How much should grilled pork kebab. Skewers in mineral water. Kebir Kebab

22.04.2019 Grill menu


The third part of the tips how to cook pork kebabs from the chef of a Moscow restaurant Argo by Igor Mamatov.

Preparation for frying

- Remove the meat from the refrigerator a couple of hours before cooking so that it warms up to room temperature.

Be sure to shake the onions, spices herbs. On the coals, they will be the first to burn and give bitterness.

Meat must be dry. If the meat is wet, then the first minutes, until the moisture evaporates, the meat will not fry, and stew and nothing good will work. Ideally blot the meat with a paper towel.

The easiest way to achieve dry meat is to put it in a colander when you are pulled out of the fridge.

What should be a skewer

- Skewers for both kebab and kebab meat should be wide, but narrow ones should be used for vegetables.

How to string pork on a skewer

- The skewer must pass across the fibers. If the skewer runs along, then it spreads the fibers and the juice flows through the skewer, and if across, then it “stitches” the fibers.

String the meat tightly enough. If you use fat, then alternating pieces of meat and fat.

As I said, it is better to cut the meat into slices, not diced. If you cut the meat slices across the fibers, then string it on a skewer flat.

The photo is more visual.

  Meat for kebab strung across the grain

When to salt the pork skewers

- I think that pork is best salted already on a skewer, before you sent it to the coals.

  Salt barbecue can be already on Magal

How and how much to fry pork kebab

- There is general principle. First, you fry the meat on all sides to a light brown color on strong coals, and then or shift the skewers to the side, where the heat is less and bring to readiness.

If you have a small brazier, then just dig the coals to the sides.

Universal Council how much barbecue does not exist. It all depends on the meat, on the shape, on the coals and the distance from the coals to the meat. Even the difference in 20C already affects the cooking time.

1 minute per side on high heat
  7-10 minutes on a small

For reference: for the meat that you cut according to my advice - 1 minute per side on high heat and 7-10 minutes on low.

How to check the readiness of kebabs

- Cut the thickest piece with a knife and see if there is no pink meat, then the kebab is ready, if it is still pink - let it stand still.

Do we need to give the kebab time for "rest"

- I think that this time pork shashlik is not necessary. This steaks are necessary, and pork skewers you cook completely. And while you remove the meat from the skewer, while you lay it on the plates, it will “rest.” Moreover, the pieces are small and if you give them a "rest", they simply cool.

How to eat pork kebab

- Wherever you are, the meat must be removed from the skewer. This is inconvenient, you can burn yourself, and let's not forget that the skewer is a cold weapon. And we eat - with the help of a fork and a knife, like any meat.

You can put pieces of meat on pita bread or cakes, then the juice flowing from the meat is absorbed into the bread. Delicious.

Kebab sauces

Recipes for pork shish kebab sauces

Everyone loves his sauce, so everything depends on the tastes of the eaters. But my advice, serve a few sauces to the kebab - it will taste better.

Careful and correct to add the sauce to the meat, scooping it with a fork or knife. If you lower the meat into the sauce, you will not feel the taste of pork shashlik. And in the restaurant, your sauce will end very quickly.

If you are not a great cook, but you want to make an interesting sauce, then you can chop the garlic finely, add water, cook for a couple of minutes, add to mayonnaise and mix. It turns out not mayonnaise, but a very tasty sauce.

If you take a ketchup, then just do not pour it right like that. Add the chopped garlic, any herbs, cilantro goes very well, but those who love it, and chopped onions. Onion is better to scald with boiling water before adding. It will not be banal ketchup. And even better - tomatoes in own juicewhich then with greens and garlic punch through a blender.

Hooray! We met the approaching summer and opened the picnic season. Of course, a picnic by the sea. True, the sea is not yet visible, it is under the ice. Now I will tell all the basics of frying pork kebab, which will make this recipe basic.

Time does not stand still. Thanks to your comments, special thanks to Michael. I learned to cook and laid out a masterpiece recipe for pork-neck kebab. which I can now additionally recommend to your attention.


ham  or neck (from the neck skewers softer) 1 kg.

a pair of medium bulbs

ignition fluid


To learn how to cook this dish, you need to improve all your life. Now I will tell a simple recipe, which is guaranteed to get a delicious kebab. And you can improve endlessly! And I’m sure we will accumulate experience together, experimenting and commenting on the recipe.

Selection of meat for pork kebab:

When I was just starting to learn how to fry meat on coals, I tried to buy meat with a lazy muscle, the one that goes along the spine. It is also called entrecote. It looked so beautiful, it seemed that the kebab from it would be what is needed. But from time to time the meat turned out to be dry, similar to paper ... As I had just experimented with the marinade and frying, I didn’t think of trying another piece. And in the next campaign on the market, I just asked for meat for a shish kebab, to which I was offered a ham. Of course, he didn’t look so beautiful, and he obviously needed some trouble. But the result was not long in coming. Thus, pork ham is great for barbecue. From which you get tasty, juicy meat. Further studies in the field of cooking have shown that even more delicious results can be obtained from the pork neck.
  I think if on the Internet you are looking for a kebab recipe, then you have already burned the purchased jars of pickled meat. Therefore, let's marinate the meat on our own, to which we turn.

Pork kebab marinated in mayonnaise:

This is one of the most simple ways  pickle meat. Pre-need to cut the ham into cubes with a side size of 1.5-2 cm. On these pieces must fall fat. Meat folded in plastic or enamel ware. Salt, pepper, add mayonnaise and mix thoroughly.

Then chop the onion into rings, add to the meat with mayonnaise and mix thoroughly again.

Put marinated meat in the refrigerator for 12 hours or more. I want, somehow, to marinate meat for several days, it should turn out very tasty.

Mangal selection:

The best brazier with slots of different depths. To be able to roast meat on a different fire: closer to the coal or away from the coals. At the same brazier should be made of thick steel or cast iron. But this is the ideal. I have the most common, cheap, collapsible version. I hope someday I will make myself correct.

Coal preparation:

Today, the picnic turned out to be impromptu. By this I bought ready-made birch coals and liquid for ignition. In principle, this does not spoil the final product. But only reduces the romance. To begin with, I will tell you how to kindle coals with liquid. Ignition fluid is very useful in the household and I always try to carry it in the car. It consists of liquid paraffins. In other words, from heavy hydrocarbons contained in oil. In any case, heavier than automotive fuels. Therefore, igniting the fire with this liquid, you only need to let it burn completely, so that there is no smell. It was a theory. Now practice.
  Put the grill. Pour ready-made coals to the bottom of the barbecue, pour with ignition fluid. And give her 3-4 minutes.

Now the coals can be ignited with a match, even without paper. Give the coal to burn 10-15 minutes. Even without flame. If necessary, they can be fanned.
  If you decide to incinerate coals yourself, then I fully share your choice. Chop and cut the dry wood so that the size of the wood was placed in the brazier. Make a fire in the grill, if necessary. I will write how it is done in the comments. Ignition fluid can also be used to make a fire. Burn wood to coal, so that there is no fire. And only the heat from the coals. In this case, the best heat will come from the white coal.
  We start frying kebabs.

Frying pork kebabs:

We went to nature and not far away, so we skipped shish kebabs on skewers at home, in order to avoid messing around without conditions. In principle, I recommend it to you. I string meat, mixed with onions and sometimes add fresh tomato. However in classic version  on the skewer dress only pieces of meat, without vegetables. All pieces are closely pushed to each other.
  Ideally, the kebab must first be roasted over high heat. This is where the brazier with deep slits comes in handy. We also have to rake up coals in a pile.
  Fry shish kebabs for 3-4 minutes so that a light crust appears. And rake coals to raise the skewers higher. Now fry until cooked. To make the meat juicier it can be watered with mineral water, water or marinade. It is considered a great skill to grill the kebab to the desired condition. But it only comes with experience. For this exercise, train and train.

And we have a pork kebab ready. Outside, a little burnt, but inside it is very juicy and tasty. I recommend to serve shish kebab fresh vegetables, for example in the form of summer salad. pickled onion. Enjoy your meal.

How much to fry pork kebab video recipe - step by step

Below you will meet step by step video  A recipe that will help you when cooking.

Having all the right ingredients  and using our tips from this article, you will easily and (hopefully) cook this wonderful dish with pleasure.

See other recipes:

Tags of this dish ::
  picnic dishes, pork dishes, birthday dishes, marinade for pork kebab, kebab recipe

And do not talk to us, dear and beloved, about the dish of all times and peoples - barbecue? Speech turnover about the past days and the people who tried this dish, in this case was not used for the sake of a word-witty - really, try to think when a person first cooked a kebab? Surely our primitive relative, roasting the carcass on a fire with his own hand killed by a spear of a hairy beast, could not even imagine that several thousand years later his followers would also bake meat on a fire, while calling their dinner a tasty word "shish kebab".

However, we will not delve into the story, let's talk heart to heart about how to cook tasty meat on the grill. Surely you have a couple of family secrets in your family that you will never tell anyone about. And if the "Magic Food" will share their knowledge, you will give out your secrets? We will not tell anyone else, honest word!

15 tips for those who want to learn how to cook the perfect kebab

1. How to choose meat for kebabs

Not all that kebab that smells delicious.

It's no secret that if you do everything correctly, traditionally and traditionally, then for cooking kebabs need to take lamb. However, firstly, this type of meat has a rather strong specific smell that not everyone likes, and secondly, it is not so easy to find high-quality lamb cutting in our stores and markets, therefore another almost traditional versionpork shashlik.

When choosing meat, pay attention to its fat content: too lean a piece will be dry and hard after cooking, too fat will remain unpleasantly fat. Here, as in no other case, the golden mean is important. When it comes to pork, usually buy a neck. Less often - a spatula or ham. Loin not taken at all  - in spite of the fact that it is the most beautiful part of the pork carcass, it does not suit the barbecue categorically.

In addition to pork, for cooking kebabs can be used. veal (high quality beef), chicken, turkey meat. In addition, shish kebabs are prepared from some breeds of fish - catfish, salmon, sturgeon.

Sharing family secrets tasty barbecueMost people tell marinade recipes. So, do not believe it! Pledge perfect kebab  - just the right choice of meat. From cheap, stale, old pork it is impossible to cook a juicy, soft, appetizing kebab, you can not even try. And vice versa: it is very difficult to spoil fresh, high-quality meat, it is amazing and beautiful in itself, therefore, the kebab from it is very likely to be perfect.

2. How to make the perfect cutting of meat

Barbecue female hands does not tolerate.
  K / f "Moscow does not believe in tears"

To make the kebab tasty and juicy, it is important to correctly approach the issue of cutting meat. The key can be called two points.

The first is size, oddly enough it sounds, of course, it matters: too small pieces of meat will simply dry on the fire, becoming dry, hard “chips”, and large chunks will not have time to fry, burn them from above, they will remain raw inside. Again - the golden mean: not big and not small, even and neat and important! - everything is about the same size, otherwise a part of the meat will be overdone, a part will remain under prepared

Second - the meat must be cut across the fibers. A simple truth that rarely follows, trying to chop the meat as it will - instead of doing the right thing. And in the end it turns out, naturally, in different ways, but more often - it is hard, dry and little appetizing.

3. How to calculate the product

Do so that neither the kebab nor the skewer is not burned.

Kebabs should be a lot! This is an immutable truth, law and just an axiom that does not require any reasonable evidence. There should be so many shashlik so that it always stays (by the way, have you ever tried to stew potatoes on a shish kebab, cook pea soup  or cook pilaf? not? oh-oh-oh-so vain!). Meat is usually bought at the rate of 300-400 g per person. More - it is possible, less - not worth it. Do not forget that in the process of cooking this product is sure to lose weight.

4. The best marinade for kebabs

The shish kebab was not eaten, but blind from the smoke.

About the best way to marinate shish kebab, ask real professionals - those who cook this dish constantly and regularly, who were born and raised in a country for which shish kebab has long been an element of culture, who fries it, no longer seeking to improve perfection. In many Caucasian countries, meat for shish kebabs is marinated in its own juice, adding only salt, black pepper and onions to the sliced \u200b\u200bpieces. This minimalism has a special meaning, each ingredient is dictated by experience and common sense.

However, if you want to find another, special recipe  shish kebab marinade and each time getting ready to fry meat on the fire, try a new way, do not forget that in most cases it takes time for the meat to marinate properly. Ideally, it is about 10-12 hours, in a minimum format - at least 4-5 hours.

5. Salt or not salt?

Don't part with the lamb - stay without a kebab.

What a question, you ask, of course, salt! Ok, salt, but when? Before frying or after? There is a widespread opinion that salt "pulls out" juices from meat, so you should not add it to the marinade, just salt just before frying or after it.

Believe me (and if you do not believe - arm yourself with weights, a notebook and a clever view and check experimentally!), The pre-salting of meat at the stage of marinating does not in any way affect the dehydration of the product. Salt is ready barbecue quite problematic: salt does not penetrate through the dense meat crust, will remain on the surface and will be felt only on the upper layers of the meat piece.

If to be completely fair, it is worth noting that the cooking time affects the dryness of the kebab much more (if the heat is not intense enough, you will have to “marinate” the meat over the coals, long and tedious, that will naturally dry it much more than supposedly make salt) and the size of a piece of meat (this was already mentioned above). Therefore, salt it without thinking, because, like unsalted meat, it is a horror, product transfer and nonsense in general.

6. Seasoning: to be or not to be? That is the question!

Life is easy when you eat kebabs.

In recent years, supermarket shelves sag under the weight of all sorts of seasonings - for chicken, pork, lamb, just universal meat, grilled meat, kebabs and other trinkets. At the bazaar, it is impossible to calmly walk past oriental spices and spices filled with beautiful slides - you will be offered anything you want, and you will not even have time to look back when you get one-time sachets of ingredients mixed from obscure spices for you.

If you approach the issue wisely and discreetly, it is certainly tasty. However, be very confident in your rationality and restraint, because otherwise you risk getting something meat instead of kebab, but poorly identifiable behind a thick crust of all kinds of spices.

And do not forget that everything in the meat stands, sticks out and hangs down, sure to burn. Herbs and spices are easy to burn - do you want to eat coals in large quantities?

7. Skewer or grill?

The house is not built on the seven winds, the kebab on seven coals does not sprout.

Traditionally, kebabs are fried on skewers, beautifully and confidently turning them over the coals. However, if you prefer to put the meat on the grill, then lay out! Why not? Of course, this is not a classic of the genre, but, let's say, pancake pans did not always exist either - this is not a reason to fry pancakes on a hot stone until now.

By the way. If you decide to roast meat on skewers, try before sticking meat on them, heating them well on the grill - so you will not only disinfect the metal (it is important for some), but also ensure the coagulation of proteins inside the meat piece, which will allow the juice not to flow out from shish kebab or flow out to a much smaller extent.

8. A bit of fantasy - for beauty and fragrance.

Only a ram can refuse a kebab.

Kebab - this is a creative thing, it does not need precise proportions, adjusted to a gram of ingredients, strict adherence to the recipe, and it's great! You can always improvise, try your options, realize own fantasies. Try playing with the marinade - who knows, maybe you can open new component, thanks to which your kebab will become famous throughout the city?

Another theme for creativity - stringing meat on a skewer in turn with additional products. Most often it is, of course, talking about onion rings, however, feel free to try all that comes into your head. It looks absolutely incredible chicken kebab, which is put on a skewer interspersed with large berries of grapes. Zucchini and zucchini cooked over charcoal are deliciously delicious - maybe you should try cooking them together with meat? Bulgarian pepper, slices of bacon, pumpkin, tomatoes, eggplants, peaches, apples and all-all-all that comes into your head. Try it!

9. Bonfire and coals

Do you like kebab, love and grill grill.

Connoisseurs claim that the most delicious kebab comes out on fruit wood. The most suitable is considered to be cherry, pear, plum, while it should be understood that a rare specialist, having tried a kebab, prepared, for example, on cherry wood, will distinguish it from kebab, cooked on oak branches.

In general, you can use any deciduous trees - linden, birch, poplar. It should be remembered: in no case can you take resinous (coniferous) wood for cooking kebabs. Resins will give the meat a characteristic taste and aroma, which will spoil the meat.

10. Grilled shashlik

Kebab from the kebab not far fried.

It would seem, what could be easier? Strung meat, put the skewer on the grill and cool it until the shish kebab becomes appetizing, and everyone passing by will not come running to the smell. However, the kebab requires a careful approach, with a run-up and without experience, you are unlikely to cook tasty meat, and even a pile of diverse theoretical knowledge will still be small, until you yourself fry it at least one dozen times.

The first thing to remember is the kebab being prepared over the coals. A banal, uninteresting truth that many people neglect. In a hurry to quickly bring the meat to the table, the mountain chefs lose their patience and begin to grill the skewers on the wood that is not completely burned out. The end result is a tough, burnt crust and a damp, non-curable middle.

Another common mistake is the neglect of flames, which sometimes appear on the coals. If fat or any other easily combustible ingredient gets on the burned-out firewood, the coals instantly react - harmful and very aggressive lights come up, and they strive to spoil your picnic. Always ready (yes, always, even if you are sure that this will not happen to you) there should be a bottle of water. For convenience, make a few holes in the lid - this will allow you to gently spray water over those areas that require your intervention, and will help not to fill in the remaining coals.

11. Barbecue check

Communication in Russia is so important that external circumstances no longer matter. Several times I happened to fry kebabs in the cold and in the rain - if we decided to go to the park for barbecues, we do so, regardless of the vagaries of the weather.
  Anna-Lena Lauren, "They have something with their heads, these Russians"

The kebab is checked for readiness very simply: a knife is cut into the thickest piece of meat until the skewer is lightly pressed. If the extracted juice is colorless, the kebab is ready. If blood is visible at the cut, wait a little longer.

12. Shashlik serving

Lamb shish kebab is not invited.

Beautiful, of course, if the skewers are removed from the heat and immediately spread on the table right on the skewers - in some restaurants, real shows are created from this simple action. In general, yes, spectacular and amazing, but ... very uncomfortable. First, skewers immediately occupy an irrational huge space on the table. Secondly, eating meat from the "skewer" is, of course, primitively great, but hardly pleasant: even the ears get dirty.

The choice is yours - entertainment and theatricality or simplicity and comfort.

13. A little secret before the kebab gets on the table.

At one beard was burning, and the other on it was grilled kebabs.

After you have removed the meat from the coals, it’s not bad enough to give it a little “reach.” You already do it - usually this is exactly the time it takes for the guests to hear the signal “kebab ready!” To wash their hands, move to the table, fill their glasses and say the first toast. Ideally, the meat should be under the lid or wrapped in foil - this is how the “steam effect” is provided, which helps the kebab to relax a little, release the juices, finally soften completely and irreversibly.

For a special "highlight" try sprinkling the finished meat with a small amount of pomegranate juice (amazing!) Or dry wine (juicy!). Add to bowl if desired. fresh herbs  and chopped onion rings - after 15 minutes the kebab will acquire a special aroma and taste.

14. Kebab accompaniment

The arba broke - lazy firewood, the bull died - the shashlik loafer.

In our tradition, for some reason, kebabs are necessarily associated with vodka or beer. Nobody calls you to sobriety, however, think somehow at your leisure, if the comrades mentioned are really the best friends of the kebab.

Again, we make a mental reference to Caucasian traditions and we recall that most often on holiday table  Caucasian is a jug of wine, we draw conclusions and try to serve a red shashlik dry wine, tart and thick.

Well, and do not forget about fresh vegetables and herbs. The more juicy cilantro, bright parsley, tender dill, spicy basil, sweet cucumbers, sugar tomatoes appear on the table along with the meat, the more delicious the kebab will be.

By the way, you can also hold the bread that you give slightly over the coals - it will become fragrant and crunchy. If there are a couple of sheets of pita in the house lying around, wrap cheese, tomatoes, greens in it and fry over coals - it will be unreal tasty!

15. Sense of Measure

Turkey also thought, until the shish kebab hit.
  C / f "Cards, money and two trunks"

Barbecue - an event, of course, very exciting and creative, however, in their creative impulses, try to observe a sense of proportion. Do not throw all the tips and secrets suggested above into one huge bowl of meat. A hundred ingredients for the marinade is unlikely to make the kebab tastier - trying to implement their recipes, think about moderation. If you want to strung together additional components with meat, do not mix lard with grapes and strawberries with fish in one pile. If you water the meat with wine during the frying process, you probably should not sprinkle it with lemon juice when serving. A sense of proportion, dear, a sense of proportion in everything!

Marinade for shish kebab - top 10 best recipes

1. Kebab in red wine

In the process of preparing a couple of alcohol, as in many other recipes using wine, brandy or other spiritsevaporate, there remains only a subtle delicate fruity flavor and an incredibly rich, beautiful color.

For 1 kg of meat will need:
  300 ml of dry red wine;
  3-4 onions;
  5 cloves of garlic;

My meat, obsushivaem, cut into portions. We spread in a saucepan, salt, pepper, squeeze garlic, mix everything thoroughly, add onion sliced \u200b\u200bin circles, pour in wine. Again, stir, then cover with a plate or lid, smaller in diameter than the diameter of the pan, put a jar of water on top or another load. Leave for 6-7 hours.

2. Skewers in kefir

At first glance, a very strange combination will surprise you and as a result of cooking kebabs: the meat will be delicate, the taste will be slightly creamy.

For 1 kg of meat will need:
  200 ml of kefir;
  3 onions;
  salt, freshly ground black pepper to taste.

My meat, cut into portions, salt, pepper, pour kefir. We spread onions, mix well, remove to cold for at least 5 hours.

3. Skewers in mineral water

Fans of pickling shashlik in mineral water claim that it is one of the most quick ways  pre-prepare the meat for cooking on a fire. By itself, this marinade is fairly neutral, so to give the kebab a “zest”, try adding to mineral water suitable spices  - Hot pepper, paprika, coriander.

For 1 kg of meat will need:
  250 ml of mineral water;
  2-3 bulbs;
  salt, freshly ground black pepper to taste.

My meat, dried, cut into portions. We shift layers with chopped onion rings, in parallel with salt, pepper. Fill mineral water, leave in a cool place for 1-3 hours.

4. Kebab with Kiwi

And this is exactly the fastest of all possible marinades! Due to organic acids, which are part of the green exotic berries, collagen in meat protein is destroyed, so that the meat becomes very, very soft. However, be careful: just overdo it - and instead of a kebab, you get minced meat: Kiwi has a fairly quick effect on meat. The method is very useful in those cases where you chose the unlucky meat - tough and stringy.

For 1 kg of meat will need:
  5 Kiwis;
  5 cloves of garlic;
  salt, freshly ground black pepper to taste.

Fill kiwi and garlic, mix with washed, dried, chopped, salted meat. Cover with a lid and leave for 40-60 minutes, periodically checking the condition of the meat and testing it for softness by simply piercing it with a knife.

5. Kebabs in onion-tomato marinade

Spicy and fragrant. Meat, pickled in a tomato-onion dressing, will be juicy and unbanal.

For 1 kg of meat will need:
  3 ripe tomatoes;
  1 large onion;
  1 tsp hops-suneli;
  salt, freshly ground black pepper to taste.

Grate the tomatoes. Onions cut into rings.
  My meat, dried, cut into pieces. We salt, we add pepper, hop-suneli. Stir with tomato puree, we shift onion rings. Leave for 8-10 hours.

6. Oriental pork or meat in honey

Marinade, frankly, an amateur, however, if you are a fan of Eastern trends in cooking, you will surely enjoy the sharp-sweet taste that comes from the kebab thanks to this marinade.

For 1 kg of meat will need:
  3 tbsp. l honey;
  2 tbsp. l soy sauce;
  2 tbsp. l mustard beans;
  1 tsp dry ground ginger;
  1 tsp hot pepper;
  salt, freshly ground black pepper to taste.

My meat, dried, cut into pieces.
  Mix with honey, soy sauce, hot and black peppers, ginger, mustard, salt. Leave for 5-8 hours.

7. Kebabs in vinegar

Many lovers of kebabs believe that vinegar makes the meat more rough and tough, however, there is another opinion: thanks to this additive, the meat becomes spicy, spicy and very tasty. To understand in whose camp you are, you should at least once try to cook kebab marinated in vinegar.

For 1 kg of meat will need:
  4 tbsp. l table vinegar (9 %);
  10 art. l water;
  3-4 onions;
  salt, freshly ground black pepper to taste.

Wash my meat, dry with disposable towels, cut into portions. We salt, we pepper. Mix the water and vinegar, pour the meat. We mix, we shift onions, we leave in a cool place for 3-4 hours.

8. Skewers in mayonnaise

Yes, mayonnaise - cold sauce, yes, of course, when heated, it falls to the mountain harmful substancesOf course, this is generally a moveon - use it when cooking meat. But once you can, right? And if you really like it, then sometimes, just a couple of times a year? Quietly - so that no one knows?

For 1 kg of meat will need:
  200 g of mayonnaise;
  4 onions;
  salt, freshly ground black pepper to taste.

My meat, dried, divided into pieces. We salt, we pepper. Stirring, gradually add mayonnaise. Shifting layers, alternating with onion rings. Leave for 5-10 hours.

9. Skewers in pomegranate juice

Gentle, juicy, bright, fragrant, berry - what else to add so that you understand that this marinade is worth trying at least once in your life!

For 1 kg of meat will need:
  250 ml of fresh pomegranate juice;
  4 onions;
  salt, freshly ground black pepper to taste.

We wash the meat, cut off the excess, dry it, divide it into portions. Salt, add pepper and pomegranate juice, how should we knead, shift the onion rings, leave in a cool place for 8-10 hours.

10. “Quick” onion marinade

This marinade is very ... very, shall we say, an amateur, because in the process of cooking kebab the onion mass quickly burns, if you do not clean it off from the meat beforehand, however, the significant juiciness that the onion juice gives to meat and the breathtaking smell that peculiar to kebabs cooked with onions. Try definitely worth it!

For 1 kg of meat will need:
  0.5 kg of onions;
  salt, freshly ground black pepper to taste.

Grate the onion or grind it in a blender. Wash my meat, dry, chop, mix with salt, pepper and onion mass. We put under pressure for 5-8 hours. Before stringing meat on a skewer, we clean the meat from onions as much as possible.

Well, what, theory theory, is it time to start practicing? We wish you many, many sunny days, wonderful occasions for picnics, excellent companies and, of course, delicious barbecues. And yes, “Magic Food” has fulfilled its part of the contract, told about secrets - now it's your turn to reveal family secrets.

On average, to taste kebabs, for an adult, the original 300 gr is enough. raw meat. Produce further arithmetic yourself, based on the company's appetites and feast time.

First of all, kebabs are high-quality meat. Vendors are so good at using modern technologies to disguise a spoiled product, that at first glance you will not notice the catch. So we will call on all our feelings and opportunities for right choice  just that piece of meat, which will be destined to become the most delicious barbecue, forgive us vegetarians.

Any meat for kebabs:

  • should not be paired (meat should be drained and kept at a temperature of from 0 to -1 ºС for at least a day) otherwise finished form  it will be tough and tasteless;
  • be odorless chlorine or any other unpleasant or foreign odor.
  • the surface should not be slippery and sticky;
  • the fat should not be pink (if the meat begins to bleach, it can be treated with potassium permanganate, so to speak, to refresh it, hence the color of the fat layer);
  • the edges should not be very soft and shapeless (meat can be soaked in acetic solutionthat softens fibers);
  • it is dangerous if the meat is treated with magenta. This is a poison that destroys microorganisms and is dangerous to humans. Press the napkin against the surface of the meat. If there is a bright pink trace (there will be another shade of blood), then the chemists worked on the meat. Even if they did not immediately recognize the deception, then when cooking such meat, the liquid will turn a specific pink color. Eating is strictly prohibited!
  • it is not freely divided into fibers and is not separated from the bone without the use of a knife.

Quality meat:

  • when pressed on a piece of meat, the fossa is quickly restored, the exception is the so-called seasoned (ripe) meat, but it has a slightly different look;
  • fatty layers of white color, without yellowness;
  • slightly dried (wound) thin edges are allowed, especially in lean meat.
  • good meat smells nice, i.e. has a slightly perceptible scent of freshness;

The color should be uniform, natural for its type, both on the surface and in the fresh cut:

Pork - pink, with frequent white fat layers
Beef is red (the darker the color, the older the animal and the harder the meat will be) with more pronounced meat fibers than pork and a thick film on the surface of the piece
Veal - pinkish red. Darker than pork, but lighter than beef

Lamb - red, more saturated color, than not old beef, and only with white fatty layers. The meat of mature animals has a specific smell, which you will not get rid of.

Check - hold a piece of meat in the fire, if it smells only of scorched meat, then you can take.

The chicken is a light-colored, white-pink breast, the thighs are pink, and the lower leg is dark pink.

Chicken meat must be cooked with the skin, then the meat will not be dry.

If you take a whole carcass, then look at the hen under the wing. It is from this place that the defilement begins and the smell appears.

How to deal with frozen meat?

Of course, it is better to cook meat that has not been subjected to freezing. If you still get frozen product, then the main thing is that there is no re-freezing. To determine this, hold your finger on a frozen piece for a while. If the melting point changed the brightness of the color, became more intense, then you can take it, the storage conditions were not violated. If the meat does not change color or becomes grayish or dark, then do not risk and leave it in the store.

If the meat is still vacuum-packed, make sure that there are no pink ice crystals and frozen drips. In addition, the meat should not "hang out" inside. The film should tight it tight.

Be sure to defrost in the refrigerator, then the structure of the fibers will suffer less and the meat will remain juicy.

Chilled meat in a sealed package can be treated with carbon monoxide - "carbon monoxide". If it was packed really fresh meat and the date of implementation is fair, then they preserve the presentation without compromising quality. But when packing stale meat, the view remains beautiful, and inside it creates a favorable oxygen-free atmosphere for the development of botulism and salmonella.

Suitable barbecue pieces

Meat is muscle. Those parts of the carcass that moved little during the life of the animal will be the softest and preferred for cooking.

Pork and chicken are the most popular raw materials for kebabs. This meat is more affordable and is in a wider range on the shelves. Cooking such kebabs is somewhat easier, so get the first experience on this basis.

The pig should be female (if you hold a small piece of meat with fat over the fire, then there should not be a specific fetid smell). The boar on the counter is rare, but unscrupulous sellers behind the counter are in abundance.

The neck occupies the dominant place among the barbecue blanks, then balyk on the bone (chop) or loin - these names are obtained by different cutting from one dorsal-rib part of the carcass.

The upper part of the pulp of the hind leg (area above the kidneys), usually triangular in shape with a small bone on the inside, is also a great option.

Ribs with uncircumcised meat and fat are even tastier than the neck and cheaper. However, the bones in such a kebab almost half the weight that you need to consider when buying.

Tenderloin is the rarest and most expensive part of any kind of meat. It is practically without fat, but because this muscle never moves, then the meat turns out the most tender, delicious.

This piece of meat should be sold in one long piece, narrowed to one edge with a piece and should be about 1 kg by weight and up to 30 cm in length, not more. Some sellers may offer regular pulp as tenderloin.

It is better not to use other meat pieces of pork for kebabs.

In chicken, you can cook everything except the back and neck (there is little meat). The main thing is not to remove the skin, it can be removed from the ready-made kebab. The left leg is preferable, because the chicken’s right is “working”, the bird “rows” more and more often stands on it.

Beef kebabs will be the most expensive, since the best part is the tenderloin.

Pay attention to the size of beef tenderloin: weight up to 2 kg, length not more than 45 cm.

You can cook the meat from the inside of the back of the leg, the rest of the flesh is harsh and dry for frying without fat.

The young lamb has the most delicious meat on the ribs, brisket, and it is cut with a small bone. Also, the back leg will fit, cutting - this is of course the elite.

They say that lamb skewers need to be eaten hot, because fat quickly hardens. However, this does not apply to young meat that does not contain refractory fat.

Cutting meat for kebabs

Meat should be cut across the fibers, approximately equal in size pieces. The thinner the slice, the faster it will cook, but it will lose more juice.

The optimal size is 40x40x40 mm (plus 10 mm), the length can be increased to 60 mm.

The pieces are strung on a skewer along the fibers, close to each other. There should be no hanging fat or meat.

It is possible to fry meat not only on skewers, large flat pieces will be more convenient and better prepared on the grill (barbecue), although the name of this dish will be different.

Chicken is not cut into pieces. Its parts are prepared with pelt and bones, only shins, wings or thighs are strung on one skewer or are evenly placed on the grate.

Breast can also be fried in one piece on the bone. Many cook the fillet on skewers, keeping meat in a fat-containing marinade.

If the meat contains little fat, then frying it will turn out dry. Slightly correct the case, strung pieces of bacon between the meat or slices of tomato.

For kebabs use fish. Most often in the form of steaks (slices cut across the ridge). Marinated fish is not more than 1 hour and is fried, approximately, twice as fast as meat, but not on skewers, but on a lattice.

The right grill

Barbecue should not be deep. The distance from coal to meat should be 5 - 10 cm and the lower the bottom, the more coal will be needed. The optimum depth is 160 - 200 mm, width 300 mm and length up to 1 m. Wall thickness not less than 3 - 5 mm. Well, if the holes in the grill after preparing the coal will be closed. So the coals will last longer and will not burn quickly to ash. Perfect grill - with the ability to control the height of the skewers. Portable, folding grills are very shaky and almost disposable. Having a thin wall, they do not withstand reusable heating and warp.

Very effective "earth" grill.

Build it easy. It is necessary to dig a shallow groove under the coals and install two columns of bricks or metal arches along the edges. The heat will persist for a long time due to the superficial inflow of oxygen and the poor thermal conductivity of the soil. By changing the number of bricks or plunging the arc, you can adjust the height of the skewers above the coals.

What and how to fry kebabs?

Classic, but not generally available material - dry vine. The most suitable analogue is fruit and berry trees and shrubs. From hardwood avoid birch, it will blacken the meat. Coniferous wood should not be used, because the tar will be present in the smoke and settle on the meat.

Thin branches (brushwood) are first laid in the brazier, then thicker branches and chopped logs. To get a sufficient amount of coal, and not a mixture of ash and burning heads, you need to burn wood at a time, without putting wood. The finished embers are black on the outside and fiery hot inside. Occasionally flames may walk on the surface. To prevent inflammation from dripping fat, generously sprinkle salt over the coals. It will support the heat and absorb fat.

To speed up the cooking process, you can use ready-made coal. They are prepared almost immediately after ignition. Oak and coconut coals burn longer, and from birch - more heat.

Loose coal inflames quickly and evenly, but also burns faster.

Briquetted coal requires skill in ignition and the ability to "fire", properly flake and distribute coals of different degrees of readiness. The briquette keeps the temperature for a long time and, if it does not burn to the end, it can be reused after extinguishing.

It is important not to lose money with the amount of wood and coal. The amount of coal for frying meat mainly depends on the size of the barbecue and weather conditions. An approximate calculation of 1: 1, that is, how many kilograms of meat, so much and coals. Better to take with a margin. The remaining embers will not be gone. It is more difficult to determine the amount of firewood, because Much depends on the type of wood. A very approximate guideline: for one set of frying, take the amount of wood in two to three times more than the volume of barbecue.

Ignition fluid is not welcome to all lovers of kebabs, so stock up on newspaper and brushwood.

The beautiful ruddy color and the aroma of smoke add fresh cherries to the meat; they must be thrown at the coals at the end of frying.

If the meat will be roasted in several passes, then scoop the remaining embers into a corner of the brazier in one pile. When re-ignited, they can be evenly distributed on the bottom and cover with fresh material.

Meat should be fried at a temperature of 200-240 ºС. The temperature can be determined by the paper (from a notebook or office). If the paper begins to char, but does not burn - you can cook. At the beginning on the pieces of meat should get a protective crust that will hold the juice. Therefore, the skewer, you need to rotate several times with an interval of 30-60 s. Then the temperature on the coals should decrease. If this does not happen, water the coals. hot waterboiling water if possible. Cold water, on contact with meat, will cool it sharply. Therefore, it is very important that kebabs are not watered at all. Inside the pieces of meat the temperature should be kept around 95 ºС, then the kebab will be juicy and cooked in 15-20 minutes.

Try to dip the skewer with meat in a very cold water  for 20-30 seconds and immediately put on the grill. From the first strong heat, the cooled meat will not burn, but will be sealed with a thin crust, which will preserve the internal juice.

Cook shish kebab without leaving the barbecue. It is very important to turn the skewer in time so as not to lose the precious juice. Watch the meat. When heated, fat and liquid begin to be released from the pieces; when the excretion is actively intensified, turn the skewer upside down.

Do not overdry the roasted skewers. Check the readiness of the notch piece. When the fluid in the incision is clear, without blood, immediately remove the skewer.

Marinating meat and how should raw kebabs look

The pickling utensils should be acid resistant, i.e. do not oxidize when exposed to acid. Suitable glass, enameled (always without chipped enamel), ceramic with a glazed finish or stainless steel.

If you like fried marinated onions on shish kebab, then pickle it separately from meat. Onion from the marinade gives its juice and taste to the meat, so it is better not to regret it and throw it away. Frying onions is also better separately, because The sugars in the vegetable begin to burn before the kebab is ready.

When the meat is laid in the marinade, be sure to put a load on top (a bottle of water). Thus, the meat will retain its juice and fed with marinade.

For kebabs, raw meat is better not to salt or use large, in extreme cases, ordinary stone,.

Marinated meat should be strung on a skewer without gaps between the pieces and without any powders (onions, greens, thick plastering, etc. that can burn).

There is such a statement that good meat does not need marinade. But to choose such meat is not always possible, but I want the kebab turned out juicy and fragrant. Therefore, to correct some of the shortcomings of the raw materials and to impart a special taste to the dish use marinades. On average, 1 kg of meat needs 300 grams of liquid marinade. We offer several types of marinating:

Dry marinade

Recipe number 1 with spices

  1 kg of meat (any)
  3 tsp. spices (any to your taste, but a mixture of peppers or at least black ground required)
  1 tbsp. and (can be ordinary stone)
  5 tbsp. vegetable oil
  0.5 lemon

  mix with spices.
  Roll the prepared pieces of meat in this mixture, put them in a marinating container tightly, sprinkle with lemon juice and pour over each layer of meat with vegetable oil.
  Optionally, you can chop the onion half rings, sprinkle, lightly rub it with your hands and shift between the layers of meat.
  Marinate for at least 2-3 hours in a cool place.

Recipe number 2 with greens

  Cut 2 kg of pork into 50x50x50 (60-70) cm slices. It turns out very tasty if you take a steak on a bone (cutlet), but the weight should be more, taking into account the bone by 30%.
  5-6 bunches of parsley and dill.
  1.5 kg of onions
  3 tsp. black pepper
  1 tbsp.

  Parsley and dill slightly beat off in a plastic bag so that the greens give juice. Onion cut into rings, sprinkle and rub hands.
  Mix the prepared meat with a sprig of greens, add onions and mix again.
  Marinate for about 1-1.5 hours.

Juice-based Marinades

Recipe №1 with tomato juice

  Mix the prepared meat and onions. Put in a container for pickling and pour tomato juice. Juice must completely cover the meat. Do not forget about the yoke (load).
  Marinate for at least 5 hours ( better night) in a refrigerator.
  Salt before cooking.

Recipe number 2  with citrus juice

If you want a bit of exotic, make a marinade based on citrus juices, but only freshly squeezed, not packaged.

  2 kg of pork with fat
  300 grams of juice (use lemon or orange). Fruit need about 0.6-0.7 kg.
  1.5 kg of onions
  1 bunch of parsley

  Prepared meat pour fresh juice, you can dip each piece in the juice and put it in a container for marinating. Leave for 1 hour
  Onion cut into half rings, salt and rub hands. Add pepper, mix.
  Put parsley in plastic bag  and slightly repel or crush.
  Add onions and parsley to the meat. Stir and leave in a cool place for 3-4 hours.

Recipe number 3 with pomegranate juice

  Onion mince, squeeze juice through gauze.
  Mix the juice of pomegranate and onion.
  Put the prepared meat in a dish for pickling, season with spices and mix. Pour juice (meat should be completely immersed in the liquid), press down with a load.
  Leave to marinate for 12 hours.
  After adding the oil, mix, flatten it with a load and pickle another 1 hour.
  just before cooking or ready-made skewers.

Marinade with soy sauce

Fans asian food  rush, use soy sauce. He contains a large number of  salt, so add it to the marinade should be in limited quantities.

  1.5 kg of meat
  100 ml of soy sauce
  2 tbsp. vegetable oil
  1 tsp zira (cumin)
  1 tsp black pepper or spices for grilling without salt

  Mix soy sauce, spices and vegetable oil. Dip the marinated pieces of meat and fold into a deep container, load them with a yoke and put them for 3-4 hours in a cool place.

Marinating with kiwi

Kiwi is better to cut or stretch the whole fruit with your hands so that there is no gruel left on the meat after pickling. During frying, such a coating burns, and the bones crunch on the teeth.

  2 kg of meat
  1.5 kg of onions
  1 kiwi fruit
  1.5 tsp black pepper

  Onion cut into half rings, salt and rub hands. Add pepper, mix.
  Pour the prepared meat with onions, mix. Add shredded kiwi, mix again, put in a container for pickling.
  Cook immediately in 30-40 minutes.

If you have time, then make the usual marinating with onions, and 30-40 minutes before frying the kebab, add kiwi to the meat.

If you have never cooked kiwi meat, try a small portion first, because Some people don't like this combination.

Milk sour marinade

When marinating in dairy products  the meat is tender and juicy. However, be careful, because bacteria are used to ferment milk and, without antiseptic spices, they may behave with meat in far from useful ways.

  2 kg of pork
  1.5 kg of onions
  1l kefir or whey
  3 tsp. black pepper (you can add other spices)

  Pour the prepared meat with onions, mix, put in a marinating dish. Pour kefir and mix again. Press down with a load. Marinate for 4-5 hours in the fridge.
  Salt before cooking or cooked skewers.

Marinade with beer or kvass

Marinade on beer or kvass softens the meat and allows you to create a beautiful tasty crust  when cooking. Beer is necessarily "live", light, not pasteurized. If you want to use kvass, then the best home rye bread  or barley, can be on sea rice.

  2 kg of pork
  1 kg of onions
0.5 liters of beer or kvass
  1 kg of tomatoes
  3 tsp. black pepper (you can add other spices)

  Onion cut into half rings, salt and rub hands. Add pepper (spices), mix.
  Tomatoes cut into quarters, if large, then into 6-8 parts.
  Prepared meat is placed in a dish for pickling, pour in onions. Mix.
  Add tomatoes, mix again. Press down with a load. Leave for 1 hour
  Then pour beer or kvass, mix, press down with a load. Marinate another 1.5-2 hours in the fridge.

Marinating in wine

  Onion cut into half rings.
  Heat wine to 50-60 ºС, add oil, onion and pepper. Stir, turn off the stove. Cool to a warm state (about 40 ºС).
  Prepared meat to put in a bowl for pickling. Pour some marinade and mix. Repeat. Meat should soak up the liquid, but not swim.
  Press down with weight and leave to marinate in the refrigerator for 10-12 hours.
  If you are sure that there is no way, then salt the meat before cooking kebabs.

Tea marinade

Tea can also play the role of marinade, because contains organic acids. The kebab will be soft, with a beautiful, delicious color.

  2 kg of pork or beef
  100 grams of black tea (preferably granulated), without flavors
  1 l of water

  Boil water, pour tea and boil for 5 minutes. Cool the solution to room temperature, strain and pour the meat for 2 hours.
  If desired, after marinating, meat can be processed with spices.

Marinade based on vinegar, mayonnaise or mineral water gurus for the manufacture of barbecue is not enough that they do not recognize, and also sharply criticized. However, this does not affect the popularity of these recipes, because of their availability and simplicity. Therefore, we will not ignore the original soviet recipesbut with some amendments.

Recipe №1 with vinegar

If you use vinegar is not alcohol, and apple or wine, then contrary to allegations, the meat will not be dry. Be sure to meat must contain fat (lard).

  2 kg of pork
  70 - 100 grams of vinegar 6%
  140-200 grams of water
  1.5 kg of onions
  1.5 tsp black pepper (spices for kebabs without salt)
  100 grams of vegetable oil

  Onion cut into half rings, salt and rub hands. Add pepper (spices), mix.
  Pour the prepared meat with onions, mix, put in a marinating dish.
  Vinegar mixed with water and pour the meat, mix.
  Leave to pickle under the load for 2 hours in a cool place.
  Before cooking, add butter, mix, leave to marinate for another 1 hour.

Try replacing vinegar with vodka or brandy. Mixing with spices, alcohol turns into an aromatic tincture and gives the meat a special aroma. And, strong alcohol Partially dissolve the fat in fat, and the kebabs will turn out less fat.

Recipe №2 with mayonnaise

Marinade with mayonnaise softens meat, makes it juicier and fatter.

  1 kg of meat (lean pork, beef or chicken)
  200 grams of mayonnaise (with fat content more than 50%)
  0.5 kg of onions
  2 tsp. spices for kebabs or just black ground pepper

  Onions cut into rings.
  In mayonnaise add spices, mix.
  Mix sliced \u200b\u200bmeat with sauce, put in a dish for pickling, sprinkle with onions.
  Load the yoke and leave in a cool place for 3-4 hours.
  This recipe can be supplemented with 2 tbsp. ketchup or tomato sauce. It must be added to mayonnaise. Then everything is unchanged.

Some more types of marinades

Pouring meat just carbonated mineral water does not make sense. Because carbon dioxide evaporates faster than it can somehow affect meat. But if you add lemon juicethen thanks to bubbles of carbonic acid, the marinade will slowly (over 12 hours) and evenly penetrate into the meat. The ratio of water and juice is 3: 1.

You can pickle meat simply in an onion or sweet pepper, ground in a meat grinder (there is enough acid in it to marinate). The ratio of vegetable and meat is 1: 1. Pickling time of at least 6 hours. Spices are added in the same amount as usual when cooking meat.

There are infinite marinades, but one thing remains the same - the quality of the kebab depends on the meat, the marinade can only complement its taste. So choose good meat, try, experiment, find your unique recipe  the most delicious kebab and be happy!

P.S. Some more recipes

Even the best quality piece of meat will not save the situation if you do not know how to grill shish kebab on coals. The difficulty of cooking in this case lies in the non-constant heat, the temperature of which is not only high, but also rather difficult to determine, and hence the questions about the cooking time. Briefly and clearly deal with how to properly fry, we decided in this material.

How to fry kebabs on the grill?

First, go through the general details, and then move on to the particulars. First of all, choose a quality piece of meat, cut from the correct part of the carcass. Do not give preference to excessive fat or lean cuts. Cut the meat into medium slices against the fibers and leave in the selected marinade before roasting.

Properly ignited coals - the second component good kebab. For roasting meat, it is better to give preference to fruit trees, the coals smolder longer and leave a stunning aroma. Above the burning coals, the finished shish kebab is placed at a certain height, usually it is determined with a simple sheet of paper: if the sheet of paper located above the heat does not burn, but turns yellow and begins to glow, the height is chosen perfectly.

How to grill pork kebab on the grill?

The most popular type of kebab was and remains the one that is made from pork. The ideal part of the pork carcass for roasting on coals is the neck, the fatty layer of which penetrates the flesh evenly and throughout its thickness. Before frying, remove all the meat from the meat, cut it and place it in the marinade. We had to write about the varieties of the latter more than once, and therefore we would rather pay attention to the technical issues of cooking, and more specifically to how much to cook pork kebab on the grill. The time of roasting meat is always determined individually, in accordance with the selected cut, the thickness of the pieces and the strength of the heat, and therefore it will not be possible to give a specific figure. On average, roasting meat will take no more than 15-18 minutes,   but be guided by determining the degree of readiness by simply cutting through the pulp: if the juice from the piece flows is transparent, then the pork is ready.

Chicken is much softer than pork and cooks, respectively, faster - 10-12 minutes. and it is better to fry the hips of the bird by laying it on the grill, but the legs and fillet pieces are more evenly cooked on skewers. All parts of the carcass, which are prepared with the skin, can be additionally covered with a sauce or marinade with sugar in the composition to obtain a glossy caramel crust during roasting.