How to cook caramelized fruit. Candied cherry

03.05.2019 Bakery products

Any hostess wants the cooked dessert to be not only delicious, but also beautiful. Products from caramel and chocolate are traditionally considered to be one of the most versatile desserts decoration options. Make yourself if you are not a professional pastry chef, caramel or chocolate figurines is very difficult. However, you can caramelize and chocolateize fruit and berries. This article presents the two most simple and popular recipes for fruit in caramel and chocolate.

Universal dessert with caramel

One of the most common recipes for caramelization are fruits and berries, generously filled with hot caramel.

Required Products

  • 100-150 g of sugar;
  • 100 ml of water;
  • various fruits and berries, depending on personal preferences (for example, melon, papaya, pears, pineapples, bananas, strawberries) - 1-2 fruits.

It should be noted that for the preparation of fruit in caramel will take 15-20 minutes.

Cooking method

  1. At the initial stage, the fruit should be washed thoroughly, remove the grains and peel from them, cut into rings or half-rings.
  2. If we are talking about the use of hard fruits (for example, pears or melons), then they must first be fried in a small amount of butter.

Need to know! As a dish for cooking fruit in caramel, you should not use a Teflon-coated frying pan. It is better to take the most ordinary pan or wok.

  1. Once the fruit is ready, you can proceed to cooking the hot syrup. For syrup, it is necessary to pour sugar and pour it with water so that it slightly covers the bottom layer.
  2. Boil sugar should be prior to the acquisition of brown.

Attention! To caramel could not finally thicken, it is necessary to periodically add water a few drops.

  1. One of the aspects testifying to the readiness of the syrup is the acquisition of the smell of slightly burnt sugar. The main indicator of quality caramel is the syrup consistency.
  2. At the final stage of cooking fruit in caramel syrup should be combined with fruit. Berries and fruits can be dipped in a container of syrup or poured fruit slices on top of it.

The dish can be served in hot bowls hot with solid almond or coconut powder. Fresh fruits can be replaced by dried fruits, pre-soaked in warm water.

The unique chocolate dessert of pears

Another option for a delicious dessert are pears in chocolate. By the way, instead of pears, as in the recipe of fruit in caramel, you can take any other fruits - apples, oranges, bananas and even berries.

Required Ingredients

  • 100 g of any chocolate;
  • 2 medium pears;
  • 150 g cream ice cream without impurities;
  • ¼ liter of water;
  • a little butter.

Algorithm cooking

  1. Initially, it is necessary to pour water into the pot (it should be deep enough) and add sugar to it.
  2. Fruits should be peeled and boiled for 20 minutes.
  3. After the flesh is soft, the pears must be removed and slightly cooled.
  4. Next, you need to chop the chocolate into the smallest pieces.
  5. Toss the chocolate into the syrup where the pears were boiled and wait for it to dissolve completely.

Important! To avoid sticking and bitter taste, cook fruit in caramel and chocolate should be at the slowest possible fire.

  1. After the mixture has been baked for 5 minutes, add a small piece of butter and mix everything thoroughly.
  2. Ice cream should be divided into two equal parts and placed in a specially prepared dish.
  3. In a bowl with ice cream you must put the pear tail up.
  4. The whole dish pour chocolate and serve to the table in the form of heat.

Coconut, nuts and raisins can be added to the dish. If we are talking about the use of sweet varieties of pears, you can, after they boil, lightly moisten them in lemon juice.

This term is quite common in recipes, but just as often, authors do not bother to explain what they mean.

Caramelization is not just a culinary technique, it can significantly improve the taste of products and, as a result, the taste of the most up-to-date dish. As it is not difficult to guess, this process is associated with sugar, and during caramelization, sugar turns into caramel. This process occurs when properly heated.

Caramelization is of several types. You can caramelize sugar, granulated sugar - turn it into caramel and make it. You can caramelize the sugar already contained in the products, turn it into caramel, and make it change or significantly improve the taste of the caramelized product.

Usually, caramelization of products is carried out on, since it is a thick cast-iron bottom that can provide the effect of languor - thanks to this effect, you can pull out as much sugar as possible from the product. And this process takes more time than ordinary roasting.

Onions and other vegetables

Vegetables and, in particular, onions contain a lot of sugar, due to it the process of caramelization of vegetables takes place. Most often, caramelization is used when cooking vegetable roasting for soup or soup base, as the professionals call it. To get, or any other dish, in which such a combination is involved, you need to properly caramelize vegetables.

In addition to traditional onions and carrots, the soup base can also include garlic, celery and fennel, it all depends on the recipe. All vegetables should be finely chopped, the side of the cube should be about 2 mm. Consider that rubbing vegetables on a fine grater or chopping them in a blender is unacceptable, because they will release a lot of juice and the base will turn out dry. Of course, this requires some patience, but the taste is ... mmm ... magical.

Although you can not chase the small-fine-cut. And chop the onion very thinly, but in half rings, and the carrot - in thin straws. Vegetables are added gradually, you need to do everything without haste, gradually laying vegetables on caramelization, first onions and garlic, then carrots and other root vegetables. Onions should be transparent, and all vegetables are soft.

We give an example of how to work with onions, by analogy you need to do with other vegetables.

How to caramelize onions

  • heat the cast iron skillet over high heat - reduce the heat to medium and put butter (butter or olive)
  • warm the oil, then put the chopped onion and reduce the heat to the minimum
  • simmer the bow on the fire, stirring occasionally until it becomes transparent. This may take about 10-15 minutes.

Onion soup

To make it really tasty, you need to carefully caramelize onions, for half an hour (!), So that it will acquire a golden-brown color and a caramel flavor.

50g butter

1 tbsp. l olive oil

1 tsp thyme

1 tsp Sahara

1.5 l beef broth

1 tbsp. l flour

150 ml of dry white wine

3 tbsp. l brandy

6-12 pieces of french loaf

1 garlic clove

1 tbsp. l french mustard

1 cup grated hard cheese

Step 1. Onion chop and caramelize in butter and olive oil. In the process of caramelization add thyme to the onions. The process takes about half an hour until the onions become caramel in color.

Step 2.Remove the lid, slightly increase the heat and add sugar. Bring the onion to brown. But in no case should he be burnt!

Step 3. In a saucepan, bring the broth to a boil. Add flour to the finished onion, fry for a couple of minutes, stirring all the time.

Step 4. Pour a little broth into the pan a little - half a cup, add brandy, wine, pepper and salt. Boil a minute. And pour everything into the pan with the broth.

Step 5.Bring to a boil, put on a small fire and simmer another 15 minutes.

Step 6. Dry baguette pieces in the oven. Then rub them with garlic, spread with mustard and sprinkle with grated cheese.

Step 7.Preheat the grill to the maximum. Soup poured into heat-resistant plates, put 2 croutons in each and put under the grill. When the cheese is melted and fried a little - you can serve.


Fruits usually caramelize with sugar. Do it too on. Moreover, sometimes sugar is mixed with water, and in this syrup fruit pieces are caramelized, and sometimes butter or vegetable oil is added to sugar. And fry the fruit over low heat in this mixture.

How to caramelize fruit

  • heat the sugar on a dry cast-iron pan, over low heat until it starts to caramelize
  • add water, about a third of the amount of sugar, mix, wait a couple of minutes, stirring
  • add fruit, mix, but gently, so as not to damage the fruit, simmer in syrup over low heat for 10 minutes
  • 2-3 minutes before turning off the fire, you can add a little cinnamon or vanilla

Meat and fish

Many cooks, when they fry meat in a dry frying pan, call this process caramelization, this is not entirely accurate, but if you meet in a recipe, then most likely this is what is meant. In addition, it happens that the meat is fried with sugar and butter, poured over it with a thick sweet sauce when baking, and this is also caramelization. Meat, in the process of such manipulations, acquires a new taste, it is not at all necessary that it becomes sweet, it just gives a slight caramel tinge, the taste of the spices intensifies.

How to caramelize meat

  • on a cast-iron, well-heated pan dissolve a tablespoon of butter and add 2 tbsp. Sahara
  • fry on low heat for 2 minutes. Then throw pieces of meat into this mixture.
  • fry on both sides until crusting. Then you can bake the meat in the oven or fry in a pan.

A dessert like caramelized fruit was a discovery for me not so long ago. Especially good for roasting in caramel syrup are suitable hard fruits, even a little underripe. But no less tasty can be cooked and bananas, and peaches, and grapes - the main thing is not to keep them on fire for too long, otherwise they risk turning into a delicious sweet fruit porridge.

There are many recipes for making fried fruits. Sometimes it uses a dry frying pan, sometimes sugar or honey syrup. In addition, the fruits themselves before frying can roll in breadcrumbs or in flour. And sometimes the fruit is poured over the brandy, and then set on fire.

Fruits in caramel can be both independent and as an addition to ice cream. Often fried fruit is served with some sauce. Also, fried fruit can be a side dish to the meat dish.

For dessert, I used hard apples and pears, as well as oranges.

Stages of cooking:

In Russia, we are used to eating fresh bananas, but there are many recipes for desserts, layers for cakes, which are prepared by frying this tropical fruit. In our article we will talk about cooking caramelized and caramelized bananas.

How to caramelize bananas for desserts

Basic rules for cooking desserts:

  • fruits should be taken slightly immature and dense, only then cooked dessert will look very beautiful;
  • from one banana 1 portion of a dessert turns out.

Caramel bananas

To prepare a dessert of caramelized bananas, you do not have to look for any special products: everything that is needed, almost always has every hostess on hand.

Ingredients needed in two servings:

  • two bananas;
  • half a cup of granulated sugar;
  • butter - 40 g;
  • water - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • sesame - 10 g.

Take a thick-walled pan and put on the fire, pour in water and add butter and sugar. After boiling it is necessary to reduce the heat and cook the contents of the pan for seven minutes. At this time, peel bananas, cut into round slices approximately one and a half centimeters thick and put them in a frying pan, spreading them evenly over the bottom, so that the boiling mixture envelopes each piece. The whole procedure of roasting bananas takes no more than one minute.

Take a plate and put in it ready-made caramelized bananas, pour caramel on top, which remains in the pan, and pour in sesame seeds. Instead of sesame, you can use cinnamon powder, coconut chips, pine nuts or grate a small piece of chocolate.

With honey and cinnamon

To make you need two bananas, one tablespoon of honey and the same amount of butter, a pinch of cinnamon and just a little salt. We clean the bananas and cut them into circles or into three or four parts. In a skillet, melt the butter, add honey and cinnamon with salt, bring to a boil and dip banana pieces into the syrup. Fry until the formation of the desired beautiful golden crust and shift to a plate. On the cooled ready-made dessert lay out a ball of ice cream.

Exquisite dessert prepared for a romantic dinner can be made very quickly. Candles, muffled soft music and beautifully decorated bananas in caramel on a platter with delicate colors.

Ingredients Required:

  • raisins 2 tbsp. spoons (berries must first be filled with warm water for 1 hour);
  • butter - 40 g;
  • dark rum (liqueur or brandy) - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • granulated sugar - 15 g.

In a thick-walled pan, melt the butter, add sugar, mix the mixture well, put the raisins and peeled banana, cut lengthwise into two halves. Fry banana until golden brown on both sides and pour brandy, liqueur or dark rum. After a few minutes, the whole mixture should caramelize. It remains only to submit everything beautifully to a romantic dinner.

With syrup

Dessert with syrup will appeal to your household. To prepare your favorite delicacy we need: three bananas, a glass of sugar, raspberry syrup - 3 tbsp. spoons, 40 grams of butter, 4 tablespoons of water.

We put the thick-walled frying pan on the stove, pour water, put the butter and sugar. After boiling, reduce the temperature of the plate and cook the contents for 5 minutes, stirring continuously. After the mixture becomes a light amber shade, add raspberry syrup to it and mix well. We clean the bananas, cut them into two parts and dip into the finished caramel for one minute, spread on a plate, cool. That's all! The dessert is ready, call everyone to the table.

In the test

To cook the banana in the dough, you need to knead the shortbread dough, which is prepared from two bananas, 50 gr. butter, 2.5 tbsp. spoons of wheat flour, 1 tbsp. spoons of sugar, 2 tbsp. coconut shavings. The oil is pre-cooled in the freezer, then finely chopped with a knife, mixed with wheat flour and sugar, grind the resulting mass into a crumb and add coconut chips.

In the pan put a culinary ring, at the bottom of which we fall asleep evenly 0.5 st. spoons of sugar, and then put the finely chopped bananas and fall asleep crumbs prepared dough. Fry the entire contents for 2 minutes, during which time the sugar should turn into caramel. Then put the pan (it should be without a handle) for twenty minutes in a preheated oven. We spread the prepared dessert on a plate, turning it so that the bottom part with caramel is on top.

How to caramelize fruit for cake

For the preparation of the cake, bake two vanilla biscuit cakes and prepare the impregnation of caramelized bananas.

The necessary ingredients for impregnation:

  • bananas - 3 pcs .;
  • half a cup of granulated sugar;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • half a cup of hot boiled water.

Peeled bananas cut into circles with a thickness of no more than 2 centimeters. In a thick-walled pan, melt the butter and add sugar, stir everything until a transparent caramel has a golden hue. To the resulting mass add hot water, which begins to boil. Put bananas into boiling composition and simmer them for 5 minutes. Remove from heat and cool. We saturate one cake with caramel syrup with bananas, and the other with cream filling, decorate the top with cream cheese.

Seven hours after impregnation, the cake can be cut and tasted. It turns out the most delicate in taste.

We offer the second version of the layer for making a festive cake. Bake the cake and cut it in half, creating two identical cakes. To prepare the caramel, put 30 g of butter and a half cup of granulated sugar in a frying pan, which, with constant stirring, bring to a boil. We clean six bananas, cut each fruit into 5 parts, put it into boiling caramel, fry it from all sides and put it on a plate.

From the caramel left in the pan we prepare curd-yoghurt cream, for the preparation of which you will need 0.5 kg of cottage cheese, 400 g of yogurt, ½ cup of milk and loose gelatin (1 teaspoon). We put all the ingredients in the mixer bowl and beat well. In order to assemble a cake, we use a detachable form, at the bottom of which we lay the food film and the bottom cake. For the impregnation of the cake, use half of the prepared cream, put the caramelized bananas on top, on which we place the remaining cream. The resulting structure is covered with the second cake layer, and the sides of the cake are decorated with fresh slices of banana.

Now you need to decorate the top of the cake. For this we soak it with banana topping. To prepare it, you need to dissolve 1 teaspoon of gelatin in 30 grams of boiled water. Using a fork in mashed potatoes, turn the peeled banana and add 30 g of granulated sugar. Puree mash 5 minutes in a skillet, cool and beat with a mixer together with the dissolved gelatin to obtain a homogeneous mass.

Thus, we prepared topping, which covers with an even layer the upper part and sides of our product. Ready to put the cake at 4 o'clock in the fridge to harden the cream. We remove now unnecessary food wrap and can be laid on the table.

Banana in chinese

There are many restaurants and cafes in our country that specialize in Chinese cuisine. The image of Chinese dishes is growing from year to year, in addition, the dishes are adapted to the tastes and habits of Russian guests.

We present a pleasant culinary surprise compliment. The hit of the south-western restaurants of China is a delicious dessert of caramelized bananas (Basy Xiangjiao). In Russia, this dish has become popular only because it is very unusual to eat. Banana slices are carefully taken with Chinese chopsticks and dipped into a beautiful small porcelain bowl with chilled water. The top layer is immediately covered with a crispy crust, and inside there is a gentle warm delicacy.

Such a dish can be cooked without any problems on your own home cooking. To this end, you need three bananas, 3 tbsp. spoons of starch, 1 cup of refined olive oil for deep fat, 1 cup of granulated sugar, 1 teaspoon of sesame, ice cubes. A peeled banana should be cut into narrow pieces of 3 cm in length or with a bar device from a fruit, cut balls - it will be very original.

Spread banana slices evenly with starch. In a skillet, heat the oil to 190 degrees and fry the pieces until golden brown. This process happens very quickly - no more than 1-2 minutes. It is better to cook in deep fat in batches of six pieces - no more. Roasted ruddy fruit pieces are laid out on a plate with paper towels, which will absorb the excess oil.

It is necessary to prepare caramel - for this purpose, we add granulated sugar to half a glass of water and stir it constantly at low heat. After the sugar has completely dissolved, we add fire under the stew-pan to boil strongly and bubbles appear, and then without stirring we wait until the syrup becomes golden in color and thickens.

Prepared banana pieces are dipped in liquid caramel for just a few seconds and spread on a serving plate in a beautiful slide, sprinkling evenly with sesame. Prepare a bowl with water, in which we drop ice cubes. Dessert is served hot, but to eat, you need to dip each piece into cold water to solidify the top layer. This is how we can treat our loved ones to caramelized bananas of Basy Xiangjiao without leaving home.

According to reviews of restaurants, desserts of popular Chinese caramelized bananas in different establishments are prepared using one technology, but in some establishments a very delicate dessert with excellent taste is obtained, while in others it turns out to be very tough, unappetizing and uncomfortable to eat.

How to cook bananas in caramel, see the next video.