Like cooking goat cheese. Homemade goat cheese - recipe

10.04.2019 The drinks

Modern realities increasingly make us think about what we eat. Therefore, already forgotten recipes for home-made products are recalled and improved. So we invite you to recall such a wonderful homemade product, like goat cheese - this is the name that cheese received because it is produced not from cow's milk, but from goat's milk. Our chef reveals several recipes for its preparation.

Homemade Goat Cheese

Before cooking goat cheese, we recall its benefits. Many people know that goat's milk, unlike cow's milk, is well absorbed and does not cause allergic reactions. And homemade goat's cheese is saturated with valuable microelements (potassium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, selenium) and vitamins (B2, B3, B6, B12, D) in a form that is easily assimilable for our body. It has little cholesterol and calories, so you can choose it for cheese lovers who want to get rid of extra pounds. The antioxidants and beneficial bacteria contained in it help the body to keep fit and fight against various infections and carcinogens.
  This super-useful product has a pure white color and a light little wintry taste, blends harmoniously with white wines, and can also be a great snack for beer.

Goat Cheese Recipes

There are many recipes for making goat cheese. We have selected some of the most delicious ones for you.

Soft Goat Cheese

Ingredients Required:

  • goat milk - 2 l
  • salt - 2 tbsp. l (no slide)
  • eggs - 6 pcs
  • sour cream - 400 g

Cooking method:


Ingredients Required:

  • goat cheese - 500 g
  • salt - pinch
  • butter - 1-2 tbsp. l
  • soda - 12 g

Cooking method:

The finished product until the moment of hardening can be given a certain shade of taste with the help of your favorite seasoning or greens.


Ingredients Required:

  • goat's milk - 3 l
  • cottage cheese (store or home) - 1 kg
  • eggs - 1 pc
  • soda - 12 g
  • salt - pinch
  • vegetable oil - 100 ml

Cooking method:

Practically the finished product is laid out in a plastic bottle with a cut off top. Filling the bottle, try to pack the cheese mass tightly. Capacity filled with cheese, put in the fridge until cool. It is better to store the product in the same bottle in the freezer - its taste will not be affected.

To make the product uniform and tender, rennet is added to it. It is an organic substance that is produced by the kid's stomach. At home, instead of using any bacterial starter or lemon juice.


  1. Add salt to the milk and pasteurize it. Bring it to the formation of bubbles on the surface. Milk temperature during pasteurization is not higher than 90 ˚С.
  2. Add lemon juice to the liquid and mix. After 2 minutes serum will begin to separate.
  3. Put gauze in a colander and pour curd into it. Suspend the contents over a clean container. Serum will flow into it.
  4. After 30 minutes squeeze the gauze and give the curd the correct shape.

One hour after cooking, you can try the cheese. From two liters of goat's milk, up to 300 g of cheese is produced. Instead of lemon juice, cottage cheese is used to start the spreading process. To make the product porous, add 1/3 tsp. soda

The recipe for preparing the most delicate goat cheese at home


  • 2 liters of goat milk;
  • 2 tbsp. l sour cream with fat content not less than 20%;
  • 2 kg of goat curd;
  • 1 tsp salt.

Sometimes vinegar is poured into the curd mass.


  1. Heat milk to 50 ˚С. Add some of it to the curd and rub it with a fork so that there are no lumps.
  2. Add the curd mass to the warm milk.
  3. Add salt and put on fire.
  4. Bring milk to a boil, add sour cream. Stir constantly.
  5. A large white clot should form. If this does not happen, add vinegar.
  6. Throw the hot mass into a colander, covered with gauze.
  7. Leave to drain the serum for a day. Instead of gauze, you can use any synthetic fabric, cotton is not suitable. In it, the mass will stick and the cheese will not work.
  8. When the cheese stops dripping liquid, put it on a wide board or in the prepared form. Over put the oppression. Leave in this position for 5-6 hours, and then put the cheese in the refrigerator.

The product is soft, it melts in the mouth. You can try it on the next day.

At home, you can cook goat cheese for every taste. Various spices and greens are added to it.

On the shelves of shops and supermarkets you can find a variety of cheeses for every taste and budget. But in the naturalness of the product, you can be sure only by going through the entire cooking process on your own. No quality certificate tells about the real composition of the cheese mass, and what lies behind the beautiful cheese packaging.

In the store, goat cheese is not cheap. If you have the opportunity to buy fresh goat's milk, you can make cheese yourself. Preparation of the most tasty dietary product does not demand a lot of time.

Preparation: for making cheese, we need cottage cheese. 1 kg. cottage cheese is obtained from about 5-6 liters of goat milk (from cow's need more, because there is less protein content). Fresh goat's milk sours twice as long as cow's milk, so you need to help him. Lactic acid bacteria that are used in the production of cheese are not available to us, so we use what is at hand. But I beg you, not vinegar. You can put a crust of black bread in a jar of milk or add a spoonful of kefir. After a couple of days, the milk will turn sour and you can make cottage cheese from it.

And I didn’t regulate anything at all, three years ago I bought a separator (it seems motor sich) to separate goat's milk during the season. Approximately 10 liters of milk - 1 liter sour cream curd. Oil did not try to do.

Alekon Group has its own dairy goat herd and is the owner of an Israeli premium dairy cheese factory (elite gourmet cheeses). Alecon’s work is based on a close relationship. between   goat breeding and dairy production.

I tried to make cheese in the first recipe. Did not work! I can not understand why! Milk after I added vinegar turned into crumbly cottage cheese .... I waited for more ... it also remained ... I poured it further down the recipe, but in the pan it did not melt ... it just turned out to be solo cottage cheese: (?

We take two identical plastic containers. As an example - 1 liter buckets from under sauerkraut or sour cream, mayonnaise. In one of the buckets we make several holes through which the whey remaining in the cheese will flow. Put the cheese in it, cover with the top of the cloth and put the oppression. We insert a leaky bucket into the whole.

Hello! I made condensed milk only from cow's milk, the soda must not milk and preferably from fresh milk. I made ice cream only from goat's milk, it was whipped better, and our people like to buy goat's milk, but they took the ice cream. from cow cottage cheese. Cheese and from cow and from goat is good. That's all the secrets. And I also make yogurt.

The recipe for making goat cheese step by step. Fresh material as of 10/28/2017

Add salt, eggs, soda (with hot curd reacts, as a result of which the cheese turns out to be nozdrevat)
mix well and lay out in a colander for further straining and pressing. This takes about a day.

Goat cheese concentrates all the nutritional value of milk. It should be used by children for better bone formation. It has almost no cholesterol, so the product is indispensable for cores. Some people think that goat cheese is very fat, but when it is cooked, almost all fats are split. So you can eat it without harm to the figure. Well, in the end, it's just delicious.

I take 3 liters of milk, add 1 tsp. lemon juice and put in a warm place until the milk is curled in curd mass, then lined with gauze in a colander and in the fridge for a day, then salt, form a ball and dry a little, pour olive oil and cold)) very tasty, we still I never waited until full maturity))))

This cheese can be made from cow's and sheep's milk, but this product can only be obtained from goat's milk. It has the best taste, in addition it is not allergenic, that is, goat cheese can be safely given to children who react badly to the protein from cow's milk.

Features of making goat cheese. All the latest information on 10/28/2017

In order to make goat milk cheese at home, it is enough to have one source product - milk and several additional ingredients, such as vinegar, salt, eggs, spices, etc. The full composition of the components will depend on what kind of cheese you get. wish to receive.

Regarding cheese, I would like to add that instead of pharmaceutical preparations, rennet can be used. This is relevant when the young are cut for meat.
  But I have been using another option for more than ten years - rabbit stomachs. When cutting rabbits stomachs are cut, cleaned, washed several times. After that, they are cool sprinkled with salt and put in a glass jar. There is still a layer of salt on top. The whole thing put in the fridge. Worth over the years.
  If necessary, in a 700-gram can pour serum, put two salty stomachs. Let it stand in a warm place for two or three days.
  Then this serum is poured into fresh milk, and then with a prescription. I will not repeat.
  I use this volume on 6-8 liters of milk. Both goat and cow. No difference.
As for cream, sour cream and butter - one way out - a separator. Both cow and goat are separated without reconfiguring the separator. The yield of cream is about the same. The only thing that noticed that with the same volume of cream goat oil yield is higher than that of cow oil.
  They always beat the oil in the can. Now they have bought an electric grinder, but there is still no necessary volume of milk to test it in action. I will try and cow, and goat. Then I will tell you what came of it.

There are a lot of varieties of homemade cheeses, however, I want a special attention   give to the product made from goat milk. Today we look at how to cook goat cheese at home.

Dear! Goat milk cheese is made very simple. At 5 l.m. milk we take 10 tab. Acetin pepsin (sold in a pharmacy). Raising and pouring warm water will stand for 20 minutes and pour into warm milk, mix, cover and be sure to prokisaniya should be warm, I put on a warm stove, or near heat. It costs about 40 minutes, as soon as it curls up like a lump, I immediately warm it up on the stove and stir it with my hand. Feel the cheese flakes, it is necessary to warm it so that it is hot in the hand, but you cannot boil it and you cannot overheat it. Immediately overturn through a colander, remember, salt, the cheese will stand and is ready. make it fast. Cheese will grow better Iisko.

Homemade goat cheese recipe. Detailed information.

If the result should be hard cheese, then after receiving the curd grain there must necessarily be another processing stage - melting. And only after that the product is sent for ripening. Such goat cheese can be stored in the refrigerator for about 3 months.

Many countries use goat cheese, and many nations around the world have their own recipes for making cheese. For example, among the peoples of the Caucasus, homemade goat cheese is considered a national product. If you eat a piece of cheese for breakfast and add nuts and fruits to it, then the human body will be provided with a complex of vitamins and minerals for the whole day. Many nations of the world are famous for their traditional cheeses, and their cooking recipes are kept in the strictest confidence. In Europe, Halloumi cheese or Levantine cheese is known, it comes from Cypriot cuisine.

Tamara, I myself did not cook cheeses for long-term storage, I usually put butter and cottage cheese in the freezer. Cheese, by the way, is also possible. But in the book I found recipes, how to store it in brine and how to pour paraffin. But generally they are laborious. If you want, I will reprint you, but I will repeat it again - I have not tried it myself.

Step 5. When the whey is completely drained, wrap gauze with the future cheese and put it under the press. It can be created by placing cheese between two plates or boards, on top of which is placed a load having no more than 1 kg of weight.

Goat cheese at home can be made completely different. Taking our recipes as a basis, add cumin, dill seeds, coriander, various fresh greens to the milk clot. And you can sprinkle the ready cheese with your favorite spices.

And what types of sourdough cheeses in general are known, are, and are used, can you, on your website, publish recipes of various kinds of them, prepare any different starters used in the world for making different kinds of them? -or cheeses ?! The problem is, as always with sourdough in people with its prey, and therefore they make Adygei cheese homemade, homemade than rennet cheese, etc., more often, it’s known that Adyghea cheese is possible not only with the help of whey poured into the heated milk, while making, and making it differently, without using this milk whey, by pouring it into the heated milk, for its place, sour cream, with chicken eggs beaten in it. But probably there are still many undiscovered, some sourdoughs that can be used to make cheeses with their help, one would have to think what kind of new kinds of cheese sourdoughs, which are still undiscovered by people, exist in nature !!! And suddenly, maybe with the help of pouring bread kvass, or even malt hop beer, in the pre-heated animal milk on the fire, this way, you can get some interesting sorts of cheeses !!! Wish you happiness!!!

As you can see, the recipes for goat cheese differ somewhat from each other in the original products, but the set of ingredients in each of them will not be final. You can add spices to your own taste, adjust the amount of salt or replace it with sugar at all - children like to eat such sweet goat cheese.

Production at home of such a product is troublesome and time consuming. Ideally, when making goat cheese, rennet is added - it is an expensive natural organic substance, produced by the stomach   milk goat.

Goat milk video cheese recipes. Urgent news.

Even an inexperienced hostess can please the household with goat cheese cooked at home. This requires goat milk, enzymes, salt, as well as the knowledge and features of simple technology of home cheese making.

Goat cheese

At home, it is best to make soft goat cheese, it is called milk or cheese. Hard cheeses require certain skills and special equipment. Soft goat cheese is stored in the refrigerator for about 10 days in whey obtained during the production process, or a cotton towel. Goat cheese is combined with vegetables and herbs. It is served to white and red wine with grapes, honey, various fruits and berries.

Ingredients for Goat Cheese

The main ingredient for goat cheese is fresh milk, from acidified, high-quality cheese will not work. It is better to buy milk in the market or in a farm where goats are raised. On average, from 8 liters of goat milk we get 1 kg of soft cheese.

The second ingredient to get goat milk is an enzyme that separates whey from curd.

  • rennet, derived from the gastric juice of ruminants, it can be bought on the market from the peasants or in farms
  • an alternative can be pepsin, which is sold to a pharmacy

For supporters of vegetarianism, for coagulation of milk use:

  • calcium chloride (buy at the pharmacy)
  • citric, acetic acid, lemon, kiwi
  • meito bacterial starter obtained from food fungus

Homemade goat cheese - recipe

  • 10 liters of milk is heated to 35 ° C, well, if there is a special thermometer to monitor the temperature

  • add rennet 3 ml per 10 li milk
  • it must be diluted in 50 ml of warm water and pour into the milk.

  • leave the milk for 30 minutes for fermentation,
  • the process is completed if the obtained jelly-like white clot easily lags behind the walls of the dish
  • with a knife we \u200b\u200bchop a clot with thin strips: in one direction, then across, at the end we cut it horizontally (the smaller we chop, the cheese will be denser)

  • put the milk on the fire, slightly heat, stir
  • whey exfoliates, cheese grains are formed, they need to be removed with a skimmer from the pan
  • prepare a sieve in advance, cover it with gauze rolled in two layers, you can use special forms
  • gently put the mass on the gauze or in the form, wait for the water to drain

  • on top of the protein mass is covered with gauze, if you want the serum to quickly glass, use a small load
  • after 2 hours, shake out the cheese from the mold, salt it well with iodized salt, put it on a towel, put it in the fridge

If you want to diversify the taste of goat cheese, spice up and originality of the healthy protein product, add (at the fermentation stage) greens, seeds of aromatic herbs, bitter or sweet Bulgarian pepper. Using our recipe, you will cook delicious goat cheese. The whole process of cheese making will take you no more than 3 hours.


What is goat cheese?

Goat cheese is a fermented milk product made from natural goat milk. Known for its hard, soft and curd varieties. Plus options with mold. The most common product in a soft creamy form. A distinctive feature of goat cheese is white (as there is no beta-carotene in it). Other shades indicate the use of dyes in production.

Properly made cheese tastes good with some spicy food.

Of particular importance in the composition of this cheese are substances such as riboflavin, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine, folic acid, cyanocobalamin - vitamins of group B. Here it is important to mention retinol and niacin, which are the basis of the formation of vitamins A and PP in the body.

The total caloric content of a product per 100 grams is about 290 units. It contains a minimum of carbohydrates, about 22 grams of protein and fat. In terms of its nutritional composition, goat cheese is a dietary product that is well suited for both adults and baby food. In addition, it is good to use in the period of increased physical activity.

The benefits of goat cheese:

All kinds of goat cheese are rich in nutrients. Especially it contains a lot of calcium, necessary for health, strength of bone tissue, teeth, hair, nails. In addition, sufficient intake of calcium in the body, significantly reduces the likelihood of developing cancer of the colon, mammary glands. Probiotics, also contained in goat cheese, also contribute to this. They reduce the risk of cancer, improve the condition of the gastrointestinal tract, contribute to the complete digestion of food and, of course, improve the immune system.

Regular consumption of 2-3 pieces of this product reduces the possibility of migraine, helps normalize blood pressure, and has a beneficial effect on the work of the entire nervous system.

Regular consumption activates metabolic processes, which prevents the body from accumulating fat. Therefore, despite its caloric content, you can safely include cheese in your menu, without fear of getting better. Of course, you should not eat it in kilograms. Only 50 - 100 g for the whole day is enough.

It should be noted that cheese contains a minimum of cholesterol, sodium. Therefore, it can be used in diabetes, heart disease. The product is almost completely absorbed, saturating the body with beneficial saturated fats.

According to experts, the regular use of a small amount of this product contributes to the improvement of the genitourinary system. There is also evidence that eating cheese reduces pain during menstruation.

This product is very important for people who, due to intolerance to cow's milk, cannot use cheeses made from it. Goat milk cheese contains lactoglobulins, is considered hypoallergenic, and therefore it can be included in your diet.

How to make goat cheese at home?


5 liters of goat milk

1½-2 tablets acidin-pepsin per 1 liter of milk (recipe "Cheese")

Salt - to taste (from 1 tsp to 1 tablespoon per 1 l of milk)

If you want to make cheese from pasteurized milk, boil it and cool to a temperature of 36–38 ° C. Heat fresh milk to this temperature. In the prepared milk pour the leaven of acidin-pepsin, diluted in a third cup of milk at room temperature. If you have an electric stove, do not forget to move the pan away from the burner so that the milk does not heat up and the enzymes do not boil. Cover the pot with a lid.

After 30 minutes - 1 hour there should be a tight clot, but sometimes you have to wait about 2 hours: the time depends on the amount of the starter. Determine the readiness of the clot using a knife blade: if the blade comes out clean after immersion into the pan, the clot is ready, that is, the pieces of the leaven are compressed and do not stick to the blade.

If you have a mass similar to sour milk, cover the pan again and leave for another 30 minutes. Such a mass could be due to an insufficient amount of acidid-pepsin. If, after an additional 30 minutes, the mass does not acquire the desired consistency, lightly heat the pan, stirring the mass thoroughly, and fold it into a fine sieve. After draining the whey, you will have a pleasant-looking young cheese, but, perhaps, somewhat dryish.

If the clot has matured in 30 minutes or 1 hour, then a little greenish liquid should separate from the sides of the clot. Cut the clot into squares far and wide and leave them in serum for 10 minutes. You can mix the cheese mass and later: the clot will no longer absorb moisture, but only give it away anywhere in the cut.

Transfer the mass to small sieves lined with cotton cloth, salt (do not salt in the pan!), Mix and tamp. Tie the ends of the fabric and place the mass under the weight. Periodically, cut the mass into cubes and mix to allow the serum to flow faster.

If, due to the strong pressure of the load, bulges will form in the center of the bunch from its sides, cut them out 2–3 times and put them in the cleared holes to level the surface. The next day you will have a young cheese like the Adyghe. Put it in a storage form, cover and place in the refrigerator.

How to cook soft goat cheese Gyskasli:

10–15 liters of goat milk

1-2 tablets of abomin (recipe "Homemade feta cheese")

Salt - to taste

Abomin tablets dissolve in half a glass of cold water and add to fresh milk. Let stand for 40 minutes until the milk is curled, then stir thoroughly, pour into a high mold with holes in the bottom and walls and let the serum drain by salting the mixture on top. After 2 days, remove the mass from the mold and, turning it over, salt it on the other side. Such cheese ripens within 3 weeks in the refrigerator.

How to cook goat cheese Krotten:

Crotin de Chavignol, soft goat cheese, is a small round roulette with a diameter of 4–5 cm, a height of 3–4 cm and a weight of 60–130 g. The crust can be covered with white or blue mold. Cheese has a pleasant taste with a slightly sour and slightly nutty flavor.

"Krotten" in French means "horse manure." This unappetizing name cheese justifies only externally, and then only after aging for 4 months, when it dries out to small gray heads.

Usually, cheese is made in March, when goats are brought to pastures. Young spring cheese is very gentle, has a light unobtrusive taste. In the fall, it produces a sharper cheese with a characteristic goat milk flavor.

Some lovers prefer to keep the cheese, made in spring, until autumn. The result is a sharp cheese, covered with a hard crust and hardened inside. In France, produced several versions of this cheese.

Krotten is served at the end of lunch with fruit and bread, as well as heated in a grill on lettuce leaves.


4 liters of goat milk, ¼ tsp. mesophilic starter, ⅛ tsp. liquid rennet, ⅛ tsp. calcium chloride, 1/32 tsp. Geotrichum candidum mold, 2 tsp. salt

Spread the drainage system out of the floor mats so that the liquid passes through them unhindered, set the molds for crotten on top (10 pcs.).

Heat the milk in a container to 22 ° C, stirring, then remove from the heat and a thin layer sprinkle powdered mesophilic leaven and mold on its surface, leave for 3 minutes. Slowly mix the milk mass, lifting the bottom layers up with a large spoon or a slotted spoon. Add calcium chloride to milk, dissolved in 50 ml of cooled boiled water. Similarly, dissolve rennet. Slow movements again mix. After 18–20 hours of exposure under the lid at room temperature, the milk should be separated into a clot and transparent serum. Drain excess fluid so that a portion of the serum remains on the bottom. Then remove small layers of cheese from the clot and lay them in forms. The process will take quite a long time, as the cheese layers will gradually sink to the bottom and condense. Lay the cheese layers at intervals of 20 minutes. Close the mold with a moisture-absorbing towel or napkins and leave it to form and ripen under its own weight for 2 days. At the end of the day you need to turn the form for equilateral self-pressing cheese.

Remove the cheese heads from the molds, sprinkle with salt (¼ tsp.) On both sides and leave for 24 hours on the drainage surface, covered with a towel. Put the cheese in a bulk container. It should be laid drainage mat, and under it 2-3 layers of paper napkins. Keep cheese in a cool room (8–10 ° C) for up to 2 weeks. Periodically control the release of moisture inside the container, removing wet wipes and wiping the lid dry. To create optimal moisture for the development of a white mold culture and the appearance of a wrinkled surface on the cheese, install the container lid not too tight. Store fresh cheese for 5 weeks in the refrigerator, where the temperature does not exceed 4-5 ° C. Cheese becomes the most fragrant and tender from the 14th to the 25th day of storage.

How to make cheese Saint-Mor:

This goat cheese is made from unpasteurized whole milk. The cheese has the shape of a cylinder 16–17 cm long and weighing about 250 g. There is a white tender pulp under the gray, moldy crust of the cheese.

It is made in the form of logs with a straw inside. The straw helps to keep the shape of the cheese and indicates manual production. Now produce two varieties: simply with white mold and in the old style - powdered with ashes. This soft Saint-Mor ripens 15 days.


4 liters of goat milk, ⅛ tsp. mesophilic starter, ⅛ tsp. calcium chloride, 1/32 tsp. powder mold Geotrichum candidum, 1/32 tsp. Penicillium candidum mold, ⅛ tsp liquid rennet, 2 tsp. salt.

Prepare the drainage system: put the grid on the legs in a deep container or put it on top of the bowl, put a drain mat on the grid, put cheese forms on the mat vertically. So that the forms do not fall, they can be joined with an elastic band or they can be put in each one for Camembert.

Pour the milk into the pan, stirring, bring to 22 ° C. Remove the pan from the heat, sprinkle mesophilic sourdough and both types of mildew on the surface. Let stand for 3 minutes so that the powders absorb moisture. Mix well the entire volume of milk with smooth movements from top to bottom with a slotted spoon. Dissolve calcium chloride in 30 ml of water and add to milk. Also dissolve the rennet in 30 ml of milk and add to milk. All well mix skimmer. Cover the pot with the lid and leave the milk to ripen at room temperature for 18 hours. A stable clot should form, and a serum layer on top. Remove excess serum with a cup or large spoon.

Skimmer collect a thin layer of clot and put in shape. So, layer by layer with an interval of 15 minutes, you need to lay out the whole clot in the form. Do not rush to fill the forms: in a few hours the clot in the forms will settle, and you will get too small cheeses, in half the form. Cover the forms with a napkin and leave to dry at room temperature for 24 hours. During this time, it is necessary to turn the forms with cheese 4 times, covering them with a grate with a drainage mat. In a container for aging cheese put a layer of napkins or paper towel.

Remove the cheese from the molds, sprinkle every ½ tsp. salt. For a classic version of this cheese, sprinkle it with a thin layer of coal through a sieve. If you want to get the cheese in a modern version, with a white crust, do not sprinkle it with coal. Then put the cheese in a container on a paper towel. Cover and leave for a day at room temperature. Take out the cheese and paper towel. Put a new paper towel on the bottom of the container, a drain mat on it, and cheese on the mat. Close the lid and put to ripen for 2 weeks in a refrigerator or a room with a temperature of 8 ° C. At this time, turn the cheese a quarter of a turn daily to keep the shape and allow the mold to grow evenly. It is necessary to monitor the humidity: if the paper towel is too wet, it should be removed. After 2 weeks, wrap the cheese in a special two-ply paper or put it in a tight-fitting container and store it in the refrigerator for another 2-3 weeks.

How to make a valence goat cheese:

Valance - French goat cheese made in the shape of a truncated pyramid about 7 cm high and weighing 250 g. Covered with fluffy mold and sprinkled with wood ash. Ash on the surface of the cheese during its preparation allows it to better condense, gives a beautiful color to the crust and speeds up the ripening process.

Cheese has a delicate, slightly sweet taste, giving it a hazelnut.

Cheese Valance is the hallmark of the province of Berry, in which other well-known goat cheeses are produced (Puligny Saint-Pierre, Levra).


4 liters of goat milk, ¼ tsp. mesophilic starter, 1/32 tsp. powder mold Geotrichum candidum, 1/32 tsp. Penicillium candidum mold powder, ⅛ tsp. solution of calcium chloride, ⅛ tsp. liquid rennet, salt, fine coal

Heat the milk to 22 ° C, remove from heat. Sprinkle mesophilic yeast powder and both types of mildew over the surface of the milk. Leave on for 3 minutes so that the powders absorb moisture. Then gently mix the entire volume of milk with a skimmer. Dissolve rennet in 50 ml of water and add to milk. Also dilute the solution of calcium chloride in 50 ml of water and add to milk. Mix everything, cover the pan with a lid and leave at room temperature for 18 hours (if the room is hot, reduce the time to 15 hours). After 15–18 hours a clot should form, and above it a small layer of serum. Remove the serum from the surface with a ladle or a large spoon. Using a skimmer, removing the layers of a clot with a thickness of 1–1.5 cm with an interval of 15 minutes, put them into 4 forms. The clot will condense and settle. Cover the forms with a towel and leave to thicken and mature for 48 hours at room temperature. Periodically drain the serum from the pan.

In the container for ripening put two layers of paper napkins, and on them - drainage mat. Sprinkle each head of cheese ¾ tsp. salt. In a strainer put 2 tsp. ground coal and sprinkle each head of cheese. A little knock with your fingers on the surface of the cheese, so that the coal is not sprinkled. Put the cheese on a paper towel in a container, cover and leave at room temperature for 24 hours. Remove cheese and paper towels from the container. Put a drainage platform or a couple of layers of drainage mats on the bottom, put the cheese on top. To withstand cheese for 10 days at a temperature of 8 ° C. If moisture accumulates on the bottom of the container, remove it with a napkin and slightly open the lid. At high humidity, blue mold spots can form, and too dry air will cause the cheese to dry out, so you need to adjust the humidity by closing the container lid. After 10 days, wrap the cheese in double-layer paper or fold tightly into a container. Cheese is ready to eat. It can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 months.

Recipes for Goat Cheese:

Sandwiches with grilled goat cheese, tomatoes and pickled cucumbers:

  • 2 heads goat cheese mini
  • 1 tomato
  • 3 small pickled cucumbers
  • 2 eggs
  • 6 slices of tin white bread
  • 4 tbsp. spoonful of breadcrumbs
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of paprika
  • 1 pinch of sugar
  • 6 tsp olive oil

Cut the tomato and bread into thin, identical circles, cut each head of goat cheese into 3 cups. Beat eggs, mix breadcrumbs with paprika. Mugs of goat cheese dip in eggs, roll in breadcrumbs and fry in 5 tsp of olive oil.

For each slice of bread, place a circle of tomato, sprinkle with sugar, pour the remaining olive oil and place a circle of fried cheese. Serve garnished with sliced \u200b\u200bpickled cucumbers.

Sandwiches with goat cheese, fried onions and raisins:

  • 6 heads mini goat cheese
  • 1 ciabatta
  • 1 finely chopped onion
  • 2 finely chopped garlic cloves
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of olive oil
  • raisins to taste

Bread slice obliquely into 6 slices. Fry the onion in olive oil until transparent, add the garlic and still fry a little, not allowing the garlic to brown. Mix the onion and garlic mixture on the bread and pour the rest from the roasting with oil.

Cut each head of goat cheese in half and place on top of the onions 2 halves for each loaf of bread. Bake in the oven for 2 minutes at 160 ° C until the cheese is tender. Serve sprinkled with raisins.

Open goat cheese and zucchini pie:

  • 100 g goat cheese
  • 1 medium-sized zucchini
  • 11/3 cup flour
  • 1 pinch of sugar
  • 3 eggs
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of sour cream
  • 1 tbsp. balsamic vinegar spoon
  • 1 handful of chopped green salad leaves
  • 180 g butter
  • olive oil, pepper and salt to taste

Flour, sugar, sliced \u200b\u200bchilled butter, beat with a blender and lightly salt. Add 1 egg, 4 tbsp. spoons of water, balsamic vinegar and knead until the dough does not fall behind the walls of the blender bowl. Roll out the resulting dough, put it on a lined baking sheet and make punctures with a fork on the dough.

Slice the squash, boil for 2 minutes in salted water, drain in a colander and let the water drain. Then spread the prepared circles zucchini on the dough. Beat the eggs with sour cream, mix with goat cheese, salt, pepper, lay on top of the zucchini and sprinkle with olive oil. Bake in the oven for 25–30 minutes at 180 ° C. Serve, sprinkled with leaves of green salad.