Roasted pork meat in the oven. The best recipes for brass pork

18.04.2019 Grill menu

Many meat lovers prefer pork more than its other species for its wonderful taste. Today we will talk about the options of roasting pork in the oven, the most simple, but very tasty. We are glad men!

Pork - meat, of course, is not dietary, as, for example, rabbit meat, but very tasty, thanks to fat, it always turns out to be very fragrant, without requiring long preparation for cooking. Of course, if you marinate this meat for the night, it will be tastier, but it is not an obligatory measure, as is the case with the same rabbit, which without pickling will turn out tough and tasteless. So pork is captivating with its simplicity of preparation, which in our age is highly appreciated by all the mistresses without exception.

Since we use non-dietary meat, then the best option for cooking it will be roasting, in which any meat turns out to be tender, fragrant and less harmful than during frying, does not give a part of its flavor notes into the water, as during cooking. Yes, and it is easier - roasting: prepared the meat, laid out in the form and forgotten at the time of cooking, only a couple of times you will need to look into the oven - to check how things are there.

We will talk about simple, interesting and delicious recipes for roasting pork in the oven.

For roasting, such parts of pork as brisket, ham, brisket, spatula - top grade meat are usually used. Fruit, nuts, prunes and honey will help emphasize the sweet taste of meat. Serve baked pork made with cheese, mustard, sweet and sour sauces, fresh herbs.

The first recipe: Pork, baked with cumin

It will take: 2kg of pork, 100g of pork fat, 2 boiled eggs and onions, cumin, mustard, horseradish, salt.

How to bake pork with cumin. Smear the meat with mustard and put into the fridge for 2 hours, then rub with salt, cover with onions and put in a frying pan with red-hot fat, lightly fry, sprinkle with cumin. Put the meat and onions on a baking sheet, pour in ½ cup of water, put in an oven preheated to 180-200 degrees, bake, periodically watering with a boiling juice. Cool the finished meat and cut into thin slices (across the grain), put on a dish, arrange with horseradish, boiled egg circles.

Many varieties of baked pork dishes can be served both hot and cold - to your taste. It can act as a cold appetizer, and as a hot main course.

Recipe Two: Baked Brisket with Vegetables and Cloves

It will take: 1.5 kg of pork loin, 2-3 cloves, 2 cloves of garlic, carrots and onions, 2-3 tablespoons. finished mustard, salt.

How to bake pork loin with vegetables and cloves. Rub garlic with crushed garlic, mustard and salt, put into a form with a thick bottom (roast, pan or other), put in an oven preheated to 180-200 degrees, fry, sprinkling with spicy juice periodically. Cut the carrots into circles, peel the onions and put carnations in them, put the vegetables to the meat 15-20 minutes after baking, add a little water, cover the form with a lid, stew until ready on low heat. When serving, cut the meat into even slices, put on the dish and pour over the sauce formed during the stewing, serve the baked potatoes to the side dish.

The next version of baked pork is slightly unusual - firstly, it is baked in rolled form, and secondly, with nuts and dried fruits. Very interesting and tasty!

The third recipe: Pork, baked with peanuts and raisins

It will take: 1kg of pork, 2 onions, 4-6 tbsp. fat, prunes or raisins, black and red pepper, salt.

How to bake pork with peanuts and raisins. Twist the pork in a meat grinder. Heat the fat, lay out the meat, add chopped onion, pepper and salt, put peanuts and raisins, mix and warm slightly. Put the mixture in a baking dish, put it in an oven heated to 180 degrees, bake until browning. Serve with a side of mashed potatoes or fried potatoes.

In the following recipe, we suggest baking pork in dough - it will turn out even more satisfying, more appetizing and more aromatic. Men just go crazy with such goodies!

Recipe Four: Pork Baked in Dough

It will take: 1.5 kg of pork, 1 kg of onion, 8 cups of flour, 50 g of baked butter, 4/5 glasses of water, pepper, salt.

How to bake pork in dough. Peel and finely chop the onion, pepper and salt, mix it properly. Middle-cut slices of pork, pepper and salt. Knead the stiff dough like dumplings made from water, flour and a pinch of salt, cover it and leave for half an hour. Form 4 balls of dough, roll each into a cake about 20 cm in diameter, lay them on top of one another, greasing each but the top one with oil, roll it together into one cake. Put the cake on a baking sheet, put half of the onion on it, top the meat, then the remaining onions, pour with melted butter, pinch the edges, lift them up, and grease them with plenty of oil from all sides. Bake the pork in the dough in an oven preheated to 200 degrees until cooked.

Well, the last recipe in our selection of roasting pork is interesting because there are fruits in the ingredients that make this meat not only tastier, but also healthier!

Recipe Five: Pork, baked with fruit platter

It will take: 1kn pork ham without bone, 200g of sour cream and mayonnaise, 100g of hard cheese, 2 apples each, pears, kiwi, tangerine, pineapple mugs.

How to cook pork with fruit. Stir sour cream with mayonnaise. Chop the apples, pears and peeled kiwi into thin circles. On the slices disassemble tangerines. On a fine grater, grate the cheese. Cut the pork into 8-10 slices, beat off, rub with salt and pepper, put on a greased baking sheet, grease with mayonnaise-sour cream sauce. Put a mug of pineapple on each slice of meat, smear it with a sauce, then an apple mug, sauce, pears, sauce, kiwi, sauce, on top a slice of tangerine, sauce. If the design does not hold, fasten the products with skewers. Put the pork with fruit in the oven, heated to 150 degrees, bake for 1 hour, sprinkle with cheese for 10 minutes.

This option is suitable for serving festive occasions, and in everyday life, you can simply put the pork and your favorite fruit in a sleeve for baking or foil and bake until the meat is ready. You can use pineapples, apples, kiwi, oranges, etc., complementing the meat with fruit spices such as garlic, onions, seasonings and spices, which also perfectly emphasize the taste of pork.

It is not difficult to bake - even inexperienced cooks can cook a very tasty and fragrant dish, for which all relatives will thank them. Try and enjoy!

A real delicacy for meat lovers. Want to know what it is? How to cook a similar dish? The article contains recommendations and detailed instructions. We wish you culinary success!

general information

Many of us have heard the expression "brass pork". What does it mean? Everything is extremely simple. So called pork, cooked in the oven. There are many recipes for this dish. Some of them are listed below.

Suppose you decide that today for lunch or dinner brass pork. Which is best for you? This may be a neck, a tenderloin with ribs, ham or shoulder blade.

Brass pork recipe

Ingredients Required:

  • garlic - a pair of cloves;
  • 800 g with ribs;
  • nashpicka cloves;
  • pea

For a delicious sauce:

  • sugar 1 tsp;
  • spice;
  • 1 tbsp. l mustard powder;
  • soy sauce - enough ½ cup.

Practical part

  1. We make small punctures over the entire surface of the piece of meat. We put in them the cloves, peppercorns and garlic plates.
  2. Now prepare the sauce. In a bowl, combine mustard with soy sauce, sugar and spices. We salt.
  3. The baking sheet is covered with a sheet of foil or parchment. Put nashpigovannuyu pork. Pour the sauce obtained earlier.
  4. Baking meat sent in a preheated oven. Let's discuss some points. The first 20 minutes brass pork should be baked at 220 ° C. Do not forget to periodically water it with sauce. We reduce the fire to 190-200 ° C. We notice 25-30 min. We continue to water the meat with the sauce, as well as the juice formed during the baking process. Readiness of pork is determined using a normal fork. Poke the pulp. If blood has gone, then the meat must still be in the oven. If it is already ready, then turn off the fire.

We got aromatic brass pork. What to cook for a side dish? We offer you the following options: steamed vegetables, mashed potatoes, boiled rice or quinoa. Note that this will increase the calorie content of the dish.

Brass Pork: Recipe with Potatoes

Food Package:

  • 300 g shallots;
  • 2 sprigs of rosemary and thyme;
  • potatoes - 0.8 kg is enough;
  • sea ​​salt (coarse);
  • pork chops - 4 pcs .;
  • spice;
  • 50 ml of olive oil.

detailed instructions

Step number 1. Meat washed with water from the tap. For now, we remove to the side.

Step number 2. Pound rosemary and thyme sprigs, combine with oil and spices. We salt. The resulting mixture is coated each piece of meat. For half an hour, remove the chops on the middle shelf of the refrigerator.

Step number 4. Peeled and washed potatoes are cut in half or in 4 pieces. Onions can be simply chopped.

Step number 5. The baking dish is coated with a piece of butter. Put the potatoes and onions. All this is sent to the oven for 25 minutes.

Step number 6. Go back to the chops. Get them out of the fridge. We spread in the form of onion and potatoes. Again, send the form to the oven. This time for 20 minutes. Brass pork with potatoes - a great option for lunch and dinner. This dish is suitable for both a weekday and a holiday.

Brass Pork with Mustard Crust

Product list (7-8 servings out):

  • spice;
  • mustard beans;
  • 0.7 kg pork fillet;
  • garlic - 5-6 cloves.

Cooking process:

Another recipe


  • cream or milk - enough ½ cup;
  • 1 tsp. spicy mustard and salt;
  • one head of garlic;
  • 1 kg of pork pulp (it is better to take a neck or ham).

The practical part:

  1. Remove the husks from the garlic. Each clove is passed through a special press. What's next? Pour milk or cream into a bowl. There we send crushed garlic. Whip these ingredients in a blender. If you don’t have this device, you can do with an ordinary whisk.
  2. In the "garlic milk" fall asleep mustard. We salt. Stir. As soon as the grains of salt are completely dissolved, proceed to the straining of the mixture. For this purpose, we use a dense fabric. We should have 50-60 ml of liquid. As for the thick residues, they do not need to be thrown into the trash. Carefully transfer the leftovers to the plate.
  3. We take in hands a disposable medical syringe. We collect in it the filtered liquid. Making "shots" piece of meat. Carefully, so that the liquid does not spill past. All you need to do about 30-40 punctures.
  4. On a piece of foil poured a little thick, left after squeezing. Directly put on it or ham. Coat a piece of the remains of thick. Sprinkle with black and white pepper. Wrap pork with foil. We watch that there were no openings where air could get.
  5. Foil with the contents placed on the tray and put in a preheated oven. The recommended temperature is 220-230 ° C. Roasting time - 60 minutes.
  6. We do not remove the finished meat from foil until all the household members gather at the table. Cut the pork into pieces and lay out on plates. It looks very appetizing, and it smells simply divine.


We talked about how brass pork is prepared. What does this expression mean, you now also know. Your family will certainly appreciate the taste of this dish, as well as ask for supplements.

Brass pork is considered to be tender and preserving nutritional properties, especially if the meat of a young carcass is used to cook it.

There are many recipes for brass pork, and they all end up with a fragrant and nourishing dish, no matter how the meat is cooked - in foil, in a sleeve or baked under a sauce. Ideal for brass pork dishes such seasonings as cumin, curry, saffron, basil, oregano, paprika and chili, add them to your taste. As sauces you can use honey-mustard, mayonnaise, soy or tomato.

How to choose pork brass

Preference is given to ham, shoulder blade, tenderloin with ribs or neck. For the preparation of dishes from brass pork, they use both farm meat and semi-finished products, including vacuum packages. You only need to choose a fresh and natural product, then there is a guarantee that during cooking the meat will not turn into rag material and will not have an unpleasant smell.

A few secrets when cooking brass pork:

  • do not put seasonings for pork in large quantities, it interrupts the taste and smell of meat;
  • bake the braised pork in a well-heated oven, so that it does not lose its succulence and does not become dry;
  • the use of marinades makes pork meat softer and softer, while the time of marinating should be at least 30 minutes;
  • when baking pork in foil, it is necessary to open it approximately 15 minutes before the end of cooking, so the meat will become golden crisp;
  • to speed up the process of cooking brass pork and best impregnate it with marinade and spices, pieces of meat can be pierced with a fork or knife.

The most popular dishes from brass pork.

1. Pork, baked in the sleeve, with vegetables.

Very satisfying vitamin dish. Baking in the sleeve allows the pork meat to stew in its own juice, retaining all its components and useful qualities, in addition, you should not worry that the meat can be burnt.


  • pork low-fat
  • potatoes
  • onion
  • sauce as desired
  • salt, pepper, spices to taste

In the sleeve are laid consistently chopped potatoes, onions, slices of pork meat in a sauce and put in a preheated oven at 1800С for 40 minutes.

2. Brass Pork Steaks

Before cooking meat for steaks, you need to beat off well, the only way it will be saturated with oxygen and we will not be dry. At the same time, steaks should be taken not too thick (no more than 4 cm), otherwise the meat will not just be baked inside. The advantages of this recipe for brass pork are its simplicity and the ability to choose any addition to the side dish - vegetables, cereals or mushrooms. Ingredients: pork (spatula or “apple”) soy or honey-mustard sauce lemon juice garlic and spices to taste

The basis of the marinade for steak also take vegetable, fruit juices or wine. This gives brass pork a special taste. For piquancy steaks roll in sesame seeds.

3. Rolls of pork with mushrooms.

An unusual dish option for receiving guests, which will delight them with its exquisite taste. The advantages of rolls are that when cooking vegetable juice makes them very juicy, well-baked vegetables melt in the mouth, and in this case no additional sauces, marinade and garnish are required.

Ingredients:  pork, cut into pieces 1 cm thick, mushrooms or porcini tomatoes, spices to taste

Striped vegetables are wrapped in pork meat rolls, stabbed with a skewer and placed on a greased baking tray in the oven for about 25-30 minutes.

Small tips on serving brasserie dishes:

  • for dinner, it is better to give preference to vegetable side dishes, since light carbohydrates in combination with non-dietary pork will simplify digestion;
  • a baked meat piece of a large size is better to immediately cut into portions;
  • decorate the dish with greens: basil, parsley, cilantro;
  • remove the pork from the oven just before serving to avoid overdrying.

In our online store "Russian Food" you can always buy fresh from real farming pork Russian eco-enterprises at an affordable price and with delivery to your apartment. We basically do not work with frozen meat and in most cases you order pig meat that is still grazing in a barn. Therefore, the delivery time for an order from us is at least 1-2 days, but at the same time you are guaranteed to receive exactly fresh chilled meat.