Homemade condensed milk in 10 minutes. Condensed milk in the bread maker

19.04.2019 Healthy food

You can easily make your favorite milky sweetness on your own, and it only takes 15 minutes. Condensed milk at home is no less tasty than the store. At the same time, there are no preservatives, dyes, flavors and other unnecessary harmful ingredients in such a treat.

Recipe for homemade whole milk condensed milk

The simplest recipe of the dessert discussed involves the use of whole milk (250 ml.). If there is such an opportunity, then it is best to take a fat homemade product. In addition, you will need: 70 g of butter, 250 g of sugar.

  1. Condensed milk in the cooking process foams very much, so it's best to use a saucepan or a high saucepan. Milk is poured into selected dishes and sugar is poured out.
  2. Ingredients should be simmered until the grains of sugar are completely dissolved. In this case, the mass must be constantly stirring.
  3. At last, butter is sent to the container, and the mixture is boiled over high heat for about 10 minutes.
  4. It remains to remove the saucepan or pan from the heat and pour the resulting product into a jar.

Surely the hostess at first glance seems that the sweetness turned out too liquid. But you need to give her time to cool down thoroughly, and then the consistency of homemade condensed milk will turn out almost like that of a usual shop.

From milk powder

If it is decided to choose a recipe from powdered milk, then it will still need to add the same amount of whole milk (200 g each). The latter should be with a minimum percentage of fat. You will also need to take 200 grams of sugar.

  1. In a saucepan, milk powder and sugar are thoroughly mixed. After that, the whole begins to be added to them.
  2. The mass should be homogeneous without lumps. It is most convenient to use a whisk for this.
  3. On a low heat the mixture is brought to a boil and cooked for 10-12 minutes with constant stirring.
  4. Ready condensed milk is poured into a jar and cooled.

You can taste the sweetness right after cooking. If everything was done correctly, then it will be even tastier than the store.

Condensed milk at home with cream

To make the delicacy even more saturated and fragrant, you should use fat cream (300 ml. Not less than 20%) instead of milk. You also need to take the other ingredients: 150 g of sugar, vanillin on the tip of a knife (to taste).

  1. Cream well whipped in a separate container using a whisk or a mixer. A couple of minutes after the start of beating, you can gradually add sugar to them.
  2. The resulting mass is transferred to a saucepan moistened with ice water. This is necessary to avoid burning up the sweetness.
  3. The future dessert is simmered for 10-12 minutes with constant stirring.
  4. When the mixture boils, leave it on the stove for another couple of minutes and then remove from heat. Upon request, vanillin is added to condensed milk at this stage for a pleasant aroma.

If you boil cream with sugar a little longer, then they will thicken and will resemble plasticine in consistency. But this does not mean that the product is spoiled. It can be eaten as a fudge or used to decorate pastry.

Cooking with the help of kitchen appliances: in the slow cooker, in the bread maker, in the convection oven

In the process of cooking homemade condensed milk, you can ask for help to the equipment available in the house. For example, use a multivark, bread maker or aerogril for this. This will greatly facilitate the task of the hostess.

In the multicooker

To prepare the delicacy in this way you need to take: 250 ml. fat cow's milk, 250 g of sugar and 250 g of milk powder.

  1. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed together until smooth. In the mass in any case should not be lumps.
  2. The resulting mixture is laid out in a multicooker bowl. She will cook in the “Soup” mode with the lid open.
  3. After boiling the mass, the “Baking” mode is turned on, in which the future dessert remains for another 15 minutes.

It remains to cool the treat and you can serve it to the table.

In convection oven

Few of the housewives know that even the convection oven can be used to make homemade condensed milk.

For a tasty dessert you need to prepare: 1 liter of full-fat milk and 2 kg. Sahara.

  1. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed together and cooked for half an hour at the highest temperature and speed.
  2. After the specified time, the device is set to a temperature of 205 degrees and average speed. The cooking process continues for another 60-90 minutes.

The finished delicacy does not differ at all from the usual condensed milk shop.

In bread maker

Very easy to prepare a dessert in the bread maker. You can use any device, the main thing is that it has the “Jam-jam” mode. You will need to use the following products: 1 liter of whole fat milk, 400 g of sugar, 1 bag of vanillin. How to cook condensed milk in the specified device, described below.

  1. First, the milk is heated in a saucepan on the stove and only after that it is poured into the container of the breadmaker.
  2. Sugar and vanillin are also sent to the baking dish.
  3. The device mode "Jam-jam" is turned on until the delicacy thickens.

Homemade condensed milk will be an excellent option cream for pies and cakes. And, besides, also very budget.

Recipe from Julia Vysotsky

The recipe for homemade condensed milk from Julia Vysotsky suggests the use of powdered sugar (200 g) instead of sugar. In addition to it, you need to take 200 grams of whole milk and 30 grams of high-quality butter.

  1. In a saucepan, butter, milk and powdered sugar are thoroughly mixed together.
  2. The container is sent to high heat until complete dissolution of the oil and powder. The foam that appeared after boiling should be carefully removed with a spoon and the fire reduced to medium.
  3. From boiling until cooked, the product is boiled for 10 minutes.
  4. It remains to put the pot in a container with cold water and cool the treat.

The resulting homemade condensed milk is beautifully stored on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

Dietary condensed milk according to Dyukan

Even those who have a sweet tooth, who began to struggle with obesity, may well be pampered with a delicate delicacy. This condensed milk is prepared with a sugar substitute (8 tablets), skimmed milk powder (60 g) and regular skimmed milk (150 ml.)

  1. Skimmed milk powder is heated in a pan without butter (it is best to use cast-iron dishes).
  2. When the product becomes caramelized, it is diluted with regular milk.
  3. It remains to add a sugar substitute to the specified ingredients, and cook a delicacy to the desired thickness.

Homemade condensed milk on Dyukanu often obtained with lumps. Get rid of them will allow filtering sweets through a sieve.

Surely no one in our country needs to be convinced that the home product is tastier and healthier than the purchased one. This also applies to such a favorite treat as condensed milk. The times have already passed when, opening a white-blue jar, we tasted a divinely delicious product. In today's condensed milk, manufacturers of what they do not put: palm oil, and soy, not to mention the stabilizers and preservatives. Even if the list of ingredients and means "milk", it can be recovered product. So, most of the vitamins and, most importantly, calcium, in such condensed milk have already collapsed. No use, but only dubious primitiveness. This article is devoted to a very topical question: "How to cook homemade condensed milk?" This process is not difficult, so do not need to be afraid.

The idea of \u200b\u200bevaporation of liquid from milk belongs to the Frenchman N. Upper. In 1810, he developed the theory that when adding sugar to the original product, all useful substances are saved. And even more: their concentration will increase. However, Upper never turned the “fairy tale into reality,” and even more so on an industrial scale. For him, it was done by American Gale Borden. Before milk, this enterprising businessman tried to thicken a variety of products. In particular, he invented meat biscuits. They were kept for a long time, but they had a disgusting taste. Therefore, Borden became famous not for meat "breadcrumbs", but condensed milk. His invention was patented in August 1856. If we are interested in condensed milk at home, the Borden recipe is hardly useful to us. However, the essence of its technology remains the same as for industrial plants.

How to make condensed milk according to GOST

Borden built his first factory in the same 1856, and made a fortune by supplying his product to the front during the War of the Confederations. He met a very wealthy old age in Texas, where residents even renamed their town Borden. But in Russia, the first plant for the production of condensed milk opened in Orenburg. The initial ingredients are sugar and “natural normalized pasteurized milk”. It is necessary to explain the essence of the last component - we are interested in how to cook homemade condensed milk. It means that the milk should be whole, that is, not skimmed, without any additives and impurities. A lot of sugar is added to this product and boiled in vacuum machines. The water contained in the milk evaporates as a result of rapid boiling, only solids remain. To cook condensed milk at home, we will follow the exact same production scheme.

The benefits and harms of the product

The lion's share of the positive qualities of natural milk is preserved under the technology of boiling. Condensed milk contains milk fats, calcium, vitamins A, B, C, and E, and iodine, fluorine and sodium are among the beneficial microelements. The use of this dessert helps to improve vision, strengthen bones and the immune system. Since the technology according to GOST does not include the addition of yeast, or dyes, nor this product is more useful than other modern sweets. And the more harmless to the health of self-cooked condensed milk. At home, the recipe suggests, of course, to use a basin or a thick-bottomed pot instead of vacuum machines, but this does not change anything. But the harm of the product is only one thing: a lot of sugar. There is nothing you can do - this is the technology. Condensed milk is very high in calories. One hundred grams of the product contains 323 kcal. Therefore, it should be used sparingly, best of all as an additive (for pancakes, creams, tea or coffee).

Condensed milk at home: the recipe of our grandmothers

Quality milk is the key to the success of the whole enterprise! If we are going to cook condensed milk, you need to take absolutely fresh and, most importantly, a whole product. Unfortunately, now even in the market it is difficult to get such milk. Many farmers bred it with a fat-free product of separation, and in order to preserve it not sour, they add antibiotics. But if you managed to get real milk, then the process of turning it into condensed milk is not difficult. You just need to be patient - because our grandmothers housewives had plenty of time. To make condensed milk at home, you need to take a basin for boiling jams. Cookware should be wide to speed up the process of evaporation of the liquid. We pour into it a liter of milk, we fall asleep half the amount of granulated sugar. Stir until complete dissolution of the crystals. We put the basin on a moderate fire and cook for two or three hours, stirring often, Condensed milk is considered ready when the elongated droplet does not spread, but keeps on the saucer with a “dome”.

Quick recipe

If you are afraid of the prospect of standing at the stove for three hours, continuously stirring the mixture in the basin with a spoon, you can speed up the process. How to make homemade condensed milk more quickly? You will suffer less by forty minutes if you use cream instead of milk. The fatter they are, the more time spent at the stove will be reduced. But the proportions of even 25-30 percent cream remain the same as with ordinary milk: two parts of liquid to one part of sugar. By the way, about these crystals, called nutritionists "white poison". If sugar is taken not half a kilo per liter of milk, but suppose 700 grams, then the cooking process will also be reduced. But this is not recommended: condensed milk is already very cloying. Best used (brown). It has the best taste and is prone to crystallization. With it your condensed milk will turn out more dense. Also, to speed up the cooking process, use dry milk (half a cup of powder).

Condensed milk with the help of kitchen devices

It is good that we do not live in the age of our grandmothers, and kitchen machines come to our rescue. For example, how to make a homemade Yes easy, it will take about half an hour. Ingredients use in proportions of 1: 1: 1. We mix in a bowl sugar and powdered milk, we part liquid. Turn on the "Soup" mode. Bring to a boil, stirring all the time. Then we switch to the "Baking" mode. We keep for another quarter of an hour, constantly stirring with a spoon. The result is an amazing, cream-colored condensed milk home. For 15 minutes of work such an excellent result! Sometimes condensed milk crystallizes too much. It turns out unpleasant lumps. To prevent this, add to the mixture a little - literally at the tip of the knife - drinking soda.

Condensed milk in the bread maker

The slow cooker is not the only device that can make life easier for us in the long and hard process of boiling milk. By the way, our grandmothers knew two ways how to make homemade condensed milk. About the first - long cooking in a basin on an open fire, we have already told. And the second way is to condense milk in a water bath. The process is also long and troublesome ... But now, after all, many housewives have steamers! The process will take an hour and a half, but do not need to interfere. Breadmaker also does everything herself. We only boil a liter of milk. Pour it into the bowl of the unit, add 350 grams of sugar and (optionally) a bag of vanillin. Insert the blade for stirring, close and turn on the "Jam" mode. If the drop spreads, turn on the bread maker again.

Boiling in aerogrill

For this device we use the same proportions as in the classic recipe, that is, we dissolve a pound of sugar in a liter of milk. Put the pan in a convection oven. The first half hour we cook under the lid at maximum speeds and temperatures. Then set the average mode. Cook for an hour or even one and a half at 200 degrees. The process must be looked after. You should not increase the cooking time, otherwise you will get homemade boiled condensed milk. To change the product’s too dense structure, it is still beaten with a submersible mixer. Then the dessert will come out homogeneous, without lumps.

Is it possible? Yes, if you include butter in the ingredients and sugar is replaced with powdered sugar. The proportions are as follows: 1: 1: 0.1. For example, take a glass of milk or cream and dissolve 200 grams of powdered sugar in it. Throw 20 g of oil and put the saucepan on a slow fire. Intensively stir to quickly get a homogeneous mass. As soon as boiling foam appears, switch the heat to medium level. Here you need to be especially careful - milk, as you know, has a tendency to “run away”. Therefore, stirring is especially intense. Cook after boiling exactly 10 minutes. If we continue the process, we will get a homemade “varenka” at the exit. Turn off the fire, immerse the mixer whisk in the saucepan and beat. Everything - condensed milk home in 15 minutes is ready. Initially, it will seem too liquid, but do not worry: when it cools, it thickens. Place the saucepan in a wide bowl of cold water and stir.

Product storage

In this matter, condensed milk is homemade (done in 15 minutes, in an hour or three - it doesn’t matter) is much inferior to the store product. This tin can can wait several years until it is opened. Yes, and uncorked, such condensed milk does not deteriorate in the refrigerator - after all, it was made in vacuum conditions at high temperatures. But the home product can be harvested for future use. To do this, prepare (wash and sterilize) banks. Hot condensed milk is poured hot in containers that need to be rolled up immediately with metal lids. But even with such a caring approach, the product can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than two months. If you open a can, condensed milk should be taken out with a dry, clean spoon.

How to make "boiled"

Many people love this taste, so reminiscent of toffee! In addition, boiled condensed milk is often used for confectionery purposes - for creams, mousses. From it you can also make delicious candy "Cow". As you have probably guessed, boiled condensed milk at home is done in the same way as an ordinary one. We simply increase the cooking time until the mixture changes color from white to beige and then to caramel or even light brown. This option gives you the opportunity to regulate the thickness of the product. But at home cooked, must cool in a special mode. Put the dishes in which it was prepared, in a wider, filled with very cold water. Stir constantly. If this is not done, the cooling will take place unevenly, layers are formed, which will then create lumps.

We are all busy people and it’s not always possible to spend time preparing a favorite dish, because any life-hacks are so valuable. Today we will tell just about this way to make life even easier and healthier - condensed milk at home for 15 minutes is a natural and tasty delicacy! Anyone who has tried to make a dairy dessert at home at least once, no longer wants to return to the purchased canned or draft product.

And no wonder! After preparing the condensed milk on our own, we always know the exact composition of the dessert, so no vegetable fat or preservatives can be found in it.

So, to begin with, we will focus on what we need to make everyone's favorite product.

Home-made condensed milk in 15 minutes


Of course, if we have at our disposal quality farm milk from trusted suppliers, fine - with it, the delicacy will turn out to be unusually tasty.

In no case do not "remove" the milk, on the contrary, a cap of cream on top is a guarantee of good consistency and flavor.

If there is no village milk at hand, we use the usual pasteurized one, the main thing is not to take skim milk or 2.5% fat. Condensed milk from this will be liquid. Choose 3.5% or 4% milk.


They are not needed in all recipes, but if desired we use them with or in place of milk.

Choose any fat content, even 10% will do, but, of course, high-quality country cream will be much better - with them condensed milk will turn out unusually tasty.


Also, there is not all recipes and need it quite a bit. Choose the product, which included only cream. A spread made from vegetable fats not only does not improve the taste of condensed milk, but can completely spoil it.

For quick cooking, condensed milk at home, we do not even need to do a water bath - we will cook the milk immediately on the stove.

A classic recipe for cooking condensed milk at home can be found in our detailed introductory article.


  •   - 1 glass + -
  •   - 1 glass + -
  •   - 3 tbsp. + -

Cooking homemade condensed milk

  1. Pour the milk into a saucepan, pour in the same sugar. Continuously stirring, wait until the grains are completely dissolved and spread the oil.
  2. As soon as the mixture starts to boil, we add fire - we need the process to go on fairly intensively, and stirring all the time, keep it on fire for 10 minutes.

    The sides of the saucepan, of course, must be high, since during cooking the condensed milk will foam very strongly, especially on a large fire.

  3. As soon as 10 minutes have elapsed, remove the saucepan from the heat, stir once more to allow the foam to settle, and pour it into a jar.

You should not worry that condensed milk turned out liquid - it is still too hot. In the cooled form, when the temperature drops significantly, the consistency will be almost like our usual shop.

As you can see, even a novice hostess can cope with cooking dessert at home in 15 minutes!

Well, to make the delicacy even more saturated and fragrant, let's make it from cream.

Home-made condensed milk: recipe on cream

  1. Pour into a saucepan 300 ml of cream of any fat content and pour the same grams of sugar.
  2. We bring everything to a boil, but the oil is no longer added - it is not necessary.
  3. As soon as the cream begins to boil, we set 10 minutes and continuously stirring, bring the condensed milk to the consistency we need.

The time in this recipe may vary, since the consistency of the final product will depend on the fat content of the cream. It may take 8 minutes and 12. We increase the time if there is a desire to get a more caramel flavor and shade.

Remember that after 10 minutes of intense boiling, the fire must be screwed in any case. We bring the condensed milk to the desired condition with a weak heating, so that it does not burn.

Pour the finished mass into a jar or leave to cool and use as a topping for pancakes and pancakes, an independent dessert or for making a cake with condensed milk.

Now you know how easily and quickly condensed milk is made at home in 15 minutes. Moreover, another 5 minutes we throw to cool delicacies.

Try it, friends, and the result will not disappoint you!

  Today we will share with you a recipe with a photo of condensed milk in 10 minutes. I don’t know if there is a person who doesn’t like condensed milk! This is such a delicacy that does not leave indifferent a single child, at least once having tasted this sweet, delicious thick mass. Of course, you can just go to the store and buy ready-made condensed milk. But now the choice of this product is so diverse that in order to select it, you will have to work hard. Each manufacturer tries to attract its customers with new flavors, additives and bright convenient packaging.

But, if you read the composition of condensed milk, which is indicated on the label, then most likely you do not want to buy it, either for yourself or for your children. No wonder that nutritionists have put condensed milk in the list of unhealthy products!

What to do in this case, to abandon such a treat? In no case! Just cook in your kitchen. After all, it is quite simple and fast, and most importantly without the addition of preservatives and stabilizers. You can cook a small portion at a time, so as not to store it for a long time and serve in beautiful small rosettes to fragrant buns and your favorite cappuccino. See how condensed milk is prepared at home from milk and sugar.


- cow whole milk from 2.5% fat - 200 ml,
- powdered sugar or granulated sugar - 1 cup,
- butter - 20 g.

Recipe with photos step by step:

  Pour the cow's milk into the pan with high sides.
  Add sugar or powdered sugar to it.
  Then put the butter.

  Put the pot on the fire and quickly bring it to a boil over a large fire.

   Cook condensed milk for 10 minutes (no more, this is important), while constantly stirring so that the milk does not burn and does not run away. Milk will be very foaming, so you need to choose high dishes.

   If you cook longer. That condensed milk after cooling zakharuharitsya.

  Then pour the sweet milk mass into the dish in which it will be stored, and let it cool. Condensed milk will grow thicker as it cools.

Condensed milk is almost the most favorite delicacy in the USSR. She came to us from the distant 1856. There, an American patented it, and already in 1858 the first manufacturing plant opened. Now this wonderful pasta can be found in every supermarket, but earlier ...

Previously, it was cooked at home and eaten with spoons!

Do you think it is difficult? Not a drop. This is ordinary milk, condensed with sugar. Now on the Internet you can find dozens of different ways of its preparation: dietary purposes, on milk, on milk powder, in jars, in the oven, in the microwave and even in the slow cooker. Find for yourself your unique recipe to prepare this wonderful product with pleasure (without fear of composition).

Condensed milk in own kitchen in 15 minutes

  • whole milk (in other words, not pasteurized) - 200 ml;
  • powdered sugar - 200 g;
  • drain butter - 25 grams.

Cooking time - a quarter of an hour.

The process of creating condensed milk at home:

  1. Mix all ingredients (sugar, butter and milk) in a saucepan.
  2. Put on a small hob and stir constantly. It is necessary to achieve the dissolution of all products.
  3. As soon as the mass boils - it will foam. It should be so. From now on, cook for no more than 10 minutes.
  4. Ten minutes later, place the condensed milk with a saucepan in a container with cold water. So she quickly cool.
  5. Pour warm condensed milk into a convenient storage container and put it in the fridge.

Condensed milk powder for a quarter of an hour

  • 200 g of powdered milk;
  • 1 cup whole milk;
  • 200 grams of sugar.

Cooking time - 5 + 10 minutes.

Homemade condensed milk is prepared from powdered milk in 15 minutes in the following way:

  • Stir sand and milk powder.
  • Pour drinking milk into a bowl and gradually add a mixture of sugar and milk. Stir to avoid lumps.
  • Put on the stove and boil for about 5 minutes.
  • Leave on the small hob, stirring constantly for another 10 minutes. No more.
  • Cool slightly and place in container. Put in the fridge.
  • At the exit - 380 ml of condensed milk.
  • Home-made condensed milk from the slow cooker

    • whole milk - 1 cup;
    • sugar - 180 grams;
    • fat milk powder - 1 cup.

    Cooking time is about 15 minutes.

    How to quickly cook condensed milk in a slow cooker (in 15 minutes):

    1. Pour all foods into the bowl of the multicooker and mix them. It is advisable to beat mixers for 2-3 minutes. Mass to turn into a homogeneous, without lumps.
    2. Put the mode "quenching" and wait for boiling. Do not stop interfering with the future condensed milk.
    3. When boils, you need to change the mode of multicooker.
    4. Set the mode "Baking" and boil condensed milk for 15 minutes.
    5. Do not forget to constantly interfere with the mass.
    6. Cool and pour on the banks.

    How to cook pork tongue until ready so as not to spoil the dish.

    Oven baked diet vegetables - interesting dishes that can be cooked very simply.

    Dyukan condensed milk for losing weight in just 5 minutes

    • 75 grams of milk powder;
    • 25 grams of starch;
    • 200 ml of milk;
    • 8 tablets of sweetener.

    Cooking time - 5 minutes.

    How to thicken milk:

    1. Powdered milk poured into a deep bowl.
    2. Add starch and 1/3 of milk.
    3. Stir well with a whisk or whisk with a blender.
    4. Add two more parts of milk and “sugar”.
    5. Remove the mixture in the microwave for 30 seconds.
    6. Remove and stir. Send another 30 seconds.
    7. The process is repeated six times (total!).
    8. Condensed milk is ready.
    9. Pour, cool and eat.
  • Dry milk should be dissolved only in warm milk (meaning whole milk). It can not be cold or hot. Watch out!
  • It is advisable to take cow's milk (instead of shop milk).
  • If it happened that condensed milk is from purchased milk, then its minimum fat content should be 3.5%. Best of all - five percent milk.
  • If you add two pinches of baking soda during the cooking process, you are less likely to form lumps.
  • A stainless steel saucepan is the best option. If it is not available, then a thick bottom pan will do.
  • It is better to use powder, not sugar. Then the components will dissolve faster, and condensed milk will cook too quickly.
  • If you add a little starch to the icing sugar, the consistency of condensed milk will be smoother.
  • In order to make a "boil", that is, boiled condensed milk, you need to pour the ready condensed milk into a jar and put it in a saucepan with water. As soon as boils - leave to boil for 2 hours. Voila!
  • Do not open (.) And do not reach the boiled condensed milk until the water and condensed milk itself has completely cooled. The jar may explode. This is the risk of getting burned.
  • Excessive consumption of the product will be harmful due to the large amount of sugar in its composition.
  • On the day, you can consume 25-50 grams of condensed milk (one or two tablespoons) and no more! Only in such quantities will it be good for health.
  • Condensed milk can be considered useful only because of the milk in the composition (it is now clear why the one in the store is terribly harmful).
  • Use only fresh milk.
  • It will be healthier to use unrefined sugar (cane or brown).
    • with sugar (standard condensed milk);
    • sugar free (concentrated milk);
    • with chicory;
    • with cocoa or coffee;
    • boiled condensed milk.

    The most popular, of course, is the most common condensed milk. We all know him and we all tried it. So try cooking it at home. There is nothing difficult!

    You can choose for yourself any recipe from those stated above. They are all different, but similar to each other. Differ only in calories. So be careful and do not overeat. But not only you can pamper yourself, but you also need it!

    Today in shops only fakes are on sale. It seems that natural products are no longer produced. Very often, after reading the composition, you want to refuse to eat at all. With condensed milk the same situation.

    Yes, glue is not added to these canned goods, but there can be a full jar of palm oil there! Of course, manufacturers will not write about this on the bank, and we will not know what we bought.

    Therefore, we strongly recommend to produce condensed milk at home. It is more costly pleasure, but it is natural, tasty and healthy. You make this product yourself and you know what you put there and in what quantities. You know that you definitely will not have any health problems.