How to make razvarysty rice. How to cook delicious crumbly rice to garnish

25.04.2019 The drinks

How to boil rice properly on the side dish, so that it is crumbly and retains all the useful substances. This will help you our tips and step by step guide in the preparation of rice cereals.

How to boil rice properly on the side dish

Rice is very well combined with fish and meat products, it is perfectly complemented by vegetables. But to make it tasty and crumbly, you need to know how to boil rice properly. In order to get a wonderful rice side dish you need:

  • 1 cup rice cereal;
  • 2 glasses of water;
  • Butter;
  • Salt.

Rice contains a lot of starch and it makes it sticky. Therefore, to wash the starch, the rice should be washed with water more than once, but for now the flowing water will become clear and clean.

  1. Pour the water into a saucepan with a tight-fitting lid and set it on fire, wait until it boils, and add salt.
  2. Then we fall asleep rice, close the lid tightly and, as the cook recommends, do not interfere, do not tear off the lid until the rice is ready.
  3. For the first 5 minutes, boil the cereal over high heat, then reduce to average it, and cook for another 2 minutes.
  4. The last 2 minutes of cooking continue at minimum heat.
  5. After turning off, do not rush to open the lid of the saucepan, let the rice stand for another minute 10.
  6. Now you can add butter and serve along with the chop or just rice itself.

The advantage of this cooking is that the rice turns out crumbly and the pan after it is practically clean, that is, the grain does not stick and does not stick.

How to cook crispy rice crumbly: Chinese cooking recipe

Round grain rice softens well because it contains a large amount of starch. Its good to use for the preparation of different types of cereals, casseroles and desserts. The Chinese, like the Japanese, are known on rice and, accordingly, know how to cook crispy rice crumbly.

In their diet, this cereal is the basis of almost all dishes. Therefore, to your attention is a recipe for cooking crumbly round grain rice.

The main thing in this method of cooking and the exact observance of time and proportions. Rice is calculated to water in the ratio of 2: 3.

Washed cereal fall asleep in boiling water and tightly cover the pan with a lid. It is even advised to apply the load so that there is not even a gap between the pan and the lid. The total cooking time takes 12 minutes, which is divided into 3 parts:

  • 1) Cook over high heat for 3 minutes
  • 2) On average - 7 minutes
  • 3) Over low heat for 2 minutes.

After removing from the heat, without opening the lid, wait another 12 minutes. After a precise time, open the saucepan and add salt and oil, stir.

How to cook crumbly steamed rice, while retaining all its benefits

Rice that has undergone certain steaming is called steamed. It is extremely useful. But you need to cook it a little differently than ordinary rice. But how to cook crumbly steamed rice, we now tell.

  1. Washed cereal pour water on the floor for an hour.
  2. Then give the drain water.
  3. Pour the cereal into the pan and pour some water in the ratio of 1 to 1.25 (water should be slightly more than rice).
  4. Bringing to a boil, reduce the heat and, closing the lid, cook for 25 minutes.
  5. Your rice is ready, it remains only to add butter and salt.

Good cooking and bon appetit!

What food can be easier and simpler? What food can be more subtle and more refined? All these seemingly contradictory definitions refer to the same product. To rice.

White rice is able to please any mood, because it is the only cereal that has a truly neutral and pure taste. Due to this, rice has the property to be combined with absolutely any products. Meat and fish, vegetables and milk - everything can be added to rice to your heart’s content, thanks to which you can get a new dish every day.

Moreover, at the expense of simplicity and even some amazing “modesty” of its taste, rice very well “befriends” with any spices, which opens up virtually limitless horizons for the culinary imagination.

Boiled crumbly rice is a fading classic of not only Eastern, but also, for today, any everyday cuisine. This is a universal side dish for anything, an indispensable component of some salads and just a tasty dish, in itself, without any additions.

And you know how to cook such a real, versatile rice - crumbly, not sticky, grain to the grain? If not, let's learn.

There is also a useful article on my blog. I advise you to read, there is a lot of useful information.

How to cook crumbly rice garnish

Rice, as we have already mentioned, is a simple and simple dish. But to make this dish even more tasty, it is not enough just to boil it and boil it. For the preparation of the "right" rice that caters to anyone, even the most picky taste, you need to know a few secrets. Now we will reveal them to you.

Let's go to the kitchen, we will learn all the subtleties in practice. Take out the bag with a bag of cereals and saucepan.

The theater, as is known, begins with a hanger, and cooking - with the necessary utensils. What kind of saucepan did you prepare for cooking rice? Immediately set aside the enameled one - the dish will definitely burn in it. Aluminum is also not suitable.

1. Now you will learn the first secret of properly cooked rice: it must be boiled in deep dishes with thick walls. Yes, the cast iron pot will be just right. Also suitable pan with a thick bottom.

The fact is that this croup "loves" uniform heating. In a good cast-iron saucepan, the rice melts thoroughly from all sides, and at the end of cooking, when the outer shell of the cereal has softened, uniform heat allows steaming the core of the grain. Thus, each rice grain maintains a uniform structure.

With the help of aluminum cookware, this is difficult to achieve, since thin aluminum is not able to accumulate heat and send it to the depth of the product.

2. Now about the rice itself.

Which, by the way, are you going to pour out with a generous hand for cooking? Put off round without regret - it is suitable only for cereals, casseroles and sushi. Having decided to cook crumbly rice, take long-grain, ideally varieties "Jasmine" or "Basmati". And this is the second secret of proper rice. I do not like steamed rice - it has a slightly different taste and density, ordinary rice tastes better.

So, take 1 cup of dry long rice. If there is, choose the litter and dark rice, they have nothing to do with us.

3. First rinse thoroughly with water. Do it as thoroughly as possible! From turbid and white water should be clean and clear, so rinse, without being lazy, as many times as necessary.

And this is the third secret of proper rice - thorough washing before cooking.

Rinse must be at least 7 times.

4. Do not rush to relax. Water for rinsing should only be cold. Not warm and not hot. And this is the fourth secret of proper rice - washing it only in cold water.

The fact is that before cooking, we need to preserve the natural texture of the grains. Rice - the product is very delicate, and from warm or hot water, the starch in its outer shell can be brewed, and the texture of the grits will be broken.

5. So, you washed the rice with cold water and put it in a cauldron with thick walls. Now you need to fill the grits with water.

And here, attention, there is the fifth secret of well cooked rice. Groats and water must be measured strictly in the proportion of 2: 3.

Therefore, once the rice we have one cup, take water and a half cup.

6. Put the cauldron on the stove and proceed directly to the cooking.

Important! First we make a big fire on the stove under the rice. Exactly big!

And this is the sixth secret of proper rice - start cooking it with a big fire.

So, our cauldron with rice is on a big fire. Bring rice to a boil and immediately cover with a lid.

7. Now immediately reduce the fire to a tiny one. So, sharply.

And this is the seventh secret of the correct rice - you need to bring it up to standard condition on a small, "quiet" fire.

From the very beginning, when rice in cold water was just put on the stove and 15 minutes should pass to the very end of cooking.

So, the required 15 minutes have passed, you should turn off the fire. Do not open the cover!

Let's leave the cauldron with rice, covered with a lid, for another 15 minutes.

8. And here, remember, please, the last, eighth secret of the correct rice. The lid for dishes with rice should be very tight, leaving no gap between them and the pan. After turning off the fire, the rice should stand for a while and stew with heat. So he will reach the desired condition, but not boiled soft. Therefore, a tight lid is needed - so that there is a “greenhouse” effect.

In conclusion, good advice: very well, before boiling rice, add vegetable oil to a saucepan with water (about one and a half cups of dry cereal will take about a tablespoon of oil). This technique is even better to prevent sticking of the grains together.

There is another interesting way to cook crumbly rice in a pan. In contrast to the first recipe, washed and dried cereals are first fried in butter and only then water is added. For flavor you can add a clove of garlic. Let's take a look at the step-by-step recipe.

The proportions of water and rice are the same - for 1 cup of rice - 1.5 cups of water.

Now you know everything about cooking real, right crumbly rice. Remember the eight secrets of its preparation, and you will definitely get the same rice - a beautiful, delicious, grain to the grain.

And another important tip: it is best to store any rice in a glass jar with a tight lid, along with a dry pod of hot peppers. Due to this, our rice will be saved from staleness and will retain its pristine delicate and neutral taste.

So, as you can see, rice is a truly universal product. He simply must be present in the bins of any hostess, becoming for her great help and relief in the culinary field.

Now you know the secrets and subtleties of handling this wonderful product. And having mastered the simple recipes of crumbly rice we have proposed, you will be able to proceed further to more complex and sophisticated recipes.

Wash the rice, add to the pot with salted cold water, put on fire. Wait for boiling water on a quiet fire for 10 minutes, then cook rice for 20 minutes   on quiet fire under the lid until all the water is boiling out of the pan.


How to cook rice

Cook friable rice in a pan in steps

How else cooked rice

How to cook rice in the microwave
Get a little drier than in the pan
  Wash rice, put in a bowl for a microwave, add salted boiling water (1: 2 ratio) and close tightly. Adjust the microwave for 700-800 W, cook for 20 minutes, then infuse in the microwave for 20 minutes.

By timer
  Boiling rice, if there is a timer on the stove, can be even simpler: just set up a quiet power / fire (3 on a 10-point scale), and the stove's operation time is 35 minutes for 1 cup of cereals, 45 for 2 glasses and 1 hour for 3 glasses . The first time the procedure is recommended under supervision.

How to cook colored rice
  To make the rice yellow, you need to add curry or turmeric (for 1 cup of raw cereal - 1 teaspoon with a slide). To cook burgundy rice, it is recommended to fry it with a small amount of beets after cooking.

Cooked rice for baby
  Children from 5 months can be offered rice in rice porridge - cook rice in milk (3 cups of milk for a glass of rice and sugar to taste).

Rice for salad
  Rice for any cold salads, no longer cookable, cook until ready.

How to cook rice for sushi
Rice for sushi and rolls (including rice "Sen Soi") is small and round rice, rice for sushi cook the same 15-20 minutes, but after cooking the rice must be dried for 20 minutes.

How to cook rice in sachets
  Boil white steamed rice in a bag for 12-15 minutes. Brown rice in bags. Cook for 20-25 minutes. Rice in a bag dipped in boiling water - water should be out of proportion with rice, so that water with a margin of 2 centimeters covered bag of rice.

Short notes reading no more than a minute

What cook?

  • Groats
    • Pic

How to cook rice. Sushi rice and rolls, brown rice, crumbly rice (in the oven, steamer and multicooker) are the secrets of cooking different types of rice.

Rice has long been cultivated on different continents. For the inhabitants of our planet, this cereal has been one of the staple foods for thousands of years. It is not surprising that rice is so popular, because it is an excellent side dish for fish, meat and vegetables. From rice cooked soups, cereals, puddings, desserts and casseroles. But in order for all these dishes to be tasty and appetizing, you need to be able to cook rice correctly. And in this skill even skillful cooks do not always achieve perfection.

How to cook rice - the general rules

There is no single, correct way to cook rice. Cooking technology depends on the result you want to get: rice for pudding should be soft and tender, for sushi and desserts - sticky, for salads and side dishes - crumbly. White grinded grain is boiled for 10-15 minutes, steamed - for 20-25 minutes, and brown and wild rice takes at least half an hour to soften.

What kind of rice to choose

Long grain rice is ideal for side dishes, soups and pilaf: it does not stick together during cooking. Basmati is perfectly crumbly. This is the most elite variety of rice, it is appreciated for its exquisite taste and rich aroma. But in soups and risottos it is better to use medium-sized rice: after boiling it turns out to be soft, but it sticks together a little. Cooks value this type of rice for its ability to be saturated with the aromas of other components of the dish. Rice with round grains is ideal for desserts, puddings and casseroles: it is well boiled soft, acquiring a creamy consistency, and easily glued together. But crumbly such cereal is beyond the power to make even the most skilful cook. A very good and at the same time affordable option is steamed rice: when cooking the grains, they do not stick together, and gentle processing allows you to keep the optimal amount of useful components in them.

Rice Tricks

1. First, the rice is brought to a boil on maximum heat, then reduce the heat to minimum power and cook under tightly-closed lid until cooked. It is impossible to interfere with rice during cooking, you can only do it once - right after you have filled the grits with liquid.

2. Cooking rice should be taken thick-walled - glass, teflon or stainless steel. It is better if it is not high, but a wide pan. Ideal for crumbly rice - pan with lid. A pilaf is perfectly cooked in a cauldron.

3. Before cooking the rice, it is recommended to soak for at least an hour (even jasmine and basmati varieties), and then repeatedly wash (7-10 times) in order to completely free the grains from the adhesive substance. Then rice will boil faster and it will turn out more crumbly.

4. Pre-roasting grains in butter (vegetable or cream melted) will help reduce the amount of fiber in rice. But it can be done differently: just put a piece of butter in a saucepan with rice at the end of cooking, without roasting.

5. Salt is added at the rate of 1 teaspoon per 150 ml of cereals. It is better to pour rice with salted water or broth. And in order for the grains to turn out dazzling white, you need to add a couple of drops of natural vinegar to the saucepan.

6. If you want to enrich your rice with new flavors, you can put into the water any spices to your taste, herbs, fried vegetables, and use water, vegetable, meat or fish broth together. You can add candied fruits, dried fruits, fresh fruits, berries, honey to rice.

7. There are several ways to check if rice is ready. The first is to gently tilt the lid: if a liquid is collected around the edges, it means that the grains have not yet been dug. The second way is to try the rice for a tooth.

Round sushi is ideal for sushi and rolls. Attempts to use long-grain varieties, such as basmati or jasmine, are doomed to failure: they are not boiled soft during cooking. You can use special sushi rice - Japanese fine-grained: it is round and small (much shorter than the oblong cereal usual for us), it is notable for its increased stickiness, which is exactly what is needed for sushi: it is very convenient to make balls from such rice. In Japan, sushi is made from nishiki (nishiki), a special kind of rice that turns into a mushy mass after cooking. Less commonly used are the Fushigon and Okomesan varieties.

It is very important to wash the rice well before cooking, mixing it vigorously and grinding the grain with your hands. Experienced sushi masters recommend changing the water at least 7 times so that it becomes completely transparent. To make the rice moist and airy, it is very important to keep the correct proportions of liquid and cereal: 1.25 cups of water for 1 cup of rice (as indicated in the recipe below). It is necessary to cover the dish in which the rice is cooked with a lid, and in the process of cooking it can never be opened. Do not remove the lid and after turning off the fire: you need to give the rice in the pan for another 10-20 minutes.

Rice for sushi and rolls: a recipe

You will need: 1 cup of rice (about 180 g), 1.25 glasses of water (250 ml), 1 sheet of nori (optional), 0.5 teaspoon of salt, 1 tablespoon of rice vinegar, 1 teaspoon of sugar, enamel pan or dishes stainless steel, tight lid.

Rinse the rice repeatedly in cold water to completely remove the starch dust covering the grains. After washing, give the rice a “rest” for 45 minutes, leaving it to lie on the fine sieve without water: the grains will thus absorb the remaining moisture and swell. After the specified time, fill the rice with water, put it on the stove and let it boil. Remove the nori sheet. Cook the rice on minimal heat for about 10 minutes, then wrap the pan with a towel and let stand for another 10 minutes. Heat rice vinegar a little, dissolve salt and sugar in it (salt is better to use sea salt, and sugar is reed) and add to boiled rice. Mix everything thoroughly and leave to "dry": so the rice is soaked with vinegar, thanks to which it will be filled with a special aroma, it will be able to easily take and maintain the necessary shape.

It is interesting!
  In the old days, rice was “dried” in wooden tubs. Many Japanese chefs still recommend combining sushi meshes with vinegar in wooden dishes, and using a wooden spatula to mix the cereal.

How to cook brown rice

It will take: 2.5 glasses of water, 1 cup of unpolished brown rice.

Rinse the rice well and put it in the sieve. In a small thick-walled container with a tight-fitting lid, boil water, put the cereal in there, and when it boils, remove the foam, reduce the heat to minimum power, tightly cover the lid and cook for 40 minutes. Rice should not be mixed in the cooking process, and finished cereals should not be rinsed. Before serving, you can fluff the grain a little with a fork and add a piece of butter to the pan. Unpurified brown rice contains more calcium, potassium, iron, B vitamins, high-grade fiber, and other beneficial ingredients compared to purified white. It boils on average up to 40 minutes, since the grains of this variety are the hardest.

How to cook crisp rice

This question - how to cook crumbly rice, is often asked by experienced cooks. The main thing is to choose the “right” rice (it is better to take basmati, jasmine or other varieties with long and thin grains) and rinse it thoroughly with plenty of cold water.

To make the rice even more crumbly, you can add a little oil (olive or cream) to it after cooking and mix well so that all the grains are evenly covered with fat. But if rice is served with meat or fish dishes, with vegetable sauce, then it is not necessary to fill it with oil.

How to cook crumbly rice: a recipe

It will take: 1.25 cups of water, 0.5 tsp of coarse salt (preferably sea salt), 1 cup of rice.

Thoroughly rinse the cereal in plenty of cold water (drain it until it is clear) and put it in a colander. When the rice dries out a little, put it in a saucepan, pour in water, add salt, let it boil, reduce heat to low, cover the pan with a lid and cook for 20 minutes. After that, you do not need to open the lid and stir the rice, just leave it on the stove to stand, cover the dishes with a towel so that the remaining moisture is absorbed, and the rice has reached full readiness, it has become dry and crumbly. Before serving, gently loosen the rump with a fork, if there are stuck grains, carefully separate them. If you do everything right, you get a beautiful crumbly grain, a grain to the grain: it can be served as a side dish to absolutely any dish.

Recipe 2. Crumbly rice in the oven

It will take: a cauldron with a lid, 2 cups of water, 1 onion, 1 cup of rice, 50 g of butter and vegetable oil, salt to taste.

The rice cooked in the oven, in the cauldron under the lid, turns out beautiful and crumbly. A piece of butter, added to the grits at the beginning of cooking, will allow you to get a beautiful crumbly mass.

Finely chop the onion and fry to a transparent color in the refined oil. Put the rice washed in 7-8 waters into a cauldron, pour boiling water, add salt, put a piece of butter on top, browned onions and, stirring gently, bring to a boil. After that, cover the cauldron with a lid and send it to the oven for half an hour. Bake at 180º. Turn off the oven, but do not reach the rice, let it sweat a little more, like in an oven. In the ordinary dish this little trick will bring a special shade.

Recipe 3. Crumbly rice in a multicooker

It will take: 2 multi-steamed rice, salt, water (about 3 multi-glasses), 1 tablespoon of vegetable or butter, pepper and other spices (optional).

Rice in the crock-pot turns out crumbly, soft and useful: this method of cooking allows you to keep all the valuable substances in the grains, and adding different spices to rice groats allows you to get different tastes and beautiful colors. For example, with curry rice gets a nice golden hue. So, first rinse the rice repeatedly, put the mulvarki in the bowl and cover it with hot water (so that it covers the grains to the thickness of one and a half fingers). Then salt it, add vegetable oil and spices (optional). Stir everything, cover and cook the rice in the slow cooker in the buckwheat mode. If this mode is absent, select the “rice”, “pilaf” or “standard cooking” mode. If you are using the “plov” mode, then in the last 7-8 minutes before the end of the program, you must turn off the slow cooker and switch to the “warm up” mode, otherwise the bottom layer of rice will be fried.

Recipe 4. Crumbly rice in a double boiler

You will need: rice, steamer, capacity for rice, salt, spices and water.

The ordinary double boiler - easy to use and most versatile for cooking rice.

Rice in a double boiler turns out crumbly, soft, appetizing, much more delicate in taste than in a conventional saucepan, and even such rice is more useful for cereals cooked in the usual way. Almost all modern food steamers are equipped with a special capacity for cooking rice: carefully washed cereals are poured into it. White polished rice is cooked in a double boiler, on average, 10-15 minutes, and brown unpolished and wild - 25-30 minutes.

Wash rice thoroughly in cold water until it is completely clean. So you will wash off all the dirt and excess starch from the grains, and the rice in the double boiler will turn out not glued, not boiled soft, but beautiful crumbly. Fill the base of the double boiler with cold water (salt, spices, vinegar do not need to be added!). Put the rice in a special container (it should be included in the device kit), put it in a steamer and turn it on for 5-6 minutes to steam the grains without water. Then add cold water (in a ratio of 1: 1) to a bowl of rice, salt and season with spices as desired. Set the timer for 30-40 minutes.

There are so many types and varieties of rice that you cannot tell about all the ways and secrets of its preparation in one article. The main thing is to follow the general recommendations on how to cook rice correctly, and not to be afraid of experiments in the kitchen, then anyone, even the simplest dish, will pleasantly surprise both households and guests. Delicious rice you!

How many delicious and nutritious meals can be made from rice! And when it is crumbly, it makes an excellent side dish, which goes well with vegetables, meat, and fish. In addition, rice is very useful for the human body. It contains vitamins of group B, E, PP, as well as copper, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, calcium, manganese, zinc, selenium. so that it remains tasty and retains its beneficial properties? The question is seemingly trivial. However, rice often turns out to be imperfect. There are several points, given which, you can achieve in this business of excellence.

First of all, to make crumbly rice, you must select the appropriate grade of cereals. Different varieties are used for completely different dishes. So, rice can be round grain, medium grain and long grain. Among themselves, the species differ in preparation time, processing method, beneficial properties, and even in shape and color. Round grain rice absorbs water fairly quickly, and therefore it sticks together strongly in the cooking process. For this reason, from such cereal crumbly rice will not work to cook. This variety is used more to make puddings, sushi or casseroles. Medium grain rice absorbs water strongly, contains a lot of starch and turns out to be viscous. It is well suited for risotto or soups. But the ideal grade for the preparation of crumbly rice garnish is long grain. When cooked, it does not stick together, with the result that it makes excellent meat and vegetables.

Once the variety is selected, you can proceed to the cooking process itself. The most important rule: the rice should be thoroughly washed to the transparency of the water to wash off the husk, excess starch and dust, and then soak it in cold water.

1. Rinse the cereal thoroughly, leave it for 60 minutes in cold water. Then, when it is absorbed almost completely, add a little more water and put on a slow fire for 5 minutes. No need to stir. So rice cooked quickly, will not burn and will remain crumbly.

2. Wash rice diligently, put in cold water for 15 minutes. Flip the cereal on a strainer to ensure that the water is completely glass. Put the rice into a pre-heated pan and, stirring, wait for the remnants. Then you can transfer it to the pan and pour the broth, for example, vegetable. When it boils, cover and simmer for another 10 minutes over low heat. Crumbly rice ready!

3. The next way you can cook rice of any kind, and it will still be crumbly and tasty. The method is called "army." Already washed rice should be poured into boiling water and wait until it boils. Then immediately fold to a sieve and rinse again with cold water. When all the water is drained, you need to put the rice in cold water again and cook, without stirring, until ready.

That is, as can be seen from the proposed cooking options, crumbly rice can be cooked either by the absorption method or the immersion method. The first option, of course, more difficult, but still worth trying it. The main thing is to follow the above recommendations and observe the necessary proportions: there should be two times more water than cereals. In this case, the rice will turn out tasty and crumbly, and the whole family will be able to enjoy a well-prepared dish.