Recipe for pepper in tomato juice without vinegar. Homemade Tomato Juice for the Winter with Bell Peppers

19.04.2019 Blanks for winter

Good afternoon, dear friends and guests
  Let's talk today about delicious blanks   for winter. All those who have country and household plots are in a hurry, some in jars, and some in the cellar for fresh storage.
  I do not know how anyone, but I still have a few baskets with ripening tomatoes and a whole mountain of zucchini and pumpkins.
  The remaining vegetables can be stored in a cool and dark place until spring, and even until summer. Of course, pumpkin with zucchini is kept for a long time. But there were still some proven recipes in the notebook and a few cans.

If you have a similar situation, join us!

Tomatoes ripen very quickly, and are not going to lie, wait for a long time, they can start to deteriorate.
  Let's take the simple and delicious recipe   for lovers of tomato juice. Juice will make a little unusual, not just tomato, but with the addition of sweet pepper. Very good is such a juice just to drink, you can add to soups, gravies and sauces. You will not need to buy juice in the store, tomato sauce   can also be replaced by thick and delicious juicewhich we will prepare now.

I want to say a few words about the benefits of tomato juice

  • Tomato juice   helps to restore metabolism.
  • Contributes to improving the tone of the body.
  • Recommended for people with diabetes.
  • It is a powerful antioxidant, fights cancer cell growth.
  • It is extremely useful for the male urogenital system.
  •   pay attention to tomato juice.
  • Normalizes intraocular pressure.
  • Cleans the blood of harmful cholesterol.
  • Successfully applied in cosmetology and home care   skin and hair.

Here is such a useful tomato juice. I think that you already wanted to prepare a couple of jars for the winter, but it is also very tasty.

Tomato Juice and Sweet Pepper Recipe

  • 1 bucket of ripe red tomatoes
  • 1kg Bulgarian pepper
  • 4ct spoons of salt
  • 2CT spoons of sugar
  • 10 peas allspice.

1. For the preparation of tomato juice, you can use the juicer, but not all juicers squeeze soft fruit. If you are lucky and your machine is suitable for making tomato juice, proceed.
Squeeze juice from tomatoes and peppers, add salt, sugar, pepper and boil for 30 minutes, removing the foam. Spill on sterile cans and tighten with iron lids.

2. This method is more laborious, but the juice turns out very tasty.
  Cut the tomatoes into 4 parts, add a glass of water, cook until softened and rub through a sieve.
  Pepper skipped through a meat grinder.
  Add pepper, salt, sugar and allspice to the mashed mass and cook for 20-30 minutes.
  Spill the juice in sterile jars and tighten the iron lids.

Bulgarian pepper can not add. But I really like this supplement. Tasty and healthy.

Korean Zucchini Recipe

  • 3kg zucchini
  • 0.5kg onions
  • 0.5kg carrots
  • 4 Bulgarian peppers
  • 150g sugar
  • 2ct spoons of salt
  • 1vc vinegar 9%
  • 100ml sunflower oil
  • 1 pack of Korean carrot seasoning

Zucchini, three grated for vegetables in Korean.
  Onions cut into thin rings.
  Combine all the ingredients and leave to infuse for 4 hours.
  Fold in cans and sterilize for 15 minutes in boiling water. Roll up and put away for storage. It turns out very tasty and original.

Nowadays on the shelves of stores you can see a huge assortment of juice. It is made from fruits, and from vegetables, and from berries, and they also perfectly assemble these products. Of vegetable juices undoubted leader is tomato juice. It can be called a classic of the genre. Tomato juice helps to normalize the metabolism, removes slags, toxins, radionuclides, has anti-cancer effect, reduces the tension of the nervous system, minimizes the effects of stress.

Priceless for diabetics, as it is one of the few juices that you can drink without harm to health. Tomato juice removes cholesterol from the blood, increases hemoglobin level. Tomato juice is better to use freshly squeezed for half an hour before meals, so it will be most useful. In addition, tomato juice is one of the main ingredients of the Bloody Mary cocktail, which is so popular in our country. Tomato juice is better absorbed by the body, if you add any vegetable oil. Today I offer to your attention tomato juice recipe for winter.

Product yield: 2 liters

Cooking time: 40 minutes

  • Ripe tomatoes - 3 kilograms
  • Bulgarian pepper - 3 pieces
  • Bay leaf- 1 piece
  • Allspice - 4 pieces
  • Carnation - 1 bud

Pepper Tomato Juice - Recipe

Choose tomatoes red, ripe, juicy. Rinse under running water and dry on paper towel.

Cut into 2-4 pieces and twist in a meat grinder with a special nozzle.

We also wash the sweet Bulgarian pepper under running water, dry it and also twist it through a special nozzle. It will give the juice an extraordinary aroma and taste. Bay leaf, allspice peas and a clove bud are wrapped in cheesecloth and added to freshly squeezed juice, you can also add all your favorite spices.

In gauze we wrap up, that the spices gave their taste and aroma, but they did not come across while taking juice in food. Pour into a saucepan and boil tomato juice for 10-15 minutes, then remove the spices in cheesecloth. While the juice is boiling, we can prepare the jars.

They must be thoroughly rinsed with detergent and sterilized in one of the known ways (using a microwave oven, oven, steamer, steamed kettle). Boiling juice, pour over sterile jars, roll up the lids and turn over the cans upside down, wrapping until completely cool. Tomato juice with bell pepper   for winter   is ready.

In the summer and autumn, each caring mistress takes care of preparing various preparations for the winter, including always trying to prepare tomato juice. The technology of making tomato juice for the winter at home is to chop the pulp of the tomato and then boil it or sterilize it. While in the production of tomato juice is prepared from tomato paste or puree with the addition of water, dyes for color, salt and sometimes vitamin C and citric acid.

It is obvious that tomato is much tastier and healthier than its purchased counterparts. Therefore, it is better and cheaper to cook it at home, especially if you grow tomatoes yourself. I have been preparing tomato juice for a long time and constantly looking for new recipes. Among all the recipes I really like recipe of tomato juice with pepper for the winter.

Tomato juice with the addition of black peppers and allspice to it is very fragrant. In addition to pepper, you can also add dill with bay leaves, cloves, and rosemary sprigs. Quality should not be too thick texture and not too liquid, that is, with a low content of pulp.

As they say, everything in it should be in moderation. To get the juice from tomatoes, you can use a juicer or a meat grinder with a special nozzle. Despite the presence of a juicer, I prefer the use of a meat grinder. Just the other day, from my neighbor, who has a whole tomato plantation, I learned that they are closing over 70 liters of juice for the winter and for processing so many tomatoes are used ...

You will not believe the Soviet washing machine "Baby". The mashed tomatoes twisted in it are then passed through a mosquito net. So, thanks to ingenuity and thriftness, an unnecessary thing has changed its purpose and continues to be beneficial. But we will return to our recipe. tomato juice with pepper for the winter.

For the preparation of tomato juice, we need:

  • Tomatoes
  • black pepper peas
  • sugar
  • meat grinder with function and nozzle “tomato juice”,
  • banks
  • covers
  • enamelled container (large pan)

Tomato juice with pepper for the winter - a recipe

Collected or purchased fruits should be thoroughly rinsed under running water. We remove the tails. Using a knife, we cut out the parts of tomatoes that are spoiled (if any). Cut in half or 4 pieces. If your meat grinder (or juicer) allows you to work with whole fruits, that's just fine. You will save a lot of time for additional cutting.

The list of products for juicing may vary depending on your preference. This is the maximum list of what and with the addition of what you can make tomato juice. I will focus on the simplest and fastest version - tomato juice with black pepper (peas) and salt.

The resulting juice is collected in a deep plate.

or a bowl, and then send it to an enameled container. In it, we will boil our juice. When you managed with all the tomatoes, put the saucepan on the juice on a slow fire. We wait until boil, add a little salt (to taste) and black pepper - peas. We leave our mass on fire for 15-20 minutes so that it boils well.

If the tomatoes are sour, you can add some sugar. If you like the scent bay leafboldly add a couple of dried leaves in boiling juice. At this time, you can do the sterilization of cans and boiling lids. To do this, all prepared and washed containers are sterilized for 2-3 minutes over steam. I usually use a special nozzle to sterilize cans. If there is none, a regular kettle with a spout pre-closed with a cloth will do.

Lids for cans are dipped in boiling water. After a couple of minutes, take out and cover them with sterilized jars. Covers for preservation can be taken as those that are locked with a key, and those that simply twist without special effort. It will not affect the safety finished product. It took 20 minutes and our juice is almost ready. Alternately, each bank put on a shallow plate and pour the finished tomato juice.

Spin the lid. Leave to cool at room temperature. Later this preservation can be stored in the cellar or on the balcony. And in winter, I assure you, such a billet will serve you well. Add such tomato juice with pepper for the winter   in homemade borsch, caviar, stew or just drink .. it's incredibly tasty! Also cook and

Almost everyone likes tomato juice, both adults and children. And all juice producers must have tomato juice in their assortment. It is worse for someone, for someone it is better, but in any case it cannot be compared with tomato juice prepared at home. Therefore, in a season when there are a lot of ripe and juicy tomatoes, I always prepare tomato juice for the winter at home. And in order to make such homemade tomato juice more vivid in taste, I often add Bulgarian pepper and a little bit of hot pepper to the tomatoes.

This option is much more interesting than the classic one and fits perfectly to meat dishes   (,), to, etc. Harvesting tomato juice for the winter with Bulgarian pepper at home, the process is short and not complicated, especially if you use the help of a good juicer. If you are interested, I’ll be happy to share with you my proven recipe for delicious homemade tomato juice for the winter, and reveal all the secrets of how to make homemade tomato juice for the winter to make it tasty and flavorful.


  • 4 kg tomato;
  • 4 pods of Bulgarian pepper;
  • 0.5 pods of large red hot pepper;
  • 2.5 tablespoons salt without top.

* About 3 liters of tomato juice is obtained from the specified amount of ingredients.

How to cook tomato juice for the winter with bell pepper:

Making tomato juice for the winter begins with a tomato. For the juice we select ripe, you can even overripe tomatoes. Of ripe delicious tomato   and the juice will be delicious. From unripe tomato juice turns out watery, it will turn out less. My tomatoes. If the tomatoes have small cracks or spoiled places, carefully cut them. Remove the stem and cut into pieces (the pieces should fit into the hole in the juicer.

Bulgarian and hot peppers are washed in running water. Bulgarian pepper cut in half, cut out the stem, seeds and partitions. Each half is cut along into 2-3 pieces. In hot pepper, cut off the stem and cut it into small pieces, as required by the tomato juice recipe for winter at home.

As I have already said, it is easiest and fastest to prepare tomato juice for the winter through a juicer. But you can use the meat grinder with a special nozzle. If you use a meat grinder, be sure to pour it with boiling water. Together with the tomatoes, we pass through the juicer (or meat grinder) the Bulgarian pepper and pungent.

The resulting juice set on fire and bring to a boil. Salt to taste ( taste preferences   all different, so the amount of salt indicated is approximate). Cook the juice under the lid for about 5 minutes. Then try the resulting juice for spiciness and salt. If the sharpness is sufficient (to your taste) - excellent. If not, you can add the crushed hot pepper yet. The same applies to salt - if necessary, add it. Cook the juice for another 5 minutes, until complete disappearance of the foam.

Ready juice is poured into hot sterilized jars.

Cover the jars with lids and set the jars of juice in the pan with a lined napkin bottom. Fill warm water   and put on fire. After boiling water in a saucepan, sterilize the juice for 10 minutes.

Then hermetically close the jars with juice and turn upside down to cool completely. You can store this juice when room temperaturebut in a dark place.

If you want to prepare tomato juice without sterilization for the winter, then after rolling (or screwing) the banks with tomato juice, you need to wrap up and keep in this state for about a day - until the cans are completely cooled.

That's all friends! Now you know how to make delicious tomato juice for the winter with bell peppers. Or maybe you have your own, proven over the years and no less fun way   How to make tomato juice for the winter? Please share in the comments!