What to cook from fresh currants. What to cook black currant? Black Currant Shredded Pie

13.05.2019 Fish dishes

Summer comes, at the cottage or at the market appears currant, black, red, white. Fragrant and sour. This begs the question: what to do with black currants, what to cook with red currants? Recipes with currants are both with fresh currants, and with processed for long-term storage. As you know, black currant - perhaps the most useful berry. Therefore, so often harvested black currant for the winter. Of course, you need it in any form harvested black currant. Cooking delicious pastries, muffins, cakes, involves the use of this fragrant, slightly tarp berries. There are many ways of harvesting: currants with sugar, frozen currants, dried currants. Black currant in a slow cooker is prepared quite quickly and conveniently, since you can set the time and temperature. One of the easiest ways to make currants is black. currant  with sugar. The main thing is the amount of sugar, and can not even boil black currant. There are also recipes for currant jam, although it is believed that during heat treatment it loses some useful substances. How to cook currants can also be easily learned. The advantage of this recipe is that it can be stored without a refrigerator such black currants. The recipe for a popular drink, currant tincture, is black currant with alcohol. Black currant recipes will also help you prepare extraordinary sweet meat sauces, which are popular in many European cuisines. It is believed that the meat gives a special taste black currant. Recipes from the photo will show you how to make such a sauce, as well as jams, jam and many other black currant dishes.

Well, if you have a big freezer or freezer, currant frozen you provided. It is stored for a long time, only properly frozen currants do not lose their useful qualities and attractive appearance. The freeze recipes contain several important recommendations: do not wash the currants, freeze the currants on a tray so that the berries do not touch each other. Frozen black currant is suitable to cook a variety of dishes with currants. For this you will need recipes with currants. Black currant recipes, red currant recipes will help you prepare currant jam, a variety of currant desserts, cocktails and drinks. This is a currant with sour cream, currants with milk. Very convenient and tasty is currant filling. Frozen red currants are also popular. Recipes with fresh red currants usually allow for frozen currants to be used. Freezing helps to maintain the maximum possible nutrients in the currants. If you have red currant, recipes will help you to prepare the filling, jelly, stewed fruit, and many other dishes. Of course, red currant is also perfect for jam. The recipe for red currant jam may contain other fruits and berries.

Currant is a real storehouse of vitamins and minerals. Its berries contain vitamin A, D, E, K, P and a huge amount of vitamin C. Due to this currant is an excellent way to prevent infections and colds, and its use improves mood, relieves fatigue, increases appetite. We suggest using this season of this berry and cooking delicious dishes with it according to the recipes given below.


It is very easy to fill the body with vitamins if you treat yourself to a tasty and healthy smoothie. This recipe uses red and black currants, due to which the drink turned out to be not only tasty, but also beautiful, soft pink color.

Ingredients:red currant - 200 g, black currant - 100 g, orange - 1 pc., yogurt - 250 g, ice - 100 g, banana - 2 pcs., honey - 2 tbsp.

Cooking:Crush berries and banana slices in a blender. Then add ice, fresh orange juice, yogurt, milk and honey. Mix all ingredients in a blender well again. Serve immediately to the table.

Open currant pie

Eating a fragrant and tender dessert is quite simple. You do not have to stand at the stove for a long time.

Ingredients: flour - 250 g, butter - 125 g, sugar - 50 g, boiled cold water - 8 tbsp, condensed milk - 100 ml, milk - 100 ml, starch - 1 tbsp, egg yolk - 1 pc ., salt - pinch, black currant - 200 g, red currant - 50 g

Cooking:In a bowl, mix flour, sugar, salt, and grated chilled butter. Hands, mash all the ingredients in the crumb. Then pour in water. The resulting mass roll into a bowl and put in the fridge for an hour. After this time, take out the dough and roll out a circle of such a size so that it is enough to put in shape and make the sides. Pour out the previously washed and dried black currants on the dough. Milk, condensed milk, yolk and starch mix thoroughly and pour the currants with the resulting mixture. From above decorate the cake with berries of red currant. Put the form in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees, for 30-35 minutes.

Blackcurrant Cookies

Enjoy your time with friends or family and have a tea party. An ideal addition to tea or coffee will be an appetizing cookie with a vitamin berry.

Ingredients:black currant - 200 g, butter - 200 g, icing sugar - 100 g, flour - 250 g, walnuts - 40 g, hazelnuts - 40 g, corn starch - 40 g

Cooking:  Rinse the currants, sort and dry with a paper towel.

Dry the nuts in the oven and chop in a blender. Sift the flour through a sieve and mix with starch. Mix butter with icing sugar. Gradually add currants and ground nuts. Mix well. Add flour with starch and knead smooth dough. After form the sausage, wrap it in film and send it in the freezer for an hour. After 40 minutes, turn on the oven at 200 degrees. Then remove the frozen billet, cut the discs with a thickness of 5 mm and place on a parchment-laid pan. Bake cookies for about 15 minutes.

Red currant sauce

Red currant can be cooked stunning sweet and sour sauce. It is perfect for boiled chicken breast, pork and beef.

Ingredients:red currant - 1/2 cup, water - 1/2 cup, sugar - 1 tbsp., butter - 50 g, allspice - 4 peas, cloves - 3 pcs., onions - 1 pc., mint - 1 sprig, salt.

Cooking: Heat oil in a skillet. Wash and clean red currant. Then pour water into the oil, add sugar and put currants, peppers, cloves, mint. Boil the sauce until the currant gives the juice. Finely chop the onion, add it to the sauce and simmer again until the sauce thickens. At the end, salt it to taste.

Currant Jelly

Currant jelly, especially black, is of excellent quality, because these berries contain a large amount of pectin. Such a light and tasty dessert will be appreciated by both children and adults.

Ingredients:black currant - 1 kg, water - 2 cups, sugar - 500 g

Cooking:Pour the berries into the pot and pour water into it. Bring the contents of the pan to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes over low heat. After that, squeeze the juice out of the berries and put it to infuse for 4 hours. Then filter through several layers of gauze and put to simmer until the volume is reduced to 2/3 of the original. Do not forget to remove foam using a skimmer. Then in two steps add sugar and, while stirring the berry mixture, bring to a boil. After complete dissolution of sugar, cooking can be completed. Pour the finished jelly into molds and put in the refrigerator.

Enjoy your meal!

Black currant is an amazingly tasty and healthy berry. It is considered an excellent source of many valuable vitamins, so it is widely used in cooking. Sweet cakes, mousses, jellies and other delicacies are made from it. In today's article presents a selection of simple recipes for desserts from the black currant.

Berry sorbet

This incredibly light and healthy delicacy has a wonderful refreshing taste. Therefore, it will be a good substitute for traditional ice cream. Due to the fact that in the composition of such sorbet there is not an ounce of artificial colors and preservatives, it can be offered not only to adults, but also to small sweet teeth. To make this dessert from you will need:

  • a glass of heavy cream;
  • a pair of cups of black currant;
  • a glass of sugar.

Washed and sorted berries are stored in a deep container and combined with sweet sand. To the resulting mixture add the right amount of cream and beat well with a mixer. A thick mass is placed in a beautiful creamer and cleaned in a refrigerator for a couple of hours.

Cottage cheese and berry dessert

Black currant can make a lot of delicious and healthy sweets. To make one of these treats, you will need:

  • 400 grams of cottage cheese;
  • tablespoon of powdered sugar;
  • 100 grams of black currant;
  • 60 milliliters of sour cream;
  • 120 grams of condensed milk.

In a deep bowl combine half of the existing cottage cheese, powdered sugar and sour cream. All this is well treated with a blender. Part of the resulting mass spread in the bowl. On top of it is placed half of the existing berries and the remnants of whipped sweet curd.

After that, the rest of the currants are laid in the bowls and a couple spoons of condensed milk are added. In a separate vessel, beat 200 grams of cottage cheese. Add the remaining condensed milk to it and pour the resulting mass into a ready-made black currant dessert.

Homemade marmalade

This tasty delicacy is prepared using an extremely simple technology, which involves the use of a minimum set of ingredients. Therefore, this marmalade will be an excellent substitute for store counterparts made in industrial production. It has a pleasant sweet-sour taste and is equally suitable for adults and children's menu. To create a homemade blackcurrant dessert, you will need:

  • kilos of fresh berries;
  • sugar (to taste).

The washed and sifted currants are placed in a deep saucepan and steamed, covered with a lid, in a small amount of water. The softened berries are ground through a sieve and boiled over a low heat to the desired thickness. In almost finished marmalade add the required amount of sugar, mix, spread in molds and clean in the refrigerator. Once the dessert is completely frozen, it can be served.

Black currant jelly with gelatin

Dessert prepared according to the technology described below, has a pleasant sweet-sour taste and a pronounced berry aroma. To create it you will need:

  • a glass of powdered sugar;
  • 300 grams of currant;
  • ½ cup drinking water;
  • 10 grams of gelatin;
  • ½ cup of cream;
  • lemon balm leaves.

Since we are preparing a dessert of black currant with gelatin, the process must begin with this ingredient. It is poured with water and left for a quarter of an hour to swell.

In order not to lose precious time, you can do berries. They are washed, sorted, poured with powdered sugar, poured half a glass of water and cooked over low heat for twenty minutes. Then another hot mass is filtered through a sieve.

Swollen gelatin is poured into the berry syrup and heated so that it is completely dissolved. The resulting liquid is distributed into beautiful glasses and left to freeze. The finished jelly is decorated with berry puree, left after straining and mixed with plums, as well as lemon balm leaves.

Blackcurrant Mousse

This tasty and refreshing delicacy is served cold. Therefore, it can often be cooked on hot summer days. To make this dessert with currants (black), you will need:

  • 350 milliliters 33% cream;
  • 300 grams of black currant;
  • squirrels from three eggs;
  • 120 grams of sugar;
  • a bag of gelatin;
  • 110 grams of white chocolate;
  • 200 milliliters of drinking water.

Washed and sorted berries are put in a saucepan and mixed with 55 grams of sugar. All this is poured with 120 milliliters of water, brought to a boil and boil over moderate heat for three minutes. Then the currant mass is crushed with a blender and ground through a sieve. In the resulting puree add melted chocolate, swollen gelatin, dissolved in 80 milliliters of cold filtered water, whipped egg whites and heavy cream, pre-combined with the remaining sugar. All gently mixed, laid out in the bowl and cleaned for four hours in the refrigerator. After that, the completely frozen blackcurrant mousse is served on the table.


The drink, made by the technology described below, has not only amazing taste, but also unique properties. It contains a lot of valuable vitamins and minerals necessary for the normal functioning of the human body. To make blackcurrant smoothie, you will need:

  • a glass of yogurt (without flavorings);
  • a couple of ripe bananas;
  • a glass of black currant.

In a deep bowl combine the peeled pieces of bananas and washed berries. All is well treated with a blender and poured with natural non-flavored yogurt. The mixture is whipped again and served on the table.

Black currant contains a large amount of vitamin C. When berries ripen on shrubs, housewives have a question, except what can be made from a juicy black berry.

Well, well, let's understand. From it you can cook - fillings for pies, decorate the cake or make a dessert. In the winter you can roll up, jams, delicious wine or freeze. I'll tell you what other recipes I stock up for my family.

In winter, with jam, you can boil delicious kissel.

  • 1 liter of water
  • Half a cup of jam
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of starch
  • Sugar to taste

How to cook?

  • We dissolve the jam in water, heat it and filter through gauze or a sieve. We put on fire and heat, if necessary, add sugar.
  • Separately, in a glass of water we dilute the starch and pour it into a saucepan with a thin stream with constant stirring. We do not let the water boil violently, otherwise the kissel may become cloudy. As soon as the liquid thickens - turn off and cool.

A simple recipe for black currant wine without yeast

I promised to tell you about Spotykach. This is wine or liquor, I don’t know how to name it exactly. The consistency is very thick, like jelly, and when you drink, gelled traces remain on the walls of the glass. The first time I was treated to this drink. I liked it - delicious, almost no alcohol is felt, it is drunk like compote. In the head - it is clear. But it was not for nothing that the name Spotykach - getting up from a chair, I got tangled in my legs. Seriously. They became heavy and wadded.

So, I tell the recipe.

It will take:

  • 1 kg of black currant
  • Three and a half glasses of water
  • 1 kg of sugar
  • 750 grams of vodka or alcohol diluted to vodka

How to cook:

  • Currant drive through a meat grinder;
  • Squeeze the juice through a gauze or sieve;
  • Mix sugar with water and make a syrup;
  • Add juice to it;
  • In a hot or warm syrup with juice pour vodka and bring to 90 degrees;
  • Bottled;
  • It is not necessary to sterilize;
  • You can store in the refrigerator.
  • I have stored in the closet in the kitchen so as not to be seen. Otherwise, drink immediately.

Black Currant Compote

Compote for the winter is prepared easy. I do in three-liter jars.

  • I sprinkle berries, about a little less than half a can;
  • Berries are pre-prepared, as for jam;
  • I fill with hot water, I cover with a cover and I leave so minutes for 2 - 3;
  • Then pour out the water, add a glass of sugar and bring to a boil;
  • Pour the syrup into the jar and seal;
  • I turn on the lid and wrap it in a blanket until it cools.

Blackcurrant jam pitted

This recipe takes time, but it is worth it. Prepare the berry, as usual.

  • Scroll through the currants through a meat grinder;
  • We rub mass through a sieve;
  • Put the resulting currant puree on the fire and add sugar;
  • Better to do in the evening. We boil for 8 - 10 minutes and leave until morning;
  • Then in the morning we put on the fire again for 10 - 15 minutes and cool until the evening;
  • In the evening, heat up for 15 minutes;
  • In the prepared banks shift; jam, cover with lids and chill upside down under a blanket until morning.

Black Currant Jelly

I cooked jelly according to this recipe while my daughter was small. Then I was too lazy to mess around, and I safely forgot about him.

For jelly, you need to squeeze the juice from the berries. This can be done in several ways:

  • Scroll through the meat grinder and squeeze the juice through gauze or sieve;
  • Use a juicer, but on condition that it is intended for small fruits;
  • Punch in a blender and also use a sieve or gauze to separate the juice from the cake.
  • I did this, scrolling through a meat grinder and adding hot water (about 2 liters of juice about half a glass of water). Then put on the fire, warmed and passed through a sieve.
  • Cake can be used to make compote or another option, dry and brew as tea or add to tea. It turns out very tasty - an unforgettable summer aroma of black currant.
  • Add sugar to the juice and boil for 10-15 minutes after boiling. Sugar is taken from the calculation of a pound for every liter of juice.
  • Spread on hot cans and leave to cool.

How to freeze the berry

In the frozen berries to the maximum preserved nutrients. And the cooking options are many. Berry can be used for compote, jam, fillings for pies, tint cream for cakes or use for dessert.

I usually use two options.

Recipe number 1

  • To sort, wash and dry the berry. It is better to choose large fruits without damage.
  • Then put them in containers in a single layer or on a baking sheet and put in the freezer until it solidifies. And only then lay out in portions. Use for fruit drinks or fillings for pies.

Recipe number 2

I like the second option more. Of course, it is time-consuming in the process of preparing for freezing. But then he is more than making up for the time invested in it.

  1. Berries are prepared as usual. I will not repeat;
  2. Grind in a meat grinder or blender. Depends on the number of processed berries;
  3. Then I take small containers, about 350 grams - enough for me to serve;
  4. I put milled mass there and add a tablespoon of granulated sugar, mix and put in the freezer. Everything.

Black currant leaves for tea

I love tea with mint and currant leaf. At the cottage is a great vacation for the soul. But in the winter I want to enjoy the pleasant aroma of summer. Therefore, I prefer to harvest the currant leaves for the winter. I choose young tender leaves, rinse and dry. Then land to the desired state in a cool place. I have a hayloft - that's where I dry my leaves.

And you can bring the fermentation of leaves. How to do it?

  • We collect the leaves, lay out a thin layer on cotton fabric and dry for 12 hours at a temperature of 20-24 degrees;
  • We send for a day in the freezer. Then they are easier to twist;
  • We put together four leaves and twist into a roll;
  • Then fray in the hands. They emit some moisture;
  • Fold all the rolls in a cup, cover with a saucer and top with a damp cloth. Keep for 6 - 7 hours. We moisten the fabric constantly;
  • The resulting rolls are cut into pieces of 1 -1.5 cm;
  • We put in eletrosushilku, if not, then in the oven. The door is ajar. 170 degrees for half an hour;
  • We put on the banks.

I add currant leaf to black tea and treat guests and my loved ones.

Red currant rubbed with sugar at home - just a necessary preparation, because it is not only tasty and useful, but also universally applied - even in the filling, even in jelly :)

Black currant retains its properties and after conservation. Therefore, jam from this miracle berries in the winter will be for you a real find. Use it for the prevention of colds.

I propose to learn how to make black five-minute currant jam - vitamin C, in the winter, oh, how useful it will be for you :) But with such cooking, the berries will not melt, but will retain most of the vitamins.

Black currant is rich in vitamin C and my mom makes her eat by handfuls. I don’t regret it freshly, but I like currant jelly. Marmalade is easy to cook, the main thing is to do everything quickly.

In such a raw currant jam all the vitamins are preserved, it is well worth it and has a wonderful taste. In addition, it is not very sweet and quickly cooked. We will use black currants.

Big black currants are good at jam. In winter, such black currant jam is snapped up: with pancakes, in pies ... It is easy to prepare it, so we stock up currants and cook!

Black currant jam, pancakes and tea - the best breakfast and impossible to imagine. Sweet and sour black currant jam is one of the most delicious jams I've tried. I share the recipe.

Properly frozen blackcurrant does not lose any of its beneficial properties at all, because preparing a couple of bags of black currant for the winter is a great idea.

If we add a citrus flavor to the currant jam, we will get a completely new and unusual taste. Prepare such a useful delicacy for your relatives and they will remain grateful to you.

I think that for many currant jam jam is the most favorite, but not everyone likes the presence of seeds from the berries in it, in this recipe you will learn how to make jam without them.

The recipe of cooking black currant, rubbed with sugar, every housewife should know. Such a blank is very useful, and there are dozens of options for its use in the kitchen.

People with diabetes are forced to deny themselves many pleasures, and such things as jam, they are generally contraindicated, but there is a way to cook this delicacy without harm to their health.

This simple recipe for jam from currant on fructose is useful not only for those who suffer from diabetes, but also for all who watch their figure and health - the taste is excellent and the benefits are obvious.

This is not only the easiest, but also a useful way to prepare fragrant currants. In winter, such a tasty delicacy will delight you with its amazing taste and help to cope with cold symptoms.

If you like currant blanks, then I offer you an excellent recipe for jam, which we will prepare at once from two types of this berry, you will get an incredibly tasty and fragrant assorted jam.

The most delicious source of vitamins in winter is fragrant currant jam, with this tasty delicacy no diseases are terrible for you, even children will be happy to be treated with this medicine.

For those who do not like to mess around for a long time, I offer a fairly simple and quick recipe for currant jam, which we prepare in the microwave - a great taste in just a couple of minutes.

Currant is one of the first to ripen on our plots, which means that it’s time to think about blanks from it, I offer you a very simple jam recipe, which we will make without water.

But who does not like jam, especially made from fragrant currants, everyone just adores this delicacy. And since summer is the season of harvesting, I offer you my favorite recipe for such jam.