The recipe for Soviet-era buns is 9 kopecks.

01.05.2019 Lenten dishes

These recipes are special and certainly deserve attention. Sweet buns from childhood.

We used to have such simple traditions in our childhood. When collecting a child to school in the morning, mothers and grandmothers would certainly give a glass of milk for breakfast with a delicious bun. Then these buns were sold in stores and they cost 9 kopecks.

It is they, the famous buns according to GOST from our childhood.

Let's make this wonderful muffin with you, it will be enjoyed by you and your children.

Recipe 1. Buns according to GOST USSR


✓ Warm milk -110 ml

✓ Warm water -90 ml

✓ Fresh yeast -15 gr

✓ Wheat flour -23o gr

✓ Opara - all

✓ Warm water - 80-100 ml

✓ Sugar - 200-220 gr

✓ Salt - 15 gr

✓ Fresh yeast -15 gr

✓ Vanillin or vanilla sugar - 3 gr

✓ Egg - 2 pcs

✓ Premium wheat flour -520 gr

✓ Melt margarine or butter -110 gr

✓ Egg for lubrication -1 pc


I so long wanted to find a recipe for buns as in childhood. And here he is!

One to one, neither add nor add. Buns are delicious with milk, tea, coffee, butter and just like that.

And as your heart desires. They can only enjoy!

After reading the recipe, I could not wait until the weekend, but the cooking time in the original is about 7 hours, after work it is impossible.

And I decided to experiment with time using a bread maker. About how much I do not regret.

The composition of the recipe is taken without change. Who is difficult to calculate grams (no electronic scales), numbers can be rounded.

In brackets I will write the time as in the original. So:

Opara - mix milk with water, dilute the yeast and add flour. The dough will be pretty cool.

Put on the approach. Opara matured in 15-20 minutes (2.5 hours).

Dough - Dissolve the yeast in warm water, load into the bread machine's bucket and add salt, sugar, vanilla, egg, flour, melted butter and turn on the dough program.

In the first minutes of the dough, add the already matured brew and continue according to the program with a duration of 1:30 min (2.5 h).

Ripe the dough divided into pieces of 90 g and molded buns. Lay on a baking sheet with a distance of 1 cm from each other and let it rise 50 minutes (60-80 minutes).

Grease the buns with an egg. Bake in a preheated oven to 180-200 degrees for 20-35 minutes in the up-down mode.

Well that's all. As you can see, the time was reduced to 3 hours, but the quality was not affected at all.

Buns sweet, fragrant, lush!

Bake girls, you will not regret!

Recipe 2. Buns for 9 kopecks


✓ Flour -250 gr.

✓ Yeast (dry active) - 12 gr.

✓ Milk (warm) - 75 ml.

✓ Egg - 1 pc.

✓ Water - 70 gr.

✓ Flour - 250 gr.

✓ Yeast - 13 gr.

✓ Salt - 5 gr.

✓ Sugar - 130 gr.

✓ Margarine - 75 gr.

✓ Vanillin -2 gr.

✓ Water (to activate the yeast) - 30 gr.


Knead the dough and mix with a mixer (special for the dough or usual with nozzles for the dough) at medium speed for 8-10 minutes, the consistency of sour cream.

The time of fermentation of the dough is 4.5 hours at 30 ° C (either turn on the oven and hold the dough on top of the stove, or place it in warm water and watch for a constant temperature, now we have +24 heat, so I just put the sun in the house if in the winter season - you can put on the radiator, but ... keep in mind that the temperature in the radiators may be 60 degrees C, so make a layer of a large bath towel).

Dowry does not need to "forget" for all this time. During fermentation (after the dough grows 2 times), it is necessary to mix the dough 3 times well, feeding the yeast with fresh sushi.

In warm water pour yeast, a pinch of sugar. Leave to double the volume - min. 10-15.

Margarine to flood. All add to the dough and knead the dough. To improve gluten in the dough, you can add a pinch of ascorbic acid.

Knead with a mixer for 10-15 minutes, preferably with hands 20-30 minutes. The dough is sticky and sticky. Knead until the formation of persistent "threads"

The dough should ferment 60-90 minutes at 30 ° C. One punch. Carefully place the dough on the table, remove gas bubbles with your palms, smoothing the dough into an oval or rectangle.

Divide the dough with a knife or scraper into portions and round them. Give them 10-20 minutes of preliminary proofing.

Put the rounded pieces of dough seam down on a buttered sheet or on parchment at a distance of 1 cm from each other.

Proof 60-120 min. Before baking, grease the buns with an egg (I liked to grease more with a mixture of yolk and 2 tablespoons of cream).

Bake 25-35 minutes (strictly!) At 180-220С.

Enjoy your meal!

Two recipes, and one result! The most delicious buns from childhood

This recipe is special and certainly deserves attention. Sweet buns from childhood.
Why, you ask? I will answer you. In my childhood there were such simple traditions, when collecting a child in the morning to school, mothers and grandmothers necessarily gave a glass of milk for breakfast with a delicious bun. Then these buns were sold in stores and they cost 9 kopecks.

I have long wanted to try to bake just such buns, loved since childhood with their divine and unique taste. Although there are many recipes for baking, finding this particular recipe was not an easy task.
   But here, a few weeks ago, I accidentally accidentally buns from childhood. I learned the exact recipe for buns from her friend. I tried to bake. Yes!!! It is they who are the famous buns according to GOST from my childhood. Let's make this wonderful muffin with you, I think it will suit you and your children.

Ingredients for sponge: Cooking sponge.

1. Mix the water with milk, and then dissolve the yeast in them.
   2. Add flour mixture to the yeast mixture and mix well, stir for 5 minutes.
   3. Cover the dough with a kitchen towel and set it at 2.5 - 3 hours to ferment.
   4. During this time, the opara must necessarily increase in volume, and begin to fall.

Ingredients for the dough:

   Water - 75-95 ml
   Sugar - 195 g,
   salt - 15 g
   Fresh Yeast - 15 g,
   Vanillin - 3.5 g
   Eggs - 2 pieces (medium size).
   Top-grade flour 518 g
   Margarine or butter - 112 g

For lubrication of buns - one egg (if desired, add 1 teaspoon of powdered sugar to the egg).
   Vegetable oil - for greasing baking sheet.

Cooking buns.

1. In slightly warm water we will dissolve sugar, yeast and salt, we will add to a dough.
   2. Then add eggs, flour and knead the dough to the mixture, knead the dough for about 10 minutes.
   3. At the end of the dough kneading, add melted and cooled (not hot) margarine or butter.
   4. We made a soft dough, it will be very easy to make buns out of it.
   5. Cover the finished dough and put it on the proofing for 2 - 2.5 hours.
   6. Divide the dough into 16 parts and form round buns.
   7. Buns are laid out on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil at a distance of no more than 1 centimeter.
   8. Buns set and set on proofing, 60 - 80 min.
   9. Warm up the oven to 180 -200 degrees.
   10. Come up the buns, grease the stirred egg and put in the oven to bake.
   11. Bake buns in the oven for 25 - 35 minutes. to beautiful rosy color.

Sweet buns are ready, they have excellent taste, just like in childhood.


Buns for 9 kopecks

Formulation according to GOST:

1 kg of flour vs,
   50 g yeast,
   10 g of salt
   260 g sugar, 1
   150 g margarine,
   150 grams of milk
   130 g eggs
   2.5 g vanillin.
   Egg for lubrication.

Sponge dough, sponge 50% yeast. Buns weighing 100 g each round or quadrangular in shape with slips from 4 sides.

My vision of the recipe (for 10 buns weighing 90 g each)

250 g flour
   12 g yeast (dry active)
   75 g milk (warm)
   65 g eggs (room temperature)
   70 g of water.

Knead the dough and mix with a mixer (special for the dough or usual with nozzles for the dough) at medium speed for 8-10 minutes, the consistency of sour cream.
   The time of vybrazhivaniya brew 4.5 hours at 30 C (either turn on the oven and brew hold on top of the stove, or put in warm water and watch the constant temperature, now we already have +24 heat, so I just put in the house in the sun, in the winter season - you can put on the radiator, but ... keep in mind that the temperature in the radiators may be 60 degrees C, so make a layer of a large bath towel). Dowry does not need to "forget" for all this time. During fermentation (after the dough grows 2 times), it is necessary to mix the dough 3 times well, feeding the yeast with fresh sushi.

250 g flour
   13 g yeast
   5 grams of salt
   130 g sugar
   75 g margarine
   1-2 g vanilla.
   30 g of water (to activate the yeast)

In warm water pour yeast, a pinch of sugar. Leave to double the volume - min. 10-15.
   Margarine to flood. All add to the dough and knead the dough. To improve gluten in the dough, you can add a pinch of ascorbic acid. Knead with a mixer for 10-15 minutes, preferably with hands 20-30 minutes. The dough is sticky and sticky.

Knead until the formation of persistent "threads"

The dough should ferment 60-90min at 30 ° C. One punch.
   Carefully place the dough on the table, remove gas bubbles with your palms, smoothing the dough into an oval or rectangle. Divide the dough with a knife or scraper into portions and round them. Give them 10-20min of preliminary proofing.

Put the rounded pieces of dough seam down on a buttered sheet or on parchment at a distance of 1 cm from each other (I did a little more).

The proof 60-120min.

Before baking, grease the buns with an egg (I liked to grease more with a mixture of yolk and 2 tablespoons of cream). Bake 25-35 minutes (strictly!) At 180-220С.

   Calorie:   Not specified
   Time for preparing:   Not specified

The good old Soviet Union was remembered by many of us for various gastronomic pleasures. One of these was air buns with vanilla flavor. Porous, with a sweet crust, mmmm! And inside the raisins ... This delicate delicacy could afford to try each, giving for one, not less than 9 kopecks. See how to cook.
  And now, you and I will not take any trouble to prepare such a delicacy at home. The most attractive thing about this recipe is that when preparing this recipe (according to GOST), we will need only the available products. Some of them probably already have you at home.

- wheat flour - 500 gr.,
- milk - 100 ml.,
- dry yeast - 15 gr.,
- sugar - 125 gr.,
- salt - ⅓ tsp
- 2 eggs - 1 pc. for the dough (+ yolk of 1 egg will grease buns),
- vanilla sugar - 1 bag,
- butter - 90 gr.,
- raisins - 1 tbsp.,
- water - 75 ml.

Recipe with photos step by step:

  To reduce the time costs of the cooking process, we prepare all the necessary ingredients in advance, since the preparation itself will take about two hours. Although the process is pretty simple.
  First, we heat the milk, make it a pair. After adding 2 handfuls of flour, sugar 50 g and yeast. All this stir. As a result, we get a brew, our dough will start to rise.

  Within half an hour the opara should come up and here it will be better for you to create the right conditions for it. Warm place without drafts. You can cover it with a towel, or put in a microwave, there are no drafts.
  Meanwhile, we heat the butter and cool to room temperature.

  And previously washed raisins, we pour boiling water, wait until it rasmeleet (5 minutes), then squeeze and roll in flour. (This is done to ensure that the raisins are evenly distributed in the test).

  We fill the egg with water (75 ml.), Beat.

  And this mixture is poured into a bowl. Add vanilla, melted butter, sugar, salt and fermented brew. Pile the breaded raisins. In a bowl, sift flour.

  Knead and re-hide from drafts.

  An hour later, the dough should rise, having passed the fermentation process. This means that we did everything right, and the yeast fulfilled its function.

  Then there was quite a simple affair, kneading the dough, divided into 9-11 pieces.

   Balls should be well kneaded and put on a baking sheet. The baking sheet itself can be covered with parchment paper or a non-stick sheet.

We leave buns for a while, give it a little more to rise. After half an hour, grease with a mixture of yolk and milk (2 tablespoons).

  Send to the oven and bake for 30 - 40 minutes at 180 degrees. Be sure to see how to cook delicious

Soviet buns at 9 kopecks are familiar to many. As my mom says that in those times they tasted better, it was very difficult to find something. This is not strange! Sweet and airy buns are not really very tasty, but simply delicious! And the vanilla flavor of baking is so delicate that no one can resist such a tasty treat. My family eats them with milk, tea, and my daughter generally eats them just like that, without anything. I bake this pastry quite often. After all, buns are really very soft and just melt in your mouth. And in general, at our table this baking disappears very quickly. Try baking ...


  • egg yolks - 4 pcs .;
  • dry yeast - 1 pack (11 grams);
  • flour - 500-600 grams;
  • milk (warm) - 250 milliliters;
  • butter (margarine) - 100 grams;
  • vanillin - 2 sachets;
  • sugar - 100 grams;
  • salt - 1 pinch.

We also need:

  • egg yolk - 1 pc .;
  • cream (can be replaced with milk) - 2 tbsp.

Buns for 9 kopecks. Step-by-step recipe

  1. Pour warm milk into a deep bowl. Add dry yeast. Stir.
  2. In the milk send 1-2 tablespoons of sugar and the same amount of flour. Once again, mix everything well. We put for 15 minutes in a warm place.
  3. After this time, add sugar. Softened butter. Yolks. Salt. Vanillin. Thoroughly mix everything.
  4. Sift the flour in small portions and knead the dough. For these buns, the dough should be soft, but at the same time not sticky to hands.
  5. Take a bowl. Grease it with a little vegetable oil.
  6. The finished dough form in the form of a ball and send it to the prepared dishes. We put the dough in a warm place. The dough should increase well in volume.
  7. Next, crush the yeast dough. We make buns from it. I get 16 pieces.
  8. Pan grease with butter. Ready-made buns spread on the prepared baking sheet at a short distance.
  9. Baking tray with buns put in a warm place. The buns on the baking tray should rise well.
  10. Whisk the egg yolk. Add cream and mix. Lubricate the sweetest buns.
  11. We bake in the oven at 200 degrees. Baking time depends on the oven. It takes me about 20-25 minutes.

When you take the pan from the oven, the aroma reigns in the kitchen so much that it is difficult to describe with words. Delicious. Recommend!

Milk slightly warm. Pour into the milk yeast, 2 tablespoons of sugar, 1 tablespoon of flour. Leave the dough for 15 minutes in a warm place. A fluffy hat appears on the surface of the milk.

  Then pour sifted flour and add salt. Set the "kneading test". I have this mode takes 1.5 hours.

If you do the batch by hand: in a deep bowl combine the brew, the yolks, melted butter, sugar, vanilla sugar and salt. All slightly mixed. Then pour the sifted flour and knead the dough. The dough will turn out soft and tender. Leave it in a bowl in a warm place for 1.5 hours. The bowl is better to cover with a towel or cling film. The dough rises well. Ready dough to get out of the bread machine and knead well.

Make round buns out of dough. Put them on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil. Vanilla buns should be spread at a short distance from each other, taking into account that they will increase in volume. Cover the baking sheet with the buns with a towel and leave to warm for 1 hour.

Grease the buns with a mixture of yolk and milk. Put in a preheated oven and bake at 200 degrees for about 25 minutes, until golden brown.

Cool the finished buns and remove from the pan. Our delicious, vanilla buns, so reminiscent of those that I bought in my childhood at 9 kopecks, can be served. They are very good with cold milk.

Enjoy your meal!