Breeding sturgeon at home YouTube. Breeding sturgeon at home as a business

21.04.2019 Fish dishes


If there is a reservoir in your garden plot, then you need to clean it thoroughly and put it in order. In the absence of it, you can dig it up yourself. Size and depth will depend on you. For breeding sterlet and a regular pool.

For the convenience of growing fish, use special tanks. We must not forget that the sterlet belongs to the open-bubble fish and in the period of open water comes to the surface to swallow required portion  of air. It would be most expedient to plant it in open cages.

Fill the pond with groundwater or rainwater. The oxygen content in it should not be lower than 5-6 mg / l, and the optimum temperature should be 20-22 ° C. Periodically, the water should change, such a procedure must be carried out within twenty-five days.

Buy fry broods. You need to acquire them from May to September. This is best done at special farms that breed these fish. These fry will be most resistant to different types  human interventions in their lives and less stressed.

It is recommended that young sturgeons be fed several times a day with daphnia, the larvae of various insects, small crustaceans, and then shells. Crustaceans make up the staple food and adult sturgeon. Watch for the amount of feed, it should not be too much.

In winter, at low temperatures, the fish hibernates. She should ensure a state of complete rest, because if she stays awake, she will begin to expend strength and lose weight quickly.

Sturgeon breeding - very profitable business. But in order to start it, large investments are required, which as the business develops quickly pay off and bring huge profits. For breeding sturgeon  need to buy fry. They are sold in a nursery in the Tyumen and Krasnodar Territories and cost (depending on size) 15-25 rubles.


Sturgeon can be bred in natural or artificial ponds. To run the fry into the pond, it must be cleaned by discharging water and a mechanical method of cleaning. After filling the lake with water, launch the clams, worms and plants for the pond.

Buy fry and run them into the reservoir should be from May until autumn. In hot weather, it is better to transport the fry from the nursery at night, when the air temperature drops to its lowest level. When transporting it is necessary to ensure that the water in the tank in which the fry are transported does not heat up.

After running into the pond fry, they need to be properly fed. The diet should be from fry of small fish freshwater and specially balanced feed. When feeding should follow the recommended dose on the package, depending on the number of fry. Overfeeding harms fish, as well as underfeeding.

Moving the sturgeon to the tank for wintering, it is necessary to keep all the livestock in 5% salt solution for 2-3 days. This will avoid infection and death of fish during the winter. When wintering in a warm pond, the fish gain weight year round.

If you plan to keep sturgeon in a cold pond during the winter, then it is lime. Fish need to ensure complete rest. In a cold pond, sturgeon fish sleeps and does not gain weight, but it does not lose either.

Since spring, resume feeding fish.

If you decide to build your pond  for breeding fish, then you just need to know all the subtleties of the device of such reservoirs, also do not forget that how you lay pondwill be the envy which fish will dwell there.


Bottom pondand level, there should be no pits and low places, their presence leads to waterlogging of the soil.
If the bed of the future pondand, as well as its coast has bushes, trees, stumps or snags, will certainly remove all this from the root, since subsequently they will interfere with fishing, and also will contribute to the overgrowing and siltation of the reservoir.

If possible, clear water bodies and groundwater outlets, which are higher than the dam, in order to increase the flow of water into your pond.

Do better pond  draining, it will be easier for you to fish and process the bottom of the reservoir, ponds with a bottom bottom are less susceptible to silting and waterlogging, give a greater increase fish. Also, water bodies can vary in the place of their device, in different types of plant different types fish.

Gully pondwe settle on hollows, dry and dry, as well as in gentle ravines. Such reservoirs have a small area, the average depth is approximately 1.5 meters. The water in them is well heated by the sun, the bottom is muddy, they are filled with vegetation. In gully pondah breed carps, it’s for them the best place. Remember that before you start planting material, the bottom of the reservoir needs to be cleaned and all weed fish out.

Park and forest pondwe are often heavily silted, they require cutting down of trees and bushes that grow along the coast, the bottom also clear from stumps of snags. Before you start using pond, drain it for a year or two and install a bottom drain there. Ponds of this type are suitable for breeding  not only carps, but also other types of fish.

Ponds-reservoirs have a large area and depth. If you build pond  of this type, then pay attention to clearing the bottom of the reservoir. Ponds reservoirs coming up for breeding  common carp, pikeperch, sturgeon, trout, bream, carp, etc.


  • fish pond

The image of divorced bridges is often used in poetry as a symbol of insuperable forces that do not allow lovers to be together. In life, however, the construction of bridges occurs in a strictly allotted time and has no romantic reasons.

The rivers on which the largest cities of the world are built are mostly navigable, so there is one reason for the separation of bridges, namely, to give the opportunity to pass along the river, over which the bridge was erected, to major water transport and not to touch the deck part of the bridge and the bridge structure. the ships could easily pass along the river. Several types of drawbridges were invented. For example, there are bridges, consisting of three parts, the middle part of which rises on supports strictly vertically. Another version of the bridge, consisting of three segments - is a bridge with a flooded middle part. The most familiar us adjustable bridges  are called drop-down. bridges  St. Petersburg is the hallmark of the city and is built according to the type of drop-down structures. Many excursion programs are built in such a way that tourists can build bridges after sunset. They are bred for three hours - from 1.30 to 4.30. However, it is important to remember that bridges  in St. Petersburg they are divorced only during the navigation period - from April 20 to November 10. However, St. Petersburg is not the only city in the territory of the Russian Federation where movable bridges. In Rostov-on-Don, the railway bridge has a lifting middle part, in Kaliningrad there is a bridge across the river Pregolya with a vertical drawbar system, it is used for automobile and railway traffic. In Belomorsk, a movable railway bridge was laid across the White Sea Canal. bridges  with adjustable mechanisms, it suffices to recall the famous Tower Bridge. And in Copenhagen, for example, there is a bridge that can be built by the yacht managers themselves if the ship needs to go along the river. There are also adjustable bridges in Antwerp, Bruges, Amsterdam, Ghent, Dunkirk.

"What ... is this your jellied fish“, As the offended groom said from a famous Soviet film. But unlike the movie, this aspic is just lovely.

You will need

  • - 1 bird sterlet;
  • - 2 kg of small river fish;
  • - 5 pieces. carrots;
  • - 3 onions;
  • - 2 eggs;
  • - 50 g of raisins;
  • - parsley root;
  • - black pepper peas;
  • - bay leaf;
  • - salt;
  • - a bag of gelatin;
  • - 1 tbsp. spoon of sugar;
  • - 15 g of parsley.


Take out the giblets from the sterlet, cut out the gills. Wash thoroughly and place in a wide, but flat pan. Fine river fish  also clean, but do not remove the scales. Put in the same pan.

Peel the onions, carrots and parsley root and place in a saucepan, season with black pepper. Fill up cold water  and bring to a boil. After that, reduce the heat and cook over low heat without covering with a lid.

Cook the fish for two hours, 2 times add 100-150 g of cold water to the pan and immediately remove the foam that has formed. Half an hour before cooking is over, add the raisins to the pan. Put the pot in the place where it will cool. After that, put the sterlet on the dish, strain the broth, stir gelatin in it and season with salt.

At the first sign of freezing broth, you need to pour a third of the liquid on the sterlet and put the dish in the fridge for half an hour. After the liquid hardens, decorate the surface with circles. boiled eggs, parsley and boiled carrot circles. Show your imagination when decorating and cut out vegetables and eggs in the shape of flowers. Press all with a small force into the frozen liquid, otherwise then all the decorations will float.

Pour out the rest of the broth with a neat thin stream, while straining it. It is necessary to pour as carefully as possible so that the decorations do not flow into one place. Put the ready meal  to freeze in the fridge.

Breeding fish can become good business, if you approach the issue with full responsibility. First you need to decide which fish to breed. According to statistics, two varieties are the most popular among the population: carp and trout.

Fish selection

It is easier to grow carps - they are tenacious and unpretentious, most ponds are suitable for them, if desired, they can be grown even at home. But the trout is a more sensitive fish, for which it is necessary to create certain conditions in the reservoir, one cannot do without an experienced skilled specialist - a fish farmer. Costs of cultivation will be almost the same, only trout in the markets is three times more expensive than carp.

If conditions allow, you can breed both carp and trout. If conditions do not allow, then you have to choose one variety.

Today, fish farming as a business is in great demand. This is a profitable business, because fish businessmen do not pay VAT, social tax, income taxes, they work on a common agricultural tax.

Optimal conditions

Fish health and their growth depends on temperature, water saturation with oxygen, equilibrium of a closed biological system, level of acidity. Entrepreneurs should realize that it is not enough to buy a reservoir, run fish there, then catch it and sell it profitably. Fish farming is a difficult business, because the work is done with “living products”.

Feeding and treatment

Purchasing feed in the fish business is one of the biggest expenses. When growing carp, you need food sold at a price of 8-10 rubles per kilo. But for trout such food is not suitable, because of him the fish will have white meat, the demand for it will be low. For trout you need to choose high-quality German food, they cost an average of 0.7 euros per kilo.

Diseases and epidemics are a major risk. Three times a month it is necessary to make a control catch: inspect the gills of fish and internal organs. If it took, then it is necessary to carry out the treatment in time: give the fish medicinal feed with immune-strengthening drugs and antibiotics. If you miss the beginning of the epidemic, then all the livestock can be destroyed.

Economy and savings

If trout are grown, then it is better to buy fertilized eggs with further incubation. If you are an inexperienced fish farmer, then it is advisable to acquire landing trout and landing carp. A kilogram of trout will cost 250-400 rubles, carp - from 60. We write off 10% for losses, out of the survived fry after 2.5 years, fish weighing 800 g will come out, and you can start selling them at a reasonable price.

Disadvantage fish business  is that the investment pays off for a long time. But you can speed up the process by buying a two-year-old fish for breeding - you can fatten it for the season.

Sales features

Here you can face certain problems: with competition, lower demand, difficult relationships with retail outlets. 10% of stores have aquariums that are equipped for selling live fish. Usually shops pay after implementation. Consequently, payments are received after 7-30 days - this can lead to payables.

Sterlet belongs to the sturgeon family. It has long been called " royal fish". Sterlet meat has a delicate delicacy taste and is suitable for cooking. various dishes  - cold and hot. Before the revolution, the sterlet was a frequent guest on the tables of the Russian merchants and nobility. She decorated the royal meal.

Sterlet recipe with horseradish sauce

This dish before the revolution belonged to snacks. Although it can be served hot as well. To cook sterlet with horseradish sauce, you must take the following products:
- 500 g of sterlet;
- 1 ½ l of water;
- 1 onion;
- 1 carrot;
- 1 parsley root;
- 2 bay leaves;
- 5-6 black peppercorns;
For the sauce:
- 100 g horseradish;
- 1 tbsp. l butter;
- 1 tbsp. l flour;
- 200 g fat sour cream;
- 1-2 eggs;
- 1 ½ cup fish broth;
- 1 tbsp. l chopped greens;
- table 6% vinegar;
- sugar;
- salt.

Very carefully gut sturgeon, remove the tail, the head and carefully pull out the sisigu (vertebral vein). Then scald the fish hot. boiled water  and clean from side and spinal bugs (special growths). After that, wash and dry.

Pour into pan cold water. Peel and finely chop onions, carrots and parsley root. Put in water, add bay leaf, peppercorns and salt. Bring the water to a boil and put the sterlet in it. Cook on low heat for 10-15 minutes. Leave the finished fish to cool in the broth.

At this time, prepare the sauce. To do this, cook hard boiled eggs and finely chop with a knife. Wheat flour  rub with softened butter and dilute with cold strained fish broth. Horseradish root clean, rub on fine grater  and add to the flour mixture. Season to taste with salt, sugar and table vinegar. Then boil, add sour cream and chopped eggs. Well all stir and cool.

Cut boiled sterlet into even slices and arrange on scales with a long dish. Then fill with chilled sauce and sprinkle with finely chopped greens.

Recipe for sterlet boiled on champagne

This recipe is given in the famous book by Elena Molokhovets “A Gift to Young Mistresses”. It contains the required amount of food in pounds. This old Russian weight measure is 410 grams. To make boiled sterlet on champagne you will need:
- 3 pounds sterlet;
- ½ lemon;
- 1 / 8-1 / 4 pounds of butter;
- 2-3 glasses of champagne;
- salt.

First of all, prepare the sterlet. To do this, gut the fish, remove the screech, scald the sterlet with boiling water, rinse, pat dry, wipe off the bugs and remove the peel. Then cut the fish into slices and place them tightly in a row in a nickel-plated or silver saucepan. Salt lightly. Squeeze the juice out of half a lemon and pour sterlet over it. Lay on top butter  and pour in the champagne. It should cover half the fish.

Let the sterlet steep a bit. 15 minutes before serving to the table, cover the saucepan with a lid and put on medium heat. As soon as the sterlet is cooked, it should be immediately served at the table in the dish in which it was prepared.

Sterlet  - This is the smallest fish of the sturgeon family. Its weight usually does not exceed 1 kg, so the sterlet can be cooked whole, for example, bake it in the oven with potatoes and cheese.

For many, the presence of aquarium fish at home is common. Bright nimble creatures floating among the plants and decorations are admirable and allow you to watch yourself for hours. Aquarium at home is normal.

Then why breeding commercial fish in an apartment or a private house is not normal? Just because such species are large? In fact, there is no difference between the content of aquarium fish and commercial fish. But sturgeon breeding at home will become for you a stable profitable business, the demand for a product, which will always exist.

Breeding and growing sturgeon at home: business benefits

Representatives of sturgeon are valued not only for caviar, but also for tasty healthy meat.

There is always high demand for both products.

That is why building your business on sturgeon breeding at home is a great idea.

At the same time, the cost of funds for this process is minimal. Sturgeon itself does not require for itself. special conditions  content.  Therefore, to obtain a good result, it is enough just not to be lazy and carry out a series of simple manipulations.

Standardly, sturgeon includes Russian and Siberian sturgeon, stellate sturgeon, beluga, sterlet. The main advantages of breeding this family of fish are called:

  • the presence of constant demand because of the value of meat and black caviar;
  • unpretentiousness in the maintenance and temperature condition;
  • fish are not very picky in feeding;
  • the lack of susceptibility of sturgeon to various diseases;
  • small time spent on care and feeding, except for the days of sorting;
  • return on business after 9 months;
  • for start in such a project a rather small amount of money.

If you plan to start your own business, but you don’t have much money for that, you should pay your attention to sturgeon breeding.

The room

If the decision is finally made and your future prosperity should be provided by fish, then the first thing you need to think about is the right place.

Immediately, we note that you can keep fish in a private house or in an apartment.

Do not worry about the fact that this occupation will cause irreparable harm to your environment.

If everything is done correctly, adhering to certain requirements, then both grown fish and the interior will be excellent.

When selecting a room for breeding, you must select a free area of \u200b\u200b30 square meters. m. It must be heated, especially in a period of low temperatures. For active development and growth of sturgeon, in the winter season the water should have 17 degrees.  If this is a warm season, then the temperature should be kept at 20-24 0 C.

A large barn, a polycarbonate greenhouse, an indoor pool, a garage, etc. are ideal for sturgeon nursery premises. In your chosen room must be present water, electricity, ventilation, sewage.

There is one more thing to pay attention to. The fact is that sturgeon is not highly resistant to stress. You should not choose a room for breeding fish near the stadium, market, highway, railway line and other noisy places.

  Many people open a business based on their preferences. If you like fishing, you can open a shop where fishing gear will be sold. create point of sale  you will find in the article.

What business can be opened in the village from scratch? Ideas consider.

The service sector is a profitable business line, because often such a thing does not require large investments. At first, you can provide services to the population and do it alone. Here we consider the most promising areas in the service sector: a cleaning company, expeditionary services, and other options.

Sturgeon breeding equipment

Special equipment for growing sturgeon at home can be purchased from branded suppliers.

Its average cost starts from 10 thousand dollars. Specialists will bring to the address, install and connect the equipment to work.

You will only run fry.

However, this amount is not always on hand. Therefore, many recommends choosing a slightly different path. For the fish themselves there is no value where they will live and breed: in a special pool or not.

The main thing for them is clean water, food and oxygen in sufficient quantities. All this can provide a plastic pool with a depth of 1 meter and a diameter of 3 m. In it, you can easily grow up to 1 ton of sturgeon per year without additional assistance. This approach will provide an opportunity to save on staff salaries.

For the arrangement of the pool you will need:

  • compressor;
  • special filters;
  • pump;
  • aeration.

On the listed equipment you should not save. Otherwise, it will quickly fail and you will have to buy a new one. Installation of the pump is necessary for periodic cleaning of the pool from the mule and sturgeon waste products.

Sturgeon Pool

Before you buy a compressor for yourself, test it well, squeezing the maximum out of it.  Carefully calculate the power you need. Buy a compressor, based on the calculation made, by adding the required stock. Thus, you prevent rapid wear of equipment and protect yourself from unnecessary expenses.

Some breeders purchase automatic feeders. This equipment perfectly allows, saves time and precisely consumes feed. But most prefer to save.

Some novice breeders save their money by equipping the pool with their own hands. If you fall into the number of such lucky people, then you have a unique opportunity to save a significant amount of money for yourself. A swimming pool built independently costs its owner 2-3 times cheaper than the purchase option.

Acquisition of fry

After the equipment of the room and the pool it is the turn to purchase fry In your city, there are always fish farms that breed various types of industrial fish. Choose one and purchase a batch from them. Before purchase it is necessary to:

  • consult with an expert;
  • read the literature on how to properly distinguish between high-quality and low-quality fry;
  • view feedback on the work of the selected fisheries;
  • compare offers from different suppliers.

Sturgeon fry

In the case of the purchase of fry you should not hurry, getting the first available. Fish may be sick or poor quality. As a result, they will slowly develop and be ill. You don't need such things.

How to choose a feed?

Fry launched into the pool, now the kids need to be fed so that they develop well and gain weight. For this, you need a quality feed. How to choose it correctly?

In this case, it is worth relying on a number of points:

  • Sturgeon is food from the bottom, so the food must necessarily drown in water. No need to choose the type that will float on the surface.
  • Fish chooses food based on their sense of smell. Therefore, the food must smell good.
  • Feed must not disintegrate under the influence of moisture. This is due to the fact that the food will not be completely eaten by fish. Its part will remain at the bottom, so for half an hour it still has to remain “quality”.
  • Feed must have the ability to swell in water. Thus, it will be softer, and the fish will eat it faster.
  • Food must be high-calorie. This will allow sturgeon to grow faster, and you - to get the desired income.

Offered today in the feed market have different compositions. Experts recommend stopping the choice on that, which includes lysine, phosphorus, fiber, protein and fats.

Breeding sturgeon in the pond

It is not always possible to install a pool. In this case, the option of sturgeon breeding in the pond will suit you.

If you have a dug pond, then it is enough to bring it to the conditions necessary for the fish.

If not, then dig it out with the bottom in the form of a bowl and taking into account the specifics of the dilution.

Before running the fry, the used pond must be cleaned. To do this, all the water is pumped out of it. At the bottom is placed a layer of lime, which then pours a significant amount of liquid. After a couple of hours, this mixture is pumped out. This action must be done half a month before the fry are placed in this pond.

It is imperative that different algae, reeds, aquatic plants, etc. should grow in the pond. In addition, you can put mollusks, worms, planktons, snails, etc. additional feed.

Fish farming equipment - pond and cages

It is best of all to carry out release of kids in a pond at night time in the summer. After they reach a certain size, the sturgeon moves to the spawning pond. There, fish lay eggs and fry. When the babies appeared, they are returned to the first pond and the process of growth of individuals repeats.

Business return and sales of sturgeon

The full growth cycle of sturgeon from fry to the product sold is 9 months. During this time, up to the weight of 500 grams. (the most demanded and bought) all taken kids grow up. Therefore, the payback period of money invested in such a business project is 9 months.

The main buyers of sturgeon are restaurants, shops and supermarkets, wholesalers and fish outlets. Where you will take your products, choose only you. Some sell not only adult sturgeon, but also fry, which they bred.

  Like to cook and eat? Then the culinary business is your option. on business organization.

Did you know that a pawnshop accepts and sells not only gold, but also cars and household appliances? In the subject you will learn how to organize this business and what pawn shops are.

Sturgeon breeding business plan

The average cost of one sturgeon in retail is 15 dollars per 1 kg, and the cost price is 7-8 dollars. Simple mathematical calculations show that this business gives a good income. With the right approach, a month sturgeon breeding at home can bring in from 8 thousand dollars. The main condition is a competent approach and compliance with the basic conditions of the technology.

Business calculation:

  • The price of fish feed - 1.2 dollars. per kg For a set of 1 kg of weight, you need up to 1.5 kg.
  • Fry cost starts at $ 0.2.
  • Equipment. If you want to start your own business on a large scale, then prepare $ 20,000. If you decide to do everything step by step, then the required amount will be less.

As you can see from these figures, you need $ 30-50 thousand to start breeding sturgeon. If desired, the amount may be even smaller. Carefully watch your sturgeon, feed them on time, change the water, then the income will be in your pocket!

Among non-standard ideas aimed at making a profit, sturgeon breeding at home as a business deserves special attention and a detailed study of all its nuances. What caused such a great interest in this area of \u200b\u200bfish farming?

Sturgeon breeding business at home

    The cost of sturgeon meat exceeds 15 US dollars, and a kilogram of black caviar can be exchanged for the “Lada” of the old model, but in good condition!

    With proper organization  This business and compliance with all technical standards can ensure a stable profit for several decades, without thinking about changes in the economic situation and other objective factors.

    This activity, in addition to good profits, will bring to its organizer a lot of positive emotions, especially to lovers of fishing and everything connected with it.

    Breeding sturgeon does not require huge investments at the initial stage. If your own savings are not enough to start, you can attract investors from the outside, organize a joint business with good friends or use credit funds.

    The demand for caviar and fish will always be. They are happy to buy it, as the richest segments of the population, and representatives of the middle class.

    The small business in question enjoys state support, which makes it possible to count on receiving non-repayable subsidies or soft loans.

Given the above points, it can be concluded that sturgeon breeding is an interesting and profitable occupation that deserves the attention of persistent, hardworking people who can overcome any obstacles and achieve their goals.

We study the market of sturgeon products and its main advantages

Breeding sturgeon in almost every region of our country, except for their natural habitats, is a very promising business that will not cause any problems with the sale of farmed products. Sturgeon meat, especially its caviar, is unique in all respects. It can be said that this product has no direct competitors. Even without using complex marketing technologies to study the market situation, we can confidently say that this product will always find a buyer.

The following advantages of sturgeon meat and caviar contribute to this:

    Fish and caviar has a unique taste.

    Balanced amino acid composition, vitamins A and E, phosphorus, calcium and other useful trace elements strengthen bones, improve eyesight, and also successfully prevent the development of many dangerous diseases.

    Despite high calorie, sturgeon meat is well digested and assimilated, which allows children and elderly people to eat it.

    The cost of caviar and sturgeon meat is practically not influenced by any external factors, it remains high, regardless of the market situation, exchange rate fluctuations and other economic indicators.

Let us consider in detail what needs to be done to organize this business and make it profitable with minimal financial resources and time.

Legal aspects of this business

First of all, you need to pay attention to a very important detail: growing sturgeon at home, this is an activity that requires you to complete all documents confirming the legality of your business, as well as the quality of products sold. If the breeding of cows, pigs or rabbits on a small scale can be carried out without registration at all in state bodies, and the sale of animal products can be represented as selling surplus personal subsidiary farming, then this “number” will not work with fish. Everyone knows that sturgeon has always been the favorite prey of poachers who in recent years have been engaged in illegal “business” in industrial scale. Therefore, the result of your hard work is likely to interest not only tax authorities and veterinary inspectors, but also representatives of law enforcement agencies. Well, with the methods of work of the latter, it is better never to meet any of us. Given this circumstance, it is possible to make an unequivocal conclusion that, without registering with the tax inspectorate and processing all permits, sturgeon farming is a very dangerous occupation, which, instead of profit, can bring great trouble and fines. What does the current legislation offer us to address this issue?

    Consider in stages the first option - design of IP. For this you need. Register as an individual entrepreneur. Make a statement that you want to work under the simplified taxation system. Register with the Pension Fund, Social Insurance Fund, statistics authorities. Start working with a clear conscience.

    The next option is the creation of a legal entity. In this case, you also need to register with all government agencies and obtain the relevant documents. In addition, a legal entity needs: authorized capital, collective decisions on the establishment of an LLC of all its participants, the legal address of the company, a settlement account in a financial institution, as well as other requirements that you can learn about directly in the process of setting up your future company .

As you can see, the creation of a legal entity is a more laborious and costly process than the registration of individual entrepreneurs. Therefore, if you plan to grow fish for the domestic market, you are not going to work with state-owned enterprises and large companies, then individual entrepreneurs are ideal in all respects. This legal form of business organization will allow you to save money on registration, in the course of work you will pay less taxes, even a high school student can handle accounting, even a private accountant is not needed for an individual entrepreneur. But, if you plan to sell the grown products to other countries or work with government agencies, large international concerns, then, of course, you will have to deal with the registration of a legal entity.

Main conditions for successful sturgeon breeding

In parallel with the decision of organizational and legal issues it is necessary to engage in the arrangement of the pools in which you will grow this valuable breed of fish. Consider several options for organizing this business.

For sturgeon cultivation with the aim of its implementation as fish delicacy  You will need:

    a pool with a depth of 1 meter and a volume of 2.5-3 cubic meters;

  • compressor and pump with the capacity to maintain this pool;

    if necessary, a heater to maintain the water temperature within 20 degrees (in summer);

    whitebait fish that weighs up to 5 grams.

The pool should be located in a heated room. In order for the sturgeon to continue growing during the cold season, it is necessary to maintain the water temperature not lower than 17 degrees. If you do not equip a pool indoors for some objective reasons, you can build a polycarbonate greenhouse. Some entrepreneurs use an automatic feeder, but this is not necessary, feeding the fry manually will not take much of your time. It is very important to maintain the purity of the water and ensure that its oxygen saturation is above 70%. In the pool with the above characteristics you can grow about 1 ton of fish per year. Start selling sturgeon when the weight reaches 500-600 grams. Fish will be happy to buy restaurants, cafes, as well as wholesalers for further sale in specialized stores.

Growing sturgeon with the purpose of producing caviar is a very long-term business that starts working at full capacity not earlier than 5-10 years after the start of this activity. And although for the start of a commercial project, large investments are not needed, very few entrepreneurs decide to engage in this business.

One way to speed up the process is to acquire adults. But in this case there is a risk that the fish will not take root in the new place, and given the fact that the cost of an adult herd reaches hundreds of millions of rubles, few people will decide to invest such huge sums in a project that could end in complete failure.

A new technology for growing sturgeon fish using closed-circuit water supply systems allows spawn production much faster than it happens in vivo. It has several varieties, but it works on the same principle. Water, before getting into the tanks, where sturgeon is kept, passes first through mechanical and biological cleaning. Then oxygen enrichment is carried out, passing through a thermostatic unit and cleaning with ultraviolet. After that, the purified water enters the final destination. Installation, like the pool in the first version, should be placed in a heated room. This allows you to grow fish all year round, without fear that something might happen to it.

In addition, this technology of sturgeon breeding allows:

    receive copies weighing more than 70 kg;

    compactly place the pools, which makes it possible to rationally use every meter of free indoor area;

    minimize the possibility of dangerous diseases;

    save water and expensive feed, which has a positive effect on the cost of production of caviar and meat;

    visually monitor the herd behavior;

    do not render negative influence  on the environment.

You can also grow fish in open water, but sturgeon farming in a pond requires a lot of investment and knowledge of all the nuances of this process. Only experienced fish farmers, with the appropriate reservoir and financial means, can engage in this business. Therefore, we will not delve into all the nuances of this method of keeping sturgeon fish.

Economic indicators of sturgeon cultivation

You need to start this business with growing fish in a small pool (the first method discussed above). For the purchase of all necessary equipment need to spend about 2500 at. units This includes the pool itself, pumps, compressors, filters, etc. The fry will cost about 1000 y. units, and the necessary feed and electricity for one year - 500 at. units. Thus, the sum of all expenses for the organization of a business and its full-fledged functioning is 4000 y. units. All data is collected on the basis of real activity of entrepreneurs who have been engaged in this business for more than a year and know all its “pitfalls”.

As already mentioned above, a swimming pool in a closed heated room for a year can yield one ton of sturgeon meat, which can be sold in restaurants, cafes or through wholesale customers with their own specialty stores or points in grocery markets. Experienced businessmen have calculated that one kilogram of sturgeon breeds brings a net profit of 6-8 thousand y. units, that is, for the year from one pool at an investment of 4000 y. units You will receive "hands" from 6 to 8 thousand! Naturally, by developing this business further and moving to installations of closed water supply, your income will increase significantly. In the future, you can start the production of caviar, as well as the cultivation of fry. It should be remembered that this business has many hidden opportunities to reduce the expenditure side, and hence the cost of grown products. For example, you can make tanks or temperature controllers with your own hands.

Recently, against the backdrop of the global crisis, new ways of creating your own business are beginning to emerge, and one of these ways is sturgeon breeding at home as a business.

Breeding sturgeon is quite a long, but very payback occupation for people who want to do their work, and also have almost zero dependence on many factors, one of which is the global crisis, which pushed many people to become entrepreneurs in their own country. If the desire to engage in this business is considered, then careful dipping into the topic of sturgeon breeding at home as a business, described in detail in this article, is required. It is also worth starting with an article exploring this business with the question "how to grow sturgeon at home." The answer is below.

Home breeding sturgeon

How to breed sturgeon at home? If you have a cottage, or live in the private sector, then this is an ideal option for growing sturgeon at home for business beginners, because there is a place for building a room. The fish itself is not small and the tanks for its maintenance should be of an appropriate size, and it should be borne in mind that in order to maintain maximum enterprise productivity and product quality, it is necessary to keep the sturgeon in clean water, which has the right temperature, and this requires the acquisition of the necessary equipment.

Creating a reservoir for sturgeon

How to grow a sterlet at home?  If you have a small pool, then it is ideal for this task. But nevertheless, it is recommended to buy a plastic tank for sturgeon keeping, because the iron holds the cold well. The dimensions of the tank should not be small, but not too large. Well-suited tanks, the diameter of which does not exceed three meters, and the depth of the tank to one and a half meters. At the end of the article you will find a video about sturgeon growing at home, where everything is described in detail.

Careful selection of the required feed.

Sturgeon feeding is a very important moment in the development of your business, because the quality of feed will determine how quickly the fish will grow in your water. The shorter the maturation period, the better. It is also worth remembering that the quality of the meat grown depends on the quality of the feed.

Sturgeon, when released into the water, instantly goes ashore. This is a natural instinct that helps them avoid danger. Therefore, you want to choose food that is not so quickly dissolved in water. When choosing food, you need to pay special attention to the smell, because the smell of sturgeon is quite developed, it is with the help of it that they are looking for prey at the bottom of the rivers.

The solubility of the feed should be more than half an hour, and it is worth remembering that the size of the granules for medium-sized individuals and fry is significantly different, so you should take several types of feed at once.

  Young sturgeon

How to get fry

This issue is resolved quite easily, one has only to have connections with people who are engaged in the same kind of business. If there are none, then it is necessary to find the closest enterprise by location, which is engaged in large-scale sturgeon breeding. In some cases, you can order through the online store, but this rarity, as well as the price for transportation is quite high. Acquisition of fry is one of the biggest obstacles encountered by a novice businessman; therefore, fry themselves cost a lot, due to the fact that they have been raised and fed for a certain period of time. It is also not recommended to save on fry, you should not take cheap because much depends on it, starting with the quality of the meat and ending with the payback of the business.

Capacities for sturgeon cultivation

To create your business, you will need to purchase containers in which sturgeon will be kept and developed. The room for the installation of the tank itself is required to choose as much as possible, because in addition to the tanks themselves, it will be equipped with additional equipment that maintains the purity and temperature of the water.

Equipment for fish farming:

  • a tank in which the fish will go through their life cycle;
  • a generator that supports the power supply of the farm in case there is no main source of energy, as well as in emergency situations;
  • water pump for pumping and supplying fresh water;
  • feeder with automatic feeding of fish;
  • water compressor.

Now in more detail about each component of the system.

Storage tank

The reservoir is the key link to create a business literally at home. When choosing a container, you need to carefully discuss everything, because it is better to take a ready-made container at once, in which there are all the necessary holes for pipes. If the room is not too large, then you can install instead of one large, many medium tanks with diameters of at least 2 meters and a depth of one and a half meters so that the fish feel comfortable. At the end of the article there is a video of breeding sturgeon at home, where you can see the approximate size of the content tank.



The generator can provide uninterrupted electricity for your farm. The choice between diesel or gasoline remains for you, everything goes into the calculation of how much you can invest in every detail of the business. The generator is very important in the event that you live in a region in which power line breakdowns are possible, or there is no electricity at all.

Water pump

The water pump is also very important, because the fish can not live in dirty water. Also, the purity of the water directly affects the quality of the meat and the survival rates of the fry.

The compressor is necessary in order to provide saturation plain water  oxygen, because in an artificial reservoir it is impossible to saturate the water in a natural way. It is recommended to take several compressors at once, all this in case of a single failure, all this is due to the fact that fish, like other living creatures, cannot do without oxygen.


Although the feeder for the automatic feeding of food is recommended to ensure maximum autonomy of the business, it is only advisable for large farms. An alternative to the feeder can be your personal time, or people who are willing to feed the fish at a certain time every day.

Only the most significant components of the farm are described, not including pipes, the work of specialists in installing all the equipment in one chain, settings, renting premises, etc. Nevertheless, although the first steps in mastering this type of business are quite expensive, the payback period is quite high. In some cases, the payback of equipment, fry, etc. can be reached after 11-12 months of continuous work of the farm.

Optimum water temperature in the tank

It is known that the quality of the meat, the general condition of the fry and adult sturgeon individuals directly depends on the temperature of the water in which they live. This issue requires a careful approach, no matter how it seems at first glance. Experts recommend temperature, water not more than +24 degrees, and not less than +18 degrees. Heating water can be quite expensive in winter seasonbecause heating of at least one reservoir, which is 2 cubic meters of water, will require quite a lot of electricity. When the fish is in an unfavorable environment, for example, in insufficient warm waterthen diseases are possible. Everything is the same as with ordinary animals, so the issue of heating water requires attention.

Place where containers will be placed

How to start sturgeon farming? First you need to find a place where the pools will be located. The choice of location will significantly affect how quickly your business will pay off, all due to the fact that the more you can install pools for fish, the more income there will be in the future. You can breed them even where only water, electricity and space are required for the installation of tanks. If you take the pool, which was described above, then a room of 13 square meters may well come up. If you live in the private sector, then you can build a whole greenhouse, which will solve the issue of heating and maintaining optimum temperature  water.


It is recommended to buy only good feed, designed exclusively for fast feeding of fry. After the transition to the adult stage, you need to go to the feed, in which the granules are slightly larger. Such an approach to nutrition will increase the survival rate and the rate of maturation. If there is no automatic feeder, then you will have to feed the fish yourself up to five times a day.

Regarding business payback

As already mentioned, a business becomes fully payable starting at 11 or 12 months, in some cases earlier. For 9 months, the little fry, whose weight barely reaches 5 grams, can gain in weight up to 500 grams. It is this mass of fish that is quite in demand among supermarkets, individuals and restaurants. It is only necessary to find customers who will regularly use your services.

The usual market value of the sturgeon fry is approximately 25 rubles. This is a good, strong and healthy fry. There are options and cheaper, but they cost to take only at your own peril and risk. Restaurants, markets and supermarkets buy fish at a price of up to 900 rubles per kilogram, in some cases for 650. Before starting a business, it is worth making connections to buy the fish at the best price, and it pays for itself as quickly as possible.

So, one fry can bring up to 600 rubles. It is worth remembering that consumables were spent on it, so this figure is divided into all costs. Suppose that you have acquired 500 fry, then you need to take 15 thousand rubles feed for them, you also need to add rental here if you rent it. There is also a lot of electricity, the fee for such a farm can be approximately from 15 to 20 thousand rubles per year. The price of electricity varies depending on which region you live in.

Suppose that you purchased exactly 500 fry at a price of 25 rubles per piece, then the costs and payback will be as follows:

  1. Food for 500 fish - about 15-16 thousand rubles;
  2. Electricity - from 15 thousand rubles per year;
  3. 500 Fry - 12500 rubles;
  4. The cost of sturgeon cultivation: 43,500 rubles;

If we consider that we sell 500 carcasses of fish, the mass of which can reach 550 grams, and the wholesale price can reach 800 rubles, we will get a figure of total income of 180 thousand rubles per cycle (year). Just for the breeding of sterlet at home we get 140 thousand rubles of net profit. The cost of water was not taken in the amount, because there is the possibility that you have your own well or river nearby. Also, no expenses were taken for equipment for sturgeon breeding, since it can be done independently.

Ways of sturgeon sales

This question occurs immediately after the idea to create your mini-farm appears. Ways of realization are wide enough. This type of fish is in demand in restaurants Japanese food, namely to create sushi. If there is a sushi bar in your city, then it is worth establishing relations with the owner and supplying only there. Such institutions prefer to buy fish from private individuals, because large enterprises often mix all sorts of drugs that affect the quality of taste. After several years of working the farm, if funds allow, it is possible to increase the size of the farm, thus income will grow exponentially every year. But it is also worth updating the equipment for growing fish to keep up with competitors.

Sturgeon breeding is quite a long, but very payback occupation for people who want to do their work.

If you doubt whether it is worth doing it, you can always find a video on the Internet, which tells everything like this, one of these is a video about sturgeon breeding at home: