram, and such specimens are already considered trophy, can weigh about 180 kilograms and be 1.8 meters long. True, such fish are found only in the Nile, Congo and Sinegale.

But about the fact that soma are huge, heard, probably many. These fish weighing 90–100 kg are considered “middling”, while the record holder is a specimen of 227 kg. Almost the same weight and paddlefish that lives in US rivers - fish exotic species  with a long nose.

Included in the top of the heaviest fish and bull shark. Yes, yes, do not be surprised, sharks can also be river. This variety can reach three meters and weigh 312 kilograms. But even its length was overtaken by white sturgeon, the length of the record representative of the sturgeon genus is four meters, and its weight is 485 kilograms! By the way, this fish lives up to a hundred years.

Also in the top of the giant freshwater fish - alligator garfish. The length of the average specimen is up to three meters, the weight is 140 kilograms, and the record alligators can weigh up to five hundred kilograms. Even more by weight - freshwater giant stingrays, from five to six hundred kilograms.

And in the first place in the top of the largest freshwater fish - beluga. There is evidence that the largest representative of this type weighed ... 1580 meters! Its length was 7.5 meters. And this is exactly the fish that was caught (although it’s hard to imagine what it was that was pulling it — probably with a tanker). Belugas live up to 120 years.

Top largest freshwater fish  updated: March 4, 2016 by the author: Anna Volosovets