How to cook baby food. How to cook baby puree at home

26.04.2019 Bakery products

It often happens that a person, having experienced an incomprehensible pain in any part of his body, does not pay attention to it and forgets about it. But pain signals the negative processes occurring in the body. And even mild pain can be a symptom of a serious illness.

Pain in the right side can be of a different nature.

Pain syndrome is produced by the body as a protective reaction in response to the stimulation of the corresponding receptors (nerve endings), the network of which covers the entire human body.

It is non-specific in nature, that is, it can serve as a signal for the development of a large number of diseases of various kinds, and not of any particular one. differ in many ways.

The strength of the manifestation of pain can be mild, moderate, severely expressed. According to the duration of the manifestation, paroxysmal (cramping) and constantly disturbing pains are distinguished. By the nature of the pain are:

  1. Sharp - manifested by sudden attacks of varying degrees of strength, usually in a limited area. This symptom may accompany the violation of the activity of the urogenital system, the infringement of nerve fibers. Unpleasant sensations are amplified when making movements - bending, turning the body, when straining.
  2. Stitching - usually have a fairly pronounced and limited focus of occurrence. Such sensations arise from disorders of the urinary system, inflammation of the gallbladder, kidney diseases, and intensified as a result of body movements, physical exertion, sharp breaths, cough.
  3. Dull aching ones are weakly expressed and cover a rather large focus, which makes it difficult to identify the affected organ. The sensation is created by irritating a large number of pain receptors surrounding the abdominal organs. The discomfort of this kind occurs when the liver, the development of tumor processes in the abdominal cavity.
  4. Pulling - moderately expressed, formed by irritation of small receptors, located in a large number on the inner surface of the abdominal wall. These feelings arise as a result of increased physical exertion and, as a result, sprains, may indicate pathological changes in the pelvic organs (adhesions, inflammation of the uterus, ovaries) and abdominal cavity (diseases of the liver, adrenal glands, kidneys).

Pain syndrome is usually manifested in conjunction with other discomfort, especially when it is pronounced. General symptoms depend on the type of disease and the degree of its development. In various pathological processes, the following sensations may appear:

  1. dizziness;
  2. weakness, fatigue;
  3. increased body temperature;
  4. clouding of consciousness;
  5. burning sensation in the mucous membranes.

Pain in the right side may indicate a violation of the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, urinary system, hip joints, circulatory and lymphatic vascular system.

Causes of pain

Pain in the right side can be caused by various diseases.

Pain in the right side is most characteristic for - inflammation of the appendix. In addition, the pain syndrome accompanies other bowel pathologies:

  • Closure (). The blood flow to the intestinal wall stops, peristalsis is disturbed, the lumen of the small intestine loops increases.
  • Pancreatitis - inflammation of the pancreas.
  • Adhesions in serous tissues of the digestive tract.
  • Hepatitis liver - are characterized by pain in the later stages.
  •   - inflammatory process in duodenal tissue.
  •   - the formation of protrusions in the walls of the intestine, in which fluid accumulates.
  • Inflammation of the rectum.

Diseases of the genitourinary system, in both men and women, are also accompanied by pain in the right side. Diseases of the female reproductive system characterized by this symptom include:

  • menstrual disorders;
  • pain during pregnancy, from spontaneous abortion, ectopic pregnancy, premature birth;
  • gynecological inflammations (adnexitis, endometritis, endometriosis, ovarian cysts).

Diseases of the genital organs of the male body, the pain in the development process of which can be delivered to the right side - prostatitis, vesiculitis, orchitis, cavernitis, balanitis, fasting. Pain syndrome accompanies inflammation of the urinary system - urethritis (inflammation of the urinary canal), inflammation of the ureter, acute expansion of the bladder.

Inflammation of the hip joint of the right leg, as well as lumbar osteochondrosis will give pain in the right side. Among the joint diseases of this area are common:

  1.   resulting from infections, rheumatitis, gout, or tissue suppuration.
  2. Aseptic necrosis - the death of bone and cartilage tissues.
  3. Coxarthrosis - destruction of the joint, in the later stages of treatment involves only the replacement of the implant.
  4. Perthes disease - necrosis of the head tissue of the joint due to circulatory disorders around it.

Pain is accompanied by diseases of the circulatory system:

  1. varicose veins in the pelvic area;
  2. vasculitis - inflammation of the hip artery;
  3. thrombosis - blockage of blood vessels with blood clots due to the growth of cholesterol plaques;
  4. aneurysm - the formation of sacciform protrusions on the stratified artery walls.

Inflammation of the vessels and nodes of the lymphatic system (lymphadenitis) in the pelvic area also gives pain in the right side.

What to do with pain in the right side

For severe pain in the right side, you need to contact a specialist.

If an unpleasant painful sensation appeared in the right side of the body, it is necessary to act depending on the circumstances.

In case of sharp strong attacks it is necessary to call emergency medical care, to provide the patient with a state of rest and access to air, loosening the tightening elements of clothing.

Painkillers are given only in extreme cases. On this occasion, you can consult with the ambulance dispatchers who took the call. The fact is that anesthesia with drugs can complicate and delay the process of diagnosing the disease.

Upon arrival, the ambulance doctor must accurately describe his feelings. Pain in the right side is often accompanied by other symptoms, the combination of which is sometimes just enough to make an initial approximate diagnosis.

You must also inform the specialist about the presence of existing chronic diseases or previously occurring pathologies with similar symptoms. If there is a suspicion of some kind of disease, you should also tell a specialist about them.

If the patient's condition is stable, but there are difficulties with contacting a medical institution, it is recommended to call the local doctor, who can also make the initial diagnosis and prescribe treatment, or refer him to the appropriate specialist for further examination and diagnosis.

It must be remembered that even a brief single attack of pain can be a signal of a serious pathology, so a trip to the clinic cannot be postponed for a long time. After a short-term pain attack, the patient can independently contact a medical medical institution from the local doctor or therapist to identify the causes of the attack.

Pain in the right side ...If you, when you come to the doctor’s office, present your complaints in this very formulation, you will not be able to diagnose it immediately.  It will be necessary to clarify, first of all, about the level of its location: after all, in the right half of the body there is a sufficiently large number of organs, the pathologies of which can manifest pain. The lung, kidney, liver, gallbladder and appendix are the ones most often “guilty” in the onset of this symptom.

If you are worried about pain in the right side, this is a reason to be wary, as she may indicate the presence of a serious illness. But, for starters, you need to figure out what could be its causes? After all, your tactics will depend on the alleged disease: taking a pill, going to the doctor or urgently calling an ambulance.


Most often, pleurisy is a complication of pneumonia, therefore, in order to assume it as a cause, you must have pneumonia. You can think about it if you have a cough, fever and other "attributes" of respiratory infections, and side pains are stinging, aggravated by taking a deep breath, coughing or laughing, and are reduced in position on the patient's side.

Seem to be? Then contact the clinic or call a doctor at home. You will listen to the lungs, if necessary, prescribe tests and X-rays, and if the diagnosis is confirmed, antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs will be prescribed.


Pyelonephritis is an inflammatory disease of the renal pelvic system. The pain in right-sided pyelonephritis is usually aching, persistent, and aggravated by fluttering the lumbar region. As a rule, it is accompanied by fever and frequent urination.

This disease should also be treated with antimicrobial drugs and under the supervision of a specialist, so you - in the clinic.

Pain in the right lumbar region may also indicate a cyst or kidney tumor. To exclude them, an ultrasound examination of the retroperitoneal space should be performed.

Some people have stitching pains in their right side during a quick walk or run, which pass after a short rest. Perhaps you yourself have repeatedly experienced this.

If these symptoms bother you occasionally, there’s nothing to worry about: most likely, discomfort arises because of the tension of the ligaments of the liver during concussions of the body. In the same case, when under load they are repeated every time, it will not hurt to be examined for gallbladder diseases - perhaps this is a sign of gallstone disease.

Biliary dyskinesia

As a rule, for the first time it manifests itself in adolescence. Patients may be bothered by heaviness and pain in the right hypochondrium, which usually occurs after eating, as well as nausea, and even vomiting. A patient with dyskinesia disrupts the process of diverting bile into the intestine. In this case, the disease can occur in two forms:

  • Hypomotor dyskinesia: bile stagnates and is poorly removed from the bladder, the patient is most concerned about the severity and arching pain;
  • Hypermotor: the walls of the biliary tract are in a state of spasm, so the discomfort is acute, sometimes - cramping in nature.

Treatment of dyskinesia depends on its form. In the first case, the doctor will recommend you drugs that enhance the motility of the biliary tract (stigma of corn, hofitol, allohol), in the second - the means of the opposite action: antispasmodics (and others).

Remember:  this disease can be very similar to cholecystitis, therefore, before you take your own medicines, consult your doctor for an accurate diagnosis!


As a rule, it proceeds in a chronic form, in which exacerbations are replaced by remissions. Therefore, usually patients have an idea about the causes of their symptoms. However, when the disease is just beginning, you must be able to recognize it.

  - This is an inflammation of the gallbladder, while it can be on the background of gallstone disease or without it. During exacerbations (they are usually provoked by the use of spicy, greasy, salty foods) in the right side, right under the ribs, there is a strong cramping pain, which can give to the shoulder or arm from the same side. Often with this is nausea, vomiting, belching and fever.

Acute forms of the disease are not allowed to be treated independently, therefore, if you or your relatives have relevant suspicions, call an ambulance. In case of delay, the inflammation may turn into a purulent process, which can no longer be blocked with medications. As a result, a person will need an urgent operation. In addition, the disease may be complicated by cholangitis and other dangerous conditions, including inflammation of the peritoneum - peritonitis.

Biliary colic

So called a sudden attack of the sharpest pains in the right hypochondrium, which arises from the fact that the exit from the gall bladder is blocked by a stone, and bile accumulates inside it. A person who has experienced colic at least once will never want to go through their repetition. Colic is so painful that sometimes it can even cause loss of consciousness.

This condition is urgent and requires immediate assistance. It is necessary to urgently dial the emergency number, and to offer the patient an antispasmodic pill before the arrival of the ambulance and put the heating pad on its side, this will reduce the pain.


With appendicitis, pain in the right side has the lowest possible location. The place of the greatest pain is in the iliac region: below the navel, at the level of the protruding pelvic bone. At the same time, it can begin at all here. Some patients initially feel discomfort in the upper abdomen, taking their first symptoms for gastritis.

The pain in appendicitis is quite strong and constant, may be accompanied by single vomiting or loose stools. When you receive painkillers, it decreases slightly, but then increases again.

Like cholecystitis, this disease is an inflammatory process in the abdominal cavity. True, if you have appendicitis, treatment for it can be only one thing: surgery. Suppress inflammation with medication does not work: the microflora inside the appendix is \u200b\u200bmore aggressive than in the gallbladder. Therefore, if the patient is supposed to have him, it is not worth wasting time on the useless use of analgesics and waiting for complications. It remains for you to call an ambulance and wait with all humility for the upcoming operation. Do not be afraid: it is quite simple and, no doubt, will go well.

Perhaps this list of the most common causes of pain in the right side can be completed. However, it is far from complete. There are many other diseases that can also provoke similar symptoms: hepatitis, torsion of the sigmoid colon, sigmo-spasm, ureter structure ... Therefore, if the pain in the right side appeared for no apparent reason and causes you serious inconvenience, do not tolerate it and do not guess about the diagnosis. Contact a specialist: he will cope with this task much faster.

One of the most frequent and important diagnostic complaints in case of diseases of the digestive system is pain in the right side. Its correct interpretation is sometimes very difficult, and sometimes mistakes in their assessment can lead to very serious consequences.

This is due to the fact that pain in the side is found not only in various diseases of the digestive system, but also in diseases of other organs of the abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal space (spleen, kidney, ureter, bladder, appendages of the uterus, etc.), diseases of the respiratory organs and blood circulation (acute pneumonia, pleurisy, myocardial infarction), abdominal wall diseases (for example, hernia), diseases of the peripheral nervous system (spinal osteochondrosis, neurosyphilis), blood diseases (porphyria, hemorrhagic greenshank), collagenosis (periarteritis nodosa) endocrine disorders (diabetes), poisoning by heavy metals, etc. From this it becomes clear that only a thorough analysis of the pain syndrome with the identification of one or other of its features will allow us to avoid an erroneous diagnostic conclusion.

Causes of pain in the right side

Pain in the right side is most often associated with pathology of the biliary tract (stones, dyskinesia, inflammation - cholangitis, cholangioholecystitis, cholecystitis) or liver (hepatitis, cirrhosis, liver abscesses or subdiaphragmatic abscesses, metastatic lesions of the liver, congestive hepatomegaly), less often - fatty abscesses, metastatic lesions of the liver, congestive hepatomegaly, less often - fat, abscesses, metastatic lesions of the liver, congestive hepatomegaly, less often - fat, abscesses, metastatic lesions of the liver, congestive hepatomegaly, less often - fat, abscesses, metastatic lesions of the liver, congestive hepatomegaly, less often - fat, abscesses, metastatic lesions of the liver, congestive hepatomegaly, less often - fat, right kidney, appendix, pancreas.

This is a pathology in which the fertilized egg is not in the uterus, as in normal pregnancy, but outside of it. For example, in the fallopian tube, as happens in almost 100% of cases in uterine pregnancy. When the fertilized egg grows, the tube becomes too small for it, and the walls of the tube break.

How to recognize ectopic pregnancy?

This is manifested first by dull and aching pains in the right side (during the period when the embryo grows), and then, if the ectopic pregnancy is not diagnosed in time, the pain becomes sharp, very strong, until the cry.

They can be given to the rectum. This means that the right fallopian tube ruptured and then the woman's life is counted in minutes and hours. Need urgent medical care and surgery. By analogy, when ectopic pregnancy appears pain in the left side.

More signs of ectopic pregnancy

Additional symptoms by which ectopic pregnancy can be determined are menstrual delay. After pregnancy is diagnosed - bleeding, scanty, and sometimes moderate concentrations, nausea, weakness. Pain, be careful, can be very sharp, sudden.

If you do not help a woman in time, she can die from the "acute abdomen" and severe blood loss, as doctors describe this condition.

Inflammation of the right uterine tube

This is also a condition in which the pain is given to the right side from above or below. The pain in this condition is long, pulling, does not pass for a long time. This is evidence of inflammation of the right fallopian tube, with it being diagnosed with adnexitis.

If the pain is sudden, dagger, then it is acute adnexitis, that is, inflammation and alteration of the fallopian tube tissues are already chronic, the process lasts a long time. This condition is longer and more difficult to treat. The pain can be given in the groin, in the thigh (inner side), in the lower abdomen, in the back down, in the perineum.

Additional symptoms by which adnexitis can be distinguished are purulent discharge from the vagina or discharge in the form of mucus, and the temperature can still rise to 38-39 degrees. With suppurations, pain in the right side can be jerking, not long passing, it is especially aggravated at night. A weakness rolls on a woman, maybe vomiting, nausea, headache, irritability.

Pain associated with ovarian disease

Pain in the right side, which is associated with diseases of the ovaries, occurs almost instantly. The right side hurts, the pain is localized below. This is the area of \u200b\u200bthe uterus. There the leg of the ovary may be twisted or the ovarian cyst may burst. Also the cause of sudden sudden pain can be a cyst or torsion of the fallopian tube.

All these phenomena are very painful and, if the woman does not provide medical assistance in time, she may die. Be sure to need the intervention of a surgeon.

Where does the pain come from?

The cause of a sudden sudden pain in the right side below, pain extending into the groin and anus, may be an ovarian rupture. This condition may occur during menstruation, about mid-cycle. A woman can die from blood loss if she doesn’t call an ambulance in time and put the victim on the operating table.

In addition to severe pain in the right side, the woman has a high temperature, there may be discharge from the vagina. It is necessary to act in such cases immediately: put cold on the stomach and call a doctor. In no case can not apply hot compresses or heating pad - it will aggravate and increase internal bleeding.

Acute abdomen, or what to do with appendicitis?

Symptoms in which a woman has a lower abdominal pain, so that she can barely tolerate, also indicate appendicitis in acute form. This condition is called an acute abdomen, that is, an emergency condition that requires immediate medical attention.

The pain may not be so sharp at first, but within a few hours or even minutes they can increase significantly. This means that the appendix is \u200b\u200binflamed and stretched, the muscle tissue of the ligaments is inflamed.

At first, a woman may not understand where exactly she has a pain - pain can change localization. Then the handwriting of the pain can become clearer. Finally, you can determine exactly what hurts in the right side from above. Time passes, and the pain can fall below, giving to the groin and the rectum.

Additional symptoms in acute appendicitis - not only the right side of the abdomen is tense, but the entire abdominal area, the temperature can rise to 39 degrees and higher, a person may begin vomiting and sweating. In this condition, you must immediately call a doctor.

Acute cholecystitis and cholelithiasis

Most often, pain in the right side with cholecystitis takes a man in his paws at night, even during sleep. Without getting into the intestine, bile occupies the biliary tract, and from this accumulates in them, stretching the shell of the biliary tract. Bile itself is such a substance that bakes when it hits a mucous membrane - it has a salt composition. From this the pain intensifies.

It can hurt not only under the right hypochondrium, but also under the scapula, and at the top of the abdomen, the pain may radiate to the shoulder, as well as the neck. It is very difficult to get rid of it, unless you give a person help immediately. In addition to pain, a person is worried about vomiting, severe nausea, weakness, anxiety.

When the pain in the right side subsides

As the stone passes its way through the bile duct and stops, the bile stabilizes its flow, its level returns to normal, there is no more accumulation of bile, so the pain also gradually subsides. She can stop tormenting a person and immediately, unexpectedly, as soon as the stone stops moving along the channel.

Under the ribs no longer hurts, only a feeling of heaviness remains, which also gradually disappears. But do not be deceived: the disease of the gall has not gone away, and the person still needs medical help.

Other symptoms

If in acute cholecystitis there is also an inflammatory process of the gallbladder and its ducts, then fever, high fever up to 39 degrees, and severe fatigue also join the pain under the right hypochondrium. This means that the toxins along with the bile hit the abdominal area and caused poisoning.

If the pain under the ribs is not sharp or acute, it may be due to the fact that the capsule of the liver was stretched, and the organ increased significantly in volume, and besides, it also became inflamed. With these symptoms, hepatitis is diagnosed.

Additional symptoms of hepatitis are that the skin and the whites of the eyes turn yellow (which is why people call this disease jaundice). This means that the liver cells are damaged, and bile has entered the blood and the products of its exchange. From this, the skin and mucous membranes of the eyes change their color.


This disease is accompanied by inflammation in the spinal ganglia, the nerves that are in the intercostal space, also inflamed. Herpes zoster due to the effect of the herpes virus on all internal organs and tissues.

Localization of lesions - the skin reacts to the herpes virus in those places where the nerve fibers are located, small air bubbles appear on them, and outwardly it appears as red pimples.

The symptoms of this disease, except for pain in the right hypochondrium, are rashes on the skin (small red acne), severe weakness, sweating, irritability and body temperature from about 37 to 38 degrees.

Renal colic

It worries patients after they overdo it with liquid - they drank a lot of water, or compotes, or soda, or juices, and the kidneys did not cope with the load. Renal colic can occur suddenly after working overloads, when the body has received greater physical exertion.

Localization of pain in the right side

Since most of the vital organs are located just inside the abdominal cavity, the pain can be given to the right, and to the left, and in the middle of the abdomen, and in the back, and in the side. Localization of pain depends in most cases on where the organ is located.

Pain in the side- one of the most acute, which can arise from all types of pain, except, perhaps, the pain inside the abdomen.

This is easily explained: there are nerve endings, blood vessels, organs of the urinary system, and genitals in the abdominal cavity. They are easily excitable and sharply react to stimuli, so the pain can increase depending on how acute the inflammatory process is.

Lower abdominal pain right

Finding out the exact localization of pain in many cases helps immediately suggest the involvement of a particular organ in the pathological process.

Almost always the localization of pain coincides with the location of the problem structure, hence pain in the right side is most often associated with the pathology of the organs surrounding in a given area. But sometimes the pain can “deceive” and arise far from the place of the “tragedy”, and then the pain gives way to the most unexpected points of the body. Pain in the right side at the top can cause acute appendicitis, although the appendix is \u200b\u200bfar away from this area - right lower abdomen. By the nature of the pain in the right side can be strong, sharp, sudden, pulling, dull, long, can increase with time or calm down. Cramping pain is often associated with a sharp contraction of the muscles of hollow organs, persistent pain with stretching of the outer lining of parenchymal organs, and increasing pain is most typical of inflammatory processes. Acute dagger pain occurs, in most cases, with the rupture of some kind of education, organ perforation, intraperitoneal bleeding, or the blockage of blood vessels.

Most often, these pains provoke the organs of the female reproductive system (ovaries, uterus, appendages) or appendicitis.

Pain in the side, in the right hypochondrium

Pain of this nature - the consequences of diseases of internal organs: duodenum, gallbladder and bile ducts, liver, large intestine (right side). That is, the internal organs that are located on the right (or their area, which is located on the right side).

What leads to pains under the right edge, which people still call pains in the right side? Doctors determine biliary dyskinesia as one of the most common causes of these pains. Gallstones may contain stones - hard formations that scratch the walls of the gallbladder and can cause severe pain. Especially if these stones do not stand still, but move.

The reason for the sharp pain under the right edge can be calculous cholecystitis. In the acute course of the disease, the pain can be very strong, it is difficult for a person to endure it. In this case, the movements are constrained, changing poses does not help, and the pain is very sharp. Doctors call this condition hepatic colic. Hepatic - because several vital organs associated with the work of the liver are involved in the process.

Back pains on the right

To the right of the abdomen can hurt, if the vital organs that are there are inflamed. These can be the kidneys and the right side of the bladder. Back pains on the right can be manifested by diseases such as:

  • pyelonephritis;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • renal thrombosis;
  • kidney tuberculosis;

In these diseases, very sharp back pain may occur from the right side, and these pains are manifested in the form of contractions, twitching. The causes of such pain are stones in the ureter, because of which it is blocked, and its walls stretch and tighten, and then become inflamed and sore.

As for kidney diseases, they can be affected by toxins, decay products, dead tissues resulting from tuberculosis, and ordinary blood clots (dried blood) can get into the kidneys and ureter.

With severe back pain in the side, doctors can diagnose the condition of renal colic, and they will be right - all of the above reasons can cause stabbing and cutting pain in the kidneys.

The nature of the pain in the right side

Pain in the right side may be different in nature. And strong, and sharp, and sharp, and aching, and pulling. By the nature of the attack - pain in the right side are sudden, and there are, on the contrary, gradual and intensifying.

Pain in the right side can be in the form of contractions. They arise from the fact that the hollow organs can be sharply and sharply reduced. Pain can be increasing, not very sharp, aching.

They can be caused not by sharp contractions of muscular tissue, as in the first case, but by inflammatory processes, very often acute and even chronic. There is another character of pain, the most unpleasant, very sharp, very strong, in which a person may faint or scream.

If you have pain in the right side, this is not a temporary phenomenon. This means that the organs that are inside are not all right. It is necessary to urgently take measures to treat diseases of these organs.

It is important to know!

Pain in the right hypochondrium is a typical symptom of a malfunction of such organs as the liver, gallbladder, intestines, and diaphragm. With appropriate pathologies of these organs, pain, burning and heaviness occur in the right side of the abdominal cavity just below the ribs to the right.

A sharp pain in the right side indicates that there are some problems in the body. Depending on the affected organ, the patient may notice discomfort in the hypochondrium, from the back or a sharp pain in the right side in the lower abdomen. But in any case, the nature of pain and their localization gives a lot of information about the disease that caused them.

A sharp pain in the right side can be a sign of a dangerous disease that requires a line patient to be hospitalized.

If there is pain in the right side, the first thing to do is to identify the reasons that provoked its occurrence, since further treatment tactics depend on it.

Discomfort can be caused by diseases of the organs located not only in this area, but also outside the abdominal cavity, so you should not try to make a diagnosis yourself and even more so to take any drugs without a doctor's prescription.

Important! For acute pain in the right side, you need to either call an ambulance or go to the hospital yourself. The doctor should tell not only about the nature of the pains (spastic, pulling, bursting), the time of their appearance, but also what could have provoked the attack. This may be, for example, excessive exercise, injury to this area, alcohol abuse, the use of unusual foods and dishes. All this allows the specialist to make a preliminary diagnosis and prescribe an additional examination.

Pathologies that can cause pain in the right side

The causes of pain in the right side can be different, but they are usually observed in the pathologies of the liver, biliary tract and gall bladder. Less commonly, they occur in patients suffering from duodenal diseases and organs of the urinary and reproductive system.

Important! Severe cutting pain in the right side can be observed in conditions requiring emergency surgery, namely in acute appendicitis or rupture of the oviduct during ectopic pregnancy.

Pain in the right hypochondrium

The appearance of pain in the right hypochondrium most often indicate pathologies of the liver, duodenum, organs of the biliary system.

Severe pain can be observed in acute and chronic cholecystitis, cholelithiasis and its complications, such as:

  • biliary colic;
  • acute inflammation of the pancreas;
  • swelling of the major duodenal papilla;
  When any of this pathology can be observed pain in the right hypochondrium.

In addition, the symptom in the development of acute cholecystitis is observed:

  • heat;
  • nausea and vomiting, after which the patient's well-being does not improve.

In chronic cholecystitis in remission, no symptoms are observed. When the disease passes into the acute phase, there are pains that are localized in the right hypochondrium, first they are observed from time to time, then constantly and may increase with coughing, deep breathing.

With pain in the right side are rarely observed and the person may even be unaware of the development of pathology and more often it is detected by chance on ultrasound.

But if the stone blocks the exit from the gallbladder, then there are attacks of cutting and dagger pains in the right hypochondrium. Often they radiate to the lumbar region, under the right shoulder blade, to the upper limb, to the heart. The pains are very strong, with their appearance a person does not find a place for himself, as they do not subside for a minute, except for them there is nausea with vomiting.

If the stone blocks the bile duct, there will be severe pain in the right side.

The neoplasm of the major duodenal papilla also appears, it is in this area that the bile ducts exit into the lumen of the duodenum. The tumor itself does not cause pain, but when it appears, angiocholitis develops. It is during inflammation of the biliary tract that pain occurs in the right hypochondrium, except for them the patient's temperature rises, signs of jaundice appear.

If the patient has dysfunction of the biliary tract, the nature of the pain may be different:

  • in the case of a hyperkinetic type of dysfunction, pain in the region of the liver has a sharp, acute, paroxysmal character;
  • in the hypokinetic type, it is dull and aching, it is observed constantly, in some patients it may be completely absent.

Also, dyskinesia can occur as biliary colic, pain in this case is strong, appear unexpectedly, accompanied by a heart rhythm disturbance, a sense of fear.

Important! With the development of acute pancreatitis usually. As a rule, it appears as a result of the abuse of hard liquor, fatty, spicy and fried foods. If the disease is not treated, it can quickly end with the death of the patient.

Right abdominal pain

Acute appendicitis

Sudden burning pain in the right side is most often observed at. It is growing rapidly, and most patients develop other signs of pathology:

  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • fever;
  • stomach upset.

If these signs appear, you should immediately call an ambulance, as an emergency operation is usually required.

Ectopic pregnancy

  In women of reproductive age, the appearance of a sharp pain in the lower abdomen on the right may indicate an interruption of ectopic pregnancy, in which the embryo develops not in the uterus, but in the right oviduct. When a pipe breaks, the nature of pain is similar to pain in acute appendicitis.

When an abnormal pregnancy is interrupted by the type of tube abortion, in which the fetus is thrown into the abdominal cavity, the pain in most cases is cramping.

Important! Unlike other pathologies of pain when an ectopic pregnancy is interrupted, it is given to the perineum and anus. Such an anomaly can cause the death of the patient and requires urgent surgical intervention.

Torsion of the ovarian tumor

The cause of the right-sided pain in the iliac region in women of different age groups may be torsion of the legs of the ovarian cyst.

In this case, the pain appears unexpectedly and can be of such strength that the patient may faint. They are amplified by any even minor movements. In addition, the following symptoms may occur:

  • diarrhea;
  • violation of urination;
  • discharge of blood from the vagina;
  • low temperature

With such a pathology, urgent hospitalization and surgery are indicated.

To provoke a sharp pain in the right side can twist the legs of the ovarian cyst located on the right.

Ovarian rupture

Also another cause of pain in the lower abdomen may be apoplexy or ovarian rupture. According to statistics, this pathology usually develops on the right side and resembles the clinical picture of tubal abortion.

When the ovary is ruptured, bleeding occurs. It can be very strong and cause anemia. The method of therapy is determined by the intensity of the bleeding. If it is insignificant, then it can be managed only by taking medication, and when it is abundant an operation can be prescribed.

Renal colic

If the patient has urolithiasis, then he may develop renal colic. A stone that has fallen into the lumen of the right ureter, provokes the appearance of sharp pains on the right, radiating down the abdomen. In most cases, their character is the same as in acute appendicitis. That is why even an experienced doctor may have difficulties in the differential diagnosis of both pathologies. But there are a number of symptoms allowing to set a preliminary diagnosis.

If the patient has renal colic, the pain radiates to the groin and lower back. The patient becomes restless, he is unable to find such a position in which the pain was not so strong. Also, most patients have impaired urination and hematuria.

If a person suspects renal colic, he should immediately seek medical help, because if the diagnosis is confirmed, urgent hospitalization is required.

According to the results of the examination, the doctor selects a treatment regimen, usually it is possible to do without surgery.


The causative agent of shingles is the herpes virus. Symptoms of pathology resemble acute pancreatitis. At the beginning of the infection there are sharp constant pains on the right. There may be nausea and even open vomiting, which is characteristic of inflammation of the pancreas. The appearance of these signs can be confusing even to competent specialists and as a result, they first begin to treat the patient as in acute pancreatitis. But after a few days, a specific rash appears on the stomach, and making the correct diagnosis is easy.