Kulesh field. Kulesh (field porridge)

This rustic soup is a leaving of the centuries-old Cossack cuisine. When the Cossacks needed to guard their borders, and go to multi-day doses, they took a small-sized volume of products with high calorie content so that the raw material was not spoiled and could be quickly prepared. Pranodina Kulesh is the Hungarian porridge from the millet (Hungarian Pshelez is called "Kelash". They prepared it often right in the field during work, hence his second name "field kitchen".

This food is a thick soup with the addition of millet cereals, onions and a sludge. To improve taste, you can add potatoes, mushrooms, garlic and other variety of vegetables. It turns out delicious if you cook it in nature, let him stand, soaked in spice smells, then the best soup is not necessary. Rustic soup of hunters, fishermen, and those who love dense soups or had to do in nature are very popular.

What products are needed for cooking kulesh

Previously, people were not when they were cooking, you need to work a lot, but you need to eat, so I tried to prepare all the products in the field to combine, rally the bonfire and let it be prepared for something hot, tasty and satisfying. The most necessary ingredients were then: millet, fat and bow, well, if there is potatoes - but you can add for a density. The time passed, and the field soup remained in demand, but the recipe was improved and began to add: egg, carrots, garlic, meat, various greens and spices.

It is millet to fill with cold water, rinse well, then to change the water and rinse again so that the croups later did not publish bitterness. Next, in the pan, pour water, heat and introduce a washed cereal and cook under a serviced lid for 10 minutes. Then enter potatoes and carrots to cut down preferably by the strokes, all worry at least at least 10 minutes.

For the weldings, cut the smoked sneaker, pry to a pajorous spike. Carrot onions cut in the form of small straws or squares, and also flashes. All this is sprinkled in a saucepan with a militant, salt, pepper. Before turning off the fire, add a bay leaf and greens. Let us stand up, then pour into the plates, but not small, but big and eat with an appetite.

2. Kulesh with meat and secret refueling

This thick soup can serve as the first and second dish. If you cook in nature, the Kulesh will be even tastier, as he gains a light smell of the haze and smell like smoking. Many connoisseurs, cut the wovets of the willow, char harbing them, and when the food is ready, they are put on 15 minutes to Kazan. Here, we immediately catch two useful secrets - this part of the necessary trace elements are extracted from the willow, and another ready-made dish becomes more fragrant.

Approximate amount of ingredients for 5 servings:
- 400 g of meat products;
- 150 g Salo for frying with onions;
- 70 g old fat for refueling;
- 3 pcs. reptile onion;
- 10 potatoes;
- 3 pcs. eggs;
- 2 beam of the greenery of parsley for refueling and span;
- 5 garlic teeth;
- 2.5 liters of water;
- The rest is all to taste.


Initially, we cut the fat on the cubes, put in the cauldron and facing slightly, then add chopped onions and all together they spare until golden color. Next, add sides of the sternum and pork ribs, continue the process of frying 10 minutes. We pour everything with water and cook for 10 minutes, while removing the foam all the time.

Then we enter the washed millet and sliced \u200b\u200bpotatoes. Let all boil and boil. We are preparing refueling from eggs and green parsley (you can not regret it): Eggs are divided into a bowl, add chopped greens, mix and introduce gently into the kulesh.

And now about the secret refueling. The old fat slightly with a yellow crowded with garlic, salt and greens and introduce at the very end. We try, cover with a lid and retain. After 30-40 minutes you can eat.

3. Kulesh from trout heads

Each culinary knows that the basis of the first dishes is fragrant and welded broth, which we will cook, and then kulesh. In stock I had our heads, fennel, carrots and other roots, improving the color and taste of the future broth, and the cloves of young garlic, fresh greens, a young onion head, all sorts of spices from a laurel sheet, a mixture of peppers and ending with fragrant cloves. You can add the root of ginger, a small piece of lemon sorghum and dry peppers. Copronchino, making the taste of broth stunning.


So, the vegetables and greens are mine, clean and the regime of large pieces, garlic tooths slightly davate the knife for consupply, fish heads are thoroughly rinsed, we remove the gills and fold into a wide deep saucepan. Fill with cold water, bring to a boil, remove foam and salt to taste. We omit all the spices, vegetables and root, boil under the cover of 45 minutes. I put the heads on the plate and remove all the "meat" - so that there is no bone.

Further, for soup, fry on a small amount of oil finely chopped onions and garlic until transparency and a light golden shade. We add small cutting tomatoes, cars for 1-2 minutes. We pour broth (determine ourselves), omit the stall of the washed millet, 1 tbsp. l. Dry dill and any grass, cook under the lid until the millet is ready. Then omit the fish, we remove the fire and Tim Kulesh for about 20 minutes. It is important that the amount of broth is sufficient to ensure that the field soup does not turn into porridge.

Even, lovers overflow the Kulesh to a large ceramic pot and put it languishing on almost heated and smoldering birch lanes. At the exit, a "high kitchen" is obtained in the form of a kulesh. Courages spill in plates, in one hand we take garlic crown, and to another large spoon and enjoy the recipe for a long time.

4. Kulesh Cossack on the fire

When we rest on the sea in our small house, you always cook - Cossack Kulesh with the addition of Sala and home stew. The beauty of the cutting here is not so important, but even the opposite, the larger, the more tastier there will be ready-made soup.

- 200 g of millet cereals;
- 1 bank of pork stew;
- 8-10 pcs. potatoes;
- 150-160 g of pork sala;
- 5 heads of the replist onion;
- to your liking salt, spices and greens.

In Kazan, pour water, omit a few small heads of the replist onion, then sliced \u200b\u200bpotatoes (if there is small potatoes, then it is better to be such), bring to a boil. Then pour a well-washed millet, salt and continue the cooking process. When potatoes and onions will be ready then to get several large copies, squeeze in a puree and enter back to the main mixture. At the end of the cooking, lay a stew, mix, season with sliced \u200b\u200bold lard and spices. When applying, pouring greenery.

Hi friends!

Today we will prepare a field porridge or, as it is also called, "Cossack Kulesh" in nature. Kulesh is a delicious and not a complicated dish for cooking. It is characterized by simplicity of ingredients and an excellent rich taste.

Also you can watch the video segment on the preparation of field porridge at the end of the page.

Ingredients that will be needed for cooking Field Porridge:

The number of ingredients is designed for the volume of five liter cauldron.

  • 700 grams of meat (we used duck fillets, but you can use any other option)
  • 350 grams of Sala
  • 200 grams of millet cereals
  • Onions - 2pcs.
  • Carrots - 2pcs.
  • Raw egg - 1pc.
  • Dill

The seasoning team - you can use the combination that you like, but the addition of spices in this dish is not necessary.

So let's get up!

To begin with, fry fat. We lay it out in already preheated cauldron.

While the fat is roasted, it is necessary to stir it slightly so that it does not stick and helped evenly.

While the fat is roasted, applying onions. We cut it with large cubes. You can cut it larger or smaller.

When the larger will give up and give enough juice, which will replace oil, add chopped onions.

In the meantime, the onions are roasted, apply carrots.

With carrots, the situation is, as with a bow - we cut it with bars (rather large). You can chop it as you like more or as it is shown in the picture.

When the bow faces a little and get a slightly golden shade, add meat and carrots to the cauldron.

Now you need to fry all the ingredients together. Do not forget to mix the contents of the cauldron so that nothing burns and evenly roasted.

At first, all the contents will be fried, and when the onions, carrots and meat will give juice, it will start stealing.

By the time, when a lot of juice, meat and vegetables are formed, it should be a little fried and are already a little extinguished.

Now add spices, as well as add some water, in order for the entire contents of the kittel.

A couple of minutes after the boil, add a cereal and water.

Water can pour a lot. Porridge, as a rule, should be liquid consistency (but not like soup).

Now you can close the cauldly cover and wait for boiling.

After the water boiled, add salt.

Now there is quite a bit of time until the porridge is ready. The pesh is preparing enough quickly, the fire can be maintained strong, the porridge will not deteriorate.

A few minutes before the readiness of the cereals, we try to salt and, according to the need, fill the water.

Cook porridge needed to fully robbing cereals. That is, when cereal porridge turns into the same flakes as in the photo. At the presence of cereals, we define the time until complete cooking.

When porridge is almost ready (a couple of minutes before the end of readiness), add a raw chicken egg and mix well. The egg should not swim with large flakes.

Let me remove the whale for another 5 minutes on fire. And the porridge is ready. Add dill to it, mix, cover the lid and give it a little more time to stand.

Here is our field porridge ready, you can proceed to use.

Bon Appetit!!!

You can also watch the video recipe for the cooking porridge.

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The most delicious kulesh or field porridge, as it is also called it, cooked on the fire, in the bowler and in nature. But I suggest you prepare this delicious delicious porridge at home in the kitchen!

This dishes have solid advantages: first, it turns out very satisfying thanks to the ingredients that include - fat, oil, meat, etc. Secondly, preparing quickly. Thirdly - delicious and be sure to please all who will try it

For the preparation of the kulesh, ingredients are needed:

  1. 2-2.5 liters of water
  2. 300 g meat
  3. 2/3 of Art. Pshen
  4. 3 medium potatoes
  5. 150 g Luka.
  6. 150 g of scuffs (unsalted salale without a layer)
  7. 3 eggs
  8. 100 g of oil
  9. Greens of parsley and / or dill
  10. Salt pepper

Cooking recipe:

1. Rinse meat, cut into pieces, folded in a saucepan. Pour cold water and cook broth for about 1 hour, periodically removing the foam.

2. Onions cut into small crumb

3. Salo cut into a small cube

4. Fry fat along with onions

5. Clear potatoes, cut into a cube 1 * 1 cm and pour out in boiling broth

6. Moto rinse well several times and quiet with boiling water or very hot water to get rid of bitterness

7. 5 minutes after the Potato bookmark in the broth, add a millet

8. When the millet and potatoes are almost ready - pour roasted onions and fat, cook another 5 minutes.

9. Beat eggs and cut the greens

10. At the end of add butter, whipped eggs and sliced \u200b\u200bgreens.

There are several ways to prepare a kulesh.

If you are preparing a kulesh in nature, it will be more convenient to cook this porridge not on meat broth, but on the water, and in the process of cooking just add meat stew when potatoes and millet will be almost ready. After that, immediately lay the remaining ingredients: sliced \u200b\u200bonions and fat (which can not fry), butter and at the end are whipped eggs.

Onions and fat can not fry, but lay on the broth immediately.

Bon Appetit!