Cabbage pie from ready-made yeast dough. Quick pie with cabbage from yeast dough in the oven

05.04.2019 Snacks

Hello to all the culinary! Today I will share with you a simple and at the same time quick recipe for cabbage pie. Preparing this pie with cabbage from yeast dough in the oven. In this case, I use dry yeast, which greatly facilitates the work.

If you cook homemade cabbage pie according to this recipe, I assure you that you will not regret it. The dough is amazing and incredibly tasty! I just fell in love with him and now I cook the dough for cabbage pies, with meat or any other filling according to this recipe.

And the most interesting thing is that this is a really fast yeast cake, you don’t have to wait for a few hours until the dough rises. Knead the dough, roll it out, put it on a baking sheet or in a mold, put the filling, wait 20 minutes and then put it in the oven. It's simple.

We will need:

For the test:

wheat flour - 750 g

2 cups warm water (400 ml.)

dry yeast - 1 tbsp

1 tsp salt

3 tbsp. Sahara

8 tbsp. vegetable oil

For filling:

half white cabbage (medium size)

onions - 2 pcs.

Cooking yeast pie with cabbage:

Cooking stuffing:

Hello my dear!

Today on the agenda we have a dough for the pie with cabbage. Oh, how promising it sounds, right? Cabbage pie - this is something quite homely and cozy, originally from childhood. And who can argue that our wise grandmothers bake the most magical pies. We will comprehend the theory in order to practice approaching their culinary sorcery later.

Have you ever thought that a pie is like Lego? Play and combine. There are always several options for the test, and if you multiply them with the options for the filling, each time there is a new delicious story.

Kinds of cabbage pie dough

Believe me, there is a lot of room for imagination! First, we can make a yeast-free cake, and then here are your options:

  1. Kefir dough. A sort of easy and fast analogue of yeast dough. Well, the kefir stagnant in the fridge, which obviously no one will drink, can be attached by letting it tasteless out of the oven.
  2. Sour cream dough. It turns out gentle and crispy, it is rather a variation from the puff pastry area. So, if an open jar of sour cream is lonely, this is your case, this recipe is waiting for you.
  3. Plain yeastless dough, which can be kneaded even in water. There is generally a minimum of ingredients and body movements, and if time is running out, why not?
  4. Dough for fast bay pudding pie. It comes out liquid, and the jellied pie asks to be called "lazy." And also “cabbage charlotte” - this is also said about him. The oven can even be in the oven, even in the slow cooker - one more plus.
  5. Well, then comes the heavy artillery - yeast dough. It is with him that the same airy and porous grandmother's wonder-pies come out of the oven. Many frankly many are afraid of the recipes of dough with yeast. And then, having done it once, they do it again and again. Yes, it takes more time, but if you carefully follow all the steps, everything will come out, do not hesitate!
  6. A special highlight of our program today will be cooked puff pastry. Here everything is easier than easy - reach out to the freezer and get out the pre-purchased packaging. But there are some nuancesabout them below.

Well, since they said A, now don't get out of B, and therefore ...

To begin with - several options for topping with cabbage pie

Let's immediately determine that we always chop cabbage for the filling with thin strips, which are then cut across into 2 or 3 cm pieces. This is so that when biting it does not “stretch” out of the cake. Aesthetics is as important to us as taste and aroma, right? Well, determine which of the fillings in your family will go with a bang:

1. Cabbage fillet "as our grandmothers do"

Grocery list:

  • cabbage - 1 strong head
  • onion - 3 or 4 heads
  • butter - 100 g
  • boiled eggs - 5 pcs
  • dill, green onions - on a modest bunch
  • vegetable oil - a little for frying
  • salt and spices - to your taste


  1. We will heat the vegetable oil in a suitable pan (the middle fire will be just right), and salt and a pinch of sugar will also be there. Stew the onions in the butter until pleasant transparency. The onion itself, meanwhile, is pre-cut into us by thin half-rings.
  2. Fill the already prepared, as we agreed, cabbage with boiling water, lightly salt and wait for the boil (here we need a strong fire), and then boil for 5 to 7 minutes until soft.
  3. Remove the liquid from the cabbage (it is convenient to do this through a colander), rinse it thoroughly with cold water and leave to drain.
  4. Next, we will take a hand cabbage, "squeeze" the remaining liquid from it and send it to the dishes with onions.
  5. Without being lazy, mix the filling in the pan, put the butter to it. We will not remove from the heat for another 2−3 minutes to melt the butter. Let cool.
  6. Boiled eggs will be cut fairly large, and the greens will be chopped smaller. Combine them with cabbage and onion mixture, cajole favorite spices.

Everything can be sent to the pie!

And here are two small life hacks:

  • add eggs to the fully cooled cabbage-onion mass, this is important. Otherwise, the yolk dissolves and "lost" in the filling

  • you can easily make such stuffing for the future, by preparing more immediately and sending a part to the freezer.

2. Recipe for a classic filling (with cabbage and carrot)

Grocery list:

  • cabbage - 1 small head
  • carrots - 2 or 3 medium sized things
  • boiled eggs - 3 pieces
  • butter for frying - butter or vegetable that you like
  • salt and spices - your choice and taste


1. Carrots will be rubbed larger, and we will chop cabbage, as agreed above.

2. Armed with a frying pan, and add vegetables to the butter heated on it, which we mix and stew for 30-40 minutes, until softened.

3. Let's cool the stuffing, let down chopped boiled eggs and spices. Done!

3. Usual stuffing of cabbage, carrots and onions with the addition of tomato

Grocery list:

  • cabbage - 1 medium size head
  • onions - 3 medium heads
  • carrots - 1 large or 2 small
  • tomato juice
  • oil for frying - butter or vegetable, which is closer to you
  • sugar, salt, ground pepper, bay leaf


  1. We process vegetables - we carrot them with bigger ones, cut onion into thin half rings, and chop cabbage with our universal method.
  2. Let's take a little vegetable oil, fry carrots with onions for a short time, and after we throw cabbage, salt, ground pepper to them, let's not forget about sugar (here you should look for your taste sensations).
  3. We will stew until the cabbage juice has evaporated, after which we pour tomato juice and put bay leaf (here it is optional).
  4. For a while, we’ll keep it all in a frying pan, then we will get rid of the remaining liquid, drain it through a colander. It remains to let cool and you can send the stuffing in the dough!

4. For spicy lovers - cabbage fillet with carrots

Grocery list:

  • sauerkraut - 300/400 g
  • carrot - 1 thing
  • onions - 1 small head
  • sugar - 0.5 tsp.
  • ground pepper and salt - as much as you like
  • vegetable oil - a little for frying


  1. Nathrem carrots, this time we take a medium grater, and cut the onion in medium cubes.
  2. Fry vegetables until cooked in heated vegetable oil.
  3. Sour cabbage squeeze, sparing no effort, put it to the vegetables, right there we will salt and pepper, and still not forget about the sugar.
  4. Now let’s go for another 25–30 minutes (here we need a small fire), do not forget to stir from time to time. All cool and can send to the cake.

These are just a few basic fillings. And now you can turn on the fantasy and supplement each of the options with the ingredients that are most loved in your home. For example:

  • milk products. Try using milk (or even cream) to extinguish the filling, see how delicate the taste becomes. Yes, and grated cheese will add a filling volume and sound. It can be mixed into the filling until smooth, or simply spread over it as an additional layer.
  • mushrooms themselves are asking for our cabbage, right? They are extinguished with carrots and onions, waiting for the evaporation of the liquid that stood out at the beginning.

In fact, you can add to the filling any products that seem appropriate to you here. Gastronomic experimentation is what drives culinary art forward.

So, we studied the theory of the test, with a variety of fillings decided, go to practice. Go!

Cabbage Pies Dough Recipes

1. Kefir dough for very fast cabbage pie

Grocery list:

  • flour - 500g
  • kefir - 200 ml
  • eggs - 2 pieces
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp.
  • sugar - 2 tsp.
  • salt - 1 tsp.
  • soda - pinch


  1. Flour, which we prudently sift in advance, mix it well with sugar, as well as with salt and soda. It is better to even do it with a whisk. Then all the components of the dry mixture evenly “disperse” in it, and in the finished cake there will be guaranteed nothing that crunches on the teeth. Plus, we will fill the mixture with oxygen, which oh so we need, so that the dough then rose properly and becomes airy.
  2. Pour into prepared dry kefir mixture together with eggs and vegetable oil. We will, without being lazy, knead, until all this becomes a homogeneous substance. The dough will come out elastic and pleasantly elastic, close to the yeast in consistency.
  3. Let him stand for a bit of gluten. contained in flour, as it should be swollen.
  4. We divide it equally and we will roll layers. The cabbage stuffing will go to the bottom one, the second one can be simply covered from above (the main thing is to carefully pinch the edges) and not forget about smearing with egg yolk. You can go the other way - cut the upper layer into strips, which are laid out over the filling with an appetizing net.
  5. We put the cake in the oven for 180 g and enjoy the flavors that spread throughout the kitchen. It is usually baked 40−50 minutes.

2. Dough on sour cream for tender cabbage pie

Grocery list:

  • sour cream - 100 ml
  • flour - 300 g
  • baking powder - 1 tsp
  • egg - let's do it here 1 piece
  • butter - 150 g
  • salt - 0.5 tsp.
  • sugar - 1 tbsp.


  1. Combine all the dry ingredients of the recipe, and this is our flour and salt plus sugar and baking powder.
  2. Now add to them the egg and sour cream, conscientiously stir.
  3. Put the cooled butter into the resulting mass, which we pre-cut into a cold knife with 1 × 1 cm cubes, and now quickly (this is so that our butter does not have time to melt from the heat) knead the dough.
  4. Shape the dough into a ball, wrap the food film in a fridge for an hour.
  5. Next, roll out two layers. Bottom pin with a fork - he will take over the stuffing. We will design the top one to your own taste - here flowers and leaves cut from dough will be useful, or, as in the recipe above, we will make a neat net.
  6. We will lubricate the cake with an egg, put it in the oven, now it remains to wait for readiness - this is about 40-50 minutes.

By the way, take a note of a couple of tricks:

  • a whole chicken egg to grease a cake is usually a lot. And, in order not to add remains of it somewhere, you can use a quail egg for this purpose.
  • successful reception - sprinkle the top of the cake with sesame, it will give appetizing and give a light crunch on the taste.

3. Jellied dough for tasty “lazy” cabbage pie

Grocery list:

  • kefir - 250 g
  • sifted flour - 250 g
  • eggs - need 2 pieces
  • butter for lubrication - 10 g
  • soda - 1 tsp
  • salt - 0.5 tsp.


  1. Mix soda and salt in kefir, cover and send while in a warm place, let it stay there for 10 minutes.
  2. Now in kefir, decently grown in volume, we introduce eggs and beat up the mixture.
  3. Prudently sifted flour conscientiously mix with the already prepared billet. The result will be enough liquid batter, everything is OK, and so it was conceived.
  4. The form, to further facilitate your own efforts to extract the cake, will be covered with parchment, and in turn, we will not forget to miss it with butter.
  5. Pour half of our batter, put on it pre-selected and cooked stuffing. It remains to pour the cabbage on top of the remaining half of the test. We send our lazy pie in the oven. The furnace will be at 180 degrees, it will take 40 minutes or 50 minutes.

A nice bonus is the filling cake (besides, the recipe is primitive and you need a minimum of time) - it is very convenient to bake it also in the slow cooker.

4. Yeast-free dough for the simplest cabbage pie

Grocery list:

  • flour - 500 g
  • butter - 250 g
  • salt - 0.5 tsp.
  • egg - 1 piece will be enough
  • water (as well as milk) - 25 ml


  1. Combine the flour, which is previously, as always, sift, and salt.
  2. Butter, still cold, chop into cubes, put into flour and we will quickly chop it all up with a knife until the mixture becomes fine crumb.
  3. Beat the egg, add water (or milk) to it, stir it all once more and send this mixture to our chopped crumbs.
  4. We will knead the dough (of course, presenting in the process how tasty the cake will be with us).
  5. It remains to hold it in the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes, and then arm yourself with a rolling pin and form a cake.
  6. We are waiting for readiness on the same 180 degrees.

5. Simple recipe of yeast dough for your favorite pie with cabbage.

Grocery list:

  • flour - 640 g
  • milk - 250 ml
  • egg - 1 pc
  • pressed live yeast - 30 g (or replace dry - then 10 g)
  • vegetable oil - 4 tbsp.
  • sugar - 5 tsp.
  • salt - 0.25 tsp


  1. First, rub the egg, salt and sugar.
  2. In the warm (but not hot, with t not higher than 30 degrees!) Milk let the yeast disperse, add to it the already prepared egg, mix everything.
  3. Little by little, in a few visits, we will add sifted flour to our mass of eggs and milk, and so gradually we knead a very elastic dough.
  4. In the end, pour in vegetable oil, knead the dough once more. It will be pleasant to the touch and slightly glossy in appearance.
  5. Now we are covering our yeast dough - it's time for him to go on the rise in a cozy and warm place, 20-30 minutes will be just right.
  6. We will wait, make sure that the dough has grown significantly, we will break it and let it rise again. Everything!
  7. Then everything is done on the thumb - we form the cake in such a way as to make the family suffer not only with its taste, but also with external data (yeast cake deserves to be bothered with its decoration). We send in the oven already waiting for 180 degrees. We are waiting and looking forward!

And the main life hacking, one hundred percent working with yeast dough - do it slowly and only in a good mood!

6. Cabbage pie made of puff pastry

Here, the only question is the choice, because the finished puff pastry is also yeast-free and yeast-free.

The main difference between one and the other is the number of layers. The dough without yeast, as a rule, has them 140 and more. But for yeast dough, 30 layers will be a good indicator. What is called, feel the difference.

And so the yeast puff pastry is softer, rises better and grows in volume during baking. And, oddly enough, it is less calorie - about 240 kcal per 100 g.

But the yeast-free puff pastry, since there are much more layers in it, and butter hides between them, it already has 450 kcal per 100 g. Such dough is more dry, and the layers in the finished baking are better defined.

There is no particular difference in taste between them, so only your preferences play a role here.

Another nuance is to thaw the store puff pastry at room t, and here it is important to avoid much heat in the kitchen, because then the oil between the layers can melt and, in fact, the effect of puff pastry will not manifest itself during baking.

Phew! As you can see, the simple phrase “cabbage pie” hides a wide scope for experimentation and creativity. Dare to find exactly your perfect cake.

And in the breaks between experiments in the kitchen, be sure to drop in, we have a lot of interesting things in store. Bye Bye!

When a warm spring or summer comes, sometimes you want to gather all your friends for a picnic. You can even meet in the park and lie on the green grass, under the rays of the warm sun. But in these meetings, I usually didn’t like the phrase of my loved ones “drink from you”.

Going on such picnics, I first planned the day, and then the next - cooked. But recently I came across a recipe for cabbage pie made from yeast dough. Honestly, I’ll tell you, the name didn’t impress me much, and I’d surely turn this recipe further if not for the cabbage that was lying around in the fridge.

Yeast dough cabbage pie

Kitchen appliances and utensils:  a cooker and oven, a thick-bottomed pot or pan, a spoon, a sieve, a rolling pin, a baking tray or a baking dish, parchment paper, a deep bowl.


Warm water300 ml
Sugar2 tbsp. l
Dry yeast28 g
Vegetable oil0.5 stack
Flour4 stack
Egg1 PC.
Bow1 PC.
Carrot1 PC.
Fresh Cabbage1 kg
Bay leaf1 PC.
Ground black peppertaste

Getting to the cooking process

Cooking stuffing

In the meantime, prepare the dough

  1. In a deep bowl, mix water, a pinch of salt, and sugar. Add the yeast.

  2. Put 3 tablespoons of sifted flour. All mix well, so that there are no flour lumps.

  3. Cover the bowl with a towel and let the dough rest for 15 minutes.

  4. In the "rested" dough pour vegetable oil.

  5. In small portions add the rest of the sifted flour.

  6. Well knead the dough to a soft, elastic state.

  7. Cover the dough with a napkin or towel and leave in a warm place to approach for 30 minutes.
  8. When the dough will increase by 2 times, knead it again.

  9. We spread the dough on parchment and roll it into a thin layer.

We make a pie with cabbage

Enjoy your meal!

Video recipe

I invite you to see all the stages of cooking yeast pie with cabbage in the oven in the video, as well as compare your resulting pie with the one offered.

We decorate the dish

Closed pie with cabbage, made from yeast dough, we can decorate with finely chopped greens, as well as whole sprigs of parsley or dill. A delicious addition to this cake will be sour cream sauce.

When cooking this sauce, you can add a pair of garlic cloves or, again, greens. If this dish is for a picnic, it is perfect to cut it from fresh vegetables. Also, a pie with cabbage can be a tasty snack with a cup of coffee.

Basic truisms

  • When preparing yeast dough, if time permits, give it the opportunity to come up several times. If you knead the dough at least twice, then the finished cake will be very lush and soft.
  • If you have sauerkraut on hand, you can make a pie with sauerkraut from yeast dough. Special changes in the recipe will not, you just replace the fresh cabbage with sauerkraut. And do not add salt in the cooking process.
  • Also, if you want to make a more nutritious dish, then in the process of stewing the cabbage, you can add minced meat, sausage or sausage.
  • My recipe is based on yeast dough, but if you do not really like to use yeast in cooking, then replace them with agar-agar or cook.

Choose and experiment with fillings, dough, and I am sure you can create your favorite dish, the recipe of which will pass from generation to generation. Share your recipes and secrets in the comments. And I wish you good weather to be able to gather all the friends for a picnic and surprise them with your culinary masterpieces. Enjoy your meal!

Today I want to offer you my branded pie with cabbage, delicate as fuzz, dough and cabbage filling, mmmm ... my family and friends love it very much, it always turns out delicious. Many years ago, as a girl, I first tried cabbage pie cooked by my girlfriend's grandmother, and nowhere and have I ever eaten anything like that. All the time I was looking for this taste, I experimented with the dough, but all attempts were in vain. And I read the recipe for the dough in the magazine, and it turned out to be great, before that I could not pick up the dough for this cake, but this delicious recipe gave me the opportunity to return to childhood, the dough is like fluff, delicate and the taste is simply unforgettable, Now I bake pies mostly only on it. I suggest you make this delicious cake too.

The dough is cooked very quickly, (it always turns out), so you need to prepare the stuffing in advance, (it can be any), but today is a company cabbage pie. Stuffing-1 onion, cut and fry, in a mixture of sunflower and butter. Then grate 1 carrot and add to the onion, fry for another 2 minutes. Chopped cabbage (I have a little more than half a fork, there was a big fork) salt, a little mash with my hands and add to the onions with carrots, you need to add a little water
stew for 10 minutes, until tender. Then discard the finished cabbage in a colander to glass the excess liquid. Boil 4 eggs, and grate on a large grater, add to the cabbage, cool the stuffing.

   300 ml. warm milk
   4 tbsp. Spoons without sugar slides, without slides
   6 tbsp. spoons with flour slides,
   dry yeast 11 g (25-30 grams fresh pressed)

All mix and knead well, leave to approach for 30 minutes (during this time the sponge rises well)

Beat 2 eggs with an incomplete teaspoon of salt, cook 130 ml. glasses of vegetable oil

While opara ferments, sift 3 cups of flour (do not add flour all at once to the dough, maybe it will need more or less, it took me 430 grams.

Pour the eggs with salt, vegetable oil and knead the dough, adding flour. The dough should be soft, airy ... alive

Give the dough to rest in a bowl for about 30 minutes.

Then divide it approximately into pieces, rolling them into balls, let stand 5-10 minutes and begin to form a pie.

Each ball, roll out in the form of an oval

  lay out a lot of fillings, and roll up in the form of a roll, zipip the ends, and put in the form, and so all the balls.

Seven rolls fit into my rectangular shape. Laying is not tight. Give the pies a trick of 30 minutes, brush with an egg and bake at 200 degrees until rosy.

I left the test made 4 buns

Pie with cabbage and egg - delicious, airy and very satisfying, everyone eats with pleasure: both adults and children. I will tell you a couple of secrets, thanks to which your cabbage and egg pies will eat everything and extol, even those who do not like stewed cabbage in principle. Checked on colleagues (because at home such pies with cabbage are loved by everyone).

As you know, pies, and any baking, must be done with a good mood, then the taste will be breathtaking and the cooking process is not tedious! So tune in to the positive, turn on your favorite tunes and start cooking in a great mood!


  • For the dough (there are a lot of it, for 2 cakes):
  • 3 eggs
  • 0.5 liters of milk
  • 50-60 g of pressed yeast
  • 200 g butter or margarine
  • 4 tbsp vegetable oil
  • 3 table. Spoons of sugar
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 0.8 -1 kg of flour

For the filling (for 2 cakes):

  • 2 kg of cabbage
  • 6-7 eggs
  • 3 large onions.
  • 0.5 cups milk
  • Salt to taste
  • Cooking oil for frying

Recipe for making a pie with cabbage and egg:

First you need to put the dough for the cake, and then do the filling.

Detailed with step-by-step photos of cooking you will find (click on the link and the recipe will open).

Stuffing for pie with cabbage and egg can be prepared in advance, the day before and stored in the refrigerator until use, heated to room temperature before use.

So, wash the cabbage, chop thinly. This is required if you have cabbage lovers in your home! Coarsely chopped cabbage in a pie is very often and repels all non cabbage lovers, for the taste of such a pie will be completely different! (This is the first secret of a tasty pie with cabbage)

Put chopped cabbage into a frying pan, pour in some milk (it is not necessary to pour everything at once, it is better to add gradually), salt and stew under a lid until done. In the process of quenching try the cabbage, if necessary, add salt and milk. You can stew cabbage on the water, but on milk it turns out to be softer and tastier, and its color will not be gray, but light, creamy (the second secret of a tasty pie with cabbage and egg)

When the cabbage is almost ready, remove the lid and evaporate the remaining milk, the cabbage should not be wet, otherwise the dough with the filling will not be baked and will be raw.

Eggs boil hard boiled, cool, peel cut is not large.

Peel the onions, wash the chop and fry in vegetable oil until cooked.

All components of the filling for the pie: stewed cabbage, eggs, onions put in a deep bowl and mix. Taste and salt if necessary. Everything! Stuffing for pie with cabbage and egg is ready!

The dough is divided into two unequal parts, the one that is smaller is the top of the pie.

At first we take the most part, we roll out in the form of a rectangle.

Baking sheet, grease with vegetable oil and put on it a rolled layer of dough.

Put the stuffing on top,

Then roll out the dough to the top of the cake and put it on the filling. The upper layer should be slightly smaller than the lower one. We pinch the edges of the dough, tightening the bottom edge, attach a beautiful, neat look to the tuck.

We make a beautiful hole in the middle, so that the air goes out in the baking process and the cake is not swollen.

It remains only to smear the cake with a beaten egg, then the surface of it will glitter like gloss. You can certainly not do this, but the view of the cake will not be so beautiful and appetizing.

So, break an egg into a plate or cup, beat well with a fork,

Then smear the surface of the cake with an egg.

Put the cake on the dough for 20 minutes in a warm place to the dough rose.

During this time, heat the oven to 180 degrees. When the cake comes up, increase the dough by 1.5 times, put it in the oven and bake the cake until it is ready and ruddy.

The test of these products turns out quite a lot for 2 decent pie, so you can make a pie with cabbage and egg, and or, this is up to you.

If you do not want to bother with the second filling and you have the dough left, make delicious sweets for tea. And for those who have cooked for the winter in the summer, it is possible and delicious to catch a bite! Everyone will be happy!