Why not drink alcohol? Why it is better not to drink alcohol when you lose weight? Antibiotics and alcohol.

14.05.2019 Snacks

For many years now, Russia has been one of the most drinking countries in the world. This unflattering fact means that alcoholism is turning into a real epidemic and puts the population of our country on the path of degradation and extinction. The answer to the question why you can not drink alcohol, it becomes obvious.

Causes of addiction to alcohol can be very different: the desire to relax, disconnect from worries, loss of work, divorce, lack of life guidelines, the desire to be bolder, more interesting, the inability to correct life for the better, loneliness, among young people - the desire to imitate peers who have bad habits . Scientists do not exclude that the cause of addiction to alcohol may be the presence of a genetic predisposition.

There are many causes of alcoholism, one result - a person is lost for society and for himself

Still from school they know: alcohol is a bad habit, drinking is bad. But few who know what kind of pernicious effect addiction to alcohol on the body of the drinker. Below are some quite convincing answers to the question of why alcohol should not be abused.

Alcohol kills digestive organs

It is, first of all, about the liver. Cirrhosis is a liver damage that progresses and takes on a chronic form. The essence of the disease is that the liver cells begin to die, and in their place the cells of the connective tissue multiply. The structure of the liver is changing, and it cannot fully function.

Alcoholism ranks first among other causes of this disease. Few people remember from school biology course what the liver is in the human body. This is a kind of filter. It cleanses the body of toxins, is involved in metabolism, controls the normal composition of the blood. The following fact speaks about the importance of this body: if a person didn’t have it, he could easily have been poisoned by any of the usual good quality foods.

The liver is the main target under attack with long-term alcohol abuse. The worst thing is that the processes occurring in the liver are irreversible. Treatment is a time-consuming and complex process that does not lead to complete healing.

The effect of alcohol on other digestive organs is also serious: the esophagus, stomach, and pancreas. The cells lining the surface of these organs are primarily affected. As a result of repeated ingestion of strong alcoholic drinks, enzymes are produced more than necessary.

The stomach is like digesting itself. Organs can no longer fully perform their function. Disruptions in the production of gastric juice and insulin begin. As a result, the process of absorption of nutrients from food is disrupted. When the production of enzymes becomes scarce, food stays in the stomach for a long time, causing it to rot. All this provokes the development of diabetes, pancreatitis, stomach cancer. Such is the price paid for addiction to strong drinks.

Alcohol - a brutal killer of the brain and circulatory system

The concentration of alcohol in the brain tissues of a person who regularly drinks alcohol is very high. Alcohol, reaching the brain, is quickly absorbed by the fatty substances of nerve cells - neurons. Here the alcohol remains until its final decay occurs. The toxic effects of decay products always lead to the death of certain parts of the cerebral cortex.

Fast degradation of a drinking person is connected with this: problems begin with memory, attention, perception of the surrounding world, thinking, and the psyche as a whole. A person loses interest in the surrounding reality, is gradually lost to society, he develops mental disorders.

Alcohol contributes to a large production of tear fluid, which causes a drop in visual acuity, a sense of space is lost. Alcohol reduces olfactory and taste sensitivity, neutralizes the feeling of fullness.

As is known, the cerebellum in the human brain is responsible for the coordination of movements. When intoxicated, his activity is inhibited, hence impaired coordination of movements. With the systematic use of alcohol, this section of the brain suffers very much, a person often loses orientation in space. The medulla oblongata responsible for the human respiration and circulatory system suffers no less.

Alcohol pretty quickly enters the bloodstream, where it deforms the red blood cells (red blood cells). Red blood cells perform the function of delivering oxygen from the lungs to the tissues and carbon dioxide back. When they are deformed, the tissues cannot normally be supplied with oxygen, as a result, ischemic disease, arrhythmia and atherosclerosis develop. In addition, alcohol has a negative effect on blood vessels, including those of the brain. Doctors found that the risk of getting a stroke from drinking people is 5 times higher.

Alcohol ages the body, wears out the heart and lungs.

Not fully oxidized components of alcohol are retained in the liver, brain, heart and many other organs for more than 20 days. The resulting changes in the biochemical characteristics of the body can last up to 3-4 months. And all this happens only because of a single use of alcohol. As a result of chronic alcoholism, the normal nutrition of all tissues and organs is disrupted, which leads to early aging of the body. That is why alcoholics often look much older than their passport age.

The function of the heart is to pump blood through the vessels. Pumping blood with alcohol, the heart is experiencing a huge burden. Hence, frequent palpitations in alcoholics and developing hypertension, leading to rupture of blood vessels. That is why the alcoholic gives out a reddened nose due to ruptured capillaries.

The lungs under the influence of alcohol, too, are beginning to work in a heightened mode, trying to fill the body's increased need for air. But this only leads to the fact that due to excessive workload, the mucous membranes of the lungs are dried, this makes them defenseless against bacteria, and there is a high risk of developing tuberculosis. According to medical statistics, the culprit 70% of all diseases of tuberculosis - alcohol abuse. This disease is treated for a very long time, it is difficult for the patient.

Alcohol destroys the kidneys and provokes impotence.

The kidneys are another organ that suffers a blow from alcohol abuse. The function of the kidneys is to excrete waste products from the body. These products include alcohol, or rather, its decomposition products. With the systematic use of strong drinks, the kidneys almost always experience overload.

Naturally, the effectiveness of their work is reduced, toxins are not removed from the body properly, it is poisoning. Against this background, immunity is sharply reduced, the body becomes vulnerable to various viruses and bacteria. The entire urinary system fails, malignant tumors are often formed.

Alcohol sights beats on all spheres of human life. Not an exception and intimate sphere. Regular consumption of spirits, as mentioned above, has a negative effect on the human circulatory system. Due to impaired blood circulation, the genitals suffer from a lack of blood. All this has a negative effect on erection, and premature ejaculation is becoming increasingly troubling.

Alcohol is a direct route to infertility. Women who suffer from alcoholism have a high risk of miscarriages, and children, if they are born in an alcoholic family, suffer from serious congenital diseases.

In the human body there is not a single organ that would remain unaffected by alcohol abuse.How serious this impact will be depends on how often a person drank in his life. If a person drinks, he condemns himself to a long and painful death - spiritual and physical.

There is another side to the problem: drinking a little bit is even good for health. So, a glass of red wine at dinner will prolong the youth of the vessels. But in most families, the culture of drinking is not developed, hence such a large number of people who want to constantly drink alcohol. Negative attitude to alcohol should be formed in the family since childhood.

Thanks for your feedback.


    Megan92 () 2 weeks ago

    Did anyone get rid of her husband from alcoholism? My drink without drying I don’t know what to do ((I thought I would divorce, but I don’t want to leave my child without a father, and I’m sorry for my husband, so he is a great person when he doesn’t drink

    Daria () 2 weeks ago

    I have already tried so many things and only after reading this article, I managed to wean my husband from alcohol, now I don’t drink at all, even on holidays.

    Megan92 () 13 days ago

    Daria () 12 days ago

    Megan92, so I wrote in my first comment) Duplicate just in case - article link.

    Sonya 10 days ago

    And this is not a divorce? Why sell online?

    Julek26 (Tver) 10 days ago

    Sonya, what country do you live in? They sell on the Internet, because shops and pharmacies put a mark-up on their mark-up. By the same payment only after receipt, that is, first they looked, checked and only then paid. Yes, and now everyone sells on the Internet - from clothes to TVs and furniture.

    Reply Editors 10 days ago

    Sonia, hello. This drug for the treatment of alcohol dependence is not really implemented through the pharmacy chain and retail stores in order to avoid inflated prices. To date, you can only order on official website. Be healthy!

    Sonya 10 days ago

    I apologize, did not notice the first information about cash on delivery. Then everything is fine exactly if the payment is received.

    Margo (Ulyanovsk) 8 days ago

    Has anyone tried folk methods to get rid of alcoholism? Father drinks, I can not influence him in any way ((

    Andrey () a week ago

    What only folk remedies did not try, the test as drank and drinks

One of the topical issues of nutrition - why not drink after a meal? We are accustomed from childhood to drink any food with tea, compote, milk, water. Because, in the opinion of moms, you can not eat dry. Many have a favorite ritual - drink tea right after a hearty meal. How permissible? And when is it better to drink: before meals, during or after it?

Why it is better not to use any liquid immediately after meals? Here are some arguments:

a) the fluid dilutes the gastric secretion;
   b) the dish is poorly digested;
   C) increases the load on the liver, pancreas, as well as other internal organs involved in digestion;
   g) there is a high load on the secretory apparatus of the stomach;
   e) gas formation increases;
   e) acidity decreases.

So, is it possible to drink after a meal? It is possible, but not immediately, but in two hours.

  When to drink

Better to quench your thirst before dinner

We are given an example of the instincts of animals: they first drink, then eat. Why should we do the same? There are several reasons:

a) water prepares the stomach to receive food;
   b) frees him from food residues;
   c) activates digestion;
   g) allows you to get enough of a smaller amount of yummy.

Water taken with food

And if you want to drink all the time? Then you can drink while eating, carefully "chewing" the water! That's right: drinking will also have to be chewed. That is, do not drink water, but eat it.

In all other cases, quenching thirst while quenching hunger does not contribute to the normalization of digestion. On the contrary, it slows down, causing heaviness in the stomach and heartburn. In addition, water, along with food:

1) Does not load the teeth: they should chew something hard, not liquefied gruel, it weakens the gums;

2) Dilutes the contents of the stomach, disrupting the process of digestion;

3) Reduces the concentration of enzymes and hydrochloric acid needed for digestion;

4) Increases the time the food stays in the stomach, contributing to the proliferation of bacteria, which leads to putrefactive processes and causes stomach diseases;

5) Requires the allocation of additional servings of gastric juice, hydrochloric acid, which leads to heartburn and gastritis.

There is another explanation: it concerns only cold water. If you drink food with it, then it does not linger long enough for digestion, but immediately passes into the intestine. This leads to rotting and fermentation, which causes many problems of the digestive system. In addition, the feeling of saturation does not come, immediately want to eat again.

Choosing the best time to drink

Let's try to decide: when is it right to drink water or other beverages? What is water for? Water is necessary for normal functioning of the stomach. It helps it secrete gastric juice, as well as mucus, which protects the walls of the stomach from corrosion.

For such help the stomach needs to drink water half an hour before meals. Such a period of time is necessary for the fluid to have time to go all the way to the glands of the stomach through the intestines and to be absorbed into the blood. Enough glass to prepare the stomach.

You can use any liquid after some time after lunch. How much time must pass depends on the food eaten. For example, if the main part consisted of carbohydrates, you can drink in an hour and a half. After taking the protein will have to wait three hours.

  How to eat solid food without drinking?

If you drink a glass of water half an hour before a meal, it will be easy to eat without drinking. Your stomach will release enough juice and saliva to soften the food.

Chew any food thoroughly and slowly. It should be well moistened with saliva. It is for this reason that you cannot talk during lunch or rush and immediately swallow food. As for liquid food, for example, soups, it is better to eat them no more than once a day.

  Drinking instead of food

Often, thirst is confused with a feeling of hunger. The reason for this is simple: the principle of brain activity in both cases is the same. Therefore, nutritionists advise when feeling hungry, first drink a glass of water, wait thirty minutes. If hunger remains, you can eat. If passed, then it was thirst, not hunger.

Of course, eating is always more pleasant: after all, food is usually tastier than water. It brings physical satisfaction, produces substances necessary for the brain to work. But if at each urge to eat you will immediately eat food, it will not have time to digest. In addition to the problems already mentioned, this will lead to obesity.

Everybody gets sick from time to time. And then there is a need to take special medicines - antibiotics. However, these drugs can affect the body negatively if used incorrectly. In particular, doctors categorically prohibit the combination of drugs and alcoholic beverages. But some people do not attach any importance to this and violate the ban. After all, they do not know why you can not drink, when you take antibiotics and how long you can not drink alcohol after antibiotics. But non-compliance with the recommendations of experts can result in serious health problems.

Why not drink alcohol when taking antibiotics?

Alcohol is not the most useful product at all. And it is quite possible to do without it in everyday life. And even more so when you are sick. Indeed, one of the main directions of therapy in this period will be strengthening. And alcohol, on the contrary, can reduce the effectiveness of the body's natural defense. And that means that bacteria and viruses, which must destroy antibiotics, will multiply faster, and new individuals will already develop resistance to the drug, which for this reason ceases to help. But this is only one of the reasons why you should not drink alcohol while taking antibiotics. There are others. For example, when they are consumed at the same time, a person will feel much worse. In addition to the symptoms of the disease itself, it appears shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat, tinnitus and dizziness. The load on the liver doubles, as it is negatively affected by both drugs and alcohol, and the digestive system and kidneys are also affected. That may further lead to serious problems. In addition, it is possible the occurrence of an allergic reaction when combining alcohol and antibiotics. And its symptoms will have to be tolerated until the decay products of ethyl alcohol are removed from the body.

How much can not drink alcohol after taking antibiotics?

Many people are also interested in the question of how many days after antibiotics one cannot drink alcohol. It should be borne in mind that the drugs will have an effect on the body for at least another day, and some remain in the blood for up to one week. Therefore, you can drink alcohol, after waiting at least seven days, and even better to extend this period to two weeks, in order to completely eliminate the appearance of negative side effects.

There are many articles and videos about the dangers of alcohol for young people. And many people think that they are not all true. After all, few people die from the intake of intoxicating drinks. But it's not that simple. Therefore, it is worth considering why alcohol should not be consumed and what will happen if this prohibition is violated. Of course, no one talks about imminent death or serious illnesses. But there is little pleasant here.

The harmful effects of alcohol

The principle of action of any alcoholic beverages is that alcohol makes the whole body work much faster than usual.

All your cells expand to the maximum. In the end, you feel a surge of so-called energy. In addition, alcohols inhibit the nervous system. It makes a person feel some kind of moral relief. In particular, a drunk person feels:

  1. Hyperactivity;
  2. Joy;
  3. Lack of responsibility;
  4. Overall health;
  5. A sense of satisfaction with life.

But after that, the body cells begin to shrink to the limit. They lack moisture. And many of them die. This is especially true of the cells of those organs that remove alcohol from the body.

Why specifically can not drink alcohol?

Specifically, strong drinks have side effects such as:

  • Liver destruction. It removes alcohol from the blood. And she gets the most;
  • Problems with heart. The heart is not receiving proper nutrition. Hence the pressure and everything else;
  • Death of brain cells. With regular use of alcohol, the mental activity of a person decreases significantly;
  • Mental illness. Every alcoholic has a whole will of mental illness, from panic attacks to persecution mania;
  • The risk of lung disease. Because of the alcohol, the lungs dry out, making them weak and vulnerable.

All this may not make itself felt for years. As a result, after 30 years, a person becomes a regular customer of hospitals. Although, still in 16-20 years, he sincerely thought that it was not at all that he was affected by alcohol.

Personality destruction

If you do not understand why you can not drink alcohol, then look at your friends who use it. These people, as a rule, can show their emotions only under the "degree".

In ordinary times, they are sad, depressed and even embittered. At the same time only talk about alcohol and about its drinking can bring them back to life.

This is the most terrible problem of drinking. A person cannot rejoice, love, and generally pay attention to something when he is sober.

This is due to the fact that the nervous system, exhausted by abuse, simply disconnects the thought center in order to relax a little. And it completely discourages the human form from an alcoholic.

However, he himself does not understand what is happening to him. But he instinctively reaches for a glass to regain his life. This is the complete destruction of the individual.

Alcohol addiction

Alcohol addiction is far from a myth, but few believe in it. Therefore, most young people think that they will just stop in time.

But it is not. First you drink at every holiday. Then you start drinking already every week. After that, you want to drink and between weekends. And when you understand that it's all over, then it makes no sense to run. You are an alcoholic.

And every drunk in our country was once a cute guy who sincerely believed that this rubbish would not touch him. This is precisely the danger of the onset of dependence. It does not come quickly, as from drugs.

Of course, if you drink at birthdays, then this is not bad. But do not put alcohol in the first place. Otherwise, he will gradually push everything out of your life. And you will experience all the social advertisements from the Ministry of Health.