Soft toffee at home. For those who avoid sugar

14.05.2019 Seafood

The stores now have a huge selection of sweets, but many are nostalgic for sweets that were sold in Soviet times. Yes, and an impressive list of E-supplements is alarming, so some mothers try to make sweets at home to indulge babies with healthy sweets, rather than products from chemical laboratories. The favorite dessert of the Soviet era - toffee sweets - got a different taste, and sometimes you really want to treat children with real toffee according to the classic recipe. In fact, toffee is not as difficult to cook as it seems, and sweet-tooth households will appreciate the results of your culinary experiments. So, let's try to make homemade toffee sweets according to different recipes - it's so delicious!
  The subtleties of making toffee sweets

All recipes for making iris come down to one thing - milk, cream or sour cream are boiled with sugar, and then mixed with butter and vanilla. Sometimes butter is added to milk before heat treatment, sometimes after - depending on the recipe. Then the mass is laid out in a mold, cools and effectively cut. In general, iris is a milk fudge, which, depending on the amount of ingredients, time and temperature of preparation, acquires a different texture and taste.

Iris can be soft, viscous, hard or semi-solid. Sometimes flour, chopped nuts and sesame are added to it to make the mass thicker. Chocolate and vanilla sweets, glazed or fruit toffee, sweets with caramel filling are very tasty. For a change, you can flavor this dessert with any spices and additives.

In the process of preparing milk fudge, you need to constantly stir the mass, otherwise it will stick to the walls of the dishes and burn. For this reason, it should be boiled on a minimum fire, and readiness to check by dropping the mass into a glass of cold water. If the drop turned into a ball - the toffee is ready. It is better to pour the mass onto a surface of glass, metal or ceramics, since it hardly lags behind wood.

  The easiest butterscotch recipe at home

Homemade toffee, sweet, soft, with a pleasant creamy taste, are not inferior to store sweets.

To cook them, you will need only three products - sour cream, sugar and vegetable oil. Mix in a stewpan 20 tbsp. l granulated sugar, 10 tbsp. l sour cream of 20% fat and 5 drops of vegetable oil. We heat the mass over medium heat, stirring constantly, until it takes on the color of boiled condensed milk. Grease a baking sheet, a silicone mold or a cutting board, pour a liquid toffee, give the cake a little harden and cut out small sweets with molds. The taste of the resulting toffee is reminiscent of sweets that were sold in the USSR. Try it - you will like it!
  Home-made toffee "Kies-kis": simple, tasty, beautiful

It turns out that you can make very tasty, sticky and delicate sweets with your own hands, and it will turn out no worse than in a store. In a saucepan with a thick bottom, mix 200 g of sugar, 2 tbsp. l honey, 30 g butter, a pinch of vanillin and pour all 200 ml of baked milk. Cook over low heat, stirring constantly, for half an hour, until the toffee is light brown like caramel. We lubricate the ice molds with odorless vegetable oil, put the candy mass in them and put in the freezer for 30 minutes. Toffee "Kies-kis" look very impressive and beautiful, they can serve a table for tea drinking by sticking skewers or toothpicks into sweets.

   Creamy iris: a delicate gourmet dessert

Creamy toffee sweets at home are prepared not only from cream, but also from milk to reduce the calorie content of the finished dish. Although creamy toffee, of course, tastier.

To make sweets, dissolve 500 g of sugar in 250 ml of cream or milk and put the saucepan on medium heat. As usual, the mass will have to be stirred during the cooking process, and soon it will begin to thicken and darken. As soon as milk caramel becomes the color of coffee with milk, it can be considered ready. Remove the iris from the heat, grind with 100 g of butter and aromatize with a few drops of vanilla extract. We spread the iris on a greased surface, level it and let it harden, then we cut it nicely and serve it to the table.
  Condensed milk iris: tenderness and sweetness

These delicate sweets melt in your mouth and leave no choice for the sweet tooth - they want to eat endlessly!

Melt 100 g of butter over low heat, then passé it in 40 g of wheat flour to a beige color. Pour 300 g of condensed milk into the pan and cook, stirring, for 10 minutes. Next, add 200 ml of warm milk to the pan, mix thoroughly and cook until the mass thickens and becomes golden. We spread the fudge on a flat surface, let it cool and cut out beautiful sweets with molds. You can simply cut the layer with a knife or break it with your hands.
  English toffee for tea

It turns out that the British also love iris, only cook it in their own way. How to make toffee sweets in the English style? To do this, we need butter, sugar, corn syrup and almonds. Corn syrup is sold in specialized stores for pastry chefs. It is added to baking so that it does not get stale, and a fudge is prepared with it so that it does not become sugared.

Mix 250 g of sugar with 1 tsp. corn syrup, 230 g butter and salt on the tip of a knife. Cook for 5 minutes over low heat, add 90 g of ground roasted almonds and continue to keep the mass on the fire until it is full and tender brown. Pour the fondant into an oiled form, let it harden and cut into pieces. The British serve this dessert to the traditional “fife-o-cloc” along with biscuits and jam.
  Chocolate Toffee

This original dessert will appeal to all chocolate lovers - with morning coffee it cheers up and makes life sweeter.

Melt 125 g of dark chocolate in a water bath, separately mix 150 g of cream with 35% fat, 3 tbsp. l honey, 1 tbsp. l sugar and add chocolate to the mass. Cook the iris over very low heat, without stopping stirring, for about 12 minutes. Pour the fondant onto the baking paper, let it cool, put it in the refrigerator, and then break it into pieces. Chilled sweets can easily be separated from paper, they are soft, viscous and tender in consistency. By the way, as molds for iris, you can use a box of ordinary chocolates with indentations.
  Lemon Toffee: Culinary Creative

This unusual dessert will appeal even to those who do not like citrus fruits. The fact is that in such toffee there is absolutely no sourness, but the aroma of fresh lemon is present. These sweets can be called dietary because of the lack of dairy products and butter, so for those who are on a diet, they can be a real salvation.

Dissolve 400 g of sugar in 120 ml of water and bring the water to a boil, not forgetting to stir, so that the syrup does not burn. Separately, we dilute 100 g of gelatin in water in accordance with the instructions on the package. When the gelatin dissolves, mix it with sugar syrup and cook for 10 minutes. Add 2 tbsp. l lemon juice. Pour the syrup into the mold; when it hardens, carefully cut it into small squares and taste it. Of course, these chewing sweets cannot be called classic toffees, but they are very tasty and piquant.

Have a nice tea party!

Homemade toffee is a delicacy popular since Soviet times, which you can cook on your own in your own kitchen. The basic recipe for such sweets is quite simple and contains only three ingredients: sugar, sour cream and butter. There are several more options for this dessert. But all of them are similar in one thing - the content of only natural components and the absence of harmful additives, which can not be said about store products. The calorie content of the product is about 380-400 kcal per 100 g. This is a pretty impressive figure, but if you eat a few sweets, it will not affect the health and shape. Let's look at a few recipes step by step, how to make toffee at home.

Toffee on sour cream

This is the easiest cooking option with a minimal set of ingredients. Cooking time in three servings - 40 minutes.


  • Sugar and sour cream - 220 g each;
  • Butter - 30 g.

Cooking toffee at home:

  1. If you need to make more of this sweet treat, increase the number of ingredients that this toffee butcher recipe includes, double or triple;
  2. In a separate container made of stainless steel (but not enameled) we combine sugar and sour cream. We put on a medium flame, bring to a boil, do not forget to stir all the time;
  3. First, the mass will be covered with small bubbles. Stir and do not move away from the stove;
  4. After some time, the mixture will look like condensed milk. Stir and work out the bottom especially well;
  5. Soon the mass will change color and will be creamy and thick, so soon you will get pulling sweets. If you want a darker color of sweets, then increase the cooking time and the intensity of mixing;
  6. When you are completely satisfied with the color, remove the dish from the heat and add oil. Mix it thoroughly in the composition;
  7. The result was a thick butterscotch mass. Quickly pour it into molds, or pour it on a flat surface, pre-lubricated with butter;
  8. You can use any molds, for example, glass for baking or silicone for sweets. It is advisable to make cuts immediately with a wet knife on the surface, then it will be easier to split our toffee from sour cream into pieces. You need to give the yummy some time to harden;
  9. Next, free the delicacy from the form and cut into portions. It turns out about 260 grams of sweets.

Toffee in milk

The recipe for toffee in milk will delight the kids. And if you involve your child in the cooking process itself, for example, letting it fill in molds with a viscous mass, the child will be immensely happy.

Grocery list:

  • Butter - 30-40 g;
  • Sugar and milk - 200 g each;
  • Vanilla sugar - two teaspoons;
  • Honey (preferably natural) - a large spoon;
  • Vegetable oil.

Preparation Scheme:

  1. Take a container with a thick bottom, pour milk there and put on a flame. Add plain sugar and vanilla. The latter can be replaced with two drops of vanilla essence;
  2. Add honey to milk, mix well. When boiling milk-honey mixture, the fire must be reduced;
  3. Next, add the butter in the boiling composition and mix;
  4. All cook on a small flame and be sure to mix. Do not leave the product unattended; it may “run away”;
  5. The mixture should thicken and acquire a caramel shade. It will take about half an hour, and the sweets will be ready;
  6. Grease a mold for ice or sweets with vegetable oil. Fill the cells with a sweet composition and put in the refrigerator until completely solidified. If there is no suitable shape, then the candy mass is distributed on oiled parchment paper so that a rectangle about two centimeters thick is obtained. After cooling, cut a treat with a knife to make small toffee;
  7. We are waiting for complete hardening and after that we take out the sweetness from the mold;
  8. It is advisable to keep the dessert in the refrigerator in a closed container, because at room temperature the candies can melt and soften.

Creamy iris

Currently, the selection of sweet treats in the store is huge, but many people, especially the older generation, are nostalgic for the sweets sold in the Soviet Union. Creamy toffee can be made by ourselves and the result will be excellent.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Dissolve 500 g of sugar in 250 g of cream and place the dishes on a medium flame;
  2. Be sure to stir the mixture and after a while it will darken and thicken. When the caramel mass becomes the color of coffee with milk, then it is ready. Remove it from the heat, mash butter with 100 grams and flavor with 2-3 drops of vanilla extract;
  3. Put the culinary dish on the finished surface (oiled), smooth and let it congeal, then cut it nicely and serve.

Toffee with condensed milk

This is a very tasty and especially sweet version of your favorite treat.

Grocery list:

  • Condensed milk - 300 g;
  • Milk - 200 g;
  • Wheat flour - 40 g;
  • Butter - 100 g.

Recipe homemade toffee with a photo:

  1. Melt the butter in a small flame;
  2. Add flour and fry until golden, do not forget to stir;
  3. Pour the condensed milk and keep on the flame for 10 minutes, stirring all the time;
  4. Milk at room temperature is added to the condensed milk;
  5. Cook the composition until thickened and golden brown;
  6. We spread the hot mixture in a plastic container or on a board slightly moistened with water. The layer is carefully leveled and cut into pieces;
  7. We leave to cool our culinary miracle, then break it and enjoy a delicious taste.

Toffee on melted milk

This base will give the sweets a soft and delicate taste. Honey will give the amber the color of the dessert, and vanilla will create a sophisticated flavor.


  • Sugar - 200 g;
  • Honey - two large spoons;
  • Baked milk - 200 ml;
  • Vanilla;
  • Butter - 30 g.

How to make toffee

  1. Take a stewpan and put all the components into it according to the list, mix well. You can use a mixer;
  2. On the stove in a moderate flame for about half an hour, cook the mixture and stir all the time;
  3. You can use simple molds for ice, a treat in them will look beautiful. Each cell should be well coated with refined oil;
  4. Gently spread the finished sweet mass into cells;
  5. Cool and place for half an hour in the freezer.

Homemade iris is ready. You can treat them to all your loved ones who are happy to appreciate your culinary experiments.

Butterscotch and cookie sausage

Iris can be included in some dishes. Sweet sausage is one of them. Children will enjoy this delicious dish with pleasure. It is also suitable for people who are allergic to nuts.


  • Butter - 150 g;
  • Unsweetened cookies - 200 g;
  • Candies "Cow" or "Iris" - 150 g.

The cooking instruction is as follows:

  1. Twist the cookies through a meat grinder. Melt butter in a water bath, and iris in a microwave;
  2. Combine all components together and mix well;
  3. Form sausages and roll them into a film;
  4. Be sure to refrigerate for at least two hours in the freezer.

This delicious butterscotch sausage is considered ideal for serving coffee or tea.

Video: Homemade Creamy Toffee Recipe

We all remember the taste of the childhood’s favorite delicacy, butterscotch. But only a few know that you can cook it at home, making them even more tender than store ones. Now we will give you simple recipes for making them.

Common Butterscotch Recipe

We need:
  One hundred grams of butter, 1 cup sugar, two teaspoons of water, a pinch of salt and 100 grams of almonds.

  First, mix the butter, sugar, salt and water. Cook on low heat for about 5 minutes, constantly bother. Add chopped nuts and cook for another 5 minutes. The mass should come out gently golden. We pour it into molds (even suitable for sweets) and put in the refrigerator. If you do not have tins, pour the mass on a baking sheet, and when it hardens, break it into pieces.

Toffee nuts with chocolate

  Four hundred milligrams of sugar, sixty milligrams of water, one hundred grams of molasses, 125 butter, two hundred grams of walnuts, one hundred twenty grams of chocolate, one teaspoon of vegetable oil.

  Take a baking dish and grease the sides with oil, then set it aside. Take a pan with a thick bottom, pour water into it, put sugar and molasses in it. Bring to a boil, stirring, and add oil. Cook for another twenty minutes, not forgetting to interfere. When the mixture begins to crack and thicken, remove the pan from the stove and add crushed nuts and half melted chocolate into it, mix thoroughly and pour into a baking dish. Pour the remaining chocolate on top and let cool.

Cut the resulting plate with a knife and store in a package with a tight-fitting lid. To prevent sweets from sticking together due to sweetness, re-coat the layers with baking paper.

Chewing toffee with lemon

  Four hundred grams of sugar, one hundred twenty grams of water, one hundred grams of gelatin, thirty grams of lemon juice, orange peel and icing sugar.

  Pour water into the pan, add sugar and boil, stirring. We dilute gelatin in a bowl and add it to the pan, cook for ten minutes, then add the juice and zest, mix and pour into the mold. It takes three hours to wait for the thickening, after which we cut the candy mass into squares with a greased butter with a knife. Roll the candies in powder and the dainty is ready. Bon Appetit!

Step 1: prepare the ingredients.

About in 20 - 30 minutes before cooking, put the butter on the kitchen table, remove the packaging from it and cut it into layers or cubes up to 2 centimeters thick. Sour cream (cream) is transferred to a small saucepan and put on the kitchen table the remaining products that will be needed for making sweets.

Step 2: make candy.

When the oil softens, you can start cooking toffee. We take a small non-stick stewpan or aluminum cauldron. We put in it the right amount of sugar and honey.

Thoroughly mix them with a wooden kitchen spatula to a homogeneous consistency, put on medium heat and allow to boil.

After boiling, reduce the temperature of the fire to a level between the smallest and the average. Cook the resulting mixture, stirring vigorously, for 10 minutesuntil it acquires a dense amber color. During this time, the sugar grains will completely dissolve, and a pleasant honey aroma will spread throughout the kitchen.

In 10 minutes  we start adding pieces of butter to the cauldron, mixing it with a spatula with the honey-sugar mixture. At the same time, we heat sour cream (cream) on the next burner, this product should be hot, if you add it in cold form, the boiling candy mixture will begin to splatter, which is fraught with a burn!

As soon as the sour cream (cream) is warmed up to the desired temperature, pour it into a cauldron with a still liquid candy mass and continue to cook for 15 - 20 minutesstirring.

We check the viscosity of the iris mixture in the usual way, with the help of a tablespoon, drop a few drops on a plate, give them the opportunity to cool down, after that we try and decide if the consistency of the finished sweets suits them. If so, remove the cauldron from the stove and slightly cool its contents.

Step 3: bring the dish to full readiness.

In the meantime, we choose the dishes in which we will form the sweets, in my case this is the usual rectangular baking dish. We cover it with plastic wrap and lubricate it with a thin layer of refined vegetable oil.

After the candy mixture cools down a little, pour it into the prepared form, level it with a metal kitchen spatula and leave at room temperature until completely cooled.

After some time, the plastic, non-frozen iris is divided into portions, having drawn them with a knife in the form of triangles, squares, rectangles or cubes.

Wrap each soft candy in parchment paper or foil and put them in the refrigerator 1 - 1.5 hours  until completely solidified.

Step 4: serve toffee at home.

Toffee at home is served chilled. They are laid out in dessert vases and served on the table with other equally delicious sweets. Such homemade sweets are much more useful and tastier than store sweets; they can be taken on a long trip, on a picnic, for a walk or given to children at school. Enjoy it!
Bon Appetit!

Instead of polyethylene food wrap, parchment or baking paper can be used, but before that it should be soaked in butter or vegetable oil;

If desired, during cooking, vanilla sugar and cinnamon can be added to the iris mixture, and chopped nuts and dried fruits can be added to the finished cooling mixture;

For the formation of toffee, you can use any molds, for example, for ice or candy boxes;

Very often, instead of sugar, powdered sugar is used, for the above mass of products - 250 grams.

Sweets are loved by both adults and children. Unfortunately, but it is impossible to find out the real composition of the store sweets. That is why many people prefer to cook goodies on their own. Toffee are the favorite sweets of a huge number of people from early childhood. Their recipe has been unraveled and today everyone can cook them at home.

How to make toffee at home?

To begin, consider the simplest recipe that even a novice cook can handle.

To prepare delicious sweets, you need to take the following ingredients:0.5 kg of sugar, 100 g of butter and 250 ml of milk, which can be replaced with cream.

For convenience, we suggest splitting the cooking process into parts:

  • To begin, mix milk with sugar well and put it on a small fire and heat, without stopping stirring;
  • When the liquid turns coffee-colored, you can try whether the mixture is ready for further cooking. To do this, take a small amount of the milk mixture and pour it into cold water. If it became thick, then everything is ready and you can turn off the fire;
  • Add oil to the resulting mass and rub everything thoroughly. If desired, vanillin can be added;
  • Take a flat dish and moisten it with cold water. Pour in the prepared mixture there and carefully level it while it is still hot;
  • After everything cools down a bit, you need to cut everything into small squares or make any other figures.

Cooking toffee has its own characteristics. Firstly, when the mass becomes too thick, it needs to be thoroughly kneaded. If this is not done, the mixture will burn, and the taste of sweets will be bad. Secondly, if you put the mass on the board, then do not use wooden, as it will be difficult to remove the candies.

How to make toffee with honey?

This option is considered dietary because sugar is not used. Cooking sweets is very easy.

For this recipe, you should take such ingredients.: 210 ml of milk, 60 g of honey, 40 g of butter and 200 g of powdered sugar.

To begin with, melt the oil in any container over low heat. Add the powder to it in portions and rub it so that there are no lumps. Pour warm milk and honey into the pan. If you are already using solid honey, you should first melt it.

Without stopping stirring, cook the mass for half an hour until it acquires a brown color. It is important that the mixture does not adhere to the walls or to the bottom. Take a flat plate or molds and moisten everything with cold water.

Pour the prepared sweet mass into it, and when it cools down, either chop or remove from the molds.

How to make toffee from condensed milk?

Thanks to the use of condensed milk, sweets are very tasty and no less sweet.

For this option, you need to take such ingredients: 300 g of condensed milk, 110 g of butter, 220 ml of milk and 40 g of flour.

  • In the first step, melt the butter over low heat. Then put the flour there and fry, not stopping stirring until it acquires a golden hue;
  • After this, pour condensed milk into the stew-pan and stir for 10 minutes;
  • Heat the milk separately to room temperature and transfer it to other ingredients;
  • Do not stop stirring, cook until the mass begins to thicken and becomes a golden color;
  • Take a flat container, moisten it with cold water and lay out the prepared mass. Be sure to smooth it, and when it cools down, cut it with a knife.

How to make toffee at home from sour cream?

This option is one of the most popular, and the taste of sweets is obtained, like a candy store.

For cooking, you need to take such ingredients: 300 g of sugar and sour cream, and another 100 g of honey and butter. The quality of sour cream is of great importance, since it will not work to prepare sweets from a stale product.

To begin, combine honey and sugar, put them on medium heat and, stirring constantly, bring to a boil. When the mass acquires a pleasant amber color, the gas can be turned off. Separately, heat the sour cream to 80 degrees, and then add it to honey.

Then add pre-softened oil and mix thoroughly. Put everything on minimum heat, and constantly stirring, boil a little. To check if the mass is ready, take a little sweet mass and put it on a plate, if after a while it becomes hard, then try. If necessary, correct the sweetness of sweets. If all is well, then turn off the gas.

Take a baking sheet, cover it with parchment paper and oil it. After this, lay out the prepared mass and leave for 15 minutes. at room temperature. Then cut the sweets and you can already eat!

How to make chocolate toffee at home?

For chocolate lovers, this option is suitable. There are few who can distinguish ready candies from store options.

For this recipe you need to take such ingredients.: 400 g of sugar, 130 g of butter, 125 g of chocolate, 65 ml of water, 100 g of molasses, 200 g of walnuts or other nuts, and another 1 tsp of vegetable oil.

It is worth starting with the preparation of the form, which should be greased with vegetable oil, not only the bottom, but also the sides. Take a saucepan and pour water, pour sugar and molasses. Bring everything to a boil, stirring constantly, and then put the butter in there.

Stir everything and cook for about 20 minutes. When the mass begins to thicken or crack, then it is worth removing the workpiece for candy from the fire. Grind the nuts separately and melt the chocolate. Put nuts and half the prepared chocolate in the mass.

Mix everything well and put in a mold. Pour the chocolate on top and cool. After 15 minutes chop everything. Keep candy in a container with a tight-fitting lid.

Useful advice - so that toffee do not stick together, they should be laid out in layers, laying with parchment paper.

How to make lemon toffee at home?

The sweets prepared according to this recipe turn out to be slightly sour and refreshing. Both adults and children will like them.

To make sweets you need to take such products: 400 g of granulated sugar, 120 ml of water, 100 g of gelatin, 30 g of lemon juice, orange zest and icing sugar.

Take a saucepan and pour water, pour sugar and, while stirring constantly, boil. Separate the gelatin in a bowl separately, and when it is completely dissolved, add it to the syrup. Continue cooking for 10 minutes.

Add lemon juice and a little zest. Mix everything thoroughly and pour into a mold that should be greased with vegetable oil. Leave it for 3 hours until the mass has cooled completely.

Cut the sweets with a knife, oiled. Roll each toffee in powder for decoration.

How to make toffee from cream?

This recipe allows you to create soft sweets that are perfectly stored, although this is unrealistic, because homemade sweets disappear literally before our eyes.