The hottest sauces. Myths about food: breakfast

02.05.2019 Snacks

Before you - 6 spicy sauces that will challenge your taste buds.
  Be careful not to say that you were not warned!

But let's first see why people love spicy food so much. There is a hypothesis: when we eat a burning, mucous mouth feels pain, and to drown it, the brain releases endorphin into the body - the hormone of joy. But there is no scientific evidence of this connection. Another version - almost all of the hottest spices and spices sauces themselves are aphrodisiacs, that is, substances that stimulate sexual desire. No wonder the Kama Sutra was written in India, a country with the most spicy cuisine! Anyway, those who are keen on hot drinks are invited to familiarize themselves with the rating of the most burning sauces. Their ingredients were high on the Scoville Scale of Scale, based on the amount of capsaicin in the product - the substance that makes the pepper so hot.

  The severity of Jalapeno pepper is estimated at 2.5 thousand to 8 thousand units on the Scoville scale (ECU), the burning capacity of pepper spray cans is 4 million, and the most acute substance known to science (resiniferatoxin contained in milkman Poisson) is 16 billion units.


Our rating of the popular tabasco sauce, the invention of the American banker Edward McIlenny, will open. There are several varieties of Tabasco of varying degrees of hotness - from sweet-sharp (100-600 ECU) to habanero (up to 9000 units). With the exception of the green variety Tabasco, they are linked by a common ingredient - cayenne chili. Its sharpness in its pure form can reach 50 thousand of the ECU.

  The recipe for classic Tabasco is simple: pepper, vinegar and salt. But if you follow the canons, you have to endure the peppers for three years in an oak barrel, and only then add vinegar and salt. Tabasco is indispensable for one of the most popular cocktails - “Bloody Mary”. Just a couple of drops of sauce will give a fresh dish a new facet of taste. Tabasco adore singer Madonna, former President George Bush and Queen Elizabeth II.

Bhut Jolokia by South Devon

If Tabasco seems like childish fun, move on to the next sauce in our ranking. The Indian variety Bhut Jolokia (or “ghost pepper”) is considered the hottest pepper born by nature itself. Of course, scientists have already brought varieties that are many times superior to its zhguchistyu, and yet, the sauce from it can take an honorable place on the shelf for every lover of extreme food. Depending on the concentration of pepper, its burning ability can reach one million of the ECU, but on average is 700 thousand.

Naga viper

The sauce is made by hot pepper Naga viper, grown artificially by British breeder Gerald Fowler. This is a hybrid of three ultra-sharp varieties: Naga Morich, Bhut Jolokia and Scorpio Trinidad. Its sharpness is 1,382,118 units. The peppermaker even joked that he would take a receipt from anyone who dares to try his creation.

New Mexico Scorpio

The main ingredient of New Mexico Scorpio, pepper Infinity Chili, is slightly inferior to Naga Viper (1 191 595 ECU), but the sauce based on it turned out to be much sharper. 337 bottles were offered to visitors at Fiery Foods & Barbecue in Albuquerque. Despite the rather high price ($ 55), the sauce was instantly bought up, because the creators presented it as the hottest sauce in the world.

Atomic kick ass

Muhammad Karim, the chef of the British restaurant “Bindi”, invented this tearing throat seasoning with 12 million ECUs. The sauce, whose name in Russian translates as “Atomic n *** c”, is prepared in thick gloves and a gas mask and served to the signature dish - fried chicken legs. Before you try them, the visitor is obliged to sign a paper, removing the guilt from the restaurant for all possible consequences.

  The cook honestly states that a small fraction of this dangerous food can lead to a half-hour paralysis of the facial muscles, cramps and internal bleeding.

The hottest sauce in the world Blair’s 16 Million Reserve

In general, the company Blair has a whole series of "millionths" sauces with punchiness from 2 to 15 million ECU, but this sauce has become the pearl of the collection. Sauce in the usual sense of this substance is difficult to call. The 1 ml flask contains the purest crystallized capsaicin. Its burning ability is estimated at 16 million ECU. You can even say that this is the most burning substance on earth. A purely collectible thing: only 999 such bottles were released.

I found a brave man who dared to conduct an experiment and dissolved a capsaicin crystal in a 3-liter saucepan of tomato soup. The first spoon seemed sharp to him, but not excessively, and he treated his wife to soup. That, having tried only one spoon, burst into tears and threatened to file for divorce. After that, the man tried his creation again and was forced to pour it into the toilet - the soup turned out to be the most spicy food he had ever tasted.

You came here because you like spicy food and want to learn how to make your favorite dishes even sharper? Before you - 6 spicy sauces that will challenge your taste buds. Be careful not to say that you were not warned!

But let's first see why people love spicy food so much. There is a hypothesis: when we eat a burning, mucous mouth feels pain, and to drown it, the brain releases endorphin into the body - the hormone of joy. But there is no scientific evidence of this connection.

Another version - almost all of the hottest spices and spices sauces themselves are aphrodisiacs, that is, substances that stimulate sexual desire. No wonder the Kama Sutra was written in India, a country with the most spicy cuisine!

Anyway, those who are keen on hot drinks are invited to get acquainted with the rating of the most burning sauces. Their ingredients were high on the Scoville Scale of Scale, based on the amount of capsaicin in the product - the substance that makes the pepper so hot.

The acuteness of Jalapeno pepper is estimated from 2.5 thousand to 8 thousand units on the Scoville scale (ECU), the burning capacity of pepper spray cans is 4 million, and the sharpest substance known to science (resiniferatoxin contained in milkweed Poisson) is 16 billion units.

The hottest sauces in the world


  Our rating of the popular tabasco sauce, the invention of the American banker Edward McIlenny, will open. There are several varieties of Tabasco of varying degrees of hotness - from sweet-sharp (100-600 ECU) to habanero (up to 9000 units). With the exception of the green variety Tabasco, they are linked by a common ingredient - cayenne chili. Its sharpness in its pure form can reach 50 thousand of the ECU.

The recipe for classic Tabasco is simple: pepper, vinegar and salt. But if you follow the canons, you have to endure the peppers for three years in an oak barrel, and only then add vinegar and salt.

Tabasco is indispensable for one of the most popular cocktails - “Bloody Mary”. Just a couple of drops of sauce will give a fresh dish a new facet of taste. Tabasco adore singer Madonna, former President George Bush and Queen Elizabeth II.

Bhut Jolokia by South Devon

  If Tabasco seems like childish fun, move on to the next sauce in our ranking. The Indian variety Bhut Jolokia (or “ghost pepper”) is considered the hottest pepper born by nature itself. Of course, scientists have already brought varieties that are many times superior to its zhguchistyu, and yet, the sauce from it can take an honorable place on the shelf for every lover of extreme food. Depending on the concentration of pepper, its burning ability can reach one million of the ECU, but on average is 700 thousand.

Naga viper

  The sauce is made by hot pepper Naga viper, grown artificially by British breeder Gerald Fowler. This is a hybrid of three ultra-sharp varieties: Naga Morich, Bhut Jolokia and Scorpio Trinidad. Its sharpness is 1,382,118 units. The peppermaker even joked that he would take a receipt from anyone who dares to try his creation.

New Mexico Scorpio

  The main ingredient of New Mexico Scorpio, pepper Infinity Chili, is slightly inferior to Naga Viper (1 191 595 ECU), but the sauce based on it turned out to be much sharper. 337 bottles were offered to visitors at Fiery Foods & Barbecue in Albuquerque. Despite the rather high price ($ 55), the sauce was instantly bought up, because the creators presented it as the hottest sauce in the world.

Atomic kick ass

  Muhammad Karim, the chef of the British restaurant “Bindi”, invented this tearing throat seasoning with 12 million ECUs. The sauce, whose name in Russian translates as “Atomic n *** c”, is prepared in thick gloves and a gas mask and served to the signature dish - fried chicken legs. Before you try them, the visitor is obliged to sign a paper, removing the guilt from the restaurant for all possible consequences.

The cook honestly states that a small fraction of this dangerous food can lead to a half-hour paralysis of the facial muscles, cramps and internal bleeding.

The hottest sauce in the world

Blair’s 16 Million Reserve

In general, the company Blair has a whole series of "millionths" sauces with punchiness from 2 to 15 million ECU, but this sauce has become the pearl of the collection. Sauce in the usual sense of this substance is difficult to call. The 1 ml flask contains the purest crystallized capsaicin. Its burning ability is estimated at 16 million ECU. You can even say that this is the most burning substance on earth. A purely collectible thing: only 999 such bottles were released.

A man is testing the hottest sauce in the world (English)

I found a brave man who dared to conduct an experiment and dissolved a capsaicin crystal in a 3-liter saucepan of tomato soup. The first spoon seemed sharp to him, but not excessively, and he treated his wife to soup. That, having tried only one spoon, burst into tears and threatened to file for divorce. After that, the man tried his creation again and was forced to pour it into the toilet - the soup turned out to be the most spicy food he had ever tasted.
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Hot suicide wings  - literally means hot suicidal wings. Robin Rosenberg, the cook of one of the Chicago taverns, is still a wit. Chicken wings cooking it dare to try a few. The fact is that Rosenberg's branded wings are the sharpest chicken wings in the world!

The dish is so spicy that before trying it, the guest will have to sign a document, according to which he will not sue the tavern for possible physical complications. Chicken wings are cooked with one of the hottest pepper varieties in the world - Red Savina Habanero. A person who wished to try this dish will be provided with an ambulance at the first need: the waiters always have the “antidote” ready - sour cream, milk sugar and white bread.

The idea of ​​serving one of the most spicy dishes in the world, Robin had been bearing many years. “Of course, for many it is an unacceptable dish, but perhaps there will be a person to whom it will bring true pleasure,” says the chef.

2. Bollywood Burner

London Indian Restaurant claims a place in the Guinness Book of Records in the category “the most spicy dish on the planet.” According to restaurant chefs, their lamb dish with curry sauce and abundant powder of the hottest pepper in the world is by far the hottest dish on our planet.

This masterpiece is called "Bollywood Burner". In the main menu it is not. This hellish dish is served exclusively on special order. Those who wish to try this dish should give a receipt in the presence of the restaurant workers, in which he confirms that when ordering a dish, he takes all the responsibility upon himself in case of an unforeseen result of a dangerous tasting.

It is known that in the southern province of India, in Hyderabad, the cuisine is particularly spicy and, according to connoisseurs, the English curry is not like any hot sauce that they have ever tried. This curry uses the most spicy plant in nature - naga pepper. On the Scoville scale (the scale of the chilliness of peppers), its sharpness exceeds 850,000 units. For comparison, Tabasco pepper, which is widely used in Mexican cuisine, has a sharpness of only 800 units, and “pepper spray” is a tear agent used by the US police - 2,000,000 units.

3. Phaal

Phaal is an Indian dish. It is considered the hottest curry in the country. Phaal is a sauce made from 10 types of pepper, the main of which is the so-called (Bhut Jolokia) Bhut Yolokia - in the Guinness Book of Records it is listed as the hottest spice on earth!

Huge popularity phaal  purchased in New York, when the owner of one of the restaurants included it in his menu. As a result, restaurant visitors, having once tasted the phaal, then began to bring their friends there, so that they too could taste such a spicy dish.

4. Shameful hot pot

"Shameful hot pot" - a very spicy dish, which is prepared in a Chinese restaurant in the Middle Kingdom itself. Why this dish has received just such a name, the story is silent. True, there are legends in China that once this dish was an attribute of a certain sadomasochistic ritual in this country.

The owner of the restaurant says that despite the strict warnings about the spiciness of the dish, he continues to observe how the visitors grab their stomachs after the first spoon.

5. Australian chili

No one knows how to cook really spicy dishes like the Australians, writes Specific chili sauce, which is prepared in Australia, is considered one of the hottest dishes in the world.

Those who want to try this "slightly" spicy dish have never lined up in a queue. It is possible to add a drop to some big dish, but to take and eat “pure” sauce is not.

In the preparation of this chili, hot pepper is used, called “naga jolokia”, the same one that is used in the Indian restaurant in London, which was discussed above.

In Australia, finally, there were still those who wanted to become famous and swallow not even the chili itself, but its fiery component. Heroes name is Ryan Duke and Alex Fenning. Fortunately, the guys survived. The impressions of the heroes are approximately the same: they are not going to try IT a second time, but they are terribly proud of themselves!

6. Tabasco

Tabasco Mexican Sauce is known worldwide. However, the lightest version of the Tabasco Green Pepper Sauce is the most popular (only 600-1200 stoves).

The hottest sauce is Tabasco Habanero Sauce. His fortress is 5000-7000 skovilley, which is 10 times higher than the fortress Tabasco Green. In addition to the extreme for the average man in the sharpness, this sauce has a complex recipe, taking its roots from the Jamaican cuisine. Tabasco Habanero consists of vinegar, Abanero pepper (one of the sharpest varieties in the world), cane sugar, plain Tabasco sauce, salt, mango pulp, tamarind, banana, papaya, tomatoes, dried onion, garlic, spices and aged in oak barrels of pepper Tabasco.

Tabasco Habanero is just perfect for drinking vodka (no pepper vodka compares to a drop of habanero in a glass) and is intended to serve as a spice for exotic cuisines such as African, Caribbean and Mexican.

7. Couscous with lamb and vegetables

Couscous is a staple food in the Maghreb, particularly in Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and Libya. Also common in other parts of Africa, France, the Sicilian province of Trapani in Italy, and some regions of the Middle East.

Couscous exists in a variety of options, and not all of them are sharp. There is fish couscous, sweet and even vegetarian couscous. A lot of pepper is added to lamb couscous. By the combination of ingredients, this couscous is the most fiery dish. It is not surprising that the Magribins and Africans who adore him are much more active and more cheerful than their northern neighbors.

As a rule, couscous is prepared on the basis of durum wheat semolina. Traditionally, couscous was prepared by women, but since couscous is a very laborious process.

8. Watermelon Mexican

Fire a mouth and turn a person into a dragon can ... watermelon. But not a simple watermelon, but a watermelon cooked in a special way - in Mexican style. In Mexico, where most dishes just breathe hot pepper, do not forget about watermelon.

Here it is richly flavored with pepper, sprinkled with salt and sprinkled with lime juice. The taste of this dish is very specific and to many it seems simply incredible disgusting: if cooking salty watermelons in Russia is practiced in some places, then pepper watermelon looks like a perversion. However, on this dish are lovers of sharp little.

9. Mama Africa

Mama Africa is South African sauces. Tabasco lovers compared to the Mom of Africa lovers; just angel sweets. Mama Africa Habanero makes even the most persistent spicy taste fans cry. This is not surprising - there are 22 thousand skovilles in it! Gourmets who are especially sympathetic to ordinary people advise even to smell this sauce from afar!

Mama Africa sauces include fruits, fresh chili peppers, carrots, onions, garlic, green peppers, and lemon juice. And to add a piquant flavor, fresh and dried seasonings are added: coriander, basil, oregano, ginger, black pepper and mint.

The most acute are "Mama Africa Habanero", "Mama Africa with red chili pepper", "Mama Africa Chile with mint."

10. Kimchi

This dish is originally from Korea. Kimchi is a sharply seasoned fermented vegetables, primarily Peking cabbage. Pickled heads are seasoned with red pepper, onion, garlic and ginger.

In Korea, kimchi is considered the main course, without which no meal is complete. Koreans believe that moderate consumption of kimchi contributes to the resorption of fat deposits. So for someone this spicy dish looks like a dietary one. It is also believed that acute kimchi is a good anti-cold remedy.

Hot sauce makes the taste of the dish more saturated, thereby stimulating the appetite. Many studies prove that the "fiery" spices in its composition make food healthier, speed up the metabolism, promote weight loss, improve blood circulation, warm up when hypothermia, help in the fight against colds. What is the hottest sauce in the world? How can you cook it yourself? Read about it in our article.

Tabasco Sauce: composition and recipe

One of the most popular spicy sauces in the world is Tabasco. In its manufacture using the pulp of ripe vinegar and salt. Classic "Tabasco" aged for 3 years in oak barrels. It has a sour spicy flavor and rich sharp taste. Sauce should be added literally drop by drop, so hot it is.

At home, Tabasco sauce can be made from any, but preferably cayenne or at least chili. So the taste of the sauce will be more similar to the original version.

Before working with pepper, gloves should be worn. After that, wash the pepper, cut it in half and remove seeds from it. It will only need its pulp, but only if you do not want to cook too hot and spicy option. In addition, you need to take a little water, 50 ml of apple or white vinegar (wine), salt to taste. All ingredients are loaded into a blender and grind well until smooth. Adjust the amount of water to your liking. Ready sauce can optionally be rubbed through a fine sieve.

On the U. Scoville scale, the Tabasco’s hottest sauce in the world is Habanero (Tabasco Habanero), which has a burning capacity of 7–9 thousand units. At the same time, classic Tabasco’s red sauce is 2500-5000 units, and green - from 600 to 1200 units.

Thai Sauce Recipe

In preparing the next hot sauce, completely different are already used. These include Thai pepper and others. Their zhguchest on the scale of U. Scoville can be estimated from 50 thousand to 10 thousand units.

Thai sauce, cooked according to this recipe, has a savory spicy-sweet taste, perfectly in harmony with grilled chicken. To make it at home, you will need hot pepper (2 pcs.), 3 cloves of garlic, 50 ml of apple or brown rice vinegar, 100 g of sugar, ½ teaspoon of sea salt, water (150 ml).

All ingredients need to grind blender to the desired structure (to remain small pieces). After that, Thai sauce should be poured into a small saucepan, put on low heat and boil it for 3-4 minutes to a thick consistency. Store in a glass jar in the refrigerator for a month.

Chili Sauce: Traditional Recipe

No traditional dish of national Mexican and Asian cuisine can do without chili sauce. Its unchanged ingredient is the pepper of the same name, which is considered to be the birthplace of Latin America. Serve it hot or cold to meat and fish dishes.

At home, you can make your own delicious chili sauce. Its recipe involves the use of such ingredients: pepper (7 pcs.), Garlic (6-7 cloves), 150 ml of vinegar, salt and sugar to taste. Pepper must first be cleaned of seeds. Then, in a small saucepan, combine the sliced ​​pepper flesh, garlic, vinegar, salt (4-5 teaspoons) and sugar (1 teaspoon). Put the dishes on the stove and cook on low heat for 12-15 minutes, until the sauce becomes thick. Then chop it right in the pan with a blender and pour into a glass container. Keep refrigerated.

Cooking Hot Pepper Sauce

Any red hot pepper sauces contain one unique substance - capsaicin, which promotes the production of endorphins, or “hormones of happiness”. Enough to prepare a delicious dinner and serve him hot sauce, and a good mood will be provided.

Hot pepper sauce can be called universal. You can cook it from pepper of any kind, thereby adjusting the desired sharpness. For the classic sauce will need:

  • hot pepper (300 g);
  • garlic (5-6 cloves);
  • salt (1.5 tablespoons);
  • sugar (1.5 tsp);
  • lime juice (1 tbsp);
  • vegetable oil (1.5 tablespoons).

Peel the seeds and stalks, garlic peeled. Put the ingredients in a blender and grind to a state of mashed potatoes. Send the resulting mass to the pan, add salt, sugar, lime juice and vegetable oil. Let the sauce boil, immediately remove the saucepan from the heat and put it on the ice. Serve cold sauce to meat and fish.

New Mexico Scorpions Sauce

The recipe for this sauce was invented and implemented by chefs from the US state of New Mexico. On the U. Scoville scale, this burning seasoning to the main dish gained almost 2 million units. Most in the world of Scorpions is prepared on the basis of pepper varieties Infinity Chili, which is considered one of the most burning. The rest of the technology of cooking seasoning is not very different from other recipes.

Garlic, salt, sugar, vinegar and water are added to the sauce in order to give a sharp taste and a pleasant consistency. The crushed ingredients are cooked on low heat for several minutes, after which the sauce is cooled and served to the table. When adding to main dishes it is important not to overdo it. The sauce is so hot that when consumed in large quantities it is possible to cause a burn of the esophagus and get other unpleasant consequences for the body.

English sauce atomic kick ass

The above sauces do not go to any comparison with seasoning Atomic Kick Ass. The name of the sauce, which is served to fried chicken drumsticks, means “atomic explosion”. And indeed, Atomic Kick Ass is the hottest sauce in the world today, because its vitality on the U. Scoville scale is about 12 million units.

The sauce contains the most “fiery” peppers of the Trinidad Scorpion Moruga (Moruga Scorpion) and Carolina Reaper (Carolina Reaper) varieties. Its secret ingredient is a special pepper extract, the burning ability of which is 13 million units on the Scoville scale. The sauce, made from these peppers, is spicy, but very tasty, with a pleasant spicy taste and a fruity aftertaste.

Doctors are advising all lovers of “sharp little” not to abuse “fiery” sauces to avoid health problems in the future.


  • 50 g chili;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 tablespoon ;
  • 1 teaspoon of starch;
  • 1 tablespoon of wine or cider vinegar;
  • 1 teaspoon sugar;
  • a pinch of salt.


Blend the garlic and chili pepper in a blender. Put the mixture in the pan, add vinegar, oil, salt and sugar and put on a slow fire.

As soon as the sauce begins to boil, add starch. Immediately after boiling, remove the pan from the stove and let it cool.

Because of the starch, the sauce is quite thick. If you want to make it more liquid, just give up on this ingredient.

In a clean, sealed container, the sauce can be stored in the refrigerator for about a week.


  • 450 g very hot chili peppers;
  • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • 12 large basil leaves;
  • 1 cup of vinegar;
  • 1 teaspoon salt.


Preheat oven to 200 ° C. Spread chili peppers and unpeeled garlic cloves on a baking sheet. Send vegetables for 15–20 minutes in the oven. Wait for the peel of the peppers to wrinkle a little, but it won't burn.

Crush pepper and peeled garlic in a food processor. Add the basil leaves and chop the mixture again. When the vegetables are well-wiped, pour in the vinegar.

At the end, salt and mix the sauce. Strain it and pour it into sterilized bottles. In them it can be stored in the refrigerator for 1-2 weeks.

Be careful: this sauce is really burning!


  • 200–250 g of coarsely chopped apricots (without stones);
  • 2 jalapeno peppers;
  • 1 large Thai chili;
  • 1 red chili;
  • 2 cups apple cider vinegar;
  • 1 cup light brown sugar;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • salt - to taste.


Cut all the hot peppers together with the seeds, except for one jalapeno pepper: it must first be cleaned of seeds and cut.

In a medium saucepan, mix apple cider vinegar and brown sugar and bring the mixture to a boil to dissolve the sugar. Add the apricots, all the chopped peppers, bay leaves and simmer the sauce over moderate heat until the apricots are soft. It will take about 5 minutes.

Allow the sauce to cool, then remove the bay leaf and transfer the mixture to a blender. Grind to homogeneity, salt and pour into sterilized jars or bottles.

This sauce can be stored in the refrigerator for a month. It is best served to or used for cooking.


  • 2 small red chili peppers;
  • 2 ordinary red peppers;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 shallot;
  • 400 g sliced ​​tomatoes with juice;
  • 100 g brown sugar;
  • 3 tablespoons of sherry vinegar (sherry vinegar).


Pepper seeds and grind. Slice the onion and garlic. Put these ingredients in a food processor, add tomatoes and blend until smooth.

Move the puree to a stainless steel pot, add sugar and vinegar and bring to a boil, stirring occasionally.

After boiling reduce heat to low and simmer the sauce for 40–60 minutes until it thickens. Do not forget to stir, especially near the end of cooking.

Pour the prepared sauce into sterilized jars and cool. In this form, it can be stored in the refrigerator for two weeks.


  • 200–250 g of red jalapeno pepper;
  • 1 clove garlic;
  • Cup fresh lime juice;
  • ¼ glasses of water;
  • 2 tablespoons of salt.


Pepper coarsely chop and send together with the rest of the ingredients in a blender. Mix everything until smooth. Put the finished sauce in an airtight container.

This sauce is ideal for roast beef. It can be stored in the refrigerator for about a week.


  • 6 medium jalapeno peppers;
  • 4 sprigs of cilantro;
  • 2 feathers of green onions;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • ¹⁄₂ cup of white vinegar;
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 1 tablespoon fresh lime juice;
  • 1 teaspoon salt.


Cut jalapeno, cilantro, onion and garlic. Move them to a blender, add all other ingredients and grind until smooth. Voila - the sauce is ready.

It can be added to meat, used as a marinade for poultry or in taco cooking. Sauce can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two weeks.


  • 1 teaspoon chili powder;
  • 6 cloves of garlic;
  • 100 ml of apple cider vinegar;
  • 100 g of sugar;
  • Teaspoon salt.


Pour the vinegar into the saucepan and bring it to a boil. Add sugar, salt and simmer for 5 minutes.

Remove pan from heat, add chopped garlic and chili powder. Cool the sauce to room temperature.

This option goes well with grilled chicken, rice and many Thai dishes. In the refrigerator it can be stored no more than a week.


  • 5 tablespoons of soy sauce;
  • 1 tablespoon rice wine;
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic;
  • 10 g of ginger root;
  • 1 tablespoon of rice vinegar;
  • 20 g cilantro;
  • 1 tablespoon of tomato paste.


Chop garlic and cilantro, grate ginger. Combine these ingredients and add soy sauce, wine and vinegar to them. Mix thoroughly. At the end add the tomato paste and mix again.

This sauce is perfect for fish: it can be served to the finished dish, and added during cooking.

It is better to eat the sauce immediately or pour into a clean sealed container and store in the refrigerator for about a week.


  • 2 tablespoons of rapeseed oil;
  • 1 medium red onion;
  • Cup coarsely chopped fresh ginger;
  • Cup light brown sugar;
  • 1 ¹⁄₄ cup ketchup;
  • ¹⁄₄ glasses of chili bean sauce (toban djan);
  • 1 cup of water.


Heat the oil in a saucepan. Add finely chopped onion and cook on medium heat until it is browned (about 4 minutes). Add ginger, reduce heat and cook for 3 minutes until softened.

Put sugar, ketchup and bean sauce in the pan. Simmer on low heat for about 5 minutes until thick.

Transfer the mixture to a blender, add half a glass of water and mix until smooth. Then add the remaining water and mix again.

Put the sauce back into the pan and simmer for 3 more minutes. After pouring it into a clean bowl and refrigerate for cooling.

This amount of sauce is enough for about 2 kg of ready. Keep it more than a day is not recommended.


For dry adzhika:

  • 300 g of bitter red pepper;
  • 2 tablespoons of coriander;
  • 1 tablespoon hops-suneli;
  • 1 tablespoon of dill seeds;
  • sea ​​salt.

For the sauce:

  • 4 kg of tomato puree;
  • 2 kg of sweet pepper;
  • 2 hot peppers;
  • 2 bunches of cilantro;
  • 1 bunch of marjoram;
  • 1 bunch of basil;
  • 1 bunch of parsley;
  • 6–8 heads of garlic;
  • 6–10 teaspoons of adjika;
  • 200 ml of vinegar;
  • ¹⁄₄ teaspoon black pepper;
  • 4 tablespoons hops-suneli;
  • salt - to taste.


First you need to prepare dry adjika. Peel in advance (preferably in 1–2 weeks) dried red pepper from stalks and seeds and grind in a meat grinder or food processor.

Sift coriander so that no husks or other debris remain. Crush it in a mortar into powder.

Pound the fennel seeds until the oil separates and grind in the mortar too. Mix the ground pepper with coriander and dill seeds. Add hops-suneli and salt. On average, for every 200-400 g of adjika takes about 1 teaspoon of salt. Pour the finished dry adjika into an airtight container.

Now you can proceed to the preparation of sabel sauce. Wash and clean all vegetables and herbs. Grind in a meat grinder or combine pepper and garlic.

Grind the tomatoes, drain the juice and boil the flesh to density. Measure out the required amount of tomato puree (4 kg) and, while cooking continue, add pepper and garlic to it. Stir.

Add to the mix all the spices, adjika, salt and part of the vinegar. When all the ingredients of the sauce are combined in one bouquet, remove it from the stove and pour it into sterile one-liter jars. Add vinegar to each spoonful and spin for long term storage.

Do you have a favorite hot sauce? Share the recipe in the comments!