Why dream a chocolate bar in a wrapper. What is Chocolate Dreaming for? Sigmund Freud Forecasts

According to many authoritative dream books, chocolate, seen in night visions, in most cases is a good omen, because it is associated with a sweet life. Even in cases where this ghostly treat is not very appetizing, for example tough or stale, in reality it only promises temporary difficulties and does not spoil the overall picture of joy.

Opinion of the American dream expert

A review of opinions on why chocolate is dreaming, we begin with a dream book compiled by the famous American psychologist Gustav Miller, as he is one of the most recognized experts in this field. Expressing his agreement regarding the general positivity of such a dream, the venerable scientist warns that success in life and its attendant pleasures (the proximity of which the chocolate seen in a dream testifies) will not be worth it. They will need to be earned by making certain efforts.

Developing the theme of chocolate, Miller writes that if you have to choose it, for example, in a store or on a table, among other things, in a dream, then this should be taken with all seriousness. It will not be out of place to even pay attention to the expiration date, because a bad choice can in reality result in difficulties in business or poor health. It’s better to try to avoid trouble than to deal with their consequences later.

Separately, the author dwells on what the chocolate bar, received from someone as a gift, dreams of. In his opinion, this is a bad sign and he portends, albeit for a short, but still a dark streak in life. However, it will be one of temporary setbacks and will soon give way to continued prosperity.

How dreams were interpreted during the Mayan civilization

The compilers of the dream book, based on the letters that have come down to us from the Maya people who lived in America even 2 thousand years BC, did not fail to touch on the question of what chocolate dreams of. This work is called “Dream Interpretation of Maya”. Adapting the symbols of bygone centuries in accordance with the attributes of the modern world, the authors with all responsibility say that chocolate bars portend the dreamer a great, but pleasant housework. This could be a replacement of furniture or some kind of full-scale repair, or even a move to a new apartment, which he had long dreamed of.

But that's not all. Concerning the question of what chocolate is for, the authors of the dream book write that the ancient inhabitants of the American continent saw this as a sign of close and passionate love. Having met her and wanting to save them for life, they resorted to special magical actions. In such cases, the authors of the dream book recommend that we cut out a heart from paper, write the name of a beloved (or beloved) on it, and then, sprinkling it with tobacco, hide in a secluded place. According to them, the upcoming novel will exceed all expectations.

Sigmund Freud Forecasts

The Austrian psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud, explaining in his dream book what chocolate is for, remains true to his inherent tradition of looking for answers in the intimate sphere of human life. In this case, he claims that every negative seen, for example, a dreamer burned himself with a cup of hot chocolate or did not manage to crack a hard tile, promises him a fiasco in his sex life. Whether this will be a consequence of a lack of romantic feelings or the reason will be purely medical, Freud does not explain, but recommends that men, having such a dream, not overestimate their strength.

However, he says that if in a dream chocolate was eaten with pleasure, then this is a very favorable omen. As his long-term observations show, and the scientist builds all his predictions solely on the basis of experience in real life, the dreamer will have a sea of \u200b\u200bromantic experiences and the most sincere feelings. He, according to the author, is on the verge of a new love that can give his life a bright flavor.

What say holders of secret knowledge

In turn, the "Esoteric Dream Book", compiled, as its name implies, on the basis of secret mystical teachings, available only to a narrow circle of insiders, reveals this topic in a slightly different way. If, for example, you dream that you eat chocolate, then, according to its compilers, you should expect poor health, which will not be caused by a real disease, but by increased suspiciousness and unnecessary worries about your own health.

However, at the same time, the holders of this secret knowledge explain that the reason for poor health may lie not only in the characteristics of the dreamer's body, but also in his tendency to assume obligations whose fulfillment exceeds his physical capabilities. In this case, he is advised to soberly assess his strengths and, if necessary, delegate some matters to those to whom they are capable.

Family Dream Book

In recent years, the “Family Dream Book” has gained popularity among readers, designed for everyone who cares about the secret meaning of night visions. In it, the authors reveal a slightly different facet of the issue we are interested in and, in particular, dwell on what many chocolate dreams of.

In their view, this is a very encouraging vision. It testifies that the dreamer will be able to materially provide all who depend on him. Of course, first of all we are talking about members of his family. If in a dream it happens to see chocolates, then they portend the emergence of good business partners.

Drink hot chocolate (at least in a dream)

It’s not bad to drink hot chocolate in a dream. So say the compilers of the "Family Dream Book." This drink promises future happiness and prosperity. True, a reservation is immediately given that they may be preceded by a strip of errors and failures. Somewhat worse things are for those whose chocolate in a dream turns out to be stale. They are waiting for illness and frustration. This is bad news, but there is good: all the misfortunes will soon pass and life will flow like a "milk river in the jelly banks." The main thing is not to lose hope.

The opinion of the compilers of "Dream Interpretation Longo"

Is it possible to consider the interpretation of certain dreams to be complete if we do not consider the version presented by the compilers of Dream Interpretation Longo, one of our main guides in the world of night dreams? It also clarifies the issue of what dreams of eating chocolate, and it is somewhat different from the previous versions. According to the authors of the dream book, such visions are visited mainly by people striving for an easier and more enjoyable life. In reality, it seems to them that they work for wear and tear and are nevertheless not appreciated enough by others. Moreover, the real return on work does not correspond to the amount of expended forces.

Also very peculiar is their interpretation of what chocolate made with your own hands dreams of. If you believe the authors of the dream book (and who will doubt their competence), such visions are visited by people whose main feature is the desire for everything unusual and extraordinary. They have a desire to constantly amaze others and arouse a feeling of envy in them.

What does it mean to treat and enjoy chocolate?

If in a dream a person not only sees chocolate, but also treats them to someone, then in real life he seems to be looking for an opportunity to appease a certain person he is dependent on and, having achieved what he wants, use it for his own purposes. However, it should be upset: nothing will work. His tricks will be unraveled, and he will fail completely.

You should be careful about those whom in a dream someone was treated to chocolate, even if it was a good friend or close relative. In reality, such a plot may portend a fraud, which is being prepared by a certain person in order to gain profit. Sleep is a warning, and he who sees it should be extremely careful, especially in the early days.


Here are a few more explanations of what chocolate dreams come from, drawn from the most popular modern publications. A number of authors agree that the dreamer will soon have to provide financial assistance to a certain person who, although he will appreciate the service rendered to him, can only thank him with sincere gratitude.

Since chocolate in general is a symbol of a sweet and prosperous life, most compilers of dream books speak of it as a harbinger of favorable changes. Even if they happen to burn themselves in a dream, then such a plot is presented not as a sign of close trouble, as mentioned above, but as a harbinger of a meeting with an energetic (hot) person who himself is “in chocolate” and will help the dreamer change his life to for the best.

In a dream, a person can dream anything. Often dreams make a big impression and we intuitively feel that they portend us something.

But what if in a dream we had chocolate? The first thing you might think is that the stomach is simply empty and therefore dream of different goodies. This is actually not the case.

The dreamed chocolate can promise us both good events, and not so. It all depends on what the dish of cocoa beans was, what we did in a dream.

The main thing that dreams about chocolate is joy and pleasure. Only spoiled chocolate portends trouble. In addition, there are other options for predictions - they can be found in the article.

What are dreams and their impact on life

Sleep is a phenomenon of esotericism, which is still not completely clear to mankind, where it comes from and what it carries. Dreams can be perceived both from the earthly point of view, and from the astral, spiritual side.

Dreams and dreams are an inseparable part of the being of all people. And the part is pretty big. This is a natural need for the human body, which is inherent from birth.

On average, a person spends a third of his life in a dream, about 8 hours a day, and if you add all the dreams that a person dreams about into a whole continuous film, then it will last about 6 years. Sleep is a state where the body ceases to actively perceive what is happening around and the human reaction slows down.

What does it mean to see sweets in a dream

For a man to see sweets in a dream portends a pleasant acquaintance and a romantic relationship with a seductive lady. A different interpretation, to which one dreams of choosing them, is given by dream books for women. Usually this has a material connotation, such a dream predicts the acquisition of what the young lady has long dreamed of.

  • To choose from a huge assortment in a store means that in the changing conditions of existence you will have to face a fundamental and very difficult choice. Deciding and buying what you liked means that your decision will be right.
  • Whatever goodies a person tries in a dream, they portend the appearance of a true friend in life.

The dream book of the Healer Evdokia warns that eating sweets in a dream and feeling their sugary sweetness means that you will have to endure a strong shock, but you will bear it so courageously that you earn universal respect. I dreamed that you rinse your mouth to get rid of sugary taste - try not to betray your friends.

Oriental sweets dream of temptation, if they were tasted, then in reality succumb to the temptation, which you may regret. Dreamed to feast on an oriental sorbet - to gossip and rumors, do not give them a reason.


What is chocolate for?

Chocolate is a harbinger of a new romantic relationship that will be filled with passionate and romantic events.

  1. If there were nuts in it, then in reality you are a rather loving person.
  2. The night vision in which you ate chocolate indicates that the reality is not enough positive emotions.
  3. Chocolates predict mutual understanding with colleagues at work or you can find good business partners.

A dream interpretation of what spoiled chocolate dreams of is interpreted as the occurrence of a disease and disappointment. Hot chocolate indicates that troubles will not last long and stability will return soon. To see melted chocolate means that soon you will have to make a sincere confession or you will have to cry because of remorse for something.

Night vision, where you gave chocolate to another person, indicates that thanks to your help in reality, things will go well with him. If you cook such a dessert on your own - this is a symbol of the fact that you like to do something unusual and extraordinary, and this causes general surprise.

  • A dream where you treat another person with chocolate indicates that you are trying to appease a person in order to use it in the future. The dream interpretation warns of the risk of being caught, which will ultimately lead to the collapse of the plans.
  • If you were treated to chocolate, then someone wants to cheat in order to get a profit. For the fairer sex, the dream of dark chocolate is an omen of disappointments in life. If you were treated with bitter chocolate, it means you should beware of conflicts, as this can negatively affect your business and ruin your relationship with important people.


Chocolate candies

Chocolate and sweets in a dream are harbingers of joy and positive emotions. For a more accurate interpretation, it is worthwhile to carefully analyze the dream.

  1. Get a box of chocolates as a gift - success in business, pleasant events.
  2. Giving sweets to broken dreams and unfulfilled plans.
  3. If in a dream there is a purchase of chocolates, then distant relatives will suddenly come to the dreamer, which will bring positive emotions and satisfaction.

Pregnant dream

Why does the girl dream of chocolate in position? A pregnant girl, seeing a treat in a dream, wants to meet the baby as soon as possible and plunge into the world of motherhood.

  • The dream, in which chocolate treats appear, according to the dream book mark an easy and calm pregnancy.
  • If a young mother in a dream enjoys white or milk chocolate, then it is likely that she will be a girl.
  • Dark and bitter chocolate most likely predicts the birth of a boy.

The birth of a baby is a long-awaited and joyful event that will bring happiness to your family.


Eat chocolate

Why dream of eating chocolate? The dream interpretation calls such a vision in a dream a good omen. Ahead is pleasant leisure, unforgettable love joys, auspicious period and happy events. But sometimes frustration or temptation is possible.

Are you tired - relax, do not give in to temptations

A dream vision warns of severe fatigue and discontent. You should arrange a rest, because due to overwork you begin to apathy.

To dream of a lot of chocolate means: soon the circumstances will be such that it will be difficult for the sleeping person not to be seduced. Moreover, such a temptation applies not only to the sphere of amorous sexual pleasures, the dream book clarifies.

Joint leisure, love adventure

Eating a lot of chocolates portends: the dreamer will be able to provide prosperity to his loved ones, who depend on him.

  • Why dream of eating chocolate with your loved one? You will find joint leisure, which will bring only positive emotions.
  • Did you have chocolate and ice cream in a dream? There will be pleasant love joys, erotic relationships that will bring great pleasure.

Beware of rash acts, do not flatter yourself

The dream interpretation also gives a different interpretation of sleep: eating chocolate and ice cream means: in your life there is forbidden love or even passion. Perhaps you are going to seduce a married man (married woman), or yourself, being married, want to start an affair on the side. But before deciding on such actions, it is worth considering whether it is necessary to exchange for fleeting novels.

  1. If the chocolate delicacy in a dream turned out to be stale - disappointments are coming.
  2. Had a taste of chocolate-coated marshmallows? Wake up hear affectionate speeches in which there will be no truth, so do not flatter yourself.

Profitable work, favorable period

Seeing and eating marshmallows in chocolate in a dream also bodes, according to the dream book: get a good profitable job, thanks to which your financial situation will change for the better.

Why dream of eating chocolate to a person experiencing a crisis or trouble? Soon, an easier period will begin, when luck will appear, and desires will come true.

Had a taste of white? The dream book tells us: there are happy events ahead. You can achieve a lot, and even fulfill a secret dream.


Chocolate with nuts

Chocolate with nuts, seen in a dream, speaks of the dreamer's love of love and the constant search for romantic adventures. A dream is a sign that a person who has seen this dream prefers fleeting connections to relationships with a regular partner.

The dream hints that one should be more careful about the choice of passion and do not forget to take care of one’s own health, including not to ignore the prevention of various diseases associated with a constant change of partners.

In a wrapper

If a person dreams of chocolate in a beautiful wrapper, then one should expect the appearance in life of flattering people who seek benefits by praising others. The dreamer should be careful and beware of new acquaintances.

  1. If the wrapper is not very attractive, then soon one of the old acquaintances will become a close friend.
  2. If the dreamer frees chocolate from the wrapper, then in the near future he will become a participant in sexual adventures.


To see chocolate in the form of a bar in a dream - the dreamer will have fasting. Most likely, this will be associated with a special diet during illness or with a diet for weight loss. Also, chocolate bars promise changes in life, this applies to a change of housing or repair.

In a dream, bite off a piece of a bar of chocolate - to a pleasant update in the house. If the taste of the tile is unpleasant, then large expenses for repairs will not justify themselves and will bring regret.

Milky and Bitter

There is it in a dream - to the good news and luxurious acquisition.

  1. Dream interpretation chocolate sweet and milk in a dream, especially with fillings and nuts, interprets to great and unexpected joy, a sudden holiday and purchase.
  2. Sweet fillings mean surprise, celebration and happiness, nuts mean an unexpected acquisition.
  3. A dream interpretation of milk chocolate pushes to great and pleasant joy, childhood memories and tenderness. You will be satisfied not only with nice people, but also with the opportunity to have a great time with your loved ones.

Why do you dream of bitter chocolate?

The dream book writes that it means strong impressions, passions. Usually children do not like it, especially with alcoholic fillings, so the meaning of this dream depends on your attitude to it. For some people, dark chocolate means a sharp and pleasant experience, passion and love.

Others have dark chocolate with disgust - to disappointment and unpleasant feelings. Therefore, pay attention to who gave it to you and whether you like rich and bitter chocolate or not.

  • The child has it - to the chagrin.
  • If a girl holds out a bitter chocolate, she will be worried because of her unpreparedness for passion and sensuality.
  • Sometimes there is it instead of milk - to the rapid maturation and loss of innocence.
  • A married woman bitter chocolate and does mean disappointment due to the behavior or attitude of the spouse to himself.

After such a dream, you can expect an unpleasant surprise from your husband and lover. However, a man has a bitter chocolate - a favorable sign. He promises him long-awaited pleasure and pleasant pastime.


Drinks and Wraps

You can not only eat chocolate, but also drink it.

  1. A cold drink predicts you joy, good news and friendly support.
  2. Hot - strengthening family relationships, warmth and comfort, especially in winter and autumn. Such a dream predicts a woman and girl a love relationship, an offer of cohabitation or marriage.

Chocolate wraps, pleasant spa treatments portend you with luxury, romance and love relationships. Most likely, you will bathe in luxury.

However, for dreamy natures, such a dream predicts disappointment and the fact that the dream book advises not to wishful thinking. A much more favorable dream is in which you are treated to chocolate or sweets.

Chocolate and sweets

  • If a lady sees chocolate and sweets in a dream, then this is a sure sign that she lacks the attention and participation of others. The dreamer needs care and heart-to-heart talk.
  • If a man saw such a dream, then soon he will have a serious choice. Perhaps he is part of an affair that is coming to a logical conclusion. The dream breaks from sweets, a grandiose event is ahead, which requires appropriate preparation.

What is chocolate cake dreaming for

  Chocolate usually dreams of something good

Chocolate usually dreams of something good, and if a person saw a chocolate cake, then this is a wonderful sign.

  • Watch how the top of the pie is poured with chocolate - much love.
  • Cutting a chocolate cake is a recognition and admiration.
  • There is a chocolate cake - for great pleasure in life.
  • Watch as someone eats a chocolate cake - enjoy the achievements of others.
  • Sharing such a cake with friends is a joint achievement of the goal. Overcoming obstacles with friends will be not only useful, but also interesting.

The general meaning of this symbol in the dream book is as follows: the dreamer will be in the center of attention of many people. This will flatter his pride and give confidence in himself and his strength. You can also say that the cake, black from chocolate, which a person saw in a dream, indicates the beginning of a new life period, full of happiness and joy. If on the eve of the dreamer faced with some hardships, they will quickly be forgotten.


What does chocolate marshmallow dream of

If in a dream you see marshmallows in chocolate - it means that you are waiting for deceived hopes. You set the bar too high for upcoming events, and when you get less, you get upset.

You need to reconsider your views, and especially your expectations in relation to loved ones.

A dream about marshmallows in chocolate does not mean at all that you do not have or will not have material wealth - rather, it is an indicator that you can not stop at all in your desires. Remember - not the one who has is happy, but the one who has enough.

Buy chocolate

Why dream of buying chocolate? Such a dream means that although your material wealth is high enough, you expect more from life.

  • It seems to you that you are underestimated by neither relatives nor work colleagues. You hope that the time will come - and everyone will see you in a completely different way and will give you their due. However, you do not want to make additional efforts to this.
  • The dream of buying chocolate encourages you to rethink your grievances, to understand that it does not matter how you look in the eyes of others. Disapproval or misunderstanding on their part is not as important as your awareness of yourself, getting a clear idea of \u200b\u200byour place in this world.

As soon as you understand that your dream is a promise of a tasty and interesting life, dependence on the opinions of those around you will leave.

Buying chocolate in a dream, in addition, may be a sign that you lack life of joys and pleasures. You are ready to part with a certain amount of accumulated funds in order to get the necessary amount of positive emotions.

If you see such dreams often, you should think about it - do you really take care of yourself properly? Maybe you need to do something personally for yourself? Go fishing with friends if you are a man or sign up for a salon treatment course if you are a woman. In any case, you need to give yourself a little joy and pleasure.

We share the subtypes of dreams

Of the dreams in which chocolate or chocolate candies appear, several types can still be distinguished:

  1. you can see white chocolate in a dream
  2. you may dream a bar of chocolate
  3. you may dream chocolate-dipped marshmallows

In fact, such a granularity of sleep does not bear big differences, but there are certain subtleties in the interpretation.

To enjoy white chocolate in a dream or buy it means to be on the path of bright and joyful changes.

  • For girls, such dreams portend a happy marriage and pregnancy.
  • Men - success in business, lucrative contracts, promotion.

If a person is unpleasant to eat white chocolate with a dream, then he is not ready for change and is afraid of changes in his life.


If someone treats

  1. Getting chocolate in a dream is a good sign. This is an unexpected profit or salary, perhaps even by chance to find money.
  2. If in a dream chocolate is presented by an enemy or a person to whom the dreamer experiences unpleasant emotions, then the dream does not bode well. Most likely, the person who saw the dream will be deceived or involved in intricate intrigues.


In the night vision dreamed that the candies were given? It is worth noting who gave and who received them as a gift.

Receive as a gift

In a night vision, the dreamer was presented with a box of delicious chocolates - a favorable dream, portends financial well-being. Seeing such a story in a dream, a person can safely invest his capital, as well as sign contracts and major projects.

The young girl dreamed that she was presented with a box of chocolate goodies - in real life the girl will hear many compliments. Another dream book portends an acquaintance with a wealthy man.

To give

If candies were given

Giving sweets - to the failure to fulfill the plan. If you happen to see such a plot, it means that the dreamer should not make rash purchases, since such a waste can significantly affect the family budget.


Hot chocolate

To drink or to want hot chocolate in a dream means to have a weakness for the opposite sex.

  1. Such dreams for men are the harbingers of a new love affair or connection on the side. In this case, you should be careful and think soberly.
  2. For a girl, such dreams promise increased attention from men, romantic courtship, gifts, surprises, flowers. Dream says that in the future, a romantic relationship with one of the boyfriends can result in a long-term relationship and even lead to a wedding and the birth of children.

Only this must be approached, considering all the pros and cons. If in a dream hot chocolate looks cold, not attractive, not fresh, then some person wants to seduce the dreamer for his own selfish purposes: to get money or solve his problems at someone else's expense.


Why dream a lot of chocolate

Why is there a lot of chocolate? If in a dream you see a large number of it, it promises you many gifts of fate, material prosperity and life in contentment. Chocolate here is associated with a “sweet life”, receiving an unlimited amount of pleasures and positive emotions.

For a man, such a dream means an increase in salary or a new promising position. His career can go uphill and welfare, of course, will improve.

For a woman, a lot of chocolate in a dream is a harbinger of an emotional outburst. Maybe she will receive some valuable gift, maybe she will have a new passionate relationship - in any case, such a dream promises a feeling of happiness and contentment with life.

A lot of chocolate in a dream for a young girl - that means she will be surrounded on all sides by fans who will tear her with gifts and compete for her heart. In any case, the dream is positive for her and promises good luck on the love front.

If a girl dreams that a young man is giving her a big box of chocolates, then she will soon meet the man of her dreams.

Cook sweets

In a night vision, did the dreamer himself make chocolate sweets? Seen in a dream portends financial revenues, thanks to which the dreamer's well-being will significantly improve. But the dream book indicates to the person who saw such a fragment in a dream - it will take a lot of effort.


What does chocolate dream about in different dream books

On this issue, most dream books agree that the dream of chocolate symbolizes well-being and prosperity.

Family dream book

Chocolate in a dream means that you are a support for your family and you can provide them with everything you need. Your excellent relationships with business partners will contribute to this.

  • Chocolates - means that you will have reliable partners in the business, and if you dreamed of stale chocolate, you would expect illness and disappointment.
  • We drank it hot, then in the near future you will find the successful completion of an unfavorable period in your life and prosperity, but this is possible only after some adverse situations.
  • If you have burned them, it means that soon you will meet some person who will amaze you with his charisma and energy.

Female interpreter of dreams

Chocolate seen in a dream portends you receiving the desired pleasures, such as carnal, and if it was stale, then these pleasures will lead to negative consequences. Perhaps you or someone from your loved ones will be seriously ill and you will be very upset about this. Avoid stressful situations and be more attentive to your health.

  • If in a dream you gave it to someone, then it means that in reality you are very good in intimate relationships, and if you eat it a lot, then in real life you are a little deprived of the attention of your loved ones, so you really want new adventure emotions.
  • They treated someone - that means you will soon meet your love, and if you buy it yourself or someone gave it to you - it means that in the near future your life may not come at a very favorable period, maybe you will fall ill.

Big universal collection

This dream book also indicates huge incomes and prosperity in this case, and if you ate it, then it means that your transaction will end very profitably, maybe even you will be offered a more promising business. Sweets mean your partners are financially reliable.

According to Freud

If you treated someone with hot chocolate, then you are so tender in sexual relations that if you want, you can please anyone. Therefore, you have something to be proud of. If you burn them, then you will meet a person with great temperament.

Perhaps he will become your friend or even a lover, but if you just drank it, then you don’t need to be so upset because of love failures. Most likely the reason lies not at all in you, but in your partner. Perhaps he had some problems at work.

Dream Interpretation Longo

  1. If you dreamed that you eat chocolate in a dream, then this means that in real life you tend to live more easily, because in your opinion you work too much and people around do not appreciate it. You do not receive any return and it depresses you.
  2. If you cook it yourself, then in life you like to enjoy the delight and envy of others, so in reality you do everything very unusual and interesting.
  3. If in a dream you treat them to others, it means that in reality you want to appease someone in order to get your own benefit, but you will not succeed, but if you have treated you, then they want to deceive and take advantage of it. Be careful and attentive these days.

A bar of chocolate in a dream symbolizes the beginning of a protracted repair in your home, so if you buy, break or bite it, then get ready for the upcoming action.


Dream Interpretation of Pastor Loff

According to the dream book, to see Chocolate - Chocolate in any storyline indicates high income, wealth and well-being. If you eat chocolate in a dream, then this is a sign of a very good deal or a very promising business offer.

If chocolates are present in your dream, this is a sign of the financial reliability of your partners, as the predictor tells us.

The dream book of the healer Evdokia

To dream of Chocolate means - Chocolate - financial assistance to someone to the detriment of their interests. Chocolates are worthy partners. Stale or dirty chocolate - to illness, disappointment. Drinking hot chocolate - a short period of failure will be replaced by luck, prosperity, as such a dream is interpreted in the dream book.

Ancient dream book

According to the dream book Chocolate - If you dreamed that you were treating someone with chocolate, then in reality this is another confirmation that you are very gentle in bed, your caresses can warm up any, even very demanding person, which means that this can be attributed to the number of your merits.

  • Drinking hot chocolate in a dream is a sign that you very often take on your account all the failures in sexual relations. Pay attention to such things: your partner’s bad mood, anxiety about problems at work, etc.
  • You can’t relax, and as a result, your partner doesn’t feel full return. Burning with hot chocolate in a dream is a sign that you will meet a person who will amaze you with his temperament and indefatigable energy. You will enjoy what you could only dream of.

Summer dream book

Chocolate - Eat Chocolate - Get Gratitude.

Autumn dream book

Chocolate - There is chocolate - to a love affair, as stated in the dream book about this dream.

Psychological dream book

Dream Interpretation: Chocolate - There is chocolate - to carnal pleasures, desired and enjoyable

Modern dream book

  1. Seeing Chocolate in a Dream - When you see chocolate in a dream, you can be sure that you can well provide those who depend on you. Chocolates, dreamed of in a dream, promise you excellent business partners.
  2. Stale chocolate dreams of illness and disappointment. If in a dream you drank hot chocolate, then you will prosper. True, it will come after a short period of adverse events.
  3. They drank hot chocolate in a dream - maybe you haven’t had a good time lately in your personal life. Do not take these failures at your own expense. The reason for the fiasco may be in the bad mood of your partner or some troubles at work, which, of course, cannot but affect your intimate life.
  4. Burned with hot chocolate - meet a person who will amaze you with indefatigable energy and temperament.

Spring dream book

Chocolate - eat chocolate - to have a good time.


The relationship of dreams and human subconscious

  • Dreams can be called a consequence of the unconscious analytical thinking of the work of consciousness. After all, it is the work of consciousness that is perceived as intuition, an inner voice, a subjective attitude, in which it is difficult to reasonably interpret why something is pleasant, or not to your liking.
  • Dreams reflect their own perception of reality. In a dream you can see various signs, hear all kinds of sounds, familiar and unfamiliar voices. You can even experience some feelings or follow the movement of your thoughts on an important occasion.

  Being in a state of sleep, we often do not realize this. All events are perceived as real, and in most cases the realization that everything that happens is just a dream does not go away.

  1. Dreams to a man are completely incomprehensible, since there are boundaries of perception.
  2. A person, falling into a dream, moves away from the physical sphere, and passes into a transcendental existence.
  3. Dreams are usually episodic, because people do not know how to remain conscious in dreams.
  4. It is usually impossible to control the course of sleep, but there are exceptions.

There are also lucid dreams. This is self-control in a dream, which is acquired when the sleeper learns to distinguish between the dream and reality, that is, they realize that he is in his dream.

There are phases of sleep

  • The phase of slow (toxoidal) sleep. She occupies three quarters of all sleep. But at this stage, a person does not see dreams.
  • The phase of fast (paradoxical) sleep. This phase differs from the Todox phase in that it is at this stage that a person cognizes dreams. Moreover, during such a dream, up to seven stories can be dreamed, but only one or two can be remembered.

  It is generally accepted that all people (and even animals) dream. But it’s not always clear, what a dream. Someone have black-and-white dreams, someone - color.

In dreams, various images come - sometimes familiar, and sometimes not. Such images are considered to be symbolic, and throughout its existence, mankind has tried to decipher these messages. Images from dreams are designed to warn and reveal the future about something.

Dreams as a Forecasting Tool

  1. Reflections on work, health, relationships, stressful situations, etc. This is the energy of the psyche, the overload of the nervous system - such a superficial dream, mental snippets, one can say, like “porridge” in the head in a dream. Such dreams are insignificant. Here you just need to take care of the state of the psyche and take care of the body, for example: change the environment, relax, try to distract from the problems.
  2. There are dreams that are a warning of impending joy or tragedy. When live relatives or close ones act in film, it means that more likely the dreamer needs help.
  3. Nightmares and rainfall after such dreams disturb a person and cause unpleasant unrest - this is a sign that flows of negative energy have passed.
  4. When dreaming of people who have left the living world, this is a warning that the sleeping person needs help or the soul of the deceased asks to pray for it.

The influence of natural and physical factors on human dreams

The phases of the moon also greatly affect the human psyche, that is, the dreams and behavior of the sleeper. With the new phase of the moon, the sleeper usually has pleasant and good dreams, but with the full moon people often suffer from insomnia, and if they manage to fall asleep, then dreams are disturbing with nightmares. And there is still an unexplored phenomenon, like sleepwalking.

  • Shuddering during sleep, means dumping the body of what it loaded during the day. The body dumps all the information stock accumulated in the muscles. And dreams are the result of thoughts that could not be completely and correctly removed.
  • And when two people have the same dream at the same time, therefore, they have sensory skills, their astral bodies are endowed with the ability to significantly transmit information.

People themselves form the direction for the development of exciting issues, but sometimes they cannot realize this, therefore the interpretation of dreams is largely intended to help solve the mysteries of fate that are hidden in the depths of the human soul.

  Sleep is the key to many problems in life. Trying to predict the future according to symbolic images of sleep, a person himself turns to the depths of his consciousness and subconsciousness - after all, the answers lie in the person himself.


How to decipher a dream

Rules for Remembering Dreams

From the contents of sleep, you can learn a lot about a person and his stimuli, thoughts. Information usually comes in encrypted form. To understand the meaning of dreams, it is very important to learn how to remember your dreams. To do this, you must follow a few simple rules.

  1. First, go to bed with a clear head, without worrying thoughts about the past and the future. Set aside solutions to problems in the morning.
  2. Secondly, - hold paper and a pen near the bed to immediately record a dream. If you do not record the dream immediately, then you are unlikely to remember it.
  3. Thirdly, use aromatherapy. Put or hang rag bags with herbs of clover, lavender, mint, oregano at the head of the bed. Light aroma lamps before bedtime. The aroma of herbs and citruses has a calming and peaceful effect, contributes to falling asleep and good sleep.

Proper decoding of dreams

Correct interpretation of sleep is possible only if the interpretation is based on the personal feelings of the dreamer. Scientists have proven that during sleep our brain does not stop working. At night, consciousness does not interfere with the work of the head. That is how optimal solutions to problems and insights come to people. The dependence of the dream marketing on the day of the week (when the dream occurred) is recognized as ordinary superstition.

  • The science of psychoanalyst considers night vision of a person a full-fledged product of the work of the psyche. Their decoding is defined as "the path to the unconscious."
  • There is a “higher” censorship, because of which we see dreams in a distorted symbolic form.
  • Censorship explains the strangeness of our night visions and their division into "I remember - I do not remember."
  • When deciphering sleep, certain rules must be observed. Otherwise, you can cause psychological damage to a person.
  • Sleep interpretation therapy should bring a healing effect to the dreamer. His presence is necessary, since the emotions and associations that arise with the same symbol are completely different for each person individually.
  • The subjective and objective interpretations of sleep should complement each other.

Dream Interpreter Qualities

The interpreter of dreams should have experience and intuition, possess psychoanalytic thinking. For the accuracy of deciphering sleep, it is necessary to have a fine mental organization that will help to understand the unconscious content.

And, of course, the interpreter of dreams must be able to explain to people the meaning of what he saw in simple and accessible words. Thus, deciphering dreams is a difficult process, and not a simple "mind game" of a distant person.

The sciences of psychology and isoterics in no way contradict each other. A competent interpreter of dreams will always find a way to combine, complement one science with another.

Dreams and temporary concepts

Remembering your dream, it is advisable to determine the time in which you were. Only in the present and untimely segment real motives are reflected, solutions to problems come, dreams of the true state of things, the truth about the state of health, about enemies and relatives.

By analyzing what was seen in a dream during the day, you can understand the reasons for our actions and words, in which direction we need to move to achieve goals.

Symbols in a dream

The language of symbols in a dream is different for each individual.

  1. To decipher a dreaming symbol, you need to “catch” the association, to understand what exactly this or that vision is connected with.
  2. You can speak the symbol out loud and remember what happened before your eyes.
  3. Write it down and think what it would mean to you personally.
  4. The generally recognized dream books are based on universal symbols that are characteristic of most people with a normal psyche.
  5. A person who is interested in his dreams is recommended to compose his personal dream book based on personal observations, drawing parallels and emerging associations.
  6. Good therapy can be called a "turn" of bad sleep in a good way. For example, you did not run away from someone, but caught up, or were looking for something.

Methods for deciphering dreams

How to determine that you had a symbolic dream? Very simple.

Signed is a dream from which you wake up instantly and unexpectedly. Such dreams contain “messages,” or they can be planned by you.

  1. In the first case, it is necessary to carefully analyze what life situation the message is associated with.
  2. In the second - you get an answer, a solution to a particular problem that worries you directly at the moment.

There is a decryption through metaphors. It is in metaphors that universal wisdom is expressed in a form accessible to people. The interpretation of dreams by the dialogue method is as follows.

  • You choose the most attractive (or most unpleasant) sign for you and make up a dialogue.
  • You ask for this sign and yourself answer on its behalf. Associations arising at the same time remember and write down.
  • They are the key to understanding and unraveling sleep.
  • You can draw your dream. When the picture is ready, consider it carefully.
  • In the process of looking at your creativity, you will guess what the dream really means. At this point, the main idea about the meaning of sleep should come.

Another way: come up with an ending to sleep.

There may be several options. You only need to choose the one that you like the most and stick to it.
  Repeated dreams visit a person due to unfinished work, unresolved problems. Such dreams can be repeated from year to year, until you finally gather your strength and complete the job. In this case, dreams suggest what needs to be done. You just listen to the prompts, and then annoying dreams will leave you alone.

How to decipher dreams?

  1. Record right away: plot, characters, details of sleep.
  2. Draw parallels, comparative associations of images and symbols of sleep.
  3. Write down keywords and phrases.
  4. Compare the plot of a dream with reality.
  5. Work on your personal dream book.

The key words can be phrases, pictures, numbers and dates, images, words. Fateful dreams come to people on dates that are significant for everyone.

It can be Christmas, Easter, New Year, birthday and others. Symbols, keywords suggest when this or that event will happen. Therefore, remember them and write in the diary.

If you are interested in the question of why chocolate is dreaming, then the answer should please you - almost any dream book treats chocolate in a dream as a favorable omen. But there are other interpretations of this dream that psychologists and modern dream books offer us.

Why chocolate dreams - interpretation options

The chocolate dream has many interpretations. For a proper understanding of the signs that the subconscious sends you, consider the details.

  • When chocolate pleases with a pleasant taste or you experience positive emotions while holding a chocolate bar in your hands, then the dream is definitely positive.
  • If the sweetness you see turns out to be unpleasant in taste or the chocolate presented in a dream turns out to be an unwanted gift, then your subconscious mind wants to warn you of upcoming troubles.

Chocolate candies

Pay attention to the form: chocolate and chocolates are not the same thing, so the meanings are different. If in a dream you saw chocolates, then you can not worry about your well-being.

This dream promises financial success, prosperity and possible career growth.

If you make an effort at your work, then soon the prediction will come true and a favorable period will come in your life. But do not expect a “present from heaven” - not a single prediction will come true if you do not strive to fulfill it.

Eat chocolate

There is chocolate in a dream - a sign that soon you will meet your love. Although the dream is positive, for a young girl it can mean the beginning of a relationship with an older person than her.

Chocolate with nuts - dream book

When in a dream you see chocolate with nuts, then this is a reminder of your excessive love of love and even some indiscrimination in sexual relations. Maybe you should pay more attention to the choice of your partners?

Wrapper treat

If you happen to see chocolate in a wrapper, then such a dream indicates the emergence of reliable business partners in your life.

Do not be afraid to trust a new business partner - most likely, this person will fully justify your trust.

Of course, this interpretation is more suitable for people doing their business.

Dreamed tile

If you had a chance to eat bar chocolate, then taste matters.

  • Delicate milk chocolate speaks of a light and airy love waiting for you.
  • Gorky may be a sign that you should be more attentive to what is happening in life. Perhaps you are missing out on significant things, or it's time to take your fate into your hands.

A bar of white chocolate is a good symbol, promising a series of pleasant events.

When you plan to take on the renovation of your home, chocolate bars can symbolize the difficulties in this undertaking. It is likely that repairs will drag on for months or even years.

Chocolate cake

When to you, then your future is most favorable. More often than not, a dream means positive changes in your personal life.

  • If at the time of sleep you are free from relationships, then soon you will enter into a new successful novel that will bring you happiness.
  • If you are already in a relationship, then positive changes will occur - a transition to a new level, achievement of a long-awaited understanding, conclusion of a marriage.

Why buy sweets

If you see how you come to the store to buy chocolate, then take care of your health - such a dream can be a disease or a deterioration in well-being. If you dreamed that another person was buying chocolate, then someone in your life is flattering you.

Try not to get into “sweet” speeches - the person who pronounces them pursues exclusively selfish goals.

Treat yourself to a treat

  • If someone treats a woman or girl with chocolate in a dream, this indicates possible harassment by an unpleasant person, sexual harassment.
  • For a man, a dream portends disappointment in the things that have been started and the destruction of old hopes.
  • A dream where you treat someone yourself speaks of the tenderness that you show to your partner in bed.

Drink hot chocolate

The dream in which you drink aromatic hot chocolate may indicate the imminent emergence of a new love feeling. Upcoming relationships will work out in the best way and can develop into a happy marriage.


Cooking chocolate culinary products in a dream is a caution about what you do in real life. Excessive extraordinaryness can do you an unkind service - unusual actions you do cause envy in others.

A lot of chocolate in a dream

There is chocolate in large quantities - wealth and prosperity await you.

   But if the chocolate was spoiled, then this is an occasion to beware - stale chocolate dreams of health problems, especially if there were a lot of it in a dream.

Ask the interpreter - why do you dream of chocolate?

Miller's Dream Book

So, Miller’s dream book unambiguously defines such dreams as a sign of financial well-being, a successful career, the appearance of business partners that you have been looking for for a long time.

The interpretation of the female dream book

If you decide to ask a female dream book about what chocolate is for, you will find favorable predictions in it. Such a dream means the ability to provide loved ones, and chocolates serve as a sign of strong and reliable partners in your business.

If you drink hot chocolate, a female dream book portends a successful outcome of a difficult period in your life.

To dream of Freud's chocolate

The dream book of a famous psychologist interprets a dream about chocolate as your success in sex. You carefully, carefully and gently relate to your partner, which ensures success in sexual relations.

  • When you drink hot chocolate from a mug in a dream, the interpreter advises you to stop worrying about problems in your sex life - their roots may be hidden in the poor mood of your lover, in the troubles of his life that are not related to you. Soon everything should work out.
  • And if a sip of chocolate turns out to be burning, then the new partner threatens to amaze you with his ardent temperament.

Opinion of the modern dream book

But the modern dream book sees chocolate as a bad sign - such a dream promises trouble in the family, a deterioration in understanding with the spouse.

To avoid the upcoming quarrels, try to treat your partner with great attention and listen to his requests.

In a dream, a person can dream anything. Often dreams make a big impression and we intuitively feel that they portend us something.

But what if in a dream we had chocolate? The first thing you might think is that the stomach is simply empty and therefore dream of different goodies. This is actually not the case.

The dreamed chocolate can promise us both good events, and not so. It all depends on what the dish of cocoa beans was, what we did in a dream.

The main thing that dreams about chocolate is joy and pleasure. Only spoiled chocolate portends trouble. In addition, there are other options for predictions - they can be found in the article.

What are dreams and their impact on life

Sleep is a phenomenon of esotericism, which is still not completely clear to mankind, where it comes from and what it carries. Dreams can be perceived both from the earthly point of view, and from the astral, spiritual side.

Dreams and dreams are an inseparable part of the being of all people. And the part is pretty big. This is a natural need for the human body, which is inherent from birth.

On average, a person spends a third of his life in a dream, about 8 hours a day, and if you add all the dreams that a person dreams about into a whole continuous film, then it will last about 6 years. Sleep is a state where the body ceases to actively perceive what is happening around and the human reaction slows down.

What does it mean to see sweets in a dream

For a man to see sweets in a dream portends a pleasant acquaintance and a romantic relationship with a seductive lady. A different interpretation, to which one dreams of choosing them, is given by dream books for women. Usually this has a material connotation, such a dream predicts the acquisition of what the young lady has long dreamed of.

  • To choose from a huge assortment in a store means that in the changing conditions of existence you will have to face a fundamental and very difficult choice. Deciding and buying what you liked means that your decision will be right.
  • Whatever goodies a person tries in a dream, they portend the appearance of a true friend in life.

The dream book of the Healer Evdokia warns that eating sweets in a dream and feeling their sugary sweetness means that you will have to endure a strong shock, but you will bear it so courageously that you earn universal respect. I dreamed that you rinse your mouth to get rid of sugary taste - try not to betray your friends.

Oriental sweets dream of temptation, if they were tasted, then in reality succumb to the temptation, which you may regret. Dreamed to feast on an oriental sorbet - to gossip and rumors, do not give them a reason.


What is chocolate for?

Chocolate is a harbinger of a new romantic relationship that will be filled with passionate and romantic events.

  1. If there were nuts in it, then in reality you are a rather loving person.
  2. The night vision in which you ate chocolate indicates that the reality is not enough positive emotions.
  3. Chocolates predict mutual understanding with colleagues at work or you can find good business partners.

A dream interpretation of what spoiled chocolate dreams of is interpreted as the occurrence of a disease and disappointment. Hot chocolate indicates that troubles will not last long and stability will return soon. To see melted chocolate means that soon you will have to make a sincere confession or you will have to cry because of remorse for something.

Night vision, where you gave chocolate to another person, indicates that thanks to your help in reality, things will go well with him. If you cook such a dessert on your own - this is a symbol of the fact that you like to do something unusual and extraordinary, and this causes general surprise.

  • A dream where you treat another person with chocolate indicates that you are trying to appease a person in order to use it in the future. The dream interpretation warns of the risk of being caught, which will ultimately lead to the collapse of the plans.
  • If you were treated to chocolate, then someone wants to cheat in order to get a profit. For the fairer sex, the dream of dark chocolate is an omen of disappointments in life. If you were treated with bitter chocolate, it means you should beware of conflicts, as this can negatively affect your business and ruin your relationship with important people.


Chocolate candies

Chocolate and sweets in a dream are harbingers of joy and positive emotions. For a more accurate interpretation, it is worthwhile to carefully analyze the dream.

  1. Get a box of chocolates as a gift - success in business, pleasant events.
  2. Giving sweets to broken dreams and unfulfilled plans.
  3. If in a dream there is a purchase of chocolates, then distant relatives will suddenly come to the dreamer, which will bring positive emotions and satisfaction.

Pregnant dream

Why does the girl dream of chocolate in position? A pregnant girl, seeing a treat in a dream, wants to meet the baby as soon as possible and plunge into the world of motherhood.

  • The dream, in which chocolate treats appear, according to the dream book mark an easy and calm pregnancy.
  • If a young mother in a dream enjoys white or milk chocolate, then it is likely that she will be a girl.
  • Dark and bitter chocolate most likely predicts the birth of a boy.

The birth of a baby is a long-awaited and joyful event that will bring happiness to your family.


Eat chocolate

Why dream of eating chocolate? The dream interpretation calls such a vision in a dream a good omen. Ahead is pleasant leisure, unforgettable love joys, auspicious period and happy events. But sometimes frustration or temptation is possible.

Are you tired - relax, do not give in to temptations

A dream vision warns of severe fatigue and discontent. You should arrange a rest, because due to overwork you begin to apathy.

To dream of a lot of chocolate means: soon the circumstances will be such that it will be difficult for the sleeping person not to be seduced. Moreover, such a temptation applies not only to the sphere of amorous sexual pleasures, the dream book clarifies.

Joint leisure, love adventure

Eating a lot of chocolates portends: the dreamer will be able to provide prosperity to his loved ones, who depend on him.

  • Why dream of eating chocolate with your loved one? You will find joint leisure, which will bring only positive emotions.
  • Did you have chocolate and ice cream in a dream? There will be pleasant love joys, erotic relationships that will bring great pleasure.

Beware of rash acts, do not flatter yourself

The dream interpretation also gives a different interpretation of sleep: eating chocolate and ice cream means: in your life there is forbidden love or even passion. Perhaps you are going to seduce a married man (married woman), or yourself, being married, want to start an affair on the side. But before deciding on such actions, it is worth considering whether it is necessary to exchange for fleeting novels.

  1. If the chocolate delicacy in a dream turned out to be stale - disappointments are coming.
  2. Had a taste of chocolate-coated marshmallows? Wake up hear affectionate speeches in which there will be no truth, so do not flatter yourself.

Profitable work, favorable period

Seeing and eating marshmallows in chocolate in a dream also bodes, according to the dream book: get a good profitable job, thanks to which your financial situation will change for the better.

Why dream of eating chocolate to a person experiencing a crisis or trouble? Soon, an easier period will begin, when luck will appear, and desires will come true.

Had a taste of white? The dream book tells us: there are happy events ahead. You can achieve a lot, and even fulfill a secret dream.


Chocolate with nuts

Chocolate with nuts, seen in a dream, speaks of the dreamer's love of love and the constant search for romantic adventures. A dream is a sign that a person who has seen this dream prefers fleeting connections to relationships with a regular partner.

The dream hints that one should be more careful about the choice of passion and do not forget to take care of one’s own health, including not to ignore the prevention of various diseases associated with a constant change of partners.

In a wrapper

If a person dreams of chocolate in a beautiful wrapper, then one should expect the appearance in life of flattering people who seek benefits by praising others. The dreamer should be careful and beware of new acquaintances.

  1. If the wrapper is not very attractive, then soon one of the old acquaintances will become a close friend.
  2. If the dreamer frees chocolate from the wrapper, then in the near future he will become a participant in sexual adventures.


To see chocolate in the form of a bar in a dream - the dreamer will have fasting. Most likely, this will be associated with a special diet during illness or with a diet for weight loss. Also, chocolate bars promise changes in life, this applies to a change of housing or repair.

In a dream, bite off a piece of a bar of chocolate - to a pleasant update in the house. If the taste of the tile is unpleasant, then large expenses for repairs will not justify themselves and will bring regret.

Milky and Bitter

There is it in a dream - to the good news and luxurious acquisition.

  1. Dream interpretation chocolate sweet and milk in a dream, especially with fillings and nuts, interprets to great and unexpected joy, a sudden holiday and purchase.
  2. Sweet fillings mean surprise, celebration and happiness, nuts mean an unexpected acquisition.
  3. A dream interpretation of milk chocolate pushes to great and pleasant joy, childhood memories and tenderness. You will be satisfied not only with nice people, but also with the opportunity to have a great time with your loved ones.

Why do you dream of bitter chocolate?

The dream book writes that it means strong impressions, passions. Usually children do not like it, especially with alcoholic fillings, so the meaning of this dream depends on your attitude to it. For some people, dark chocolate means a sharp and pleasant experience, passion and love.

Others have dark chocolate with disgust - to disappointment and unpleasant feelings. Therefore, pay attention to who gave it to you and whether you like rich and bitter chocolate or not.

  • The child has it - to the chagrin.
  • If a girl holds out a bitter chocolate, she will be worried because of her unpreparedness for passion and sensuality.
  • Sometimes there is it instead of milk - to the rapid maturation and loss of innocence.
  • A married woman bitter chocolate and does mean disappointment due to the behavior or attitude of the spouse to himself.

After such a dream, you can expect an unpleasant surprise from your husband and lover. However, a man has a bitter chocolate - a favorable sign. He promises him long-awaited pleasure and pleasant pastime.


Drinks and Wraps

You can not only eat chocolate, but also drink it.

  1. A cold drink predicts you joy, good news and friendly support.
  2. Hot - strengthening family relationships, warmth and comfort, especially in winter and autumn. Such a dream predicts a woman and girl a love relationship, an offer of cohabitation or marriage.

Chocolate wraps, pleasant spa treatments portend you with luxury, romance and love relationships. Most likely, you will bathe in luxury.

However, for dreamy natures, such a dream predicts disappointment and the fact that the dream book advises not to wishful thinking. A much more favorable dream is in which you are treated to chocolate or sweets.

Chocolate and sweets

  • If a lady sees chocolate and sweets in a dream, then this is a sure sign that she lacks the attention and participation of others. The dreamer needs care and heart-to-heart talk.
  • If a man saw such a dream, then soon he will have a serious choice. Perhaps he is part of an affair that is coming to a logical conclusion. The dream breaks from sweets, a grandiose event is ahead, which requires appropriate preparation.

What is chocolate cake dreaming for

  Chocolate usually dreams of something good

Chocolate usually dreams of something good, and if a person saw a chocolate cake, then this is a wonderful sign.

  • Watch how the top of the pie is poured with chocolate - much love.
  • Cutting a chocolate cake is a recognition and admiration.
  • There is a chocolate cake - for great pleasure in life.
  • Watch as someone eats a chocolate cake - enjoy the achievements of others.
  • Sharing such a cake with friends is a joint achievement of the goal. Overcoming obstacles with friends will be not only useful, but also interesting.

The general meaning of this symbol in the dream book is as follows: the dreamer will be in the center of attention of many people. This will flatter his pride and give confidence in himself and his strength. You can also say that the cake, black from chocolate, which a person saw in a dream, indicates the beginning of a new life period, full of happiness and joy. If on the eve of the dreamer faced with some hardships, they will quickly be forgotten.


What does chocolate marshmallow dream of

If in a dream you see marshmallows in chocolate - it means that you are waiting for deceived hopes. You set the bar too high for upcoming events, and when you get less, you get upset.

You need to reconsider your views, and especially your expectations in relation to loved ones.

A dream about marshmallows in chocolate does not mean at all that you do not have or will not have material wealth - rather, it is an indicator that you can not stop at all in your desires. Remember - not the one who has is happy, but the one who has enough.

Buy chocolate

Why dream of buying chocolate? Such a dream means that although your material wealth is high enough, you expect more from life.

  • It seems to you that you are underestimated by neither relatives nor work colleagues. You hope that the time will come - and everyone will see you in a completely different way and will give you their due. However, you do not want to make additional efforts to this.
  • The dream of buying chocolate encourages you to rethink your grievances, to understand that it does not matter how you look in the eyes of others. Disapproval or misunderstanding on their part is not as important as your awareness of yourself, getting a clear idea of \u200b\u200byour place in this world.

As soon as you understand that your dream is a promise of a tasty and interesting life, dependence on the opinions of those around you will leave.

Buying chocolate in a dream, in addition, may be a sign that you lack life of joys and pleasures. You are ready to part with a certain amount of accumulated funds in order to get the necessary amount of positive emotions.

If you see such dreams often, you should think about it - do you really take care of yourself properly? Maybe you need to do something personally for yourself? Go fishing with friends if you are a man or sign up for a salon treatment course if you are a woman. In any case, you need to give yourself a little joy and pleasure.

We share the subtypes of dreams

Of the dreams in which chocolate or chocolate candies appear, several types can still be distinguished:

  1. you can see white chocolate in a dream
  2. you may dream a bar of chocolate
  3. you may dream chocolate-dipped marshmallows

In fact, such a granularity of sleep does not bear big differences, but there are certain subtleties in the interpretation.

To enjoy white chocolate in a dream or buy it means to be on the path of bright and joyful changes.

  • For girls, such dreams portend a happy marriage and pregnancy.
  • Men - success in business, lucrative contracts, promotion.

If a person is unpleasant to eat white chocolate with a dream, then he is not ready for change and is afraid of changes in his life.


If someone treats

  1. Getting chocolate in a dream is a good sign. This is an unexpected profit or salary, perhaps even by chance to find money.
  2. If in a dream chocolate is presented by an enemy or a person to whom the dreamer experiences unpleasant emotions, then the dream does not bode well. Most likely, the person who saw the dream will be deceived or involved in intricate intrigues.


In the night vision dreamed that the candies were given? It is worth noting who gave and who received them as a gift.

Receive as a gift

In a night vision, the dreamer was presented with a box of delicious chocolates - a favorable dream, portends financial well-being. Seeing such a story in a dream, a person can safely invest his capital, as well as sign contracts and major projects.

The young girl dreamed that she was presented with a box of chocolate goodies - in real life the girl will hear many compliments. Another dream book portends an acquaintance with a wealthy man.

To give

If candies were given

Giving sweets - to the failure to fulfill the plan. If you happen to see such a plot, it means that the dreamer should not make rash purchases, since such a waste can significantly affect the family budget.


Hot chocolate

To drink or to want hot chocolate in a dream means to have a weakness for the opposite sex.

  1. Such dreams for men are the harbingers of a new love affair or connection on the side. In this case, you should be careful and think soberly.
  2. For a girl, such dreams promise increased attention from men, romantic courtship, gifts, surprises, flowers. Dream says that in the future, a romantic relationship with one of the boyfriends can result in a long-term relationship and even lead to a wedding and the birth of children.

Only this must be approached, considering all the pros and cons. If in a dream hot chocolate looks cold, not attractive, not fresh, then some person wants to seduce the dreamer for his own selfish purposes: to get money or solve his problems at someone else's expense.


Why dream a lot of chocolate

Why is there a lot of chocolate? If in a dream you see a large number of it, it promises you many gifts of fate, material prosperity and life in contentment. Chocolate here is associated with a “sweet life”, receiving an unlimited amount of pleasures and positive emotions.

For a man, such a dream means an increase in salary or a new promising position. His career can go uphill and welfare, of course, will improve.

For a woman, a lot of chocolate in a dream is a harbinger of an emotional outburst. Maybe she will receive some valuable gift, maybe she will have a new passionate relationship - in any case, such a dream promises a feeling of happiness and contentment with life.

A lot of chocolate in a dream for a young girl - that means she will be surrounded on all sides by fans who will tear her with gifts and compete for her heart. In any case, the dream is positive for her and promises good luck on the love front.

If a girl dreams that a young man is giving her a big box of chocolates, then she will soon meet the man of her dreams.

Cook sweets

In a night vision, did the dreamer himself make chocolate sweets? Seen in a dream portends financial revenues, thanks to which the dreamer's well-being will significantly improve. But the dream book indicates to the person who saw such a fragment in a dream - it will take a lot of effort.


What does chocolate dream about in different dream books

On this issue, most dream books agree that the dream of chocolate symbolizes well-being and prosperity.

Family dream book

Chocolate in a dream means that you are a support for your family and you can provide them with everything you need. Your excellent relationships with business partners will contribute to this.

  • Chocolates - means that you will have reliable partners in the business, and if you dreamed of stale chocolate, you would expect illness and disappointment.
  • We drank it hot, then in the near future you will find the successful completion of an unfavorable period in your life and prosperity, but this is possible only after some adverse situations.
  • If you have burned them, it means that soon you will meet some person who will amaze you with his charisma and energy.

Female interpreter of dreams

Chocolate seen in a dream portends you receiving the desired pleasures, such as carnal, and if it was stale, then these pleasures will lead to negative consequences. Perhaps you or someone from your loved ones will be seriously ill and you will be very upset about this. Avoid stressful situations and be more attentive to your health.

  • If in a dream you gave it to someone, then it means that in reality you are very good in intimate relationships, and if you eat it a lot, then in real life you are a little deprived of the attention of your loved ones, so you really want new adventure emotions.
  • They treated someone - that means you will soon meet your love, and if you buy it yourself or someone gave it to you - it means that in the near future your life may not come at a very favorable period, maybe you will fall ill.

Big universal collection

This dream book also indicates huge incomes and prosperity in this case, and if you ate it, then it means that your transaction will end very profitably, maybe even you will be offered a more promising business. Sweets mean your partners are financially reliable.

According to Freud

If you treated someone with hot chocolate, then you are so tender in sexual relations that if you want, you can please anyone. Therefore, you have something to be proud of. If you burn them, then you will meet a person with great temperament.

Perhaps he will become your friend or even a lover, but if you just drank it, then you don’t need to be so upset because of love failures. Most likely the reason lies not at all in you, but in your partner. Perhaps he had some problems at work.

Dream Interpretation Longo

  1. If you dreamed that you eat chocolate in a dream, then this means that in real life you tend to live more easily, because in your opinion you work too much and people around do not appreciate it. You do not receive any return and it depresses you.
  2. If you cook it yourself, then in life you like to enjoy the delight and envy of others, so in reality you do everything very unusual and interesting.
  3. If in a dream you treat them to others, it means that in reality you want to appease someone in order to get your own benefit, but you will not succeed, but if you have treated you, then they want to deceive and take advantage of it. Be careful and attentive these days.

A bar of chocolate in a dream symbolizes the beginning of a protracted repair in your home, so if you buy, break or bite it, then get ready for the upcoming action.


Dream Interpretation of Pastor Loff

According to the dream book, to see Chocolate - Chocolate in any storyline indicates high income, wealth and well-being. If you eat chocolate in a dream, then this is a sign of a very good deal or a very promising business offer.

If chocolates are present in your dream, this is a sign of the financial reliability of your partners, as the predictor tells us.

The dream book of the healer Evdokia

To dream of Chocolate means - Chocolate - financial assistance to someone to the detriment of their interests. Chocolates are worthy partners. Stale or dirty chocolate - to illness, disappointment. Drinking hot chocolate - a short period of failure will be replaced by luck, prosperity, as such a dream is interpreted in the dream book.

Ancient dream book

According to the dream book Chocolate - If you dreamed that you were treating someone with chocolate, then in reality this is another confirmation that you are very gentle in bed, your caresses can warm up any, even very demanding person, which means that this can be attributed to the number of your merits.

  • Drinking hot chocolate in a dream is a sign that you very often take on your account all the failures in sexual relations. Pay attention to such things: your partner’s bad mood, anxiety about problems at work, etc.
  • You can’t relax, and as a result, your partner doesn’t feel full return. Burning with hot chocolate in a dream is a sign that you will meet a person who will amaze you with his temperament and indefatigable energy. You will enjoy what you could only dream of.

Summer dream book

Chocolate - Eat Chocolate - Get Gratitude.

Autumn dream book

Chocolate - There is chocolate - to a love affair, as stated in the dream book about this dream.

Psychological dream book

Dream Interpretation: Chocolate - There is chocolate - to carnal pleasures, desired and enjoyable

Modern dream book

  1. Seeing Chocolate in a Dream - When you see chocolate in a dream, you can be sure that you can well provide those who depend on you. Chocolates, dreamed of in a dream, promise you excellent business partners.
  2. Stale chocolate dreams of illness and disappointment. If in a dream you drank hot chocolate, then you will prosper. True, it will come after a short period of adverse events.
  3. They drank hot chocolate in a dream - maybe you haven’t had a good time lately in your personal life. Do not take these failures at your own expense. The reason for the fiasco may be in the bad mood of your partner or some troubles at work, which, of course, cannot but affect your intimate life.
  4. Burned with hot chocolate - meet a person who will amaze you with indefatigable energy and temperament.

Spring dream book

Chocolate - eat chocolate - to have a good time.


The relationship of dreams and human subconscious

  • Dreams can be called a consequence of the unconscious analytical thinking of the work of consciousness. After all, it is the work of consciousness that is perceived as intuition, an inner voice, a subjective attitude, in which it is difficult to reasonably interpret why something is pleasant, or not to your liking.
  • Dreams reflect their own perception of reality. In a dream you can see various signs, hear all kinds of sounds, familiar and unfamiliar voices. You can even experience some feelings or follow the movement of your thoughts on an important occasion.

  Being in a state of sleep, we often do not realize this. All events are perceived as real, and in most cases the realization that everything that happens is just a dream does not go away.

  1. Dreams to a man are completely incomprehensible, since there are boundaries of perception.
  2. A person, falling into a dream, moves away from the physical sphere, and passes into a transcendental existence.
  3. Dreams are usually episodic, because people do not know how to remain conscious in dreams.
  4. It is usually impossible to control the course of sleep, but there are exceptions.

There are also lucid dreams. This is self-control in a dream, which is acquired when the sleeper learns to distinguish between the dream and reality, that is, they realize that he is in his dream.

There are phases of sleep

  • The phase of slow (toxoidal) sleep. She occupies three quarters of all sleep. But at this stage, a person does not see dreams.
  • The phase of fast (paradoxical) sleep. This phase differs from the Todox phase in that it is at this stage that a person cognizes dreams. Moreover, during such a dream, up to seven stories can be dreamed, but only one or two can be remembered.

  It is generally accepted that all people (and even animals) dream. But it’s not always clear, what a dream. Someone have black-and-white dreams, someone - color.

In dreams, various images come - sometimes familiar, and sometimes not. Such images are considered to be symbolic, and throughout its existence, mankind has tried to decipher these messages. Images from dreams are designed to warn and reveal the future about something.

Dreams as a Forecasting Tool

  1. Reflections on work, health, relationships, stressful situations, etc. This is the energy of the psyche, the overload of the nervous system - such a superficial dream, mental snippets, one can say, like “porridge” in the head in a dream. Such dreams are insignificant. Here you just need to take care of the state of the psyche and take care of the body, for example: change the environment, relax, try to distract from the problems.
  2. There are dreams that are a warning of impending joy or tragedy. When live relatives or close ones act in film, it means that more likely the dreamer needs help.
  3. Nightmares and rainfall after such dreams disturb a person and cause unpleasant unrest - this is a sign that flows of negative energy have passed.
  4. When dreaming of people who have left the living world, this is a warning that the sleeping person needs help or the soul of the deceased asks to pray for it.

The influence of natural and physical factors on human dreams

The phases of the moon also greatly affect the human psyche, that is, the dreams and behavior of the sleeper. With the new phase of the moon, the sleeper usually has pleasant and good dreams, but with the full moon people often suffer from insomnia, and if they manage to fall asleep, then dreams are disturbing with nightmares. And there is still an unexplored phenomenon, like sleepwalking.

  • Shuddering during sleep, means dumping the body of what it loaded during the day. The body dumps all the information stock accumulated in the muscles. And dreams are the result of thoughts that could not be completely and correctly removed.
  • And when two people have the same dream at the same time, therefore, they have sensory skills, their astral bodies are endowed with the ability to significantly transmit information.

People themselves form the direction for the development of exciting issues, but sometimes they cannot realize this, therefore the interpretation of dreams is largely intended to help solve the mysteries of fate that are hidden in the depths of the human soul.

  Sleep is the key to many problems in life. Trying to predict the future according to symbolic images of sleep, a person himself turns to the depths of his consciousness and subconsciousness - after all, the answers lie in the person himself.


How to decipher a dream

Rules for Remembering Dreams

From the contents of sleep, you can learn a lot about a person and his stimuli, thoughts. Information usually comes in encrypted form. To understand the meaning of dreams, it is very important to learn how to remember your dreams. To do this, you must follow a few simple rules.

  1. First, go to bed with a clear head, without worrying thoughts about the past and the future. Set aside solutions to problems in the morning.
  2. Secondly, - hold paper and a pen near the bed to immediately record a dream. If you do not record the dream immediately, then you are unlikely to remember it.
  3. Thirdly, use aromatherapy. Put or hang rag bags with herbs of clover, lavender, mint, oregano at the head of the bed. Light aroma lamps before bedtime. The aroma of herbs and citruses has a calming and peaceful effect, contributes to falling asleep and good sleep.

Proper decoding of dreams

Correct interpretation of sleep is possible only if the interpretation is based on the personal feelings of the dreamer. Scientists have proven that during sleep our brain does not stop working. At night, consciousness does not interfere with the work of the head. That is how optimal solutions to problems and insights come to people. The dependence of the dream marketing on the day of the week (when the dream occurred) is recognized as ordinary superstition.

  • The science of psychoanalyst considers night vision of a person a full-fledged product of the work of the psyche. Their decoding is defined as "the path to the unconscious."
  • There is a “higher” censorship, because of which we see dreams in a distorted symbolic form.
  • Censorship explains the strangeness of our night visions and their division into "I remember - I do not remember."
  • When deciphering sleep, certain rules must be observed. Otherwise, you can cause psychological damage to a person.
  • Sleep interpretation therapy should bring a healing effect to the dreamer. His presence is necessary, since the emotions and associations that arise with the same symbol are completely different for each person individually.
  • The subjective and objective interpretations of sleep should complement each other.

Dream Interpreter Qualities

The interpreter of dreams should have experience and intuition, possess psychoanalytic thinking. For the accuracy of deciphering sleep, it is necessary to have a fine mental organization that will help to understand the unconscious content.

And, of course, the interpreter of dreams must be able to explain to people the meaning of what he saw in simple and accessible words. Thus, deciphering dreams is a difficult process, and not a simple "mind game" of a distant person.

The sciences of psychology and isoterics in no way contradict each other. A competent interpreter of dreams will always find a way to combine, complement one science with another.

Dreams and temporary concepts

Remembering your dream, it is advisable to determine the time in which you were. Only in the present and untimely segment real motives are reflected, solutions to problems come, dreams of the true state of things, the truth about the state of health, about enemies and relatives.

By analyzing what was seen in a dream during the day, you can understand the reasons for our actions and words, in which direction we need to move to achieve goals.

Symbols in a dream

The language of symbols in a dream is different for each individual.

  1. To decipher a dreaming symbol, you need to “catch” the association, to understand what exactly this or that vision is connected with.
  2. You can speak the symbol out loud and remember what happened before your eyes.
  3. Write it down and think what it would mean to you personally.
  4. The generally recognized dream books are based on universal symbols that are characteristic of most people with a normal psyche.
  5. A person who is interested in his dreams is recommended to compose his personal dream book based on personal observations, drawing parallels and emerging associations.
  6. Good therapy can be called a "turn" of bad sleep in a good way. For example, you did not run away from someone, but caught up, or were looking for something.

Methods for deciphering dreams

How to determine that you had a symbolic dream? Very simple.

Signed is a dream from which you wake up instantly and unexpectedly. Such dreams contain “messages,” or they can be planned by you.

  1. In the first case, it is necessary to carefully analyze what life situation the message is associated with.
  2. In the second - you get an answer, a solution to a particular problem that worries you directly at the moment.

There is a decryption through metaphors. It is in metaphors that universal wisdom is expressed in a form accessible to people. The interpretation of dreams by the dialogue method is as follows.

  • You choose the most attractive (or most unpleasant) sign for you and make up a dialogue.
  • You ask for this sign and yourself answer on its behalf. Associations arising at the same time remember and write down.
  • They are the key to understanding and unraveling sleep.
  • You can draw your dream. When the picture is ready, consider it carefully.
  • In the process of looking at your creativity, you will guess what the dream really means. At this point, the main idea about the meaning of sleep should come.

Another way: come up with an ending to sleep.

There may be several options. You only need to choose the one that you like the most and stick to it.
  Repeated dreams visit a person due to unfinished work, unresolved problems. Such dreams can be repeated from year to year, until you finally gather your strength and complete the job. In this case, dreams suggest what needs to be done. You just listen to the prompts, and then annoying dreams will leave you alone.

How to decipher dreams?

  1. Record right away: plot, characters, details of sleep.
  2. Draw parallels, comparative associations of images and symbols of sleep.
  3. Write down keywords and phrases.
  4. Compare the plot of a dream with reality.
  5. Work on your personal dream book.

The key words can be phrases, pictures, numbers and dates, images, words. Fateful dreams come to people on dates that are significant for everyone.

It can be Christmas, Easter, New Year, birthday and others. Symbols, keywords suggest when this or that event will happen. Therefore, remember them and write in the diary.

Few people don't like chocolate. And in most cases it is with him that associations about sweet and heavenly life go. Kids are ready to eat it day and night, adults too, but for objective reasons they can’t. And if this is a dream, and you can not deny yourself anything? Let's find out what chocolate is for.

If you dreamed about chocolate, then you need to look for its decoding in the most popular dream books

If you dreamed about chocolate, then you need to look for its decoding in the most popular dream books:

  1. According to Freud  To treat someone with this sweetness means that your sexual relationship is endowed with unprecedented tenderness and pleasure. And all because your skillful actions are able to kindle a fire of desire, even with a demanding partner. Is this not a reason for pride? But to drink hot chocolate in a dream, but in reality sex has become bland, then the culprit is only you. Perhaps you need to relax, and you just got tired. And if in a dream hot chocolate burned your lips, then soon you will meet a partner who will turn your sex life upside down.
  2. According to the Mayan dream bookwhen chocolate bars dream, it’s a forecast of a grandiose rearrangement or even repair in the house. And this will be due to your move or the banal need to expand living space.
  3. Po Longo  chocolate dreams of someone who in life wants to grab his sweet happiness. But what is unknown, because everyone has a different concept of sweet. Someone wants sweet love, and someone wants sweet revenge. But more often than not, everything connected with chocolate is sex and love.
  4. Esoteric. If you dreamed about the chocolate that you eat, then in reality you will have weakness and poor health, which have grown into a protracted ailment.
  5. According to the modern dream book  to see a lot of chocolates in a dream - to get such a wealth that will provide not only your life, but also your children. And if it is a lot of chocolates, then around you reliable and pleasant partners with whom your business will go uphill. But if chocolate or candy is bitter, or simply unpleasant in taste, then illness cannot be avoided. To drink a liquid variety of sweets - the streak of trouble will pass quickly, and after it prosperity and success.

According to the Sonarium  such a dream is a good sign. The dreamer's life will change rapidly, but only in a good way. But you need to be on the lookout, such a temptation that will lead you to the grave may refuse on the way. And if the dreamer was in reality depressed, then this sweetness predicts the imminent end of gloom and longing.

Chocolate in Miller's Dream Book

Gustav Miller characterized chocolate in a dream as a symbol of change that will make life secure. And all the dreamer-dependent people will also live in abundance and even luxury.

Delicious chocolates are a reliable partner with which you can take risks in order to make big profits. But a tasteless or stale product is an ambulance and, possibly, a protracted disease.

  Gustav Miller characterized chocolate in a dream as a symbol of change that will make life secure

Drinking flavored and delicious chocolate - after a series of setbacks, an era of prosperity and prosperity will come. But it’s not always possible to wait without losses and troubles, so ask your friends or soulmate for help, because you just need support and assurances in the bright future, and not material wealth.

Chocolate in a dream book (video)

What is chocolate bar dreaming about?

Tiled chocolate in a dream is a sign that in reality the dreamer will have a period of fasting or severe restriction in food. This will be a conscious step to improve your health or reduce weight.

In addition, chocolate in this form dreams of a change. It can be either a change of place of residence or redecoration. Every piece of chocolate you bite is a small change in the interior of your home.

  Tiled chocolate in a dream is a sign that in reality the dreamer will begin a period of starvation

But if you eat it unpleasantly, then your efforts to improve housing will be useless or will not bring satisfaction.

Why do you dream of white chocolate or nuts?

White chocolate is not only tasty in life, but also a forecast of luck and luck in a dream.  Even if things are not going smoothly in life now, and perhaps you have already become disappointed and there is no hope. Soon, the wind of change will blow and remove all the clouds from your sky of life, in which the bright sun will shine soon. But you should not wait for a calm and even life, now there will be a whirlpool of emotions and positive experiences around you. But this is a riot of emotions that gives hope and empowers incredible powers to create great things.

Chocolate with nuts is often an indicator of the dreamer's amorousness. You are not ready for a monogamous relationship. You prefer the active search and frequent change of partners. But if for a young dreamer this is not bad, for older people it is a dangerous and warning sign.

  White chocolate is not only tasty in life, but also a forecast of luck and luck in a dream

The larger and tastier the nuts, the more partners the dreamer has, but if they are missing or bitter, then it's time to break off this relationship, because they upset you. So, it's time to decide, settle down and become a monogamous person.

Steal chocolate in a dream

To steal this delicacy is your limitations in reality. Your soul longs for something, but apparently, morality or personal principles do not allow you to get what you want. But if such a dream becomes permanent or intrusive, then this promises to buy an expensive thing, like compensation for an unfulfilled desire. Or you still decide to get what you want. In any case, this situation must be resolved as soon as possible, because it is the unfulfilled desires that lead to the fact that life ceases to bring satisfaction. You can return bright colors to her only by bringing everything to life or finding a worthy replacement for your dream.

  To steal this delicacy is your limitations in reality

When a dreamer is caught stealing this delicacy, then in reality you need to be as careful as possible, because you are being watched and waiting for you to stumble and make a mistake. Especially when it comes to your innermost desire. Right now, for your ill-wishers, the best moment is to break you, because you are focused on a dream and see nothing around.

What is wrapped chocolate for?

To see a delicacy in a beautiful and bright wrapper is to get an acquaintance from fate that will bring cardinal changes to life. But no one says that these changes will be positive. Most often, bright wrappers are hidden hypocritical intentions of spiteful critics, so you need to be careful and accurate both in actions and in expressing your emotions.

And if you buy chocolate in an ugly wrapper, then your friend will become a close friend for you.

When the dreamer takes off the wrapper, but does not eat chocolate, then a sexual adventure awaits him, with several participants in the process. Perhaps this will be an orgy, most likely not planned, but this will make it no less vivid and full of emotions and actions. But for married people, such an adventure can have serious consequences, because there will be no second half in this process. Are you ready to risk your family for several hours of pleasure, will this price not be too high for him? Or maybe it’s better to attract the other half to the process, sharing your dreams and desires with it.

What is chocolate dreaming about (video)

What is chocolate for? To change, to pleasure or to illness. There are many subtleties, many nuances and everything needs to be taken into account in order to get the correct decoding of sleep. But it’s better to focus on what your soul is talking about.

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