Kiwi fruit benefits and harms to health. Dried Kiwi Dried Kiwi

12.01.2021 Healthy eating

Kiwi is a once exotic fruit that today can be found in any store in our vast country. It is one of the healthiest fruits in the world. It is not for nothing that it is called the "storehouse of vitamins" Juicy bright green fruits are used for making desserts, in cosmetology and folk medicine. One kiwi or Chinese gooseberry contains as much vitamin C as three medium-sized oranges. But how to preserve nutrients when the fruit is harvested for future use? The best options are to make jerky or dried fruit.

It would seem that what could be easier than drying fruit? However, there are important details here too. Not all fruits can be harvested. For this, only fresh mature ones with an even, smooth dark green skin are suitable. There should be no dents on them. The fruit must be thoroughly rinsed under running water and cut into circles or medium-sized cubes. "Chinese gooseberries" are very juicy, therefore, before preparing for drying or drying, you need to hold it a little in an accessible warm air place. This will remove excess moisture and make the workpiece light and pleasant.

To make the kiwi dry faster, cut it into thin circles.

There are several ways to dry at home.

Drying in the oven

The most popular way because of its simplicity and availability. Moreover, it allows the hostess not to depend on the weather outside the window. Before drying in the oven, the fruit must be dried in the open air for a couple of days. It is imperative to dry it in the shade so that the sun's rays do not fall on the slices.

The slices are laid out on a baking sheet lined with parchment and sent to the oven for an average of 5 hours at a temperature of 50'C. The moisture is evaporated by exposure to high temperatures. However, there are a number of nuances. You will have to carefully monitor the degree of readiness. After all, the cooking speed depends on the technical characteristics of the oven. Besides. This method is not considered sparing for nutrients, because the slices are exposed to high temperatures.

Dried kiwi in the oven cooks quickly, but it's important to keep track of the cooking process

Drying in an electric dryer

The impact of temperatures is not as aggressive here as in the oven. Therefore, the chance to save all the beneficial properties increases. To preserve the pleasant green color of the fruit, you can soak the slices in sugar syrup before drying. The slices are placed in special trays of the dryer, such as, for example, VOLTERA 1000 Lux. Warm air is supplied to them from the fan. Dry for about 12 hours at 55'C.

There is only one minus - it is necessary to have an electric dryer. If you want to provide yourself from winter to winter with fragrant fruits, fragrant herbs and dried vegetables, you will have to purchase these household appliances.

Dried kiwi in an electric dryer retains maximum useful properties

Drying in the open air

Our mothers and grandmothers also did this. The pieces must be folded on a clean layer of cloth, covered with another layer of the same and sent to air dry in a place protected from light. The moisture evaporates when exposed to indirect sunlight and air. However, today not everyone can afford such a luxury. After all, there should be no highways, operating factories, tire changers and other enterprises that can pollute the air near the drying place. In addition, you must be prepared to attack wasps, flies and ants attracted by the sweet smell of kiwi.

Drying kiwi fruit outdoors will take about a week

How to dry fruit on a windowsill

Pieces of fruit are laid out on a parchment-covered windowsill and covered with the same layer of parchment. Drying occurs due to exposure to sunlight and warm air from the battery. The method is quite time consuming - the kiwi will dry on average up to five days.

Drying kiwi on the windowsill for a long time, but no cost

Cooking dried kiwi

There is another way how useful it is to prepare kiwi for the winter: the fruits can be wilted. For this, the fruits are peeled and cut into slices. Then put it in a deep bowl and cover with sugar. The saucepan is sent to the refrigerator overnight to let the fruit juice. After that, syrup is prepared from it and heated over a fire. Kiwi slices are added to a container with syrup and heated to a boil. After they are removed from the heat. The fruits are given time to infuse and after that they are laid out in jars and food containers. Dried kiwis retain not only their color, but all vitamins.
Whichever of the above methods you choose, the fruit is already cooked. The housewives have a question about how to store and where to use kiwi.

Dried kiwi is a real delicious dessert

Dry Chinese gooseberries can be stored for a year. After drying, it is better to transfer the kiwi to a closed plastic container or sew a special fabric bag for it. They are stored in a dark, cool and well-ventilated place. In sealed glass jars, the formation of moisture on the fruit slices can lead to mold.

The dried fruits can be used for healthy snacks, added to cereals for breakfast. They are used to prevent the formation of kidney stones, heart disease and heartburn. Kiwi is also able to normalize blood pressure. And this is not surprising, because the fruit contains potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, B vitamins, fruit and folic acids.

The bright green fruits help with constipation, inflammation of the tissues surrounding the tooth, and prevent skin pigmentation. The natural compound inositol, contained in kiwi, normalizes cerebral circulation and relieves fatigue.

What is required for cooking:

  • Bananas 2 kg.
  • Kiwi 7 pieces.
  • Dryer for fruits and vegetables Ezidri.
  • Time: about 11 hours

How to dry bananas or kiwi at home and what will come of it.

As usual, they bought a lot of something, but the children do not want to eat it or physically do not have time.

Likewise, my wife and I bought (at the same time) several kg of banana, but they are overripe, since my children do not have time to eat such an amount. With kiwi, the story happened a little earlier and most of them were eaten, about 7 pieces remained.

I decided to dry:

  • Overripe bananas about 2 kg
  • 7 kiwis that have been overstayed for a long time.

In summer we dry a lot and constantly, starting at the beginning of summer with strawberries and ending in late autumn with apples, pumpkins and the last watermelons, and this year with late mushrooms. When it rains outside and all the neighbors in the country (who have not yet bought a dryer) look with envy. But in winter, the dryer is more idle. And so back to our bans ...

Cut bananas into slices of about 5-7 mm. I cut some of the bananas obliquely, and some of them into small slices along the fibers and laid them on a tray (without using nets and trays). The slices of bananas and kiwis are large enough and will not fall through the tray cell.

All my products were placed on two trays.

This is how it looks on the tray from the Ezidri Ultra 1000 dryer:

On the second tray, we had to place bananas and kiwi, since there are few kiwis and a lot of bananas. But this is not a problem, as the smells will not mix.

He turned on the dryer at 55 C and went about his business. I will go to the dryer to take a picture in 3 hours.

Here is the result of drying bananas and kiwi after 3 hours at a temperature of 55 C

7 hours have passed after the start of dehydration (it is also - drying) of bananas and kiwi, temperature 55 C or "Medium" mode for SnackMaker.

And here are our bananas and kiwi, after 7 hours of drying

Taram-Pam-Pam! And here are the final photos of dried bananas. 11 hours passed.

Bananas and kiwi in 11 hours carried out in the dryer.

It's a shame that it is impossible to convey the taste of kiwi and bananas. Everyone who participated in the preparation ate them in 5 minutes. So there will be no photos in a beautiful plate and jar. There is nothing more to photograph.

P.S. Bananas that were cut along the grain dried much better, while those that were cut obliquely tasted very much like the good old Vietnamese dried bananas.

Kiwis are completely dry and have a rich sweet and sour taste.

Kiwi, sweet and juicy fruits " chinese gooseberry"Are stored not as long as we would like. Therefore, dried products appeared that contain all the valuable substances of fresh fruits, but do not spoil for years.

Dehydrated (dehydrated) kiwi slices can be snacks on the go and are added to muesli, yoghurts and fruit salads. Moreover, they are famous for their low fat content and rich vitamin and mineral profile. Although confectioners also love dried kiwis and are happy to decorate cakes and pies with them.

Nutritional value and calorie content of dried kiwi

A 50-gram serving of dried fruit contains 180 calories, 43 grams of carbohydrates, and 0.5 grams of fiber. For comparison, in the same amount of fresh fruit - only 30 calories. Despite the abundance of sugar, dehydrated kiwi slices contain only 0.5 g of fat, making them a great product for a low-fat diet.

Dried kiwi is a good source of vitamin C (one kiwi is equivalent to three oranges in its concentration), calcium, iron, zinc and magnesium. A serving of dried fruit provides 4% and 3% of the RDA for calcium and iron.

Useful properties of dried kiwi

  1. Relieves constipation, combats irritable bowel syndrome. A study published in September 2007 in the International Journal of Gastroenterology reports that Chinese men and women who ate dried kiwi twice a day for 4 weeks relieved constipation thanks to natural dietary fiber. When consumed regularly, these wonderful dried fruits reduce the body's dependence on laxatives.
  2. Preventive remedy for periodontitis (inflammation of the tissues surrounding the teeth), according to the "Journal of Clinical Periodontology" for March 2011.
  3. Increases bone density due to an additional dose of calcium.
  4. For beautiful skin... Dried kiwi fruits are rich in various antioxidants, including vitamins C, A, and E, as well as fruit acids that inhibit adhesion keratinocytes and prevent age-related skin pigmentation. Eating dried kiwi fruit helps to get rid of dark spots on the face and maintain the water-fat balance of the skin.
  5. Dehydrated Kiwi Slices stabilize mood thanks to the natural compound inositol. This substance improves brain activity and eases the emotional state of people with depression.
  6. In the fight against cancer The benefits of kiwi have been recognized by both modern science and Chinese medicine. Vitamin C in the fruit suppresses production nitrosamineswhich in turn prevents the growth of cancer cells in the body. Doctors advise taking 2-3 fresh kiwis (or dried, but no sugar) daily for patients with stomach cancer and those undergoing chemotherapy. Fisetin (fisetin) in Chinese gooseberry stimulates the death of colon cancer cells. It has a similar effect on malignant cells in the oral cavity.
  7. The inclusion of dried kiwi circles in the diet without added sugar will be beneficial for patients with type I and II diabetes due to the presence inositolwhich increases the sensitivity of cells to insulin.

In addition to the already listed facts of the benefits of dried kiwi, it is worth noting a decrease in cholesterol levels, strengthening heart health, normalizing digestion, cleansing the body of harmful metabolites and improving vision.

The harm of dried kiwi

The addition of a large amount of sugar is a common "disease" of store-bought dried fruits. And dried kiwi is no exception. Just one serving contains 23 g of unhealthy sweetness at the recommended daily allowance of 25-37 g. What to do? Dry the kiwi slices yourself.

There is also a positive point in sweet purchased dried fruits - they can be stored at home in the refrigerator for up to 6 months.

How to dry kiwi fruit at home?

The first and fundamental stage is the choice of fruit, since the taste of the finished product will largely depend on it. For home drying, only the freshest and most mature specimens are suitable, with a skin of an even color without dents and specks of incipient rot.

Next, you need to thoroughly rinse the purchased kiwi and cut into several thin circles or cubes. If you want to keep the maximum amount of vitamin C (it's not for nothing that this fruit is nicknamed " the king of vitamin C"), Dip the fruit slices in warm water for a while. This vitamin C-fortified water can be drunk neat or added to other drinks.

It is best to dry the kiwi in the sun, but if there is a blizzard outside the window, the most ordinary oven will do. Set the temperature to a minimum and be patient. The dehydration time depends on several factors, including the thickness of the circles and the specifications of your oven, so you will have to check the doneness yourself. Typically, it takes at least 5-5.5 hours to dry a kiwi at home.

The kiwi were washed, peeled, cut into 5 mm slices.

From 3 kg it turned out:
2.560 kg (85%) - refined product
0.44 kg (15%) - waste.

We made a syrup from 1.7 kg of sugar, let it cool a little. They poured them kiwi and left to infuse for 8 hours.
Then they were thrown into a colander and after 15 minutes laid out on trays.
Kiwis were dried for 16 hours at a temperature of +55 ° C.
The result was 634 grams of dried kiwi.


The history of the cultivated kiwi has no more than a hundred years. China is considered its homeland, where wild fruits were harvested, therefore the fruit is often called the Chinese gooseberry.

Breeding work to develop new varieties of larger size and improved taste began after the plant appeared in New Zealand in the early 20th century. For a long time, few people knew about the existence of the plant, and it gained worldwide popularity several decades ago. Over time, the fruit has ceased to be considered a restaurant gimmick and has become a completely familiar delicacy on the tables of residents of many countries.

People have mastered various methods of preparing the product, including drying it. Dried or dried kiwi is stored much better than its fresh counterpart, which allows you to enjoy the taste both at home, at work or traveling.

How to choose kiwi to dry?

Today there are more than 50 varieties of kiwi, but only a few of them are used for mass cultivation and drying. The most widespread varieties in recent years are Highward, Matua, Bruno, Allison. To prepare dried or dried kiwi, choose well-ripened fruits of moderate softness. If the kiwis are not quite ripe, tough and too sour, it is best to let them ripen for 4-5 days in a dark place. Overly soft and overripe fruits are also not suitable for drying. There should be no visible damage, dents or signs of rotting on the fruit.

Useful properties of kiwi

... Kiwi contains vitamins A, C, E, PP, B1, B2, B6, B9;
... macro- and microelements: potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, iron, phosphorus, manganese, iodine;
... pectins and flavonoids are necessary to maintain metabolism in the body;
... the enzyme actidin breaks down animal protein, thereby helping the absorption of meat products;
... dietary fiber improves the digestion of food.
The fruit dryer allows you to save up to 97% of all nutrients in dried kiwi.

The positive effect of kiwi on the body

Potassium predominates in the mineral composition of kiwi, which strengthens the walls of blood vessels and has a beneficial effect on the state of the entire cardiovascular system, helps to normalize blood pressure, and reduce cholesterol levels. Healthy dried fruit helps to cope with heartburn, a feeling of heaviness in the stomach after a hearty meal.

Vitamin C makes kiwi a good way to strengthen the immune system and prevent colds. It is also an important element in the formation of collagen fibers responsible for the beauty, firmness and elasticity of the skin. Fruit acids prevent the development of age-related skin pigmentation.

In folk medicine, kiwi is considered an excellent remedy for the prevention of rheumatism, thrombosis, periodontal disease and hair loss. Inositol stabilizes mood, has a beneficial effect on brain activity and even improves the emotional state. Therefore, such a delicacy is especially useful for people whose employment is associated with mental activity.

Kiwi improves the digestion process, normalizes the adrenal glands and pancreas. The fruit helps to cleanse the body, normalize hormonal levels. Despite the relatively high calorie content of dried kiwi, it contains a minimal amount of fat. Nutritionists recommend consuming these dried fruits as a vitamin snack. The fruit helps the assimilation of proteins, so dried kiwi fruit can be added to the diet during a protein diet.

Kiwi in cooking

Kiwi is a great option for a light snack at work, school, or on a trip. Kiwi slices can be eaten with tea or coffee. Dried fruits are used for the preparation of drinks: jelly, compote, juice. To make the drink also fat burning, ginger and lemon juice are added to it. For many, kiwi is an essential ingredient. Chopped preserves for the winter from kiwi, berries and other dried fruits can be added to the teapot when making black, green or herbal tea.

The taste of dried kiwi will perfectly complement confectionery: muffins, puffs, pies. Shredded dried fruit is added to ice cream and milkshakes. Round kiwi chips can be used to decorate pastries, cakes and other desserts.

The treat creates tasty and healthy combinations with many products. So, candied kiwi fruits, along with nuts and dried fruits, can be added to cereals, for example, buckwheat or oatmeal. Dried fruit goes well with cottage cheese, yogurt and other fermented milk products. Dried fruits added to the meat make it more tender and add flavor to the dish. Dried wedges can be added to pork, lamb, beef and poultry dishes. To make the kebab tasty and soft, put dried kiwi pieces in the marinade. True, meat should be marinated along with such an ingredient for no longer than an hour.

If you keep kiwi slices at home, you can treat yourself to something tasty at any time, with health benefits and without harming the waist. Bright and fragrant exotic fruit will give you a wonderful mood even on a gloomy day.

Practical advice. If you have to attend a large, serious event, during which you are supposed to take alcoholic drinks, take a couple of kiwi berries with you.

You do not have to flirt and refuse to drink to the health of the young, the hero of the day and other heroes of the occasion, kiwi will help you. Before and after a glass of alcoholic drink, eat a circle of this magic berry, and you will not be intoxicated, of course, if we are talking about reasonable amounts of alcohol.

Homeland of the monkey berry

Anyone who first saw shaggy potatoes on the shelves of our country was surprised by the overseas guest. The plant on which kiwi appears, or as it is called at home, in China, monkey berry, belongs to the family of actinidia lianas. Our contemporaries, having tasted the outlandish berry, argued for a long time about its taste, whether gooseberry, or strawberry, or banana with pineapple. Her taste is peculiar, very pleasant, the taste of the subtropics.

The berry has found its application in cooking, cosmetology and dietetics. Low-calorie and pleasant to the taste, it is part of many diets, in addition, the benefits of kiwi are so great for the human body that you can eat only it for several days, while losing weight and improving health. The only drawback of the product is its high price, which, alas, does real harm to everyone who wants to enjoy the exotic.

Kiwi lianas need props, grow with grapes, bear fruit well in warm climates and are mortally afraid of frost. The amazing berry became a symbol of New Zealand, both for its visual resemblance to the bird of the same name, and for its useful properties, and because the country needed some original symbol.

Useful properties of the berry in its composition

The high content of vitamin "C" should be emphasized right away. Kiwi contains more of it than citrus fruits. The shaggy fruit also boasts a unique composition in which

Kiwi's benefit

The benefits of kiwi fruit for the human body are certainly great. The substances included in its composition have an amazing effect on health. Due to the fact that kiwi is rich in calcium, it is useful for people who have high blood pressure, and the magnesium contained in it is a support for the functioning of the heart. For the proper functioning of the kidneys, the formation of the skeletal system, phosphorus plays an important role, which is also present in large quantities in this berry. The tannins that make up kiwi have a positive effect on the digestive tract, protect mucous membranes, have a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect.

The content of vitamin C in kiwi is so high that by eating one medium-sized fruit, you can replenish the body's daily intake of this vitamin, thereby increasing stress resistance and strengthening the immune system. Vitamin K1 is also present in it, which promotes the absorption of calcium, which reduces the likelihood of diabetes. Due to the high content of vitamin E in kiwi, it helps to rejuvenate the body. This berry also contains vitamin A, B vitamins.

For a growing child's body, kiwi is also very beneficial. Vitamin D contained in it prevents rickets and strengthens bones. In addition, Western scientists have concluded that this vitamin prevents the occurrence of cancer.

The beneficial properties of kiwi are very significant for weight loss. Recently, for this purpose, it is used more and more often. Diets based on this berry have proven themselves to be the best.

Cosmetologists are well aware of the benefits of kiwi for the skin of the hands and face, therefore, they actively include it in their products. The vitamin E contained in it saturates the skin with a vitamin complex, protects it, thereby having a rejuvenating effect.

The benefits and harms of kiwi juice

Since ancient times, kiwi juice has been used in Chinese medicine as a means of relieving pain in rheumatism, preventing the formation of kidney stones, improving digestion, and calming. Drinking kiwi juice slows down the hair graying process. It has antioxidant and anticancer properties, stimulates mental and physical activity, and reduces fatigue. The juice of this fruit is so useful that doctors and nutritionists advise everyone to drink it to maintain health, prevent and treat various diseases. It regulates blood sugar levels, improves blood composition and purifies blood.

Norwegian scientists have found that the health benefits of kiwi, like its juice, are also in the burning of fat, which blocks small and large blood vessels, thereby increasing the likelihood of developing thrombosis. The only contraindications for drinking kiwi juice are individual intolerance and gastritis with high acidity.

The benefits of dried kiwi

Dried fruits contain all the properties of fresh ones, so the use of dried kiwi does not diminish the benefits. Thanks to the natural dietary fiber contained in dried kiwi, it is an excellent remedy in combating constipation, and due to the impressive dose of calcium it helps to increase bone density. With frequent use of this fruit in dried form, you will be insured against periodontitis - inflammation of the tissues that surround the teeth. Dried kiwi, rich in antioxidants and fruit acids, maintains the water-fat balance of the skin and prevents age-related pigmentation. Scientists have proven its benefits in the fight against cancer cells and diabetes.

Exotic kiwi benefits and harms

Kiwi is one of the most beloved fruit trees. This fruit grows in New Zealand. Quite often it is called "Chinese gooseberry".

The composition of the product

Kiwi benefits and harms are determined based on the components that make up its composition. The fruit contains the following components:

  • Kiwi pulp contains a lot of vitamin C. It plays an important role in wound healing and ensures the normal functioning of the immune system.
  • The potassium in the fruit restores the balance of minerals and normalizes blood pressure.
  • Soluble fiber lowers blood cholesterol levels.
  • Kiwi fruit contains about 10% sugar.
  • The green pigment in the fruit is rich in magnesium. It stimulates the correct functioning of the heart.
  • Minerals play a major role in activating proteins and stimulating the brain.

Kiwi fruit: benefits and harms

The positive effect of the fetus on the human body is:

  • strengthening the immune system,
  • improving the performance of the cardiovascular system,
  • strengthening the myocardium,
  • acting as a preventive agent for spring-autumn avitaminosis,
  • cleansing blood vessels from cholesterol,
  • imparting strength and elasticity to the walls of blood vessels,
  • participation in hematopoiesis,
  • an increase in hemoglobin levels,
  • improving oxygen supply to all organs and body systems.
  • prevention of oncological diseases,
  • cleansing the kidneys,
  • fight hypertension (high blood pressure).
  • consumption of kiwi ensures the assimilation of protein by the body, therefore this fruit is recommended as a side dish for meat dishes.

The benefits of the fruit

Knowing the composition of the product, you can determine the benefits and harms of kiwi fruit. The benefits of this product are quite large. Kiwi must be consumed in the following cases:

  1. With weakened immunity. It increases resistance to various infections. Helps the fruit cope with stress.
  2. During periods of epidemics as a prophylaxis against colds. Finely chop the kiwi and mix with honey. This composition is used before bedtime.
  3. For colds. A unique cocktail made with kiwi will help you recover quickly. Grind the fruit in a mixer and add 3 carrots, honey. Mix all the ingredients by adding a glass of fresh kefir.
  4. To cleanse the body of harmful cholesterol. Kiwi should be consumed before every meal. When eating kiwi after a meal, you can eliminate the feeling of heaviness in the abdomen, unpleasant belching and heartburn. This berry helps to normalize digestion.
  5. To remove salts from the body. The substances that make up the fruit prevent kidney stones from joining and forming.
  6. In case of violation of the vessels. Kiwi is rich in substances that help reduce blood clots.
  7. With heart failure.
  8. Kiwi is a great product for those who want to lose extra pounds. The Kiwi diet involves consuming one fruit before meals. In a short time, you can lose a couple of kilograms.

Kiwi benefits and harms in cosmetology

The presented exotic fruit can be called a jack of all trades. It not only improves well-being and helps to slim the figure, but also tidies up the skin.

There is no need to apply any special masks for these purposes. The kiwi peel is perfect for rubbing your face every day. The result is simply amazing. The skin is tightened and has a healthy glow.

The mask made from the fruits of this product has an effect that can be compared to a deep peeling. This effect is achieved thanks to the natural fruit acids that are part of the fruit.

Replenishment of the facial skin is very simple. Fruit gruel is mixed with sour cream or yogurt. A little honey is allowed. Apply to skin and wait 15-20 minutes.

Exotic kiwi has a beneficial effect on hair, slowing down the appearance of gray hair.

The use of kiwi in cooking

The exotic fruits presented are not in great demand in the market. Their popularity does not particularly suffer from this. Delicate and juicy pulp, the extraordinary taste of the fruit made it the most demanded product in any kitchen.

Kiwi can be eaten neat by peeling it off. You can just use it with a spoon by cutting the fruit in half.

The special taste of the fruit is very popular in the preparation of various dishes:

  • Kiwi goes well with all fruits. It will add some flavor to the fruit salad.
  • Kiwi goes well with meat. A piece of veal baked with this product will not leave indifferent even the most picky gourmet.
  • Kiwi is actively used in the preparation of fish and seafood. It is especially popular when getting sushi or roll.
  • Kiwi is often used as a pie filling. It is very popular in the manufacture of jam, marmalade. The fruit is used to make jam.

Contraindications to the use of kiwi

What is the harm of kiwi? This fruit contains so many useful and valuable properties. Where do the harmful properties of the fruit come from? It is not recommended to use it in case of an allergic reaction and individual fetal intolerance. Kiwi is very acidic and can cause allergies.

Contraindications to the use of the fruit include:

  • Increased acidity
  • Diarrhea,
  • Gastrointestinal disorders,
  • Allergic reactions.

Kiwi, despite such a large number of useful components, has its own contraindications. It is imperative to know about this in order not to get complications, but to recharge with energy and health for many years.

Health Benefits and Harm of Kiwi Fruit

Exotic fruits are now literally filling our store shelves. Sometimes, reading such beautiful names as passion fruit, papaya or durian, people are wary of acquiring unfamiliar fruits. But, perhaps, after bananas, the most popular among Russians is the green shaggy kiwi fruit. Accustomed to apples, pears, plums and other traditional fruits growing on the territory of Russia, people are always interested in what the benefits and harms of kiwi are.

The birthplace of the kiwi is China. Once at the beginning of the 20th century, New Zealand gardener Alexander Ellison brought the seeds of this "Chinese gooseberry" to his homeland, where, after constant care, feeding, cutting, grafting, he received a wonderful plant with delicious delicate fruits, called kiwi. Thus, this fruit is bred artificially, in its current form it is grown in numerous southern countries, even in our Krasnodar Territory.

By far, the main benefit of kiwi fruit is its astoundingly high content of vitamin C (ascorbic acid). Just one fruit contains a daily dose of this vitamin. Speaking about the benefits and harms of kiwi, it should be noted that ascorbic acid is perfectly preserved during transportation and long-term storage of this exotic fruit due to the certain acidity of its pulp. Thanks to the use of kiwi, you will significantly increase the body's resistance to various infections, strengthen the immune system, and remove the fatigue accumulated during the past day. And during colds, kiwi is the most important helper. In addition, the use of this fruit has a beneficial effect on strengthening the blood vessels, normalizes metabolism, and helps to remove excess cholesterol from the human body.

Vitamin A, or retinol, found in kiwi fruit is an exceptional source of youth and strength. Folic acid stimulates the renewal of blood cells. Vitamin K1 (phylloquinone) simultaneously strengthens bone and connective tissues, helping to absorb calcium, significantly reduces the risk of diabetes, effectively ensures normal kidney function. Considering the question of the benefits and harms of kiwi, one cannot fail to mention the presence in this wonderful fruit of the plant enzyme actinidin, which contributes to the rapid assimilation of proteins that are indispensable for muscle tissue.

Also, it is well known that kiwi is considered a dietary product, contains a small amount of calories, and is extremely useful for people who want to lose weight. By the way, kiwi is the only low-calorie fruit rich in vitamin E (tocopherol), although most of this fat-soluble vitamin is found in nuts and other high-calorie foods. Finally, vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), which is present in kiwi, plays an essential role in the functioning of the nervous system, it is essential for pregnant women and the elderly.

Although the benefits and harms of kiwi, as an artificial plant, have not yet been fully understood, there are contraindications to its use. The main, quite common negative factor is a strong allergic reaction to this fruit, accompanied by dermatosis of the pharynx, swelling of the tongue, asthmatic shortness of breath, up to collapse. Especially the high degree of allergenicity of kiwi is reflected in small children, who may even have anaphylactic shock. Also, this exotic fruit should be carefully used for people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and gastritis with an increased acidity of gastric juice. In addition, kiwi has a laxative effect on some people, so you should not get carried away in unlimited quantities.