How to open a vegetarian cafe. A business plan for a vegetarian cafe or how to open a vegan cafe

You opened your own restaurant or cafe, people found out about it, began to come to you, the first profit appeared, now you have already justified all the investment costs. It would seem that everything is fine, if not for a small but.

You noticed that the income, and, accordingly, the profit from your business, stopped at some point and stopped growing. If this does not suit you and you, as the owner of the restaurant business, wish to develop, increase the status of your cafe or restaurant, increase income, increase profit, then this article is for you.
  Let’s take a look at a few key indicators of any business today, the increase of which will help to increase profits with minimal time and money.
  As you know, the increase in profits directly depends on the margin, on the number of customers, the average check that your client leaves, and the number of newly returned visitors.
  Usually, when sales stop, many try to resume them by increasing traffic (the number of new customers). But attracting new customers is the most costly way. Statistics say (and you probably see this in your business too): attracting a new client is seven times more expensive than working with existing ones. Therefore, we’ll talk about attracting traffic in one of the following articles, and today we will pay attention to margin, average check and increase the loyalty of your visitors, that is, repeat sales.


Margin is a percentage of your profit from the cost of production. As for the pluses, this is the most low-cost way, so it's worth starting with it. The downside is that the margin cannot be increased indefinitely.
  1. The easiest way to increase this indicator is to raise the price. If you increase the prices in the menu by 2–5%, then most likely your visitors will not even notice this. For example, on your menu, a salad cost 320 rubles. You raised the price by 3% (which amounted to about 10 rubles, and this is not significant for the client). With a margin of 30%, your profit will increase by 10%.
2. Another way (well suited for cafes and restaurants) is to reduce the portions of served dishes. As a rule, customers also do not notice this, but you will thereby reduce the cost of producing a particular dish, and the margin will accordingly increase, and your profit will increase.

Increase in average bill

Roughly speaking, the average bill is how much your client leaves at your cash desk, that is, the total sales divided by the number of visitors. In increasing the average bill, a large role is played by the work of staff, the arrangement of dishes on the menu, promotions and bonuses.
  3. What does it mean to correctly place dishes on the menu? Firstly, divide them into categories so that it is clear where the salads are, where is the hotter, where are the meat dishes, and where are the fish or vegetarian. Secondly, visualize. Visual design enhances the appetite, and your client will want to order more. Third, focus on high-margin dishes.
  Be sure to focus on the news in the menu. People like to try something new. It will be great if you regularly have new dishes. This will stimulate the interest of your customers, which will make them come to you more often.
  4. Resale. You can sell it directly on the menu, recommending adding a particular dish or snack to the already selected one.
  5. Teach your waiters to sell. If your client did not order dessert, then the waiter must definitely focus on this. If rolls or sushi were chosen, then recommend trying your signature sauce instead of the classic one that is on each table.
  6. You can increase the average bill by offering more expensive dishes or drinks. For example, a client ordered the classic Caesar with Chicken - suggest him try the Caesar with Shrimps, which has a more delicate, refined taste.
  7. Another way to increase the average bill is to offer an appetizer while the client is waiting for his meals to be served. For example, you can offer a live oyster with a glass of dry wine. This will excite the customer’s appetite and push him to new orders.
8. If we talk about how to increase the check with the help of shares, then you can offer the client a gift when you purchase for a certain amount. A gift does not have to be expensive; the main thing is that he possesses high value in the eyes of the client. For example, in a beer bar when ordering from 5,000 rubles - a beer mug as a gift. If you order a batch of these mugs in China, they will cost you a mere penny, and for visitors it is a good motivation to buy something up to the required amount and receive a gift.
  9. If your institution (it doesn’t matter if it’s a bar or a restaurant) has its own concept, its own brand (and there must be one for development), then you can sell your branded things: if it’s a beer bar, you can offer mugs or T-shirts with your logo if you have a fish restaurant, there may be oyster knives or branded plates on sale.

Repeat sales

Another way is to return customers to you again and again over a certain period of time. Of course, first of all, this indicator is affected by service, maintenance, cleanliness, and how the dishes are prepared. There are a few more chips that will return people to you.
  10. Promotions that make customers come back to you, for example: “Buy 9 cups of coffee and get the tenth as a gift” or “Order 9 set meals and get 1 as a gift.” This action will work even better if you limit it in time - a week, a month, two.
  Well, I just can’t keep within the format of our article “Top 10” and not give you a couple more chips.
  11. Attract visitors through children. The more interesting the child is in your institution, the calmer their parents can relax, which means they will bring you more profit. It can be small gifts for children at the entrance, and the presence of a nanny, and various drawing contests, and interestingly decorated dishes from the children's menu.
  When we were on holiday in Thailand with our daughter, we had breakfast not in the cafe of our hotel, but in the cafe that the daughter chose. She literally dragged us there every morning, because every day she was presented with gifts in the form of several small toys, of which she made a whole collection during the rest.
  12. You can increase customer loyalty through complements from the institution. While your client is reading the menu, bring him a cup of green tea.
  When you bring a gift to a person, firstly, it will be uncomfortable for him to get up and leave, and secondly, he is more likely to leave you with more money. In addition, the next time he plans where to go, he will first remember you.
Your signature jam, which you serve with tea, or freshly baked bread, or signature seafood sauce, can also serve as a complement.
  Here are just a few simple ways that can help develop your restaurant business, although the list goes on and on.
  Of course, each institution has its own concept, its status, its own pricing policy, and its customers. What can work well in a grill bar will not work in a fish restaurant, and vice versa.
  You need to understand your client, his desires, his needs, his financial capabilities, then it will be much easier for you to come up with chips for your institution that will attract the target audience, bring customers to you, increase their loyalty.
  Think about how you differ from your competitors, what zest you have, how you can stand out among the mass of cafes, restaurants and bars that look like you ... Answering these questions, write down a few things that you can implement today. But do not immediately implement all the ways to increase profitability that you considered suitable for yourself. Change everything gradually, so you will see that it worked well for you, and that it didn’t.
  Delight regular customers with small but tasty chips, and they will definitely tell more than a dozen people about your establishment. And you will get new customers for free.

Vasily Bogdanov, Yana Yakupova,
business consultants

  The demand for vegetarian food is growing among the adherents of a healthy lifestyle, which are more and more in large cities.
Step 1. Room
The choice of premises is as important for a vegetarian restaurant as it is for any other. With the difference that you need to take into account that the revenues of a vegetarian restaurant, especially at first, may not cover high rents, so it makes sense to put not on a favorable location, but on a combination of price / quality. It is advisable that the vegetarian cafe is in a place with good ecology.
“We believe that it is most profitable to build your premises, if you count on the long term, it is more profitable than renting, and you can design the building to your liking.”
The construction of the building can cost about 500 thousand dollars. Rent 2-3 thousand dollars
Step 2. Equipment and interior
As a rule, in vegetarian restaurants, the interior uses natural materials that are as close to nature as possible: wood, stone, textiles. Natural fur, bone and other accessories of animal origin are not used. In a vegetarian restaurant, as a rule, they do not smoke or drink, therefore, ashtrays and utensils for alcohol are not supposed.
The equipment of the kitchen and warehouse is not much different from any other food service. The only thing worth considering is the large number of fresh vegetables on the menu, so it is worth stocking up with a large number of refrigerators for storing vegetables and vacuum packaging.

Step 3. Products
The selection of products must be approached especially carefully, since it is the assortment of products and dishes that makes the cafe visited. You should try to include in the menu all kinds of vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts, mushrooms that you can get in the city. Engaging in direct deliveries from the countries of growth on their own is unprofitable, since small batches are needed so that the products always remain fresh. It is better to establish a wide network of suppliers in a variety of positions. The hope to save on meat and eggs is unfounded, since some rare types of vegetables are not inferior in price to meat delicacies, but even surpass them.
Step 4. Staff
To open a cafe, cooks, waiters, janitors and a director are needed. And if there are no special requirements for the last three, then there are problems with cooks in vegetarian cuisine. “There are no specialists at all. Vegetarian chefs are absent in the city as a class, ”says Tatyana Kurbatova, director of the Troitsky Bridge café chain,“ in our cafes we “grow” chefs ourselves, administrators and owners themselves are at the stove with the chefs. Moreover, most of those who cook with us are not professionals. It’s difficult for professional chefs to even think about cooking without meat, we had experience attracting a famous chef, but it ended unsuccessfully. ”
Step 5. Promotion
The most promising way to promote a vegetarian institution is to distribute advertising flyers. It should be understood that a vegetarian cafe should not only rely on convinced vegetarians. It is worth stepping up an advertising campaign during posts when there are more customers in vegetarian cafes, placing ads in relevant publications and on sites related to vegetarianism or a healthy lifestyle.
To summarize
Investments in the opening of a vegetarian cafe (without renting a room) are about $ 100 thousand.
Payback periods 3-4 years.

Restaurants belong to the category of premium catering establishments. The business of opening a restaurant is profitable (~ 25-50%), but at the same time investment-intensive. In Russia, there are 40 restaurants (and mid-level cafes) per 1000 people, about 150 in European countries. For example, in Paris there are more than 22,000 restaurants, while in Moscow ~ 4,000. The growth rate of the domestic restaurant market is ~ 15% annually, The Moscow market is developing especially dynamically. In the article, we consider the business plan of a restaurant from scratch, how to open and not burn out.

Advantages and disadvantages of opening a restaurant

Benefits disadvantages
High margin and profitability of the business up to 50% Big competition in big cities
Exclusivity allows you to focus on a narrow target audience, which makes restaurant # 1 in its niche The high cost of rental costs, the dependence on the human factor (chefs)
High purchasing power of the population in large cities: Moscow, St. Petersburg The complexity of business processes and the availability of expertise in restaurant management

The domestic restaurant segment has prospects for active growth, this is due to the presence of high purchasing power among the population and the need for middle and premium class restaurants. The Moscow market is developing as dynamically as possible, where a new establishment opens weekly. The annual growth rate is ~ 15%.

According to Rosinter Restaurants Holding

Types of restaurants: classification

Type of Restaurant Specificity
City restaurants Location within the city, provide a wide range of dishes for a wide target audience
Self Service Restaurants Restaurants for quick service of visitors ("MU-MU", "Rake", "Christmas tree-sticks", etc.), the waiter is not provided for this type
Station restaurants 24-hour restaurants located in the junction points: airports, train stations, ports for 24 hours service
Vegetarian Restaurants Orientation to vegetarian tastes of visitors (without meat and fish dishes)
  Fast Food Restaurants In this institution, cooking is done on a conveyor belt and does not take much time
Outing Restaurants Serving retreats, banquets, meetings, etc.
Ethnic restaurants Orientation to the presentation of cultural and traditional dishes: Indian, Italian, European, Japanese (see → ""), Russian, Asian, Vietnamese, Georgian, Armenian, Cuban, etc. the kitchen.
Restaurants at hotels Targeting current visitors to hotels (hostels)

Stages of opening a restaurant business

Consider the main stages of opening a restaurant:

  1. Business registration: choice of ownership, choice of tax system, registration of an organization, search for a place;
  2. Creation of a restaurant business model: marketing analysis, pricing policy development, establishment of an institution concept, development of a work plan;
  3. Design: creation of a technological project, assessment of inventory and equipment, development of engineering communications, institution design, creation of signboards and internal advertising;
  4. Room equipment: furniture, bar counters, creating uniforms for staff, video surveillance cameras;
  5. The final stage: the creation of a personnel training system, the creation of a menu, the installation of equipment and engineering systems, notification of Rospotrebnadzor about the opening.

First, you should choose the orientation of the restaurant and determine its pricing policy. It can have gourmet cuisine and a unique style - in this case, the cost of dishes will be high. If you open a cafe or fast food, then there is a completely different specificity and, accordingly, low prices for goods (see "").

Pricing should be given attention. Initially, you can set moderate prices for all dishes or take a price tag from similar restaurants. After you can adapt and change the price depending on the volume of sales and purchases of certain dishes. When hiring staff, pay particular attention to work experience and qualifications. It is necessary that employees have 1-2 years of experience in restaurants. The activities of your institution depend on the qualifications of the employees, so the choice of candidates for positions should be approached from the whole. An additional point may be the development of a motivation system for overfulfilling a sales plan.

In Europe, the payment of waiters consists entirely of gratuities, it will be optimal for Russia to pay stably, but without gratuities.

The number of visitors depends more on the place than on advertising. It is recommended to have a presentation page and register in online catalogs of cafes and restaurants. An important point of business is the system of financial accounting and control. Hire an accountant who knows “1C Accounting” - this will greatly simplify reporting for tax.

Master class: “How to open your own restaurant: recipes from the chef: business plan. Custom Model »

Business Registration and Taxation

To register with the tax inspectorate the business form of restaurants and catering establishments are used: IP or LLC. In the table below, we consider the main advantages, as well as the necessary list of documents for their registration. When registering the type of activity for OKVED, choose: 55.30 - “Activity of restaurants and cafes”; 55.40 - “The activity of bars”; 55.50 - "The activity of canteens at enterprises and institutions and the supply of catering products."

Form of business organization Benefits of using Documents for registration
IP ( individual entrepreneur) Used to create a small restaurant-type fast food restaurant (<50 мест). Количество персонала 3-5 человек
  • receipt of payment of state duty (800 rubles);
  • a certified statement by a notary in the form of No. P21001;
  • a statement on the transition to UTII (otherwise it will be the default OSNO);
  • copy of all pages of the passport.
LTD ( limited liability company) Used to open a large restaurant (\u003e 50 seats), attract additional financing, capital construction
  • application in the form of No. P11001;
  • charter of an LLC;
  • a decision to open an LLC or a protocol in the presence of several founders (partners);
  • receipt of payment of state duty (4000 rubles);
  • copies of the founders' passports certified by a notary;
  • application for transfer to UTII.

According to the law, the authorized capital of an LLC cannot be less than 10,000 rubles!

The best choice of tax system for the restaurant is UTII   (a single tax on imputed income), for the transition to this system there must be a municipal law on the possibility of using UTII (up to 100 people and the cost of fixed assets up to 100 million rubles). The interest rate is - 15%.

The best place to open a restaurant

Any catering company should be located in close proximity to potential customers. In this regard, office centers, major transport interchanges (airports, train stations, metro stations), vacation spots (Gorky Park in Moscow, VDNH, Sokolniki park), etc. are advantageous places. Place is the key to success in this business!

The choice of location is affected by who your target audience is and their level of solvency. In the city center, as a rule, more expensive places are located, since the standard of living in the center is more expensive. The best option is to open a restaurant near offices or business centers. This solution will provide you with a flow of visitors not only in the evening hours, but also during the lunch break.

A successful strategy for opening a fast food restaurant is near a large crowd. These can be territories near schools, universities, stadiums (for example: Luzhniki in Moscow), sports facilities, clinics and a city park.

How much does it cost to open a restaurant?

We will calculate the amount of investment in the restaurant business using the example of an institution in a rented finished building. To do this, you need the following items of expenditure:

  • Registration of a legal entity (in this case LLC) - about 15,000 rubles .;
  • The invitation of the employee of the sanitary and epidemiological station - 3500 rubles .;
  • The acquisition of basic necessities (utensils, cutlery, tablecloths) - about 50,000 rubles .;
  • Registration of a license for the sale of alcoholic beverages - 300,000 rubles.
  • Salary payment to restaurant staff - 350,000 rubles. monthly.
  • Rental of premises 450 000 rubles. monthly.

Initial investment costs for opening the institution are 3,000,000 - 12,000,000 million rubles.

The staff includes an accountant, a bartender, cooks, a chef, waiters, dishwashers and cleaners. The maximum cost is renting the premises, which is located on the first line of houses or in shopping centers. The cost of 1 m2. in Moscow can reach up to 10,000 rubles. per month.

The profitability of the restaurant business

On average, the profitability of the restaurant business is about 20-50%. The industry average margin is ~ 25%. For this segment of the business is not a characteristic feature of the ability to fully predict future profits and returns. In most cases, it depends on the specific decisions made after the opening: level of service, level of service, quality and food, atmosphere. The payback period of the project is more than 2 years, this is due primarily to the large initial costs of opening the institution.

Business Risk Reduction: Restaurant Franchise

One option to reduce the risks associated with large financial investments is to open a franchise. A franchisee (a person who has taken a franchise) receives a number of advantages: training in business processes, assistance in finding and selecting personnel, and brand strength.

Assessment of the attractiveness of a business magazine site

Business profitability

(3.0 out of 5)

Business appeal


Project payback

  (2.0 out of 5)
Ease of creating a business

(1.7 out of 5)
The restaurant business is branded and premium. Payback on initial costs ~ 2-3 years. The key success factor in this business is its location on the first line of houses, next to busy shopping centers, cultural sites, theaters, stadiums. The profitability of the business is 20-50%. Initial capital investments in design, purchase, equipment personnel training, etc. are also great. If there is no experience in opening restaurants, it is recommended that you open a franchise business, which will save time on debugging business processes.

Since today many are interested in a healthy lifestyle, many fans of vegetarianism and raw food have appeared, many businessmen are interested in how to open a vegetarian cafe. Moreover, the niche is still free. Large cities can boast one or two of these institutions. But experts say that in small towns it’s still not worthwhile to open such a cafe - there will be too few visitors.

Market analysis

First of all, the business plan of a vegetarian cafe should include an assessment of the market situation in order to find out whether to start this business. Today in the catering market there are many different formats. Statistics show that every year more and more citizens spend on food outside the home. About 40% of the population spends about 5 thousand rubles on it. per month.

The most popular are institutions with an average check of 1-1.5 thousand rubles. 25% of the market falls on establishments where the average check is 1.5-2.5 thousand rubles. and 500-1000 rubles. 39% of catering establishments offer European cuisine, 22% - Russian, 8% - Japanese, 5% - Italian. But the mixed type of cuisine falls to the share of 26%. That is, institutions of a new type with non-standard cuisine will be in trend.

Implementation of the idea

The first thing to decide is to find a suitable room. It is advisable to place it somewhere in the city center, but the requirements for high traffic are optional. The institution will have its own target audience, which will seek it purposefully.

When choosing a room, one must take into account the format of the institution. Its profitability can be increased due to the fact that in addition to the cafe itself offer:

  • takeaway food;
  • selling healthy food and products;
  • conducting workshops on cooking healthy food;
  • confectionery production.

It is mandatory to sign contracts for the rental of premises, garbage collection, find bona fide suppliers of products, etc.


As for the area of \u200b\u200bthe premises, it makes no sense to open a large institution. Even 100 places will be too much - the cafe has a narrow specialization, so it is optimal to organize about 35 places. In addition to the hall in the cafe should be equipped with:

  • household block;
  • separate toilets for visitors, separate for staff;
  • stock;
  • kitchen.

It is enough to equip a room of 100 square meters. m., the rental of which will cost at least 50 thousand rubles. Approximately 200-500 thousand should be allocated for its repair. Another 5 thousand should be allocated for utility bills.

Business Registration

While the repair of the premises will be carried out, you can do the registration of the case. You can register both an individual entrepreneur and an LLC - it all depends on the number of founders and the possibilities of tax accounting. You will also need to obtain permits from the fire inspection, SES.

The arrangement of the hall, bar and kitchen

At the design stage, it is necessary to divide the kitchen into the zone for preparing hot dishes, cold, confectionery. In this case, it is necessary to follow all the requirements of the SES, including regarding purchased furniture.

For a cafe you will need to buy:

  • ventilation
  • refrigeration equipment;
  • sinks;
  • ovens for cooking;
  • hoods;
  • ovens
  • tables;
  • refrigerators;
  • cutlery and stuff.

Separately, you need to think about the equipment of the bar. It provides:

  • mixers for cocktails;
  • bar dishes;
  • shelves;
  • coffee grinder;
  • bar counter;
  • separate sink;
  • boiler;
  • ice maker;
  • a shop window;
  • a coffee machine;
  • refrigerators and stuff.

The final price of the equipment depends on the configuration, manufacturer and supplier. On average, equipment should be allocated at least 450 thousand rubles.

Cafe Hall Decor

The interior of the hall must be decorated in calm, muted tones, close to natural, natural. Most often they use green and brown - under a tree, grass, leaves. It is important to avoid unnatural materials in the interior: leatherette, plastic, wood-like products - this contradicts the general concept of the establishment.

It is important to equip places for those who came to have a good time with delicious dishes, and for those who dropped by for a moment to drink tea. According to these zones, furniture is selected. On average, you will need:

  • 4 sofas - 40 thousand rubles;
  • 20 chairs and 20 sofas - 12-18 thousand rubles .;
  • tables, pillows - 10 thousand rubles.

In total, furniture should be allocated from 70 thousand rubles.

You can arrange it yourself, but it is better to invite a professional designer. But a good specialist takes a lot. The design will pull about 400-500 thousand rubles.

Facility staff

At first, the institution is enough for shift work:

  • 2 cleaners who will be at the same time washing dishes - 800 rubles each. in a day;
  • 2 bartenders - 10 thousand rubles. per month plus a percentage of the sale;
  • 2 waiters - 12 thousand rubles each. per month;
  • 3 cooks - 12 thousand rubles each. per month.

The duties of an accountant and administrator may be the owner of the institution. For the work of the waiter, it is advisable to purchase the r-keeper program, which costs from 6 thousand rubles. For work, you need a special monitor - another 3 thousand rubles. It is recommended to dress employees in uniforms.

We develop a cafe menu

It is desirable that the menu is developed by a technologist who is himself a vegetarian or raw foodist. Then it will be easier for him to feel the audience. There should not be any standards in this type of kitchen; he can experiment with food as he likes. It is only important to find your unique "chip" in the menu, which will distinguish you from other similar institutions.

Whether to sell alcohol and cigarettes is up to the owner of the establishment personally. On the one hand, they bring a significant share of income. On the other hand, adherents of a healthy lifestyle are rarely interested in such a product. In addition, a separate license is needed to sell cigarettes and alcohol, and this is another expense item.

On average, about 2 thousand rubles will be spent on the purchase of products from you. in a day.

Investment and return on investment

According to experts, excluding employee salaries, the initial investment amount reaches one million rubles. In addition, about 215 thousand rubles will be spent per month. If you organize a business so that per day the revenue is at least 10 thousand rubles, then a month you can earn up to 300 thousand rubles. As the promotion of the institution, revenue should also increase. After paying all the necessary deductions and remuneration to employees, you will have 60 thousand rubles a month. arrived. Based on this, it is possible to recoup investments in 1.5 years.

For the successful operation of the cafe you need good menus, service and advertising. In Petersburg About 5 thousand catering establishments. A large increase in catering establishments was noted In the Central, Admiralteysky and Petrograd regions. The place chosen for the future cafe Or a restaurant, does not play a role, it all depends on advertising, menus and services. Your Cafe may be located behindCity and pay off In a few months, and may be on Nevsky Prospect and throughout the year not onlyWill pay off but it will beBring Permanent Losses, despite the advantageous location.

No owner will keep a “non-profitable cafe”. If the cafe is not profitable, its Close or reprofile. But in order to make the cafe profitable, experts Offer a few steps.

If the concept that was originally laid in the cafe was recognized as unsuccessful and does not bring The expected income, then it will either improve, or develop a completely new one.

Before opening a restaurant-type cafe, the owner needs to know which customers he

It calculates and, based on this, determine the concept of the institution and draw up Preliminary plan for the designer.

Now in St. Petersburg there are a lot of “interests” restaurants and cafes designed for a certain   a circle Clients, or gated restaurants. But there are restaurants forWide Of the circle Customers, where more visitors and lower prices. Depending on the intended contingent The pricing policy of a cafe or restaurant is being developed.


Sometimes banks give a loan to a restaurant that has already opened for further development. "Banks Quite often they give loans both to a new restaurant and to a long-existing one, since this The type of business for the most part is profitable, ”says the head of the credit department of Incas. Bank ”Tatyana Rumyantseva. Most often, loans are taken to organize a large promotion Due to the new influx of visitors, the owner is able to pay Loan for 3-4 months.


To expand the range of food and drinks on offer, owners often go to Assortment expansionAlcohol Drinks.

At Selling alcohol in a restaurant-type cafe is necessaryReceive Licensed in Licensed Distribution AuthorizationAlcohol Drinks. "The owner of the cafeComes in Licensing Chamber and in accordance with Federal Law No. 171 collectsStrictly Certain Package of documents for obtaining "retail licensingAlcohol Drinks. "A The Licensing Chamber accepts the submitted documents and decides to issue this owner License or not, ”-He speaks Head of Division, Licensing ChamberIgor Fedotov. Though License toRetail SaleAlcohol Drinks are not limited. Also room Under the cafe checks the Sanitary Inspection, fire supervision. Additional trade in alcohol It is taxed 13% and can bring the owners of the institution up to 50% of income per month.

It is believed that to increase profitability, you must first expand the range for Buffet score. You must enter ice cream, several types of mineral water, Juices. Coffee should be both instant and brewed. Need to conclude a supply contract Semi-frozen pies, expanding their assortment to 30. As for the hot cuisine, from Production is best abandoned. You can agree on the supply of hot dishes from the nearest Institutions. In the end you canAgree with Retired on cooking and supplies   hot The dish. The increase in assortment and high qualityProducts in Final score will help Attract a customer.


The client most often returns to that cafe or restaurant where itOk and Quickly served.

Very often, future waiters do not have special customer service training, Therefore theyHave to Learn directly in practice, through trial and error. "Bowl In total, people are invited without any special education, perhaps even without experience. Work. All that is required is maximum agility and a sense of tact. Age The category varies from 17 to 25 years, although preference is given to young people, and this is not Gender discrimination, it just happens - if you want to get good

Service - take the guy to the waiters, ”says the cafe administrator« Zoom»Michael

Soloviev. “For increasing attendance by customers, establishments for waiters are not raised

Salary, but the waiters themselves are interested in good customer service, the better Served, the more tips ", -He speaks Mikhail Soloviev. Waiter average salary   the city $ 150-300 per month, not including tips.

“If the cafe is located in a residential area, then the most effective way is to distribute leaflets in Nearest houses, ”said Sergey Pavlov, an advertising specialist. Today print 4 Thousand flyers can cost $ 150,Services Designers cost about $ 60. In this way, Distribution of leaflets can cost 4 thousand rubles. “Distribution of leaflets on the street may Attract up to 10% of customers. There is also a banner sign during the construction of the cafe, Promotions on the opening day, tasting will give up to 15% of customers, ”says the director Marketing and advertising department of Teremok-Russian pancakes LLC Vladimir Baranov.

“If the cafe is not far from the metro, in a passable place, you can come up with such chips, Like selling newspapers to coffee, offer a new type of coffee, ”adds Sergey Pavlov. But before Than pursue an advertising policy, the institution needs to come up with a twist, its own chip.

Demand Vegetarian food grows among adherentsHealthy Lifestyle,Which in large More and more cities.

Step 1. Room

The choice of premises is as important for a vegetarian restaurant as it is for anyOf another. FROM The difference is thatNeed to Consider that the revenue of a vegetarian restaurant, especially in the first Time may not cover high rents, so it makes sense to bet not on profitable The location of the place, but at a combination of price and quality. It is advisable that a vegetarian cafe It was in a place with good ecology.

“We believe that it is most beneficial to build our premises. If you count on long-term Perspective, it’s more profitable than rent, in addition, you can design the building in your own way. Taste. "

The construction of the building can cost about $ 500 thousand, rent $ 2-3 thousand.

Step 2. Equipment and interior

Typically, in vegetarian restaurants, the interior uses natural materials, As close to nature as possible: wood, stone, textiles. NotAre used Natural Fur, bone and other accessories of animal origin. In a vegetarian restaurant like Rule notSmoke And do not drink, therefore, ashtrays and utensils for alcohol are not expected.

EquipmentKitchens and The warehouse is not much different from anyOf another Catering. The only thing, What to consider is the large amount of fresh vegetables on the menu, so it’s worth stocking up A large number of refrigerators for storing vegetables and vacuum packaging.

Step 3. Products

The selection of products must be approached especially carefully, since it is the assortment Food and dishes makes the cafe visited. You should try to include all kinds of vegetables in the menu, Fruits, legumes, nuts, mushrooms, which you can get in the city. Go straight Deliveries from countries of growth on their own is unprofitable, since parties are needed Small so that the products always stay fresh. Better establish a wide network Suppliers for a variety of positions. Hope to save on meat and eggs - unfounded

Since some rare types of vegetables are not inferior in price to meat delicacies, and even Superior to them.

Step 4. Staff

ForDiscoveries CafeAre needed Chefs, waiters, janitors and director. And if by the last three There are no special requirements, then finding a cook is a big problem. “There are no specialists at all. Vegetarian chefs in the cityAre absent Like a class, - Says Tatyana Kurbatova, director of the cafe chainTrinity bridge ". - in our cafes we ourselves We grow cooks, administrators and owners themselves stand at the stove with the cooks. Moreover, most of those who cook with us are not professionals. Professional chefs It’s extremely difficult to even think about cooking without meat, we had the experience of attracting the famous Chef, but it ended in failure. "

Step 5. Promotion

The most promising way to promote a vegetarian institution is to distribute flyers. It should be understood that a vegetarian cafe should not only rely on convinced vegetarians. It is worth activating the advertising campaign during posts when there are more customers in vegetarian cafes, advertising in relevant publications and on sites related to vegetarianism or a healthy lifestyle.

♦ Investments in the opening of a vegetarian cafe (without rental premises) - about $ 100 thousand

♦ Payback periods 3-4 years.