Fresh juices from vegetables. Vegetable and fruit juices from cholesterol

30.04.2019 Grill menu

The article will tell you how to store and drink fresh juices. You will also learn all about the beneficial and negative properties of this product.

Tasty and healthy fresh juices can be prepared from almost all vegetables, fruits and berries. Due to the fact that such a product is not amenable to heat treatment, in the manufacturing process, it retains all the useful vitamins and trace elements. Most of all, adults and children love fruit juices.

They have a pleasant smell and a bright, memorable taste. But in addition to fruits and berries, fresh fruits can also be made from vegetables. Of course, such a drink may not have a very good taste, but the body will benefit no less than fruit.

The benefits of fresh juices

Homemade fresh freshes are a storehouse of beneficial substances that help the human body to remain young and healthy. Due to this property, they are used for the treatment and prevention of certain diseases. Doctors love fresh juices because they contain huge amounts of fiber and enzymes.

These two substances help to normalize the work of internal organs, increase the intensity of metabolic processes and cleanse the body of toxins and slags. In addition to the fact that drinks from fruits and vegetables heal our bodies from the inside, they also improve our appearance. Regular intake of fresch, fruit drinks and nectars makes skin, hair and nails healthy and beautiful.

Useful properties of juices:
   Improve digestion.
   Promote weight loss
   Increase immunity
   Saturate the body with vitamins
   Rejuvenates the skin
   Stimulate hair and nail growth
   They have anti-inflammatory effects.

Harm of fresh juices

But no matter how useful freshly prepared fresh juices are, if you use them incorrectly, then a person may begin even greater health problems. In such a product, there are many active substances that have a rather strong influence on the functioning of the internal organs. And if you drink juices in huge quantities and do not dilute them with water, then it is likely that over time the body will no longer cope and may manifest itself, for example, chronic diseases.

Negative qualities of juices:
Can trigger the development of gastritis and gastric ulcers
   Damage tooth enamel
   Some juices cause allergies.
   Overabundance of carrot juice can affect skin color

The most useful fresh juices

Practically every doctor, when prescribing a treatment, recommends taking home-made nectars together with medical preparations. This product, which is simple at first glance, will help minimize the negative effects of the pills, speed up urination, sweating and normalize the functioning of the blood and lymphatic systems. Therefore, if you are a little unwell, be sure to prepare all kinds of fresh juices and fruit drinks for yourself, and you will not notice how strength and vigor will return to you again.

Top most useful juices:

  Orange fresh.  It has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular, nervous system, strengthens the immune system, has tonic and antiseptic properties. If you drink at least half a glass of such juice for breakfast, the body will receive a dose of vitamin C, which he needs for the whole day.
  Apple juice.  This drink contains magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, sugar and salt of natural origin. It helps to normalize the work of the heart, gently reduces weight and improves overall body tone.
  Fresh carrot.  This product helps treat vision, kidneys, liver and heart. And due to the fact that it contains cobalt and iron salts, it can be used to treat blood diseases
  Tomato juice.  The drink, made from fresh tomatoes, contains the minimum amount of calories. Therefore, besides the fact that it can be drunk, it is possible to cook diet soups, healthy sauces and nutritious cocktails based on it.
  Sea buckthorn fresh.  Sea buckthorn juice should definitely be drunk for people suffering from hypertension, hypotension, gastritis, gastric ulcer and coronary heart disease. In addition, this drink will help to normalize the work of the nervous and endocrine systems.
  Pumpkin Juice  It is considered the most effective natural choleretic agent. It also improves the performance of the gastrointestinal tract and quickly removes puffiness.

How to store and how much fresh juice is stored

Of course, ideally, fresh vegetables and fruit should be cooked and immediately drunk. But there are cases when a healthy drink should be prepared for the whole family (very often all family members get up at different times) or, due to lack of time, it is necessary to prepare juice for the whole day.

And remember, fresh juice preserves a maximum of vitamins and trace elements for about 2-3 hours. After this time, the nutrients gradually begin to lose their beneficial properties. Therefore, if you did not manage to drink the entire drink immediately take care of its storage.

Recommendations that will help extend the life of fresh juice:
   Going for a walk or a long trip, use a thermo bag to store juice
   At home, keep fresh in the fridge
   After you prepare the fortified drink, immediately pour it into a glass container.
   If you drop a couple of drops of lemon juice on vitamin nectar, it will interact less with oxygen
   In case you do not drink juice during the day, it is better to freeze it.

How to drink fresh juices

The benefits of aromatic and tasty drinks made from high-quality fruit are indisputable. But no matter how useful this product is, you need to know how to drink it properly. Some people go to extremes and practically exclude fresh berries, fruits and vegetables from their diet. They are just sure that all this can replace their home-made juice.

Of course, juices contain vitamins and trace elements necessary for our body, but fresh juice remains quite small, for example, fiber. And since this substance helps cleanse the body and stimulates the gastrointestinal tract, such a diet quickly provokes various health problems.

Tips to help you drink juice correctly:
   After cooking, drink juice for half an hour
   Drink fresh sour taste through a straw
   Do not drink juice during meals.
   In the drinks of yellow and red is better to add a couple of drops of vegetable oil
   Do not drink more than two glasses of nectar per day.
   Do not substitute pure water for juices.
   Strongly concentrated freshes should be diluted with water.

The use of fresh juice for weight loss

Juice diets are now quite popular. It is believed that the use of natural nectars helps to lose weight quickly and permanently. Of course, juices can be called a dietary product, because, despite the fact that they contain a huge amount of nutrients, they have few calories. But with all its beneficial properties, this product can not replace a person with normal food. Therefore, deciding on the juice diet, in no case completely do not refuse to eat.

Of course, you will be able to lose weight, but over time, your body will begin to demand everything exactly what it needs, and this will inevitably lead to overeating and new weight gain. Therefore, if you want to lose weight for a long time, then just stick to the basic rules of nutrition, and arrange only fasting days on the juice. But even in this case, it is necessary to gradually increase the amount of fresh drink. For example, during the day, drink not only juice, but green tea and clean water.

Over time, you can reduce the amount of tea and increase the amount of juice. Also try combining juices. Mix orange, apple and lemon. In case you need to sweeten the drink, add natural honey to it. If you take care of your body, then you will be able to throw off those extra pounds and maintain your health.

Fresh juices during pregnancy

During pregnancy, every expectant mother should accept tasty and healthy freshly prepared juices. They will not only help maintain the body in a normal state, but also reduce the manifestation of toxicosis and have a beneficial effect on the development of the future person. But you still need to be very careful when choosing a healthy drink.

After all, for example, if a woman has a tendency to allergic reactions, then during pregnancy this disease can worsen, and the body will give a negative reaction even to those products that you previously perceived normally. Therefore, if during the period of carrying a baby a woman wants juice, which she used to, generally, did not use, then it should be taken into the diet gradually.

Juices useful for pregnant women:

From what age can you give different juices to a child?

  • Our grandmothers and mothers believed that freshly made juice was simply an indispensable product for a baby. Therefore, starting from two months, they began to introduce this drink into the diet of the little man. But over time, scientists have proven that up to six months, this is not necessary. Indeed, it is only at four months that a small person begins to produce enzymes that can process not only one milk.
  • And only at the end of the fifth month of life the child’s gastrointestinal tract begins to fully function. Some pediatricians recommend up to a year, in general, not to give young children fresh juices. This product can be replaced with herbal teas and not very concentrated compotes. But still, if you decide to introduce homemade fresch in the introduction of lure, then give drinks from vegetables and fruits that are grown in your region
  • Do not give a son or daughter pineapple, grapefruit or mango juice. Start better with apple or carrot. But even these juices before giving the child must necessarily be diluted with boiled water in a 1: 1 ratio. Well, and, of course, do not forget about the quantity. To begin with, give your child just a couple of drops and, if no negative reactions follow, you can gradually increase the amount of fresh. If you do it right, then by the year the baby will be able to drink up to 100 g of fresh juice

Can I drink juice to sick people?

As you have probably understood, drinking fresh juices is possible at any age, the main thing is to do it right. But still there are contraindications in which it is better to limit or, in general, to refuse the use of homemade fresch. There are several diseases in which such a product becomes not easily harmful, but also can aggravate the course of the disease.

If a person has pancreatitis, a stomach ulcer, gastritis and urolithiasis, then it is better for him not to use fresh juice, nectars and fruit drinks. It is also very careful to drink these drinks to people who have problems with the level of glucose in the blood. In all other cases, with the right approach, fresh juices will only benefit the body.

Video: Useful fresh juices!

Elevated cholesterol is detected in every fifth inhabitant of the planet over 40 years old. Despite the fact that disorders of fat metabolism are asymptomatic for a long time, they can lead to serious cardiovascular complications, such as myocardial infarction or stroke. There are dozens of ways of medical correction of dyslipidemia, but diet remains the fundamental method of treatment. In our review we will consider the benefits and harm of juices, recipes based on them from high cholesterol, as well as the nuances of their use in atherosclerosis.

Benefit and harm

Juices are a popular use for many fruits and some vegetables. Fragrant and tasty drink not only quenches thirst, but also saturates the body with essential vitamins and microelements.

The benefits of juices are obvious:

  1. Fruit or vegetable drink is a "concentrate" of the biological properties of the plant and, of course, very useful. For example, a glass of apple juice is equivalent to 2-3 large fruits in terms of the content of vitamins and microelements.
  2. Juice consists mainly of water and does not contain fiber at all. Therefore, it is better absorbed by the body and when it enters the gastrointestinal tract almost immediately absorbed into the blood.
  3. A moderate intake of vitamin drinks improves metabolism, strengthens the immune system, and also removes metabolic by-products.
  1. Freshly squeezed fruit juices (especially grapes, bananas, watermelon, mango) contain a lot of fructose. Of course, this carbohydrate is considered healthier than white sugar, but when it is absorbed in the small intestine, it dramatically increases the level of glucose in the blood. The use of such drinks by patients suffering from diabetes should be sharply limited.
  2. Sweet drinks have a high energy value: for example, 100 g of apple juice contains 90 kcal, and grape juice - 110 kcal. One or two glasses, and most of the daily "limit" of calories will be spent.
  3. Freshly squeezed citrus juice and some other fruits (apple, cranberry, blackberry) increase the acidity of the stomach. Therefore, they are strictly contraindicated in hyperacid gastritis, gastric ulcer and other chronic pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. The acid in the composition of fruit juices also negatively affects the tooth enamel, provoking its destruction. To avoid the appearance of caries, such drinks are recommended to drink through a straw.
  5. The use of juices in large doses can lead to the development of hypervitaminosis, allergic reactions, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract - constipation or diarrhea.

It is not at all necessary to talk about the benefits of purchased juices in tetrapacks: such drinks are made from reconstituted concentrates and contain a lot of sugar.

To make juices useful for health, the main thing is to drink them in moderation - no more than 1 cup per day before meals or in between meals. This tasty and natural product is used to prevent and treat many diseases, including atherosclerosis and other disorders of fat metabolism. How do juices work with high cholesterol, and what kind of fruit or vegetable is considered most useful for dyslipidemia: try to figure it out.

Vegetable juices for health and longevity


Raw zucchini has a fairly specific fresh taste, but it is more than paid off with its beneficial properties. Most often, food uses unripe watery fruits with a liquid content of up to 95%, and it is easy to prepare fresh juice from them.

According to its chemical composition, zucchini drink is considered one of the most useful. He contains:

  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • iron;
  • sodium;
  • phosphorus;
  • vitamins of group B, PP, E, A.

In addition, zucchini is a dietary product recommended for feeding patients with lipid metabolism disorders and obesity. Caloric content of 100 ml makes only 23 kcal.

Effective vegetable drink and to reduce cholesterol. With atherosclerosis, it is recommended to take it, starting with the minimum portions - 1-2 tbsp. l Within a month, this volume is gradually increased to 300 ml. Drink zucchini juice once a day, 30-45 minutes before meals. To improve the taste of the product, it can be mixed with apple, carrot or any other type of juice. The course of treatment is not limited.

Note! Use fresh juice immediately after preparation, as it is poorly stored.

Usually zucchini is well tolerated and does not cause undesirable reactions from the human body. However, vegetable juice is not recommended when:

  • gastritis and gastric ulcer;
  • exacerbation of inflammatory diseases of the digestive tract;
  • liver failure.


Familiar to all carrots - a great assistant in the fight against excess cholesterol. The composition of the root includes:

  • beta carotene, which normalizes metabolism in the body;
  • magnesium, which regulates the activity of the outflow of bile, accelerates the excretion of "bad" lipids from the body of bile acids.

Due to these properties, carrot juice is successfully used as one of the means to reduce cholesterol. The recommended dosage is 120 ml (half a cup) before meals. To improve therapeutic properties, the simultaneous use of carrot juice and apples (or citrus) is recommended.


Sodium and potassium, which are part of the cucumber juice, have a positive effect on the work of the cardiovascular system and prevent atherosclerotic lesions of the large arteries.

  • fresh cucumber - 2 pcs .;
  • mint leaves - to taste;
  • lemon - ½.

Wash cucumber and lemon, cut into small cubes. Beat all the specified ingredients in a blender more often and add a small amount of crushed ice. Serve garnished with a sprig of mint. This drink not only has a pleasant fresh taste, but also helps fight cholesterol: it increases the level of "good" cholesterol and reduces the concentration of "bad."


Beet juice contains a lot of useful substances, including chlorine and magnesium ions. These minerals promote the excretion of “bad” lipids from the body and reduce the level of total cholesterol.

  1. It is undesirable to drink beet juice in its pure form. It is better to add it to carrot, apple or any other fruit fresh.
  2. Immediately after preparation, the product may contain some substances that are toxic to the body. Therefore, unlike the other juices, before drinking, such a drink should be refrigerated for 2-3 days.


Many people like tomato juice. This refreshing and palatable drink not only eliminates thirst, but also helps fight atherosclerosis. The chemical composition of tomatoes is diverse and includes:

  • fiber (400 mg / 100 g), which will improve digestion and improve metabolism;
  • sodium and potassium - the elements by which energy transfer occurs at the cellular level;
  • vitamin A;
  • vitamin C, an antioxidant and metabolic stimulant;
  • calcium, bone strengthening;
  • magnesium is involved in most chemical processes in the body.

The main feature of tomato juice is the presence of lycopene in the composition of the unique organic compound. This substance regulates the metabolism of fats in the body, reduces the concentration of "bad" lipids and increases - "good."

To get rid of high cholesterol, it is recommended to use 1 glass of freshly squeezed tomato juice. Salt in the drink is undesirable to add - it reduces its beneficial properties.

Tomatoes are contraindicated in:

  • gastrointestinal diseases in the acute stage;
  • pancreatitis;
  • individual intolerance - allergies;
  • food poisoning.

Fruit juices - tasty and healthy delicacy

We all love sweet and fragrant fruit juices. In addition to the tonic and tonic effect on the body, they have a positive effect on lipid metabolism.

  1. Juice of green apples is rich in antioxidants, which slow down the process of lipid peroxidation and prevent the formation of atherosclerotic plaques.
  2. Pomegranate juice contains polyphenols - organic compounds that actively reduce the level of "bad" lipids in the blood.
  3. The composition of ripe fruits of orange, grapefruit and other citrus fruits include a large amount of pectin. According to research, daily consumption of a glass of orange juice during the month reduces the level of OX by 20% from the original.
  4. Lemon is saturated with vitamin C, promotes fat burning and metabolism acceleration. When combined with ginger, it is possible to obtain a remedy for the treatment and active prevention of the formation of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels.

To combat atherosclerosis, doctors recommend drinking 250-300 ml of fresh juice throughout the day. This type of treatment will not only help get rid of excess cholesterol, but also improve digestion, normalize weight, increase the body's defenses. Especially useful to conduct a course of juice therapy (duration - 1-3 months) in the spring, when the body needs additional support.

There are few contraindications, these include:

  • decompensated diabetes;
  • gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer;
  • hyperacid gastritis;
  • exacerbation of pancreatitis.

Birch sap - the healing power of the earth

It is a transparent sweetish liquid (sap), which flows out of the cut birch branches under the action of root pressure. In fact, the drink is repeatedly filtered, saturated with vitamins and trace elements groundwater.

Gather in early spring, before the period of formation of the kidneys. Fresh raw product is stored for no more than two days in the refrigerator, and then fermentation processes begin in it.

The composition of birch sap includes:

  • fructose;
  • water soluble vitamins;
  • micro and macronutrients;
  • tannins;
  • organic acids;
  • phytoncides;
  • essential oils.

The peak of popularity of birch sap in the USSR fell on the middle of the twentieth century. Today, this tasty and healthy drink has been undeservedly forgotten.

Saponins in the composition of the product are able to actively bind cholesterol molecules with bile acids and actively remove them through the digestive tract. Due to this, the drink normalizes lipid metabolism in the body and carries out prevention of atherosclerosis. Birch sap is taken in March with monthly courses of 1 cup in the morning on an empty stomach. Drink is contraindicated in:

  • individual intolerance;
  • gastric ulcer in the acute stage;
  • urolithiasis.

To reduce cholesterol levels with juices is possible if you follow the above recommendations on the choice and use of a “therapeutic” drink. Do not forget that the treatment of atherosclerosis requires a comprehensive approach: in addition to falcotherapy, patients are advised to follow a diet, give up bad habits and follow all doctor's instructions. In this case, lipid metabolism will quickly return to normal, and in the patient's blood test there will be a positive trend (decrease in high cholesterol).

Use the straw and take small sips - so the juice will be better absorbed.

Vitamins are what the human body needs all year round. But if during the warm season we can indulge ourselves with fresh products from the garden, then in the cold period, which is often associated with colds and immunosuppression, there may be difficulties. Of course, pharmaceutical companies that manufacture complexes of wonder tablets can offer an alternative to natural vitamins. Also popular are “100%” juices in “no-preservative” packages, stewed on long shelves of stores.

But is it not better to pay attention to fresh juices - fresh juices, rich in unique substances? In addition, vegetable juices, which are a valuable product for preserving youth and health, are difficult to find in stores (except tomato, pumpkin and carrot in various variations). Apparently, the taste and benefits are poorly preserved in industrial packaging.

How to make vegetable juice?

You can make fresh juice at home using a blender or a centrifuge juicer. All vegetables before use should be well washed and dried. Fruits must be fresh, ripe, undamaged and wormhole free. If there are doubts about the origin of the vegetable, it is better to remove the thicker skin layer - this is where harmful toxins accumulate.
  It is better to use the prepared juice immediately (10-15 minutes), without leaving spare portions, as it tends to deteriorate rapidly. It is recommended to defend only beet (2-3 hours) and cabbage (12 hours) juices. They need to be kept in the refrigerator in an open container to neutralize the harmful substances that make up the fresh juice.

Tip: It is not recommended to add salt, sugar, ground pepper, as their useful qualities are reduced. But a small amount of garlic, herbs will improve the taste and enrich the valuable composition of trace elements in the drink. By adding a little pure water, you can make the juice less saturated.

Vegetable juices: the benefits and harm

In order to get the maximum benefit from taking live vitamins, you need to remember about some important rules that take into account the benefits and harms of vegetable juices:

  • Reception of fresh juices as a preventive measure for beriberi is best done at a time when there is a varied assortment of the freshest vegetables for sale - from May to November.
  • Vegetables must be local, grown in season on the ground.
  • It is better to start taking juices before lunch with small doses - 50 ml, gradually increasing the volume of the drink to the recommended state of health (it is enough for a healthy person to drink 0.6 l per day in 3-4 doses). This approach will allow the body to get used to and learn how to cope with a loading dose of vitamins that come with juice.
  • Drink juice should be either half an hour before a meal, or 1.5 hours after the main meal, so as not to get heartburn or bloating. It is better not to empty the glass in one gulp, but to use a straw.

Some contraindications

All of the freshes contain bioactive substances in a concentrated form, so the treatment of some diseases may be accompanied by exacerbation of others, various side effects. For example, treatment with potato juice, shown in gastritis and pancreatitis, should be carried out with caution - tooth enamel may suffer. In addition, some juices are not recommended to be used undiluted - it is better to mix with others (cabbage, beet).

Acceptance of juices should be paid attention to those who suffer from diabetes (due to the high content of suction carbohydrates in some types of juice) and are prone to allergies.

The healing power of juices

Almost all vegetable juices have healing properties. Treatment with vegetable juices is a separate interesting topic, but if you are hoping to get rid of a certain ailment by taking juices, then it is better to discuss the concept of juice therapy with a medical specialist. Note only the basic properties of the most popular vegetable juices, which can be taken into account in the treatment of certain diseases.

VegetablesUseful properties of juiceContraindications
Carrotuseful for vision, heals the skin and hair, strengthens the immune system.exacerbation of peptic ulcer, enteritis; upset stomach.
Potatoesreduces gastric acidity; treats peptic ulcer, gastritis, pancreatitis.sensitive teeth; reduced acidity of the stomach.
Celerycontributes to the process of blood formation; helps with nervous diseases.varicose veins, kidney disease.
Beetcontributes to the process of blood formation; cleanses the kidneys, gall bladder; heals hemorrhoids, constipation.peptic ulcer, kidney stones and gall bladder.
Cabbagetreats diseases of the liver and intestines, gastritis, gastric ulcer, fortifying effect.acute gastritis, gastroduodenitis, kidney disease.
Tomatoesprevention of atherosclerosis and cancer; helps to cope with hypertension and fatigue; relieves edema;aggravation of peptic ulcer, gastritis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, mild poisoning.
Pumpkinparticipates in the process of blood formation, heals the skin and hair, bracing effect.individual intolerance.
Parsley leaves and rootsuseful for vision, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, treats kidney disease.urolithiasis; pregnancy; gout.

For effective prevention of hypovitaminosis, it is recommended to take a mixture of freshly squeezed juice of 50 ml three times a day for 30-40 minutes. before meals.

Here are some popular vegetable juice recipes:

  • carrots, celery and beets in a ratio of 1: 1: 1;
  • carrots, green peppers, cabbage, spinach (3: 3: 1: 1);
  • carrots, celery, apple, beet with tops, parsley (3: 2: 2: 1: 1);
  • carrots, celery, parsley (4: 2: 1);
  • cucumbers, carrots, cabbage, green pepper (1: 4: 1: 1);
  • tomato, cabbage, celery (1: 2: 2);
  • pumpkin, carrot, apple (1: 1: 1).

The use of vegetable juice for weight loss

During the juice diets, the body regulates the balance of alkalis and acids, removes slags, activates enzymes, improves digestion.

  • emphasis should be placed on the cleansing and laxative properties of some vegetable juices for weight loss, as well as to use juice blends consisting of several complementary components;
  • it is useful to use juice from vegetables both directly during the diet and for holding fasting days.

Tomato juice is able to quickly bring down the appetite, and due to its diuretic effect, it helps cleanse the body and “burn” fats (take up to a liter a day).

Juice cocktails will saturate the body with microelements and vitamins, will help to detoxify, improve metabolism, reduce weight due to the content of natural analogues of enzymes, antioxidants.

Here are the popular recipes for weight loss using freshly squeezed vegetable juices:

  • cabbage, carrots (1: 2);
  • carrots and spinach in a ratio of 5: 3;
  • carrots, beets, celery root, pumpkin (2: 1: 1: 1);
  • carrots, parsley, spinach, celery (5: 5: 3: 1);
  • carrots, beets and cucumbers (10: 3: 3);
  • cucumber, tomatoes, celery (1: 3: 2);
  • bunch of dill, cucumber, tomatoes (1: 2: 3);
  • beets, carrots, cucumber (1: 3: 1);
  • beets, carrots, lime (5: 6: 1);
  • tomatoes, spinach, parsley (6: 1: 1).

As a result of regular use of vegetable juices, the body will receive a “loading dose” of healing substances necessary for healing and keeping itself in good shape, and the problem of excess weight will be solved. Undoubtedly, the appearance will also improve - the skin will shine with natural freshness and shine in the eyes will appear, because health is life energy!

Many are convinced that fruit juices should be consumed regularly, as they are a real storehouse of vitamins, whereas fresh fruit is the lot of athletes and fanatical fans of a healthy lifestyle. Such an approach is fundamentally erroneous, although juices from fruits and vegetables do have a different impact on human health and its body as a whole.

So, fruit juices really help cleanse the body, help disperse the metabolism, and also help relieve stress. That is why they are very useful for people who are constantly experiencing emotional and psychological overload. Vegetable juices contain more nutrients, vitamins, and.

Therefore, they help relieve fatigue, recuperate after exercise, provide energy.

Drinking fresh vegetables from vegetables can be recommended for people weakened by long-term illnesses, as well as for children and adolescents. In addition, vegetable drinks are an order of magnitude smaller, and therefore they are allowed even to those who have been diagnosed with diabetes.

Fresh vegetables: drink or not drink

All vegetable fresh juices can boast an excellent chemical composition. In this case, it is not only about vitamins, macro- and microelements, but also phytoncides - the so-called “natural antibiotics”, which kill bacteria and can help in the treatment of many serious diseases. We should not forget about dietary fiber, which works as a natural scrub for the body, linking and naturally removing toxins and toxins.

So, only in 150 g of freshly squeezed contains the daily rate. Freshes that were made from green vegetables (,), can boast a high content. In composition, it is identical to one of the blood elements - hemoglobin, and therefore, firstly, it is easily absorbed by the body, and secondly, it is useful for people suffering from anemia. Also, green vegetable juices help cleanse the liver and help prevent cancer.

Do not drink freshly squeezed vegetable juices while eating or immediately after it. Fresh is a product with a high concentration of active substances. By reacting with food, it provokes fermentation. It is fraught with bloating, heartburn, flatulence and other unpleasant symptoms. Doctors recommend that people with low acidity drink fresh juices one hour before meals, and those with acidity increased one hour after.

It is categorically not recommended to drink some juices in “pure” form. This, above all, beet fresh, which is recommended to be diluted in a ratio of 1: 3. Juices from, and onions can be exclusively added to other fresh juices in extremely small quantities.

  Do not drink juice in one gulp. Drink fresh should be slowly, in small sips. Vegetable juices are better absorbed if they have time to mix with saliva.
  Do not hold the juice in the mouth - it has a devastating effect on the tooth enamel. For the same reason, it is better to use fresh ones through a plastic straw.
  The dose with which to start the use of vegetable juice, is 50 ml. Gradually it can be increased. But to begin to absorb vegetable juice freshly immediately, without prior preparation, still not worth it, if you do not want to get an allergic reaction and problems with digestion. At the same time, it is desirable to drink juices in the first half of the day, since they are energy drinks that can provoke insomnia in the evening use.

How to cook fresh vegetables at home

As noted above, juices cooked at home have great health potential than industrial beverages. However, in order to make home-made fresh freshes as healthy and tasty as possible, they should be cooked properly.

  1. Choose only fresh vegetables, without external flaws or damage.
  2. Before cooking fresh juice, rinse the vegetables thoroughly in running water, cut off the skin, if necessary. Please note, peeled vegetables should be washed again, under cold water and very quickly.
  3. The best option is to squeeze vegetable fresh juices manually or using an electric juicer with a cold-type press extractor. Juices prepared in this way retain the full range of vitamins and minerals. At the same time, traditional centrifuge-type juicers, chopping fruits and vegetables, heat them up, as a result of which some useful substances disintegrate. This applies not only to vitamins, but also to enzymes that strengthen the immune system.

Vegetable juices for weight loss

Every woman wants to stay graceful and slim. To date, there are many options for diets designed to help get rid of extra pounds. However, some vegetable juices also help to burn “social savings” - however, they need to be consumed in very substantial quantities and strictly following the scheme.

Why do vegetable juices help to lose weight? There are several reasons.

  1. Vegetable juices have a mild laxative effect. They help the body in a natural way to get rid of the accumulated slags and toxins, remove the products of decay from the intestines. As a result, the stomach "subsides", and the complexion improves.
  2. Fresh vegetables have a diuretic effect. They effectively remove excess fluid from the body, so that you forget about edema and unaesthetic “bags” under the eyes.
  3. Many vegetable freshes work as effective appetite suppressants. After drinking a glass of juice, the feeling of hunger temporarily disappears. You also supply your body with all the minerals and vitamins necessary for its normal functioning.

The next aspect that should be considered: which vegetable juices are best suited for getting rid of extra pounds? There are several such fresh ones.

It has a weak diuretic effect, helping the body "shed" excess fluid. In addition, celery freshness normalizes metabolism, effectively reduces the level of "harmful" in the blood and increases the body's resistance due to carotene and an impressive list of vitamins in the composition. At the same time, it can be combined with other fresh juices, for example, carrot, made from asparagus or parsley. Lovers of more savory taste can add honey to celery juice or. It should be remembered that it is contraindicated for sufferers of increased acidity of gastric juice, thrombophlebitis, gastritis and ulcerative diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Beet Juice The active components in its composition stimulate metabolism, normalize the work of the intestine, helping to remove toxins from the body. The beneficial effect of beet juice on the thyroid gland also helps to normalize weight. It should not be forgotten that it can only be consumed in minimal doses, mixed with other juices. People suffering from urolithiasis, hypotonicis, patients who have been diagnosed with kidney disease and diabetes mellitus, it is better to refuse at all from beetroot.

It effectively improves digestion, helps cleanse the body of toxins. In this case, note that when using cabbage juice should be at least every other day to do cleansing enemas. The fact is that the active components of cabbage contribute to the decomposition of rotting products that have accumulated in the intestine, which causes gas formation. To remove toxins, carry out cleansing procedures. However, in case of problems with the pancreas, it is better to refuse the use of fresh cabbage. It should also be used with caution in kidney disease.

A product that effectively removes excess fluid from the body. In addition, it promotes digestion, reducing the load on the digestive tract. It also removes small stones and sand from the kidneys, helps to normalize blood pressure and is a natural diuretic and laxative. And yet with gastritis from its use is better to refrain.

  Tomato juice. It enhances immunity, helps to accelerate the metabolism and lower cholesterol levels. In addition, it reduces appetite and removes excess fluid from the body. At the same time, it is better to refrain from its use in the presence of stones in the gall bladder, hypertension, increased acidity and gastritis.

Eggplant juice is a drink that will help to “fool” the feeling of hunger and reduce appetite. It is recommended for digestive disorders and to reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood. It is noteworthy that the eggplant juice is prepared from a vegetable, which is first poured with water for two hours, then boiled for fifteen minutes and ground in a blender. It can not be consumed with high acidity and with enterocolitis.

How to prepare vegetable juices for the winter

Summer - a period when fruits and vegetables in abundance. However, it is precisely in the winter, during the period of avitaminosis, colds and reduced immunity, we more than ever need vitamin “injections” to spur the body. Therefore, in order not to have to be content with the juices of industrial production purchased in a supermarket, it makes sense to pre-stock vegetable juices for the winter.

Provided that all the details of the technological process are carefully observed, you can enjoy natural juices without preservatives and other chemicals throughout the year. Vegetable mixes, which are a mixture of different juices, have proven their best.

So, for example, you can prepare the juice "Multi". Ingredients that you will need: tomatoes, bulgarian, carrots, salt and sugar. Please note that there are no clear proportions for each type of vegetables - you can experiment to your own taste.

Prepare all the vegetables: sort, wash, remove overripe or wilted. Cut the raw material into pieces that should easily pass into the mouth of the juicer. Pass the vegetables through the juicer, pour the juice into the pan and put on low heat.

Add a teaspoon of sugar and half a tablespoon of salt. On low heat bring the juice to a boil. Boil should be five minutes. Pour the juice on the previously washed, dried and sterilized jars and roll metal lids.

Banks turn over, wrap a blanket and leave for a day. After that, install the jars with lids and upwards and observe during the week whether fermentation will occur. If the juice is not fermented, you can put them in the closet for long-term storage.

Peel kiwi and lime and cut into quarters. Then cut the celery and cucumbers. Pass all the ingredients through the juicer, adding a bunch of mint. For a change, mint can be replaced with cilantro, parsley, basil or fennel.


  • 1 large orange;
  • ½ lemon with zest;
  • Cup of mineral water.


Choose the juicy orange and lemon. Then cut them in half and peel them. Pass the fruit through the juicer along with a small amount of lemon zest. Add mineral water - and you get a refreshing lemonade. If you like sweeter drinks, add sugar and some cinnamon.


  • 1 orange;
  • ¼ pineapple;
  • 5 celery stalks;
  • bunch of spinach;
  • 1 ginger root.


Peel orange and pineapple and cut into small pieces. Pass all ingredients through the juicer. Spinach is better to put along with celery - so he will give more juice. If you don't like the sharp taste of ginger, you can do without it in this recipe.


  • 2 apples;
  • 200 g raspberries;
  • 1 nectarine.


Remove bones from apples and nectarines and cut them into small pieces. Leave a thin slice of apple for decoration, and everything else pass in turn through a juicer. Pour the mix into the glass, decorate with an apple slice - ready! This fresh one will look great on an Instagram photo.


  • 1 beet;
  • 1 large carrot;
  • 1 green turnip;
  • bunch of spinach;
  • 3 celery stalks.


Peel the beets, carrots and turnips and put them through the juicer with the celery. Then finely chop a bunch of spinach and add to the mix. This nutritious fresh can replace breakfast. And the antioxidants contained in beets, will start the process of detox in your body.


  • 2 persimmons;
  • 200 g pineapple pulp;
  • 1 pear.


Cut the persimmon and pear in half, remove all the bones and tails. Peel the pineapple and cut into small pieces. Pass through a persimmon, pear and pineapple juicer.

Be careful: persimmon and its juice should not be consumed with cold water and milk. This combination contributes to the formation of hard food lumps and complicates the intestinal patency.


  • 4 tomatoes;
  • 1 chili;
  • salt.


Peel the chili peppers, cut the tomatoes into four parts. Pass everything through the juicer. Add salt to taste. You can experiment: use Bulgarian instead of chili pepper, and sugar, ground pepper or coriander instead of salt.


  • 1 apple;
  • 5 celery stalks;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 1 ginger root;
  • 1 teaspoon turmeric powder.


Peel the apple and lemon, cut into pieces. Pass through the juicer celery, apple and lemon, and then ginger. Pour the juice into the glass, pour the turmeric on top and mix.

The classic recipe of fresh vegetables. Cucumber gives the juice water, and beets - antioxidants and rich burgundy color.


  • 3 cucumbers;
  • 2 beets;
  • 1 carrot.


Peel the vegetables, then cut them into small pieces. Pass cucumbers, beets and carrots through the juicer. To the finished juice, you can add a few drops of lemon juice. If you want more freshness, carrots can be replaced with an apple.


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