What not to put on the New Year's table and why? Appetizers on a festive New Year's table. What should be on the New Year's table

13.05.2019 Soups

To pamper your household and guests with an exquisite menu, as well as learn what you can and can’t cook in the Year of Pig 2019, we offer you to get acquainted with useful tips, which are shared with us by experts in oriental cuisine.

  What can be served on New Year's Eve?

Considering that the hostess of 2019 is not too pretentious in food, it will not be difficult to prepare for the festive feast. The choice of dishes in this case is quite wide. It can be both vegetable salads, and various snacks from fish and meat. The exception in this list are only those products that contain porcine ingredients in their composition. In the New Year is recommended to abandon the bacon, ham, sliced ​​and pate.

The rest of the dishes can be presented in the widest range:

  • beef, lamb and any kind of poultry;
  • all kinds of sea and river fish;
  • vegetable salads with an abundance of greenery;
  • pickles and pickles;
  • a variety of pastries;
  • fruit in any assortment;
  • juices, water and alcoholic beverages without restriction.

Returning to the meat, it can be cooked in absolutely any form - fried, stewed, smoked and even dried. This choice depends solely on the preferences of the New Year menu compiler. Fresh ideas of cooking, as well as recipes with photos can be found on various thematic sites on the Internet.

Connoisseurs of Eastern cooking claim that, on the one hand, the Pig is an omnivorous animal, however, on the other, it is quite selective in its diet. You can please her not only with a variety of dishes, but also with their abundance. However, this does not mean that cooked dishes should be large in size, the main thing is that there should be a lot of them, and they should be served in moderate portions.

Despite the popular opinion of many Russians, the totem animal of 2019 loves accuracy, cleanliness and order. It is very important that the festive table setting is organized with aesthetic taste. It should not be anything extra. As an option, it is enough to cover the table with a beautiful tablecloth on which you can put porcelain dishes. cutlery and bright (preferably yellow) candles. As a decoration in the center of the table, you can set the statuette as a symbol of the year.

According to Orientalists, Pig's favorite food is grain. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to put on the table a small ceramic bowl filled with this dish. Do not forget about the bread, which is also present in the diet of the Pig.

It is important to remember that the hostess of 2019 loves natural food. From the semi-finished products purchased in dubious supermarkets, as well as fast food is best to refuse. All dishes served for the New Year's table should be prepared with love, and only from fresh and high-quality products.

The form of serving meals is also of great importance. Vegetable or fruit salads can be given the appearance of amusing Pig. Details made from boiled egg yolks, olives or carrots will make a more colorful dish. The use of other ingredients depends on the recipe and fantasy of the author. Trays with sweets can be decorated with slices of mandarin or other citrus fruits, the color of which is especially pleasant to the totem of 2019.

  What signs should I pay attention to?

On the eve of the New Year, our ancestors paid great attention not only to the preparation of meals for a family feast, but also to the signs that were considered by the people to be an important component of the holiday. Until December 31, researchers of Slavic culture advise to pay off all debts. Otherwise, the debtor will face material problems during the whole coming year.

Another sign was related to trade. According to the old East Slavic belief, the seller, who gave the goods cheaper, will not have any material problems, and any undertakings will be successful.

In order to attract happiness and good luck to the house, before each New Year you need to buy several new Christmas-tree decorations. For the same purpose, the inhabitants of the Russian hinterland get rid of old and unnecessary things, including worn-out clothes and chipped dishes.

Orientalists advise those who are in need of money to decorate a Christmas tree with items related to material goods. For example, you can hang on it fake bills of various currencies, and under its base to put a piggy bank in the shape of a pig. To enhance the effect, you should put in it a real bill of large denomination.

It is worth recalling that the marriage union concluded in the first months of the year of the Pig promises to be unbreakable, long and happy. It was this Slavic omen that many of our ancestors were guided before creating a new family.

New Year's table 2019: The menu of the New Year's table is usually coordinated with the “gastronomic preferences” of the animal symbol on the Chinese calendar. We learn what the Pig - the hostess of 2019 will like.

According to the Eastern calendar, the year 2019 will be held under the auspices of the yellow earth Pig. Boar - the animal is not too picky in the choice of food, but anyway, any hostess begins to think about the recipes for hot dishes and snacks for the New Year. We offer you some bright ideas for a festive menu. Take them into service to buy groceries in advance and avoid creepy queues in stores on the eve of the holiday. In addition, by planning options for treats right now, just before the New Year, you are using the vacated time to devote yourself to more pleasant troubles.

The pig eats everything, therefore, looking for New Year recipes, do not be afraid of restrictions. There are almost none. The only thing that should not be categorically on the holiday table is pork. And in any form. Under the prohibition of bacon, bacon, offal, pork jelly, etc. Also, do not overdo it with chicken appetizers: they may well be included in the menu, but it is better to limit to 1-2 dishes with chicken meat.

Astrologers advise that there should be a lot of vegetables on the New Year's table and at least one salad or appetizer with legumes and mushrooms. The mistress of the year will appreciate homemade cakes. Also Pig does not breathe evenly for cereals. But since cereal dishes can hardly be called festive, we recommend using them as an ingredient for a filling (for example, pancakes) or for stuffing.

To please the hostess of 2019 is possible not only the selection of products, but also the serving of the New Year's table, as well as the design of dishes. For example, you can make a salad in the form of a piglet or acorn face, and also decorate dishes with specks of dough, sausage, or vegetables.

Recipes for hot dishes for the New Year's table in the year of the Pig

For many, pork is the number one choice for a festive meal. But some astrologers are convinced that the Pig will not only not approve of dishes from their own kind, but will also react negatively to any meat dishes. Therefore, in order not to anger the symbol of the year, it is better to find a worthy alternative. It can be hot from poultry or roast from vegetables, mushrooms, pasta.

You will need : 3 carrots, 3 tomatoes, 1 bell pepper, 1 zucchini, 1 onion, a bunch of fresh spinach, 1 pack of sheets for lasagna, 150 g low-fat cottage cheese cheese, 150 g hard cheese, a bunch of basil leaves, 4 tbsp. olive oil, 1 tbsp tomato paste, 2 cloves of garlic, salt and black pepper to taste.

Cooking. Peel the carrots, zucchini and pepper, cut the vegetables into small cubes, add salt and lightly (!) Fry them in 2 tbsp. olive oil. When the vegetables acquire a golden-brown crust, add the finely chopped spinach to them in the pan. Remove the pan from the heat as soon as the leaves start to wither. Wait until the vegetables have cooled, then chop them in a blender and mix with curd cheese until smooth. Separately, in a blender, chop the sliced ​​tomatoes from 2 tbsp. olive oil and tattered basil leaves to make a sauce. Collect the lasagna as follows: grease the bottom of the baking dish with tomato sauce, put the pasta sheets and vegetable stuffing, then blot again with the sauce and repeat as many times as necessary. Sprinkle the topmost layer with grated hard cheese. Bake in the oven preheated to 180 degrees until cooked. Garnish with basil.


You will need : 1 kg of red fish fillet (for example, salmon), 2 sheets of thin Armenian lavash, 200 g of hard or semi-hard cheese, 0.5 bunches of dill, 0.5 bunches of parsley, 2-3 tbsp. L. Lemon juice, 5-6 UF. olive oil, 1 tbsp French mustard, 1 tsp honey, salt, pepper and dry herbs (basil) to taste.

Cooking. Separate the salmon fillet from the skin, remove the bones and cut the fish into strips about 1 cm wide. Salt and pepper the fillets to taste, add 1-2 tbsp. lemon juice and 1 tbsp. olive oil, stir and let cool for 1 hour. Wash, dry and chop the dill and parsley. Cheese grate on a coarse grater. Prepare a dressing: for this, mix 1 tbsp. lemon juice, olive oil, mustard with 1 tsp. honey A sheet of pita grease 2 tbsp. sprinkle with dry herbs, cover with a second sheet of pita bread, spread fish on top, sprinkle with cheese and herbs. Roll up a thick roll, starting from the long side. Using a sharp knife, cut into pieces about 3 cm wide. Cut off the empty edges. Grease a baking sheet with olive oil, put slices of roll on it, pour dressing. Bake for about 20 minutes at 190 degrees.

You will need : 6 duck legs, 100 ml of soy sauce, 1 tbsp. honey, 2 tbsp. mustard, 40 ml of vegetable oil, 2-3 apples, salt and spicy herbs to taste.

Cooking. Prepare the marinade by mixing soy sauce, mustard and honey. Rinse the legs, pour the marinade and leave for 0.5 h in the refrigerator. Peel the apples, cut them into slices and lay them on the bottom of the baking dish. Lay the legs on top, pour the remains of the marinade, salt and add herbs to taste. Using a brush, brush the legs with vegetable oil. Straight with the form, place the duck in a baking bag and send to the oven preheated to 180-190 degrees for 25-30 minutes.

You will need : 1 kg of young mutton without veins and films, 1 eggplant, 2 tomatoes, 2 onions, 100 g of cheese, breading flour, butter for frying, salt and pepper to taste.

Cooking. Cut the meat into portions, try to keep the size of the pieces not much larger than the diameter of the sliced ​​eggplant slices. Salt and pepper the mutton, beat off slightly and leave to marinate in its own juice for about half an hour. In a hot pan, greased with butter, fry the mutton slices on both sides. Cut eggplants into slices, soak them in salted water, roll in flour and fry in a pan where lamb is roasted. In the same pan separately fry the rings and circles of tomatoes. On each piece of meat, put eggplant, onion rings, a circle of tomato, generously sprinkle with cheese. Put the meat in the form (on the parchment) or on the rack and bake for 5 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees.

Cordon Blue Chicken Schnitzel

You will need : 1,5-2 glasses of breadcrumbs, 12 slices of ham, 2 glasses of grated fusible cheese, 6 half chicken breasts, 3 eggs, 1.5 tablespoons. mustard, 0.5 cups flour, salt and black pepper to taste.

Cooking. Put a few tablespoons of grated cheese in slices of thinly sliced ​​ham and roll them up with rolls. Cut a “pocket” in each breast with a sharp knife, salt and pepper, put 1-2 rolls on. Stuffed breasts fasten with skewers or toothpicks or put in the freezer for 15-20 minutes. At this time, cook an egg-mustard mixture, whipping eggs and mustard with a whisk. Roll the schnitzel in flour, dip in the egg-mustard mixture, and then roll in the bread crumbs. If you do not stick meat with toothpicks, put it in the freezer again for 7 minutes. Lay the breasts on a baking tray covered with parchment. Bake on the lower level of the oven for 15 minutes at 230 degrees. Move the baking tray to an average level and, having reduced the temperature to 200 degrees, continue to bake for another 15-20 minutes.

New Year's Salad Recipes 2019

The hostess for a long time puzzled over the compilation of the New Year's menu, because I want to find no trivial recipes for the holiday table and surprise the guests. We offer recipes for salads, which will be a worthy alternative to Olivier and herring under the fur coat.

Please note that the Pig is still an esthetka, so pay attention not only to the taste of the dish, but also to its design. Below you will find salad recipes for a beautiful New Year's table.

Salad with salmon "Princess"

You will need : 250 g canned salmon in own juice, 150 g canned corn, 200 g cheese (for example, “Russian”), 6 hard-boiled eggs, 2 green apples, 1 tsp. lemon juice, mayonnaise, salt, pepper to taste; for serving 250 g of salted red fish, 1 tbsp. red caviar, 2 quail eggs, 3 tbsp. cream cheese, greens.

Cooking. Mash fish with a fork, you can not drain the juice. Peel and finely chop the onion. Peel the eggs, rub the squirrels on a medium grater, mash the yolks with a fork. Grate the cheese. Wash the apples, remove the core and peel, grate, sprinkle with lemon juice. Put the layers of lettuce in the following order: canned salmon, onions, yolks, a layer of mayonnaise, apples, cheese, a layer of mayonnaise, corn. Salt and pepper a little. Mix squirrels with mayonnaise and brush the mixture with the salad. Decorate with thin slices of red fish, halves of hard-boiled quail eggs and cream cheese. Let it stand for 8-10 hours.

Portioned Nicoise Salad

You will need : 200 g cherry tomatoes, 8 quail eggs, 4 artichokes (canned canned), 1 cucumber, 1 bell pepper (you can take 2 halves of different colors), 1 onion, 200 g lettuce, 100 g olives, 300 g tuna fillet ( canned in own juice), 1 clove of garlic, a small bunch of dill, basil leaves, thyme sprigs, 1 tsp. sugar (no slides), 120 ml of olive oil, juice of one lemon, salt and pepper to taste.

Cooking. Cook the eggs. Cut eggs and cherry tomatoes into halves, artichokes - into 4 parts, cucumber, onion, pepper and olives - into thin circles / rings. Tear the lettuce leaves. Prepare a dressing: whisk whisk olive oil, lemon juice, thyme, chopped dill, mustard, chopped garlic, sugar, salt and pepper. Prepare the prepared portions in deep plates, pour in sauce, decorate with olives, basil leaves, tuna and eggs.

Portion salad "Christmas balls"

You will need : 300-400 g smoked chicken, 400 g potatoes, 2 bell peppers of different colors, 4 eggs, mayonnaise for dressing, greens for decoration.

Cooking. Boil eggs and potatoes, peel them. All ingredients (except pepper) cut into cubes, salt and season with mayonnaise. Pepper also cut into cubes, but in a separate bowl, mix with chopped greens. Form balls of smoked chicken, eggs and potatoes and roll them in bell pepper.

You will need : 300 g of boiled beef or beef tongue, 400 g of red canned beans, 1 onion, 2 cloves of garlic, 50 g of flour, 2 eggs, vegetable oil for frying, mayonnaise for dressing, salt and pepper to taste.

Cooking. Mix flour with 1 egg, add a little salt and bake 1-2 pancakes with hot oil. Cut the pancakes into noodles. Heat some more butter and fry the onion half rings and sliced ​​meat. Drain the jar of canned beans and transfer the product to a salad bowl. Send all other ingredients there, salt and pepper, add crushed garlic, season with mayonnaise and mix. Use the remaining boiled egg for decoration.

Salad with beef "New Year's joy"

You will need : 200 g of boiled beef, 0.5 cans of canned peas, 1 sweet and sour apple, 0.5 onions, 2 boiled potatoes, 5 pickled cucumbers, mayonnaise for dressing, pine nuts.

Cooking. Cut meat, peeled apples, cucumbers and potatoes into cubes. Crumble onion finely. Stir all the ingredients. Season with mayonnaise and refrigerate. Serve either in a common salad bowl, or in portions, spreading on a plate using a ring. Use pine nuts for decoration.

Appetizers on a festive New Year's table

When deciding what to cook on the New Year's table in 2019, do not go around with your attention snacks. Often, cooking takes more time than the main hot dish. However, snacks tartlets, original sandwiches, canapes and other goodies will make the festive meal brighter.

Pig Tartlets with Cheese Filling

You will need : 7 tartlets, 90 g of processed cheese, 2 eggs, 1 clove of garlic, 40 g of mayonnaise, 1 tomato, 80 g of salami, 1 olive, greens, salt, pepper - to taste.

Cooking. On a fine grater, grate chilled or slightly frozen cheese and hard boiled eggs. Add crushed garlic and season with mayonnaise. Roll the balls out of the resulting mass and place in tartlets. Make small balls of tomato and place them on the top of the mumps, with a drop of mayonnaise attached. Cut the nozzles and ears out of thin slices of salami. Make small eyes out of small pieces of olive. For decoration, use a small sprig of dill or parsley.

You will need : 7 large champignons, 7 quail eggs, 0.5-1 onion, 1 tbsp. vegetable oil, salt and pepper to taste.

Cooking. Peel the caps off the champignons and remove the leg. Put the caps in a baking dish. Heat the oil in a pan, fry the finely chopped onion, then add the mushrooms and cook for about 3-5 minutes. Put 1 tsp in each hat. zazharki, salt and pepper. Send the caps with the filling to the oven heated to 190 degrees for 10 minutes. Remove the mushrooms, put a quail egg in each hat and send to the oven for another 10 minutes.

You will need  for the test: 200 ml of water, 80 g of butter, a pinch of salt, 100 g of flour, 3 eggs; for the filling: 1 can of sprats, 2 eggs, 2 pickled cucumbers, 0.5 cans of corn or green peas, 2 tbsp. mayonnaise.

Cooking. To make the dough, pour water into a saucepan, add salt and butter, bring to a boil and wait until the butter has completely melted. In the boiling water add flour and stirring quickly, form a lump of dough (it should not stick to the walls of the pan). Remove from heat and continue stirring. When the dough has cooled, drive one egg into it, stirring each time until smooth. Put the dough in a pastry bag with a wide round nozzle or a star-shaped nozzle. Spread the baking sheet with parchment (do not need to be oiled with oil!) And roll out profiteroles. Bake for 20 minutes at 180 degrees, then reduce the temperature to 160 degrees and keep in the oven for another 10 minutes. Turn off the oven and hold the profiteroles inside for at least 5-7 minutes.

Prepare the stuffing. To do this, drain the oil from the sprats and mash the canned food with a fork. Boil eggs and chop. Also cut the pickled cucumbers. Combine cucumbers, sprats, corn and eggs. Season with mayonnaise. Cut the lid off the profiteroles and stuff them.

You will need : 100 g of feta cheese, 100 g of 5% cottage cheese, 200 g of walnuts, basil bunch, dried cranberries.

Cooking. Put cottage cheese, feta cheese and basil leaves in a blender, beat until smooth. Peel the nuts and detail (you can walk on them with a rolling pin to get a fine crumb). In a bowl with crushed nuts, add a little crushed dry cranberries. Wet hands to form small balls and roll them in a nut-berry mixture. Put in the fridge for half an hour to cool.

You will needfor cupcakes: 500 g of potatoes, 70 g of hard cheese, 1 egg, salt and pepper to taste; for the filling: 150 g of cottage cheese, 100 g of herring fillet, 100 g of apples, 40 g of spinach; caviar and pieces of salted fish (herring or red) for decoration.

Cooking. Clean potatoes, rub on a coarse grater, squeeze out excess liquid. Add to the potato an egg and cheese grated on a fine grater, mix, add spices and salt to taste. Put the potato mass in silicone molds, spreading it with a spoon so that it turns out a basket. Bake in an oven preheated to 180-190 degrees for about 20-30 minutes. Prepare the stuffing. To do this, using a blender, mash the peeled and chopped herring, sour apple, spinach and cottage cheese. Add pepper and salt if needed. Using a pastry bag, deposit the filling in chilled baskets. Garnish with slices of salted fish or caviar.

You can find more recipes for Christmas snacks in our selection.

The menu for the New Year's table in 2019 is worth considering carefully. Indeed, despite its omnivorous, Mumps likes variety. So, in preparation for the holiday, it is worth making a bet not on the impressive volumes of each dish, but on a rich assortment of types of snacks and treats.

For New Year's Eve, many of us begin to prepare ahead of time: gifts are bought, the program of the holiday is thought out, guests are invited, outfits are chosen. And, of course, if we celebrate the holiday at home, then special attention is paid to the New Year's table. We have already advised you which ones to cook, shared delicious recipes and advised how to make up correctly. There are still many interesting recipes ahead.

But there is a product whose presence on the New Year's table-2019 is highly undesirable. This is pork.

The fact is that the Yellow Earth Pig becomes the patroness of 2019 and, of course, all pork dishes are therefore banned. In no way can we remind the future mistress of the year about how people act with her. Otherwise, Pig gets angry and luck can turn away for the whole year.

What to cook on the New Year's table

Know that the Pig in every way protects the hearth, so everything that is related to commercial production is banned. Pig likes natural food cooked at home. It can be simple dishes, but based on natural ingredients.

On New Year's Eve, your meals should be built with an emphasis on plant food. After all, the Pig is an animal with plant preferences. Pay special attention to salads and various snacks - let them be as much as possible: nourishing, tasty, juicy, aromatic. And, of course, cook them without pork, replacing it with beef, veal, lamb, etc.

  • Astrologers' recommendations
  • Christmas magic
  • What can not be included in the New Year menu

    Before you make a festive menu, you need to know what dishes you can not cook. Since the mistress of the year will be the Pig, pork delicacies will have to be abandoned. Otherwise, the symbol will become angry, which will negatively affect the welfare of the family next year.

      Of course, without meat dishes it is impossible to imagine a festive table. But preference should be given to other types of meat. Chicken, duck or beef will be a great choice. Of these products you can also make very tasty and delicious delicacies.

    For the New Year 2019, you also need to carefully select the ingredients for other treats. In the year of the Pig can not cook fancy dishes. This means that the table should have original delicacies, but in small quantities. Three pieces will be enough.

    Since Earthen Boar prefers traditional dishes, you don’t need to invent something new. It is desirable to remember the recipes of your favorite salads, they will become a real decoration of the holiday. This salad "Olivier", "Herring under a fur coat." The main thing is their original design. Why not put the salad in the form of a pig. This dish will attract attention and help cajole the symbol of the year.

    Major bans

      It is not necessary in the New Year's Eve to anger the Pig. It is necessary to make the menu very carefully, avoiding fatty dishes. To the owner of the year was satisfied, the following delicacies should not be put on the festive table:

    Meat with a layer of fat;
       fast foods;
       fat ham;
       baked pig;
       pork ribs;
       frozen products.

    As for alcoholic beverages, you need to be careful with them. The symbol of the year has a negative attitude towards people who control themselves poorly. New Year's Eve is desirable to spend in a relaxed atmosphere, with your family. Noisy companies will have to be abandoned. Otherwise, the Yellow Pig will be unhappy.

    Having learned what delicacies can be cooked on a festive table, you need to make a menu. Preference should be given to simple dishes, dietary also become a good choice. From the excesses have to be abandoned, Earthen Boar luxury does not welcome.

      To cajole the symbol of the year with the New Year's menu is not enough. Attention should be paid to other points. Home decoration is of particular interest. Decorative elements of a yellow shade will be an excellent choice. They will make the atmosphere magical.

    Since the Pig is a villager, you can use ethnic style to decorate your home. Handmade curtains and tablecloth will perfectly fit into the Christmas theme.

    Evening outfits deserve special attention, the Earth Pig loves freedom. Close and modest clothes will have to be abandoned. This applies to both women's and men's wardrobe. As for the color range, preference should be given to the following shades:


      Amber jewelery will help to complement the image, make it flawless.

    To make the holiday fun, you need to prepare for it in advance. Every little thing matters. It is necessary not only to make a menu, but also to choose an outfit, hairstyle, makeup. This will allow in the most awaited night to become the real queen of the ball.

    Christmas magic

      As you know, in the New Year the most cherished wishes come true. Why not think about something good, and not fill the house with positive energy. Holidays are not only a reason to gather with the whole family at the same table, but also an opportunity to attract good luck and well-being.

    For the Earth Pig to be supportive for a year, you should use the advice of Eastern astrologers. The main ones include the following:

    1. A few days before the holiday, you need to get rid of the trash. If the house has broken dishes, broken furniture, unnecessary things - all this will have to be thrown away.
      2. It is necessary to return all debts. Otherwise, the next year in material terms will be difficult, it is unlikely that it will be possible to get rich.
      3. Astrologers recommend buying some bright Christmas decorations. They will attract success and well-being.
      4. To gain financial independence, it is necessary to hang money symbols on the Christmas tree. This may be a garland of coins, serpentine of painted bills.
      5. Earthen Boar will be favorable to those couples who legitimize their relationship at the beginning of the year. Joint life will be happy and long.

    Such simple tips will help bring positive energy into the house and change life drastically.

    For the New Year 2019, the holiday table should be modest, but original. To cajole the character, you need to learn about what you can not cook. The list is small, even without these products will be able to arrange a real feast. You should not anger the Yellow Pig, the mistress of the year will help you to get what you want and fulfill your cherished dreams.