Salt in 1 tbsp. How many grams of salt are in a flat teaspoon? How to determine the right amount of salt? Viscous ingredients

18.04.2019 The drinks

How many grams are in a tablespoon and how many ml are in a teaspoon are frequently asked questions when cooking at home, we suggest using a convenient table of measures and weights.

Everyone knows that the amount of grams of flour, salt and sugar in 1 tablespoon is different. At home, without a kitchen scale, it is customary to measure the weight of the product in ml with tablespoons, teaspoons and glasses to determine how many grams flour, sugar, salt and liquid foods weigh.

However, for this you need to know how many grams are contained in a tablespoon, a teaspoon, how many spoons with a slide or without a slide fit in a glass in ml.

In most cases, the authors of culinary recipes indicate the amount of products in ml or grams in the recipes. Therefore, in order not to oversalt or over-sweeten the dish, it is more convenient and faster to transfer grams into spoons or ml into glasses.

Advice from the Miracle Chef. There is no point in memorizing a long list of tables of measures and weights, you need the table in your kitchen, not far from the desktop.

Using the table, it is easy to convert the capacity of a spoon and a glass to grams, measure the weight of the product without weighing flour, sugar or salt on the scales.

When weighing bulk products and liquids, be sure to pay attention to the volume of glasses, as they differ in the number of grams.

How many grams are in a tablespoon of sugar

The generally accepted values \u200b\u200bfor the content of products in a tablespoon or teaspoon are a spoon with a low slide. In rare cases, a flat spoon is used as a measure of weight. However, in this case, the author of the recipe necessarily makes the necessary clarification in the ingredients.

The first value in the table indicates the capacity of a tablespoon according to generally accepted standards - with a small slide, a tablespoon means a standard size.

The second indicator in the table is the weight of a tablespoon without a slide.

How many grams are in a teaspoon of salt

How many grams are in a glass of flour

Typically in culinary recipes two types of glasses are used: faceted and thin-walled. Therefore, due to the difference in volumes, the capacity of each glass is different. A thin-walled glass holds about 50 grams more food than a faceted one. The content of the glasses is measured similarly to spoons, that is, with a small slide. The first value indicated in the table is the capacity of a thin-walled glass, the second indicator is a faceted glass.

How many grams is in the product

  • 1 small egg - 50-55 g.
  • 1 yolk - 15 g.
  • 1 protein - 35 g.
  • 1 medium egg - 55-65 g.
  • 1 large egg - 65-70 g.
  • 1 potato -150-200 g.
  • 1 onion -150 g.
  • 1 clove of garlic - 5 g.

It should be noted that the given measurements are relative. The volume of the glass, the length of the tablespoon and the teaspoon may differ in different table sets.

If you need a more accurate weight of food, we recommend using measuring cups or electronic kitchen scales.

In addition to the table, we also offer you to watch a video on the topic.

How to measure flour, sugar, salt without scales

We hope that the tables will be so useful that you will no longer have any questions about how many grams are in a spoon of this or that product.

How many grams are in spoons? Let's figure it out.

You want to cook something and have already found a recipe on the Internet. But then there were difficulties with the fact that you do not have a kitchen scale. This is not a problem if you know how many grams are in a tablespoon, tea and dessert spoons.

Most importantly, spoons are much easier and more convenient to use than scales. Very often people wonder how many grams are in a tablespoon of sugar, flour and dry yeast. In this article, you will find the full answers to your questions.

  • tea spoon.5 ml is about 5 grams;
  • dessert spoon - 10 ml of liquid - 10 grams;
  • tablespoon - 15 ml of liquid - 15 grams.

How many grams are in spoons table

Measurements of products in grams are used in order not to oversalt the dish, and also not to oversweeten. Usually, the authors of the recipes indicate the weight of the food with a spoon with a slight slide. Sometimes recipes are used with a flat spoon, but the author must indicate this. The measure of weight in our table is indicated in a generally accepted spoon with a slide and without a slide.

How many grams are in a tablespoon table

If speak about bulk productsthat are contained in a tablespoon, it means that they are recruited flush with the rims of the spoon. In some cases, a small slide is provided. If you want to know how many grams are in a spoonful of certain products, then refer to the table.

Bulk products

Product No slide With a slide
Flour 20 30
Sugar 20 25
Powdered sugar 22 28
Cocoa powder 20 25
Starch 20 30
Extra salt 22 28
Rock salt 25 30
Baking soda 22 28
Rice 15 18
Ground coffee 15 20
Gelatin 10 15
Dry yeast 8 11
Cinnamon 15 20
Lemon acid 12 16
Barley grits 25 30

Liquid Products

The table shows the weight liquid products (in grams). It takes into account the fact that liquids are collected in a spoon with a slide, and if the products are more rare, then they are poured to the edges of the spoon.

Product gram
Honey 30
Water 18
Jam 50
Vinegar 16
Whole milk 18
Condensed milk 30
Vegetable oil 16
Melted margarine 15
Peanut paste 16
Sour cream 25

How many grams in a teaspoon table

If 1 teaspoon of flour is indicated, then it means a spoon with a slight slide. Accordingly, 1 small spoonful of flour without a slide can also be prescribed in recipes, then this is how it should be.

Bulk products

Product No slide With a slide
Cocoa powder 9 12
Buckwheat 7 10
Starch 6 9
Dry mustard 4 7
Dry yeast 5 8
Raisins 7 10
Gelatin 5 8
Ground cinnamon 8 12
Ground coffee 7 9
Instant coffee 4 5
Groats (barley, pearl barley) 8 11
Cornflakes 2 4
Lemon acid 5 8
Poppy 8 12
Semolina 8 12
Powdered milk 12 14
Potassium permanganate 15 18
Flour 9 12
Cereals 6 8
Nuts 10 13
Ground pepper 5 8
Rice 5 8
Baking powder 5 8
Rock salt 8 12
Sugar (and its powder) 7 10
Soda 7 10
Extra salt 7 10
Ground crackers 5 7
Sorbitol 5 7
Dry cream 5 6
Dry mashed potatoes 10 12
Beans 10 12
Medicinal herb 2 3
Lentils 7 9
Egg powder 10 12
Tea 2 3

Liquid Products

Liquid products (water, milk, vinegar) must be filled completely into the spoon. It is worth noting that the given grams are relative, so if you need to know the exact weight, then it is better to use an electronic or kitchen scale.

Product gram
Peanut paste 8
Water 5
Jam 17
Red caviar 7
Potassium permanganate 5
Honey 10
Mayonnaise 10
Liquor 7
Whole milk 5
Condensed milk 12
Vegetable oil 5
Butter 5
Melted margarine 4
Fruit puree 17
Sour cream 10
Cottage cheese 4
Soy sauce 5
Tomato paste 5
Apple vinegar 5

How many grams are in a dessert spoon

How many grams are in spoons? The size of the dessert spoon is between the dining room and the tea room. Its purpose is to serve as a table device for eating sweets. The dessert spoon copes with the measurement mission just as well as its older and younger "sister". Find out how many grams of products (liquid and bulk) it contains in the table.

Product gram
Sugar 15
Vanillin 4,5
Lemon acid 12
Salt 20
Flour 16
Water 10
Milk 10
Vegetable oil 11
Vinegar 10

Today in the article you learned in detail how many grams are in spoons (table, tea and dessert). This table does not have to be memorized, you just keep it close at hand and open it when necessary. Now you will have no difficulty in weighing certain foods. Delicious dishes and Bon Appetit!

Many housewives are very fond of baking various flour products and sweets, and in the fall you still have to deal with harvesting fruits and vegetables from the harvested harvest. As a rule, each recipe contains the phrases in the list of ingredients: “… gram of salt”, “… gram of sugar”.

It happens that there are no scales, and the most convenient measuring tool at the hand of a woman in the kitchen is a spoon (either a dining table or a tea spoon). And here the question arises. How much does one or another product fit there in grams? For example, how many grams of sugar are in a tablespoon? We will try to find out such important information for many housewives just below.

How to measure the required baking component?

Many more experienced housewives put all the ingredients in the mass by eye. And they do it well. But most of them cannot afford it, and therefore they cook strictly according to recipes only.

If there are no scales in the kitchen, there is one convenient way out. You can use a regular tablespoon. Before you know how many spoons of ingredients you need, you need to know how many grams are in one tablespoon of a particular product.

Spoons are different

However, there is a problem. The point is that there are tablespoons different forms (flat, deep, wide, short, etc.). Therefore, it is necessary to remember and take into account that a standard tablespoon should have a scoop length of about 7 centimeters, and a width of 4 centimeters.

Different grind

Before determining how many grams are in one tablespoon, for example, salt or sugar, you need to take into account that these products come in different grinds.

Any grind can be used on a daily basis. Fine salt usually added to ready-made dishes (snacks or salads), as it dissolves faster; medium salt salting meat, baking or smoking fish, preserving vegetables; large is used for cooking soups, cereals, stewing, canning, etc.

Spoon of salt in grams

The amount of the most popular spice, if put too much, can spoil the dish completely and irreparably. What is the most accurate way to calculate the required amount of salt? What is the weight in grams of a tablespoon of salt?

It should also be remembered that daily used for cooking different dishes salt can be different: "extra", stone, table (coarse or fine grinding), black, sea, dietary, etc. The most varied sizes of crystals can significantly affect the results of such calculations.

And yet there is such information. The weight of a standard tablespoon of salt is of medium size crystals, and "with a mound" - about 22 grams. And how to make this little bit in moderation?

To collect exactly that much salt in a spoon (table), you need to scoop it up, and then gently shake off the excess until such a moment that such a spoon with salt can be freely and easily carried from room to room (or from one table to another) without spilling not a single crystal.

Sugar. How many grams are in one tablespoon?

So. How much of this sweet product is in a spoon? A full flat spoon (table) holds granulated sugar 20 grams, and with a slide - 25. Therefore, if the recipe contains 100 g of this product, you need to take five tablespoons without a slide, or about four - with a slide.

And also, for your information:

Sugar in one teaspoon weighs 10 grams, and in one faceted glass -180 grams.


Cooking can be considered (more precisely, it is so accepted) an exact science. If you follow the recipe for any dish exactly, you will be guaranteed a dish with great taste and an appetizing view. Knowing how many grams in one tablespoon fit this or that product, it is difficult to make a mistake and spoil the culinary creation.

There is a widespread belief among culinary professionals that success ready meals connected with the quality of the products by 50%, with the recipe itself - by 20%, and the rest depends on the talent and abilities of the culinary specialist and, of course, the exact calculation of the mass of the ingredients.

If you spend a lot of time in the kitchen creating various culinary masterpieces, then, of course, more than once faced with a situation when the measures of weight or volume in the guide for the preparation of a particular dish are indicated not entirely correctly. Experienced hostess knows that putting ingredients "by eye" can ruin the taste of your soup, baked goods or second, especially when it comes to products such as various spices. So sugar. How many grams does this seem to be a simple question, but not everyone can give an answer to it. After all, until it comes to cooking, we never think that forks, spoons, knives, glasses and plates for the most part different sizes, which depends not only on the preferences of the hostess, but also on the country of our residence. Somewhere traditionally they use small dishes, and somewhere, for example in America, portioned plates resemble giant serving dishes.

We answer a simple question: "How many grams of sugar are in a tablespoon?"

So, everything seems to be clear with glasses. When you see an instruction in the recipe to take, for example, 1 glass of flour, then most often we are talking about the usual 250 ml. If you are asked to put salt or vanillin "on the tip of a knife", then this measure of volume, albeit very conditional, makes it clear that you need to use these spices very, very carefully. But with spoons, the situation is somewhat more complicated. Therefore, remember once and for all that the answer to the question of how many grams of sugar are in a tablespoon is 20 grams. And if you are used to pouring the product "with a slide", then in this case the weight will be all 25 grams.

Often in the recipes for the preparation of certain dishes, it is the weight of the ingredients that is indicated, which not everyone has the ability to measure. Of course, you can purchase special kitchen scales and verify the amount of required products with milligram precision, or you can simply remember or print and hang a table on the wall, which indicates how many grams of sugar and also the weight of some products corresponding to the indicated volumes (tea and tablespoon ).

How to apply the knowledge gained?

Here's a good example. In the recipe for Italian cookies, it is indicated that you need to add 80 gr to the dough. Sahara. Now you will have no doubts, because knowing how many grams of sugar are in 1 tablespoon (20 g), you can safely measure out exactly 4 tablespoons, and your cookies will turn out exactly as they should: not sugary, but without disadvantage It's so easy to use this information, now your dishes will turn out exactly as the authors of this or that recipe had in mind.

Caloric content of sugar

It is known that this product is 395 kcal per 100 g. Not too much, but keep in mind that you add sand not only to tea or coffee in small enough quantities, but also to all kinds of baked goods or when making jam, where almost kilograms of this ingredient already go. Nevertheless, we already know how many grams of sugar are in a tablespoon, and, based on this, we can calculate the calorie content of a given volume of product - 80 kcal. That is, adding 4 tablespoons of sugar to cookies, you increase its calorie content by 320 kcal. For dieters, this data can be very helpful in calculating the daily energy value diet. Therefore, given that this product does not carry any nutritional value (sugar does not contain vitamins, minerals, and so on), try to consume it as little as possible.

If it becomes necessary to accurately measure the amount of ingredients added during the preparation of a dish or drink, as well as taking potions during treatment, the question arises - a how many grams of a product in 1 tablespoon or in 1 teaspoon fits?

A tablespoon is cutlery with a volume of 18 ml. With the help of a tablespoon, they eat cereals, soups, jams and others liquid dishes... In addition, this cutlery is often used as a unit of measure to determine required amount ingredient for the preparation of a particular dish. Often in recipes, the constituent ingredients are indicated in spoons. Also, the unit of measurement "tablespoon" is used in medicine in addition to cooking.

Number of grams or millilitersthat a spoon can hold depends on what kind of substance you want to measure, that is, on its density and the fullness of the spoon - with or without the top. Often in recipes, if not specified exactly, they mean spoon filled with top... But for a more accurate adherence to the recipe, you still need to know how many grams are placed in a tablespoon of this or that ingredient.

Cookbooks and many themed Internet resources offer charts to help you determine how many grams of flour, sugar, salt, vinegar, oil, or any other ingredient a spoon can hold. Thanks to such tables, any housewife can quickly and easily transfer grams to tablespoons (teaspoons) and vice versa. Such tables usually mean a tablespoon with a scoop width of 4 cm and a length of 7 cm.

The following are the most popular foods that are indicated in tablespoons in recipes. So, an ordinary tablespoon holds 18 g of water, 17 g vegetable oil, 20 g of milk. A heaped tablespoon holds 25 g of sugar, 30 g of salt, 15 g of flour, cocoa or coffee. Also, rice is often measured in tablespoons (20 g, if with a slide, 15 - without a slide), ground nuts (with a slide 15 g, without a slide - 10 g), dry grass (with a slide 10 g, without a slide - 5 g).

Dosing in teaspoons or tablespoons and liquid medicinal substances is common. Medical practice takes into account that one teaspoon contains 5 ml of liquid, and one tablespoon contains 15 ml of liquid. If water acts as a medicinal solvent, but milliliters can be easily converted into grams: in 1 teaspoon, 5 ml of liquid or 5 g is obtained, in one tablespoon - 15 g. However, the accuracy of such measurements of the volume and weight of medicinal substances may be in doubt.

A special study was carried out, during which the volumes of "standard" teaspoons and tablespoons were studied. Participants in the study took the medication into a standard 5 ml teaspoon, after which their volume was measured. In addition to the fact that the spoons used in the experiment differed in their capacity (the volume of teaspoons ranged from 2.5 to 7.3 ml, the volume of tablespoons - from 6.7 to 13.4 ml), the volumes collected by one and the same the same 5 ml with a spoon, but with different participants - from 3.9 to 4.9 ml.

Below you can find out in more detail the dosages of popular products in grams that fit in a spoon. These characteristics will help you more accurately calculate the dosage of ingredients that are found in recipes.

Now you know exactly how many grams in a tablespoon you can grab with a slide or without, depending on what ingredients you use to prepare any dish or drink.

Comparison table of measures and weights of products in alphabetical order: