The easiest egg sugar cream. Protein cream

Those with a sweet tooth and simply lovers of delicious food are well acquainted with such a component of desserts as protein cream. Its preparation at home does not require special technologies and complex recipes, but still not everyone manages to make the cream perfect, since this has its own characteristics.

It can often be seen in tubules, choux pastries, or on cakes. Unlike butter or sour cream, it stands out for its splendor, tenderness and lightness. It can also be used in many other desserts.

Protein cream: recipe number 1

To prepare it, you will need, of course, eggs in the amount of 3 pieces, 1 glass of granulated sugar, water (100 ml), salt and citric acid. From the dishes you need to get a small saucepan to prepare the syrup, a bowl for beating, a plate for cold water, spoons and other kitchen utensils.

To begin with, sugar must be mixed with water and heated over medium heat. It is recommended to rinse eggs well in order to warn yourself against unpleasant diseases. Now the whites are separated from the yolks and sent to the refrigerator for cooling. This is necessary so that whipping is easier, and the cream is of high quality.

When the sugar syrup boils, the heat must be reduced. The cooking process lasts until the ball rolls off. To check this, you need to collect some liquid in a spoon, cool and try to pump. Over the entire time, this can happen several times, so you can better understand the essence of the syrup preparation. If only everything worked out, you can beat the egg whites.

Cold proteins are slightly salted, you can even add a little citric acid. Beat with a whisk or mixer until the liquid becomes a thick foam. When the instrument is pulled out from there, the cream should not drain, but retain its shape. Moreover, if the product has not yet reached the desired consistency, it is not recommended to stop the whipping process for a long time.

Now you can add the sugar syrup to the cream, whisking constantly. So, you get a custard protein cream that needs to be completely cooled. To do this, you can use a large pot of cold water, where the container with the finished product is placed.

The use of this type of cream can be carried out in the preparation of any type of confectionery. Decorations from it look good on cakes, only too small details, alas, will not work.

When hot syrup is added to the beaten eggs, a so-called heat treatment occurs, which makes the cream safer to consume. When the syrup has boiled, its temperature can even be 115 degrees. According to culinary standards, this sweetness can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 1.5 days.

In order not to deal with the preparation of syrups, and not to add various ingredients, a protein cream can only be made from proteins and sugar. You can add quite a bit of salt or citric acid if desired, but this is not necessary.

The whites, only chilled, are whipped with a mixer or by hand, gradually adding sugar in small portions. There is usually 1 cup of sugar for 3-4 proteins. Citric acid is added to make the protein cream firm and set quickly. It is very important that the acid and sugar crystals are completely dissolved.

Protein cream with gelatin

Before you start whipping, you need to pour gelatin with water in a ratio of 9: 2 spoons. It is left to swell for about 1.5 hours. After this time, the gelatin heats up, but it cannot be brought to a boil.

From 5 eggs you need to get the proteins, and the eggs should be cold, and beat them with a teaspoon of citric acid and sugar (about 1.5 cups). During whipping, a gelatinous mass is also added. When the cream is ready, it will resemble a mass of bird milk. If you dip small portions of cream into chocolate, you end up with candy. It is most commonly used for cakes and pastries.

Since chickens are not the cleanest birds in the world, it is very important to wash the eggs, even though the shells are not used in cooking. After that, it is necessary to dry them well, because the slightest drop of water or other liquid will ruin all further work.

The same goes for egg yolk. To separate it qualitatively, there are several methods:

  • Break the egg in half and roll the mass from one part to another until the white and yolk are in different halves;
  • Make a paper funnel through which the protein will seep faster than the yolk into the substituted container;
  • The shell can be pierced with a needle in two opposite places. So, the protein will come out, and the yolk will remain in place.

The proteins and utensils used must be kept cold. It is also important that the egg product is fresh. In old eggs, the whites are liquid and watery, so they won't make a lush cream.

Even if the first time you fail to prepare a high-quality cream, you should not give up and never return to it. The right technology will make it possible to make a delicious cream for any dessert.

Not only professional chefs, but also homemade lovers know how to make egg and sugar cream. This product is known to everyone for its excellent taste and tenderness, so people are used to decorating cakes, pastries and cookies. But often there are situations when the classic recipe is already tired and you want something new. This article will tell you about the most interesting recipes for homemade baked goods and highly professional dishes.

Important points

Before making a cream from eggs and sugar, be sure to read the basic recommendations. They will help both novice and experienced chefs avoid getting into trouble and make a delicious cream without unnecessary worries.

Before making an egg and sugar cream for a cake, brownie, or cookie, the first step is to separate the yolk from the protein. This does not require special skills, although not everyone succeeds the first time. There are actually several simple ways:

    The most common option that all people use before making an egg and sugar cream is to gently break the egg into two parts and pour the contents from one shell to another with quick movements, gradually pouring out the protein. In the end, the yolk should remain in the shell, and the pure protein in a pre-prepared container.

    An equally popular, but requiring more care, method is to pierce the egg from both sides with a thick needle. White will stand out through the holes, and the pure yolk will remain in the shell.

  1. The modern method, which not many people know about, is to break the egg into a container and catch the yolk with an ordinary plastic bottle. To do this, squeeze the bottle a little with your fingers, bring the neck to the yolk and open the bottle.

In addition to the tips listed above, there are other guidelines to consider:

  1. The whites will blend better with the sugar if cooled.
  2. The container for whipping the protein should be large so that the contents do not spill out during the process.
  3. The dishes should also be chilled a little before making the egg and sugar cream. Cooling methods: keep in the refrigerator for about 5 minutes or in the freezer for no more than 2 minutes.
  4. In the first stage of whipping the protein, the speed should be slow.
  5. Sugar should be added gradually, and if you pour it all out at once, the cream will not be able to thicken.
  6. No natural dyes will spoil the taste of the cream.

By adhering to all of these tips, any novice cook will know how to make egg and sugar cream without much difficulty. Such a delicious addition to any pastry can surprise not only guests, but also yourself. And using the popular recipes provided below, you can safely forget about spending money on ready-made sweets.


The most favorite treat of all sweet tooths is the classic egg and sugar cake cream. In addition to the main ingredients (4 egg yolks and 200 grams of sugar), you will need:

  • milk - 500 ml;
  • flour - 50 g;
  • vanillin - a little less than 1 tsp. (optional).

Grind the yolks with sugar, and then add vanillin and flour. This mass should be brought to homogeneity. Next, you need to boil the milk and pour it into a homogeneous mass, and then mix thoroughly. Then the contents of the container will need to be moved to fire and cooked until thickened.

In this recipe, each person decides for himself exactly when it will be necessary to remove the cream from the heat, depending on what density is needed.

Universal oil cream

This method is also a popular answer to the question of how to make an egg and sugar cream, the recipe for which will be simple and accessible to everyone. Although, at first glance, it does not seem too easy, even the most novice chefs can prepare a universal butter cream that suits absolutely all types of baked goods.

Main ingredients:

  • butter (butter) - 1 pack;
  • sugar - 1 glass with a slide;
  • eggs - a couple of things;
  • icing sugar - about 100 grams (optional);
  • vanilla (optional)

For cooking, you will also need to take a saucepan with a thick bottom. It is necessary to break a couple of eggs into it and mix them with sugar. Then put the pan on the fire and stir constantly. When a slightly thickened mass is formed, it should be removed from the heat, mixed and wait literally 10-15 minutes. Next, you need to beat the butter along with the powder in a separate container and add the cooled egg mixture there. The final step is to add a pinch of vanilla.

It is necessary to store such a cream only in the refrigerator, and spread it exclusively on cooled cakes. After all, oil deteriorates very quickly if it is not in the cold.

With condensed milk

Few people know, but you can make a sugar-free egg cream even faster. Children and adults like it very much, since the main ingredient here is condensed milk.

For cooking you will need:

  • butter - no more than 200 g;
  • condensed milk - 100 g;
  • yolks - 2 things;
  • liqueur - about 50 g.

The oil should be softened and mixed with condensed milk. After reaching a homogeneous mass, you need to continue to beat, gradually adding the yolks. It is not required to put this cream on fire, as in other recipes. After obtaining a thickened mass, add a little liquor.

If the cream will be served on the table for young children, then the liqueur should be replaced with a pinch of powdered sugar. Even despite the fact that there is a small share of alcohol, the health of babies is still not worth risking.

With the addition of semolina

Another recipe preferred by children of all ages. For cooking, of course, you will need to take a little more ingredients, but nevertheless, the result will surely pleasantly surprise any person.


  • milk - 1/2 cup;
  • yolk - 1 piece;
  • sugar - with a slide 1 tsp;
  • butter - about 1/2 tsp;
  • semolina - no more than 1 tbsp. l .;
  • - 1 tsp.

Boil the milk with vanilla sugar. While boiling the milk, you need to separately mix the semolina with water (the mixture should be very thick) and add it to the hot milk, bringing it to a boil again. Then you need to grind the yolk along with sugar and butter until you get a lush uniformity. There it is necessary to add semolina porridge, but not all at once, but gradually and in small portions, while constantly working with a whisk.

The result is a delicate and lush cream that you want to eat right away, without even decorating baked goods with it.

Filling for eclairs

Eclairs are a favorite treat for children and adults, the cream for which can be quickly and easily prepared at home.

For cooking you need to take:

  • eggs - 2 pieces;
  • sugar - 1 glass;
  • flour - 2 tsp;
  • melted butter - 2 tsp;
  • milk - 1 cup.

In a small saucepan, mix the flour and eggs so that there are no lumps. In another container, you need to boil milk and sugar separately, while constantly stirring with a spoon. Pour hot milk in a thin stream into the flour mixture, and then stir as quickly as possible with a special spatula. The finished cream should be placed on fire and brought to a thickening, but do not boil. Next, the mass must be removed from the heat, add butter there and mix thoroughly.


Everyone knows for which only 5 and half a glass of sugar is required, cooks quite quickly. To do this, beat the whites into a foam, and then add sugar to them, continuing to beat until a dense mass is obtained. Next, you need to cover the baking sheet with special paper and lay out the meringues with the help. The cakes should be in the oven for about 20 minutes at a temperature of 100 degrees.

Sweet delicate protein cream especially pleases housewives with its versatility. It goes well with cakes, pastries and even sweet pancakes. Very often, everyone's favorite eclairs are filled with this cream.

Ingredients: 3 raw proteins, 320 g of granulated sugar, 120 ml of filtered water, half a packet of vanillin, 1 teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice.

  1. Since custard is prepared according to this recipe, the first step is to properly cook the syrup. To do this, water is combined with sugar and sent to the fire. After boiling, the mixture is cooked for 8-9 minutes.
  2. While the syrup is preparing, the whites are whipped. You need to try to combine your actions in such a way that by the time the syrup is fully prepared, a lush foam has already formed in a bowl with raw eggs.
  3. Without stopping whipping, syrup is poured into the protein mass in a very thin stream. It is not required to cool it beforehand.
  4. Immediately after the syrup, the rest of the ingredients specified in the recipe are introduced into the mass.

Whisking continues until the protein custard holds its peak well.

Water bath recipe

Ingredients: whites of 4 chicken eggs, a full glass of powdered sugar, a pack of heavy butter, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of lemon juice.

  1. Proteins are poured into dry, clean dishes. They must first be cooled. Begin beating with a mixer at medium speed. Gradually, powdered sugar is added to the raw eggs in small portions. As a result, there will be an airy light foam in the bowl.
  2. The container with the base of the cream is sent to an already prepared water bath for 4 minutes. During this time, the powder should dissolve. The cream in the water bath is constantly interfering.
  3. The mass is removed from the fire, combined with citrus juice, melted butter and whipped for a couple of minutes.

It remains to decorate the prepared desserts with cream.

How to prepare filling for eclairs?

Ingredients: 120 ml of filtered water, a faceted glass of granulated sugar, 3 chicken egg whites, a pinch of table salt.

  1. Sugar dissolves in water. The liquid is sent to the fire for 15-20 minutes. A bowl of cold water is placed next to it. After the specified time, you need to add a drop of syrup to it. The result is a soft sugar ball? The syrup is completely ready.
  2. Eggs (whites) are separately beaten with salt. Steady peaks should form in the bowl.
  3. Syrup that has just been removed from the heat is poured into the whipped mass. This is done in a very thin stream and with continued beating of the mass. At first it will settle, and then it will become lush again.

Beat the protein cream for eclairs until it cools completely.

Protein-butter cake cream

Ingredients: 160 g quality butter, 130 g granulated sugar, 2 chicken egg whites.

  1. The butter is left at room temperature to soften. To make this happen faster, it is better to cut it into small pieces beforehand.
  2. Raw proteins and sand are sent to a dry, clean stewpan. No need to whip the ingredients. It is enough just to mix.
  3. A water bath is being prepared in advance. With continuous stirring, the mass warms up well. When all the sweet crystals dissolve and the proteins begin to cloud slightly, you can remove the container from the heat and beat the cream base until smooth and light.
  4. Next, the container is placed in a bowl of cold water and whipped for another 6-7 minutes. The oil is introduced into the already completely cooled mass.

Whisk the protein-butter cake cream for a couple of minutes until fully cooked.

With the addition of gelatin

Ingredients: 5 chicken egg whites, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of quality gelatin, 1 small spoonful of citric acid, 10 tbsp. tablespoons of boiled water, 1.5 tbsp. granulated sugar.

  1. First, gelatin, according to the instructions, is filled with water. It should be boiled and cool. The product mixes well in the liquid and is left to swell.
  2. Next, the gelatin must be heated until it is completely dissolved. The main thing is not to bring the mass to a boil.
  3. Cold egg whites are whipped separately with the addition of "lemon" and sugar.
  4. When the sweet grains dissolve in the mass, and it becomes quite lush, you can pour in the cooled gelatin in a thin stream.

A variety of desserts are decorated with the finished cream.

Protein-creamy delicacy

Ingredients: half of a standard pack of fatty butter, 20 ml of liqueur or white wine, 2 chicken egg whites, 130 g of granulated sugar.

  1. The butter is softened beforehand. To do this, it will be enough to leave it at room temperature for a couple of hours. By this time, the butter will be ready for whipping. If you need to speed up the process, you can use the microwave.
  2. The butter is whipped well with a special blender attachment.
  3. Cold egg whites are whipped in a separate bowl. A minute later, sugar begins to pour into them. The speed of the device is gradually increasing.
  4. Further, non-hot oil is gradually poured into the sweet egg mixture. Liquor is added. Whipping continues all this time. After another couple of minutes, the cream will be completely ready.

You should not replace the liqueur with cognac, otherwise the delicacy will acquire an unappetizing gray tint.

With condensed milk

Ingredients: 140 ml of condensed milk, a pound of granulated sugar, a pack of fatty butter, 4 eggs, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of gelatin, a full glass of filtered water. How to make a protein cream with condensed milk is described below.

  1. Gelatin is soaked in water until it swells.
  2. Then sugar is added to the mixture and it is sent to a water bath. The mass is left on the stove until the gelatin and sugar are completely dissolved.
  3. Separately, the condensed milk is whipped with softened butter until smooth.
  4. In another bowl, beat the whites until fluffy. They need to be connected to the components from the second and third steps.

It remains to beat the cream until smooth and decorate the desserts with it.

With sour cream

Ingredients: 4 chicken egg whites, a full glass of powdered sugar, 12 g of vanilla sugar and 60 g of sand, a glass of very fatty thick sour cream.

  1. It is very important that the whites are as fresh as possible without blotches of yolk. They are whipped until fluffy with powder. This process will take 3-4 minutes.
  2. Sour cream is whipped with two types of sugar. It takes 14-16 minutes to work with a mixer. Only in this case the cream will turn out to be really lush.
  3. Both masses are gently mixed with a spatula.

You need to use the ready-made cream immediately, since it is very poorly stored even in the refrigerator.

With cocoa

Ingredients: 1 teaspoon of cocoa powder, 4 egg whites, ¼ teaspoon of citric acid, 40 ml of water, a glass of granulated sugar.

  1. The whites are whipped with a mixer until a strong foam. They must not fall out of the bowl during the turning process.
  2. Sugar is divided into 2 parts. The first is gradually added to the whipping proteins.
  3. The second part of the sand is mixed with water and lemon. Sugar syrup is cooked from these ingredients to a “soft ball”. If there is a pastry thermometer in the house, then the mixture is boiled up to a temperature of 120 degrees.
  4. The syrup is poured into the whipped egg whites in a very thin stream.
  5. It remains to add cocoa to the mass and repeat the processing of all ingredients with a mixer.

The cream is immediately ready for decorating cakes and pastries.

Ingredients for Protein Cream:

3 eggs of the 1st category (medium eggs), an incomplete glass of sugar (a faceted glass filled not to the brim, but to the upper edge), 100 ml. water, salt, citric acid crystals (to taste).

Tools and utensils necessary for the preparation of protein cream:

a pan for boiling sugar syrup, a wide metal pan for whipping cream, a mixer, a deep plate with cold water, a large container with cold water (where you can put a pan for whipping protein cream), various spoons, a glass and other improvised means.

Protein cream preparation:

Before you start cooking protein cream, you need to perfectly learn how to cook an ordinary meringue. Although the recipe is simple, and I will try to fully describe it, it requires some skill. If it doesn't work the first time, don't be discouraged. The road will be mastered by the walking one. I will say about myself, I did it right the first time, which means that the chance of winning is great. Let's move on to the recipe!

Mix sugar with water in a separate saucepan and put on medium heat. Wash eggs thoroughly. This significantly reduces the likelihood of various diseases.

Separate the egg whites and refrigerate. Chilled whites are whipped much easier and better. Bring the sugar syrup to a boil and cook over low heat.

I will dwell in more detail on the preparation of sugar syrup. It must be boiled down before rolling the ball. Those. take a little syrup with a teaspoon, cool it in a plate with cold water, then a ball should easily roll out of this syrup. Only the syrup needs to be well cooled so as not to burn yourself. Try this process several times as you cook the syrup to get a feel for the process. As soon as you see that you can boil the syrup a little more and you will get a ball. Then start whipping the egg whites.

Remove the egg whites from the refrigerator, add a little salt (so that the whites are beaten better). Add crystalline citric acid if desired. I don't like protein cream with citric acid, so I don't add it. Beat the egg whites with a mixer until a thick foam. Those. if you turn off the mixer and remove the paddles, the resulting peaks should retain their shape. If the peaks are very high, they are allowed to lower their heads. It's best to have someone help whisk the whites while you tinker with the sugar syrup. It is highly undesirable to stop whipping whites.

It's time to test the syrup for a roll test. If it works, the syrup is ready. I flattened the ball. It should not spread.

So, the whites are beaten. The syrup is boiled. We continue to beat the egg whites, and pour the sugar syrup into the future cream in a thin stream. This is the process of brewing protein cream. We do not stop whipping for a second. When all the sugar syrup has been introduced, you need to continue to beat the whites until the cream has completely cooled. To cool the protein cream faster, you can put the saucepan of the cream in a large container of cold water.

Protein cream application:

Prepared using this technology, it is perfectly stored and retains its shape. It can be used as a filling of various confectionery products, for external decoration of cakes. Making jewelry out of this cream is difficult, but possible. Small details just won't work.

Protein Cream Safety:

Thanks to the heat treatment with sugar syrup, the protein cream becomes safe to eat. During the boiling and brewing of the cream, the temperature of the sugar syrup reaches 115 degrees Celsius. According to technology, the storage time of such a cream in the refrigerator is 36 hours.

Not only professional chefs, but also homemade lovers know how to make egg and sugar cream. This product is known to everyone for its excellent taste and tenderness, therefore, it is the protein cream that people are used to decorating cakes, pastries and cookies. But often there are situations when the classic recipe is already tired and you want something new. This article will tell you about the most interesting recipes for homemade baked goods and highly professional dishes.

Important points

Before making a cream from eggs and sugar, be sure to read the basic recommendations. They will help both novice and experienced chefs avoid getting into trouble and make a delicious cream without unnecessary worries.

Before making an egg and sugar cream for a cake, brownie, or cookie, the first step is to separate the yolk from the protein. This does not require special skills, although not everyone succeeds the first time. There are actually several simple ways:

    The most common option that all people use before making an egg and sugar cream is to gently break the egg into two parts and pour the contents from one shell to another with quick movements, gradually pouring out the protein. In the end, the yolk should remain in the shell, and the pure protein in a pre-prepared container.

    An equally popular, but requiring more care, method is to pierce the egg from both sides with a thick needle. White will stand out through the holes, and the pure yolk will remain in the shell.

  1. The modern method, which not many people know about, is to break the egg into a container and catch the yolk with an ordinary plastic bottle. To do this, squeeze the bottle a little with your fingers, bring the neck to the yolk and open the bottle.

In addition to the tips listed above, there are other guidelines to consider:

  1. The whites will blend better with the sugar if cooled.
  2. The container for whipping the protein should be large so that the contents do not spill out during the process.
  3. The dishes should also be chilled a little before making the egg and sugar cream. Cooling methods: keep in the refrigerator for about 5 minutes or in the freezer for no more than 2 minutes.
  4. In the first stage of whipping the protein, the speed should be slow.
  5. Sugar should be added gradually, and if you pour it all out at once, the cream will not be able to thicken.
  6. No natural dyes will spoil the taste of the cream.

By adhering to all of these tips, any novice cook will know how to make egg and sugar cream without much difficulty. Such a delicious addition to any pastry can surprise not only guests, but also yourself. And using the popular recipes provided below, you can safely forget about spending money on ready-made sweets.


The most favorite treat of all sweet tooths is the classic egg and sugar cake cream. In addition to the main ingredients (4 egg yolks and 200 grams of sugar), you will need:

  • milk - 500 ml;
  • flour - 50 g;
  • vanillin - a little less than 1 tsp. (optional).

Grind the yolks with sugar, and then add vanillin and flour. This mass should be brought to homogeneity. Next, you need to boil the milk and pour it into a homogeneous mass, and then mix thoroughly. Then the contents of the container will need to be moved to fire and cooked until thickened.

In this recipe, each person decides for himself exactly when it will be necessary to remove the cream from the heat, depending on what density is needed.

Universal oil cream

This method is also a popular answer to the question of how to make an egg and sugar cream, the recipe for which will be simple and accessible to everyone. Although, at first glance, it does not seem too easy, even the most novice chefs can prepare a universal butter cream that suits absolutely all types of baked goods.

Main ingredients:

  • butter (butter) - 1 pack;
  • sugar - 1 glass with a slide;
  • eggs - a couple of things;
  • icing sugar - about 100 grams (optional);
  • vanilla (optional)

For cooking, you will also need to take a saucepan with a thick bottom. It is necessary to break a couple of eggs into it and mix them with sugar. Then put the pan on the fire and stir constantly. When a slightly thickened mass is formed, it should be removed from the heat, mixed and wait literally 10-15 minutes. Next, you need to beat the butter along with the powder in a separate container and add the cooled egg mixture there. The final step is to add a pinch of vanilla.

It is necessary to store such a cream only in the refrigerator, and spread it exclusively on cooled cakes. After all, oil deteriorates very quickly if it is not in the cold.

With condensed milk

Few people know, but you can make a sugar-free egg cream even faster. Children and adults like it very much, since the main ingredient here is condensed milk.

For cooking you will need:

  • butter - no more than 200 g;
  • condensed milk - 100 g;
  • yolks - 2 things;
  • liqueur - about 50 g.

The oil should be softened and mixed with condensed milk. After reaching a homogeneous mass, you need to continue to beat, gradually adding the yolks. It is not required to put this cream on fire, as in other recipes. After obtaining a thickened mass, add a little liquor.

If the cream will be served on the table for young children, then the liqueur should be replaced with a pinch of powdered sugar. Even despite the fact that there is a small share of alcohol, the health of babies is still not worth risking.

With the addition of semolina

Another recipe preferred by children of all ages. For cooking, of course, you will need to take a little more ingredients, but nevertheless, the result will surely pleasantly surprise any person.


  • milk - 1/2 cup;
  • yolk - 1 piece;
  • sugar - with a slide 1 tsp;
  • butter - about 1/2 tsp;
  • semolina - no more than 1 tbsp. l .;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 tsp

Boil the milk with vanilla sugar. While boiling the milk, you need to separately mix the semolina with water (the mixture should be very thick) and add it to the hot milk, bringing it to a boil again. Then you need to grind the yolk along with sugar and butter until you get a lush uniformity. There it is necessary to add semolina porridge, but not all at once, but gradually and in small portions, while constantly working with a whisk.

The result is a delicate and lush cream that you want to eat right away, without even decorating baked goods with it.

Filling for eclairs

Eclairs are a favorite treat for children and adults, the cream for which can be quickly and easily prepared at home.

For cooking you need to take:

  • eggs - 2 pieces;
  • sugar - 1 glass;
  • flour - 2 tsp;
  • melted butter - 2 tsp;
  • milk - 1 cup.

In a small saucepan, mix the flour and eggs so that there are no lumps. In another container, you need to boil milk and sugar separately, while constantly stirring with a spoon. Pour hot milk in a thin stream into the flour mixture, and then stir as quickly as possible with a special spatula. The finished cream should be placed on fire and brought to a thickening, but do not boil. Next, the mass must be removed from the heat, add butter there and mix thoroughly.


The well-known meringue cake, which requires only 5 egg whites and half a glass of sugar, cooks pretty quickly. To do this, beat the whites into a foam, and then add sugar to them, continuing to beat until a dense mass is obtained. Next, you need to cover the baking sheet with special paper and lay out the meringue using a pastry bag. The cakes should be in the oven for about 20 minutes at a temperature of 100 degrees.