How to cook thick apricot seedless jam. A taste of summer or seedless apricot jam

20.04.2019 Dishes for children

Good day, readers and subscribers! Summer is in full swing, and today I want to touch on the subject of sweet dessert preparations, called apricot jam, I think that such a delicacy is loved by everyone. Do you want to learn how to cook and cook it correctly so that it turns out to be thick and very awesome tasty?

Do you think it is possible to add apricot kernels to add flavor to this dish? You do not know, then read this article rather, take it with joy and good mood to make jars for the winter, so that later in the winter days you can pamper your loved ones and relatives with such a tasty creation. Which can also be used for pies and some other baking.

Interesting! It turns out apricot jam can be cooked as whole fruits, and amber from the halves, but you can make differently, much to reduce, to get a jam or jam.

What kind of blank do you prefer? Write your feedback or suggestions, I will be very glad to read.

  Apricot jam with pits "Royal recipe"

In another such option is called royal, it looks very great, for gourmets it's just a godsend, besides it is a very simple way of cooking. You can cook whole apricots, but at the same time removing the bone from the middle, it will turn out very, very tasty.

We will need:

  • for each kg of apricots add 1 kg of sugar

Cooking method:

1. Wash the fruit, pour boiling water over it, and then remove the bones, but do not throw them away.

2. Pour sugar in the whole container with these sunny beauties.

3. Stir with a slotted spoon very carefully and leave them for a couple of hours, so that the sweet juice and aroma stand out.

4. Now open the bones and remove the kernels, how to do it, you can watch the video at the end of this item or use the two method, that is, put them in the oven and they should open themselves. By the way, you can ask your beloved man to help you with this, there will be a joint hobby in the kitchen, like you have such an idea, my usually beats them with a hammer and they split in two accounts.

5. So, how to add kernels to jam? It is necessary to do this after boil the jam for 30-40 minutes after boiling, cook over low heat and every time the foam is removed.

7. It turned out very beautiful. Pour the hot jam into dry sterilized jars, wrap with metal sterilized lids, due to the fact that the method is hot, the containers are re-heat treated.

Important! Roll up hot or cold, have you ever thought about this issue? If you cook a five-minute (how to do this, you will find out further), then pour it over the cans in hot form, but wait for it to cool down, because if you immediately cover it with a lid, then condensate will form under it, which then the mold will give you. Or immediately turn the can upside down. If you do not cook a five-minute, you can pour it cold, but it's better in the hot all the same, just let it cool in a jar.

8. Immediately turn it over, wrap it well in a towel, and leave it to cool completely, and then lower it into the cellar or send it to a cool place.

9. Be sure to check that nothing runs up, otherwise it will face an unpleasant situation after a while. This is the magic mixture you should have. Tasty discoveries and achievements!

Important! What to do if the finished dish is moldy or fermented? If it is fermented, you can make wine, but I do not recommend to fight with mold, do it the next time correctly, perhaps when cooking you did not remove the foam or the fruits were badly washed and this caused such unpleasant processes.

As I promised, I am sharing a reference “How to clean apricot seeds very quickly and easily?”

  Cooking apricot jam with a proven recipe

  Simple apricot jam without stones for the winter - thick and very tasty

Want to do in store, so that it is not soured and not fermented? Then to help take this note here and cook it.

As a child I remember eating such a masterpiece with my aunt, who always prepares it for the winter, I don’t know why she seemed to get the most tasty from her, probably not casual, I decided to find out all the secrets of cooking this delicacy, which resembles amber transparent color, but taste inexplicably extraordinary.

Important! Rinse apricots well under running water.

It seemed to me by itself, all this procedure is done, but someone does not get jam, it starts to wander, take off, and a lot more can happen. She also told me that it was necessary that there was no bitterness to remove the skin. Although if you love bitterness, it is quite small, then you can do with it. So, to remove the rind, you need to pour boiling water on the apricot for 30 seconds. And then take it out and she herself easily get away from them.

Interesting! If your taste is a miracle, then do not be discouraged the next time just remove the skin from the nucleoli and apricots.

Oh, oh, something I signed, the rest of the recommendations will be given in the description, this is the best recipe from the chef.

We will need:

  • apricots - 1 kg
  • granulated sugar - 1 kg

Important! Note the proportions of 1: 1, always remember this.

Cooking method:

1. Well, here they are our sunny handsome men, ah-ah-ay, the main thing is not to eat them right away while you wash and cut. Once I already cooked jam ... 😛 first I ate the morsel myself, then my husband came in, children followed him and in general I had to boil it another time.

Well, let's get started, first of all, as I have already noted, you need to wash the fruits well, it would be better if you soak them for a while in some water.

Important! Take only the freshest and ripe ones, but at the same time they should be firm, and not soft, soft, ripe ones should be taken for jams or jam.

2. The second action, you will need to remove the bones, how to do it carefully and quickly? There are ways, and how are you doing?

Interesting! The first fastest in my opinion is to take a special device that will remove the bones itself, it is designed to remove cherries and olives, but apricots and peaches can also be used, everyone probably saw it. 🙂

The second way, if there is no such device, then you can simply cut the fruit in half with a knife, because we will not cook this whole food, but slices, this yummy.

The third one is the most original one, you need to take a wand or a pencil, a brush and, as an end, press on the fruit in the middle, helping the bone to come out.

3. Now proceed directly to cooking the products. In order to do this, you need to pour the prepared fruits with sugar, and put them in a cool place.

Important! They must give their juice to get tasty and fragrant.

4. Now put the pan on the stove and bring to the boil the mass, if foam appeared, immediately remove it from the surface. Next, move aside the mass in order for it to cool and the juice is better absorbed, it should take 11-12 hours. After again bring to a boil, and cook for 15-20 minutes, so that everything is bubbling well, do not forget to stir, so that nothing burns.

5. Well, then take the sample, everything is ready, it remains to be poured into the cans, do not forget to sterilize them and roll them up with metal covers with an elastic band.

Important! It is best to take small jars, and this is another question how and where to store? This is best done in a cellar or in a cool place, such as in a refrigerator.

I wish that everything worked out for you at 5+, the main thing is to be in a good mood and everything will work out for you!

  Apricot jam with kernels for the winter

This species will be seedless with nucleoli, and will be assigned to a quick cooking option, in our family it is called "Five minutes". Due to the grains, this sweet delicacy will have a very cool taste, this is almond, by the way, you can take almond nuts instead of apricot.

Interesting! By the way, not only apricots can be cooked for five minutes, but from any other berries, because this is the most useful option, since it does not require much boiling, which means it will save more vitamins that nature has given us. I would also like to note that the time spent on its preparation takes a minimum, and the result is cool, fragrant and very, very beautiful, just awesome-amber.

You can cook this delicacy with the addition of water, but you can without it. Which one do you like more? I will tell you step by step today using water.

We will need:

  • Apricots - 2 kg
  • Apricot kernels - 220 g
  • Sugar - 2 kg
  • Citric acid - 6 g
  • Water - 400 ml or 2 tbsp.

By the way, why add citric acid? So that it is kept longer in the cellar and was not so sweetly sweet, but a little sour in taste.

Cooking method:

1. Well, buy apricots in a store or on the market, try to buy them in August, when they are already ripe, and not in July and June, as this will have a bad effect on the taste of the whole dish, because of unripe fruits will not be so delicious . So, wash the apricots in water, remove the bones from them, and knock the nuts out of the bones, as I did, I wrote and showed you above.

Now the nucleoli can be bought for distribution, but of course I took them from the very apricots of which this jam will be. Boil sugar syrup first, mix water and sugar together, boil until sugar dissolves, then add grains and cook for 14-20 minutes over low heat.

2. Next step, cut apricots into slices, add to the liquid with grains and mix, cook over low heat, after the mixture boils, cook for 5 minutes, stirring with a spoon and removing the foam from the surface.

3. Beautiful and smell like this is in the kitchen! Now throw citric acid, for a sour shade and for better preservation of the dish.

Important! Now leave the jam to stand for about 8-10 hours.

Interesting! After the foam begins to disappear, this indicates that this product is ready.

4. The final stage again, start cooking 5 minutes after boiling, let cool and cook until then, stirring each time until it is ready (about this procedure must be repeated 3-4 times). To check readiness, just drop a drop of jam on a saucer, if the drop does not spread, then it’s time to turn off the stove.

Important! You can even boil it once, and immediately pour it into jars, in which case it will be much more useful, but this is only stored in the refrigerator and not for too long.

Pour into cleaned sterilization jars, roll up under the lid and enjoy the taste.

Important! If it turned out liquid? What to do and how to fix the situation? Just drain the sugar syrup and boil it to the consistency you need.

5. Such a delicious miracle happened with a pleasant aroma of almonds.

  Apricot jam slices in syrup

It turns out that this is an Armenian version of preparation, with the addition of water, which also turns out to be amber and transparent in color. To achieve beauty, you need to take fruits not crumpled, but firm, beautiful in appearance, so that the slices are then one to one, overripe ones will not work, you will get jam, or puree.

We will need:

  • apricots - 2 kg
  • water - 2 tbsp.
  • sugar - 6 tbsp.

Cooking method:

1. Make a syrup. Pour into a saucepan, I generally usually take a basin enamelled with a thick bottom and pour water there and add sugar. Boil until boiling over the fire.

2. Now take the washed fruits cut them in half, remove the bones, and add them to the cooked sweet syrup. Let them stand in it and cool. Pour the cooled syrup into the cup. Next, bring the syrup to a boil again, and then fill it with slices, they should stand in it and cool.

3. Next put on the stove and bring to a boil, remove the foam, cook for 5-6 minutes, the boiling should be weak. Do not forget to interfere, but do it carefully, so as not to damage the slices, remove from the stove let it cool. Step number 3 will need to be repeated 4-5 times, of course, you can boil it right away, that is, you can boil it until it is ready, but the result will not be the same, using this technique, the jam will turn into a slice to a slice. Therefore, you decide if time allows, then you have to "try to get around."

4. A finished miracle can be eaten, for example, with any sweet dish, for example, adding it to cottage cheese or ice cream.

5. Place in jars, it is important to take them sterilized, and the lids should be well washed and boiled. Serve with coffee or cocoa for snack or just like that. Bon appetit, friends!

  Amber apricot jam roasted in a pan

It often happens that our favorite fruits are already perespered, so what can we do with them? Of course, make a billet in the pan, which then will certainly please everyone. They are surprised that it is not a bowl or a pan that is used, but the secret here is this gourmet with a caramel flavor. For elegance, you can still add lemon juice or lime, that's cool to be. The original version, is not it?

We will need:

  • pitted apricots - 1 kg
  • sugar - 1 kg
  • lemon juice - 2 tbsp
  • great mood

Cooking method:

1. Here are such yellowish, slightly orange fruits, wash and wipe with a dry towel.

2. Remove the bones, cut into even halves. Sprinkle with sugar. By the way, you can cut into cubes.

3. Turn on the fire, the main thing is weak and boil until sugar dissolves, then add a little and cook until ready, gently correcting the halves from each other to make caramel from the syrup, i.e. the syrup should start to drag. It should take about one hour.

If you made cubes, it should look something like this:

Important! Do not forget that the proportions of sugar and fruit go 1 to 1.

4. Now take the sterilized jars and pour the creation into them. Roll up the lids and put the jars under the fur coat overnight. Keep in a cool place.

  Apricot jam with orange

Such a dessert, I like absolutely everything, you can use it in patties, grease cupcakes, cakes, and even curd casserole or cheesecakes. Orange will give an unexpected taste of citrus, try.

To get a very thick, it is important to take ripe fruit, but look carefully. so that they are not rotten, and then everything will turn sour.

We will need:

  • Apricots - 1 kg
  • Orange - 1/2 pcs.
  • Sugar - 0.6 kg

Cooking method:

1. What do you think, to achieve such a consistency as in this figure, what should be done? Yes, surely you need to twist in a meat grinder or use a food processor, blender. Of course, first wash them and pour boiling water to kill all the germs. Bones will not be needed. The output should be such a mashed potatoes, I always look like baby food.

2. Juicy and yellow-orange oranges also skip through a meat grinder, I usually do with the peel, you can make it without it to remove bitterness.

3. What is all the same beauty, just breathtaking from the brightness of such ingredients, the smell is simply amazing. I would like to no longer cook, and so eat everything.

4. Add sugar and mix to give the mixture juice. Cook on low heat after boiling for 40-50 minutes. And then send this wonder of nature in jars.

Such a nyamka turned out, is not it? And as you prefer to cook, write your work and share feedback in the comments. I would be very grateful for the information.

By the way, remember dandelion jam? I have already opened one jar and devoured. , And my favorite family helped me.

  How to cook at home apricot jam in a multicooker

In the beloved wonder-aid maker it turns out to be even tastier and more varied, especially if it is jammed, the fruits themselves will melt right away, turn into puree, I suggest watching the video from YouTube.

Tip! If suddenly there was such a situation that open jam, suddenly, and sugared what to do in this case, I propose to cook a delicious jelly!

On this all write more wishes or advice, which tell everyone what you like more peach or apricot, maybe you have some interesting secrets. All see you soon, have a nice weekend!


Apricot jam pitted five minutes step by step

Recipe number 1

In appearance, apricot jam turns out bright and salty. There are many special recipes for its preparation. In order not to disturb the harmony of taste, it is important not only to remove the stones in time, but to observe the recipe and clearly take a certain amount of ingredients.

What is required (per liter jar):
  1. 900 grams of pitted apricots;
  2. Water;
  3. 900 grams of plain white sugar.

To apricots quickly and without problems to clean the bones, you will need to rinse them, then cut lengthwise and simply remove the bones. Alternatively, you can leave the fruit in this form, but you can also further cut into smaller pieces. Now put the apricots in a deep bowl and sprinkle with sugar. So leave for half a day. This is an obligatory stage of making jam, because apricots must, on the one hand, put juice, and on the other hand, soak in the sweetness of sugar.

If there is so much time for the jam to infuse, no, then another sly approach can be taken. It is necessary to pour a glass of water into the pan and send it to the fire. Fruits should boil for a minute, boil them for a few minutes and be sure to remove the froth. After that, leave for several hours, and then boil again. When the jam is ready, it should be poured into prepared banks and sealed for the winter.

Recipe number 2

The next option is how to make five-minute seedless apricot jam with step by step photos. For those who do not have much time to wait until the apricot juice, this option is great. Cooking for great recipes.

What is required:
  1. One and a half kilograms of apricots;
  2. One and a half kilograms of sugar;
  3. Half a liter of water.

Apricots prepared for jam will need to be washed, then dried with a towel. Remove the bones and cut each fruit into slices. Spread in an enameled pan in layers, each layer sprinkled with sugar. Leave the apricots for four hours, so that they give out the juice.

When the specified time passes, you will need to fill them with clean boiled water, and then send them to the stove. If you want to get jam thick, then you can not add water to it. Boil the apricots on the stove for exactly five minutes, then let them stand for a few more hours. Then boil again for five minutes, let stand again and repeat the process one more time.

Tip! If you want the fruit to retain the correct shape of clear slices, then you do not need to mix the jam in the cooking process. To distribute the sugar and syrup, you can shake the pan with jam or, alternatively, just shake it from side to side.

When the jam begins to boil, then foam will form on it. In order not to spoil the appearance and taste of the delicacy, be sure to remove the foam. After the third cooking, you can immediately lay out the jam on dry and clean cans, roll it up for the winter and send it to a cold place for storage.

Recipe number 3

Apricot jam pitted five minutes, the video in this material will help to understand the cooking process.

What is required:
  1. A kilogram of sugar;
  2. Two kilograms of apricots;

If you make apricot jam according to this recipe, the delicacy will be liquid. It is perfect not only as a sweet snack in itself, but can be used to soak cakes, biscuits, make fruit drinks and cocktails. Fruits are stoned and put in a saucepan.

After that, apricots will need to fall asleep with sugar and leave for 12 hours, so that they let the juice. By the way, here you need to pay attention to how ripe the fruits are, because less time may be needed. When the specified number of hours left behind, put the jam on the fire and bring to a boil. Boil for five minutes, stirring gently. Then cool the jam, boil again and repeat the process three times. Give the jam a little cool, and then you can lay it on the bank and cork for the winter.

Recipe number 4

This is an interesting and not very common option, like apricot jam roll up with cores. That is, the pith bone.

What is needed:
  A kilogram of apricots;
  A kilogram of sugar;
  100 ml of water.

Apricots will need to be washed and dried, make an incision on each fruit. After that, get the kernels and return them to the fruits (that is, you need to split each bone and get a soft middle, a nutlet). Get like stuffed apricots. Now it is necessary to make a sweet syrup on the basis of sugar and water. First boil the water, put sugar in it and bring to a low heat until all the sugar crystals are dissolved.

After that, in the boiling sweet syrup fall asleep fruit and boil the jam literally five minutes. It will then take three hours at room temperature for the treat to flow. Then you need to boil it again, leave for two hours. After the third cooking, the jam can be immediately poured into the cans and rolled up for the winter.

Recipe number 5

If you want to cook not classic jam, but to make it according to the marmalade principle, you will have to use gelatin in addition.

What is required:
  1. One kilogram of apricots;
  2. 30 grams of gelatin;
  3. Two tablespoons of sugar.

Peel apricots and remove bones from them, then divide each fruit into two parts. Put in a container for cooking, pour each layer of sugar and gelatin (use instant gelatin). After that, leave the jam for a day so that it provides a sufficient amount of juice. Put the dessert on the fire and bring to a boil, constantly removing the foam. Read how to cook

Jam - the most favorite homemade preparation, smelling in summer and childhood. However, not every housewife can treat a delicious delicacy: the jam is either too thick with an unpleasant taste of burnt sugar, or liquid and quickly sours. Sometimes sweet canning is covered with mold or candied. It is time to learn all the secrets of delicious jam and learn how to cook the perfect apricot jam.

  • dried apricots - 0.5 kg
  • water - 200 ml
  • granulated sugar - 1 kg
  • 1 lemon peel

How to cook:

  1. Rinse dried apricots thoroughly and soak in 2 liters of cold water. After 1 hour, drain the water and fill it with fresh water. Leave for 2-3 hours in a cool place. Drain, remove dried apricots in a colander to remove excess moisture.
  2. Cook Lemon Zest
  3. In a thick-walled saucepan, mix the sugar and water and boil the syrup until the sample is “thick thread” (see the beginning of the article)
  4. In a syrup, put the softened dried apricots and zest, mix thoroughly. Bring to a boil
  5. Remove from heat and allow to cool completely.

Frozen Apricot Jam

Important: this jam cannot be stored for too long due to the low sugar content.

  • pitted frozen apricots - 1 kg
  • granulated sugar - 300 g

How to cook:

  1. Place apricots in a convenient container and leave to defrost. Apricots should thaw slowly enough, so the container with the berries is better placed in the refrigerator
  2. Thawed berries gently mixed with sugar and put on fire. Bring to a boil
  3. As soon as the jam boils, reduce the heat and cook for 20-30 minutes
  4. Cool the prepared jam, put in a clean, dry jar, store in the refrigerator

Apricot jam without cooking

  • apricot - 1 kg
  • granulated sugar - 2 kg
  • citric acid - 25 g

How to cook:

  1. Wash berries, dry (sure!), Free from stones
  2. Chop apricots thoroughly (using a blender or meat grinder). In fact, you should get a puree mass.
  3. In the ground apricots add sugar and citric acid, mix the mixture thoroughly.
  4. Cover the container with rubbed apricots and refrigerate for 2-3 days. Stir the jam periodically to speed up the sugar dissolution.
  5. Spread apricot puree into dry, sterile cans "by the hangers". Top with sugar
  6. Close the cans with sterile capron covers
  7. Keep the workpiece in the refrigerator

Apricot jam in a slow cooker

If you are going to cook apricot jam in a slow cooker, consider a few important points.

  • berries with sugar should be ½ the volume of the bowl
  • multicooker with cooking jam should not be left unattended
  • the lid of the multicooker should be ajar so as not to prevent the evaporation of excess liquid

  Photo 22 Step-by-step photo of making apricot jam in a slow cooker
  • apricots without stones - 0.5 kg
  • granulated sugar - 0.5 kg
  • lemon juice - 1-2 tbsp. l

How to cook:

  1. Put the prepared berries into the bowl of the slow cooker and add sugar
  2. Set the mode "Baking". Time: 60 minutes
  3. After the end of the program, pour in lemon juice and set the “Steaming” mode and let the jam boil for 2-3 minutes
  4. Spread hot jam in dry sterile jars, cover with tin lids, roll up the caps immediately / tighten
  5. Store jars of cooled jam in a dark cool place.


Video: Recipe Apricot jam in the microwave

On a cold winter day, a special delight is to open a jar of fragrant jam, prepared in season. Learn how to cook delicacies. Lovers of sweets should pay attention to the most delicious recipes with juicy apricots and try them out.

How to make jam from pitted apricots

The basic rule is that the jam made from seedless apricots for the winter should be as intended, very simple. It is important not to miss the period of the middle stage of fruit ripening in summer. Velvety bright yellow-orange fruits should be ripe, not sour, but not soft, to preserve the shape. Choose whole fruit, of the same size, externally free from defects, ugly spots, rotting sides. Then the taste of harvested jam from pitted apricots for the winter will be impeccable.

The shorter the time between harvesting and the start of cooking, the more delicious the harvest will be. Another point - you need to strictly know the weight of the prepared fruit. Jam of apricots without stones for the winter will get the desired consistency, if the proportions of sugar added during cooking are met, the preparation recipe is not disturbed. Need suitable utensils, which will not burn the jam.

How to cook apricot jam in a slow cooker

Convenient, reliable multicookers help modern housewives to cook not only soups, cereals, but also jam for winter. The proven method of cooking apricot preserved slices like its simplicity and versatility.

List of products:

  • peeled fruit - 800 grams;
  • lemon juice - from 1 pc., if small, or from 2/3 of the fruit, if you took the average;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg.

Cooking process:

  1. Fruit to sort, remove the bones, after washing.
  2. Fruits leave halves, or to obtain jam-type jam finely chop the slices.
  3. Put the prepared fruit into the bowl of the slow cooker, pour in lemon juice, add sugar. Stir, allow to stand for about five minutes.
  4. Set the slow cooker to "extinguish". Time - 50-65 minutes.
  5. Stir the first half of the time with a spoon only periodically, the second - constantly, in order to avoid burning.
  6. Ready thick sweet preservation of hot decomposed in sterilized jars, roll up.

Traditional recipe for apricot seedless jam

The classic recipe for jam from pitted apricots is useful if the hostess prefers traditional methods of harvesting preservation for a year. Here is one of the options:

List of products used:

  • medium-ripened fruit with a core - 1.5 kg;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • purified water - 300-350 ml.

Cooking process:

  1. Fruits medium size to sort, wash, remove excess water with a napkin or allow to drain, laying one layer on a clean towel.
  2. Make neat cuts along the groove of each fetus, squeeze out the stone.
  3. Prepare the prepared jam bowl with sugar and water, allow to boil until a uniform liquid is obtained.
  4. Fruits put in hot liquid syrup. Cover with a lid, leave for 7.5 -11 hours.
  5. After the end of time, bring the sweet contents of the pelvis to the boiling stage and cook for 8.5-13 minutes. Turn off, leave for another 7.5-11 hours.
  6. The process is repeated three more times. Boil, do not forget to remove the foam formed with a spoon.
  7. The resulting hot apricot jam with a transparent syrup put in prepared jars, hermetically close the lids. Storage - in normal temperature conditions (up to 22 degrees).

Video: recipe for apricot jam with orange

Apricot season is in full swing, which means that all housewives are already thinking about what to do with this fruit. Somehow you don’t want to boil the banal compote, because you need to surprise the household so that they can fully enjoy the apricot product in the winter. Therefore, we have devoted this article to different recipes for apricot jam for the winter. We will tell you several options for making delicious sweetness that will win your heart.

The right, who began to grow apricots, were Chinese. It was they who spread these fruits throughout Europe and Asia.

Apricots have conquered people with their beautiful appearance, velvety skin, unsurpassed aroma and incomparable taste. They still did not know how useful these fruits are for human health. The value of apricots became well known only after scientific research in this area. Scientists found out that the apricots contain:

  • inulin with fiber
  • magnesium with potassium
  • phosphorus with iron
  • sugar with starch
  • cobalt with manganese and copper
  • organic acids with vitamins A, C, PP, P, B1, B2

Due to this composition, apricots have a beneficial effect on the human body. If you eat them, you can protect yourself from diseases associated with:

  • with cardiovascular system
  • urinary system
  • psycho-emotional system

Apricots must be present in people:

  • who have problems with blood vessels
  • blood clotting
  • engaged in serious mental activity

Note that apricots retain all their useful properties, even if they are subjected to heat treatment. Therefore, by boiling the jam of these fruits, you will stock up for the winter with an invaluable cure for colds and a preventive measure against the serious pathologies that we mentioned above.

Recipe for apricot jam slices for winter

This option of making apricot jam will be very popular with the kids, because it will float whole slices of fruit, taste reminiscent of sweet marmalades, which will be a vivid reminder of the hot summer.

We present you a step-by-step recipe for apricot jam slices for the winter:

  1. Take 1 kg of ripe apricots, make sure that they are always the same size. Wash fruit, divide in half and remove bones.
  2. Go to the boiling sugar syrup. To do this, pour 500 ml of pure water into a deep-bottomed saucepan, pour 1.5 kg of sugar. Wait until the syrup boils. If suddenly it dims a little, then you just need to strain the syrup with ordinary gauze.
  3. In a separate deep basin, lay out the halves of apricots. Be sure to lay them out so that they are located cut side up. Fill them with cooked syrup, cover with gauze on top and leave for 1 day. Fruit should be soaked with sugar very well.
  4. A day later, pour the syrup from the apricots. It will already be mixed with fruit juice. It will need to be boiled, then poured into apricots and again left for 1 day.
  5. After that, a bowl in which apricots are “marinated” must be set on fire. Bring the jam to the density you need, and at the very end, pour 10 drops of any fruit essence into it and a little vanilla on the eye.
  6. Then apricot jam just need to be removed from the stove and wait until it cools to pour it into jars and roll it over for the winter.

Recipe for pitted apricot jam for the winter

We can not fail to mention the classic recipe for apricot jam for the winter. It is also prepared without stones, only apricots are harvested not in slices, but crushed to a state of mashed potatoes.

To cook such sweetness, you need to follow the instructions below:

  1. Take 1 kg of apricots of any variety that you have. The main thing that the fruit was not rot, and they were ripe. Wash apricots by soaking them in plenty of water. After half an hour, drain the water and dry the fruit.
  2. After that, the apricots must be disassembled in order to remove the bones from them. If you have very large fruits, then use a knife to cut them into slices of the same size.
  3. Pulp apricot pour in a basin of 1 kg of sugar. Fruits should be soaked with sweet taste for 4 hours (if you have very sweet apricots, you can reduce the amount of sugar - act on your own in this case). You do not need to add water, because we need thick jam.
  4. Put the candied apricots on a slow fire and boil them for 40 minutes, constantly stirring the jam and removing the foam from it with a wooden spoon. The amount of cooking classic apricot jam will depend on what consistency you want to achieve. If you need fruit pieces to remain in the sweetness, then it is enough to boil the jam 2 times, if you need a homogeneous consistency similar to mashed potatoes, then you will need to cook the sweetness as much as 4 times.
  5. Pour apricot jam into jars only after it boils. And immediately roll up the banks.

Apricot jam with pits: a recipe for winter

Some, in order not to waste time on peeling apricots, make jam using whole fruit. The inconvenience of such a sweetness is that in the winter, opening a jar, you will need to extract bones from it each time. But such a jam is prepared several times faster than the one without stones.

We tell the recipe:

  1. Take 1 kg of ripe apricots necessarily the same size. Wash them and then blanch. Dip the fruit in boiling water, then cool it under cold water and chop the skin of each fruit with something sharp. The ideal way is to use a toothpick.
  2. Cook syrup for jam. Put 1.5 kg of sugar in a bowl, pour 400 ml of water and wait until the syrup boils.
  3. Add apricots to the boiling syrup and immediately add 3 g of citric acid. Wait until the apricots boil, and then remove them from the stove (do not forget to apricot during the cooking process, constantly remove the foam from them).
  4. A bowl of apricots in the syrup should stand for 8 hours.
  5. The process of boiling and cooling the jam must be repeated 2 more times. You define readiness of jam in this way - put jam on the spoon and see if it keeps its shape, if so, then the sweetness is ready, you can roll it into jars and lower it into the basement.

How to cook apricot jam for the winter with cores of seeds?

Apricot jam with nucleoli has a unique taste and almond flavor. The kernels in it do not taste bitter, crunch pleasantly on the teeth and complement the taste of ripe apricots. If you like the sweetness to be unusual, then try to make jam for the winter according to the recipe below:

  1. Take 1 kg of ripe apricots. Best used in this recipe "Vladimirovka" - a sort of apricot, which is characterized by a special pink and yellow color, large size. In these apricots are pleasant taste of the nucleoli that we need.
  2. Remove the bones from each fruit, splitting them gently to remove the nucleoli in their pure form. The kernels are nuts, similar in appearance to almonds (by the way, the aroma is also very similar).
  3. Pulp apricots put in a cooking basin and pour it 750 g of sugar. Let the fruit be sugared for 4 hours.
  4. After that, boil the jam on low heat 2 times (it is important that the sweetness does not burn), make sure that it boils well.
  5. When you make jam last time, add kernels to it, so that they soften a little bit in sweets. After that, you can pour the jam into jars and roll them.

Apricot jam in syrup for the winter with oranges

If your children do not like apricots, and prefer them citrus fruits, you can trick them a little by boiling apricot jam and oranges. The fact is that the orange has such an intense aroma and taste that it will completely kill the apricots. Your children will enjoy apricot jam, and they will think that it is made from oranges.

We share with you the recipe of how to cook this kind of jam for the winter:

  1. Take 2 kg of ripe apricots of any kind, wash them and clean the seeds. We advise you to immediately skip them through a meat grinder or blender, so that they acquire a puree-like consistency.
  2. Pour the puree from apricots into a pan with a thick bottom, pour it immediately 2 kg of sugar and boil the jam over low heat.
  3. While the apricots are boiled, make an orange mash. You will need 2 kg of oranges. They need to be thoroughly washed and peeled, but the rind must be left, it will give a citrus flavor to the jam. Scroll the oranges through a meat grinder, and then pour the puree into jam, which has already begun to boil.

An amazing feature of this billet for the winter is that you need only 30 minutes to cook apricot jam with oranges. After this time, you can already roll it into jars and lower it into the basement.

Recipe for apricot jam with gelatin for the winter

If you are engaged in pastry art and often use apricot jam in the process of creating creams and other fillings for cakes and pies, then the following recipe for very thick apricot gelatin jam is useful to you:

  1. Take 1 kg of apricots, peel them, after washing the fruit very well.
  2. Put the apricot halves of the cut part up, pour them 500 g of sugar and 15 g of gelatin. Apricots should be soaked with sugar and juice for a day.
  3. Pour the apricots into a saucepan with a thick bottom so that the jam is cooked over low heat. By the way, you can cook this apricot jam for the winter in a slow cooker or bread maker by setting a time for them - 40 minutes.
  4. Hot jam pour in jars and then roll them.

Recipe for apricot jam with nuts for the winter

Surprisingly tasty apricot jam for the winter is obtained if it is cooked with walnuts. They relieve jamming from cloying and add zest. To cook it for the winter, you need:

  1. Take 1 kg of ripe apricots, wash them, peel.
  2. Pour 600 grams of sugar into the fruit and leave them in a warm place for 6 hours so that they are soaked with sugar and let the juice run. If you have time, leave apricots in sugar for the whole night.
  3. Boil the jam 4 times, each time bringing it to a boil over low heat, stirring all the time and removing the foam.
  4. While the jam will cook, prepare the nuts. You will need 300 g of product. They should be dried in the oven for 15 minutes and then cleaned of the film, which gives them bitterness.
  5. Pour the nuts when you make the jam for the last time, and then pour the sweetness over the cans and roll them up with lids.

By the way, according to this recipe, you can add any others instead of walnuts. It will be very well combined with apricots:

  • almond
  • apples
  • ginger
  • bananas
  • plums
  • pears
  • exotic fruits (kiwi, pineapple, mango)

The recipe for apricot jam without sugar for the winter

There is nothing useful in sugar, you say, besides, this product has a negative effect on the figure. Well, we will not argue with this, but simply offer you an alternative variant of cooking apricot jam with honey.

To cook it for the winter, you need to do the following:

  1. Take 1 kg of ripe apricots, wash them and clean the stones. Fruits need to be minced several times or chopped with a blender.
  2. It is very important that the apricot rind pieces do not come across in this jam, therefore you will need to pass the resulting puree several times through a sieve.
  3. In the resulting tender gruel add honey. You should determine its quantity yourself based on your own taste preferences.
  4. Put the billet on a slow fire to boil the jam. It is better to do this 3-4 times. Then pour the sweetness in jars and roll them up with lids.

There is another option for cooking apricot jam without sugar. Honey is not added to it; sweet apples are used instead. To make this jam, you need:

  1. Prepare for cooking 1 kg of apricots and 2 kg of apples. Take care that the fruit does not contain seeds and is peeled.
  2. Grind the fruit in a blender and boil several times.

How to cook thick apricot jam for the winter with chocolate?

Kids reluctantly eat jam in winter. Still, modern kids prefer to enjoy chocolate and other goodies from the store. You can surprise them with apricot jam and chocolate. Believe me, your child will be delighted when she tries your work of culinary art. How to cook such an unusual jam:

  1. Prepare 1 kg of apricots. Wash them, peel and chop the fruits with a blender or meat grinder.
  2. In the resulting puree, add 1 kg of sugar and 100 ml of water. Boil the jam 5 times, each time bringing it to a boil, stirring with a wooden spoon and removing the foam.
  3. When you cook apricot jam 5 times, add 40 g of cocoa. It will give sweets a chocolate flavor and a dark shade. Children will think they are eating chocolate paste. Imagine how happy they will be when they find that there is so much of this sweetness in the basement!

Coffee-vanilla apricot jam for the winter

Not only children love to eat something sweet in the winter. Adults will also like apricot jam, the recipe of which we present below. It will be prepared with coffee. What is surprising, as a result, you will not feel any bitterness, but you will feel a pleasant coffee and vanilla aroma, eating jam from the most simple apricots. We tell how to cook this exquisite sweetness:

  1. Prepare 1 kg of apricots, wash the fruit, peel and mince.
  2. Pour the gruel from apricots into a saucepan with a thick bottom, put it on a slow fire and immediately add 1 kg of sugar into it.
  3. In a cheesecloth, folded several times, pour 300 g of ground and instant coffee, twist it and put it in the jam. Suppose that in the process of cooking it is in it, so that all the aroma saturate the apricots.
  4. After the jam boils, remove the cheesecloth with coffee and add 30 g of vanilla sugar into it. You can also add 2 cinnamon sticks for flavor.

Apricot jam with rum for the winter

Apricot jam may have a hops note if you do not use fresh fruit, but dried and add a little rum during the cooking process. You will not discover such sweetness for children in the winter, but you can surprise guests very much by treating them with simple apricot jam. We tell step by step how to cook it:

  1. Take 500 g of dried apricots, add to it 1 l of water, 80 ml of lemon juice, and put it all on slow fire
  2. When the dried apricots are soft (this will happen in about 30 minutes), add 1 kg of sugar to the jam
  3. After 15 minutes after the jam with sugar boils again, pour into it 2 tbsp. Roma
  4. After another 15 minutes pour apricot jam in jars and roll them

Such jam can be used during the manufacture of confectionery. It will make a great cream or impregnation for the cake.

Apricot jam with poppy seeds for the winter

If you often cook breakfast for your household pancakes, pancakes or pancakes, then you need apricot jam with poppy seeds. Breakfast with this sweet will be amazing, it will charge your children and beloved spouse with good mood and energy for the whole day.

How to cook this jam at home for the winter:

  1. Prepare 400 g apricots. Wash them, peel them, chop the fruit into slices.
  2. Place apricots in a non-stick gastronorm container and place it on low heat.
  3. Immediately add 300 g of sugar to the apricots and add 2 pinches of citric acid.
  4. When the apricots are soft, cool them, and then chop the blender to make a gruel.
  5. In the resulting apricot puree, pour in 50 g of poppy, and then put the jam on the stove to boil and thicken the jam.
  6. Pour the jam over the cans and roll them up with lids.

As you can see, there are a lot of options for making apricot jam for the winter. You can use any. Of course, a housewife who has enough time can afford to preserve this sweetness. We advise you not to regret it this summer in order to enjoy winter with unsurpassed sweetness from juicy and fragrant apricots.

Video: “Apricot jam with a taste of coffee, orange, nuts”