How to make broth yellow. How to make broth

As the theater begins with a hanger, the cooking of tasty soup “starts” not at the stove, but in a store or market, at the time of purchase of meat for the broth. In this article I will tell you how to cook a delicious brothto preserve all the nutrients and prepare the first dishes and sauces that will delight the household. So, what do you need to prepare a delicious broth?

Cooking broth  - where to begin

To cook the broth, first you need to decide on the meat - the broth can be cooked from beef, pork, turkey, rabbit, chicken, it all depends on your culinary ideas.

The jelly substances that are contained in bones and connective tissue give the broth its rich taste and strength, so no doubt choose meat on the bone with a film and veins. The best meat for the broth is beef, pork or lamb brisket, shoulder or shank.

To cook the broth for the jellied housewife, parts with a high content of cartilage are often used - the head, ears or drumsticks. The bird or rabbit can be cooked whole or previously cut into pieces.

The most delicious broth is obtained from fresh meat, but for the first dishes you can also use frozen, having previously thawed it at room temperature.

The second component of the correct broth is water. Bottled or filtered water is suitable for its preparation, in a normal tap water there may be undesirable impurities that can ruin the dish.

How to cook meat and bone broth

Depending on the purpose and method of preparation, brown, strong and clarified meat broth is distinguished. Extractive substances, which are many in the bone and connective tissue, give the main aroma and taste to the dish. The meat for the broth in the process of cutting should not be freed from films, cartilage and tendons - these are the components that will ensure broth richness, aroma and unrivaled taste.

The next step - we take a capacious pan, fill in water and put on fire. The tips on which a rich broth could only be obtained when laying meat products in cold water are hopelessly outdated. With this method, most of the meat juice goes into the water and coagulates when boiling, forming an unappetizing foam, which we patiently remove. And if you put the meat in water heated to 60 ° C, most of the valuable substances will remain inside and go into the broth gradually, during cooking. And the foam will be less.

The meat in the broth is laid in a whole piece, on a three-liter pan of future soup or borscht you will need about a kilogram of meat products on the bone. Before preparing the meat and bone broth, do not be lazy for half an hour to fry the meat components in the oven until golden brown. This will help get rid of excess fat and give the dish an amazing flavor.

By the way, in our time it is better to cook the "secondary" broth. This is especially true for poultry, which is stuffed with various antibiotics. But in some cases, this also applies to the so-called red meat - beef or pork.

So, need to cook meat  as follows: pour meat with hot water (about 60 degrees), bring to a boil, boil for 1-2 minutes and drain the first broth, also remove the remaining foam from the pan. Pour the meat again with hot water and now cook the "secondary" broth until the meat is ready.

This will not affect the broth richness, but will help to remove harmful surface impurities.

How much to cook meat for broth

A strong broth from meat is obtained by the gradual transition into water of extractive substances contained in bone and connective tissue. The meat and bone broth is cooked from an hour to two, depending on the type of meat and the size of the piece. When using a piece weighing up to a kilogram with a small number of bones and tendons, the cooking time of the broth is 60-90 minutes. When boiling liquid from the surface of the broth, it is necessary to remove the foam, otherwise the broth will be cloudy.

To clarify the broth, you can use raw proteins - they are whipped with a little water and poured into a boiling broth. After coagulation of the egg mass, the liquid is filtered.

After boiling water and removing the foam, reduce the heat and cook the broth with a slight boil. The fat formed on the surface should also be periodically removed - it gives the broth a greasy flavor. Vegetables for soup can be stained on this fat. Salt the broth shortly before the end of cooking. Broth seasoning dishes improve the color and aroma - add unpeeled onions, whole carrots and celery or parsley root, peppercorns and bay leaves to the pan. An hour after the start of cooking, vegetables can be removed - they have already given up their color and aroma.

Rich meat broth  ready - what's next

Ready broth can be used immediately for cooking, making sauces or gravy. The cooled broth must be filtered, it can be stored in the refrigerator or frozen for future use, spilled in plastic containers. You can also use broths for making sauces. The sauces in the broth are very tasty - bechamel, tomato, sour cream.

The remaining broth can be used for stewing vegetables, cooking aspic, in dishes such as risotto or satsivi. Or you can just warm up the broth, season it with fresh herbs and serve it with a boiled egg and pies - homemade people will appreciate this dish as excellent!

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Broth is the basis of many dishes, and especially soups. The taste and appearance of the culinary masterpiece depend on its quality. Very often, the cooked broth turns out muddy and does not please the eye at all. What does it depend on? How to make broth transparent? This question is often asked by inexperienced housewives. To answer it, you should understand the technology of cooking the broth, in some subtleties and secrets.

Main rules

Home-made first-course recipes always involve the use of broth. It is prepared from any kind of meat, chicken, vegetables and fish. Regardless of which foundation you choose, you must follow the basic dogmas that will allow you to get a transparent and beautiful product. We always put the meat in cold water. During cooking, it gradually draws out all the necessary substances, and the broth turns out not only transparent, but also tasty.

Here, the meat variety is also an important point, but we will talk about this later. Be sure to remove the foam that forms during cooking. It is she who can spoil the product, making it cloudy. Do not boil too violently. This is the most important rule. And finally, the onion, added to the pan, contributes to a beautiful, transparent broth.

Chicken bouillon

Cooking clear chicken stock is easiest. This type of meat is considered dietary, and its cooking time is much shorter. However, despite all the ease of preparation, this process has its own subtleties. How to make broth transparent (from chicken)? First, the quality of the original product must be very high. This will provide the most important thing: taste and nutrition. In order to make the broth dietary, chicken removes excess fat and skin.

There is no particular nutritional benefit from them. But if you want to get a more rich product, you can leave them. We wash the chicken only with cold water. Fill it with non-hot liquid too and set it on fire. Bring the contents of the pan to a boil and reduce the heat to a minimum. Boil too much. Using a slotted spoon, remove the foam that will appear. A good broth is obtained after long cooking (at least 2 hours). For chicken, this time can be reduced to 1.5 hours. We do not cover the pan with the lid, do not touch the meat. For transparency, add sautéed onions and carrots to the pan.

Meat broth

How to make broth transparent from meat? This is a bit more complicated than with chicken. Meat (pork, beef and lamb) is cooked much longer. And to get a beautiful and tasty product you will have to make some efforts. A good broth is obtained from in combination with meat. The original product is placed only in cold water.

So the meat will give all its juices to the broth, and it will turn out to be rich. Do not forget, as in the first case, to remove the foam. Cook over low heat with the lid closed. To improve the taste, add the roots, onions, carrots, spices and other ingredients - one and a half hours after the start of the cooking process. Cooking meat is better for about 4 hours. After that, we take it out of the pan and filter the broth. It is better to cool it immediately by putting it in a container with ice.

Lighten the broth

Very often it turns out that the broth becomes cloudy. What to do in this case? To make the broth transparent, make a guy. To do this, take about 300 grams of meat and pass it through a meat grinder. Then we mix a glass of ready, but not hot broth with raw egg white. Add the meat and mix. We insist this mixture for about 30 minutes and pour into a not very hot broth. Cook over low heat for 40 minutes. During this time, the minced meat with protein will curl up and be at the bottom of the pan. The liquid will become transparent, and it will only need to be thoroughly filtered. Here's how to make the broth transparent.

Jelly broth

The traditional dish of Russian cuisine - jellied meat - is always made on the basis of cooking options. But in any case, it is very important to get a clear jelly broth. This dish is cooked from different types of meat (pork, chicken, beef). What is its basis? Of course, a good, rich broth that freezes without additional ingredients. It is not necessary for the aspic to choose the meat of a young animal. It will be less rich. Pork knuckle, well peeled, is best. This is not the meatiest part, but it is the tendons, the skin and the bones that give a good fat. For chicken broth, it is better to take more wings.

How to cook jellied meat

The cooking process is one of the most important points. It consists of two stages. Initially, the pork knuckle, legs and chicken wings are laid in the pan. They are boiled for about 3 hours (wings - 1.5 hours). Then lay chicken, pork and beef and cook for about 2 hours. 15 minutes before the end add spices (bay leaf, peppercorns, roots and salt). Salt well. Jellied meat consists not only of broth. It is also meat, and it will be fresh.

If you cooked a transparent broth, it means that you will get a beautiful jelly, aspic or soup. Such a dish always pleases the eye and becomes the pride of the hostess. To do this, observe the following rules. First, remove foam and grease from the surface. Secondly, do not allow fluid to boil in the pan. Be sure to make a guy if the broth is cloudy. Throw a piece of ice into the pan and bring the contents to a boil. Heat the broth over low heat without tightly closing the lid. Use only fresh meat for cooking. Frozen foods make it cloudy. In extreme cases, use washed egg shells, which should be removed after cooking. These tips will help those who do not know transparent. Finally, I would like to recall the use of the now indispensable "assistant" of almost every modern hostess - a multicooker.

Modern housewives do not want to spend a lot of time preparing delicious dishes. Therefore, smart technology comes to their aid. Hassle is less, and the broth in the multicooker turns out to be tasty, rich and fragrant. Take a kilogram of beef with seeds, one carrot, a few peas of pepper, parsley, celery or parsnip and one large onion. Home recipes are always a lot of spices, tastes and aromas. We divide the prepared meat into pieces and put it in the multicooker bowl. We clean all vegetables and roots. The bulb can be left in the husk, but rinse well. This will give the broth a golden color. We spread all the ingredients in a bowl and pour water to the maximum. We turn on the soup cooking mode for 2 hours. After this time, the broth will be ready. It must be filtered.


Preparing a good, clear stock is easy. Follow all the recommendations and tips - and get a delicious, rich dish. If you add carrots and onions in the husk, the color of the broth will be golden, slightly yellowish. When serving, you can add a little chopped greens and black pepper (ground), for the sharpness of taste. This dish is nutritious and well helps the healing body. Eat on health.

Long since rare in Russia soupi couldn’t do without meat broth - thick and fat. It was the fat content, and not the broth strength, that was valued then. But centuries passed, and from the XVIII century bouillonbegan to be used with us for different types of soups - transparent and filling. And even though at first it was a French influence, it very quickly turned into our national cookery habit.

That's why let's immediately decide why we need the final fragrant decoction. Most of all, we prepare the broth with an eye on our usual soups - refueling and transparent.

Soups are different

Dressing soup  it is borsch, cabbage soup, pickle, soup, mashed soup, hodgepodge, vegetable soup, with cereals. For this type of soup, it is preferable to cook the so-called white broth.

For transparent soups  - noodles, soup with meatballs, dumplings and a self-made broth with pies cook yellow broth.

White broth

Parts of meat carcass - thigh, rump, thighs, thick edge, shoulder blade, neck, brisket (trowel), brisket. For filling soups, a rich broth, oily, is good. A tasty broth will turn out if you cook it not for 2-3 servings, but for a minimum of servings for 6-8 or for two to three days.

The white broth is boiled without roots, since then the ingredients for the filling soups will be added to it, and it should have a pure meat flavor.

When buying meat, you must immediately ask the butcher to chop into pieces that will fit freely in the pan. But, pieces should not be too small - the broth, cooked from a large piece, is much tastier

How to cook white broth

What you need (for 2.5 liters of rich broth):

  • 1.5 kg of meat
  • 2.7 l of water
  • it is better to take a thick-walled pan for cooking broth

What to do:
  Wash meat from possible bone fragments, put in a pan and pour cold water. Water should completely cover it. Leave the lid ajar - this is important for steam to escape, otherwise the taste of the broth will significantly deteriorate. Bring to a boil over high heat. Remove the foam formed on the surface of the broth, reduce heat and simmer for 2.5-3 hours.

Salt bouillonit should be 30-40 minutes before the end of cooking. The larger the piece of meat, the longer it will take to cook, and of course, the age of the animal also affects the cooking time. Sign of readiness - a fork freely pierces a piece of meat.

You can cook cabbage soup, borsch and any other soup with dressing with vegetables and cereals from such a broth.

Yellow broth

It is preferable to cook from the hip and thigh. Parts of the carcass with a brain bone have a bright taste due to the high content of extractives, and the broth is strong, aromatic. Unlike white broth, yellow is cooked with roots.

How to cook yellow broth

What you need (for 2.5 l of yellow broth):

  • 1.5 kg of meat
  • 2.7 water
  • 400 g of roots (carrots, celery, parsley root, leek)
  • medium onions

What to do:
  Thoroughly wash and peel the roots. Cut the carrots into large circles, onions - in half.

There is no need to repeat the purchase rules and start cooking the broth - everything is exactly the same as for the white broth. But after the foam is removed, the roots and onions need to be laid in the future broth.

To enhance the taste, carrots and onions should be fried in a preheated pan until brown. This will give the broth an extra aroma and a slightly yellowish color.

Cook exactly like white bouillon  , - until ready. Do not forget to salt. But when the yellow broth is ready, you need to carefully remove the fat from the surface: this is the rule of the yellow broth. To do this, gently remove the fat with a spoon, trying not to agitate the sediment from the bottom, and strain the broth twice through a wet gauze.

The yellow broth is ideal for noodles, dumplings, meatballs, and in itself is good - transparent, like a tear, without any fillers, a little bit of cake.

Two broth rules:

  1. For the correct broth, you need to choose the appropriate part of the meat carcass.
  2. Cook the broth from a large piece of meat.
  3. The pan should be thick-walled.
  4. Pour meat with cold water.
  5. Be sure to cook the broth with the lid ajar.
  6. Carefully remove foam after boiling.
  7. Avoid strong boiling, only slowly rising bubbles.

Useful Tips
* Do not try to increase the boil in the hope of speeding up the cooking time of the meat broth - this will not help and only noticeably worsen the taste of the broth.
* If suddenly you forgot to remove the foam, and flakes floated in the broth, you can fix it very simply - pour a glass of cold water. The foam will rise again. But, there is one trouble - the broth will be diluted with another glass of water, which will affect its taste. Therefore, it is better to make a guy ( lightening), which is the most hopelessly muddy bouillonwill make it completely transparent.

The fastest guy- protein. If the guy is made for the yellow broth, then it must first be degreased and completely cooled. Then mix two proteins with a glass of cold broth, stir. Bring the main broth to a boil and pour in a thin stream of the protein mixture. Reduce the heat to medium and, stirring with a whisk, bring to a light boil and immediately stop stirring. Proteins will float to the surface. Slide it off for a few minutes, then set again and wait until the first signs of boiling appear. And, of course, strain through wet cheesecloth - you need to do this very carefully, without draining the entire broth immediately, but in portions, using a ladle. And you will certainly get perfectly transparent bouillon.

As statistics show, often even experienced housewives do not know how to cook the broth correctly. Many simply put a piece of meat in a pan, fill it with water, and then completely forget about everything while sitting in front of the computer. At best, they remove the foam and wait for the meat to cook. It is not surprising that the meat eventually becomes tasteless, under-salted, tough, and the broth is fresh and odorless. How to cook the broth? This question can be answered by looking at the cookbooks. All serious, thorough books open their first pages with recipes for various broths.

Broths are the alpha and omega of cooking, without which it is impossible to cook soups, sauces, transparent jellies, jellied meat, risotto and many other dishes that make up the treasury of world cuisine.

Modern urban residents are in an ongoing state of lack of time. Therefore, for many, the temptation is great to buy ready-made cubes of chicken or beef broth, dilute them in water, throw noodles - and the soup is ready. However, for those who care about the contents of their own plate, this compromise is unlikely to appeal. In fact, the question of how to cook the broth is not an acute issue. A few tricks and knowledge - and in the end, the finished perfect broth.

Varieties of broths

In the article, we will consider how to cook the broth correctly, what they are, how to store them, and so on. A broth is a decoction of meat, vegetables and fish. If you cook it in accordance with all the rules, it has a pleasant, rich taste, and also has a number of healing properties.

Most often it is used as the basis for soups, main dishes, for cooking rice and other cereals, however, the broth itself is very tasty.

Most broths are cooked from bones with a small amount of meat and with the addition of vegetables and seasonings, aromatic herbs. Decoctions are:

  • Chicken
  • Meat.
  • Fish.
  • Vegetable.
  • Mushroom.

In addition to these basic ones, there is also a dashi broth, which is prepared on the basis of algae and dried tuna, as well as the famous Chinese soybean pickle Low Soy, which is used a certain number of times. Meat is cooked in it, after which the broth is not poured, but left until the next time. If stored correctly, it can be used forever.

In countries where there is a lot of seafood, they often make broths from shells of shrimp, crayfish and other types of crustaceans. These basics are great for preparing dishes such as chowder, curry and so on.

Consider the recipe below, how to cook the broth, and all those ingredients that are necessary for cooking it.


It would seem that there is nothing to talk about water. Without it, it is impossible to cook almost any dish, especially a decoction. But not everyone knows how much water to take, how to cook the broth to make it tasty.

For this dish, you need to take tasty, soft water without any impurities. It should also be borne in mind that during the cooking process the water will boil away, therefore it is preliminarily taken more than the required volume of the finished broth.

If you gradually add water instead of boiling, then the broth will turn out tasteless. However, if there is no other way out, there is little water, then it is better to add boiled water.

Broth base

The base or base of the broth is the bones. These are either meat or fish bones, due to which a rich taste is obtained. They need to be cut, then a wonderful broth will turn out. Sometimes meat is added along with bones, but this is not the right approach.

The meat gives its taste to the broth, so this cooking method is justified only in one case: if you need to cook a soup based on meat, for example, borsch or cabbage soup. In all other cases, this is not permissible. It is better to cook the meat already in the finished broth.

If the broth is fish, then take the fins, bones, head and tail of the fish, after removing the gills. In the vegetable broth, the basis is the vegetables themselves, the roots and spices.

How to cook chicken stock?

The most popular is, of course, chicken stock. It fits perfectly into the preparation of most soups, sauces, risottos. Based on it, dishes with seafood and fish are prepared.

For one kilogram of chicken bones, you need to take one onion, one carrot, several cloves of (preferably unpeeled) garlic, two or three sprigs of parsley, a little celery, bay leaf, salt to taste and half a teaspoon of black pepper peas. This is the recipe found in cookbooks. Many people like to add one apple, cut in half.

How much to cook chicken bone broth? If you adhere to the rules, then this is three hours, since the broth is put on a small fire.

Bones are placed in a pan, poured with water and brought to a boil. A few minutes before boiling, a foam will appear on the surface of the water, which must be removed. In fact, foam is a protein found in meat and bone that comes out when heated. Foam is not a danger, it is removed in order to make the broth look attractive. If you don’t do this, the foam will disperse in the water and the broth will turn cloudy, and this, often, becomes the reason for refusing the dish.

It is known that the stronger the water boils, the faster the foam forms, so to the notice of the housewives who do not know how to cook chicken broth, we can say that it should be cooked for at least three hours. As an option, you can use a slow cooker, in it the broth turns out to be perfectly transparent, like a drop of tears.

After removing the foam, chopped vegetables, sprigs of parsley and black pepper are added to the pan. You need to salt the broth shortly before the end of cooking. It remains only to strain the broth, and he is ready.

If you bake or fry chicken bones in a pan or grill before cooking, you will get a red, more saturated broth.

How to cook beef broth?

As in the case of chicken, beef broth is white or transparent and red. We consider each case separately.

For white beef broth, you need to take a kilogram of beef or calf bones, pour one and a half liters of water and put on fire. After removing the foam, add one head of onion, half leek, one carrot, celery stalk, three unpeeled garlic cloves, one hundred grams of celery root, parsley, a little thyme, two bay leaves, a little allspice and black pepper, three cloves to the bones. and salt to taste.

How to cook beef broth? White broth from this type of bones is cooked as well as chicken, the difference is only in time. This broth must be cooked for four or more hours.

Red beef broth

For the preparation of red broth, all ingredients, i.e. bones, vegetables and roots, must be baked. If the stove has a grill mode, then it is better to use it. To do this, beef or veal bones, along with vegetables, previously coarsely chopped, must be put in the prepared pan and put under a heated grill.

For half an hour, while they are baked, the ingredients must be turned over until they are covered on all sides with a golden crust. Then the contents of the pan are taken out, placed in a pan, poured with cold water and after removing the resulting foam, which in this case is not enough, vegetables and roots are added. All this is put on medium heat. Four hours later, the broth will be ready, it remains only to strain.


This dish is a decoration of the New Year's table. Many are interested in the question: how to cook aspic so that the broth turns out transparent? There are several rules that it is advisable to observe during the cooking process.

Of considerable importance is how the meat is processed, how long the jelly is cooked, and in what forms it decomposes. If, during cooking, the broth still turns cloudy, then there is no need to panic. There are several methods for lightening it.

Often, jellied meat is prepared from different types of meat and fish, but the main indicator of a successful dish is the transparency of the broth and how well it froze.

How to cook transparent jellied meat?

Let's consider in more detail how to cook aspic so that the broth is transparent. First of all, you should choose the meat itself. Usually take pork and beef, it is desirable that the meat was streaked and skin. This is necessary for a rich broth. And of course, as many bones as possible are put in the broth.

Before cooking jellied meat with bones is immersed in water for 3-5 hours, then it is thoroughly washed under running water, and the skins (for example pork legs) are scrupulously scraped and shaved.

Cold water is poured into a large pot, bones and meat are put, and cooked over a fast fire until foam is formed. After the appearance of the foam, the water is drained. It is necessary that the broth is transparent. The pan in which the meat was cooked should either be replaced or washed thoroughly so that no protein formations remain.

Then put meat in a clean pan, bones, fill it with water so that it covers the meat for two to three centimeters. Reduce the fire to medium and constantly remove the foam that forms again with a slotted spoon. After the foam ceases to form, the fire is brought to the lowest rate and the jelly is boiled for five to six hours.

When do they put supplements?

Additives such as onions, carrots, celery, black peas and bay leaves are added an hour before the end of cooking. Salt jelly should be half an hour before the completion of the process.

After the meat is cooked well, it is removed and cut. It is advisable to cut into small pieces, and the broth is filtered through a colander and gauze folded in several layers. It remains only to decompose the ingredients into forms.

In the prepared trays put beautifully chopped carrots, greens, a boiled egg (optional), as well as chopped meat and pour in the broth. After that, the molds are cleaned in a cool place and after a few hours served to the table.

If the broth is still cloudy, there are several ways to lighten it.

How to lighten the broth?

You need to take two eggs, separate the squirrels from the yolks and beat the squirrels. In a half glass of cold water add whipped squirrels and pour all this into a boiling broth. Squirrels curl up and attract the remaining foam. Everything will come to the surface and then with the help of a slotted spoon it will be possible to easily remove the excess.

If the broth is slightly cloudy, then it can be clarified by resorting to a pinch of citric acid.

Broth is an amazing product. It is good both as an independent dish, and as the basis for the preparation of soups, some cereals, risotto, jellied meat, sauces, gravy and other culinary masterpieces.

The taste of the broth directly depends on the quality of the meat used. Depending on what type of meat you use, it is important to pay attention to the following nuances:

As for pork, the meat of bacon pigs is considered the most valuable. This is lean tender meat with a thin layer of pink salted pork fat. Bacon pork is quickly cooked, it produces a very tender and tasty broth.

For chicken stock, choose poultry meat grown in environmentally friendly conditions without antibiotics and growth stimulants. It is important that the chicken is not frozen and that no chlorine is used to cool it. From such a chicken, the correct broth is obtained: transparent, saturated, moderately oily, without extraneous odors.

For broth, it is best to choose pieces of pulp or meat on the bone, rich in connective tissue. Such meat during prolonged cooking releases the most extractives, and, accordingly, the broth from it turns out to be tasty, aromatic and rich.

Different manufacturers cut meat carcasses differently, so when choosing a piece of meat for the broth, focus on the recommendations of the seller. For example, the culinary cutting of Myasnov takes into account the nutritional characteristics of each piece and identifies the following parts of the meat carcass that are suitable for cooking: in pork it is a shoulder blade; in beef - neck, brisket, ham; lamb - medallions from the cervical part, shoulder blade, brisket, ribs, drumsticks. Pay attention to the "Recommended for cooking" signs located next to the value.
  As for the poultry, practically all parts of the carcass are suitable for cooking, and there is no consensus on which part of the broth is tastier. Someone thinks that the most delicious broth is from wings and necks, someone prefers a broth made from lean chicken breast meat, and someone - from whole chicken.

1. Prepare products: thoroughly wash meat, vegetables and herbs. You don’t need to cut meat for the broth, it should give its juices gradually, slowly - then the broth will turn out transparent and tasty. If you cook chicken broth, nutritionists recommend removing the skin from it - because of it, the dish may turn out to be too fat.

2. Fill the meat with cold water and set on fire. Our goal is precisely the broth, and not boiled meat, so it is important to use cold water: with the gradual heating of water, taste and nutrients are released from the meat and go into the broth. If you put the meat in boiling water, its surface is immediately “sealed” with a protein film, which will prevent the extraction of extractives into the broth (but the meat itself will remain juicy and tasty).

To boil the pan, you can cover and cook the broth over medium heat. As soon as the water boils, it is necessary to reduce the heating and continue cooking on minimum heat without a lid so that the evaporating water does not drip back into the broth and does not spoil its taste.

3. When the broth boils, foam will begin to appear on it. It must be removed immediately with a slotted spoon as it appears. If this is not done in a timely manner, then the foam will soon settle to the bottom of the pan in the form of flakes, which will ruin the appearance of the dish. The foam adhered to the walls of the pan is removed with a damp cloth. If a lot of fat appears on the surface of the broth, it must be removed with a paper towel, as it gives the dish an unpleasant greasy flavor.

4. 30 minutes before the end of cooking, add vegetables and spices to the broth to taste - with them the broth will be more aromatic. A little secret: you can put a little onion peel in the broth, then it will get a pleasant golden hue. You can pre-fry carrots, turnips, celery and other roots in a pan without oil or bake them - their aroma in the broth will be even stronger.

5. The cooking time of the broth on a very low heat after boiling depends on the size of the piece, the rigidity of the meat, the age of the animal and the desired strength of the broth that you want to achieve. So, for example, the broth will reach readiness in 1-1.5 hours, if you use 1 kilogram of meat of young gobies, and in 2.5-3 hours - if the meat is from adult beef. After boiling, the pork broth is boiled for 1.5-2.5 hours, from mutton - 1.5-2 hours, from chicken - 1-2 hours.

If you want to use boiled meat from the broth in another dish, consider that it will be cooked faster than the broth itself. You can check the readiness of the meat as follows: pierce it with a knife - the knife will enter the fully cooked piece effortlessly. Cooked meat can be carefully separated from the bone and used, and continue to cook the bones until the broth is ready.

6. After cooking, remove the meat and vegetables from the broth and strain it through a fine sieve or a squeezed linen towel soaked in water and dry, so that the broth is transparent, and to prevent small fragments of bones from entering the dish. Vegetables and bones can be thrown away, because they have already given the dish all their taste and aroma, and there is no longer any value in them.

The best broth is obtained from fresh or chilled meat. But if you are forced to use frozen, it is very important to properly defrost it. Do not use a microwave or hot water for this. The best way is to wash the meat with cold water and place in a sealed container for 2-3 hours.

It is advisable that the broth pan has a thick bottom and, if possible, thick walls. This will ensure a gradual and uniform heating of the broth, which means that the meat will release the maximum amount of extractives.

The broth should not be "boiling with a key" - the movement of the liquid should be barely noticeable. If your stove is difficult to adjust in such a way that the desired temperature is maintained, try putting the pot with the broth in the oven, heated to a temperature of 100-110 degrees.

It is better to add no more than a pinch of salt to the broth or not salt at all: when boiling, more liquid may evaporate from it than you expected, so the broth risks being over-salted. It is better to salt the dish that you plan to cook on the basis of the broth.

   ... The French add to the broth a “garni bouquet” - a bunch of herbs consisting of thyme twigs, bay leaves, parsley stalks and leeks. Optionally, you can add celery, garlic, cloves to this bouquet - everything you like. At the end of cooking, the bouquet is caught and thrown away.

   ... The broth can be frozen. If you often cook dishes based on the broth, then it will be convenient for you to do as follows: cook the broth once every few weeks, then divide it into portions and freeze. Cool the broth, remove all the fat from it. Cover the rectangular deep container with a large piece of cling film so that the edges hang down strongly. Gently pour the broth inside, close the container with a lid and put in the freezer. When the broth completely freezes, remove the resulting “briquette” with the film and wrap it in the hanging edges. You can also use paper juice bags or clean plastic mayonnaise buckets to freeze the broth. Frozen broth is stored for up to 6 months.