Rabbit in tomato sauce. Rabbit in tomato and cream sauce

26.04.2019 Buffet table

Tender, soft, dietary, aromatic ... yes, yes - this is just a small fraction of those epithets that can be used to describe rabbit meat. “It’s a long time to cook, so that it becomes just that!”: Some will object to me. I won’t argue, but I’ll just say justification in justification: “It's worth it!” A rabbit in tomato and cream sauce is really worth the time. Although, it would be more correct to say that the preparation itself will not be long, because we do not stand at the stove, when the dish languishes on its own and nothing but a glance at it sometimes is required. And in return ... but in return we receive grateful words and views of our friends and relatives after a delicious lunch or dinner.

So, for the recipe rabbit in tomato and cream sauce  with vegetables, it will take about 2 ½ hours (the time for thawing and soaking meat was not taken into account). The recipe is for 6 servings.


rabbit carcass - ½ pcs. (about 600g);

carrots - 1 pc;

onions - 1 pc;

sweet red pepper - 2pcs;

flour - 3 tablespoons;

olive oil (for frying) - 50g;

tomato paste - 2 tablespoons;

garlic - 3 prongs;

dill greens - 2-3 branches;

allspice, salt, black pepper, oregano - to taste.

Rabbit in tomato and cream sauce - recipe.

If rabbit meat was stored in the freezer - before cooking, pre-fill it with water overnight, if not - soak it in water for 2-3 hours.

Products needed to make a rabbit recipe in creamy tomato sauce.

First, prepare the vegetables. We put the pan over medium heat, pour refined olive oil and as soon as it warms up, put a couple of garlic cloves. After a few seconds (10-15) pour the finely chopped onion.

Mix and fry for 1-2 minutes.

Rub the peeled carrot on a coarse grater and add to the onion.

Remove the stalk and seeds of sweet pepper, cut into medium cubes and send to the pan. Knead and pass for 3-5 minutes.

Now let's take care of the meat.

We carefully wash the rabbit meat in running water, cut it into portioned pieces and remove the films. Using a paper towel, remove excess moisture from the meat. Next, each piece is carefully rolled in flour on all sides.

We spread the meat in a hot pan and fry until golden brown.

Turn over to the other side and fry. Make sure that the meat is not burnt (otherwise it will be bitter).

We take a deep stewpan or pan with a thick bottom and spread the vegetables in it. Put giblets on top.

Pour boiled meat with vegetables and put on medium heat. Bring to a boil and reduce the gas to a minimum. Cover and leave the dish to simmer for 1 ½ hours.

And finally, prepare a creamy tomato dressing. To do this, mix tomato paste and cream with a whisk or an ordinary fork.

Carefully pour the dressing into the pan with the rest of the products, bring to a boil and simmer for another 1/2 hour.

Rabbit in tomato and cream sauce - ready!

Loose rice can be served on the side dish or pasta from durum wheat can be boiled.

Bon appetit to all!

Also, using our recipe you can try to cook.

Many of us do not like and are afraid to cook a hare, let alone eat it. But if you look at this issue, the hare tastes very similar to a rabbit, the hare’s meat is a little tougher and darker in color, but much more aromatic than a rabbit.

Why is a hare considered more useful? Because the hare is a wild animal, and wild animals have a very mobile image, because of this the meat is not fatty and quite dense. The hare lives in the forest, breathes clean air, feeds on more natural feeds. Hare is a valuable meat, in which there is a lot of vitamin, minerals, minerals.

Zaychatina is a gentle and dietary meat, which is recommended for children and the elderly. There are many recipes for making a hare, but today I will cook a hare in tomato. In this dish we get aromatic, tender and dietary meat of a hare, as well as tomato sauce, which will add juiciness to the second dish.

What does it take to cook a rabbit stewed in tomato?

Ingredients for stewed rabbit in tomato:

How to cook a rabbit stewed in tomato?

Stewed rabbit recipe:

The hare is washed well, then we clean the films. We cut the hare into pieces and wash it again.

Pieces of the hare are put in a large pan.

Peel the onion from the husk, wash it and cut into rings or half rings. Put the onion into pieces of the hare.

Hare with onions pour cold water with vinegar. For one liter of water, add 200 grams of vinegar. We put the pot with the hare in the marinade in the refrigerator and leave it to marinate for a day or at least for the night. Marinade will give meat tenderness and softness, as well as remove extraneous odors.

After the meat is pickled. We put the pan on the fire, heat it, add oil and fry the pickled pieces of hare and onion.

When the meat is already fried on both sides, add water. And when the water evaporates a little, pour the tomato, which will improve the taste of the meat and make a good consistency of the sauce.

Stew the hare in a tomato under a closed lid over low heat. If the fire is large, the sauce will boil strongly and the hare in the tomato will lose its flavor.

Already at the end of stewing the bunny we add salt and spices. Hare's favorite spices are dill, parsley, rosemary, nutmeg and pepper.

A hare stewed in tomato can be served with a vegetable salad. Due to the tomato sauce, the main dishes will get a new taste and the dishes will become more juicy.

Bon Appetit!

How to cook the dish "Rabbit in tomato sauce"

  1. Wash the carcass of the rabbit, dry it and cut it into portions.
  2. Heat the pan, add oil and fry the rabbit pieces over high heat for 3 minutes from all sides.
  3. Wash tomatoes, rinse with boiling water, peel and chop using a blender.
  4. Wash and chop the basil.
  5. Put the rabbit, tomatoes in a stewpan, add water, tomato paste, salt and pepper, bring to a boil.
  6. Reduce the fire, cover and simmer over low heat for 30-40 minutes until cooked.
  7. Add basil 3 minutes before cooking.
  • Rabbit - 500 gr.
  • Water - 100 gr.
  • Tomatoes - 7 pcs.
  • Tomato paste - 1 tsp.
  • Salt (to taste) - 2 gr.
  • Ground black pepper (to taste) - 2 gr.
  • Green basil (to taste) - 10 gr.
  • Vegetable oil (for frying) - 10 gr.

Nutrition value of the dish “Rabbit in tomato sauce” (per 100 grams):

Components and calorie content of the recipe “Rabbit in tomato sauce”

(calorie and bju data are calculated approximately, excluding boiling and frying)

This is a user recipe, so there may be errors and typos. If you find them, please write in the comments under the recipe - fix.

Step-by-step recipes with photos from our website are located in the Recipes section.

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Rabbit Recipes

  Heat oil and fry the rabbit from all sides. It has long been known that rabbit meat is not only a dietary product, but also a delicious one. Just boil the quinoa and mix with the sauce. A rabbit in a slow cooker ... just imagine this dish, and you will immediately want to cook it.

Take a tomato paste or sauce and dilute them with water to a consistency at which the liquid will bubble while boiling. You can use peeled tomatoes, canned in their own juice. They should be crushed with a blender and diluted with water if necessary. At this stage of cooking, try the sauce and add those spices and spices that you think are missing. Add milk and stock, let the liquid boil.

Rabbit in a slow cooker

Remove the pan from the heat, add cheese and stir. Put a thick polenta in a 20 x 20 cm greased form with butter and smooth well. Send in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 15 minutes to brown the polenta.

It is well known that rabbit meat is dietary, rich in various vitamins and has a very piquant and delicate taste and aroma. There are a lot of ways to cook it. Today I want to bring to your attention a fairly simple recipe for making stewed rabbit in tomato sauce with vegetables.

In a small amount of water, mix ketchup and sour cream, fill the rabbit. Set the "Extinguishing" mode to 1.5 hours. After the multicooker signal, a delicious rabbit in a fragrant sour cream and tomato sauce is ready. Prepared in the multicooker Polaris 0508D Floris. There is nothing outstanding in this recipe, so - the next variation on the theme of dietary "diversity".

I decided to experiment with a rabbit - it turned out very nice. Give a little insist directly in the pan. Be sure to "undersize" the quinoa for a couple of minutes - she herself will come later. But I got into the "control" jeans! And one more stupid question, excuse me. Was it another “showdown” (this time photographic) in Kitchen Nakh that inspired me. Is the quality of the photograph in the recipe very important for you? I am such a “naturalist” in food. And you? Must everything be "neat"?

Put the onion on top of the rabbit. Pour in Passat tomato sauce, water, add spices. Close and simmer over low heat for 75 minutes, do not mix. Then open and simmer for 15 minutes without a lid to thicken the gravy.

Like any other island that has no numbers in the Mediterranean, Ischia is a paradise for lovers of fish and seafood. Nevertheless, one of the most famous Iskitan recipes is mountain, not sea. To try it, we went to a small village in the mountainous region of the island, the path was not long, but it was worth it!

Heat olive oil in a pan, add the garlic cloves crushed with a knife, and fry, stirring, until they darken, giving the butter its flavor. After that, discard the garlic, increase the heat and fry the pieces of the rabbit until golden brown. It is best to do this in several passes so as not to overload the pan, seasoning the already fried pieces with salt and pepper.

Recipe Description - Lazy rabbit cabbage rolls in carrot and tomato sauce:

After that, add the tomatoes - either peeled and coarsely chopped fresh (in this case, it is better to give preference to small cream tomatoes), or good canned ones.

Features of cooking rabbit dishes

Stew the rabbit for 1 hour, gradually adding water if the sauce boils too quickly. I extinguished an hour under a closed lid + half an hour with 190 degrees open in the oven in a pot. P.S.: For three recipes I write comments on the same day, but for the period of the month, because I wanted to try and compare first, and it was stressful with time.

That is what I called my new book, which included 70+ recipes for vegetable preparations, a variety of snacks, dried sausages and pastes. These are the very recipes that will allow you to set the holiday table at the lowest possible cost.

Egg Fried Rabbit Recipe

From time immemorial, rabbit meat was considered one of the best. For comparison: chicken earned only 50. Dishes from a rabbit always turn out to be very tasty and festive! This is not a canonical recipe, but an example of a very winning way of cooking ...

It turns out very tasty, while simple and non-standard. 4. Sprinkle the rabbit with the crumbled feta, put without a lid in the oven preheated to 200 ° C and bake until a light crust forms (you can grill it).

BTW: do not forget that the feta, which is placed at the very end, is quite salty, so at first it is better not to add the dish! This time I came across a weightlifter rabbit and had to put it in the oven for a couple of hours at a temperature of 100 degrees. So here he looked right away, with baked potatoes. Give a little insist directly in the pan.

What to cook from a rabbit? The most popular dishes

Rabbit meat, although not the most popular, because it can not be bought at every supermarket, but, nevertheless, is in fairly high demand in our country. In this article, we will talk about how to properly cook various dishes from a rabbit so that they turn out to be tasty and very appetizing. Rabbit dishes are also loved by children - their growing body perceives this meat intuitively, and the thing is that it contains a lot of phosphorus necessary for the growing body.

100 g of rabbit meat contains only 198 kcal. Unfortunately, rabbit meat is not sold everywhere, but if you have the opportunity to buy it and cook it periodically, then the recommendations collected in this article will certainly be useful. For softness and aroma, always pre-marinate the rabbit for 2-3 hours in various marinades with lemon juice, white or red wine, or vinegar (preferably wine).

You can just soak the meat in water by adding a little fruit vinegar to it - in this case, the rabbit will not lose its flavor and turn out to be very soft, but it will take more time to soak.

Rabbit meat is very well combined with various spices and herbs, which are divided into mandatory and auxiliary. You can add any spices to the rabbit at the stage of pickling / soaking or in the cooking process. Do not cook the whole rabbit in the oven - for this cooking method this meat is not suitable, it will turn out to be much tastier if you cut the carcass into several parts and cook them separately.

Transfer the roasted rabbit there and transfer the contents of the pan to this pan. Pour rabbit pieces in a saucepan with this sauce, salt and stew until almost ready. Rabbit recipes are light, nutritious and very tasty. About the recipe: “The rabbit, cooked in the Greek style, turns out to be unusually delicate and fragrant.


Rabbit in tomato sauce

Rabbit is not in vain considered a dietary meat, it is rich in protein and practically does not contain fat. Rabbit meat has excellent culinary properties; delicious diet dishes are prepared from it. Rabbit in tomato sauce is a very simple, tasty and healthy recipe. Be sure to cook this dish.

  • 1 rabbit
  • 0.5 kg ripe tomato or 0.2 l. tomato sauce
  • 2 large onions
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 0.2 l white wine
  • bay leaf
  • dill
  • parsley
  • oregano
  • olive or sunflower oil
  • pepper
  • So, we take the carcass of a rabbit, wash it, dab the moisture with a paper towel, cut it into pieces. Salt, pepper.
  • Pour just a little oil into the pan and fry the rabbit meat. We take out the prepared meat from the pan and set it aside.
  • Add the garlic and chopped onion to the oil remaining from the frying.
  • When the onion becomes soft and transparent, put half a spoonful of flour. Continuing stirring, fry the flour a little.
  • Pour in a thin stream of wine, and then a glass of water or meat broth. Mix everything well so that no lumps form.
  • Bring the mixture to a boil, add grated tomatoes or ready-made tomato sauce, chopped herbs, bay leaf and oregano last. Salt, pepper to taste.
  • Pieces of fried rabbit are put in the prepared sauce. Stew under the lid over low heat for about an hour.
  • Rabbit in tomato sauce served hot.


    Rabbit stewed in tomato sauce

    You can stew the rabbit in tomato (red) sauce or white.

    This, as a rule, is a dish of a festive table - New Year, Christmas or Easter. If there is no holiday, and the rabbit is absent too, according to this recipe you can cook chicken.

    • 1 rabbit
    • tomato paste, tomato sauce or tomatoes, canned in their own juice
    • olive oil
    • garlic
    • fresh or dry hot peppers
    • lemon juice
    • sugar

    Cut the prepared rabbit into portions and fry in olive oil. Put pieces of meat in a deep saucepan.

    Take a tomato paste or sauce and dilute them with water to a consistency at which the liquid will bubble while boiling. You can use peeled tomatoes, canned in their own juice. They should be crushed with a blender and diluted with water if necessary. Pour rabbit pieces in a saucepan with this sauce, salt and stew until almost ready.

    While the meat is cooking, peel about a head of garlic, pass it through a press and dilute with olive oil until a liquid paste is obtained. When the rabbit is almost ready, add garlic paste, lemon juice and hot pepper to the boiling sauce. If fresh is to be used, it should be peeled and cut into pieces.

    At this stage of cooking, try the sauce and add those spices and spices that you think are missing. Sugar, salt, lemon juice and garlic will give the dish a pleasant sweetish-sour garlic taste. Boil everything until the meat is ready.


    Rabbit stewed in tomato sauce with fresh aromatic herbs.

    We don’t eat dishes from a rabbit as often as, for example, chicken - you will probably see it on the festive table. Rabbit stewed in tomato sauce with fresh aromatic herbs is very Greek, and double with feta! This is not a canonical recipe, but an example of a very winning way to cook meat dishes! So you can cook the same chicken, squid, shrimp ... It turns out very tasty, while simple and non-standard.

      Rabbit weighing about 2 kg (or 6 legs)
      1 large onion
      1 cup chicken stock (or white wine)
      6 tbsp. l olive oil
      1 can of peeled tomatoes in own juice
      A few sprigs of fresh thyme
      A handful of fresh oregano leaves
      200 g feta
      Salt pepper
      In winter, fresh herbs can, of course, be replaced by dried herbs.

      1. In a cast iron pan, heat half the olive oil well. Cut the rabbit into 8-12 pieces, salt, pepper, fry in oil until golden brown. Remove and lay on a plate.
      2. Add the remaining oil to the pan, pass the finely chopped onions on it, pour the broth or wine into the pan, bring to a boil, put the rabbit pieces in the pan, cover and simmer for 30 minutes.

    3. Add mashed tomatoes with juice and herbs to the pan. Stew under the lid another 20
      4. Sprinkle the rabbit with the crumbled feta, put without a lid in the oven preheated to 200 ° C and bake until a light crust forms (you can grill it).

      5. Garnish is not needed here, serve with fresh bread, which must be dipped in sauce! And lettuce is always welcome.
      The sauce can be sour, especially if you did not use the broth, but the wine - it is easy to fix it by adding a little sugar.
      If the feta, which is placed at the very end, is quite salty, so at first it’s better not to add salt to the dish! If the cheese is very salty, pre-subtract it.