Soups for children from 1 5. Vegetable soups for children from the year

17.04.2019 Soups

When the baby turns 1 year old in the baby food you need to enter the soup. Soups for children  there are different: soups, cooked on the basis of broth (vegetable, fruit, berry); soups cooked on the basis of broth (from meat, chicken, fish) and milk soups. Even soups for children are ordinary and puree. Now you need to figure out what soups to cook for children, depending on their age.

Soups for children from the year.

From the beginning of the year babies can make milk soups and vegetable soups. And up to three years, we only prepare babies for them. Dairy soups for children  from 1 year cook on natural milkhalf diluted with water. And already from two years it is gradually possible not to dilute with water and to cook only with milk. Milk soups for children are boiled with cereals, pasta and vegetables, which are first boiled in water until tender, and then poured with boiling milk. Milk soups are boiled over low heat and often stirred to prevent the soup from burning. Of course, baby milk soups are very nutritious and they are also prepared for older children. Vegetable children's soups are also very useful and are also prepared for children from the year. They are a source of various mineral salts, plant fibers and organic acids. Naturally, children under one and a half years eat vegetable soups mostly in a shabby form, and older children can already chop the vegetables into small soup. Vegetable soups  get ready fast enough. Vegetable soups for children   may consist of two or more components. It is necessary to lay vegetables depending on the time of their preparation. The first to lay the roots, roots, and later cabbage, zucchini, etc. As for any soup: cooked all over low heat to preserve vitamins.

As nutritionists and pediatricians advise in one voice, that soups for children up to three years old on the basis of broth cannot be given.

Of course, someone will argue that from time immemorial grandmothers gave grandchildren rich broths and all is well, all grew up healthy. Just do not forget that the environment is only getting worse, and even science does not stand still. And recently, often careless manufacturers to increase the mass of animals use food stuffed with hormones, antibiotics, and other chemical preparations. These chemical compounds, which are clearly very dangerous to human health and even more so to the health of children when cooking meat, go into broth. For example, the antibiotic tetracycline after 30 minutes of boiling was retained in the muscles of the chicken as traces, and after the same time it completely passed from chicken to broth. No comments…...

Soups for children from 3 years.

Children from 3 years old continue to cook like milk soups and vegetable soups, so now you can cook soups on the second broth, i.e., boil meat for 30 minutes, then drain the water and pour new, and boil meat further until ready. Bone broths are generally not used for children's soups. baby food. Soups for children  cooked like the first dish for lunch. Norm, on average, from a year: 120 ml., From 2 years: 150 ml., From 3 years: 180 - 200 ml.

Features cooking soups and soup recipes for children from year to year

In accordance with the physiological characteristics of children, the soup for one-year-old children is a semi-liquid pureed (puree) dish. However, each baby is an individuality, and at the age of one year old children have their own taste preferences, they need to be kept in mind when cooking the first dishes. So, theoretically, a one-year-old baby should prefer wiped soups, but there are children who prefer the first courses, in which the products are cut into small pieces. Therefore, it is impossible to strictly say that, up to 1.5 years, a child should receive only pureed soups, and after 1.5, only soups with chopped components. However, it should be borne in mind that the preference of one or another consistency may be associated with the number of teeth, the development of the masticatory apparatus, the maturity of the nervous system. The volume of the portion for a child, starting from the first year of life, depends on the age and averages 150 g (from 100–120 to 180–200 g).

Useful tips  for cooking soups

Soups work out the better, the less they are brewed. It is best to cook the soup for 6-8 servings at the same time, in a saucepan, corresponding to the size of this volume of soup. Ware for soups is preferable to use ceramic or enameled. The calmer and slower the soup boils (it does not even boil, but languishes on a low fire), the tastier it will turn out. For the preparation of any soup is better to use fresh produce. Careful processing, cleaning, pruning, scraping are necessary to remove all defects before they are prepared. When cutting products, the prescribed form of cutting should be strictly observed - this has big influence  tastes like soup. With large quantities  components in the soup cutting should be larger, and at small - smaller. The laying of products in the soup should be carried out in a certain order so that none of the components of the soup is digested and that the whole soup does not boil for too long. Salt soup should always be at the end of cooking, but not too late, namely at the moment when all the products have already been cooked, but have not yet digested and are able to absorb salt evenly. In an early salted soup, the foods cook longer, and it can turn out to be salty, since the salt will remain in its liquid part. Late-salted soup will turn out salty in its liquid part, and tasteless in thick. It is better to serve the soup fresh, so prepare it preferably daily.

Order of cooking meat soups

Pour the meat with water, bring to a boil, drain the water, rinse the meat with running water, and then pour the right amount  water and boil broth until cooked;
  add the whole onion (you can leave one layer of brown shell on the bulb - the color of the broth will be amber) or finely chopped onions and carrots (also whole or chopped into straw), roots to taste. At the same time, or even slightly earlier, put legumes in broth, if they are provided for in the soup recipe (you can cook them separately beforehand and enter them at the end of the first dish);
  in 30–40 minutes, potatoes, cereals (wheat, rice, buckwheat, etc.) can be laid;
  50–60 minutes after the start of cooking, you can make fresh cabbage different typeszucchini and other vegetables;
  after 1 hour of cooking add tomatoes, pickles or sour apples  (depending on the recipe);
after 1.2–1.5 hours add spices to the soup (second tab of onion or greens). At the same time or a little earlier, take a whole onion from the soup so that it does not break up and its boiled leaves would not spoil the soup with an unpleasant taste.

Order of cooking fish soups

In a small amount of boiling salted water put finely chopped onion, sliced \u200b\u200bpotatoes, slices, diced potatoes and julienne carrots;
  15 minutes after boiling, put the fish cut into small pieces and boil for 10–12 minutes, adding parsley and dill during the cooking process (children over 3 years old - bay leaf, basil and other spices), taken to taste.

Order of cooking vegetable soups

From 2 to 7 vegetable components are laid in the soup so that they are similar in time of their cooking (for example, all root vegetables are laid at the same time and earlier than cabbage or other tender vegetables). Onion is laid first and finely chopped. Cook the vegetables on low heat until soft, then salt. Vegetable soups are cooked very quickly.

Pureed soups

Vegetable soup pureed (from 1 year)

1 potato, 1/2 carrot, 50 g white cabbage, 1 tsp. vegetable oil, 1 tbsp. l sour cream, salt. Potatoes and carrots clean, wash, pour cold water  (1.5 cups), add cabbage in 5–7 minutes and cook until vegetables are soft (about 15 minutes from the start of cooking). Broth cool, boiled vegetables wipe through a sieve or in a blender. The resulting puree diluted with broth, add salt at the tip of a teaspoon and bring to a boil. Before serving, fill the soup with butter and sour cream.

Cauliflower puree soup (from 1 year)

Cauliflower 100 g, zucchini 100 g, butter 10 g, milk 100 g, water 200 g, 1 egg (1/2 of yolk), salt. Remove the green leaves of cauliflower, wash the head and cut into small pieces. Zucchini clean, wash and cut into cubes. Put the prepared cabbage and zucchini into a pot of boiling water, cover and cook until ready (15–20 minutes). Salt soup, then cook for another 2–3 minutes on low heat. Remove cooked vegetables from the broth, rub through a sieve, combine with the broth and boil. Season the soup with butter and raw yolk, diluted with hot milk.

Non-rubbed soups

Soup with tomatoes (from 1.5 years)

Tomatoes 50 g, carrots 30 g, turnips or rutabaga 20 g, parsley 5 g, onion 5 g, semolina 15 g, butter 10 g, milk 100 g, water 300 g, and salt. Carrots, turnips, parsley, onion, finely chopped, add water and cook for 30 minutes, add pureed raw tomatoes. In boiling soup pour sifted semolina  and cook at low boil for 15 minutes, then pour hot boiled milk, salt and bring to a boil. In the ready to put soup butter  and serve with croutons.

Soup with meatballs (from 1.5 years)

Meat 100 g, water 1 cup, small carrots, 1/2 small onion, 1 piece white bread, swede 20 g, cauliflower 50 g, 1 tbsp. l green peas, 1 medium potato, 1/2 tsp. butter, 1 egg (protein), salt. Boil clear broth. Peeled vegetables cut into cubes, pour strained broth (1/2 cup), simmer under the lid until done (15–20 minutes). Pulp boiled meat  grind in a meat grinder with a slice of bread, soaked in cold water. The resulting meat dough is divided into meatballs the size of a hazelnut (when cutting a hand, lubricate with protein). Meatballs dipped in broth with vegetables 20 minutes before cooked.

Milk soups

  Milk soups can be with cereals, pasta, as well as vegetables. Soup can be cooked on whole milk  or on a mixture of milk and water. But it is better to first cook the products included in the soup in water, as they boil soft longer in milk. And when they are ready, add hot milk. Milk soups are dressed with butter. To prevent the milk from burning, it is good to use a pot with a thick bottom, after rinsing it with cold water. Milk-based soups are nutritious, their preparation is very simple. Milk soups are usually widely recommended for use in early childhood, that is, they can be given to children after a year, as well as diet food. They are certainly useful for older children. Their introduction to the diet contributes to its diversity and increase nutritional value.

Milk soup with rice (from 1 year)

Rice 20 g, milk 1 glass, water 1 glass, butter 10 g, salt. Rice to sort, rinse several times in cold water, pour into boiling water and cook until it becomes soft (10–15 minutes). Then pour raw milk, boil, salt to taste. In a bowl of soup, put a piece of butter. Milk soup with vermicelli (from 1 year) Vermicelli 20 g, milk 1 cup, water 1/2 cup, sugar 1/2 tsp, butter 1 tsp, salt. Boil water, add sugar, put down pasta and boil for 15 minutes, then add warmed milk, salt and boil for 2-3 minutes. In a bowl of soup, put a piece of butter.

Soup with semolina dumplings  (from 1 year)

Semolina 1 tbsp. l with top, water 1/2 glass, milk 1 glass, butter 2 tsp., sugar 0.5 tsp, salt. Cooking dumplings. Boil 1/2 cup of salted water with butter (1/2 tsp.), Add the semolina and, stirring, boil the porridge over low heat for 5 minutes. Add butter to the slightly cooled porridge, then mix thoroughly. Boil a glass of milk with 1/2 cup hot water, add sugar. In a boiling liquid put a teaspoon of small dumplings. Boil dumplings at low boil for 5–7 minutes. When the dumplings pop up, stop cooking. In a bowl of soup, put a piece of butter. Fruit soups are made from fresh, dried, quick-frozen and canned fruits and berries, fruit juices and mashed potatoes. Starch can be used as a thickener for fruit soups. Fruit soups can be served hot or cold. They are especially recommended in hot weather when the appetite decreases in children.

Fruit Soups

Dried apricot soup with rice (from 1.5 years)

Dried apricots 7–10 pcs., Rice 1 tbsp. l., sugar syrup  2 tsp., Water 1.5 cups, salt. Dried apricots washed in warm water, pour a glass of cold water and cook in a sealed container with a weak boil. Boiled dried apricots rub through a sieve with a decoction. Rice to sort, rinse, dip in boiling water and cook until soft (10-15 minutes), then add pureed mashed potatoes, sugar syrup, salt and boil. Serve hot or chilled. Cream can be added to the finished soup.

Very tasty soups for children from 1 year old, whose recipes are simple enough, will be able to cook all the moms. And such dishes will really like the little gourmets, even though they love to be capricious and to please them very difficult.

Recipes of the most popular soups for children

Very tasty children's soups with meatballs are aromatic and nourishing. For their preparation, it is best to use ready-made minced meat or, independently, twist in the meat grinder fresh pork pulp. Of the most useful seasoningswhich are allowed to enter into soups for children, you can use hops-suneli, as it is harmless for kids.

Take onion, 400 g of minced meat, salt, 6 potatoes, pepper, fresh herbs and bay leaf. Mince again, you need to twist with onions in a meat grinder and immediately add to the resulting mass of spices. Tasty soup  for children they begin to cook by washing the potatoes thoroughly, peeling and dicing it in small cubes. Put the potatoes in a pot of boiling water. At this time it is necessary to make meatballs from mince and then add them to the potatoes. Then we add bay leaf and a small amount of salt to the liquid. Boil soup for children should be, until they all surface. meatballs. After that, reduce the heat, cook for 10 minutes and add fresh greens. Immediately before serving, the dish should be allowed to infuse for a while.

Highly healthy soups  It is recommended to cook on chicken broth and not to use frying.Spices such as, for example, black pepper and bay leaf are perfect for this dish. Take 1 carrot, 30 g of chicken soup set, salt, onion, black pepper, 1 cup of rice, dill.

To kids who are already one year old, such chicken soup  will be to your taste. First you need to prepare all the products. The amount of water for the soup, each mom can adjust to your liking. First you need to thoroughly wash soup set, put in water and boil the broth for 40 minutes. Rice should be picked and rinsed. Carrots are crushed with a grater, and the onion is cut into half rings. In very nutritious chicken bouillonwhich will be pleasant to the child of 2 years, it is necessary to put rice and vegetables. Then boil soup should be about half an hour. In the ready soup for children, fresh greens are always laid out.

Light and healthy dishes for young children

There are very delicious soupthat are gentle and exquisite taste. For example, it may be a pumpkin dish, which is quite suitable for children under 1 year.

To successfully cook this soup, you must use only ripe and, of course, fresh vegetables. The kid who is 1 year old will love pumpkin first course.

Take 1 onion, 1 tbsp. a spoon olive oil, 1 glass of water, a pinch of chopped nutmeg, 200 g of pumpkin, a little pumpkin seeds, 1 clove of garlic, salt, 11% cream (50 ml). Peeled pumpkin cut into small pieces, chopped garlic and onions, which then need to fry. Add the pumpkin, water and salt to the mass, and then cook over low heat for 20 minutes.

This vegetable soup will be very tasty if you add peeled pumpkin seeds. Fully ready mealwhich can be offered to a child up to one year old, must be pureed with a blender Then pour homemade cream into it, add salt and nutmeg. Ready soup  for children from a year it is necessary to pour in plates and decorate with pumpkin seeds.

Delicious and fragrant soups for children, for the preparation of which they use corn grits, will be very useful. Take 1 carrot, 2 liters of water, 1 onion, 0.5 cups of corn grits, greens, 5 potatoes, a little butter, salt, ground black pepper.

Useful children's soups prepare very quickly. Pour water into the pan, set on fire. Corn grits must be sorted out and washed under water. In the boiled water, lay out the cereal and cook for 40 minutes. Separately, chop carrots, potatoes and onions. All of the above vegetables cook 20 minutes. Fully ready soup for children from 1 year must be filled with greens and add a little butter.

Dietary soups for kids

To make a dietary dish, it is necessary to exclude potatoes and fats. The baby, who is already one year old, will surely enjoy the soup with rice and zucchini. Take fresh greens, 300 g zucchini, salt, 1 onion, ground black pepper, 1 carrot, 100 g of rice.

It is necessary to grind carrots and onions. Put on the stove water for the soup, which should boil. Rice thoroughly and sort out rinse. In the boiled water should enter carrots, rice and onions. Little baby  It is not recommended to use a lot of salt. Therefore, the amount of this ingredient should be dosed. Zucchini should be cut into small squares or chop with a grater. Greens, spices and zucchini should be put in the finished soup.

Highly interesting recipes  Soups for children involve the use of fish. For cooking tasty dish  Take 300 g of salmon fillet, 1 l of water, a little white pepper, 1 zucchini, leeks, 1 bunch of spinach, salt. The child should like this dish.

Pour the purified water into the pan and send it to the stove. Fish fillet thoroughly wash, dry and cut into cubes. Such cutting for a child who is one year old will be optimal. Then the water should be pepper, salt and put fish into it. In the event that a child is one year old, the leeks can also be used to make fish soup. Leek should be cut into slices and put into the pan. For a child it is better not to use fried vegetables in cooking. Therefore, diced zucchini and spinach immediately put into the pan. For a child of one year, you need to cook soup for 30 minutes. Just before serving in this dish  add a small amount of homemade cream.

Young moms can use the above dishes and enter them into the diet of the crumbs. Such soups are very healthy and nutritious. The most important thing is to use fresh food for cooking.

The digestive capacity of the baby after the year increases significantly, and the microflora of the stomach by this time is stabilized. Therefore, the diet is greatly expanded, soup and broth are added to the menu. Soups and broths are real sources of energy, vitamins and beneficial substances.

They stimulate the secretion of digestive juices, which ensure the normal digestion of main dishes. But the expansion of the diet should be carried out smoothly and carefully. In the article we will learn what dishes you can kids at this age. Consider the recipes, how to cook soups for children under 1 year and older.

Child nutrition rules 1-2 years

  • The diet of the baby includes five meals a day, while the most satisfying is lunch, breakfast and dinner should be slightly easier and approximately equal in calories;
  • Meals from fish and meat should be given in the first half of the day, and dairy, vegetable and cereal - in the second;
  • Feed your child freshly prepared food, and do not cook the day before. During storage, food loses its beneficial properties;
  • The volume of one serving of food for a child 1-2 years old - 300 grams. At the same time, the rate of soup for a child up to two years is 120 ml, at the age of two or three years - 150 ml, for kids older than three years the portion increases to 180-200 ml;
  • Do not force the child to eat by force if he does not want. The baby must go hungry himself;
  • Do not accustom to eat children behind the TV or game;
  • Give the child food, especially soups, in the form of heat. Too hot meal  can burn the stomach, and the cold loses vitamins and useful elements;
  • Do not use when cooking spicy seasonings  and spices, do not give sauces. You can add salt, black pepper, sugar in small quantities;
  • Cook over low heat to preserve vitamins as much as possible;
  • Do not use semi-finished products, smoked meats and other similar products. In more detail that it is impossible to eat to children till three years, read.

What soups will suit the child

Soups are prepared on the basis of vegetable, meat and fish broths. In addition, there are dairy and cereal dishes, soups with a liquid and puree (creamy) texture. Pediatricians do not recommend giving soups to babies up to 12 months. But if the baby is well adapted to adult food, or he was on artificial feeding, this dish can be introduced into the supplements in 10-11 months.

The recipe for a one-year-old soup should be simple. It should be a low-fat, easy-to-digest meal. It is better to start with vegetable soup in creamy or puree form. In the first recipe for children up to a year, no more than two ingredients are put in, and you need to choose vegetables already introduced into the baby’s diet. Potatoes, cauliflower, zucchini, broccoli and pumpkin are great, a little later you can add carrots, onions, peas, tomatoes and greens.

Vegetable soups are rich in vitamins and vegetable fibers, minerals and organic acids. This composition provides full growth and proper development of the baby. At first, for the preparation of such a dish, vegetables are frayed to the consistency of puree and diluted with water. After a year you can start cooking liquid soups  with already chopped, not grated vegetables. In addition, vegetable broths are beginning to be given.

After a year, milk soups are included in the diet. The recipe for this soup includes cereals or pasta. This food is rich in vegetable proteins, vitamins and mineral salts, starch. At the beginning of the introduction milk soup  In the baby's diet, the ingredients are first boiled until cooked in water and then poured with boiling milk. At first, milk is best diluted by half with water, and after two years it is completely transferred to milk. Similarly, milk porridges are cooked for children.

Broths on meat or fish is better not to give kids up to three years. When cooking meat or fish, extractive substances are formed that irritate the intestines and cause stomach upset. In this case, meat or fish can be cooked separately, and then added to vegetable broth. Next, we offer recipes for soups for children from 1 to 2 years.

How to cook soup

The composition of vegetable soup start with two ingredients and gradually expand to seven. Lay vegetables so that they cook about the same time. Boil the vegetables until soft and salt the ready dish. At first, cook mashed soups, gradually move to a more liquid composition and whole pieces of vegetables.

Cooking meat soup  start by boiling meat. Meat is poured with water and brought to a boil. After water is drained, the meat is washed and pour fresh water. The product is cooked until tender. For children, it is better to take beef without streaks and lard, chicken or turkey fillet, rabbit. The finished meat is cut into small pieces and added to vegetable broth.

If you cook soup in meat broth, then while cooking the meat, add a whole onion and shredded carrots into the water. After half an hour from the beginning of cooking, they put potatoes or cereals, after an hour from the beginning of cooking - other vegetables (tomatoes, zucchini, cabbage, etc.). Ten minutes before cooking, take the onion out of the soup and add chopped greens.

Soup Recipes

The first soup with vegetables for children up to a year

  • Broccoli - 200 grams;
  • Carrots - 1 small fruit.

Washed peeled vegetables cut into cubes. Boil 25 minutes on low heat, then pass through a blender. Ready cream soup can be slightly salted, add a teaspoon of low-fat sour cream or olive oil.

Vegetable soup for babies to lure

  • Zucchini - 30 grams;
  • Pumpkin - 10 grams;
  • Cauliflower - 10 grams;
  • Boiled quail egg yolk - 1 pc.

Cabbage, zucchini and pumpkin cook for 20 minutes. Quail eggs  boil until cooked for 12-15 minutes. Separate the yolk, add to the vegetables and beat the mixture in a blender. The result will be a cream soup or cream soup for one portion, which can be given to babies in complementary foods as early as 7 months. For children older than 9 months, you can add 50 grams of chopped into the dish boiled beef  or chicken.

Vegetable soup for baby 1 year

  • Potatoes - 1 medium tuber;
  • Zucchini - 50 grams;
  • Onion - 1⁄2 heads;
  • Carrots - 1 pc .;
  • Butter - 50 grams;
  • Greens - 3 branches.

Peel vegetables, chop carrots and onions, cut potatoes and zucchini into small cubes. Add potatoes to boiling, lightly salted water, put the rest of vegetables in five to five minutes, cook the ingredients until ready. Finely chopped greens fall asleep 2-3 minutes before the end.

Vegetable soup for a child 2 years old

  • Potatoes - 2 small fruits;
  • Zucchini - 150 grams;
  • Tomatoes - 1⁄2 fruit;
  • Onion - 1⁄4 heads;
  • Carrots - 1⁄2 pcs .;
  • Greens - 3 branches.

Squash and potatoes cut into cubes, grate carrots and chop onions. Peel the tomato and cut into cubes too. Stew carrots, onions and tomatoes for three minutes in vegetable oil. Pour the potatoes in boiling water, add zucchini five minutes later, stewed vegetables after five more. At the end of cooking, add chopped greens and lightly salt.

Fish soup for baby 2 years

  • Hake (fresh) - 200 grams;
  • Potatoes - 4 tubers;
  • Millet - 50 g .;
  • Onion - 1⁄2 heads;
  • Carrots - 1 pc .;
  • Butter - 30 grams.

Peeled fish cut into pieces and leave in cold water for 20 minutes. After that, throw the fish pieces into boiling water and cook until soft. Vegetables wash and peel. Put chopped onion, grated carrots and cubes of potatoes into the soup. Wash the millet and sort it out, pour it into the soup and cook until ready. Five minutes before the end put the butter and a little salt. Instead of a hake, you can take a pollock or a pike perch.

To prepare a full fish soup  for children over two years old, they put sliced \u200b\u200bpotatoes and chopped carrots in boiling, lightly salted water, you can add an onion. Fish clean, rinse, remove the bones and cut into pieces. Add fish pieces to the soup after 15 minutes from the start of boiling potatoes. Boil for 10 minutes, adding chopped greens in the process. Onion clean minutes five to readiness.

Noodles Milk Soup

  • Milk - 150 ml;
  • Vermicelli - 100 grams.

Cook the vermicelli in lightly salted water until half cooked for four minutes after boiling. Let the water flow. Heat the milk, when the first bubbles appear, put vermicelli and bring to readiness for three minutes. In this soup, you can add raisins, chopped dried apricots and some sugar. It will be a suitable breakfast dish.

Pumpkin puree soup

  • Pumpkin - 2.5 kg;
  • Milk - 1 liter;
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon.

Peeled pumpkin cut into cubes or small pieces. Pan grease vegetable oil, put the prepared vegetable on top and bake until it forms golden brown. Then blend the baked pumpkin in a blender, pour in the milk, lightly salt it and bring to the boil. In the finished dish add a piece of butter. Pumpkin puree soup  suitable for children over a year.

Pea soup

  • Chipped peas - 80 grams;
  • Carrots - 1 pc .;
  • Potatoes - 1 tuber;
  • Onion - 1 head;
  • Greens - 3 branches.

Pour split peas cold or cool water and put stew. Peel vegetables, cut potatoes into small cubes, grate carrots. When the peas boil, add the prepared vegetables in five minutes. Put the whole onion and pull out five minutes before the dish is ready, cover the chopped greens. For children up to one year old, the ready soup is whipped in a blender, for babies from a year old and older they serve soup in this form.

Soup with meatballs and noodles

  • Minced beef, chicken or turkey - 300 grams;
  • Short vermicelli - 50 grams;
  • Onion - 1 head;
  • Potatoes - 3 tubers;
  • Carrots - 1 pc .;
  • Greens - 3 branches.

Blind meatballs from minced meat without salt and pepper of small sizes. Peel vegetables, chop the potatoes into small cubes, chop carrots. Put potatoes and a whole onion in boiling and lightly salted water. Five minutes later add the meatballs. Stew carrots for two or three minutes and fall asleep in a saucepan when potatoes are cooked. Then pour the vermicelli and cook for another five minutes. Remove the onion and add chopped greens, lightly salt it. Ready soup is enough for three or four servings.

Soup with meatballs and buckwheat

  • Stuffing - 300 grams;
  • Buckwheat - 2 tablespoons;
  • Potatoes - 3 tubers;
  • Carrots - 1 pc .;
  • Greens - 3 branches.

Buckwheat - very useful and valuable product. At the same time, it is hypoallergenic and absolutely safe, so this cereal is introduced first among others into the infant feeding and the diet of the nursing mother. To make potatoes, cut into cubes, chop onions and carrots, make small balls without spices from minced meat. In boiling and slightly salted water, buckwheat and potatoes are poured. After 20 minutes, put the meatballs and carrots, cook until done. Two or three minutes before the end add chopped greens.

Soups are the main national feature  Russian cuisine. Enter the soup into the diet of the baby, as a rule, start from 6 months, already after the child has tried vegetable puree, compotes and cereals. However, it should be remembered that the soup for a child in one year is significantly different from the soup that father and mother used to eat for lunch.

The first and most important rule of making the first soup for children under one year old: the use of meat and fish broth  excluded, the soup should be cooked in water. The second is that the soup cooked for today's dinner should not be used tomorrow, that is, each time the mother will have to cook one portion of the soup.

Soup for a half year old baby will be similar to the already familiar vegetable pureeonly a little more liquid. Potatoes, zucchini, carrots or cauliflower You should first boil it in water until ready, then grind it in a blender or knead well with a fork. The resulting vegetable puree diluted to a homogeneous mass of vegetable broth (approximately to the consistency of kefir). The first soups for babies should consist of one component.

Older children (from 8 months) can no longer grind vegetables to the consistency of mashed potatoes, and cut them into small pieces, so your child will learn to chew. Unlike the first soups, these dishes can consist of several components (vegetables), and also include meat, cooked separately, and then crushed in a blender (veal, turkey, chicken).

Beef broth soups can be included in the baby’s diet from 10–11 months with very small portions (approximately 30 ml), since meat broth  for babies - it is still too heavy food. Also closer to the year in the soups, you can add a little pasta.

How to make soup for a child?

  1. Soup broth is best to "simmer" over low heat under the lid.
  2. Vegetables should be placed in boiling water, taking into account the preparation time of each of the components. So in boiled vegetables  more vitamins will remain.
  3. Salt the soup should be at the end of cooking.
  4. In the preparation of soup for a one-year-old child can not be used bouillon cubes, hot spices and spices, garlic and bay leaves.
  5. Freshly cooked soup is best eaten immediately. When reheating the nutrients in the soup becomes less.
  6. Meat broth for "baby" soup should not be too concentrated. During the cooking process, the water must be drained several times. Also, do not cook the soup from the bones, it is better to take lean meats (chicken, turkey, veal).

  Mashed potatoes soup recipes for kids:

Zucchini and Cauliflower

Squash - 50 g, cauliflower - 50 g, water - 200 ml, butter - 5 g

Zucchini and cauliflower cut into small pieces, pour boiling water and cook until tender. Then pour the vegetable broth into a separate container, and chop the vegetables in a blender or rub through a sieve. Dilute the resulting puree broth. To taste a little salt and add butter.

From chicken

Chicken meat - 70 g, water - 400 ml, milk - 50 ml, onion - 5 g, flour - 5 g, butter - 5 g

Boil chicken broth with the addition of onions. Mix butter with flour. Grind the meat in a blender or two times through a meat grinder. Add flour and butter to meat, dilute with broth and milk. Bring to a boil again and salt a little.

From potato

Potatoes - 100 g, water - 200 ml, milk - 100 ml, butter - 5 g

Peel the potatoes, chop, add water and cook until ready. Then pour the potato broth into a separate bowl. Mash potatoes with a fork or grind in a blender. In the puree, add milk, a little salt and, if necessary, make the soup more thin, a little broth. Bring the soup to a boil and put the butter.

Meatball Vegetable Soup

Minced veal minced meat - 100 g, potatoes - 1 pc., Carrots - ½ pc., Onion - pc., Raw egg yolk  - 1 PC.

Vegetables finely chopped and cook in water. Then drain the vegetable broth, and mash the vegetables a little with a fork. Pour mashed vegetables with broth.

Add the yolk to the mince and make small meatballs. Dip the meatballs in the soup and cook until done. Ready soup a little salt.

Broth soup with pasta

Low-fat veal, potatoes - 1 pc., Carrots - ½ pc., Onion - ¼ pc., Small pasta (asterisks, "letters and numbers", "gossamer") - 1 tbsp. spoon.

Cook meat broth, meat pull out, chop in a blender or mince. In the same broth, boil finely chopped vegetables. When the vegetables are ready, put them in a separate dish and gently knead with a fork. Pour the vegetables and meat with broth, bring to a boil, add pasta for 3-5 minutes until cooked. Soup a little salt.

Bon appetit to your baby!