Preserving sauerkraut for the winter. Beetroot recipe

13.05.2019 The drinks

Knowing how to ferment cabbage, each housewife will be able to decorate the table with an appetizing crispy dish. Pickled vegetable will be an excellent addition to strong alcoholic beverages, self-snack or salad component. Further published the best recipes of this dish.

Ingredients: a little more than 2 kilos of fresh cabbage, 1.6 liters of filtered water, several peas allspice, 3-5 bay leaves, 2 tbsp. spoons of salt (iodinated component can not be used) and the same amount of sugar, 2 carrots. How tasty to ferment cabbage for the winter is described below.

  1. To prepare a solution, loose components declared in the recipe are dissolved in filtered water.
  2. Cabbage is peeled from the top leaves and finely chopped with a knife. You can enlist in this business and the help of a food processor. Large carrot rubs.
  3. Vegetables are mixed and tamped into a clean jar. Peas and pepper laurel are laid between their layers.
  4. Ingredients poured brine. It should completely cover the vegetables.
  5. The jar is covered with several layers of gauze and placed in a basin.
  6. In the kitchen, the capacity is left for 3 days. It is important that the top layer of vegetables does not remain in the process without brine. Sometimes a jar needs to be pierced to the very bottom with a wooden skewer to release carbon dioxide.

The finished snack is rearranged for storage in the cold.

In own juice

Ingredients: 2.5 kilos of white cabbage, 2 tbsp. spoons of salt, 3-4 carrots.

  1. Coarse leaves are removed from the head, after which it is finely shred. The stump is thrown away.
  2. Carrot rubs grated with large divisions.
  3. Vegetables are combined, salted and stretched hands until the first juice.
  4. Ingredients are tamped into the pan, covered with a plate on which the load is installed.
  5. On the table the capacity is left for 3-4 days. Every day you need to release from a mixture of carbon dioxide.

In a bucket

Ingredients: 8 kilos of fresh cabbage, 7.5 large spoons of rock salt, 4 large carrots, optional miniature horseradish root. How to make sauerkraut in a bucket is described below.

  1. The bucket must be carefully prepared - quality wash and rinse with boiling water. At the bottom of the container laid out chopped horseradish root and several whole cabbage leaves.
  2. The cobs are removed cobs, and the remaining parts are chopped in any convenient way. No need to cut them too thin.
  3. To the cabbage is added grated carrot. The ingredients are salted and combined in a wide pelvis. You need to slightly stretch them with your hands.
  4. Next, vegetables in portions laid out in a bucket. Each new layer is compacted by hand.
  5. From above, the laying is covered with whole cabbage leaves and pressed down with a yoke. For this you can use, for example, a large jar of water.
  6. 10 days bucket stands at a temperature of 17-18 degrees.

Carbon dioxide is removed from the tank daily.

How to make cabbage crisp?

Experienced cooks know several secrets at once, telling how to make the cabbage crisp:

  1. First of all, it is impossible to cut a vegetable too large or too small. Ideally, cabbage is shredded in medium “stripes”.
  2. When sourdough it is very important not to use iodized salt. Its use leads to the fact that the brine turns out to be slimy, and the vegetable leaves are soft to the touch.
  3. An excessive amount of sugar may also lead to the consequences indicated in the previous step.
  4. It is necessary and correctly choose varieties of cabbage. Ideally, these are variants of medium ripening and late with dense leaves. In no case should frostbitten heads are used.

In the 3-liter jar

Ingredients: 2 kilos fresh cabbage, 1 tbsp. spoon of granulated sugar, 2 large carrots, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of salt, a pinch of cumin and dried dill.

  1. The cabbage, chopped with a vegetable cutter, together with the grated carrot, is salted, sakharitsya, sprinkled with cumin and dill, ground by hand and compacted into a clean jar of 3 liters.
  2. The container is closed with a silicone lid and is sent to heat for 3 days. 2-3 times a day, cabbage is pierced with a wooden skewer to the very bottom.

Ready cabbage in a 3-liter jar is stored in the refrigerator or cellar.

Korean version for winter

Ingredients: a kilo of fresh cabbage, 280 g of daikon, the same amount of celery root and ginger, 3 garlic cloves, onion, 2 hot peppers, 1 tbsp. a spoon of granulated sugar and 2 tablespoons of salt.

  1. Cabbage is cut into 4 parts, the stalk is removed. Each of the parts is divided in half, after which the vegetable is transferred to a glass container, poured with salt and sugar, covered with film and left overnight.
  2. In the morning, all the remaining ingredients in a blender turn into a paste. Each cabbage part is smeared with the last and tamped into a jar or other container for pickling. The vegetable juice released during the night is poured from above, a plate is placed, and a load is placed on it.

In warm cabbage will infuse for about 4 days.

With beet and without salt

Ingredients: large head of cabbage, carrot, beet, onion, pinch of cumin and peppercorns.

  1. Carrot rubs large, beets and cabbage shred medium-sized slices. Onions cut ringlets.
  2. In a jar of vegetables are stacked alternately. First cabbage is rammed. Then - onions, carrots, beets. Spices and salt are poured from above. Products need to fill with water about 2/3 cans.

To ferment cabbage with beets without salt will take 2-3 days in the heat. On top of the ingredients pressed down by the load.

Cooking for the winter with the addition of apples

Ingredients: a kilo of cabbage, 25 grams of fine salt, 5-7 grams of granulated sugar, a sour apple, a small carrot.

  1. Cabbage finely shred. It is convenient to do a food processor.
  2. Apples with the peel are cut in miniature slices.
  3. Carrot rubs heavily.
  4. Vegetables are shifted into a glass container, salted, sugar and kneaded by hand. As soon as the juice starts to stand out, apples are added to the cabbage and carrot.
  5. Under the weight of the snack will be warm for 3 days.
  6. Periodically, the mass is pierced to the bottom with a wooden skewer, and foam is also removed from it.

In November, many cabbage cabbage houses. To make sauerkraut tasty and crispy, it is best to take winter varieties. Someone harvests a small amount of cabbage. But most of the zealous owners in the fall cook the cabbage for the future, so that it is enough for the whole winter. I also try every autumn to cook more sauerkraut, and until spring I always have jars and buckets of crispy cabbage in my cellar. And in the spring there are as many useful substances as in the fall. But this is what makes sauerkraut famous! I'll show you my cooking recipe   sauerkraut for the winterwhich I use for many years. And never was such that cabbage did not turn out. Cabbage is always juicy, crispy and very tasty.


For the preparation of sauerkraut for the winter will need:

fresh cabbage - 10 kg;

carrots - 1 kg;

salt coarse stone - 200-250 g

* Salts can take any amount from 200 to 250 g, cabbage will be tasty anyway.

Cooking stages

All mix, as if loosening the contents of the pelvis. Hands do not fray. Handle the cabbage gently and gently, try not to knead the cabbage.

Keep sauerkraut should be in a cool place. Can be in the refrigerator, in the cellar, on the loggia, on the balcony. Even if the sauerkraut freezes in the winter, it's okay, it does not affect the taste. It will be enough to bring it into the house, defrost it and it will be tasty and healthy again. Very conveniently cooked sauerkraut from the tank to shift into jars and store them.

Bon appetit and delicious winter to you!

Without sauerkraut - on the table is empty!

About the benefits of sauerkraut, especially homemade, you can talk for a very long time. Many people know that it is the richest source of not only vitamin C, which is very relevant in the cold winter, but also a very extensive list of useful substances that help to heal our bodies. In addition, sauerkraut is considered a low calorie diet product (especially if sugar is not used in the recipe) and high in fiber. So this dish, like or prepared for the winter can be put on the table at any time of the year.

With nothing they can boil cabbage with berries and apples, beets and bell peppers, hot peppers and garlic, pumpkin and rowan ....

In today's article, we have collected different, but the easiest ways, including classic and fast cooking at home, which can be prepared for the winter in a 3-liter jar, in a saucepan or barrel.

Watch the video and you will find out which varieties are best for this purpose and why:

  How much salt per 1 kg of cabbage do you need?

For any pickles, it is best to take large rock salt, including sauerkraut. Iodized salt is contraindicated for vegetables; it makes the final product soft. If you take the average, in the process of fermentation put 1 tbsp. salt per 1 kg of cabbage - provided that make brine. That is, if you have 20 kg of chopped green raw materials, then accordingly, you need to take 20 tablespoons of salt.

If kvasyat "dry", then the salt should be put more. Well, in general, the amount of salt - a matter of taste. some housewives put only 1 teaspoon per kilogram - and even very tasty it turns out ... ..

  Classic old Russian recipe - very tasty

This recipe has consistently been popular in many homes for many years. Cabbage is crispy and juicy, and retains its properties even after freezing and thawing.

The whole secret lies in the right proportion:


white cabbage - 6 kg.

carrot - 1.5 kg

salt - 150 gr.

(or otherwise: for 1 kg of a mixture of cabbage with carrots - 20 grams of salt)

The recipe is very simple:

First we chop the cabbage:

We will carrot on a large grater:

Put chopped cabbage into the pan, pour carrot into it:

repeat the same, then sprinkle with salt, coarse grinding:

And mnem wooden tolkushkoy until the juice:

Then again add layers of cabbage, carrots and salt, do all the same actions until the container is full .:

You can do a little differently - mix all the ingredients at once in some large pelvis and mash it with your hands, and when the juice stands out, shift it to the container where the cabbage will be boiled.

Cover the cabbage with a suitable plate:

And we put the load, for example, a 3 liter jar of water:

Leave it boiled for 3 days at room temperature

As soon as the cabbage starts to foam, remove the oppression and the plate:

and pierce vertically with a wooden stick (skewer) in several places:

We do this periodically, 2-3 times a day.

Sure to! This should be done to release the accumulated carbon dioxide. Otherwise your cabbage will become bitter and soft!

We transfer the finished cabbage to the banks:

And clean in a cool place. It can be a refrigerator or, in the conditions of a city apartment, a balcony or a loggia, or a cellar for those who have their own house.

No need to wait for the cabbage to completely turn sour - it will be stored during storage.

Serve sprinkled with sliced ​​onions, watering with vegetable oil and,

you can also sprinkle with herbs, or even add a choice - cranberries, lingonberries, or apples - Antonovka varieties.

With hot potatoes ... mmm ... Hugging!

  Sauerkraut in a can of 3 liters of fast cooking - per day

Anyone who tastes such an unusually delicious, crispy and juicy cabbage - delighted! And then, when they begin to elicit the recipe and find out that it is ready all day, they don’t believe at first, they are surprised, then after they’ve done it and gave it to their friends and family to try the same reaction!

I was given the recipe for a 3 liter jar, but this time, just for the demonstration, I prepared only 1 liter jar! That is, for 1 liter I took all 1/3 of the full recipe

This is how it looked:

Sliced ​​cabbage - 1 liter-600 gr.

Carrots grated, you can and on the other how you like. On 1 liter-250 gr.

Cabbage thoroughly crushed and then later mixed with carrots
You can add black peas to taste or cumin, if you like.

Tamped cabbage in a jar:

Cooking Brine:

I remind you that the dosage here for 3 liters jar - as in the recipe that I was given.
  1 liter of hot boiled water
  1 table spoon of sugar
  2 table spoon of salt
  1 table spoon 70% vinegar essence
  (if you don’t have one, then you can replace it with 9% ny - 1 tbsp. spoon of 70% essence is the same as 8 tablespoons of 9% vinegar.)

I have such a measuring cup, where I poured salt and sugar

Poured boiling water

A thin stream poured the pickle in a jar with carefully rammed cabbage

Spoon it is necessary to release the excess air to cooked brine evenly, completely pour all the cabbage

Close the polyethylene cover and put in the fridge for a day! We also store in the refrigerator and in the future! If you do not eat in one sitting :)
  I haven't been able to hold out for so long ... After a few hours I begin to slowly eat it!
  Finished cabbage with onions and vegetable oil!

You need to store such cabbage in the refrigerator, it will stay there as long as you like, and even with time it becomes even better - more crisp.
  Usually, however, for a long time she does not linger at anyone, as practice shows!

I offer you another interesting way - how to make sauerkraut so that it is crisp:

  Recipe for pickling cabbage for the winter in brine


cabbage - 4 kg
  carrot - 3 - 4 pieces
  water - 4 liters (from the tap or from the well)
  salt - 1 faceted glass full with a slide


Remove the top leaves from the cabbage, clean the carrot and make the brine - pour the salt into cold water and mix well so that all the salt is sold out.

Shred cabbage, carrots (for this recipe should not be much) - three,

and mix. Here is a ratio of ingredients approximately obtained:

Now take the hands of a handful of cabbage and lay it in the brine with completely dissolved salt. All at once is not necessary - just zhmenki 2 -3.

And we count to three - one, two, three ...

That is, we keep in brine ONLY 3 seconds, mixing with a skimmer! And immediately get out of the brine, shaking a little and letting excess liquid flow.

and shifted to the container in which our cabbage will be leavened.

Then repeat the same with the next batch of prepared cabbage and carrots.

Do not be afraid that the brine is salty autumn - the cabbage will absorb the salt as much as you need. Just try not to overdo it in brine for too long. It takes 3 to 5 seconds.

Now you need to cover with a plate or a lid on which to put the goods - like, for example, here in the photo - a container with water:

We leave for 4 - 5 days at room temperature, during this time our cabbage must ferment, and in it should be lactic acid bacteria, which will preserve our delicious sauerkraut for a long time.

A compulsory condition is to open and pierce 2–3 times a day with a wand - to release the accumulated gases so as not to die out.

When the cabbage is ready, the container needs to be rearranged to a cold place, or rolled into jars, while the brine bay is so full, as much as a slide, so that there is no air left in the jar between the cabbage and the lid. And in the cellar.

Do not wash sauerkraut no matter how salty it is, because it loses the vitamins and valuable minerals contained in it.

And one more classic recipe for a delicious, crispy and juicy sauerkraut for the winter:

  How to sour cabbage for the winter in an oak tub - video recipe

Of course, the best way to cook sauerkraut at home is to ferment it in a wooden tub or barrel, which must be thoroughly washed and scalded beforehand; it is advisable to put a layer of cabbage leaves on the bottom.

Eh! Good snack - sour cabbage !!!

And an anecdote to the topic:

Bon appetit and successful cabbage!