Boiled eggs in the morning or in the evening. Is it possible to eat boiled eggs for weight loss

22.04.2019 Egg dishes

Eggs: Pros and Cons

Over the past decades, a lot of bad things have been said about eggs, but recent scientific studies have shown that absolutely no need to avoid eating eggs. They contain many essential nutrients for the body, including essential vitamins and minerals, as well as antioxidants that help against certain diseases. And, contrary to popular belief, eggs do not increase cholesterol levels. Therefore, it is very possible to eat one egg a day.

Interestingly, according to some sources, Japan is recognized as the world leader in the consumption of eggs. Every inhabitant of the country of the Rising Sun eats, on average, one egg per day - in Japan there is even a famous children's song "Tamago, Tamago!"  In this competition, the Russians are still far behind. Experts believe the reason for everything - a variety of convenience foods and fast food.

The food is most often consumed chicken, duck, goose, at least - Induvine, quail, ostrich eggs. Some people refuse to use eggs (most often such a refusal is characteristic of vegetarians, vegans and animal rights activists), explaining their refusal by various reasons, sometimes not having any relation to the real state of things and contributing to the emergence of various myths about this product. How useful or harmful are eggs? We will try to determine it.

Eggs are a valuable product, especially for young and growing organisms. In yolk, besides protein, there is a lot of fat and phosphatides, a significant amount of iron, digestible calcium and phosphorus, iodine, zinc, magnesium, vitamins A, D E, niacin (vitamin B3), biotin and vitamin B12, folic acid and choline. Despite the rich content of cholesterol, eggs are needed in the diet, even for older people.

The egg contains an average volume of 86 calories, 6.5 g of proteins (this is 14% of the female daily norm and 12% of the male), 6.4 g of fat (1.8 g of which are saturated). Almost weight fat is contained in the yolk, protein accounts for less than 0.05% fat. Egg white has a high biological value, since it contains all the essential amino acids. The nutritional value of eggs can be enhanced by special feeding of layers, for example, selenium-enriched eggs are produced.

Recent studies, which, however, require further confirmation of their results, have shown that regular consumption of eggs reduces the risk of breast cancer in adolescent girls.

Despite cooking losses and frying, you should not drink raw eggs, because egg white contains ovidin, which binds vitamin B1 in the gastrointestinal tract, and ovomucoid, an inhibitor of gastric enzyme trypsin. Already during the short-term boiling of eggs (soft-boiled eggs), ovomucoid and ovidin coagulate, and unwanted microorganisms die. Since eggs do not boil for a long time, scrambled eggs and omelets fry in minutes, the nutritional value of eggs does not change at cooking; only some vitamins are destroyed, and that is not enough - up to 10%.

  According to scientists at the University of Florida, the high content of eggs in the diet does not harm health, does not contribute to changes in the levels of lipids and cholesterol in the blood and does not affect the development of cardiovascular disorders. On the contrary, epidemiologists have identified an association of a reduced risk of death among men, who eat one to six eggs a week, and among women a reduction in the risk of stroke.

Probably none of the products (except that competitors are sugar and salt) do not have so many myths and delusions! Let's try to figure out where the truth is.

Eggs raise cholesterol levels in the blood.   Indeed, in an egg about 213 mg of cholesterol, which more than two-thirds covers the daily limit of this substance (300 mg), which is not recommended to exceed. But, firstly, in eggs there are also phospholipids that help reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood, and secondly, as doctors say, eggs, though they increase the level of cholesterol, but not by much. In addition, the impact of this kind is fully compensated by the presence in the eggs of nutrients that positively affect the body.

Eggs can be eaten with everyone and in any quantities. . This is not entirely true. The daily rate for a healthy person is 1-2 eggs, not more. Therefore, if you are offered “to sit on an egg diet,” promising an excellent result on condition that 5-6 eggs are consumed during the day, better refuse and look for a more balanced weight loss recipe. Atherosclerosis and the menu of older people are allowed to include one egg daily. At a young age, it is useful to include in the diet two eggs daily - boiled or in the form of fried eggs, scrambled eggs. In the dietary preference is given to soft-boiled eggs - they are easier to digest in the gastrointestinal tract.

Eating chicken eggs increases the risk of heart attack or stroke.   This is not true. According to the testimony of physicians who have observed almost 120 thousand people for 14 years, heart attacks and strokes for those who ate 7–14 eggs a week did not happen more often than those who restricted the use of this product to once a week or less.

Eggs are very high in calories.   In fact, one egg contains only 75 kilocalories, and this is not so much.

There are few vitamins in eggs.   Absolutely erroneous opinion. The eggs contain 13 vitamins (A, B1, B2, B6, B12, E, D), biotin, folic and nicotinic acids, methionine, as well as many minerals (calcium, iron, etc.).

Eggs can cause
  This can happen if the eggs are not cooked properly. It should be remembered that in order to reduce the risk of infection to almost zero, the eggs should be well cooked, boil eggs for at least two minutes (even if salmonella was present in the egg, it will die as soon as the yolk loses fluidity), wash fresh eggs before breaking.

Yellow and brown eggs are healthier and tastier than white ones.   This opinion is wrong. The only difference between the more "dark" eggs from the whites - a more durable shell. Coloring depends only on the breed of chicken (hens of European breeds carry white eggs, Asian ones are darker). The composition of the eggs, the shell of which is painted in one or another color, is completely identical.

The most healthy eggs with a bright yellow or orange yolk.   No, the color of the yolk does not indicate that there are more nutrients in the egg, but only that the chicken was fed in a certain way. To give such effect to domestic hens they give green nettle. At poultry farms, food supplement cannaxanthin is added to the feed (it is also used when feeding salmon and trout to give the meat a rich pink color). But, according to doctors, cantaxanthin is harmful to the eyes. So it is healthier, as it turned out, eggs with not very bright yolk.

You can not eat eggs at night - it can adversely affect the work of the stomach.   Not quite right. After all, the speed of digestion depends on how the product is prepared. For example, a soft-boiled egg will digest faster than the eggs. It takes the stomach the most time to digest a hard-boiled egg. However, in this case, this product will be digested no more than three hours. So eating eggs for dinner (which in any case takes place 2-3 hours before bedtime) is quite safe for both the stomach and the body as a whole.

You can put a raw egg vertically on its end only on the day of the vernal equinox.   If you can put the egg in a vertical position on the day of the vernal equinox (and, as practical experience has shown, you can put it on a blunt or sharp end), you can repeat it on any other day of the year. True, it may take a lot of time to conduct such an experience, but what can't you do for the sake of science!

Homemade eggs are much more useful than incubator eggs.   In essence, the difference is in two things: first, in the diet. Chickens from a rural chicken coop eat what the mistress offers and what they find in the yard themselves. Secondly, how, where and with whom live the chickens, namely, whether the chicken has direct contact with the rooster. If it does, then these eggs will be fertilized (with blood in the yolk). However, most often at the poultry farms carefully monitor the diet of the inhabitants of poultry houses, the quality and quantity of water and feed 24 hours a day is observed by experts, and also controls the “smart” equipment. Plus, regular veterinary health checks and "professional fitness" of chickens. The health and nutrition of rural chickens are hardly given as much qualified attention.

One thing is big: on chicken farms, quite often, in order to avoid epidemics, chickens are given antibiotics, traces of which are found in eggs. And also hormones for rapid growth ...

I think the knowledge of all the pros and cons of eggs will help you figure out whether or not to have this valuable product!

I offer several delicious recipes with eggs from the site "Trump food"

Stuffed eggs


Stuffed eggs - one of the most popular holiday snacks. Most of these dishes are cooked very quickly, they look good and are very tasty. We will tell you how to cook eggs stuffed with cod liver.

  1. Peel the cooked eggs, carefully cut them in half and remove the yolks.
  2. Chop the onion finely. Grind cod liver.
  3. Egg yolks mash with a fork. Add onions and liver, mix well. If the filling is dry, add a couple of drops of butter from a jar of liver.
  4. Squirrels are stuffed tightly with the filling - carefully, so as not to break. We decorate the dish as follows: on 4 halves of the eggs we put on half a spoon of caviar, another 4 - pieces of red fish, the rest we decorate with cucumber.
  5. The finished dish can be served immediately. Enjoy your meal!

Florentine eggs


  1. Sprinkle the spinach in the butter.
  2. Lay out the bottom and sides of the cocotine with a thin layer of spinach.
  3. Beat the eggs, salt and pepper.
  4. Pour the eggs in a cocotte, put the stew on a small fire.
  5. When the egg mass grabs, pour cream into the coconut top, sprinkle with grated cheese and send to the preheated oven for a couple of minutes to redden the top.

Poached Eggs with Mushrooms


  1. Red onion cut into half rings, chop the garlic and green onions. Put all of these ingredients in a well-heated pan with olive oil.
  2. Cut the mushrooms, add them to the pan to the onions and garlic, cook for about five minutes, pepper, salt to taste.
  3. In boiling water with vinegar, form a "funnel" with the help of the whisk, lower the broken eggs into it and hold it until the yolk is drawn out.
  4. Poached eggs are placed on a plate with ready-made mushrooms, green salad leaves and black bread croutons.

Scotch Eggs


  1. Cook the eggs. Boil no more than 4-5 minutes. Clean the meat from the veins and excess fat, then make a uniform finely chopped minced meat.
  2. Add the raw egg to the mince and knead well. Salt and add spices. Stir. Divide the meat into 6 equal parts.
  3. From each part make an oval flat cake a little less than a centimeter thick and wrap the eggs tightly in them. Pay special attention to the seams, they are better to overlap and carefully align.
  4. Pour butter into a frying pan or a small saucepan and heat well on medium-high heat. Dip the eggs into the butter and fry until brown, often turning.
  5. Put the finished eggs on a clean towel to remove excess fat. Serve can be both cold and hot, best with vegetables

Egg "nests"


2 eggs
  1/4 teaspoon salt
  30 g cheese gruyere, rubbed

  1. Preheat oven to 230 degrees with a grill in the middle. Cover a baking dish or baking sheet with parchment paper.
  2. Very carefully separate the egg whites from the yolks (it will be difficult to beat the whites well, if the yolks remain). It is desirable to keep each yolk in a separate container.
  3. Pour the egg whites into a bowl, which should be perfectly clean. Salt Beat with a mixer, starting with the minimum speed and gradually increasing it. Gently add the cheese.
  4. Form two slides of proteins on parchment paper. Put in the oven for 3 minutes. Then pull out of the oven and place the egg yolks in the center of the whites. Put back in the oven for another 3 minutes. Serve immediately after cooking.

Egg pate


2 onions (220 g)
  4 hard boiled eggs
  50 g of chopped walnuts
  2 tablespoons of vegetable oil
  Salt and pepper to taste

1. Finely chop the onion, fry in vegetable oil until golden brown.

2. In a blender or processor, chop the onions, eggs and nuts at high speed until smooth. Salt and pepper to taste, mix. Transfer the mixture to a bowl, cover, cool before serving.

3. Serve on toasts or crackers, crisps.

Egg Cutlets


eggs, 6 pieces
  semolina, 2 teaspoons
  ground black pepper
  breading flour
  sunflower oil for frying

1. Boil eggs, cool, peel and grate on a coarse grater. Salt and add the semolina with ground pepper. Mix everything thoroughly.

3. Fry egg cutlets on heated sunflower oil on each side.

4. Then put the patties on the dish and serve to the table.

Quail Egg Sandwiches


Quail eggs - 8 pcs.

Bread - 16 pcs.
  Butter - 120 g
  Ground red pepper
  Ground turmeric
  Sweet pepper

1. To make quail egg sandwiches, do the following: boil eggs, dipping them in hot salted water for 7 minutes. Once cooked, immediately dipped in cold water and cleaned from the shell.

2. Fry until golden brown bread slices, cool. Whip butter with a tablespoon of turmeric and half a teaspoon of red pepper.

3. Apply a layer of whipped butter to the toasts, put the halves of boiled eggs on top. The remaining butter put in kornetik (paper bag) with figured nozzle and put a pattern on the edges of the toast. Sandwiches with quail eggs decorate at will with sweet peppers and greens.

  (oocyte) - these are the eggs of animals whose size varies greatly (from 0.06 mm in mice to 15-18 cm in the African ostrich). Most often, eggs are characterized by an oval or spherical shape, but in some insects and fish they are elongated. The characteristics of an egg most often depend on the distribution of nutrient (yolk) in it.

When it comes to bird eggs, their shape and color depends on the nesting sites. For example, birds carrying round eggs carry nests in pits, and birds nesting on rocks are more often oblong in shape. The lightest eggs in birds arranging nests in closed places. If the egg is laid openly, it will most likely have a protective coloring.

The size of bird eggs varies greatly - from the smallest, pea-sized, hummingbird bee's eggs to a 16-centimeter ostrich egg. In addition, the size of the egg does not always depend only on the size of the bird itself. In waterfowl, for example, eggs are somewhat larger than in other birds of the same size. The fact is that chicks of waterfowl, hatched, are able to feed and move independently, while other birds have to care for their helpless offspring for a long time.

The food is most often consumed chicken, duck, goose, at least - Induvine, quail, ostrich eggs. Some people refuse to use eggs (most often such a refusal is characteristic of vegetarians, vegans and animal rights activists), explaining their refusal by various reasons, sometimes not having any relation to the real state of things and contributing to the emergence of various myths about this product. How useful or harmful are eggs? We will try to determine it.

Eggs raise cholesterol levels in the blood.  Indeed, in an egg about 213 mg. Cholesterol, which more than two-thirds covers the daily limit of this substance (300 mg), which is not recommended to exceed. But, firstly, in eggs there are also phospholipids that help reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood, and secondly, as doctors say, eggs, though they increase the level of cholesterol, but not by much. In addition, the impact of this kind is fully compensated by the presence in the eggs of nutrients that positively affect the body.

Eggs can be eaten by everyone and in any quantities.  This is not entirely true. The daily rate for a healthy person is 1-2 eggs, not more. Therefore, if you are offered “to sit on an egg diet,” promising an excellent result on condition that 5-6 eggs are consumed during the day, better refuse and look for a more balanced weight loss recipe. But patients with diabetes mellitus from eating eggs (as well as other cholesterol-rich foods) are better off, because in their bodies the anti-cholesterol metabolic mechanisms are not working well enough.

Eating chicken eggs increases the risk of heart attack or stroke.  This is not true. According to the testimony of physicians who have observed almost 120 thousand people for 14 years, heart attacks and strokes for those who ate 7–14 eggs a week did not happen more often than those who restricted the use of this product to once a week or less.

The most healthy eggs with a bright yellow or orange yolk. No, the color of the yolk does not indicate that there are more nutrients in the egg, but only that the chicken was fed in a certain way. To give such effect to domestic hens they give green nettle. At the poultry farms cantaxanthin is added to the feed (it is also used when feeding salmon and trout to give the meat a rich pink color). But, according to doctors, cantaxanthin is harmful to the eyes. So it is healthier, as it turned out, eggs with not very bright yolk.

Eggs are very high in calories.  In fact, one egg contains only 75 kilocalories, and this is not so much.

There are few vitamins in eggs.  Absolutely erroneous opinion. The eggs contain 13 vitamins (A, B1, B2, B6, B12, E, D), biotin, folic and nicotinic acids, methionine, as well as many minerals (calcium, iron, etc.).

Eggs can cause salmonellosis.  This can happen if the eggs are not cooked properly. It should be remembered that in order to reduce the risk of infection to almost zero, the eggs should be well cooked, boil eggs for at least two minutes (even if salmonella was present in the egg, it will die as soon as the yolk loses fluidity), wash fresh eggs before breaking.

You can not eat eggs at night - it can adversely affect the work of the stomach.  Not quite right. After all, the speed of digestion depends on how the product is prepared. For example, a soft-boiled egg will digest faster than the eggs. It takes the stomach the most time to digest a hard-boiled egg. However, in this case, this product will be digested no more than three hours. So eating eggs for dinner (which in any case takes place 2-3 hours before bedtime) is quite safe for both the stomach and the body as a whole.

Yellow and brown eggs are healthier and tastier than white ones.  This opinion is wrong. The only difference between the more "dark" eggs from the whites - a more durable shell. Coloring depends only on the breed of chicken (hens of European breeds carry white eggs, Asian ones are darker). The composition of the eggs, the shell of which is painted in one or another color, is completely identical.

You can put a raw egg vertically on its end only on the day of the vernal equinox.  If you can put the egg in a vertical position on the day of the vernal equinox (and, as practical experience has shown, you can put it on a blunt or sharp end), you can repeat it on any other day of the year. True, it may take a lot of time to conduct such an experience, but what can't you do for the sake of science!

Egg - at first glance a small amount of food that can provide a lot of nutrients. That is why we say that they have great nutritional value. They are easy to prepare and it seems that they are loved all over the world.

Weight loss eggs are a very valuable product, they are very rich in high quality protein, which means that they have all the essential amino acids in the right quantities for our body. Most of the vitamins (B1, B3, B12, folic acid and biotin, A, E, D and minerals: selenium, zinc, phosphorus and iron) are in the yolk, although the egg contains more protein.

Eggs for weight loss and health

Possessing nutritional components for weight loss, boiled eggs help to get not only energy, but also to balance the nervous system, as well as improve brain function. We would not recommend using raw eggs for weight loss, primarily because of the real possibility of catching salmonellosis or another intestinal infection. Boiled eggs do not lose their nutritional value and are much safer.

Calcium absorption is due to the content of vitamin D, which helps prevent osteoporosis. Due to its iron content, eggs are suitable for treating anemia. They need to be eaten during periods of recovery and recovery, because apart from the fact that they are nutritious, eggs do not cause digestive problems.

Selenium and zinc are antioxidants that fight cell aging. Thanks to lutein, eggs help maintain vision.

For dry skin and dry, damaged hair, you can make wonderful moisturizing masks with raw eggs, adding vegetable oils, oatmeal or honey to it.

How many eggs can you eat while losing weight?

More recently, everyone believed that a significant increase in cholesterol and triglycerides was associated with consuming more than three eggs per week. However, this statement lost its meaning when it was proved that in order to improve them, one should eat a lot of fatty foods or constantly suffer from stress.

You can eat eggs every day by combining them with vegetables. Remember that it is animal protein, and, therefore, there is no need to include meat or fish in the same meal. If you want to significantly reduce weight, nutritionists recommend eating only protein.

In addition, if you want to lose weight or reduce triglyceride levels, you should avoid eating fast food, sauces or desserts. You can use and alternative to chicken eggs - quail eggs.

How can I cook eggs

Being on a diet is recommended to eat eggs only in a boiled form. But we are all humans and the monotony depresses us. Therefore, if you approach the issue of cooking eggs creatively and wisely, you can bring not only the benefit of the body, but also to get pleasure.

Eggs bring great benefits, but perhaps we should not forget to include them in your diet in moderate  quantities, like all other products.

Lush Omelette Steamed: Video Recipe

Many are desperate to lose weight. Tried many diets with the most exotic foods. But the faster the kilograms left, the faster they returned.

With all the variety of diets, the most effective weight loss regimen is this:

protein diet (starts the process of rapid weight loss) + carbohydrate days (maintain the rate of weight loss).

The most affordable protein product is eggs. Namely - egg whites.

Why are egg whites slimming so effective?

· This product supplies the body with the most useful type of protein, it builds muscle mass.

· Muscle building is strong, which helps burn a lot of calories during physical exertion.

· Protein from eggs is easier to digest than meat or milk. At the same time there is absolutely no fat or carbohydrates.

· Breakfast from such a product is able to charge the body with energy, which will lead to a significant increase in the rate of metabolic processes.

· The body not only gets rid of extra pounds, but is also cleared of various slag debris.

· When used correctly, there are no side effects.

· There is no constant feeling of hunger, which is inherent in many diets. Protein perfectly and permanently saturate the body.

· Hair, skin and nails look better, which is a nice bonus of such nutrition.

· Improves the work of the stomach and intestines.

· Strengthens the nervous system

The effectiveness of this diet recognize even many nutritionists.

Egg Whites Diet, Features and Menus

There is one basic rule in this diet - a minimum of yolks. No more than 1 egg yolk on 5 eggs.

To lose kilograms as quickly as possible, you need to correctly calculate the required amount of protein - you need to double your weight. This will be the daily dose of protein. If the figure seems very large - the result can be reduced by 20-30%.

The protein of one egg contains 11 g of protein. If the initial weight is 70 kg, then 14 eggs should be eaten per day. This formula is relevant only for weight up to 80 kg.

Be sure to remember to drink water. So the kidneys will be easier to handle protein processing.

The approximate distribution of eggs in the daily diet.

For breakfast, you can eat 4 protein and drink tea with sugar substitute.

After 2 hours, you need to eat another protein.

Lunch consists of 4 proteins and half a yolk.

For the next snack you need 2 proteins.

For dinner, you need to eat 2 units of the product. And the last - to eat before bedtime.

This egg whites diet menu is optimal, but options are possible.

On this diet, you can safely sit for a week. If at some point it becomes difficult to transfer eggs - for snacking, you can use apples. But, most importantly, do not reduce the amount of protein required.

To the diet was transferred easily you need to diversify egg dishes as much as possible. After all, they can not only cook, but make omelets and mousses.

It is also important to know - the more time the egg is boiled, the more energy the body needs to spend on its processing. Proteins with a lot of air are best absorbed by the body.

The result - from 4 to 6 kg per week.

The given diet is the most strict. Of course, there are softer options.

Egg whites with grapefruit

The best is the combination of eggs and citrus fruits (it is best to use grapefruit). For example, a three-day diet on proteins and fruits will get rid of 3-4 kg.

The composition of this diet includes 7 egg whites and 7 grapefruits. Eggs should be well cooked for at least 15 minutes. You need to completely refrain from the use of sugar and salt.

The menu is the same for all 3 days.

For breakfast you need to eat half of the citrus fruit, eat 1 egg white and a small piece of black bread. At the end of the meal - a cup of green tea without sugar.

Dinner and evening ration is the same. Half a grapefruit, 2 squirrels, herbal tea without sugar.

Who should refrain from such a diet.

Eggs are a dietary and healthy product. But he has a number of contraindications.

If any allergic reactions occur, the diet should be stopped immediately. It is not recommended to use a large number of eggs for people who have a wrong cardiovascular system.

Diabetics should also refrain from excessive use of this product - a stroke or heart attack may develop.

Future and nursing mothers are absolutely contraindicated in any diet, and this including. Egg whites do not contain carbohydrates, which are so necessary for the growth and development of the baby.

After completing the diet should not relax. It is necessary to return to the established way of nutrition correctly, otherwise there is a risk to return all the lost.

The next few weeks you need to eat food with reduced calorie. Portions should be small, food fractional. No need to try to catch up, and absorb fried and fatty foods. It is necessary to refrain from eating white bread and sweet pastries.