Pickled cucumber recipes. Recipe: Canned Tomatoes - Small Sunshine in a Jar! And just an amazing snack

Usually they roll up in 3-liter cans vegetable mix from cucumbers and tomatoes, and even more often a set of ripe vegetables like "". But pickling cucumbers for the winter is often done in liter, 1.5 liter and less often in 2 liter jars. But no matter what jars you pickle the greens, the question arises, how many cucumbers fit in jars of different sizes.

It is impossible to answer this question with certainty, but to provide guidance. The number of cucumbers depends on the size of the greens. We will conventionally consider small cucumbers 5-6 cm, average about 8-10 cm, and large 12-13 cm. More large cucumbers it makes no sense to salt whole, from them you can prepare a cut appetizer.

Number of cucumbers in jars

V 1 liter jar enters 10-12 cucumbers are smaller than average.

V 1.5 liter jar holds 15-16 pieces

V 2 liter jar fits 20-24 medium sized cucumbers or 13-16 large cucumbers.

V 3 liter jar includes 30-36 medium sized cucumbers or 15-20 large cucumbers

Number of cucumbers in a jar by weight

1 liter - 500 gr.

1.5 liter - 700 gr

2 liter - 1kg

3 liter - 1.5 kg

An experienced hostess, picking cucumbers at her dacha, picks them up different sizes to use as much space as possible in the glass container.

At the bottom of 2 and 3 liter cans, or near the walls of 1 and 1.5 liters. bottles, put larger cucumbers - about 12-13 cm, then - medium, about 8-10 cm, and at the very neck - small - 5-6 cm.

How many tomatoes fit in 1, 1.5, 2, and 3 liter jars?

The number of tomatoes that can fit in any jar depends on the variety, as they can be completely different sizes.

In a three-liter jar, you can place from 1.7 kilograms of tomatoes, i.e. twenty to twenty four tomatoes, if you count average weight tomatoes seventy-five grams.

In a 2-liter jar, put up to one kilogram of tomatoes, this is about thirteen pieces.

A 1.5 liter jar can hold about 0.8 kg of tomatoes.

A 1 liter bottle holds approximately 0.5 kg.

From personal experience I know that the amount of tomatoes can be different. If 20-25 tomatoes fit in one jar, then 50 pieces can climb into the second (though small). Therefore, everything will depend on the size of the fruits themselves. But, what is most interesting is that no matter what difference it turns out in the number of tomatoes that fit in a 3-liter jar, the weight is almost standard. One three-liter jar accounts for 1.7 kilograms of tomato.

Video: an experiment to determine the weight of cucumbers in a liter jar

Cherry like garden plant, has been known since ancient times. The founder of Moscow, Yuri Dolgoruky, laid the first cherry orchards near Moscow in the Moscow state in the 12th century.

Since that time, cherries have been revered not only for their taste, but also medicinal properties... The berry itself, leaves, stalks are used to treat many diseases in folk medicine... A Cherry juice also has an antiseptic effect.

In cooking, this berry is used to make jams, juices, kvass, pies, soups, sauces.

It can be harvested for the winter. These are mainly preserves and jams.

Recipe for cherry compote for the winter in a 3-liter jar

It is better to cook this recipe in a 3-liter jar, since the amount of berries used is large, and if you use a one-liter jar, you get a little compote itself.

It is necessary to rinse and steam sterilize the prepared jars.

Go through, separate the stalks from the cherry, rinse it well, put it tightly in jars up to the very shoulders.

Boil sugar syrup at the rate of 0.5 - 1.2 kg of sugar per 1 liter of water, depending on the acidity of the cherry. Pour the berry over them and sterilize for 30 minutes, then roll up the lids.

Such compote can be made in an accelerated way, without sterilization.

To do this, pour the syrup over the berry, leave it to brew for 5 - 10 minutes, drain the syrup into a saucepan, bring to a boil. Pour into the jars again to the very top, roll up the lids and turn them upside down, leave to cool, wrapped in a blanket.

Recipe for natural cherry compote with spices in 2 and 3 liter jars

Rinse the cherries and pat dry. The bones can be removed or left.

Place the berry tightly in 2/3 cooked jars.

Boil water, add a few cloves, peas to it allspice and a pinch of vanilla sugar.

Sterilize 2 liter 20-25 minutes, 3 liter 30 minutes. Roll up the lids.

A simple recipe for cherry compote with chokeberry

Berries chokeberry rinse well, separate from brushes, fill cold water and leave to soak for 2 - 3 days, during which time the bitterness should decrease. Change the water periodically.

Rinse the cherries, separate the stalks, mix with soaked rowan, place tightly in jars (for 1 kg of cherries - 200 g of rowan).

Boil sugar syrup (for 1 liter of water - 0.4 - 1.2 kg of sugar)

Pour the syrup into jars with berries, sterilize liter 15 minutes, 2 liter 20 - 25 minutes.

Cherry juice with sugar

Rinse the berries, remove the stalks, seeds, cover with sugar in enamel pot and put on low heat.

Heat until juice appears. Remove the pot from the stove and squeeze out the juice.

Pour into jars immediately, pasteurize - half-liter 15 minutes, liter 20 minutes.

Roll up the lids and refrigerate.

For 1 kg of cherries - 160 g of sugar.

Cherry juice with pulp

Rinse the cherries, separate the stalks and blanch in boiling water for 5 to 7 minutes.

Remove seeds, rub the pulp through a sieve.

Pour over cooked sugar syrup 1: 1, heat until boiling and pour into jars.

Pasteurize liter for 20 minutes, half liter for 15 minutes.

Natural cherry juice

Rinse cherries, pat dry, remove pits.

Mash and compress the fruits well. Pour the squeezed juice into a 3-liter jar, refrigerate.

When the juice has settled and becomes transparent, carefully pour the juice into the prepared jars with a thin rubber tube, make sure that the sediment does not rise.

Put jars to pasteurize - half-liter and bottles for 15 minutes, liter for 20 minutes, three-liter for 30 minutes. Roll up the lids and store.

For those who have read these to the end simple recipes cherry compote for the winter, I suggest one more old recipe harvesting cherries for the winter.

A simple cherry liqueur recipe

Take a pood of cherries, crush them with seeds in a mortar, mix with half a bucket of alcohol or vodka. Pour over big banks, tie the neck with a cloth and leave in the sun for 3 days.

After the expiration date, squeeze through a clean cloth, add a quarter pound of sugar, boil twice and cool, pour into bottles. Keep cold. It can be consumed shortly after preparation.

Sauerkraut (in cans)

Delicious sauerkraut!

All housewives know this old Russian recipe, but when it comes time to harvest cabbage, some forget the proportions and procedure. Therefore, I want to refresh the memory of those who have forgotten, and teach young housewives how to ferment cabbage, if they do it for the first time. This sour cabbage it turns out very tasty, crispy and has a good and long shelf life (but I'm sure you won't resist, eat it faster than you think about shelf life). This fermentation recipe has been tried countless times and always successfully.

My recipe is convenient because the proportions for sauerkraut are based on a 2-liter can. Making a blank in a small container is convenient for those who simply have nowhere to store huge pots or barrels of cabbage (there is no basement or glacier), and glass jar with sauerkraut will fit in any refrigerator

If you wish, you can prepare sauerkraut and in larger volumes, simply multiply the ingredients by half the number of liters in your container. For example, if you have a 10-liter capacity, then all components must be multiplied by 5 (that is, half of 10: 10: 2 = 5).

Delicious sauerkraut salad

Composition of products for pickling cabbage

for a 2 liter glass jar

  • White cabbage late varieties, the best variety is “Slava” - medium head of cabbage, about 1.5 kg;
  • Carrots - 1 piece;
  • Salt (pure, no additives, do not use iodized salt!) - about 30 g = 1 heaped tablespoon;
  • A slice of black bread.

There may be other proportions of cabbage and salt: for 1 kg of cabbage - 20-25 g of salt (2-2.5 teaspoons). Whoever likes to think is about the same thing. Cabbage should be moderately salted, not oversalted, but there should not be any undersalting either.

Cooking sauerkraut in jars

Prepare dishes, cabbage and sourdough

  • Wash the glass jar and pour over with boiling water.
  • Remove the spoiled leaves from the cabbage fork. Wash and dry the head of cabbage. Remove a couple of good cabbage leaves and wrap a slice of black bread in them (so that the cabbage covers the bread on all sides). Put this cabbage sourdough bread roll on the bottom of the jar.

Prepare vegetables for fermentation

  • Cut the head of cabbage into 4 parts, cut out the stalk and finely chop the cabbage.
  • Wash and peel the carrots. Wash again. Grate on a coarse grater.
  • Pour salt into the cabbage and, grabbing a handful of cabbage, squeeze it in your hands. So you need to shake-crush all the cabbage with your hands so that it softens slightly and is saturated with salt. Add carrots and stir.

Put the cabbage in the fermentation jar

  • Put the cabbage by hand into the jar, each time pressing it to the bottom so that the layer is denser and more cabbage is included.For tamping, you can use a wooden crush or rolling pin. This produces cabbage juice. It's good.
  • Put the cabbage into the jar up to the very neck. Close the jar with a clean plastic (nylon) lid.

How to cook sauerkraut in a jar

  • Put the filled jar in an enamel bowl, since juice will flow out of the jar when the cabbage is pickled.This juice will still come in handy, do not pour it out.
  • Leave the jar of cabbage in the bowl when room temperature, preferably in a shaded place (more vitamins will remain).
  • The next day- remove the lid and pierce the cabbage several times to the bottom, to a piece of bread (with a knife, a long fork, wooden skewers or a clean stainless steel knitting needle). Cover again (loosely) and leave the cabbage to ferment.
  • On the third day- try the cabbage (cabbage usually ferments at room temperature for 3 days, so it is probably ready). If the taste of sauerkraut is pleasantly sour, then it is ready.
  • V ready-made cabbage add juice from a bowl, close the lid and put in the refrigerator.

Pickling cabbage in pictures (option with apples and beets)

We combine cabbage with carrots
I added beets this time for beauty

Stir the cabbage with thin slices of beets
This time I also put in apples. The twigs are thyme (thyme)
A slice of black bread on cabbage leaf for sourdough cabbage

Put the cabbage in the jars

After 3 days, delicious crispy cabbage sauerkraut is ready!

I advise you to keep a jar of ready-made sauerkraut in the refrigerator, put on a plate, because the juice can leak for a while.

When serving, sauerkraut should be sprinkled with fresh onions(in rings and half rings) and pour sunflower oil(better - unrefined and deodorized, that is, for salads, with a smell). And then stir. You will get wonderful, tasty and healthy salad from sauerkraut!

You can also ferment the cabbage in a saucepan. This is also convenient and simple, and the sauerkraut turns out to be very tasty.

Summer is good at the dacha. The birds are singing, the air is clean, nature is all around. And if cucumbers have grown in the garden, it's generally beauty. One problem is that vegetables grow so much that it is impossible to eat them right away. And I want to indulge in cucumbers not only in summer, but also in winter. The easiest way is to pickle them. Today we will share a couple of pickled cucumber recipes that we have been using for winter preparations for a long time.


1. Put in a jar on the bottom: horseradish leaves, dill umbrellas, three cloves of garlic, parsley, celery, basil.

2. Wash cucumbers, do not cut off the tails and put them tightly (the denser, the better).

3. For a 2-liter jar, take 2 tbsp. tablespoons of salt without top, one tbsp. a spoonful of sugar and pour into a container.

4. Fill everything with cold water and close it with a plastic lid.

5. Store pickled cucumbers in a cool place (refrigerator, cellar).

The good thing about this recipe is that it doesn't use vinegar. The taste is simple, salty, similar to the one that was obtained before, with their salty oak barrels... Now let's reveal a terrible secret: pickled cucumbers simple salting in banks entrepreneurs buy up from provincial grandmothers and sell them in the capital markets, as if salted in barrels.


1. Wash the cucumbers well, do not cut off the tails.

2. Put a couple of garlic cloves on the bottom of the container.

3. We wash the horseradish leaf well, wrap each cucumber in it and place it tightly. Put umbrellas of dill, celery, basil, parsley between them.

4. Marinade for a 2-liter jar: in 1 liter add 2 tablespoons of salt without top, one sugar and bring to a boil.

5. Add 1 teaspoon of 70% to the jar acetic acid and cover with hot marinade.

6. Cover the pickled cucumbers with a lid and put in a cool place.

Cucumbers salted according to this recipe are crispy and have a pronounced pungent taste.


1. My cucumbers (you don't need to cut off the tails) and put them tightly.

2. Put dill, parsley, cilantro in a jar. We didn't put in anything, because the main thing in this recipe is the marinade, even without greens it turns out very tasty.

3. Boil water and pour into a container with cucumbers, drain the water after 10 minutes.

4. Prepare the marinade: add 4 teaspoons of sugar and 2 teaspoons of salt to 0.5 liters of water, bring to a boil and pour into a jar. Add 4 tbsp. tablespoons of 6% vinegar.

5. Close the pickled cucumbers in Bulgarian style iron lid and store in the cellar until winter.

Bulgarian cucumbers have sweet and sour taste great for a snack.

The above pickled cucumber recipes are good for harvesting vegetables for the winter. But also in the summer, except fresh cucumbers, I want to eat lightly salted. There is one good way quickly salt the cucumbers for dinner.


1. One kg fresh cucumbers wash well and ponytails.

2. Finely chop the bunch young dill and 2 cloves of garlic.

3. Into the clean plastic bag put cucumbers, herbs with garlic, add one tablespoon of salt and sugar.

4. Tie the bag, mix well and put in the refrigerator for 1-1.5 hours.

Pickled cucumbers according to this recipe have a fragrant, slightly salted taste and a bright emerald color.

This dish is great for. Bon Appetit.

Especially for the community gotovim_vmeste2... Vegetables in a different manner - a task for the lasting rounds of procurement.
Summer version of the preparation of lightly salted cucumbers.

What do you need?
For a 2 liter jar of cucumbers:
1 kg of cucumbers (small and strong)
1 large horseradish leaf
5-6 cloves of garlic
2-3 umbrellas of dill
small piece hot pepper
parsley or celery
cherry leaves
For brine for 1 liter of water:
2 tbsp. spoons topped with rock salt
1-2 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar
How to cook?
Wash cucumbers and herbs. Cut off the tips of the cucumbers.
Put a large horseradish leaf, chopped garlic cloves, dill umbrellas, and a small piece of hot pepper in a 2-liter jar. Also for taste and aroma, you can put parsley or celery, coriander, cherry leaves.
Pour into a saucepan with water rock salt and sugar, put on fire and boil. Cool the prepared brine in the refrigerator.
Pour a filled jar of cucumbers and herbs with cold (preferably ice) brine, then they will become more fragrant, crisp and remain green.
For about 12 hours, you need to hold the jar of cucumbers at room temperature, and then put it in the refrigerator. Lightly salted cucumbers will be ready in 2 days. You need to store cucumbers in the refrigerator for no more than two months.
In a jar of cucumbers, you can put one or two handfuls of red currants, right with the twigs. She preserves cucumbers and gives them a pleasant taste.

Photos for the recipe: