Unusual alcoholic beverages. The most unusual and strong alcoholic beverages

27.04.2019 The drinks

It is remembered, not so long ago after the story about who, all as one, turned out to be alcoholic, the conversation also began about soft drinks, of which there are so many in different countries of the world! I did not find a suitable rating anywhere, therefore I had to quickly make my own! I would be very grateful for any additions and comments - and stories about your loved ones! ;) In the meantime - let's go to taste !!!

Who among us does not remember this unusual cloying taste, familiar since childhood? I think any child will agree that you will not think of a better medicine for colds and loss of voice! ;) The main components of the drink are whipped egg yolks and sugar, but there are also many variations - with the addition of honey, vanilla, fruit and berry juices and even wine! There are several versions of the origin of the name of the delicacy - from the English hug-mug, hugger-mugger, from the Polish kogel-mogel, from the German Kuddelmuddel (jumble). Versions of the origin of the drink is also great. One attributes the invention to the German pastry chef Manfred Köckbauer. Another tells of a singer named Gogel, who lost his voice and invented such a sweet and tasty recipe to heal.

9. Ayran - Central Asia, Caucasus

Almost all the peoples of the world sooner or later evaluated the taste and nutritional properties of sour milk. The name of the final product and the fermentation technology in different countries can be quite different - just recall the yogurt and ryazhenka, matsun and matsoni, chal and kurungu, koumiss and kefir familiar to all of us. Ayran (tang) became popular among the peoples of Central Asia, the Caucasus and Bashkiria. It is prepared from sour cow, sheep or goat milk, diluted with water. Often, to achieve special freshness, mint leaves or dill sprigs are added to the drink. Its benefit is difficult to overestimate - quenching thirst, strengthening the nervous system, weight control, and of course, the rapid removal of hangover! ;)

8. Aodzhiru - Japan

Frankly speaking, I didn’t ever try this miracle myself (probably because I didn’t get to it) - but having stumbled upon it online, I couldn’t get around to it. Aodzhiru - Japanese vegetable drink, consisting mainly of cabbage juice. If you literally translate its name from the Japanese, you get "green drink" or "green juice", which fully corresponds to its appearance! The drink was invented in 1943 by Dr. Niro Endo, a military doctor who experimented with various vegetable juices to identify the best combination for maintaining the health and strength of people in wartime. Nowadays, the drink is very popular among the Japanese, despite its very far from pleasant taste.

7. Frappe

It is quite difficult to give a clear definition of this drink, as well as to give its exact recipe - too many varieties of preparation exist today. In its traditional form, frappe is a kind of cold thick cocktails, which include coffee, ice cream, cold milk, fruit and berry syrups. All components are whipped in a blender or shaker, and the drink is served very often with the addition of crushed ice. Fruit smoothies are decorated with berries, fruit slices, nuts or whipped cream. The most common version of the frappe is made from coffee and milk.

It must be said that the presence of kvass in this rating can be easily challenged, given that its strength can be from 0.7% by volume. up to 2.6% vol. But nevertheless ...;) Kvass is a traditional Russian drink made from rye bread by extracting water-soluble substances from it, adding sugar and then lightly fermenting the resulting wort. It has a pleasant taste and aroma, quenches thirst well and has tonic properties. There are several varieties of kvass: bread, fruit and berry. It has long been known in Russia that the secrets of the production of the most diverse kvass: sour, sweet, mint, okroshechnogo, fragrant, daily. Many of these secrets are forgotten, but some of them managed to be preserved and brought to our days.

5. Mate - Argentina

Surely, each of us, if not tried, then at least once heard this strange word for the Russian ear. - tonic drink with a high content of caffeine. He first began to be used in Paraguay and southern. Mate is brewed from dried and crushed leaves and stalks of the Holly tree paraguarensis. The name "Mate" comes from the word "matí", which was called the pumpkin (Lagenaria vulgaris), which is traditionally used to drink mate (calabash or kalebas). Mate is recommended as a remedy that reduces the damaging effects of neurosis and depression, affects the general psychoemotional state, improves mood and increases activity.

4. Ovaltin - Switzerland

I do not know if this drink can be attributed to this list - for, as it turned out, this is not a name, but a trademark! It was invented in Bern, where it is still known by its original name Ovomaltine (from ovum - Latin. "Egg" and malt - malt, which were its original main ingredients). Subsequently, there was also a chocolate variety of ovaltin, which is a powder that is diluted with cold or hot milk. Nowadays, ovaltin has gained popularity around the world - in different variations and often under different names. To me, he sunk into the soul during our wanderings in Asia, as he was often the only alternative to 3 in 1 coffee in the ubiquitous Asian 7-eleven "ah!;)

3. Sbiten - Russia

Sbiten can rightly be called one of the oldest and most traditional Russian drinks, for the first time it is mentioned in the Slavic annals already in 1128. The basis of this hot drink was water, honey and spices, but often to enhance the effect, medicinal herbal preparations were added. It has traditionally been considered a therapeutic winter drink and has a warming and anti-inflammatory effect. By the way, they usually cooked it in samovars. That would be to try this, real - from a samovar, and not from a concentrated mixture of a bag! ;)

2. Masala Tea - India

I, like many, had a strange story connected with this drink. Before the first trip to India, I had never put a grain of sugar into tea, considering that it kills the real taste of the drink, and English tea with milk seemed to me to be a sophisticated perversion! And here on you - tea with milk and spices, and even brought to the state of syrup by the amount of sugar added to it !!! And at the same time ... it turned out to be one of the most delicious drinks that I have tried in my life! Podsel instantly and forever! ;) In the preparation of masala tea, all stages and components play a huge role - the quality of tea and milk, the order of their mixing and, of course, the composition of spices! For the preparation of tea, the so-called “warm” spices are commonly used: cardamom, cinnamon, ginger, fennel seeds, black pepper and cloves. In addition, nutmeg, rose petals, licorice root, saffron and almonds are often added. And how sometimes you want here in St. Petersburg to hear over the ear the ubiquitous cries of street Indian merchants: "tea-tea-tea-tea" ...

Europeans are quite familiar with various types of tinctures and fruits. However, representatives of the Asian peoples went further. One of the most unusual is served in South Korea and some areas of China - it is a wine infused with little mice. According to a similar principle, another very original drink of Southeast Asia is being prepared - infused with snakes or scorpions, where other local insects can also be added. In this case, the poison of these creatures is not removed - it is neutralized by the action of alcohol. Eastern traditions attribute to these special useful, however, for obvious reasons, such delicacies remain unpopular among foreigners.

If the tincture on mice is difficult to obtain, then various liqueurs with snakes are actively sold to tourists, and not always for consumption - sometimes just as an exotic souvenir.


This unusual drink appeared in South America. It has an ancient history and is widespread on the territory of modern Peru, Colombia and Bolivia. According to the traditional technology, they made this drink, chewed rice grains, and then spit them out into a deep container. The resulting mass was left to ferment, and then filtered. Since the method of preparation of this drink is questionable from the point of view of hygiene, most of the shops sell chicha from crushed rather than chewed rice grains. For this drink it is best to go to small Latin American towns and villages, although one should keep in mind the potential for various pathogenic microbes.


Cinar is made in Italy - the drink is somewhat less exotic than the previous ones. However, it has an unusual taste. Cinar liqueur was invented in the fifties. It is prepared on the basis of artichokes and 12 aromatic herbs. Most often, cinar is added to, for example, mixed with orange. Also, this liqueur can be served as an aperitif to whet your appetite.

Cinar is popular not only in Italy, but also in its neighboring Switzerland.

Pizza beer

The birthplace of this unusual drink is the United States. This is one of many types of flavored beer, but the attention of gourmets can attract the unusual taste of this drink. The beer is made with the addition of tomatoes, origano, garlic and basil, which really brings it closer to the taste of pizza.

We present to your attention the top ten most unusual alcoholic beverages in the world. And if such drinks are boiled, it means that there are lovers who drink them ...

(10 photos total)

1. Snake wine

Snake wine is found primarily in Asia and is prepared by immersing a whole snake in rice wine. It is believed that this drink has healing properties and a beneficial effect on almost everything - from hair loss to potency.

2. Beer with chocolate donut flavor

This strong beer with a chocolate donut flavor is produced in Alexandria (Virginia). It is made with the addition of real chocolate and many other delicious ingredients.

3. Liar "Three lizards"

In order to get this drink, rice liquor insist on real lizards (usually the gecko family). Traditional Oriental medicine believes that in this way the energy of the gecko goes into alcohol, and then to those who drink it.

This milky-looking substance is made from the fermented sap of a plant called magic. Pulke has been drunk since the time of the Aztecs, but after the invention of beer, it began to be less popular.

5. Beer with pizza flavor

This strange invention was made by cooks Tom and Athena Sifrut, when after cooking pizza they left too many tomatoes and garlic.

6. Vodka on a scorpion

Vodka insists on specially grown on the farm scorpions. Ask, what about deadly poison? Do not worry, toxins are neutralized with a special treatment before scorpions are added to alcohol. They, by the way, are edible.

7. Beer from squirrel

This is the “strongest, most expensive and shocking beer” from the BrewDog brewery. For a bottle inserted in squirrel skin, you will have to pay $ 765. The strength of the drink - 55%.

8. Beer with chili

Drink for the most severe fire-eaters. In each bottle floats on a pod of hot pepper.

9. Vodka infused with bacon

Americans believe that bacon can improve the taste of everything in the world.

This drink was known to the ancient Incas. In order to cook chicha, Peruvian women chew corn and the resulting muck spit in special jars with warm water, where she wanders. The resulting milky yellow drink is served in pumpkins.

Among alcoholic beverages, there are special instances that stand out for their rarity, endurance, and, of course, price. It is difficult to imagine, but it happens that the cost of the most expensive alcohol in the world reaches unimaginable numbers. Connoisseurs of unique alcohol are all over the world, and they are ready to lay out millions for a rare kind of alcohol. Yes, it happens that alcohol costs as a luxurious mansion. For the manufacture of exclusive bottles, designers even use diamonds and gold. Of course, true connoisseurs buy such an expensive kind of alcohol. All because not everyone is ready to give fabulous money for the fact that in the end it will still be drunk. Let's dive into the lives of millionaires and see what can be spent on such sums. As always, we have compiled a rating for you - Top 10 the most expensive alcoholic beverages in the world.

10. $800

Beer rating opens, but as we see it is not normal. This alcohol comes from Belgium. Made by the factory "La Brasserie Caulier". Family brewery located in the commune Peryuvelz, in Belgium. As is commonly believed, the price is indicated for a 0.5 liter bottle, but do not worry - $ 800 - the price for 12 liters. Such a volume of the most delicious beer in the world, with delivery to the doorstep, will be an excellent present for a pathetic party. You can taste a mug of marvelous beer for $ 55, only to get it is problematic. VielleBonSecour beer is bottled in only one bar in London called “Bierdrome”. The plant opened in 1995, and several large beer bottles of 12 liters were brewed. The most valuable is a bottle produced 10 years ago. The strength of the beer is 8%, the intoxicating drink has the flavor of anise and toffee.

9. Sherry "De La Frontera" $ 43.5 thousand

If you prefer fortified wine (Sherry) to all the rest of alcohol, then I am sure you want to know the value of the best instance.
A bottle of "Masandra" called "Jerez de la Frontera" was sold at auction in 2001 for 43,500 thousand dollars. Began to produce this collection of sherry in 1775. This bottle received the title of the best sherry in the world only due to its aging. Unfortunately, more sherry than nothing stands out.

8. $ 53 thousand

Rum - an essential attribute of all pirates, ranks 8th in the list of the most expensive alcoholic beverages in the world. He has the property for a very long time not to deteriorate. The bottle of the most expensive rum in the world produced in Jamaica is called “Wray & Nephew” and costs $ 53,000. I wonder why? First, this collection of rum was made back in 1940, while the components for preparation were stored in the distant 1915. Secondly, the composition and technology of manufacturing rum has no equal drinks. Unfortunately, this type of rum is no longer produced and the recipe is forgotten. There are suggestions that
wray & Nephew rum has become less popular due to the appearance of such a cocktail as Mai Tai. It's all about its components, which includes both dark and light rum plus liqueur, syrup and lime.

7. $ 90 thousand

Wine called "Chateau Lafite" was made by the best winemakers of France. This drink was aged since 1787. The first connoisseur - the buyer was Thomas Jefferson - President of America. The sum of $ 90,000 made it clear to everyone that the president is collecting exclusive alcohol. And only two hundred years later, a second copy was sold - one of the restaurants bought a unique bottle for display. But, unfortunately, the waiter, carrying a bottle, made an oversight and broke it. To the great happiness of the buyer time to worry about insurance for a tidy sum, so that the trouble managed to pass. The third copy was bought by an American at the beginning of the 21st century for $ 90,000. There is no more information about buying Chateau Lafite wine.

6. $ 225 thousand

Tequila is made from the heart of the plant called "blue agave." The best tequila samples are made in Mexico, tequila "Ley. 925 "was produced by the plant Hacienda.
In 2006, an instance worth $ 225,000 was purchased by a private buyer. You are probably interested in, what is the cost of this alcohol? The point is in the design - the manufacturer decorated the bottle with platinum and gold. But this was decided not to stop, and a new design was recently developed. $ 1.5 million - just at this price now you can buy Mexican drink. Designer bottle encrusted with diamonds. For such a cost to buy a bottle, while there are none. But, the company is ready to pay $ 100 thousand to anyone who finds a person who wants to buy this alcoholic beverage.

5. $ 275 thousand

Naturally, in the TOP 10 of the most expensive alcoholic beverages in the world, there is a place and sparkling wine - champagne. The cost of champagne called "Piper-Heidsieck" is $ 275 thousand. Such a price for a bottle of "sparkling" can be explained by the history of the appearance of the drink. The party of the drink was sent on a Swedish ship to Russia. The order was for Tsar Nicholas. It was a couple of decades ago, then the ship was wrecked due to a German liner. Some time later, the researchers found the sunken ship in 1998. Oddly enough, most of the cargo was intact. This story has become a kind of advertising and influenced the pricing.

4. $ 1.6 million

Let's talk about vodka. Scotland produces the purest and most expensive vodka in the world. Why is vodka with a worthy name “Diva” worth $ 1.6 million? First, when filtering this vodka, charcoal from rare Scandinavian birch is used; Diva vodka is passed through the sand from real diamonds. Secondly, the design - the capacity is framed with precious stones. Taking into account the peculiarities of production and packaging, the price of this vodka can range from $ 3.7 thousand to $ 1.6 million. The cost is influenced by the quantity and type of precious stones used for decoration.

3. Henri IV Dudognon Heritage Cognac $ 2 million

In third place in our ranking of the most expensive alcoholic beverages in the world is brandy, which has the name "Henri IV DudognonHeritage". For him, asking for almost two million dollars. What makes this amount, because for it there is an opportunity to buy a luxury mansion? Cognac was kept for a hundred years - a very solid figure, barrels for storage were harvested for about five years, by drying in the fresh air. And what is decorated this strong drink? Gold and platinum were honored to be framed in a bottle, but the diamonds are in the center of attention, it is they that littered the designer bottle of brandy.

2. $ 6.2 million

The second place in our ranking goes to Isabella’s Islay whiskey. This alcohol is made in England by the manufacturer "Luxury Beverage". The manufacturer claims that this product is an excellent combination of jewelry and great taste. This copy will cost the buyer 6.5 million dollars, all because the bottle is made of English crystal of the highest quality. Also, the designers decorated it with white gold, lots of diamonds, about eight thousand and three rubies. For those who wish to become the owner, but do not want to pay $ 6.5 million, overpay for expensive design, manufacturers have released a more affordable copy with a less luxurious design. After that, the cost of this Isabella’s Islay whiskey was $ 740,000.

1. D’Amalfi Limoncello Supreme Liquor $ 43.6 million

Lead in our ranking, and therefore deserves to be called the most expensive alcoholic drink in the world, a liqueur called “D’Amalfi Limoncello Supreme”. His bottle is framed with diamonds in the amount of four pieces. Three diamonds have 12 carats and one 18.5 carats. What is poured in such a magic bottle? Top-notch lemon liqueur thinning invigorating refreshing scent. The price for such a divine drink is more than $ 43.6 million. We add that the price is also influenced by the production of only two copies of brandy bottles. One bottle was purchased by an aristocrat from England, while the other is put up for sale and has not yet found its buyer.

How much can elite binge cost: 1000, 2000, 5000 dollars? Friends, many will be surprised to learn that the most expensive alcohol is estimated at several tens of millions of dollars. Imagine, just one bottle of a rare drink with an alcohol content can cost more than a good country house. But it is a fact, as they say, the rich have their quirks. In this article we will look at the most expensive types of alcoholic beverages, which differ not only in their unique composition, but also in the bottle and the history of its appearance.

The most expensive alcoholic beverages in the world - Top 10


Opens the ranking of the most expensive beer drinks, the cost of one bottle of which reaches $ 800. This is a brand of beer “La Vieille Bon-Secours”, which is made in London. It is not easy to find a rare product even in the capital of Britain. However, you can try to order via the Internet. But it is likely that the package will come fake. There are just a few sites that present La Vieille Bon-Secours real beer. Beer contains 8 turns. Belgian expert Mark Strubandt argues that today it is better not to find this beer all over the world.

Connoisseurs of Sherry probably heard about the existence of the brand Massandra. The company produces elite alcohol, which was sold to the maximum for 43.5 thousand dollars per bottle. This is a unique collection presented in London. As part of the last exhibition, a bottle was sold under the name “Jerez de la Frontera” for almost 44 thousand dollars. This price is related to the shelf life of the drink. The collection was first created in 1775.

Further, in the ranking of the most expensive alcoholic beverages should highlight the brand "Wray & Nephew". This time we are talking about rum, the price of which reaches 53 thousand dollars. What caused such a cost? The drink was presented to the world in 1940. Thus, the bottle of liquor is about 76 years old. She outlived many gourmet spirits. Currently, only 4 unopened bottles of Wray & Nephew. It is likely that all of them will be implemented as part of auctions. One of them has already been implemented. It should be added that the recipe for the production of this brand of rum has long been lost.

Complements the top of expensive alcoholic drinks wine brand Chateau Lafite, which cost is 90 thousand dollars. The magnificent product is sustained since 1787. It should be noted that the price is due not only to the shelf life, but also the history of the collection. It is believed that American President Thomas Jefferson was the first to test the brand. After about 200 years, the second copy was purchased by an elite US restaurant. By ridiculous chance, the waiter who worked in the restaurant broke the bottle. Fortunately, she is insured for a large amount of money. The last copy was bought by an unknown American for $ 90,000.

$ 1.5 million - so much can cost tequila, but it has not yet been sold. It is known that the most expensive bottle of tequila was purchased for 225 thousand dollars in 2006. A private collector purchased the product of the private distillery of Hacienda, which was called LaCapilla. The container, which contains the alcoholic drink from the agave plant, is decorated with platinum gold. Currently, tequila "Ley 925" is in a sealed form. I would like to add that there is one more bottle, which is estimated at 1.5 million dollars, but it has not found a buyer for about 1.5 years. It is decorated with diamonds. The manufacturer promises a reward of $ 100,000 to the person who will find a copy for the buyer.

This rating could not be called complete without a champagne name in the top. For this reason, the top of the most expensive alcoholic beverages complements the champagne called Piper-Heidsieck, estimated at 275 thousand dollars. The product was manufactured by one of the oldest wine houses in France. It is known that this champagne was prepared for Tsar Nicholas to Russia. During the transportation of goods, the Swedish ship crashed, causing the alcohol to sink. In 1998, researchers discovered reserves and conducted an examination to learn about the history of the origin of champagne.

Among the most expensive alcoholic beverages is vodka worth 1.6 million dollars. The name of alcohol - Diva! The exclusivity of collectible booze is in the presence of a unique bottle, made according to the latest technological treatment. Capacity is decorated with precious stones. As for the product itself, unique Scandinavian birch coal was used to filter it. Vodka was passed through diamond sand. All copies of this collection cost from 3.7 thousand to 1.6 million dollars.

Another unique collection of alcoholic drink is a brandy called Henri IV Dudognon Heritage. The price of this elite copy is 2 million dollars. Luxury cognac sustained for over 100 years. Most of the time was stored in a barrel, which was prepared for 5 years. Of course, these products deserve a good design. It was dried every 5 years, and times were transported. Therefore, history cream brandy attracts the presence of a golden frame. It is also known that a bottle of Henri IV Dudognon Heritage includes diamonds. It may be interesting to know how much the most expensive stones on the planet are.