Spices and spices what's what. Spices, spices, seasonings - the differences, the use and useful properties

Even the most juicy, the most good piece of, say, meat can be bland and tasteless, if you do not salt it and add the appropriate spices. And this concerns not only meat, but practically all the products from which we prepare various dishes.

Spices - this is the "highlight" of the dish, and the chef, who knows a lot about them, is comparable to the magician who can turn the food into a real culinary masterpiece. Remember, you probably had cases when you tried a fairly well-known dish that you yourself cooked more than once, but for some reason it was different in taste. Unusual, attractive, maddening taste.

“What did you add here?” - usually follows the question. Spice! It's simple. Simple, but not so. You need to know exactly what spices are suitable for specific products. How to use spices. You can not proceed only from the names and interfere with everything, preparing fish, meat or vegetables. Otherwise, the dish can not embellish, and spoil.

The selection of spices is now simply huge and not every housewife knows which ingredients can be added to make the dish play with bright colors. Cooks are after all some kind of artists. They play with colors, mix them, get the desired shade, while knowing which colors are combined with each other.

So we, being in the kitchen, should know the combination of our “colors”, colors, with which we “write” culinary delights.

Let's see what kind of spices are suitable for specific products. How to use spices and seasonings?

Let's start with the meat. And here it is necessary to take into account its varieties. Since the rabbit will fit one type of spice, and the pork is completely different. But, in order.
  Cooking a dish of pork, can add: all kinds of pepper, garlic, bay leaf, cumin, juniper, lemon balm, cardamom, sage, nutmeg, basil, celery seeds, rosemary and marjoram.

We offer you to cook a delicious dish "Norman Pork".

As for pork kebab: do not pickle meat with vinegar, do not add spices - this makes the pork tough. Seasoning should be added to the finished meat. But it is best to soak the meat in large chunks in the onion juice without any other additives for a couple of hours.

TO beef best suited: oregano, basil, rosemary, tarragon, allspice, black and red pepper, turmeric, cumin, thyme, coriander, mustard seeds, marjoram and cloves, soy sauce.

Do not overdo it, see how many spices, so a sense of proportion should be present. But, as they say, the best adviser is an experience that comes with time.

There are a lot of interesting beef dishes, but we do not always have enough time and sometimes the right set of products. Most often we cook something simple, but still tasty and satisfying. Such as "

Veal  matches perfectly with: tarragon, basil, rosemary, sage, mint.  Do not add too hot seasonings, as the meat is dietary.

Mutton  seasoned any greens, especially parsley and basil. Spices for lamb is cardamom, oregano, cilantro, thyme, kari, saffron, zira.

Cooking the most delicate dish of a rabbit, you should know that there are mandatory spices for this dietary meat: it is black pepper, bay leaf, onion and salt.  But you can use more simply, auxiliary, which is an order of magnitude greater. It: rosemary, oregano, basil, parsley, dill, coriander, thyme, cloves, cinnamon, lemon, garlic, celery, juniper berries.

If your man is a hunter and sometimes pleases you with a trophy in the form venisonthen you should know that cooking this meat is best used thyme, bay leaf and ground pepper (both black and red).

And if on your table a dish of wild boarthen keep in mind that the meat of the males, especially of the old cleavers, is more rigid, has an unpleasant smell during the rut period. To remove this smell, meat should be soaked before cooking in a 1-2% solution of vinegar for 2-4 hours, depending on the size of the piece. As spices besides salt, black pepper, bay leaf, you can add hops-suneli, crushed nutmeg, liquid mustard.

By the way, about mustard. How to choose the right mustard? After all, the choice on the market is large, and there are few good and high-quality products. To find out which mustard is good, this article will help you.

Go to the bird. How to use spices and seasonings with a bird?

The most favorite and most traditional dish of chicken. Legs, thighs, wings and fillets are best prepared with the addition of spices such as: pepper. It will spice chicken meat, but you should know that pepper should be added at the very end of cooking, because it can give an unpleasant bitterness during the heat treatment process. In addition to chicken peppers fit marjoram, sage, rosemary, basil, thyme and mint. These seasonings can be used separately from each other or make mixtures from them. Before cooking the chicken, rub it with these herbs and leave it to marinate for a while.

Turmeric, Oregano, Ginger, Curry  - also suitable for chickens spices.

Delight loved ones, cook for dinner "Thai-style chicken with vegetables."

And you can make a salad. On the website "Sunny hands" you will find the recipe "Salad with chicken, nuts and apples."
  Delicious meals come from goose. If boiled meat is used for cold snacks, then it is boiled with a classic set of spices, which includes salt, bell pepper, onion, roots (carrots and parsley).

More fragrant meat is obtained if during cooking in the broth add nutmeg, marjoram, basil or rosemary.

If you decide to bake or fry the goose meat, then to improve the taste of the carcass before heat treatment, rub with salt and pepper. Put the goose inside onions, carrots and be sure to add marjoram. It is believed that this spicy herb is best suited to goose meat.

TO duck  will fit cardamom, badian, cinnamon  and, of course, peppers. But zira can spoil the taste. It will be more like pilaf, but not like juicy duck meat.

Versatile for cooking turkey  will serve: thyme, rosemary, sage, black pepper. In combination with citrus can be used ground cinnamon. If you prefer spicy seasonings, try curry. Also, turkey meat goes well together. coriander, savory and basil.

Unusual, pleasant taste can be obtained by adding certain spices to baking  In pastry made to add cardamom. They are flavored with dough for fritters, cookies, gingerbread, gingerbread, raisin buns, sweet cakes.

Cloves, cinnamon, star anise, ginger, allspice, orange peel, aniseall this goes well to baking too.

On a note: Rosemary - This is a strong spice that can crush others, so you need to use it in small quantities. Rosemary during cooking does not lose its properties, this spice can be added at the very beginning of cooking.

Bay leaf, allspice, black cardamom, cinnamon in the sticks and other "large" spices are also put at the beginning of cooking. Black pepper, cumin, fennel, green cardamom - in the middle. Ginger, powdered spices and ready-made mixtures - a couple of minutes before turning off the fire.

Marjoram can be called one of the most popular and versatile spices. Since it can be added

almost all dishes. Used as a seasoning for meat dishes, soups, salads, drinks, gives food a special aroma and taste. Especially marjoram is suitable for fatty dishes, keep in mind.

And do not forget about marjoram when you are engaged in conservation. This spice is widely used in pickling cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, squash and sauerkraut.

By the way, a spice such as thyme is also suitable for fatty dishes. This seasoning contributes to better digestion.

Important!  Cumin is an independent spice, it is combined only with salt and pepper, so the rest of the seasonings, even with its ornate name, do not combine with cumin.

Basil also tolerates no neighborhood. Together with him can only be garlic and all.

As you can see, despite the variety of spices and seasonings, it is not so difficult to learn how to properly use spices, which ones suit to which dish. At first, you can even print the memo and keep it in the kitchen in the table to use it as a cheat sheet.

Sincerely, Mila Alexandrova

Greetings! Today I want to talk to you about spices and their use. Indeed, in the world of spices, spices, fragrant herbs it is easy to get lost and a professional chef, not to mention simple housewives. Simplify cooking will help complete the table (more than 125 species) used in cooking seasonings, the names and their application to certain ingredients and dishes.

  Look: spice in the form of a root or a ground root.
  Use in cooking: meat, fish, poultry, sweet dishes and sweet pastries.

Angelica Chinese (dengil, Chinese or female ginseng).
  Appearance: spice in the form of a root or ground root.
  Use in cooking: red meat and meat sauces, marinades for fish and meat, salad dressing, sweet preservation, flavoring of alcoholic beverages and tea.

  Appearance: spice in the form of seeds, dried and fresh leaves and crushed leaves.
  Use in cooking: pastries, marinades, pickles.

Orange zest.
  Look: spice. Dried orange peel.
Use in cooking: compotes, jams, pastry creams, pastries, a layer for cakes, red meat and poultry, flavoring hot alcoholic drinks and teas.

  Look: spice in the form of the ground root.
  Use in cooking: marinades, meat, potatoes (in small quantities).


Basil (Regan).
  Appearance: spice in the form of fresh leaves or dried ground leaves.
  Use in cooking: soups, dressings for salads, component salads, sandwich butter, meat dishes, vegetable side dishes, fish dishes, ketchups and sauces, pizzas, omelets, sausages, flavoring alcoholic beverages.

  Appearance: spice, both leaves and fruits are used (whole - fresh and dry, dry - ground).
  Use in cooking: leaves - sorrel substitute, tea, salad component. Fruits - soups, preserves, meat sauces, rice, shish kebab, broths, juices.

Bedourant (stonecutter).
  Type: spice, used roots, leaves, branches, inflorescences, seeds.
  Use in cooking: fish dishes, first courses, salads, vegetable side dishes, meat dishes, potatoes, mayonnaise flavoring, sauces, canned foods, bakery products.


  Appearance: spice powder, extract, sugar and essence.
  Use in cooking: Desserts, creams, pastries, coffee, sweet alcoholic drinks, compotes, jam.

  Appearance: spice in the form of white crystalline powder.
  Use in cooking: aromatization of olive oil, butter, coffee, compotes, fresh berries, sweet cereals, wines. Chocolate, desserts, sweet pastries, jam.

  Look: spice in the form of a dry ground root with a sharp pungent smell.
  Use in cooking: sushi, sashimi, sauces, fish dishes, pickles, salad dressings.

Cornflowers (Centaurea).
  Type: spice, used leaves, seeds (ground and whole), flowers (dried).
  Use in cooking: leaves - canned food, salads, pates, sausages, pickling, cocktails. Flowers and seeds - gravies, sauces, seasonings, first courses, decoctions. Traditional medicine, pharmaceutics.

Galgant (kalgan).

Garam Masala.

  Appearance: spice in the form of dry unopened flower buds or ground powder. Use in cooking: cold appetizers, soups, poultry, meat dishes, fish dishes, vegetable side dishes, sauces, condiments, pickles, canned food, pastries, desserts, flavoring drinks.

  Appearance: spice, all parts of the plant are used except the root.
  Use in cooking: carcade, salads, meats, soups, pastries, desserts.

Sodium glutamate (monosodium glutamate).
  Appearance: food additive in the form of white crystalline powder without taste and smell. Use in cooking: seaweed, sauces, yeast, tomatoes, mushrooms, cheeses, marinades, eggs, meat, fish, sausages, semi-finished products, canned food.

Mustard is white.
  Look: spice in the form of small grains of cream color or powder with a pungent smell. Sauce.
  Use in cooking: preservation, table mustard, meat dishes, poultry, sauces, pickles, vegetable dishes, first courses, salads, dressings, snacks, minced meat, cold snacks, cheeses.

Mustard sareptsky.
  Appearance: spice in the form of fine brown grains or powder with a pungent odor. Sauce.
  Use in cooking: Russian mustard, salads, meat dishes, sauces, vegetable dishes, canned food, pickles, fish pickles, legumes, bread, pastry pastry.

Black mustard.
  Appearance: spice in the form of fine dark brown grains or powder with a cutting odor. Sauce.
  Cooking applications: French mustard, Dijon mustard, Ravigot sauce, canned food, pickles, meat dishes, fish dishes, poultry, cheeses.

Gravilat urban (clove root, underbane).
  Look: spice in the form of a dried root.
  Use in cooking: flavoring drinks, seasonings, sweet pastries, canned food, salads, tea, vegetable dishes.

Mushroom extract.
  Appearance: seasoning in the form of thick mushroom syrup.
  Use in cooking: dressing for soups, sauces, marinades, gravies, salads. Meat dishes, fish dishes, vegetable side dishes.

Dandour (purslane).
  Appearance: seasoning in the form of young leaves and shoots.
  Use in cooking: salads, pickled leaves (like seaweed), meat and fish sauces, casseroles, soups.

Nard high.
  Appearance: spice in the form of dried root with a pungent smell and a bitter burning taste. Use in cooking: confectionery (sweets), alcoholic beverages, preservation, flavoring of fish dishes, soups, pickles, first courses, sauces, side dishes, desserts, drinks.

Melilot officinalis
  Appearance: spice in the form of dried grass.
  Use in cooking: soups, compotes, salads, cheeses, tea, alcoholic beverages, pickling, preservation.

Angelica Forest

Allspice (Jamaican pepper, clove pepper).
  Appearance: flatness in the form of brown dried berries (or ground powder) with a spicy aroma.


Pygmy pharmacy (barn, angelicus).
  Appearance: spice in the form of a thick, fleshy root.
Use in cooking: pickles, preservation, aromatization of alcohol, meat dishes, fish dishes, poultry, pastries, bread, sweet pastries, desserts, soups.

  Appearance: spice in the form of fresh and dried flowers and leaves.
  Application in cooking: aromatization of meat, fish, vegetable dishes, tea substitute, traditional medicine.

Zira (cumin, cammun).
  Appearance: spice in the form of dried, oblong, striped, small seeds (whole and ground).
  Application in cooking: bakery products, confectionery, dairy dishes, canned food, pickles, soups, fish, meat, vegetable dishes, cold snacks, sausages.

The snakehead Moldavian (dragonhead, Melissa Turkish, Sinyavka).
  Look: spice in the form of fresh or dry leaves with lemon aroma.
  Use in cooking: flavoring alcoholic beverages, vinegar, kvass, compotes, tea. Conservation. pickles, marinades, salads, meat, fish, soups, broths, homemade sausages.

  Look: spice in the form of small dried seeds with astringent taste and strong sweet aroma.
  Use in cooking: alcoholic beverages, pickles and marinades for fish, meat sauces.

  Appearance: spice in the form of dry, hard, woody fruits or coarse powder.
  Use in cooking: compotes, jams, tea, sweet pastries, bread, first courses, sauces, meat and fish dishes, desserts, alcoholic beverages.

  Look: universal seasoning in the form of a root of a plant ginger.
  Use in cooking: used fresh, dried, in the form of ground powder. It is used in cooking everywhere.

Imereti saffron.
  Look: spice in the form of flower yellow powder.
  Use in cooking: vegetable appetizers, soups, rice, meat, fish, sauces, drinks.

  Appearance: spice in the form of fresh or dried leaves and small twigs with a bitter taste and a strong floral scent. Use in cooking: salads, minced meat, sausages, soups, pates, legumes, meat, fish, pickles, sauces, alcoholic beverages.

Cayenne pepper (chili, red pepper).
  Look: spice in the form of dry ground red powder with a pungent smell or fresh chili pepper.

Stone sugar.
  Appearance: sweet seasoning in the form of crystalline large brown powder or crushed refined sugar cube.
  Use in cooking: glazing dishes, pastries, desserts, sweet seasoning.

Cantonese salt.
  Appearance: salty seasoning in the form of fine-crystalline powder.
  Use in cooking: batter for frying poultry and meat, Cantonese dishes.

Appearance: seasoning in the form of unblown buds of casper.
  Use in cooking: Capers are used raw, salted, dried, pickled. Sauces, vegetable dishes, fish, soups, meat, jam.

  Appearance: spice in the form of seeds in a green hard shell with a sharp strong odor.
  Use in cooking: desserts, tea, coffee, jams, pickles, sauces, meat, fish, sausages, vegetable dishes, flavoring alcoholic beverages.

Kaffir-lime (Kaffir lime).
  Appearance: citrus seasoning.
  Use in cooking: using zest and leaves. Salads, dressings, cooling drinks, fish, meat, poultry.

Chervil (kerbel, kupyr, chervil ordinary, kupyr butonolistny, snacks).
  Use in cooking: fried bird, fish, salads, potatoes, soups, sauces, vinegar, mutton, beef.

  Appearance: spice in the form of dry or fresh coriander leaves.
  Use in cooking: salads, dressings, sauces, soups, spice mixes, fish, meat, cocktails.

  Look: grass Ivan-Chai.
  Use in cooking: traditional medicine, tea. Flour from the root of fireweed - bread, tortillas, pancakes.

  Species: spiced seaweed.
  Use in cooking: nori, sushi, vegetable dishes, spicy snacks, soups, fish, broths.

Colurium is gravilatic.
  Look: spice in the form of a ground root with aroma of a carnation and a rose.
  Use in cooking: flavoring drinks, sauces, marinades, alcohol, pastry.

Coriander (gam).
  Look: spice in the form of round brown seeds with a pungent smell.
  Use in cooking: pastries, pickles, salting, preservation, sausages, flavoring alcoholic beverages.

  Look: spice in the form of dried bark of a cinnamon tree (can be ground).
  Use in cooking: pastries, coffee, tea, salads, dressings, sauces, vegetable dishes, jams, cold snacks, pickles.

Red pepper.
  Look: spice in the form of dry ground red powder with a pungent smell or fresh chilli pepper.
  Application in cooking: used in cooking everywhere to give the dish a sharpness and spice.

  Type: leaves with a tart taste of horseradish.
  Use in cooking: used as a vegetable for salads, sauces, meat dishes, preservation.

  Appearance: spice in the form of small seeds with a sweet nutty flavor and smell.
  Use in cooking: confectionery, bread, sweet pastries, salads, dressings, sauces, sesame oil.

  Appearance: spice in the form of dry or fresh leaves with a spicy aniseed smell.
Use in cooking: fried poultry, fish, salads, potatoes, soups, sauces, wine vinegar, lamb, beef.

Turmeric (yellow root).
  Appearance: spice in the form of ground root, powder of bright yellow color with ginger aroma.
  Application in cooking: used in cooking everywhere to flavor dishes.

Bay leaf.
  Look: spice in the form of a leaf with a tarry sweet aroma and bitter taste.
  Use in cooking: used in cooking everywhere to make flavoring and savory dishes.

Liquorice (licorice).
  Look: spice in the form of a ground dry root with sweet taste and a smell of fennel.
  Use in cooking: surrogate sugar, pastries, desserts, teas, pickles, preservation, glazing of dishes, sauces, pickles, meat dishes. The medicine.

Lengquas (galangal).
  Appearance: spice, ground dried root.
  Use in cooking: flavoring alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, confectionery, vegetable dishes, fish dishes, meat dishes, sauces, sweet pastries.

  Appearance: citrus seasoning. Use zest, juice, fruit.

Lemon acid.
  Appearance: a spice in the form of a coarse white crystalline powder with a strong sour taste.
  Use in cooking: canned food, pastries, sauces, desserts, drinks.

Lemon Grass.
  Appearance: herb with citrus aroma and lemon flavor.

Lemon peel.
  Look: spice. Dried or fresh lemon peel.
  Use in cooking: sauces, pickles, preservation, pastries, desserts, meat, fish, poultry, confectionery.

Kari leaves.
  Look: spice in the form of dry leaves of a tree it. Externally similar to laurel leaves with a sharp citrus scent.
  Use in cooking: salads, meat, poultry, fish, seafood, sauces, vegetable side dishes.

Pandanus leaves.
  Appearance: the leaves are similar in appearance to the palm island.
  Use in cooking: meat, fish, vegetable Thai cuisine.

Chinese onions.
  Type: vegetable-spice. Onion-garlic smell, ramson taste.

  Type: vegetable-spice.
  Application in cooking: used as a separate dish, and in salads, pasta, side dishes, soups, meats, fish dishes.

Chives (speed onions, chives).
  Look: spice, in the form of green thin onion feathers.
  Use in cooking: used in cooking everywhere, with almost no restrictions (except sweet dishes) to give flavor and piquancy to dishes.

  Type: vegetable-spice.
  Use in cooking: used in cooking everywhere, with almost no restrictions (except sweet dishes) to give flavor and piquancy to dishes.

  Type: vegetable-spice.
  Use in cooking: used in cooking everywhere, with almost no restrictions (except sweet dishes) to give flavor and piquancy to dishes.

Lyubistok (lyubistik, zorya, pylonster, feline grass, love, zaborina).
  Appearance: spice in the form of fresh or dried celery leaves.
Use in cooking: salads, dressings, sauces, soups, spice mixes, fish, meat, vegetable dishes, canned food, alcoholic beverages, cocktails.

  Appearance: spice in the form of dry leaves and flower buds of a plant marjoram with oregano aroma.
  Use in cooking: meat, fish, poultry, mushrooms, canned food, salads, drinks, soups, fried potatoes.

  Appearance: spice in the form of small black poppy flower seeds.
  Use in cooking: sweet pastries, desserts, pastries, sauces, yoghurts, pastes, breading, salad dressings.

  Type: a mixture of spices - cloves, coriander, bay leaf, cumin, nutmeg, saffron, fennel, cinnamon, a mixture of peppers, cardamom. Spices in the form of a brown powder with a nutty smell and a sharp-sweet taste.
  Use in cooking: meat dishes, side dishes, vegetable dishes, snacks, salads, first courses, sweet pastries, desserts. Aromatization of tea, juice, drinks.

Olives and olives.
  Type: fruits of the olive tree.
  Use in cooking: olive oil, salads, pizza, cold snacks, pasta.

Lemon balm.
  Look: a grass with bright lemon-mint aroma and tart taste.
  Use in cooking: okroshka, salads, soups, beetroot soup, borscht, desserts, drinks, vegetable dishes, sweet cereals, dairy dishes.

Juniper berries.
  Appearance: small black berries of a juniper tree with a resinous smell and a sour-tart taste.
  Use in cooking: flavoring game meat, meat sauce, pickles, sauces, minced meat, salads, soups.

  Look: spice in the form of nutmeg tree.
  Use in cooking: jams, desserts, flavoring alcoholic beverages, sweet pastries, meat, poultry, canned food, pies, sausages.

Nutmeg (mace, mas).
  Look: spice. Soft peel covering nutmeg.
  Use in cooking: salads, pates, sausages, hard cheeses, sauces, soups, meats, pastries.

  Use in cooking: used in cooking everywhere, with virtually no restrictions to give flavoring and savory dishes.

Nasturtium (Capuchin).
  Look: spicy grass with a bitter spicy smell and taste of a cress.
  Use in cooking: salads, sandwiches, sauces, teas, meats, canned foods, pickles.

Nigella (nippy, kalonji, black onion seeds).
  Type: spice in the form of small black seeds of black cumin.
  Use in cooking: baking, preservation, pickles, sauces.

Borage (borage).
  Appearance: spice, leaves, roots (dried) and flowers are used.
Use in cooking: leaves - substitute of cucumbers and spinach - salads, cold vegetable soups, borscht, sauces, minced meat, meat dishes, fish, gravy, marinades. Roots - green oil, additive to dairy products and hard cheeses, perfume alcoholic beverages and essences. Flowers - aromatization of alcoholic beverages, fruit drinks and bakery products.

Ombalo (mint fleece).
  Look: a grass with bright aroma and tart taste.
  Use in cooking: used in cooking everywhere, with virtually no restrictions to give flavoring and savory dishes.

Oregano (marjoram, winter marjoram).
  Appearance: spice in the form of dry buds and oregano leaves.
  Use in cooking: pizza, sauces, pasta, soups, chicken dishes, salads, fish, sausages, vegetable side dishes, marinades for meat, pickling, flavoring drinks.

  Look: spice in the form of a white root with taste of parsley.
  Use in cooking: salads, parsnip side dishes for meat, curry, goulash, hot meat dishes, soups, canned food, pickles.

  Appearance: green chilli pods.

Pepper white.
  Appearance: spice in the form of gray pepper seeds.
  Use in cooking: used in cooking with little or no restrictions to impart flavoring and piquancy to dishes. Most often used in fish dishes.

  Use in cooking: soups, meat, poultry, salads, desserts, side dishes, vegetable dishes, sausages, smoked meats, canned food, pickling, first courses, liqueurs, sauces, pickles, cold dishes.

Pepper green.
  Look: spice in the form of green unripe chili pepper.
  Use in cooking: sauces, marinades, salads, snacks, dressings.

Red pepper (paprika).
  Appearance: hot spice in the form of red pepper powder.
  Use in cooking: meat dishes, fish dishes, vegetable dishes, canned food, pickles, sauces.

Chilli pepper, red, spicy.
  Look: spice in the form of pods of red pepper.
  Use in cooking: preservation, sauces, salads, pickles, dressings, pastes.

Szechuan pepper.
  Look: spice in the form of dry boxes of a prickly ash-tree.
  Use in cooking: used everywhere to add spice to dishes.

Black pepper.
  Appearance: spice in the form of small, round, black, sharp seeds.
  Use in cooking: used in cooking everywhere, with virtually no restrictions to give flavoring and savory dishes.

  Appearance: spice in the form of fresh or dried leaves with a spicy aroma and a tart bitter taste.
  Application in cooking: used in cooking everywhere, except for sweet dishes.

Tansy (wild mountain ash).
  Look: spice in the form of small yellow flowers with camphor aroma and bitter taste.
  Use in cooking: salads, soups, desserts, okroshka, pastries, canned food, meat, fish, pickles.

Pimento (clove pepper).
Appearance: spice in the form of brown dried oregano berries (or ground powder) with a spicy aroma.
  Use in cooking: soups, meat, poultry, salads, desserts, side dishes, vegetable dishes, sausages, smoked meats, canned food, pickling, first courses, liqueurs, sauces, pickles, cold dishes.


Wormwood (wormwood, rezuha).

Mango powder.
  Appearance: acidic seasoning in the form of a powder of unripe mangoes.
  Use in cooking: spicy and sour sauces, marinades, sour drinks, meat, soups.

Reduction of a bearna.
  Appearance: herbal and spicy sauce based sauce with meat extract, wine vinegar and lemon juice. Application in cooking: the basis of the Dutch sauce, a common ingredient for sauces.

  Appearance: spice in the form of small dried leaves, has a strong camphor and coniferous notes, the taste is slightly spicy.
  Use in cooking: using fresh and dry flowers, shoots and leaves. Salads, pastries, soups, dishes of boiled fish, cabbage or potatoes.

Pink water.
  Look: water solution of an essential oil of a rose. It has a strong aroma.
  Use in cooking: flavoring in desserts, sweets and drinks.

  Appearance: lettuce leaves. It has a rich, spicy taste with mustard-nut notes.
  Use in cooking: use seeds, flowers and leaves in salads, meats, pizza, dishes from legumes. Seed oil is used in the preservation of vegetables.

Sancho (Japanese pepper).
  Appearance: spice, in the form of a dried shell of half opened peppercorns.
  Use in cooking: mainly used in the form of a hammer. It has a light bitterness and aroma with notes of citrus, camphor and anise. Meat dishes, fish dishes, seafood, sweet dishes, sauces and green tea to improve the taste and flavor.

  Appearance: American saffron in the form of dried red-yellow flowers.
  Application in cooking: replaces saffron, used as an additive in flower tea, making food dyes.

Celery (celery fragrant, fragrant parsley).
  Look: spice. A vegetable with a strong aroma and a bitter-sweet taste, reminiscent of parsley leaves.
  Application in cooking: apply all parts of the plant: root, stem, leaves and seeds in both fresh and dried form. Seasoning in salads, soups, side dishes and in the preservation of vegetables.

  Look: salty seasoning in the form of flavourless white crystal powder with salty taste.
  Use in cooking: used everywhere to enhance the taste of dishes.

  Look: spice in the form of flowers of reddish-burgundy color with distinct sourness.
  Application in cooking: replaces the lemon. Fish dishes, poultry, salads, marinades, marinade for barbecue.

Soup seasonings (bouillon cubes).
Appearance: seasoning, used to make dishes appetizing and flavor.
  Use in cooking: soups, broths, main dishes, marinades.

  Look: spice, has an appearance of dried or fresh pods of bean plants and fruit sweet-sour taste.
  Use in cooking: pulp is used. Drinks, jams, snacks, pastries, ice cream, soups, sauces, various types of meat dishes.

Thyme (Thyme).
  Appearance: the spice has a strong spicy aroma with a slightly bitter-spicy taste.

  Appearance: spice, similar to dill seeds, has a strong aroma with anise-dill notes and a burning bitter-spicy taste. Seeds are mainly used.
  Use in cooking: pastries, cheeses, cold appetizers, soups, side dishes, meat dishes, pickles for vegetables, fish.

Tomato-mashed potatoes (tomato paste).
  Appearance: seasoning based on tomato or tomato paste. Color from red to red-orange and yellow-red.
  Use in cooking: pizza, soups, marinades, canned food, meat dishes, canned food, stews.

  Appearance: aromatic seasoning, fresh and dried herbs.
  Use in cooking: used in cooking everywhere, with virtually no restrictions to give flavoring and savory dishes.

  Appearance: seasoning in the form of a 3% solution of acetic acid, apple cider vinegar, wine vinegar.
  Use in cooking: canned food, dressings, sauces, salads, drinks.

Fennel (pharmacy dill).
  Appearance: aromatic spice in the form of dill with a large edible root and a massive stem.
  Use in cooking: used in cooking everywhere, with virtually no restrictions to give flavoring and savory dishes.

  Appearance: spicy root fresh or dry ground.
  Use in cooking: preservation, pickling, pickles, sauces, meat dishes, vegetable side dishes, cold snacks.

Citronella (lemon grass).
  Kind: Grass with citrus aroma and lemon flavor.
  Use in cooking: drinks, meat dishes, poultry, sauces, vegetable dishes, seafood, tea.

Savory (garden savory).
  Look: spice in the form of a green plant of a savory in a fresh and dry look.
  Use in cooking: poultry, veal, game, legumes, fish dishes, cheese dishes, pickled vegetables, sausages, minced meat.

Thyme (creeping thyme).
  Appearance: spice. It has a strong spicy aroma with a slightly bitter-spicy taste.
  Use in cooking: tea, drinks, balsams, pickles, meat and fish dishes, sausages, seafood, sweets, salads, canned foods.

  Look: spicy seasoning in the hammer dried and fresh look.
  Application in cooking: used everywhere to enhance the sharpness and overall taste of dishes.

Sage (clary sage).
  Appearance: spicy herb, leaves are used dry and fresh.
Use in cooking: poultry, vegetable dishes, mushroom dishes, marinades, sausages, cheeses, fish.

Shambala (fenugrek, fenugreek greek, greek hay, cocked hat, camel grass, greek goat shamrock).
  Look: spice in the form of dry seeds with a clear mushroom smell and taste.
  Use in cooking: tea, coffee, vegetable dishes, salads, soups, sauces, basturma, bakery products.

  Appearance: spice in the form of dry stamens of saffron flowers.
  Use in cooking: dough, tea, coffee, cheeses, desserts, gravy, pastries, meats, sauces, vegetable side dishes, soups.

  Look: spice in the form of violet flowers with a delicate aroma of a melissa.
  Use in cooking: minced meat, pies, sausages, stews, salads, soups, snacks, sandwiches, egg dishes, fish dishes, poultry, vegetable dishes, rolls, canned food, drinks. Cosmetics. The medicine.

Tarragon (tarragon, tarragon wormwood).
  Appearance: spice in the form of leaves of wormwood grass with a pungent smell of tarragon and bitter taste.
  Use in cooking: absinthe, vermouth, spirit tinctures, fatty meat dishes, soups, pastries.

Often we do not pay attention to the most simple things, which in reality may be decisive.

About condiments, flavorings and their combinations from the book Professional Cooking (Wayne Gisslen):

There are many more combinations, but one of the following may be useful to you:

Sour cream, paprika, cumin  (Hungary)
Sour cream or mustard, dill  (Scandinavia)
Cumin, onion, vinegar(Germany)
Apples, Apple Cider Vinegar or Apple Brandy, Cream(France - Normandy)
Shallots, garlic, parsley(France - Burgundy)
Tomatoes, basil, olive oil  (Italy)
Olive oil, garlic, anchovies  (Italy)
Lemon, marjoram  (Greece)

Cinnamon, nuts, honey  (Eastern and Southern Mediterranean, Middle East)
Ginger, onion, garlic  (India)
Fish sauce (us), lemongrass, chili pepper  (Thailand)
Ginger, Soy Sauce(Japan)
Soy sauce, syake or mirin, dried bonito  (Japan)
Ginger, garlic, green onions  (China)

Some combinations:

Lemon, thyme
  Lamb, garlic, quince
  Potatoes, garlic, thyme
  Mustard, soy sauce, honey
  Feta, red sweet onions
  Duck, fruit

So, the main ingredients in the dish - the main source of taste. Choose good quality ingredients, handle them correctly, choose the right processing methods. Remember that herbs and spices play a secondary role. Poorly cooked food will not save the herbs and spices added at the end.

Spices (spices) improve the natural taste of products, without changing it significantly. Salt is the most basic seasoning.

Flavorings or flavorings add additional flavor to the dish, thus changing or slightly changing the taste of the dish. These include, for example, garlic.

Although often the difference between adding seasonings to a dish and adding flavorings to it is difficult to distinguish. For example, salt is seasoning, not a flavoring. But in the case of potato slices or bagels pretzels, salt dominates and may well be considered a flavoring agent.

Nutmeg is also valued for its bright aroma, but just a pinch can improve the taste of the cream sauce, while most people will not understand that there is nutmeg in the dish. That is, the spice can act as a seasoning, and as a flavoring agent. The edge here is very thin.

Condiments, rules of their application

1. It is important to salt liquid food at the end of cooking.  The final touch in any recipe (whether it is registered or not) is “Check if there is enough seasoning, add more if needed.” You are required to evaluate the taste of the dish, decide whether you need to add something else to improve the taste. The ability to evaluate the necessary additives comes with experience, and is one of the most important qualities that a chef gains over time.

2.   Salt and other seasonings are often added at the beginning of the cooking process, especially if large portions of the product are cooked. This is due to the fact that the seasonings added at the end may not have time to be absorbed and mixed with the other ingredients.

3. Adding a small amount of spices during the cooking process allows you to evaluate the taste of the dish during the whole process.

4. Do not add a lot of spices., if you boil down the liquid, otherwise the taste may be too concentrated.

Taste additives and rules for their use

Flavors can be added to food at the beginning of cooking, in the middle, or at the end, depending on the duration and method of preparation of the dish, and the nature of the additive itself.

1.   Only some flavorings can be added successfully at the end of cooking. For example, fresh (but not dry) herbs, sherry or brandy, mustard, Worcester sauce.

2.   Most supplements need heat to release their flavors and soak into the products. Whole spices require more time, ground ones work faster.

3.   Too long cooking leads to loss of taste and aroma. The aroma and taste of most foods and spices evaporate when exposed to heat. That is why we smell and smell when cooking.

Findings: Spices and dry herbs should be prepared along with the main ingredients long enough to release their taste and aroma, but not long enough to lose.  If the cooking time is short, in most cases you can add spices at the beginning or middle of the cooking process. If cooking time is long, it is better to add seasoning in the middle or near the end of cooking.

On a note:food safety experts recommend adding spices and herbs at least half an hour before the end of cooking so that any possible microorganisms can be destroyed.

The most common seasonings and flavorings.

Salt- the most important seasoning. Do not add too much salt, you can always add more salt if necessary, but you cannot get rid of excess salt.

Table salt has small granules, iodine is often added to it, and other additives to avoid the formation of lumps.Sea salt comes from different places, and there are different kinds. Its color can vary from gray to green and red, depending on the minerals and other substances present. These substances give the salt different shades of taste, and the large granules are pleasant in their texture.

Whole and crushed black pepper   - most often used to add to broths and sauces, and sometimes to red meat. Ground black pepper is used by the eater during the meal.

Ground white pepper - very important in professional kitchens. Its taste is slightly different from the taste of black pepper, in small quantities it is perfectly mixed with other products. Its white color makes it inconspicuous in "light" dishes.

Green Peasrelatively expensive and often used in special recipes in expensive restaurants. It is soft, canned in water, brine, vinegar. The one that is in water or brine is better in taste than that in vinegar. But you need to use it within a few days after opening. In dry form, it is also sold.

Cayenne pepper - if used in small quantities, adds spice to soups and sauces, without changing their taste. In large quantities, it adds spiciness and taste to many dishes, such as Mexican or Indian cuisine.

Lemon juice  - often used to revitalize the taste of sauces, snacks and soups.

Fresh herbs are almost always preferred to dry. Today you can buy almost any herbs. Take advantage of this opportunity!

Garlic, onions, shallots, as well as carrots and celery are very often used supplements. They are also better to use fresh, not dried.

Wine, brandy and other alcohol - used to flavor sauces and soups, many snacks. Brandy must be set on fire or boil to get rid of excessive strength. Table wines often need to be boiled to get the right flavor. Fortified wines, such as sherry or Madera, can be added at the end of cooking, as flavoring agents.

Ready mustard  - Mixing of ground grains of mustard, vinegar and other spices. It is used to add to meat, sauces, salad dressings and just as a seasoning to the table.

Grated lemon or orange peel  used in sauces, added to meat, poultry, fish and baked goods. You need to use only the colored part of the peel - zest.

Sodium glutamate- often used in Asian cuisine. It does not change the taste of products, but it affects the taste buds. In some people, it can cause headaches and chest pains.


Herbs - the leaves of plants, usually growing in a temperate climate.
Spices - buds, fruits, seeds, flowers, bark, horses of plants and trees, many of which grow in tropical climates.
  Sometimes it is difficult to distinguish herbs and spices, but it is not so important for their competent use in cooking.

Herbs and Spices

1. Get to know the flavor, taste and impact on the products of each herb and spice.

2.   Store dry herbs and spices in a cool place, well closed, in opaque containers. Heat, light and moisture have a negative effect on herbs and spices.

3.   Do not use stale herbs and spices, and do not buy more than you can use in 6 months.

4.   Be careful when using newly purchased herbs and spices, their taste will be stronger, so it's easy to overdo it.

5.   Use spices good qualitydo not save on them, this is an imaginary saving.

6. Whole spices require a longer preparation than ground ones. Consider this.

7.   To easily remove spices from liquid dishes, wrap them in a piece of muslin or muslin.

8.   It is better to add less, and then a little more than to overdo it.

9. Except in some dishes (for example, in curry) spices should not dominate. Often they should not even be obvious.

10.   Spices and herbs added to dishes cooked without heat treatment, such as salads and dressings, take several hours to mix their taste and aroma with the dish.

11. Try the food before serving.  How else can you add spices if needed?

I understand that this text does not teach you to immediately use the spices and additives. Any cook can only give you useful tips and instructions, everything else is a matter of time, experience and experiments. Some of this text may seem banal and well known to you for a long time. But often we do not pay attention to the simplest things, which in reality may be decisive. published by

Condiments, spices, and spices are commonly used as synonyms for various food additives. But concepts differ in meaning! Condiments change the taste of food, without changing the flavor. Spices give the dish flavor and fragrant.

Differences seasonings, spices and spices

The seasonings include vinegar, mustard, tomato paste, horseradish, mayonnaise. Spices are pepper, cloves, cinnamon, bay leaf. Spices are a common name for spices and seasonings.

Spices are not eaten on their own, their quantity in dishes is strictly calculated, because the excess will spoil the taste, and the lack will not have the desired effect.

Condiments are of plant origin and chemical. Condiments, unlike spices, are not always available to humans in finished form, some of them are prepared according to the recipe using other seasonings and the addition of spices. Spices can also be included in the seasoning. On a large scale, this is done by a cook specialist in sauces and seasonings.

Fans of seasonings and spices take into account only their taste, not knowing which spices are useful, whether all seasonings have useful properties.

Seasonings and spices for the human body

The spicy aroma and flavored taste of food is not the only merit of spices before a person. The useful properties of spices were noticed by ancient healers: with moderate and proper use, they help to assimilate better products, stimulate the absorption and processing of food, suppress bacteria and prevent rotting.

Spices accelerate the activity of enzymes, absorb dirt in cells and activate the removal of slags. Spices differ in composition, and in some nature concentrated vitamins. Therefore, a pinch of seasoning has a positive effect on the body's systems: digestive, cardiovascular, nervous, and endocrine.

Useful spices are common everywhere, but among them there are those that are rare and exotic. Among the classic and common stand out the most useful seasonings and the most useful spices.

Black pepper

The king of spices is black pepper in every home. It stimulates the digestive processes, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, increases blood circulation, removes toxins, prevents the formation of blood clots and corrects metabolic processes. Black peppercorns are used in the preparation of broths, meat, pickles, in the form of hammers soups, sauces and meat products will complement the aroma and sharpness.


The substances and elements that make up cinnamon, in combination, reduce bad cholesterol and glucose in the blood, improve blood circulation, help in the development of cartilage lubrication, disinfect and kill fungi.


Paprika thins blood, improves its outflow to the organs and tissues, prevents the formation of blood clots. This spice is useful for men, as it increases potency. It has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract: eliminates flatulence, flatulence, discomfort and stomach cramps.

There are many types of paprika, depending on the fragrant and spiciness. But any of them is best combined with meat, fish, cheese and seafood. Cinnamon has been used in national dishes of Hungary, Portugal, Mexico, Spain and India.


Nature has given man the cure for many diseases in one ginger root. Ginger acts as an anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, analgesic and antispasmodic. It tones, soothes, relieves anxiety, stress and fatigue. For a woman, the spice is especially useful, as it prevents infertility, increases libido, relieves the tone of the uterus, and during pregnancy during toxicosis will relieve nausea and weakness.

Marinated ginger will give spice and novelty to meat and seafood, and sophisticated gourmet will taste like tea with ginger root.


Garlic is fresh or dried, but in any form it does not lose its beneficial qualities. Garlic is considered a strong enemy of bacteria and viruses, lowers blood sugar levels, fights against tumor cells, reduces blood clotting. Without a sharp smell and burning taste of garlic, it is difficult to imagine borscht, jellied meat, meat dishes and mixed vegetables.

Bay leaf

It is difficult to imagine a favorite soup, stew, vegetable stew without bay leaf. Spice put in hot dishes. In addition to the pleasant aroma in the laurel there is a bouquet of useful substances. Even in ancient times it was used in medicine for the treatment of dysentery, rheumatism, diabetes and viral diseases, and disorders of the nervous system. Spice pain relieves, relieves inflammation, prevents rot, fermentation and decomposition.


Nutmeg seed stone, called nutmeg, heals ailments. It helps men cope with impotence, uncontrolled ejaculation, and has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular, nervous and digestive systems. When applied externally, nutmeg paste relieves pain, inflammation, acts as a remedy for rheumatism, osteochondrosis and arthritis.


The dried buds of the tropical clove tree Syzygium with a peculiar aroma and burning taste are known as cloves. Since ancient times, it has found application in cooking.

Cardamom green Cardamom black   Curry leaves Coriander Cinnamon Kumin Turmeric Bay leaf Marjoram Poppy Mango powder Nutmeg Mace Juniper berries   Mint   Oregano Paprika Allspice Cubeb Pepper Pepper pippali Pink pepper Pepper black, white, green Parsley Rosemary Celery   Licorice Salt Tamarind Thyme Caraway Dill Fennel Savory   Sage   Fenugreek Saffron Tarragon Masala (spice mix) Agar agar

Spices and spices for a healthy diet

Spices and spices are dried seeds and fruits of plants, dried grass, bark, rind, flower stigmas, buds or buds, resin, as well as roots and rhizomes, which have tremendous healing power and give vitality to man. Herbs are fresh leaves or flowers. And as seasonings such flavors as salt, citrus juice and rose water are used.

In the spices and spices concentrated solar energy, since most of the spices ripen under the strong influence of sunlight. Therefore, it is especially useful to use spices in the cold season, when we see little of the sun. Spices and spices give us joy, uplifting, making our life more vivid and rich.

By adding spices, we give the dish a unique flavor and aromatic range. According to Ayurveda, it is believed that in one meal all six tastes should be present - sweet, sour, salty, spicy, bitter and astringent. Properly combining spices in a dish, we can get all six flavors. Such food will saturate us and satisfy our mind. Tasteless food does not satisfy the mind.

What is special about spices and spices?

  • Spices and spices help to diversify the taste of food, make it even more useful and nutritious. For example, you can cook just rice. But if you put a small amount of spices in rice, the taste of the dishes will greatly change and it will not just be rice, but a bouquet of tastes and aromas that will satisfy our senses and mind.
  • Spices and spices have healing properties, helping to preserve and improve physical health, as well as mental and psycho-emotional state.
  • Spices and spices are rich in vitamins, macro-and micronutrients, antioxidants, essential oils. They are a natural dietary supplement in food.
  • Almost all spices increase appetite and stimulate digestion.
  • Spices and spices cleanse the body, remove toxins and toxins.
  • Spices and spices stimulate the growth and development of proper microflora, inhibiting the growth and development of putrid.

Spices and spices are natural natural medicines.

How to choose spices and spices

It is better to buy spices in a sealed package with the date of manufacture. The fresher the better. Fresh spice has a pronounced deep aroma. Spices are sold ground and grains. Grains retain their healing qualities, freshness and aroma longer ground.

It is better to buy whole seeds and grind them immediately before use with an electric grinder or chop them in a mortar. An exception to this rule is turmeric and dry ginger, which are difficult to grind properly at home. Freshly ground spices have an incomparably better aroma and taste. In addition, you will be confident in the quality of spices.

When choosing spices, be guided by color. Poor quality spices will have a faded or gray color. Try not to buy non-packaged spices by weight on the open shelves, especially in the markets. Such spices, most likely, are exhausted and have lost their useful properties. In addition, in the open form they accumulate dust and light enters. It is better to buy the highest quality natural Indian spices and spices in a specialty store.

How to store spices and spices

Some tips on how to store spices and herbs:

  1. Spices and herbs will be stored for a long time if kept in hermetically sealed containers. Suitable glass, wooden, clay jars. The shelf life of properly preserved spices is approximately 2-4 years for whole spices, 1-2 years for ground spices and 1 year for leafy herbs.
  2. Keep spices and herbs away from heat and humidity, do not allow direct sunlight. Store spices on a shelf in the kitchen cupboard or in the refrigerator.
  3. Avoid storing spices and herbs over a stove or near a window.
  4. Spices without impurities are stored longer than the mixture. Therefore, it is recommended to grind the spices immediately before use with a mortar or grinder.
  5. Be sure to tightly close the jars with spices immediately after use.
  6. Spices from the red pepper family (including red pepper itself, paprika and chilli powder) will retain their color and stay fresher if kept in a refrigerator.

How to use spices and spices

Do not pour spices and herbs directly from the jar into the pot or pan with rising steam. Steam entering the storage tank will accelerate the loss of taste and aroma, as well as lead to caking and clumping of ground spices. Also make sure that the spoon with which you take or measure the spices is completely dry when you take the spice out of the jar. Moisture trapped in a closed container will also lead to a loss of spice quality.

Spice Application Techniques

It should be borne in mind that when frying spices, their strength is weakened, but at the same time the oil is impregnated with the aroma of spices, which gives the food a special rich taste and aroma. Ground spices and herbs should be placed in a dish in the middle or at the end of cooking to maintain their strength. Salt is usually added to the dish at the very least after all the spices and in the almost ready dish.

   Grinding spices in a mortar
   Grinding spices in a mortar

How to cook a mixture of spices - Masala

The art of using spices and spices is the ability to make masala - a mixture of spices. Masala is toasting a mixture of spices in oil in order to enhance their flavor. Having learned to make mixes of spices and herbs, you can add a great variety of flavors and unique aromas to ordinary everyday food. There are traditional Indian masala, such as Garam Masala, Curry, Chanaka, Panch Puren and others. You can buy them, but it is best to make the mixture of spices themselves. Purchased mixtures can be made from low-grade spices and lack a delicate aroma. The use of such mixtures can make the taste of your dishes monotonous. Masala recipes see.

Masaly can be made from a variety of spices. It all depends on personal preferences and tastes. To learn how to use spices, you need to know the taste and aroma of each of them. To do this, you can cook some kind of neutral dish, for example, boil rice or potatoes and put one spice in the dish. This way you can try all the spices and see which ones you like and which you don't. Based on this, you will know which spices to add to masala. With a little practice, you will find the combination of spices that you like the most.

In the preparation of masala, either whole spices or ground ones are used, but more often they are both together.

First of all, prepare all the spices that you will use so that they are at your fingertips. Take out the jars of spices, collect them next to the stove, open the lids and prepare a dry spoon. Then heat enough (1-2 tablespoons) of ghee or vegetable ghee to a high temperature, but make sure that it does not start to burn. To check whether the oil is hot enough, throw one grain into the oil. If the seed has sunk, then the oil has not yet warmed up. With a well-heated oil, the grain is fried on the surface of the oil. Be sure to wait for the moment when the oil is sufficiently heated, otherwise the grains will simply drown in the oil and will not reveal their taste and flavor.

Then put the spices in the order of the queue in the oil. To roast different spices requires different times, so it is very important to observe the order and know exactly when to put each of them in the oil. First, whole spices are fried, and at the end - ground. During roasting, the spices change color, swell, burst and start to produce an incredible seductive flavor.

For example, the recipe indicates mustard, cumin, coriander, turmeric, and asafoetida. Since it takes more time to roast the mustard, it is thrown into the butter first. When mustard seeds begin to pop and burst, turning black from gray and spreading the characteristic nutty flavor, put cumin and coriander in the oil. After 5-10 seconds, put the asafoetida and turmeric. Masala is ready. If in the process of roasting the mustard seeds begin to “jump out” from the pan, cover the dishes with a lid so that the mustard does not fly around the kitchen and remove the pan for a while from the heat so that the mustard “calms down”.

When frying spices, it is important to do everything quickly and concentratedly, but without panic.

After a few seconds, when the spices are reddened, put the products prepared for frying or stewing in butter or pour the spice mixture into a prepared or prepared dish. Thoroughly mix the products with masala so that the spices are evenly distributed among the products and not burned at the bottom of the pan.

If only ground spices are included in the masala, then the oil in which they are fried should not be too hot so that the spices do not burn.


Some spices, especially hot, should be used with caution to people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, ulcers), kidney infections. Many spices have a stimulating effect on the female genital sphere, therefore during pregnancy it is undesirable to use or use them in limited quantities and after consulting a doctor.

It is important to remember the moderation of adding spices to food. You have to eat food with spices, and not vice versa. To cook a tasty, aromatic and appetizing dish often requires very few spices. The amount of spices needed to cook a particular dish is not strictly limited. It's a matter of taste. But excessiveness is always harmful.

Herbs and spices, regularly added to food in moderate doses, are unique stimulants of health.

To test the spice, it suits you or not, you can use the smell. If the spice suits you, it will have a pleasant, fresh, light, cool smell. And if the spice has an unpleasant, heavy, warm, dusty smell, then it most likely does not suit you at all or at this particular time of day or season. The smell can change throughout the day. With the help of smell, one can understand whether something is suitable for us or not. Animals, before eating anything, first sniff.

Spices and spices

If you learn how to apply spices correctly, you can significantly improve your health.

Always try to feel and analyze your condition and feelings when using one or another spice. The same applies to products in general. Never follow direct instructions and instructions and do not perceive written as a law that you need to follow unswervingly. We all have an individual unique organism that requires special attention and careful treatment. Here you need to take into account many factors - this is the constitution of the body, and individual preferences, and time of year, and time of day for the use of a particular product. Be attentive to yourself. Watch yourself and you will surely understand and feel what is right for you and what is not.

Each spice has its own consciousness. But everyone must decide for himself what he is. The man himself knows best what is good for him. Each product and each spice has its own properties, but one cannot compare two spices or two products and say that this is better for everyone. [~]

Medicinal properties of spices and spices (table)

Activating immunity turmeric, ginger, saffron, black, white and green peppers, mustard, barberry, star anise, kalindzhi, coriander, nutmeg, tamarind, cumin, curry leaves, bay leaf, basil, oregano, parsley, celery, dill, sage, pink salt .
Antiseptics cloves, turmeric, cinnamon, black pepper, saffron, asafoetida, curry leaves, bay leaf, ajvan, green cardamom, yellow mustard, allspice, tamarind, juniper berries, tarragon, celery, marjoram, mint.
Antioxidants turmeric, saffron, oregano, thyme, sage, cumin, rosemary, nutmeg, ginger, cardamom, coriander, basil, tarragon, savory.
Insomnia nutmeg, mango powder, bay leaf, cumin, kalindzhi, dill, basil, tarragon, marjoram, mint.
Painkillers cloves, ginger, cinnamon, saffron, fennel, mango powder, nutmeg, green cardamom, asafoetida, cinnamon, star anise, anise, licorice, savory, oregano, rosemary, marjoram, mint.
Headache cinnamon, star anise, nutmeg, saffron, black pepper, basil, mint, tarragon, oregano.
Toothache clove, black salt, oregano, cumin, tarragon, bay leaf.
Detoxifying turmeric, ginger, fennel, black pepper, pippali pepper, green and black cardamom, asafoetida, mustard, cinnamon, bay leaf, cumin, shambala, ajvan, kalindzhi, cumin, coriander, barberry, licorice, basil, tarragon, savory, rosemary, coriander, barberry, licorice, basil, tarragon, savory
Blood purifying turmeric, ginger, fennel, saffron, kalindzhi, black pepper, mango powder, curry leaves, thyme.
Improve digestion fennel, coriander, ginger, cinnamon, cumin, cumin, asafoetida, black pepper, Ajvan paprika, pink pepper, allspice, cubeb pepper, sage, tarragon, savory, oregano, rosemary, marjoram, thyme.
Tonic ginger, cinnamon, saffron, cardamom green and black, star anise, shambala, nutmeg, bay leaf, cumin, cumin, ajvan, kalinji, dill, curry leaves, coriander, paprika, pink pepper, allspice, cubeb, licorice, estragon celery
Pressure reducing fennel, dill, shambala, shambhala leaves, cloves, barberry, basil, savory.
Pressure boosting cinnamon, ginger.
Diuretic ginger, fennel, turmeric, juniper berries, bay leaf, cumin, kalindzhi, dill, cumin, coriander, barberry, green cardamom, cinnamon, cubeb, sage, tarragon, savory, rosemary, thyme.
Choleretic fennel, juniper berries, kalindzhi, coriander, barberry, cardamom green, barberry, rosemary, thyme.
Anthelmintic asafoetida, juniper berries, turmeric, ajvan, cloves.
Antipyretic fennel, anise, barberry, black cardamom, ginger.
Cough, bronchitis mango powder, ginger, fennel, juniper berries, cinnamon, turmeric, bay leaf, cumin, star anise, dill, anise, licorice, shambala, ajvan, poppy, curry leaves, tamarind, mustard, cubeb, savory, oregano, mint, thyme .
Anti-cancer saffron, nutmeg, turmeric, ginger, kalindzhi.
Improving eyesight saffron, Fennel, Kalindzhi, Cumin, Celery.
Memory enhancers ginger, nutmeg, cumin, black pepper, saffron, cumin, kalindzhi, basil.
Skin diseases ginger, juniper berries, turmeric, bay leaf, cumin, coriander, kalindji, shambala, cumin, black pepper, pink pepper, poppy, curry leaves, black cardamom, vanilla, sage, tarragon, rosemary, thyme, mint.
Wound healing turmeric, cinnamon, shambala, kalindzhi, cumin, curry leaves, bay leaf, pink pepper, oregano, marjoram, thyme.
Diseases of the skeletal system shambala, ginger, juniper berries, asafoetida, bay leaf, turmeric, kalindzhi, allspice, marjoram, thyme.