How to boil eggs. How to boil soft boiled eggs

17.04.2019 Egg dishes

In general, ordinary soft-boiled eggs. It just sounds like, eh? Egg mall! It’s one thing to say that today you’ll have eggs at the table, for example, “in a bag”, it’s quite another to proudly and very solemnly announce that the menu is œuf mollet, cooked in a special, secret way, which, by the way, I plan today tell you

Most often, soft-boiled eggs are boiled, dipping them in cold water and recording the time after boiling the liquid. In my opinion, a completely inconvenient option - not only does one have to strictly monitor when it, the water eventually boils, still does not always please the final result: for some reason, the eggs are undercooked, then overcooked. Sheer anxiety and frustration. It was with me - until I discovered a new way of boiling soft-boiled eggs, which always gives you the perfect breakfast: fairly dense protein without the slime I dislike and a delicious liquid yolk, which can't be tastier.

It is done simply, like all ingenious: one, two - and it is ready.
  Take out the pencils, write down:

How to boil perfect soft boiled eggs

It is strange to list the ingredients, however, I will write to dot all “i”.

Ingredients for cooking soft-boiled eggs:

  • eggs;
  • water.

Ingredients to serve:

  • loaf;
  • butter;
  • salt;
  • vegetables, greens, mushrooms.

Soft-boiled eggs œuf mollet "from" and "to"

    I know that many, so that when cooking an egg, having burst, do not leak out of the shell, add vinegar or salt to the water, I never do this - either lazy or cultivate a healthy share of calm indifference (in culinary recipes it is appropriate the word "pofigizm"? maybe not very beautiful in terms of the purity of the language, but very accurate in terms of semantics). In general, if you wish, you can add salt or vinegar to the list of soft-boiled eggs needed for a perfectly cooked egg.

    So, the first step is getting eggs out of the fridge: they should be at room temperature. By the way, this moment will help the shell not to burst during shock lowering in boiling water. In fairness it must be said that he does not guarantee the integrity of the egg, but the chances of its safety greatly increases.

    While the point is, let's do some bread - we want a beautiful breakfast, aren't we? Then cut the loaf into slices, carefully remove the crusts and turn a slice of bread into a few cubes. And so - several times.

    In a skillet, melt some butter, lay out a loaf. Fry over moderate heat, ensuring that the bars do not become dark and hard, they should have a pleasant golden hue.

    Turn over, fry on the other side. If there is a desire, the same procedure can be repeated twice more - and to dry croutons from all four sides, however, practice shows that this is unnecessary: ​​you only feed the bread with an extra amount of butter, but neither crunchiness nor a special flavor over what is already is, do not add.

    Well, here, the first stage, it can be considered, is completed successfully: on the plate, delicious fateful croutons await further fate. The most important thing is to ensure their safety up to the moment they are served: it has been noticed more than once that the tasty and crispy bread sticks have a strange peculiarity to disappear in my stomach in an incomprehensible way even before everyone sits at the table for breakfast. It is better not to attract bodyguards, the result is sad, just hide the plate away so that it does not seduce you. And go to the next stage.

    Put a saucepan on the stove with water. Not big, not wide. Such as to fit your two selfish eggs that you plan yourself for breakfast. Well, a maximum of four, if you want to treat someone else. I didn’t cook more at a time, so I don’t answer for the result (I suspect that the cooking time will be somewhat different, although it is quite easy to verify by experience - if you can, tell me?).

    After boiling water with a spoon, carefully dip the eggs into the pan. And note the time.
      This moment is the key. If you do not trust the internal alarm clock, the pre-revolutionary “walkers” and the grandmother’s hourglass, turn on the timer in the phone - it seems to me that it is in all models. It needs to be exactly 6 minutes - no more and no less. During this time, the water in the saucepan will boil again, you may reduce the gas slightly, lay it on the table, brew tea, and place the vegetables on a plate nicely.

    After 6 minutes (ok, I admit twenty more seconds - maybe you just need this time to add sugar in the cup, but no more!) Remove the pan from the heat, pour out the water and pour the cold one. We change several times, after which we take out the eggs and clean them from the shell.

    They say that if everything is done in this way, the eggs will be cleaned easily and beautifully. I always have them, no matter how hard I try, cleaned disgustingly, so do not focus on my result, you should get smooth, smooth eggs.

    Slightly cut off their "ass" - for sustainability. We perform exactly the same operation in the area of ​​the “head” - but here, in order to strip the yolk.

    That's all. Serve, do not forget to get the toast and serve. Molle eggs are eaten, dipping bread sticks into liquid yolk - this is incredibly tasty, believe me! This is how a good day should begin, it is from these breakfasts that happy weekdays and cheerful evenings are born!

How to lay soft-boiled eggs for the perfect breakfast

  If suddenly you get bored with the same thing, there is always the opportunity to dream. Believe me, even banal soft-boiled eggs can be submitted so that the heart will beat with delight:

- try frying black rye bread instead of a loaf - a different taste, delicious and unusual;

- a completely simple option - do not dry the bread in blocks, and cook croutons from whole slices, boiled eggs can then be nicely laid out right on a crispy loaf, slightly cut and, after waiting a couple of seconds, until the yolk begins to flow out beautifully, serve;

- tried the lavash chips? here they fit perfectly well;

- in addition to standard cucumber-tomatoes, herbs, lettuce greens, you can serve eggs with asparagus, beans (asparagus and ordinary), mushrooms, a couple of spinach pancakes, carrots in Korean; absolutely wonderful option - "pillow" of baked bell peppers and eggplants;

- red caviar and a couple of slices of red fish - a worthy company for boiled eggs;

- mayonnaise, aioli and many other sauces are not only perfectly combined with eggs, but can also act as an excellent decor;

- A couple of slices of fried bacon - and soft-boiled eggs will play with completely new colors;

- cheese and eggs - a combination unusual, but very nice.

  • fresh eggs, just from under the hen (and a couple of days after that) need to be cooked for a couple of minutes longer;
  • take a small pan for cooking (and more convenient - a ladle): you will not need to wait until the water boils, completely unnecessary for the planned two or three eggs; in addition, if there is too much space, the eggs will “dance” around the pan and knock together, threatening you with an unpleasant result;
  • eggs are cooked on medium heat: neither vigorous boiling, nor half awake quenching are needed.

And the last thing I would like to say. All eggs are different - large and small, with a thick shell and thin, with a little more or a little less mass of yolk and protein. The pots are different, the concept of average gas is different. Let's take this into account when reading and preparing a recipe. By and large, if at observance of the specified recommendations you receive absolutely other result, most likely, you have made some mistake. If the result is slightly different from what you wanted to get ... well, see above: the eggs are all different, you just need to correct your actions a little, remember them - and then you will definitely get the most delicious and perfect soft-boiled eggs.

Good breakfast for you!

Perfect soft-boiled eggs for a perfect soft-boiled breakfast © Magical Food.RU

Most people eat eggs made for breakfast. It can be scrambled eggs and scrambled eggs or just boiled egg. Egg is a very valuable energy product. It contains a large amount of nutrients that are necessary for our body. This is calcium, and iron and phosphorus, and copper. But in what form is the most useful to eat eggs?

The most interesting thing is that it is not recommended to use raw protein, but it is better to eat the yolk raw. That is why such a cooking option came to help us, as if it seemed to be half ready. It is soft-boiled eggs that have boiled protein and practically raw yolk. If you cook a soft-boiled egg, then you can also face some problems. It all depends on your taste and preferences. Only by trial and error can you achieve the ideal option.

  The main nuances of cooking a soft-boiled egg

  • The most important thing is that for boiling soft-boiled it is necessary to take absolutely fresh eggs.
  • Optimal for cooking utensils (in her eggs should be located tightly adjacent to each other, do not float in the tank).
  • Eggs should be at room temperature.
  • Water, which will boil eggs, you need to pre-salt.

  Ways for boiling soft-boiled eggs

Usually use one of two ways.

  • Eggs are put in cold water and brought to a boil.
  • Only boiling water will drop eggs.

Depending on the method chosen, the cooking time will also vary. If the first method is enough 5 minutes of boiling, then in the second method it will be 6-7 minutes.

  How to clean a soft-boiled egg

Peeling a soft-boiled egg is also quite difficult. It is not always good at it. Here, too, have their little secret:

  • Firstly, it is necessary to “crack” the entire shell over the entire surface. This will greatly facilitate the cleaning process.
  • Secondly, it is better to start peeling from the thick end of the egg.
  • Third, do it better under running cold water.

And always remember that fresh eggs are always worse than brushing.

Also a little to facilitate the process of cleaning eggs will help cold water, which is immersed in eggs immediately after cooking.

Do not forget these tips and cook only the most delicious dishes! Enjoy your meal!

We mainly cook hard boiled eggs, because we apply them in salads, snacks and other dishes. But wanting to boil them softly, not everyone can do it, then the yolk is too liquid, then vice versa, thick. Learning to boil soft-boiled eggs correctly.

Recipe content:

It would seem to boil soft-boiled eggs, there is nothing complicated. However, such a simple preparation of eggs at home often creates inconvenience. Like, you choose a good whole product, you look around at it from all sides, but when you put your eggs in the water, the problems begin immediately. The shell bursts, the protein leaks, the yolk is digested or remains liquid, and to top it off, the boiled egg does not clean well. But many people want to enjoy the perfect breakfast of boiled soft-boiled eggs or hard boiled eggs. How to cook hard boiled eggs, I have already told. This recipe can be found on the pages of the site. And today I will share the experience of boiling soft-boiled eggs.

Good to know about boiled soft boiled eggs

  • Egg poorly cleaned, then fresh. To eliminate this problem, you can salt the eggs when they are boiled, and after boiling them, immerse them in cold water.
  • To prevent the eggs from bursting during cooking, boil them in dishes with a small radius so that they do not knock together and lie tightly.
  • The shelf life of eggs - a month, and outside the refrigerator. Boiled eggs can lie for 15-30 days in the refrigerator, but it is better to eat them fresh for 3 days.
  • Egg pops up during cooking - it is spoiled, it is no longer suitable for food.
  • Soft-boiled eggs are served in the shell, putting it on a special stand.
  • Calories per 100 g - 159 kcal.
  • Number of servings - 3
  • Cooking time - 2-3 minutes


  • Eggs - any amount

How to boil soft boiled eggs?

1. Wash eggs under running water.

2. Dip the eggs in a saucepan and fill them with cold water. If they are lowered into boiling water, they may burst due to the temperature drop. But if you have to put them in boiling water, then first warm it under running warm water.

After boiling, boil eggs for 2-4 minutes over medium heat, as with intense heating, they burst. Softly boiled them can be prepared up to several states:

  • Protein with yolk semi-liquid - cooking time 2 minutes.
  • The protein is soft, but not liquid, and the yolk is liquid - 3 minutes.
  • The protein is soft, the yolk is semi-liquid - 4 minutes.
At the same time keep in mind that the listed cooking time belongs to the 1st category eggs. If the size of the eggs is smaller, then the cooking time should be reduced, larger - increased by 1 minute.

3. Transfer the boiled eggs to a bowl of ice-cold water and let them cool. If you keep them at room temperature, they will continue to boil off their own temperature.