How to cook white crumbly rice. How to cook crumbly rice

It would seem that it could be simpler than cooked rice? Perhaps you are one of those people who manage to cook perfect rice regardless of place, dishes, stove or rice variety. However, the cooks in trying to create a unified formula for preparing rice agreed that only experience and numerous experiments will help you find your ideal way. Too many variables are involved in the cooking process.

2. Rice soak

Soaking allows for faster and more uniform cooking of rice. In addition, soaking allows you not to think about two variables: aging and drying. Both processes affect the moisture content of rice — the drier the rice, the more water will be needed to make it. Since you are often not familiar with this information, soaking the rice, you get rid of unnecessary worries.

3. Cold or boiling water?

Depends on the method that you will use to cook the rice. Typically, in cold water, rice is cooked with the lid closed. When boiling water, the fire is reduced and rice is continued to cook with the lid closed on a very slow fire until the water is completely absorbed. In boiling water, rice is cooked with the lid open until the water boils, then the fire is reduced, the rice is covered and it is steamed over a very slow fire. The method chosen depends largely on the variety of rice and the prepared dish.

4. To interfere or not to interfere? To salt or not to salt?

Do not bother or salt if you want to cook friable rice rather than risotto or porridge. Stirring and salt destroy the grain structure, making it more sticky.

5. The proportions of water and rice

This can be written “doctoral” on hundreds of pages with a bunch of formulas, calculations and tables. I will limit myself to just a few conclusions. The proportion of 1 cup of rice to 2 cups of water is far from universal. To prepare friable rice with 64% moisture content, 145 grams of water is needed per 100 grams of rice with a moisture content of 12%. One glass of rice is about 205 g, which means it takes 1 glass of water, or 240 grams, to make it. Provided that during the cooking process the water does not evaporate.

So, it all depends on how much water evaporates during the cooking process and the cooking time itself.

Most white rice varieties are cooked for 15-20 minutes. If the rice was previously soaked, then the cooking time is reduced by almost half (but this does not mean that it takes half as much water as most of the water evaporates).

Water losses depend on two components: the tightness of the lid and the width of the pan. If you cook rice in a deep and not wide pan, you will need less water, and vice versa.

Since it is impossible to predict all these components, it is not possible to give universal instructions. Therefore, the only way to perfect rice and ideal proportions of water and rice is through trial and error. However, let me say that the more rice you cook, the less water you will need. For example, for the preparation of friable long-grain rice (without preliminary soaking), the following golden rule applies:

1 cup rice - 1 ½ cup water

2 cups of rice - 2 ¾ cups of water

3 cups of rice - 3 ½ cups of water.

I hope that the above tips will help you improve the process of cooking rice and each time achieve an unsurpassed result. And as a bonus, I suggest watching an exclusive video: 3 ingenious rules, and crumbly rice will always turn out!

Methods for preparing delicious friable rice and tips that have been tested in many kitchens.

You need the right variety to make delicious rice.

There are rice varieties from which we get a “loose” result without our efforts. The easiest way is to use steamed rice - this will never stick together, and you will not need cookery skill. However, it is no secret that with such rice you will not cook all the dishes.

One of the best rice varieties, which is excellent both on its own and in many dishes, is basmati. It has long, thin, pointed grains, it costs more than other varieties and is generally considered royal. With it, you will also receive a “seed to seed”.

In addition, depending on the goals, you may need this or that (for land and Uzbek pilaf you need different rice) and a certain method of cooking it - for example, . In this case, crumbly rice is useless for you.

Cook crisp rice ... in moderation ... and in the right dishes

How much rice per serving?   Always measure rice by volume, not by weight: measure 65-75 ml of rice for 1 person or 140-150 for two, or approximately 275 ml for 4 people with a measuring cup.

What is the ratio of water to rice?   Expect about twice as much water (or hot broth): for the indicated amount of rice for 2 people, you need 275 ml of liquid - you don’t need anymore if you want to get the perfect texture and texture. The right measure is the key to delicious rice.

What kind of dishes to cook rice in?   The best cookware for making friable rice is a frying pan with a lid. In it, you first spasser the onion to give the dish an additional flavor (this is not necessary, you can skip the recommendation), then add the rice there, and then the liquid.

Cooking Delicious Loose Rice: Oil Method

Step 1. Stir onion (optional) and rice (without frying, rather, warming and mixing with a small amount of oil).

Helpful advice!   Quality rice does not need to be washed, since it has already been thoroughly cleaned, and washing will remove some nutrients from it (while others are doomed to disappear under the influence of high temperature).

Stir the rice grains in a pan until they are completely covered with butter. This will help keep the rice not sticking together and make the rice crisp.

Step 2. Add boiling water (broth) to the rice.

The next step in preparing friable rice is to add boiling water to the pan (to save time, I always pour it from a boiling kettle). Perhaps you prefer the broth - rice is great chicken, beef and fish. It is up to you to decide whether to use the bouillon cubes, but for my taste, they are strong for the delicate aroma of rice. Also, do not forget to add salt, about 1 teaspoon for every 150 ml of rice.

You can add any broth, but it’s best suited for these purposes to give the rice a fragrant and at the same time mild flavor.

Important.When the hot liquid is added, mix it with rice only once so as not to disturb the grain structure. If you interfere nervously and vigorously, know that this is a fatal mistake that will necessarily lead to the inevitable: instead of friable rice, you will get sticky starch.

Step 3. Close the lid, set the fire to a minimum, leave the rice alone.

At this point, cover the rice with a lid and set the fire to a minimum. If you want to cook rice delicious and crumbly, leave it alone, just move away from the stove. Mistresses who like to look under the lid and think that rice should certainly be “controlled”, alas, are mistaken. They simply let steam out from under the lid and the cooking process slows down. Meanwhile, rice should be cooked (tasty) as short as possible: for white varieties, 15-25 minutes are enough (depending on the rice variety, see label), for brown 40. If you are forgetful, set a timer - the rice does not tolerate even the slightest burning.

How to check rice readiness?   The best way is to just bite the grain. Another way is to tilt the stewpan and, if the liquid collects on the edge, cook another couple of minutes.

Step 4. Without fire, postscript.

When the rice is cooked, remove the lid, turn off the heat and cover the rice with a clean tea towel for 5-10 minutes. The fabric will absorb steam and help keep the grain dry and separate. Before serving, lightly beat the rice with a fork. If you did not overexpose the rice in the first step in the pan (should not), then it will turn out to be almost snow-white. If you want to get a beautiful golden color, passer longer. The color of rice also depends on the color of the oil (colorless vegetable, creamy).

Good afternoon friends!

And for this, you don’t have to buy any special expensive rice variety at all, measure out cereals and water with accuracy. Everything will be outrageously simple.

Oh, another rice theme ...

Soon I will show you how famously I got the hang of doing rolls. In the Russian adapted version)) It turned out - for little money and without much effort, you can even build an exotic dish.

Especially for those who do not cook them themselves, they make an awesome impression))) In the meantime, I advise you not to miss the recipe. ()

The ingredients for friable rice:

- long grain rice,

- salt (optional).

- water.

*** The exact proportions of rice and water are not important!

Preparation of friable rice:

Perhaps the only requirement for rice is that it should be long grain. There is less starch in this rice than in round-grain, but more fiber and vitamins.

That is, it is both more useful and not boiled so much as round rice.

We measure out the rice, how much you need it and pour into a small bowl or saucepan. I usually take one glass of rice.

We rinse it several times under running water. Poured, blabbed a hand, drained the water. I do this three times, the third time the water is usually transparent.

We put a pot of water on the fire. It should be several times larger than cereals. It turns out that for a glass of rice - about two liters of water.

When the water begins to boil, we pour the cereal into it. Stir so that the pictures do not stick together, and you can add salt, if necessary.

Cook for 10-15 minutes. After 10 minutes, you can catch a couple of pictures and check - soft or not.

Attention!  Do not strictly follow the cooking time indicated on the package.

Here on that pack that I have is written: "cooking time 20 minutes." Out of interest, I tried to cook for so long - I got boiled porridge.

Now we discard the rice in a colander and let the water drain.

And that’s it! Loose rice is ready.

And note, I didn’t have to measure anything with accuracy, use some special dishes, a special kind of rice, cook with a lid, then without a lid, and generally bother. I love these recipes!

By the way, did this cooking method remind you of anything? Now I thought that this whole recipe could be explained in 3 words: "cook like pasta."

Do you know what goodness I made with these rice? Salad! The one with crab sticks, corn and an egg.

Rice is a very popular cereal. Despite the fact that it is cultivated in Southeast Asia, it is popular and known throughout the world. Many housewives are wondering how to cook rice for a side dish. The correct answer is that the method of preparation depends on its variety. Consider this in more detail and offer some simple recipes.

Conventional Rice Varieties

There are over a thousand species of this cereal. Each of them is intended for the preparation of certain dishes. In addition, different types of rice have their own technologies for how to cook rice on a side dish.

The brown variety is very fragrant and takes longer to cook than polished varieties. You need to tinker with him. But the dishes from it are very tasty.

The most popular and traditional is long-grain rice. There are several varieties familiar to us.

One of the most common is fragrant jasmine. It is used in oriental dishes.

The second grade of long-grain rice is basmati. Due to its nutty flavor and friability, it is the best option when cooking pilaf. The secret of his success is that after processing he is aged for a year.

Mistresses actively use round grain rice.

One of the common varieties is camolino. This is an Egyptian groats. In the cooking process, you must first fry it. Thanks to this, rice will not stick together, it will acquire a unique aroma and delicate taste.

The Italian Arborio variety is used in soups and risottos. This cereal is able to perfectly absorb the tastes and aromas of all components of the dish. When acquires a creamy texture. The dishes are very tender and creamy.

The most starchy rice is sticky (sweet). In the process of cooking, the croup is completely dissolved and becomes consistency, like dough. This semi-finished product is excellently rolled. Mochi crackers or pies are usually made from it.

Fancy Rice Varieties

One of the species - It comes in two varieties - Thai and Nanking. The first of them is used in the preparation of second courses and salads, and the second for desserts.

It has a pronounced nutty aroma. It is used as a side dish.

It is a real find. It goes well with meat and fish. But the end result will depend on how to properly cook the rice on the side dish. According to the reviews of the hostesses, it takes a long time to cook. Only in this case he will reveal his unique taste.

How to cook loose rice for a side dish

There are several cooking rules. Let us dwell on them in more detail.

The first rule. It is necessary to take long-grain varieties.

The third rule. Rice is poured only with boiling water.

The fourth rule. Pour boiling water for half an hour, then rinse. This procedure is recommended to be done several times.

The fifth rule. Fry rice before cooking.

Reviews recommend pouring water so that its level is 1 cm higher than rice, do not open the lid while the product is boiling, and leave the finished dish after cooking to brew. Do not forget to salt. Reviews also recommend steaming rice.

We offer an excellent recipe. Pour a little oil into the stewpan. Add chopped onion, carrot and sliced \u200b\u200bgreen beans (200 g). Fry vegetables for several minutes. Rinse a glass of long-grain rice, completely drain the water. Fry the cereal with the remaining vegetables for several minutes. Then pour one and a half to two glasses of boiling water. Cook under a tightly closed lid.

Pilaf with pumpkin

First, let's focus on how to cook long rice in a side dish:

1. Rinse the cereal with cold water five to seven times. The fluid should become clear.

2. Pour the cereal so that the water is 2 centimeters higher. Salt and tightly close the lid.

3. Turn on the hotplate to maximum and cook rice for five minutes. Then reduce the heat and leave for a quarter of an hour.

4. Turn off the burner and leave the rice for five minutes. Add oil, mix and close the lid again. Leave the rice on the stove.

5. Two hundred grams of pumpkin cut into a medium cube. Grind carrots and onions, fry for five to seven minutes. Now you can add the pumpkin. Cook it for fifteen minutes over low heat. Add rice. Pilaf with pumpkin is ready.

How to cook round-grain rice garnished with green onions

1. Scale groats (200 g) with boiling water and rinse with cold water. It is recommended to repeat this procedure several times.

2. Pour rice with 300 grams of water, bring to a boil and leave for twelve minutes. Be sure to close the lid very tightly. The fire needed is medium. After twelve minutes, look into the pan. If there is no liquid left, then the rice is completely ready. Salt it a little and add butter.

3. Fry chopped onion and carrots for several minutes. Chop green onions, put in a pan and add rice. Stir the dish thoroughly and serve immediately. The side dish is ready.

Pilaf with steamed rice, bell pepper, beans and green peas

1. In a saucepan with a thick bottom, pour the cereal and pour water. Recommended ratio: one portion of rice and 1.25 water.

2. The pan is placed on a strong fire, but does not close with a lid. After boiling water, reduce heating.

3. Cover the pan with a lid and cook the cereal over low heat for twenty to twenty-five minutes. Next, add salt and butter.

4. While the cereal is cooked, fry the cubes of bell pepper, green peas, chopped onion, green beans and corn in a pan. Pour rice and mix thoroughly. Fragrant and crumbly side dish is ready.

Pilaf "Exotic"

This dish is recommended to be made from black rice, since such a side dish always turns friable. Groats will be able to give pilaf an unusual taste and original appearance. So how to cook rice for a side dish? Easier than it sounds, but longer in time.

1. Soak a glass of black rice in cold water and leave overnight. This will save all the useful properties of the grains.

2. In the morning, pour three glasses of water in an enameled pan, bring to a boil, salt and pour the cereal. Cover and leave to cook over low heat for forty minutes. Mixing is not worth it.

3. Black rice should increase in volume four times after cooking.

4. Fry the chopped bacon, onion and garlic in a saucepan. Ten minutes later, add corn. Fry a little, add cooked rice and butter. Serve with avocado slices, sprinkled with herbs.

Pilaf "Colorful"

This dish is recommended to be made from white and black cereals. on the side dish in this case? You must first cook black rice, and half an hour before the end of cooking, put white long-grain on the stove. Then mix everything with salt and butter. In such a pilaf, you can not add seasonings, vegetables and roots. Thanks to the combination of rice varieties, it turns out to be original in taste and very beautiful.

Not all of us know how to cook rice so that it is not just tasty, but crumbly. Often the dish turns out to look like a sticky porridge in which all the grains stick together. Next time, to prepare the perfect side dish, you need to remember only a few important rules that we are going to talk about in our article. But first, find out how much to cook rice, depending on the variety.

How much to cook rice

Estimated cooking time by grades:

  • white: 18 - 25 minutes, in a slow cooker - 35 (min) without soaking overnight;
  • brown: 30 - 40 (min);
  • wild: 45 - 60 (min).

Cook rice should be no more than the prescribed time. If liquid remains at the bottom, it must be drained and the saucepan removed from the stove.

How to cook rice so that it is crumbly

Mistresses often ask how to cook rice for a side dish so that it is crumbly. The answer is unequivocal: use a ratio of 1: 2 (one measure of cereal and two measures of water). If you cook in a slow cooker, then take a 1: 3 ratio.


1. Rinse the grains well in a colander or bowl.

2. Take the correct ratio of cereals and water (1: 2).

3. First boil the water, and then pour the washed cereal into it. Add salt (1/2 tsp or less) and butter (1 tbsp if desired), switching the tile to slow cooking.

4. Do not lift the pan lid during the process.

5. For 5 minutes before serving the dish on the table, open the pan, put a dishcloth on it. The fabric will absorb excess moisture and condensation, preventing grains from sticking to each other.

6. Before folding into plates, gently stir the side dish with a fork to separate the grains.

7. Loose rice on the side dish is ready. Serve meat or fish dishes with it.

Try also the perfect slimming recipe with vegetables. It is simple, but with a surprise: it nourishes and helps to lose extra pounds of weight.

Cook the vegetables:

  • boil green beans in salted water, fresh: for 5 (min), cook frozen 3 (min), and steam 8 (min);
  • chop onions and stew in vegetable oil for about three minutes over medium heat;
  • boil the carrots and cut into cubes.
  • buy green peas and canned corn at the store.

2. Stir all vegetables with crisp rice. Serve on the table and enjoy the new taste of the familiar dish.

How to cook rice in a slow cooker

We will tell you how to cook rice in a slow cooker so that it is crisp.

Recipe for cooking in a slow cooker.

1. Rinse the cereal first in cool and then warm water.

2. Transfer to a container and pour hot water (1: 3). One glass of cereal versus three glasses of liquid.

3. Turn on the appropriate mode, as written in the instructions for the multicooker and wait for the signal to finish cooking.

4. Put the crisp rice on the side dish into the plates. It goes well with vegetables, meat, chicken or fish. Add them as desired. Pour sauce or ketchup.

Many housewives ask how to cook rice for sushi. Today I offer them my own recipe. It is simple and takes only 25 minutes. You can use your favorite foods to make sushi. I like carrots, cucumbers and avocado slices.

My original recipe is designed for five servings.


  • white rice (2 cups),
  • water (3 cups),
  • rice vinegar (1/2 cup),
  • vegetable oil (1 tablespoon),
  • white sugar (1/4 cup),
  • salt (1 tsp).

And so, how to cook rice for sushi? The recipe includes two steps.

1. Preparation of cereals (5 min.).

2. Heat treatment (20 min.).

Step-by-step instruction.

1. Rinse the grains in a colander until the liquid is clear.

2. Combine with water in a medium saucepan without a lid. Put on a strong fire.

3. Wait for boiling and switch the tile. Cook with the lid closed for 20 minutes.

4. In a separate saucepan, mix rice vinegar, butter, sugar and salt. Cook over medium heat until sugar dissolves.

5. Cool and add to cooked rice.

6. Stir until it absorbs the sauce.

If you cook in a slow cooker, select the mode (buckwheat).

How to cook delicious rice with a side dish

Rice on a side dish can be prepared any (brown, white round or long-grain). If you count calories, keep track of your figure or cook rice dishes for children, you will find useful information on the nutritional value of these products.

For the growth and development of children, the most useful are brown and long-grain. And for weight loss, as an ideal option, round-grain polished is better.

How to cook long grain rice? Just like round! Add another new recipe to your notebook.


  • 2 teaspoons butter or vegetable oil;
  • 1 cup long-grain white rice;
  • 2 cups of water;
  • 1/2 teaspoon of salt.

How to cook rice, recipe for cooking.

1. Rinse the grains under running water in a colander.

2. Pour water into a saucepan and bring to a boil.

3. Pour the cereal, stir for 1 to 2 minutes, add salt and oil.

4. Close the pan, switch the stove to low power. Cook for 20 (min) or until all the liquid is absorbed into the grains.

5. Remove from heat and let it brew for 2 (min). To make the rice crisp, cover the pan with a napkin. Stir with a fork before serving.

How to cook steamed rice

Mistresses know that steamed rice is found in stores. It is darker than the usual polished grade, and, as it turns out, is much more useful. It has more trace elements and vitamins. If you are interested in such a product, we will tell you how to cook steamed rice on a stove and in a slow cooker.

Keep the proportions 1: 2. Boil water, salt and pour the washed cereal. Cook after boiling in a closed saucepan over low heat for 12 minutes. Remove from the stove and let the croup brew. Add oil and spices to taste.

Steamed rice can be prepared in another way, with cold soaking for an hour. Then, after boiling, it boils for only about 10 minutes. First you need to add a little water.

How to cook steamed rice in a slow cooker?

In the instructions for the multicooker, find information about the cooking time. Observe the proportions 1: 3. Rinse the grains and soak for an hour. Transfer to a container, add water and turn on the regime (pilaf). 10 minutes before the end of cooking, switch to the mode (heating).

How to cook brown rice

Healthy nutritionists may find it helpful to cook brown rice.

Preparatory stage.

1. Soak brown rice overnight.

2. Rinse with running water.

How to cook brown rice, the main stage.

  • Pour in cold water and set on fire.
  • After boiling, cook for 10 minutes.
  • Remove from the stove, rinse again.
  • Pour cold water a second time and put on fire.
  • Cook 15 minutes after boiling.
  • Remove from the stove, close the pan and place it under a warm blanket.

After such a long process, the side dish is crisp and tasty!